Could it Be We are in the Season of the Lord’s Return? – Randy Nettles -
To be upfront, no, this isn’t a take on Kamala Harris’ speech in 2022 in which she mentioned the phrase “the significance of the passage of time” four times in a short span. This is a little different and hopefully more significant. This article is about time and how it is reckoned by the Metonic Cycle, the Hebrew calendar, and the sun, moon, and stars. “Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars” (Revelation 12:1). Two calendars are used to determine the passage of time, and both are celestial. The first one is the solar calendar which is determined by the sun’s positioning. The summer solstice, the longest day of the year (from the point of view of the northern hemisphere), and the day when the sun is at its highest point in the sky mark the passage of a year. In ancient times, this could be measured by erecting monuments (such as Stonehenge) or other rock structures, a testament to the historical and cultural significance of timekeeping. The same is true for the winter solstice, the year’s shortest day. There are approximately 365.2422 days in a solar calendar because that’s how long it takes for the Earth to orbit the sun. As Earth revolves around the Sun, there are two moments each year when the Sun is exactly above the equator. These moments are called equinoxes. One occurs around March 19-21 (in the northern hemisphere) and is called the vernal equinox because it signals the beginning of the astronomical spring season. Vernal means fresh or new. The other equinox occurs around September 22-23 and is called the autumnal equinox because it marks the first day of the astronomical fall or autumn season. Equinox means “equal night” since the length of day and night is nearly equal in all parts of the world during the equinoxes. The other celestial calendar is the lunar or moon calendar, which follows the monthly cycles of the moon's phases. It’s one of the oldest calendars in the world that creates lunar months, also known as synodic months. A lunar month is simply one that occurs between two successive syzygies, such as new moons and or moons. The word month is derived from the word moon. “God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years” (Genesis 1:14). On average, there are approximately 29.53 days between each moon phase (new moon – new moon, etc.). A lunar year is approximately 354 days, so it loses 11-12 days annually compared to the solar calendar. However, ancient civilizations found practical applications for the lunar calendar, using the moon’s phases to help identify the seasons (Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter). Since each season has at least three full moons, this instructed them on when to schedule necessary activities like harvesting and hunting. The moon calendar was used for ritual and religious purposes and still is today. Easter, Rosh Hashanah, Ramadan, and the Chinese New Year are just a few holidays or feast days that rely on the (moon) lunar calendar. “He appointed the moon for seasons; The sun knows its going down” (Psalm 104:19). The Jewish religious calendar is a combination of the lunar and solar calendars. It is called a lunisolar calendar. The conjunction of the new moon (dark moon) determines a new month. Usually, the first day (or second) after the dark moon will be the first day of the new month on the lunisolar calendar. The middle of the month (14-16) will occur on a full moon. This is when the start of the Passover begins. A month will have 29-30 days, and a year will have 353-355 days. Typically, there are 12 months to a year, but an intercalary month (30 days) is added every 2-3 years to keep the harvests and religious activities (Feasts of the Lord) in their proper seasons. Over time, the lunisolar calendar, with the added intercalary months, will have the same number of days as the solar calendar. One of the methods used by the ancient Greeks to achieve lunar-solar harmony was the Metonic cycle, named after the Greek astronomer Meton, who lived in the 5th century BC. The Metonic cycle is a period of 19 years, after which the lunar phases recur at the same time of the year. The recurrence is not perfect, and by precise observation, the Metonic cycle defined as 235 synodic months is just 2 hours, 4 minutes, and 58 seconds longer than 19 tropical years. The lunar month is when the Moon completes one cycle of phases, from the New Moon to the New Moon. This cycle was found to be a nearly exact match for 19 solar years (19 years x 365.2422 days = 6939.6 days). Over time (approximately 200-300 years), it will drift by one day. By incorporating the Metonic cycle into their calendar system, the ancient Greeks could synchronize the lunar and solar calendars for an extended period, ensuring that important religious and agricultural events occurred at the appropriate times. Mathematical calculations played a crucial role in developing and implementing the Metonic Cycle. These mathematical calculations determined the accuracy and duration of the Metonic Cycle. By aligning the solar and lunar calendars, the Metonic Cycle ensured that the phases of the moon and the seasons of the year remained synchronized. This synchronization was achieved by adding seven intercalary months (30 days) to the 19-year cycle, compensating for the fractional difference between the lunar and solar years. The mathematical genius behind the Metonic Cycle allowed for an accurate and practical calendar system. “Ancient Greek farmers relied on the Metonic cycle to determine their agricultural practices. The Metonic cycle, based on the lunar-solar connection, played a crucial role in determining the most favorable times for planting and harvesting crops, demonstrating the practical benefits of the lunar-solar connection in everyday life. This connection allowed farmers to synchronize their agricultural activities with natural phenomena such as lunar phases and solar seasons. By observing the patterns of the moon and the sun, farmers could accurately predict the optimal periods for planting different crops, ensuring a successful harvest. Moreover, the Metonic cycle also influenced the religious calendar of the ancient Greeks, as many religious festivals were closely tied to agricultural events. These festivals celebrated the cycles of planting, growth, and harvest, reflecting the deep connection between agricultural practices and the spiritual beliefs of Greek society. The legacy of the Metonic cycle can be seen in various modern calendars that use a lunisolar system. One example is the modern Hebrew calendar, which incorporates the Metonic cycle to ensure the alignment of the lunar and solar years. This allows for the observance of religious holidays, such as Passover and Yom Kippur, to fall on the exact dates each year consistently. Another example is the Islamic calendar, which also utilizes the Metonic cycle to reconcile the lunar and solar calendars. This is particularly important for determining the dates of Islamic holidays, such as Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr.” (1) However, the Greeks weren’t the first civilization to use this calendar type. The ancient Babylonians and Hebrews also employed a lunar-solar calendar. The ancient Hebrew calendar was not calculated mathematically but relied on nature and celestial objects. “Blow the trumpet at the time of the New Moon, At the full moon, on our solemn feast day” (Psalm 81:3). Initially, the first of every month and year was during the first new moon of fall, but God changed it to spring in the time of Moses. The original Passover occurred in Egypt during Moses’s time before the Hebrews’ exodus occurred. To convince Pharaoh and the Egyptians to let the Hebrew people go, God sent ten plagues upon Egypt. The seventh plague was when the LORD sent hail mixed with fire to all the land of Egypt, except in Goshen, where the Hebrews lived. Exodus 9 says it was so heavy that there was none like it in all the land of Egypt since it became a nation. “And the hail struck throughout the whole land of Egypt, all that was in the field, both man and beast; and the hail struck every herb of the field and broke every tree of the field” (Exodus 9:25). We know Abib (now known as Nisan) occurred in the early spring because of the following verse: “Now the flax and the barley were struck, for the barley was in the head, and the flax was in bud. But the wheat and the spelt were not struck, for they are late crops” (Exodus 9:31-32). The month of the exodus was the month of the “Abib” (or Aviv) crops, the month of the year in which the crops were already known to begin to turn green each year. “And Moses said to the people: Remember this day in which you went out of Egypt, out of the house of bondage; for by strength of hand the Lord brought you out of this place. No leavened bread shall be eaten. On this day you are going out, in the month Abib” (Exodus 13:3-4). The wheat, coming out of the ground later, was now tender and hidden, either under the ground or in the herb, whereby it was secured both from the fire by its greenness and moisture and from the hail by its pliableness and yielding to it: whereas the stalks of barley were more dry and stiff, and therefore more liable to be injured and destroyed by the fire and hail. In Egypt, the wheat harvest is at least a month later than the barley harvest, which is finished by the end of March or April. “We know from several passages that barley which is in the state of Aviv has not completely ripened, but has ripened enough so that its seeds can be eaten parched in fire. Parched barley was a commonly eaten food in ancient Israel and is mentioned in numerous passages in the Hebrew Bible as either "Aviv parched (Kalui) in fire" (Lev 2,14) or in the abbreviated form "parched (Kalui/ Kali)" (Lev 23:14; Jos 5:11; 1Sam 17:17; 1 Samuel 25:18; 2 Samuel 17:28; Ruth 2:14). While still early in its development, barley has not yet produced large enough and firm enough seeds to produce food through parching. This early in its development, when the "head" has just come out of the shaft, the seeds are not substantial enough to produce any food. At a later stage, the seeds have grown in size and have filled with liquid. At this point, the seeds will shrivel up when parched and will only produce empty skins. Over time the liquid is replaced with dry material and when enough dry material has amassed the seeds will be able to yield barley parched in fire. The month of the Aviv is the month which commences after the barley has reached the stage of Aviv. 2-3 weeks after the beginning of the month, the barley has moved beyond the stage of Aviv and is ready to be brought as the "wave-sheaf offering" (Hanafat HaOmer). The "wave-sheaf offering" is a sacrifice brought from the first stalks cut in the harvest and is brought on the Sunday which falls out during Passover (Chag HaMatzot). This is described in Lev 23:10-11, "When you come to the land which I give you, and harvest its harvest, you will bring the sheaf of the beginning of your harvest to the priest. And he will wave the sheaf before Yehovah so you will be accepted; on the morrow after the Sabbath the priest will wave it." From this, it is clear that the barley, which was Aviv at the beginning of the month, has become harvest-ready 15-21 days later (i.e. by the Sunday during Passover). Therefore, the month of the Aviv can not begin unless the barley has reached a stage where it will be harvest-ready 2-3 weeks later. If the barley is not developed enough so that it will be ready for the sickle 2-3 weeks later, then the month of the Aviv can not begin and we must wait till the following month.” {2} The wave-sheaf offering, known as the Feast of First Fruits to most Bible scholars, must occur after Passover (Nisan 14) and within the seven days of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. During the remaining days of the Feast of Unleavened Bread (after the waving of the barley sheaf), the barley bread to be consumed was made without leaven. This is why First Fruits must be within the Feast of Unleavened Bread. In the Torah, leaven represents sin. The bread represents Jesus’ body, which was without sin. Barley is the first crop to rise from the earth in early spring. Jesus is the first fruits of the first harvest to rise from the earth to eternal life with a translated eternal body. “But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep” (1 Corinthians 15:20). Shortly after the seventh plague and before the tenth and final plague, God told Moses and Aaron, “This month shall be your beginning of months; it shall be the first month of the year to you”(Exodus 12:1). The LORD changed the “counting of months” from the first month of fall to the first month of spring so the first calendar month of the year would now coincide with the month of the Hebrew’s new-found freedom – the month of the exodus. However, the “counting of years” would remain with the original fall calendar (the civil calendar). The LORD informed Moses and Aaron regarding the tenth and final plague, the Passover plague, in which He would kill all the firstborn (man and beast) of Egypt. The LORD instructed Moses and Aaron on how to avoid the same fate as the Egyptians with the blood of the Passover lamb. The first Passover (and all God’s instructions regarding it) and subsequent days of eating only unleavened bread for seven days are described in Exodus 12:1-29). In Deuteronomy 16:6, the LORD reiterated, “You shall sacrifice the Passover at twilight, at the going down of the sun, at the time you came out of Egypt.” At the original Passover, in 1446 BC, God changed the Hebrew calendar's start so it would be permanently anchored to the Passover when the children of Israel came out of Egypt. “Let the children of Israel also keep the passover at his appointed season. In the fourteenth day of this month, at even, you shall keep it in his appointed season: according to all the rites of it, and according to all the ceremonies thereof, shall you keep it” (Numbers 9:2-3). “The appointed season was the beginning of spring. The sun still determined the season, as the calendar’s first month would always occur around the vernal equinox (the first day of the astronomical spring) when the early barley crops were abib or aviv. The new moon would still begin the months, and approximately 14-16 days later, when the moon was completely full, the Passover would begin. Thus, Passover is tied to the vernal equinox and the full moon. However, you no longer watch for the day of the new moon to begin the year; instead, you assess which new moon establishes the proper day of the Passover to begin the annual remembrance! Therefore, the rule to determine the month of the abib crops (modern Nisan) is the new moon that establishes Passover on or after the Vernal Equinox. This is the same as saying the first month (Nisan) is the new moon closest to the Vernal Equinox (whether the new moon is before or after the Vernal Equinox). No other rules are added.” (3) This biblical Hebrew calendar was still in use in Jesus’ time. The moon was observed and not mathematically calculated. The crops were also observed for readiness to harvest. If the crops were in “aviv,” during the first new moon of spring, that was the year’s first month. If the crops were not “aviv,” then an extra 13th month was added to the calendar, and the first month (Abib or Nisan) of the new year would occur on (or 1-2 two days later) the second new moon conjunction of spring (late March or April). After the Jews were forced out of the land of Israel in 135 AD and could no longer determine their calendars, as they couldn’t observe the heavenly signs from Jerusalem any longer (nor determine their crop’s readiness for harvest), they eventually developed a mathematically calculated calendar based on the 19-year Metonic (intercalation) cycle. In the fourth century AD, Hillel II established a fixed calendar based on mathematical and astronomical calculations (similar to Meton’s). This calendar, still in use, standardized the length of months (29-30 days) and the addition of months so that the lunar calendar realigns with the solar years over the course of a 19-year cycle. The modern (calculated) Hebrew calendar relies on seven intercalary months within the Metonic cycle so that religious holidays and planting/harvests fall in their appropriate seasons, whereas the Islamic calendar does not. The 13th month (embolismic or intercalary), Adar I, is added to the cycle's 3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th, and 19th years. We are currently, in 2024, in the 9th cycle. The modern Jewish “calculated” calendar is still used today for religious purposes. It is quite ingenious but is not as accurate as the ancient observed calendar and has many flaws. Also, through the centuries, many rules have been added by the rabbinic Jews that are not biblical. Below are just a few of them: 1. Pesach: The Passover begins on 15 Nisan and lasts for seven days in Israel and eight days outside Israel. It can only begin on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday. 2. Shavuot: The Feast of Weeks falls on 6 Sivan or 7 Sivan outside Israel. It can only fall on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Sunday. 3. Rosh Hashanah: The Jewish New Year falls on 1 Tishrei. It can only fall on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday. 4. Yom Kippur: The Day of Atonement falls on 10 Tishrei. It can only fall on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday or Saturday. 5. Sukkot: The Feast of Tabernacles begins on 15 Tishrei and lasts seven days. It can only begin on Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. 6. Certain months are restricted to 29 days, while others are restricted to 30 days. A few of them can be either. The Hebrew Metonic cycle of 19 lunar years, which includes seven intercalary months, equals 6939 days. This is equivalent to 19 solar years. For example, the first day of the first month in 2016 was Nisan 1 on the Jewish calendar and April 9, 2016, on the Gregorian calendar. The end date (6939th day) will be April 9, 2035. The following day, April 10, 2035, will be Nisan 1 on the first year of the next Metonic cycle. Nisan 1, or April 9, 2016, is approximately two days past that year's second new moon of spring (meteorological spring). Nisan 1, 2035, is also two days past the second new moon of April 8, 2035. The question arises: Why is Nisan 1 reckoned by the second new moon of spring instead of the first one for these years? The answer lies within the preceding year of the 19th year of the previous Metonic cycle. The 19th year is an embolismic year (3, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 19) of 383-385 days. The 19th year was calculated from March 21, 2015, to April 8, 2016 (384 days). The first spring new moon of 2015 occurred on March 20th. So, 2016-2017 is a regular (352-355 days) year because it is year 1 on the current Metonic cycle. For this to be true regarding the rules of the calculated Jewish calendar, the starting date for this year was April 9, 2016, and the end date was March 27, 2017 (352 total days). March 27, 2017, is actually one day ahead of the first new moon of March. April 9, 2016, is very late for a Nisan 1 date. That would put the ‘waving of the omer” (First Fruits of barley) on April 24th as reckoned by the biblical dating for this event. I wrote about this in The Calculated Jewish Calendar vs. the Biblical Jewish Calendar ( There is no reason (other than the Metonic cycle rules) that Nisan 1, 2016, shouldn’t have started during the first (meteorological) spring new moon instead of the second one. The first new moon conjunction occurred on March 9th of that year, and the full moon conjunction occurred on March 23rd. The new moon determines the date of Nisan 1, and the full moon determines Passover. The Feast of Firstfruits (waving of the barley omer) and Shavuot/Pentecost do not get Jewish dates until Nisan 1 is determined. Regarding Gregorian calendar dates, none of the Feasts of the Lord get dated ahead of time until Nisan 1 is determined. Of course, with the calculated Metonic calendar Israel currently uses, this is no problem. The vernal equinox (the first day of the astronomical spring) occurred on March 20, 2016, so Passover (Nisan 14) would have been after the vernal equinox. March 9, 2016, the first new moon of spring, is closer to the vernal equinox than April 7, 2017, the second new moon of spring; therefore, the first date should have been used. You (the Jews) do not want to wave the barley sheaf during the Feast of First Fruits (waving of the barley omer) if it is too ripe, as it will just fall apart. It is also necessary to begin harvesting the crops as soon as possible. I always knew the calculated Jewish calendar could be off by a few days because of these rules. Still, I didn’t realize until recently that it might be off by a month from the astronomically Biblical calendar. This error occurs more often in the modern Hebrew calendar as the centuries progress. This problem is well recognized, even in modern Judaism. “Applying the Metonic cycle to the Hebrew calendar is perfectly fine over the whole 19-year cycle, but it is wrong to apply the “rules” of the Metonic cycle by its rigid schedule of intercalation within any 19-year period. The actual moon should declare which year should be the intercalary year, not a rigid, predetermined schedule! The modern, authoritative calendar of Israel applies the rigid but erred Metonic cycle to their calendar, while the Biblical calendar only intercalates when Passover would naturally fall at the time of the Vernal Equinox. We have seen in recent years that the modern, Calculated calendar of Judaism is more and more divergent from the real sun, moon, and stars. In some years, the date of Passover and all commanded moedim as determined by the authorized calendar fall in the wrong lunar month. 2016 and 2019 are examples. And it will happen again in 2024, 2027, 2030, 2035, and 2038.” {4} The other rule for determining which spring new moon to use for reckoning Nisan 1 is crop readiness. If the crops in Israel aren’t in a state of “aviv” during the first new moon of spring, then the following new moon would be Nisan 1. Now that the Jews are back in the land of Israel, they should get rid of the calculated Hebrew calendar and go back to an observational calendar. They will need the correct calendar when they build the third temple in Jerusalem during Daniel’s 70th week (especially on the Day of Atonement). Regardless, we know that the Lord Jesus will fulfill the last three Feasts of the Lord on the appointed days as He did during the first four Feasts. As I mentioned before, the Metonic cycle correlates with the identical Gregorian calendar dates after approximately 6939 days or 19 years. It’s nearly exact, but the Metonic cycle is 2 hours, 4 minutes, and 58 seconds (or approximately 2.083 hours) longer than 19 tropical years. So, approximately every 218.92 years, the dates will be off by one day. Let’s look at the upcoming year 2025 and go back in time from there. The (first) new moon of spring for 2025 is March 29th. The first new moon of spring for 1816 (twelve 19-year Metonic cycles or 209 years from 2025) is March 28th. If you went all the way back to the time of Jesus, the date for the first new moon of spring for 30 AD (the first year of Jesus’ ministry) would have been March 20th using the proleptic Gregorian calendar (and the Astro Pixels website). 30 AD is 1995 years (or 105 Metonic cycles) from 2025 AD. There are 2.083 hours of difference between any two Metonic cycles. In this example, there are 105 Metonic cycles, so 105 x 2.083 hours = 218.72 hours. To convert hours into days, we must divide 218.72 hours by 24. This will result in 9.11 days. March 29 (2025 AD) to March 20 (30 AD) is 9 days difference (without reckoning the hours of the new moon conjunctions). I use AstroPixels - Six Millennium Catalog of Phases of the Moon for reckoning the moon’s phases throughout the millennia. The calendar date changed from Thursday, October 4, 1582 AD (Julian calendar) to Friday, October 15, 1582 AD, when 11 days were added, and the new Gregorian calendar took effect throughout most of the world. For a more accurate reckoning of dates, I use the proleptic Gregorian calendar, which is just extending the Gregorian calendar backward to dates preceding its official introduction. The date for the vernal equinox in the Northern Hemisphere ranges from March 19 – March 21 on the Gregorian calendar. Every 400 years, going backward or forward, the vernal equinox falls on the same time and date. Example: The time and date for the vernal equinox in 1625, 2025, and 2425 is 9:00 (GMT) on March 20. Isn’t it amazing that next year, in 2025, we will be in the same time frame as when Jesus began his earthly ministry? The two spring new moons are nearly identical except for a nine-day difference (out of 1995 years). Could it be we are in the season of the Lord’s return? In the next installment, we will go even further back into the time of Moses and Joshua and look at the timing of the first three Passovers (and the new moons that preceded them) recorded in the Bible. Until then, “Look up, and lift your heads, because your redemption draws near” (Luke 21:28). Randy Nettles [email protected] Randy Nettles | Profile ( – archived articles Endnotes: {1} Understanding the Metonic Cycle: The Lunisolar Logic of the Ancient Greek Calendar ( {2} {3} Calendar Basics ( {4} The Hebrew Calendar Month ( Why Is the Media Accommodating Hamas’s Propaganda Strategy? – By Amir Tsarfati - (Galilee, Israel) — As I work on this, it is still Wednesday. In other words, today is 9/11. I can still remember being in the Twin Towers on September 10, 2001, asking my friend who accompanied me what would happen if a plane were ever to strike the buildings. Isn’t it interesting that I was in-country when America was viciously attacked, but I was out of Israel on October 7, 2023, when my country was brutalized. Thinking back 23 years, I can recall the day after the towers came down. Sorrow, anger, shock, vengeance – all were in the hearts and minds of the people. The same emotions filled the population here in Israel eleven months ago. Although I missed the day of the invasion, I was home soon after and have been riding the aftermath rollercoaster ever since. Just as the memory of 9/11 still haunts so many over twenty years later, I know the specter of 10/7 will plague the minds of Israelis for decades to come. A major reason that Hamas was able to hit Israel so hard was that we didn’t take their cunning and their ruthlessness seriously enough. We didn’t know the details about the miles of tunnels under Gaza nor the immense size of the weapons cache smuggled in from Egypt through the Philadelphi Corridor. We learned our lesson on the military side. We are also learning our lesson on the political side. This past Friday, the German newspaper BILD published a document that appears to have come from the computer of Yahya Sinwar. In it, we find a ceasefire strategy that shows the manipulative and disingenuous of Hamas’s claims to want to return hostages and end the war. The article detailed six key points: 1) Blame Israel: Hamas is committed to blaming Israel for every failed hostage negotiation. This is going according to plan. Despite Hamas rejecting every deal that doesn’t include a complete Israeli surrender, the media lays the responsibility at the feet of Netanyahu without fail. Just last week, the BBC was found to have breached journalistic rules 1500 times in the past months, pushing their agenda of anti-Israel propaganda in order to brainwash the people. 2) Preserve Military Power: Hamas is not thinking about giving up. They are ready to fight to the death of the last of their human shields. But they may be facing trouble very soon now that the IDF has closed the underground armament highway from Egypt through the Philadelphi Corridor. In fact, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant revealed a letter yesterday from the recently exterminated Khan Yunis brigade commander Rafa Salama to Yahya and Mohammed Sinwar in which he reported that 70% of Hamas’s weapons had been destroyed, 95% of its rockets were ruined, and 50% of his operatives had been killed or wounded. Worse yet, 60% of his terrorists who were still of able body had fled, leaving him at only 20% strength. In summary, Hamas is not negotiating from a position of strength. 3) Use Hostages for Pressure: This is where Hamas is finding its most success, both in Israel and abroad. Last Friday, 25,000 demonstrators marched in Tel Aviv demanding that Netanyahu sign a hostage deal. This is despite the fact that there is no hostage deal. I understand the pain of the families of the hostages. But we cannot just cut and run out of Gaza. Hamas must be broken, or there will soon come a day when the butchers will pour over the border again, slaughtering more people and kidnapping more hostages. 4) Prolong the Negotiations: Hamas does not want a deal. They thwart every attempt. That is because the greatest weapon they have is public opinion. The longer they can extend the talks – despite the suffering of their own civilians – the more the pressure will build against Israel’s government to either cave or to throw Netanyahu out of office. 5) Use Arab Forces as a Buffer: This is a strategy in which they envision placing Arab troops along the border between Israel and Gaza. Doing this will allow Hamas to buy time and regroup, as they prepare for a future confrontation. 6) Keep Raising the Price for Hostages: Like going to a retailer who ups the price every time to reach for your wallet, Hamas continues to raise their demands with each negotiation. Again, this is because they have no interest in returning the hostages. They are just pawns in Hamas’s terrorist game. This was made quite clear this past week when RAdm. Daniel Hagari of the IDF showed the horrific conditions in which six hostages were kept for the last 11 months. When it became evident that the hostages were about to be rescued, Hamas put a bullet into the back of each innocent’s head. To Hamas, Israeli hostages are no different than their own civilians – they are just cannon fodder to be used then disposed of when their usefulness is at an end. This is what Israel is dealing with. Anyone who believes that Netanyahu or his government can just negotiate their way out of this conflict has absolutely no understanding of the true situation. Israel Defense Minister Yoav Gallant clearly indicated the changing attention of the Israeli Defense Forces from south to north when he told troops, “The center of gravity is moving northward, we are near to completing our tasks in the south, but our mission here is not yet done.” A second indication of this shift also came Tuesday when US CENTCOM chief Gen. Michael Kurilla met with IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi and others to discuss Lebanon. Israel will not be safe as long as the terrorist group Hezbollah has thousands upon thousands of rockets pointed toward the border. In preparation for the coming attack, the Israeli military has been daily destroying Hezbollah’s ability to launch their missiles. This included an unusual strike in the heart of Syria last Thursday into Friday. The target was an Iranian research facility that worked with drones and chemical weapons. There were three waves to the attack at Masyaf. The first destroyed access roads to the targeted facility. The second wave took out the anti-aircraft batteries. The third wave brought commandos in helicopters. They took out a number of people at this Iranian research facility, confiscated computers, then destroyed the compound. When they left, they brought some prisoners with them to be interrogated. If you want to find out more about this, watch my Breaking News Update from this morning. Unfortunately, there are many more sites to hit and so many more rocket launch locations to go, as evidenced by the 60 rockets fired at Israel from Lebanon in a single hour just yesterday. This shift of focus to the north will be the first time that my region in Jezreel will be seriously affected by the war. My family and I are preparing for some difficult times ahead. Still, we are anticipating the beginning of the northern battle, because once it starts, we will be that much closer to it being over with. It is then we can experience peace again, reestablish tourism, and no longer fear being attacked in our own homes. New Eastern Front in Israel Even as the IDF gears up for the north, a new front is rearing its ugly head. Citing Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei’s statement that the West Bank will be armed like Gaza, Israel’s Foreign Minister Israel Katz wrote on X, “The Iranian terror octopus is working to establish an eastern terror front against Israel and moderate states in the region.” Many don’t realize that 50-60% of those living in Jordan are Palestinian. So, it was no wonder that when a Palestinian opened fire at the Allenby Crossing between Israel and Jordan on Sunday, killing three Israeli civilians, there was great celebration in Jordan with the passing out of sweets and the setting off of fireworks. You’ve read in this newsletter many times about the terrorist threat in the West Bank. Where do you think their weapons came from? You need only look to the east. In fact, just this past Sunday, police foiled an attempt to smuggle 74 handguns into Israel from Jordan. Then, the next day near the Na’aran settlement in the West Bank’s Jordan Valley, the IDF located and confiscated more handguns, along with a shotgun. Sadly, when the terrorists don’t have guns, they make do with what they have. The day after the attack at the Allenby Crossing, a 58-year-old Palestinian drove his tanker truck into a bus stop killing 24-year-old Staff Sgt. Geri Gideon Hanghal. Fellow soldiers, along with a civilian, ensured that the perpetrator would never have the opportunity to hurt anyone ever again. Bad Day in Gaza Yesterday was a difficult day in Gaza. A Yanshuf (Black Hawk) helicopter on an evacuation mission crashed near Rafah, killing Sgt. Maj. (res.) Daniel Alloush, 37, and Sgt. Maj. (res.) Tom Ish-Shalom, 38, and injuring seven others. While these Israelis gave their lives to aid someone else, Hamas is sacrificing other people’s lives to aid themselves. An Israeli news station reported Tuesday that the terrorist organization has profited by at least a half billion dollars by stealing humanitarian aid, then selling it to civilians who are in need. That right there is the epitome of the Hamas mindset. An interesting idea is being discussed that could eventually bring normalization to the region. One of the strongest relationships for Israel to come from the Abraham Accords is the one they share with the United Arab Emirates (UAE). While Prime Minister Netanyahu demands open-ended control of the Philadelphi Corridor and the border with Egypt, he is open to discussions that might place an Emirati-controlled buffer between Gaza and Israel. It will be interesting to watch if the Emiratis and other Arab states warm up to the idea. The United States Election Tuesday saw the first post-convention debate between the presidential candidates. On one side was former president Donald Trump. On the other side were current vice president Kamala Harris and the two moderators from ABC. I will not give my opinion as to who I thought won the verbal contest, because I’ve got no business declaring winners. I am an Israeli. I have no vote. I will tell you, though, that the world is closely watching the United States. I know that all of Israel is monitoring it, because we know that our future will be affected by the outcome. Harris claimed in the debate that she has always been a big supporter of Israel, then immediately followed by saying that too many innocent Palestinians are being killed and we need a two-state solution. Oy! When Trump was asked what he would do, he responded by saying that if he were president October 7 never would have happened. And he’s probably right. Still, as an Israeli, I would have liked to hear him say that he’s going to let us fight this war to the end. So many parts of this globe will feel the effects of the November election. My prayer is that the church pours out in droves, prays on their way to the election booth, then votes the way the Holy Spirit is leading. If that is done, then good cannot lose. Erdoğan is Still being Overly Chatty President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of Turkey has a vision of making his country the center of Sunni Islam. To become so, he needs to somehow find a way to matter on the world stage. Thus, the president is using his platform to try to rally Muslim nations together against Israel. At a recent event, he blustered, “The only step that will stop Israel is the alliance of Islamic countries.” He went on to complain about Israeli expansionism, which is understandable when you consider all the colonies Israel has established around the world. Oh wait, there are no colonies. Maybe the president needs to look up the word “expansionism” in the dictionary. I do not think it means what he thinks it means. All that being said, President Erdoğan has developed a passionate hatred for Israel and will do what he can to help destroy the nation. According to the prophecies of Ezekiel, Turkey must rise up and join an alliance with Russia and Iran and others. Together, they will strike Israel. Unfortunately for them, their attack will not quite go as they planned. Got Any Extra Missiles? If you happen to have any ballistic missiles laying around, I hear Russia will be more than happy to take them off your hands. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken claimed Tuesday that Iran has sent more than 200 short-range ballistic missiles to Russia. In return, Russia provided Iran with technological information that just maybe could have been nuclear in nature. As part of a food-for-arms deal, North Korea has sent millions of rounds of ammunition and artillery shells to Russia, along with a hefty supply of ballistic missiles. So, if you have any spare rockets, give Putin a call. I hear that with every hundred missiles you send, you get a free set of hand-painted matryoshka nesting dolls. What a deal! PROPHECY UPDATE VIDEOS
Your Support is Important to this Ministry - We Could Not Do This Without Your Support! Let Us Make the Short Time We have Left, Count for ALL of Eternity! Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift! II Corinthians 9:15 Worthy of Your Support? It has been said, one of the most reliable ways to determine if a ministry is worthy of your financial support is to examine its fruits. If Prophecy Update is keeping you informed and if that information inspires you and causes you to draw closer to the Lord, if Prophecy Update equips you with valuable information and knowledge to share with and encourage other believers and open the eyes of non-believers and if Prophecy Update keeps you connected to current events relating to Bible Prophecy then you are partaking of the fruit produced through this ministry. None of this would be possible without the Lords blessings and your support. I believe where the Lord guides, the Lord provides and most of the time He provides through the willing and generous hearts of believers just like you and me. I genuinely believe that Prophecy Update and many other like-minded ministries, are needed now more than ever! The world is getting darker daily, almost hourly, but never has the light of the Word of God shone so brightly. Never in our history has there been such a thirst for Truth and a need for a Savior! The Prophecy Update website, newsletter, and Video Channels are all dedicated to providing the truth, encouraging and informing believers, and prayerfully opening the eyes and hearts of non-believers with the Gospel, but none of it would be possible without your prayers and support. DONATE HERE Your can also mail your support to: Prophecy Update PO Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384 November’s Election Will Determine Many Things… But Israel’s Existence Isn’t One of Them – By Robert Gottselig - Last week, I discussed how the world was quick to blame Israel for the death of the six murdered hostages instead of placing the blame squarely on the demonic death cult of Hamas, who killed them. Israel, especially Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, was condemned for not securing a ceasefire for a hostage deal. To be clear, the blame lies entirely with the terrorist organization, not the Jewish State. It reminds me of Isaiah 5:20, a verse that appropriately describes the state of our world today, not only concerning Israel, but everything we see happening in our society. In this verse, God says, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Now we have leaders praising the anti-Israel protesters. Such was the case last week with Democratic Vice Presidential nominee and Governor Tim Walz. World Israel News reported that Walz, speaking about the protesters in Michigan, stated, “I think those folks who are speaking out loudly in Michigan are speaking out for all the right reasons. It’s a humanitarian crisis. It can’t stand the way it is, and we need to find a way that people can live together in this.” The report described: Walz put pressure on Israel, without mentioning Hamas, to find a two-state solution, calling on “the Netanyahu government to start moving in that direction.” Walz’s comments come as large anti-Israel protests plague Michigan… Walz’s support also echoes that of his boss, Vice President Harris, who defended anti-Israel agitators, saying she “understands the emotion behind it” in a July interview. “They are showing exactly what the human emotion should be as a response to Gaza,” Harris said. Wow. Pointing the finger at Israel and having more sympathy for Hamas and the Palestinians is despicable, to say the least. These protesters are chanting “Death to Israel” and “Death to America.” How is it possible for anyone to praise that? Additionally, this idea that Israel needs to move in the direction of a two-state solution and that it’s all their fault is ludicrous! The situation in Gaza is all on Hamas and the Palestinians who continue to support them. As long as the Palestinians love death more than life and teach their children to hate and kill Jews, not much is going to change. As for the two-state solution, the Arabs had that chance in 1937 and 1947. The so-called Palestinians had two states offered to them on at least four separate occasions. The Arab-Palestinians said no. The reason for this is defined in their mantra, “From The River To The Sea, Palestine Will Be Free,” which speaks of the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea—that means no Israel. They want the entirety of the land. Somehow, the devil has convinced the world that Israel must give more of their ancestral homeland away for the sake of peace. Yet, look at a map. Look at all the land that the Arabs own versus the small portion of land that is Israel’s portion. For world leaders to be more sympathetic to the Palestinians only shows their ignorance. A prime example was the ridiculous statements by Walz and Harris. Trump, on the other hand, is standing 100% with Israel, putting the blame for the six murdered hostages and the situation in Gaza solely on Hamas. Former President Trump, as he was addressing the Republican Jewish Coalition on September 5th, stated, “Let me state this very clearly. The blame for these wicked murders lies with Hamas and Hamas alone. Only an evil and inhuman ideology kidnaps, murders, and tortures innocent men, women, and children. And likewise, only a deeply sick political party here in America would make common cause with those who sympathize with such evil. Only a morally rotten president and vice president would seek to blame Israel for heinous acts of terror committed against its own citizens.” World Israel News reported: The presidential candidate repeated a statement he had made previously that if he were president, “October 7th would never have happened.” He also told the Jewish audience that if Kamala Harris is elected in November, “You’re not going to have an Israel,” and he added, “Israel will no longer exist.” Trump warned, “Terrorist armies will wage an unceasing war to drive Jews out of the Holy Land.” Now, while I fully support Trump’s statement on where the blame should lie—that is, with Hamas— and I am also thankful for his unwavering support of Israel, I do, however, disagree with a portion of his statement. Should a Harris government be elected in November, it will not result in Israel no longer existing. In that scenario, I would say that things for Israel would get significantly tougher. The US-Israel relationship will definitely be strained. But to say that Israel will not exist is not what God promises in His Word. Israel is always going to exist. That’s what we read in Jeremiah 31: 35-36: “Thus says the Lord, Who gives the sun for a light by day, The ordinances of the moon and the stars for a light by night, Who disturbs the sea, And its waves roar (The Lord of hosts is His name): ‘If those ordinances depart From before Me, says the Lord, Then the seed of Israel shall also cease From being a nation before Me forever.'” Did you catch that? Forever! For us Bible-believing Christians, that should give us great comfort. God is a covenant-keeping God, and He is true to His Word. Every day, as I wake up, I see the sun shining in the sky, and it reminds me of His faithfulness. God also says this in Amos 9:14-15, “‘I will bring back the captives of My people Israel; They shall build the waste cities and inhabit them; They shall plant vineyards and drink wine from them; They shall also make gardens and eat fruit from them. I will plant them in their land, And no longer shall they be pulled up From the land I have given them,’ Says the Lord your God.” So, while I am thankful for President Trump’s unwavering support of Israel, he’s wrong in the sense that, even if a corrupt government is elected, Israel will never cease to exist because that is contrary to what we read in God’s Word. It is because of God’s faithfulness that Israel exists. It is because of God’s faithfulness that He’s calling His chosen people back to the land of Israel that he swore as an everlasting possession to the physical descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Period! It is God that is going to watch over His people. In the meantime, we need to continue to pray for Israel as their enemies vow to wipe them off the face of the map. Though the Jewish State’s enemies will not succeed in their goals, that doesn’t mean that there can’t be a lot of casualties, conflict, and grief within Israel. For that reason, we need to keep praying for the Peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6). Living Out Our Hope in an Election Season of Despair - By Nathan E. Jones - Jesus’ words to the church of Ephesus are appropriate to America today, “Remember from where you have fallen, and repent” (Revelation 2:5). We all know America is headed in the wrong direction and on so many levels. Our nation certainly needs to heed Jesus’ words to the church at Sardis and “Wake up!” before it is too late (Revelation 3:2). Knowing the perilous times in which we are living, how then can we have hope when the world’s going all wrong? In 1996, former Pastor Mike Huckabee ascended to become governor of Arkansas. When the man whom he had immediately succeeded, Bill Clinton, was caught up in a storm of scandal surrounding the infamous Clinton Whitewater affair, Mike Huckabee exhibited calm demeanor and unwavering leadership. First elected to statewide office as Lieutenant Governor in 1993, Huckabee arrived at the capitol to discover that the door to his office had been nailed shut by Clinton operatives. His ability to overcome hostility with grace and good humor endeared him to the people of Arkansas then and all Americans today. When the world appears to be going all wrong, Mike Huckabee shares a poignant message about how we can still have hope (watch on Christ in Prophecy). An Abrupt Change of Plans There are many times in our lives when we find ourselves heading in a particular direction. We think we know where we’re going, and we think we know why, but then everything goes haywire. It’s not just that in our country we are seeing some things going the wrong way; we also see it in our individual lives. My guess is that there’s not a person alive who has not experienced disappointments, hurts, and even betrayals by people we thought were our friends. Sometimes the hurt comes from a close friend or a family member that you never thought would intentionally hurt you. I’m not talking about the hurts that are unintentional, that are accidental, that just happen and no one knows why they delivered a sharp blow. I’m talking about when people know they’re going after us and they do so intentionally. Sometimes those wounds can cut so deep and be so harsh. It’s hard to get past them. We all have experienced those moments when we felt things had gone the wrong way in your life. Maybe, deep down, you thought that what happened to you was even intentional. It could be financial, emotional, spiritual—lots of different ways in which you can feel hurt. Sometimes, what we think is going on isn’t really what’s going on at all. In March of 2002, I was just about to enter my second full term as governor, and I was conducting a trade mission to India. We had some businesses in Arkansas that we were trying to connect with businesses in India. I had a meeting with what was the equivalent of the Speaker of the House in the Indian Parliament. His name was G.M.C. Balayogi. He would be the equivalent of Mike Johnson in our Congress today. We were to meet in this little village called Bhimavaram in India. We were going to see some work that was being done by some of the people in that village. We were to have dinner and then get on helicopters and fly to another community where we were going to hopefully consummate a business arrangement that would be very good for the people of Arkansas and India as well. Before we could even start the dinner, Speaker Balayogi got word that an urgent issue had come up in the capitol and that he would be required to leave immediately. I’ve got to tell you, I was just so frustrated, on the brink of anger. Here we’d traveled halfway around the world, and this was supposed to be the centerpiece of the entire trip having this meeting to finalize everything. By him having to abruptly leave, take one of the helicopters, go back to the capitol, and leave me and my team to finish dinner without him, we had to figure out what we do now. Basically, the trip was ruined. I’ll be honest; it’s frustrating at a time like that. All that preparation gone! In my frustration, disgust, and disappointment, I’m sure I expressed to God how utterly discombobulated I was that this business arrangement wouldn’t happen. I asked Him, “Why, Lord, would this meeting not take place like this?” Well, we finished our dinner alone, got on a helicopter, and we flew to the next village. Upon landing, we were told some news that turned out to be rather distressing. Speaker Balayogi hod gotten on his helicopter with his team. It was supposed to be the helicopter that he and I were together supposed to fly on to go to the next village after the dinner. Instead of me being on that helicopter with him, I took the second one. We found out that the one that he had taken that I was supposed to be in suffered a mechanical problem and crashed. Everyone on that helicopter, including the Speaker, were all killed. I should have been on that helicopter. You can imagine that, suddenly, the broken-down trade deal became a whole lot less important to me because I got to go home, and I wouldn’t have if I’d traveled with the Speaker. What Man Means for Evil… In all of our lives, there are those moments when things go the opposite way. That’s not just true for us in modern times but a history of what God has done in the lives of His chosen. Genesis 50 is one of my favorite passages of Scripture because it’s about the story of Joseph. Remember how Joseph, as a kid, was a proud little guy and pretty arrogant. He was his father’s favorite. He received a coat of many colors. His brothers resented everything that Jacob did for Joseph because it was so much over the top in terms of favoritism. In every family, there’s always some child, true or not, that the siblings believe, “He or she is the favorite, the pet.” In every family, there’s this feeling that one child is the parents’ favorite. Well, in this case, it was true; Joseph really was the favorite. Joseph’s brothers resented him so badly that they found an opportunity to sell him off into slavery. They thought he was dead. And, frankly, they didn’t care. They went back and told Jacob, “Your son, he’s dead.” Jacob was so heartbroken that it just about killed him. Joseph ended up in slavery, and he was a slave for quite some time. Then he got falsely accused of an assault and so ended up in prison. Joseph would have rotted there forever, but he interpreted a dream, and even in prison, the Lord found favor with him. Joseph ended up, through a series of nothing short of miracles, becoming second-in-command to the pharaoh of Egypt. In the meantime, there’s a famine in the land of Israel. Joseph’s brothers are sent to Egypt to see if they could buy some grain because that was the only way they might be able to survive. So, they go to Egypt to buy grain, and as it turns out, they end up having an audience with a brother they thought was dead, and frankly always hoped that he would be. Now they’re confronted with a brother who not only is alive, but he has the power not just to give them grain, but he has the power to take their lives. And Joseph had every right to do so. It would’ve been a just act. Certainly, in that era, they lived by “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” But, in a remarkable twist, while his brothers were begging for their lives, Joseph said something to them that is so powerful. Verse 18 of Genesis 50 tells the story of how: “His brothers then came and they threw themselves down before him. ‘We are your slaves,’ they said. But Joseph said to them, ‘Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. So then don’t be afraid. I will provide for you and your children,’ and he reassured them and he spoke kindly to them.” What they did to him, they intended for harm. But, Joseph, after years of being mellowed out by the tough experiences from being sold into slavery, being falsely imprisoned, and eventually rising up to become the second-in-command of Egypt, he looked upon his brothers differently than he would’ve many years before. So, he said to them, “What you intended for harm, God has used for good, and for the saving of many lives.” A Detour to Destiny Sometimes we have to take detours in life, detours that we didn’t plan or expect. But have you ever realized that sometimes our detours are actually our destinations? God can take what we thought were the worst things that ever happened to us, and He uses them for good. Jeremiah had to take a detour. He prophesied to the people of Israel, but they refused to repent. In Jeremiah 7, God tells them, “Don’t even pray for these people. They’re not worth praying for, and I’m not listening anyway. You can pray, but there’s no point because I’ve already made my decision.” Judah’s cooked, it’s baked, it’s done. God even told Jeremiah in chapter 16, “Don’t marry. There’s no future.” That’s a pretty tough message! Jonah also had to take a detour. He was told to go to Nineveh. Jonah wasn’t afraid of failure; he was afraid of success! God told Jonah, “Go to Nineveh and preach repentance to these people.” We all know that Jonah didn’t want to go to Nineveh and preach repentance, so he boarded a boat and went to Tarsus—the other way—360 degrees in the opposite direction. He didn’t go to Nineveh, not because he was afraid he would fail; rather, he didn’t go to Nineveh because he was afraid he would succeed. God had said to Jonah, “Go preach repentance.” And he said, “I don’t want to preach repentance. These people might repent. Then I’ll have to love them. I hate these people! I don’t want to go down there, so I ain’t going.” Jonah turns, and he goes the opposite way. But, God gave Jonah a detour—in the belly of a big fish. Now, that’s a detour! He thought he was going one way, but God sent him another. A detour will help you see things that you never would’ve seen. It’ll take you to places that you never would’ve gone. It will make you go slower than you ever would’ve traveled. “Praise God, a detour,” says no one because none of us are happy about making a change to our plans. None of us are thrilled when we have to take a detour. But, in our spiritual lives, the detours are often our true destinations because God knows that we would never go willingly and in a straight line. So, He takes us the way to where we don’t have a choice, but in the process, we get to our real destination. We Know Who Wins I don’t know what the future holds for America. I just don’t. I can’t tell you. I’d love to tell you that it’s all going to be fine. I am an eternal optimist. I tend to believe that there will be a remnant and a revival. I want to believe that with my whole heart, and I’ll do everything I can to pray for and to seek God’s face so that He would shine again on this great country of ours and bring us back to Him and revive us. That’s my prayer. I want that to happen. But I cannot guarantee that it will. We could fall as a nation due to our disobedience and our willful rebellion against the holiness of God. He has been so good to us that we should at least serve Him with some level of humility and gratitude. I don’t see it a lot, though. If you’re a believer in Jesus Christ, I do have good news for you. No matter what happens to the culture or to the country, I know what’s going to happen because I did something that if you haven’t done it, you ought to. I actually read the end of the Bible. And, do you know what? We win! That Christians will win doesn’t mean that America will win because America’s not mentioned in the Bible. I can’t promise you that America will win. But I can promise you that Israel will win. I would say to the nations that are attacking Israel, “Get out of the way and don’t stand near a window, folks! God will do what He will with His people and His land, and He has made a promise and a commitment to Israel.” I wouldn’t want to be on the wrong side of that fight, that’s for sure. Daily Jot: The American Chronicles: Finding gold in the Shenandoah - Bill Wilson – Over the past two years, Chris, Service Dog Charlie, and I have stayed at dozens of campgrounds across the county. Some are better than others. Some have features for kids. Some are just OK. Whenever we camp, it’s a better day. But rarely do you find gold as we did on the Shenandoah River. We didn’t panhandle or pick it up on the shore next to the lazy river that rolls some 55 miles through the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia and West Virginia. Just south of Front Royal, Va., we crossed the Shenandoah near a sign that said, “Do not cross bridge when flooded.” Following the winding road along the river, we found it–A single nugget discovered on the backroad in the form of Low Water Bridge Campground. In visiting with owners Kendra and Alan Munson, I described their rustic campground on the Shenandoah as a rare gold nugget and they said that is how many of their campers describe their little oasis by the river. Low Water Bridge Campground was established in 1997 by Alan’s parents, Page and Christy. Before that, it was family-owned farmland owned since the 1950s. Alan bought it independently in 2015 and it was run by himself and their children until 2023. In the late 90’s they had five sites with electricity and many tent sites along the river. It has since seen many expansions and improvements. The Munson family worked hard to keep the campground through a bit of adversity and pressure from land developers. Today, they are full-time hosts to those who want a real camping experience along the scenic river. Fact is, Low Water Bridge Campground is for real campers who want to enjoy the beauty of the Shenandoah River and its surrounding hiking trails and wonderous mountains along the famous Skyline Drive. It’s not for those who just want to be parked in a luxurious glamping atmosphere. We love the remote serenity of the river gently flowing by our camp. It is amazing to wake up and see the sun peaking over the ridge and shining brilliantly on the water. Within eight miles are the Shenandoah National Park and the Shenandoah River State Park where there is plenty of nature and hiking, as well as the breathtaking Skyline Drive. There is also tubing and canoeing available. When we go camping, it is usually a “workcation.” I’m on-call 24-7, especially during football season. Learning how to be “present” and relax always has been difficult for me. We stayed at Low Water Bridge Campground twice this year, and I would have to say that these have been the most relaxing times we have spent on the road, even including our beloved times at the many beaches we visit. The Good Book says there are things more precious than gold, and this may be one of them. Chris has found the peace and inspiration to paint the river. I’ve found relaxation. Service Dog Charlie has found a lot of trees. And we are all glad we found this jewel on the river. It’s a reflection of America carved out of the wilderness by industrious hands and the dedication of a family to preserve it going into its third generation. Sources: Daily Devotion: Wholehearted Seekers - by Greg Laurie – But Jesus didn’t trust them, because he knew all about people. No one needed to tell him about human nature, for he knew what was in each person’s heart —John 2:24–25 - Listen At a casual reading, the response of Jesus seems almost harsh and unfair. Chapter 12 of Matthew’s Gospel tells us that “one day some teachers of religious law and Pharisees came to Jesus and said, ‘Teacher, we want you to show us a miraculous sign to prove your authority’” (verse 38 NLT). “Only an evil, adulterous generation would demand a miraculous sign,” Jesus answered. “But the only sign I will give them is the sign of the prophet Jonah. For as Jonah was in the belly of the great fish for three days and three nights, so will the Son of Man be in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights” (verses 39–40 NLT). Here were some individuals who were asking for a miracle. Jesus had performed many miracles. After all, what was one more? Why didn’t He respond to their request? Because Jesus always looked at the motives behind what people said and did. Jesus is far more interested in what’s going on in our hearts than what we are merely saying with our mouths. And as Jesus looked into the hearts of these religious leaders, no doubt He saw the reason for their request. Earlier in the chapter, we read, “Then the Pharisees called a meeting to plot how to kill Jesus” (verse 14 nlt). Jesus had healed a man on the Sabbath, and that upset them. These religious leaders wanted to destroy Jesus. They weren’t interested in a miracle. They weren’t interested in a sign. Instead, they were out to get Him. And Jesus recognized this. It’s fascinating to note how Jesus dealt with different people. He never dealt with anyone in the same way. He would look behind the veneer of what was going on and see their hearts. And when a person was truly seeking, and a miracle was in order, He did it. Jesus performed numerous miracles for hurting, searching people such as blind Bartimaeus or the woman who had spent everything on doctors who couldn’t heal her. On the other hand, when people came with the wrong motives, He didn’t do a miracle for them. In fact, on some occasions, He didn’t even reveal Himself to them. For example, John 2:23 says, “Because of the miraculous signs Jesus did in Jerusalem at the Passover celebration, many began to trust in him.” But the passage goes on to say, “But Jesus didn’t trust them, because he knew all about people. No one needed to tell him about human nature, for he knew what was in each person’s heart” (verses 24–25 NLT). These people who saw His miracles weren’t seeking Him with their whole hearts. They were merely excited about the phenomena. If they had been true seekers, then Jesus would have revealed Himself to them. Speaking through the prophet Jeremiah, God said, “If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me” (Jeremiah 29:13 NLT). Jesus revealed Himself to true seekers. And He repelled those who were not. PROPHECY UPDATE NEWS HEADLINES Yesterday's Prophecies - Today's Headlines HEADLINES IN PARTNERSHIP WITH TRACKING BIBLE PROPHECY 9/13/24
FROM THE HEART Let Us Make the Short Time We have Left, Count for ALL of Eternity! IF YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED THROUGH THIS MINISTRY, THEN WE ASK THAT YOU WOULD PLEASE REMEMBER PROPHECY UPDATE IN YOUR GIVING - WE ARE TRULY, TRULY, THANKFUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT WORTHY OF YOUR SUPPORT? One of the most reliable ways to determine if a ministry is worthy of your financial support is to examine its fruits. If Prophecy Update is keeping you informed, and if that information inspires you, and causes you to draw closer to the Lord, if Prophecy Update equips you with valuable information and knowledge to share with and encourage other believers, and open the eyes of non-believers, and if Prophecy Update keeps you connected to current events relating to Bible Prophecy, then you are partaking of the fruit produced through this ministry. None of this would be possible without the Lords blessings and your support. I believe where the Lord guides, the Lord provides, and most of the time He provides through the willing and generous hearts of believers just like you and me. Humbly Seek Your Support Prophecy Update has no corporate sponsors. This ministry is paid for and prayed for by readers and supporters. Without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update, Please pray about becoming a monthly supporter - thanks! If ever there was a time to invest in God's Kingdom, it's now! What on earth are you doing for Heaven's Sake? "Share in the Blessings and Rewards that will last Forever!" "Folks, it's all beginning to unravel. America is in more danger of falling than at any time in its history. But I believe Bible prophecy predicts this very decline. From this point on, we believers have to get serious. We are going to face discouragement, disillusionment and, most certainly, persecution in the time between now and the Rapture. But don't be discouraged or disillusioned. The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey 1) We need your prayers!- We proclaim the Truth of the Word of God and we are under constant spiritual and sometimes even physical attack. 2) We need your encouragement!- We need to hear from you, let us know how the Lord is blessing you through this ministry so that we can share it with others. 3) We need your input! - If you have a prophetic article or story or if there is a news related item we missed, let us know. 4) We need your financial support!- To put it quite simply, without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update. I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Remember, your gift, no matter how small, does make a difference! You will be helping to touch lives, around the world, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, thanks to the internet your generosity carries a global impact! - Thanks! Our Prayer for You- "Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else." 2 Corinthians 9:10-13 If you have been blessed by Prophecy Update and would like to help support this ministry financially. You can make a secure donation online by going to: DONATE NOW Or write us at: Prophecy Update P.O. Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384-0516 We are very pleased to offer all our readers this FREE download on Bible Prophecy from the Evangelical Bible College of Western Australia - Just download and enjoy and be blessed! Feel free to share it with all your friends and family members. Click below to download! "AS YOU SEE THE DAY APPROACHING" If You Died Today, Would You Go To Heaven? Find out, visit: How to know God DID YOU KNOW? You can submit an article, leave a comment or praise report at email: [email protected] Maranatha! (Lord Come Quickly) "On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand, All other ground is sinking sand." "Let Us make the short time we have left count for all eternity!" YBIC-Randy
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