Details Emerge: Israel’s Response To Iran In April Destroyed Russian-Made Defense System – By Erick Stakelbeck -
A major scoop by the Jerusalem Post was published on Monday. It astounds me that this major development really didn’t get any attention from other media outlets. But before I share that report, let me provide the context. I have talked extensively about Iran and Hezbollah’s threats to strike Israel over the past month. It hasn’t materialized, at least on the Iranian end. Hezbollah intended to strike Israel late last month, but were headed off at the pass, so to speak, when Israel struck preemptively, embarrassing and weakening the terror group. The Iranian regime has been breathing threats of an unprecedented devastating response that still hasn’t come. Why? On April 13, Israel was bombarded by 300+ projectiles fired for the first time from Iranian soil. You know the story by now. Over 99% of those incoming Iranian missiles and drones were intercepted in a miraculous display of missile defense—and I do mean miraculous. What are the odds that 99% would be intercepted? But they were. A few days later, Israel responded to that barrage. I’ve maintained that it just wasn’t enough to truly deter Iran and discourage the regime from trying again. We wouldn’t even be having this conversation over the past month about a looming Iranian strike against Israel if they had reacted more forcefully to April 13. I still believe that. And yet, some new wrinkles have just been added to the equation. According to an article published in the Jerusalem Post, “Israel’s April strike on Iran’s S-300 missile system deterred Iran and Hezbollah from launching large-scale attacks in August.” The article reports: The IDF’s strike on Iran’s S-300 antiaircraft missile system on April 19 as retaliation for Tehran’s launching over 300 aerial threats against Israel days on April 13-14 significantly deterred the Islamic Republic and Hezbollah throughout August, top sources have told The Jerusalem Post. To date, Iran has not retaliated in any dramatic military way directly against Israel for the assassination of Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh on July 31 while he was in Tehran, which it attributed to Jerusalem. Ismail Haniyeh was killed right under the noses of the Iranian regime. Iran has blamed Israel and has vowed to retaliate. Yet, according to the Jerusalem Post, “Sources are confident that Iran Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei felt that the strike on the S-300 was a significant loss and that he and his armed forces were further disturbed by being unsure of how the Jewish state had pulled it off.” Before I continue, let’s back it up real quick. Israel carried out this strike on April 19, a few days after Iran’s barrage. What did we know up until this new report? Israel struck back through a single airstrike on a “sensitive military site” inside Natanz, Iran, home to a major Iranian nuclear installation, which is part of Iran’s nuclear weapons program. The message, at the time we were told, was that by doing this in Natanz near that sensitive nuclear site, Israel was telling Iran, “We can hit you any time and any place.” There was no mention of the target being the s300 missile defense system. Five months later, what’s the big deal? Why is this new information so important? The s300 is an antiaircraft missile defense system that is Russian-made. Russia supplied the s300 to Iran. It is a big deal that the Russian Bear has now been introduced into this conversation. The Jerusalem Post stated that Khamenei was “disturbed.” The significance of the strike of the S-300 was not only that it took Tehran a decade to get Russia to sell the system, or that it was a huge jump in antiaircraft capabilities, but also that the system was located in close proximity both to Iran’s Natanz nuclear facility and a key military airport. According to sources, Khamenei understood loud and clear that Israel could have easily destroyed those other mega-important strategic sites. That is part, it seems, of the internal debate going on inside Iran right now. The Iranian regime is divided. Ismail Haniyeh, the Hamas leader, was taken out in a guest house in Tehran on July 31 – August 1 overnight. He was there attending the inauguration of Iran’s new president, Masoud Pezeshkian. Israel took him out in a stunning and daring strike. To say the Iranian regime had egg on its face is an understatement. And it’s not the first time! Think of November 2020, when Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, the father of Iran’s nuclear weapons program, was eliminated. Think about the constant targeting and sabotage against Iranian nuclear installations and ballistic missile factories. Think about the Iranian nuclear scientists who’ve been killed. All of this was on Iranian soil. This strike on Haniyeh, the leader of Hamas in Iran, was an even more devastating embarrassment for the regime, and it came less than 24 hours after Israel also eliminated the top military commander for Hezbollah, Fuad Shukr, in Beirut in another stunning attack. Iran comes out of the gate after Haniyeh was killed, vowing and breathing threats of “unprecedented revenge against the Zionist entity” like they have “never done before.” However, if what we are hearing from the Jerusalem Post report is accurate, and I believe it is, the Iranians may have been forced to slow their roll. I’m not saying Iran’s not going to do anything. I think Iran has backed itself into a corner to the point where it has to do something—and that’s the debate now. The regime is facing major internal disputes among its president, supreme leader, the IRGC, Iranian terror proxies, and others regarding their next move and its severity. It is a power struggle. The Jerusalem Post continues: After weeks of saber rattling by the Islamic Republic, in which it promised to kill large numbers of Israelis with a new massive strike to retaliate for the killing of Haniyeh, Israel has entered September with all signs being that Khamenei may have decided to back off substantially (and either way he has decided not to retaliate within 30 days.) However, sources say Hezbollah chose a more limited option to retaliate against Israel in the end. Rather than launching a full war on Israel with 6,000-8,000 rockets per day, including firing its most advanced longer-range precision missiles at civilians in Tel Aviv, central Israel, and Haifa, it chose to launch only several hundred rockets, and only at 11 IDF bases, including the headquarters of the IDF and the Mossad. Sources said that this change in plan by Hezbollah – due to fears of what Israel had done to Iran in April – not only avoided a general war but also gave Jerusalem a huge additional advantage tactically. The article concluded: The combined might of Israel’s offense and defense in April versus Iran, along with its preemptive strike on Hezbollah on August 25, according to sources, have likely ended or significantly pushed off the Jewish state’s enemies’ intentions of turning August into a nightmare for Jerusalem. What the Jerusalem Post, in a nutshell, is saying is this: Iran and Hezbollah are deterred. This is interesting because, for the past five months, we were unaware of why Israel’s response on April 19 was so significant. No one was talking about the destruction of Russia’s s300 system. These are big details now emerging. All of a sudden, we have Israel feeling pretty good about itself in terms of its battle with the Iranian axis and with that Iranian ring of fire. Now, I would caution that we have to keep this in prayer: The Iranian regime still has to do something, God forbid, following all the loud boasting and warnings to Israel through diplomatic back channels. I don’t need to tell Israel; they already know that no one can rest on their laurels. Iran is strategic, and they’re patient. On the one hand, their threats of revenge lose a bit of luster the longer there is a delay, but there’s a benefit for them to use psychological warfare against Israel. It does appear that they were, at least in some part, deterred by the obliteration of the s300 system. Here’s the prophetic kicker: Again, the s300 system is Russian-made and Russia-supplied. While it took forever for this to arrive in Iran, it speaks more largely to a prophetic, in all the wrong ways, alliance that we are seeing shaping up. This is a full-blown military and defense alliance where the Iranian regime is supplying Russia with drones—to the point that they’re actually building a drone factory a few hundred miles east of Moscow. Iran fancies itself as a drone superpower, and Russia is gleaning that drone know-how from Iran, and they are using drones to great effect on the battlefields in Ukraine. Iran is also reportedly supplying Russia with ballistic missiles. This is not Iran acting out of the goodness of their heart; this is a quid pro quo relationship. Did Russia give the s300 as part of the package in return? Russia and Iran have stood together in the diplomatic sphere, at the UN and elsewhere. Iran has also been pushing Russia for years in Syria because, remember, thousands of Russian troops remain in that country. This is an increasingly deep relationship. What does this mean for Israel? Firstly, you have to think that Russia is not happy that Israel struck the s300. Even though they gave it to Iran, it was still made in Russia. Russia was very proud of this system. Secondly, if Russia is so closely aligned with the Iranian axis, there’s no way Israel can have even cordial relations with Vladimir Putin. The Russian regime is openly, proudly, and unapologetically aligned with Israel’s greatest enemy in the world—a regime that has sworn to Israel’s destruction. Not to mention also North Korea and communist China. It’s worth noting that Vladimir’s friends—Iran, China, and North Korea—arguably are the world’s three worst persecutors of Christianity. That is who he chooses to cast his lot with. The Israel-Russia relationship will not be rebuilt as long as Russia is full-on embracing Iran. What does this mean prophetically? The war of Gog and Magog is laid out in the Book of Ezekiel, chapters 38-39. It’s eerie to see the chess pieces moving. Russia, Iran, and Turkey have never been closer. Traditionally and historically, over the centuries, these three nations have been at loggerheads at each other’s throats. Now Russia, Turkey, and Iran are cleaving closer together. The prophet Ezekiel lays out a day when a hook will be put in the Russian Leader’s jaw. He, along with what Ezekiel calls a latter-day confederation, will come against Israel. They won’t get very far. They meet their demise on the mountains of Israel. But we can see this confederation shaping up and playing out right now—and lining up clearly. Have You Heard About The “Ring of Fire” Rosh Hashanah Eclipse That Is Coming in October? - by Michael Snyder - Why do solar eclipses keep falling on such noteworthy dates? In 2024, there will be a total of just 2 solar eclipses. The first happened on April 8th, 2024. That was known as the “Great American Eclipse of 2024”, and it occurred just after the sun had gone down in Israel and the first day of the first month on the Hebrew calendar had begun. The second solar eclipse of 2024 will take place on October 2nd. When it occurs, the sun will have just gone down in Israel and the festival of Rosh Hashanah will have just started. I realize that this is a lot to process, and so let it sink in for a moment. Is it just a coincidence that the first solar eclipse of 2024 just happened to fall on the very first day of the very first month on the Hebrew calendar, and the second solar eclipse of 2024 just happens to fall on the day that is celebrated as “the Jewish New Year”? Let me try to break all of this down one step at a time. According to Daily Galaxy, on October 2nd we will witness “a stunning annular solar eclipse”… A mesmerizing astronomical event is on the horizon as the Moon prepares to pass between the Earth and the Sun, creating a stunning annular solar eclipse. This rare celestial occurrence, where the Moon is positioned just far enough from Earth to leave a brilliant ring of sunlight visible around its silhouette, promises to captivate skywatchers with its unique and dramatic display. Known as the “ring of fire,” this phenomenon offers a breathtaking view that differs significantly from a total solar eclipse, where the Sun is completely obscured. So exactly what is an “annular solar eclipse”? It is when the moon crosses the face of the sun but does not completely block it out. When the moon is centered directly in front of the sun, a ring of sunlight is still visible around the moon, and that is why such an event is often called a “ring of fire” eclipse… Annular eclipses are a very special type of solar eclipse. During an annular eclipse, the Moon is centered in front of the Sun but doesn’t completely obscure it, instead leaving a ring of sunlight visible around the Moon’s edges. This circle of light is called an annulus, or sometimes a “ring of fire.” Annular solar eclipses happen only when the Moon is at the furthest point from Earth in its orbit, making the Moon appear smaller than usual from the Earth’s perspective. For those that are able to view this eclipse, it will truly be a once in a lifetime opportunity. According to USA Today, the Moon will begin to cross the face of the Sun at 15:42 UTC…
15:42 UTC is 6:42 PM in Jerusalem. On October 2nd, the sun will go down at 6:22 PM in Israel, and that is precisely when the festival of Rosh Hashanah will start. So when this eclipse begins, the festival of Rosh Hashanah will have just commenced. During the fall festivals last year, the current war in the Middle East began when Hamas terrorists attacked Israel on October 7th, 2023. Will something unusual also happen during the fall festivals this year? We will just have to wait and see what happens. Unlike the “Great American Eclipse of 2024”, the eclipse on October 2nd will not be visible in the continental United States. According to Forbes, the best place to view it will be on Easter Island… The place to be for that will be Easter Island, also called Rapa Nui, where eclipse-hunters will hope for clear skies while touring the mysterious stone monolithic human figures called moai that date from the thirteenth century. USA Today has put together a list of some of the other nations where people will be gathering to watch the sky on October 2nd…
Many people out there are entirely convinced that the solar eclipses of 2024 are just completely random events that have no significance whatsoever. And I can certainly understand why they would choose to see things that way. But Jesus did specifically warn us that “there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars” in the last days, and in order to have a solar eclipse the sun and the moon must both be involved. Here in 2024, we have already witnessed a solar eclipse on the very first day of the very first month on the Biblical calendar, and now we are going to witness a solar eclipse on the very first day of the seventh month on the Biblical calendar which is considered to be “the Jewish New Year”. If that is just a coincidence, it is a really, really bizarre one. Could it be possible that someone is trying to get our attention? Could it be possible that this year is being “marked” for some reason? My regular readers already know how I feel, because I have been writing about this stuff for a long time. In Genesis chapter 1, God specifically stated that one of the reasons why He was creating the sun and the moon was because He planned to use them as “signs”. We have seen this all throughout history, and now I am convinced that this year on His calendar is being “marked” for a purpose. So buckle up and hold on tight, because I have a feeling that the chaos that we have seen so far will be nothing compared to the chaos that is coming. PROPHECY UPDATE VIDEOS
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I believe where the Lord guides, the Lord provides and most of the time He provides through the willing and generous hearts of believers just like you and me. I genuinely believe that Prophecy Update and many other like-minded ministries, are needed now more than ever! The world is getting darker daily, almost hourly, but never has the light of the Word of God shone so brightly. Never in our history has there been such a thirst for Truth and a need for a Savior! The Prophecy Update website, newsletter, and Video Channels are all dedicated to providing the truth, encouraging and informing believers, and prayerfully opening the eyes and hearts of non-believers with the Gospel, but none of it would be possible without your prayers and support. DONATE HERE Your can also mail your support to: Prophecy Update PO Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384 Whether Through Biden, Harris, Or Trump — Digital IDs Are Coming to America – Derrick Broze - A recently leaked draft of an Executive Order shows the Biden Administration is considering expanding the required use of digital ID's to fight fraud -- a move that is being criticized by privacy advocates and civil liberties organizations. While Biden's plans pertain to infrastructure for digital driver's licenses, similar moves were made by former President Donald Trump under the guise of fighting illegal immigration. Biden's Executive Order was first reported on by NOTUS after the organization obtained a draft version. The draft viewed by NOTUS calls for federal and state governments to accelerate the adoption of so-called mobile driver's licenses. "It is the policy of the executive branch to strongly encourage the use of digital identity documents," the draft states. Mobile driver's licenses (mDL), or simply digital driver's licenses are another form of digital identity rolling out across North America in 3 common forms. This includes proprietary apps owned by a local, state, or national government; various state-approved apps like SmartID; and the Apple Wallet, which 4 U.S. states are currently using to host their digital driver's license. According to a guide to digital driver's licenses, users will open the chosen app, scan the front and back of their physical driver's license, and then verify their identity with a selfie (or similar biometric data). Once verified, the user can began using their digital ID app as they would a physical ID card. According to NOTUS, the draft order is aimed at addressing the loss of billions of taxpayer dollars relating to fraudulent claims to benefit programs using forged identification documents. The order would mandate federal agencies to adopt a "single government-run identity system,, as a gateway to federal websites". The same system would be offered to state and local governments as well. If adopted this system would fundamentally change how Americans prove their identity online, file their taxes, and access certain websites and services. NOTUS said they spoke with four people who have seen the draft EO and noted that the text is finalized but "the Biden administration was debating when to roll it out". Another person told NOTUS the text was obtained from a federal agency, and another person who had seen the draft said it "matched a summary that had circulated among stakeholders within recent months". A White House spokesperson told NOTUS that, "Nothing is final until it's signed by the president." The Biden Administration has been working on some version of this Executive Order since at least 2022, when Biden promised executive action during his State of the Union address. As recently as March, NextGov reported that Biden was still working on the order. "We continue to work in this area very rigorously across government," Clare Martorana, the federal chief information officer, told Nextgov at the time. "This is top of mind for all of us. We want to make sure that we accelerate people's use of digital to access government, but safely, securely." NextGov also reported that Caitlin Clarke, senior director at the National Security Council, similarly outlined the Biden admin's interest in digital identity schemes. "We are working to identify a number of actions that we believe will have a positive impact on digital identity and identity verification," Clarke stated. Biden Continuing a Trend Toward Surveillance Started by Trump Concerns surrounding digital identities, facial recognition, and the general loss of privacy have been rising since the late 2010s, when the Trump Administration began working on plans for fighting illegal immigration using biometrics. In November 2020, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) proposed a new rule that would dramatically expand the use of facial recognition surveillance at the border. The rule was opposed by several branches of the American Civil Liberties Union, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Fight for the Future, and other rights organizations. The CBP posted a notice announcing their intention to collect the faceprint of nearly every single non-U.S. citizen who enters or exits the United States. The rule also applies to children. This faceprint will then be stored on a government database for up to 75 years. This data could then be used by the Department of Homeland Security, foreign governments, and federal, state, and local law enforcement to identify individuals for a variety of purposes. The U.S. Congress has never authorized the government to implement a massive data collection program for faceprints. Additionally, non-U.S. citizens entering the country are already subjected to fingerprint collection. This 2020 effort was a continuation of policies set forth by the CBP under the Trump administration. In 2017, the CBP announced plans to scan the faces of all flyers exiting the United States. The only publicly available information on the program came from a privacy impact statement the Department of Homeland Security issued on the program, and a briefing CBP Deputy Executive Assistant Commissioner John Wagner gave to privacy advocates in Washington this week. The CBP envisions a system where airports install cameras at boarding gates to take pictures of all passengers leaving and entering the country. The pictures will have facial recognition software applied to them. Biden himself continued on Trump's surveillance state path as part of his own immigration plan. In late February 2021, The Last American Vagabond (TLAV) reported that more than 40 privacy, immigrants rights, and civil liberties organizations called on the Biden administration to abandon a bill which would extend the Trump administration's border policy, particularly the ongoing creation of a "virtual" or biometric wall. The letter came in response to the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021 which would direct the Department of Homeland Security to implement new biometric and aerial surveillance technologies at ports of entry and along the U.S./Mexico border. "This "smart border" surveillance technology is a continuation of the Trump administration's racist border policies, not a break from it," the letter stated. "We applaud President Biden's efforts to halt Trump's border wall construction and provide relief to immigrant communities, but protection from deportation and access to due process should not come at the cost of militarization and surveillance." The letter notes that the increase in surveillance technology at ports of entry is "concerning particularly because of increased biometric collection, which most prominently includes expanded facial recognition and DNA collection." The organizations behind the letter were also critical of "key companies awarded federal contracts to develop virtual wall technology" who have financial ties to Trump and are also involved in created police surveillance tools. Specifically, the letter states: "Anduril Industries was founded by major Trump donor Palmer Luckey with funding from Palantir's Peter Thiel and related funds. The company was awarded a contract by CBP in July 2020 for a potential $249,550,000 to set up over 200 mobile surveillance towers in border communities; $60.7 million has already been awarded but the remaining money is not obligated. This technology forms the backbone of the new virtual wall." Privacy advocates have long criticized Peter Thiel's Palantir of being a prime example of a private surveillance firm intertwined with the national security state. Palantir has also played a large role in COVID-19 contact tracing surveillance. Thiel continues to play a role in U.S. politics through his funding of Trump's Vice Presidential candidate J.D. Vance, and funding Trump's 2016 campaign. Thiel, along with former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, is a steering committee member of the secretive Bilderberg Group. TLAV recently reported that Schmidt has also called for some form of internet ID to verify users in an alleged attempt to prevent election misinformation. The Dangers Posed by Digital Driver's Licenses When it comes to digital driver's licenses specifically, there have been numerous warnings about the danger they pose and the organizations who are behind the push. In May 2021, the American Civil Liberties Union discussed efforts to mandate digital driver's licenses. In a report titled "Identity Crisis" the ACLU warned that the use of digital driver's licenses, "raises the danger that there will be no balanced assessment of the costs and benefits of such a system and that we will adopt systems that do not strike the right balance between the needs for identification, security, and convenience and Americans' well-founded aversion to government and corporate surveillance and regimentation". Jay Stanley, senior policy analyst with the ACLU's Speech, Privacy, and Technology Project, said the switch to digital IDs would have "big implications" for American life. "If not done just right, digital driver's licenses could be disastrous for privacy, increase inequity, and lead to pervasive ID checks in American life, including on the internet," Stanley said. In June 2022, the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice, a "hub for human rights study" at New York University (NYU) School of Law, issued a 100-page report detailing the growing dangers of a reliance on digital identity around the world. The report, titled Paving a Digital Road to Hell?, examined the role of the World Bank and other international networks which have been promoting the use if digital ID in recent years. This report points a finger at the World Bank and the aforementioned ID4D initiative but also notes that the program was started with a "catalytic investment" from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Omidyar Network, as well as various governments. "We have noted that the World Bank and its ID4D Initiative do not stand alone in pursuing the digital ID agenda. They exist within a global network of organizations and individuals," the report states. In addition to governments like the UK, U.S., and France, philanthropic foundations, and banks, the NYU report also points a finger at "private biometrics corporations like Idemia, Thales, and Gemalto". TLAV has previously reported on the role of the Thales Group in promoting digital identity schemes in North America and Europe. The fact remains that under the Trump administration the push for surveillance via facial recognition, digital identities, and biometric schemes expanded. These same programs have continued under Biden, and may be expanded by his new Executive Order before he passes the torch to Trump or Vice President Kamala Harris. Whether pitched to the American people as a solution for fighting fraud, or illegal immigration, one way or the other, the growth of the surveillance state is set to continue. It’s 2 Chronicles 7:14 Time Again – Terry James - The matter of whether 2 Chronicles 7:14 was given by the Lord exclusively for Israel was the topic I addressed back before the 2020 election. It is time to address this important question again, as there is still contention over the controversy while we approach the 2024 election that looms like boiling storm clouds above the landscape of these end times. My mind hasn’t changed in the slightest. The following is what I wrote back in November of the year approaching the 2020 presidential election: Recently I heard a prophecy teacher–actually one of my favorite prophecy guys—say something like the following: “I hate to burst your bubble about what you probably believe about God’s promises to the church and his promises to Israel. But 2 Chronicles 7:14 isn’t for the church. It is for Israel.” He then went on to say that the context of that promise makes it obvious for whom it was given. It doesn’t apply to we of the Church Age was his conclusion. I must take exception to that statement by this man, one whom I respect greatly and consider one of the very top teachers and writers of Bible prophecy today. Let’s have a look at the promise that God, indeed, made to the nation Israel. If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14) The speaker was talking about whether the United States is in Bible prophecy. He was speaking to the many worries people have as to what will happen to America concerning prophecy yet future. Particularly, as I recall, he was talking about the upcoming 2020 presidential election. People were, he said, wondering about what we should do as believers to seek God’s divine intervention in this election. There are great fears that the opposition party to that of this president has turned totally toward the dark side and is more and more anti-God in their platform goals. The speaker was intimating that 2 Chronicles 7:14 is the Scripture most invoked, but that it isn’t in effect for the Church. It was given exclusively to the Jews the nation Israel. The basis for my taking exception to my friend’s pronouncement in part is truth encased within the following scriptural areas. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with who is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. (James 1:17) Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. (Hebrews 13:8) God’s Word is the very Person of Jesus the Christ, the Second Person of the Godhead. God the Father sent Jesus into the world as Himself in the flesh. Jesus taught and preached ultimate truth. Jesus and the Father are one–see John chapter 17. Jesus created all that is, see Genesis chapter 1. He did so by the spoken Word. Jesus is the Word. This is made plain in John chapter 1. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. (John 1:1–3) Jesus and the Father, the Lord verifies through His prayer in John chapter 17, are one. Jesus also says that we who believe in Him are one with Him, as He is one with the Father. Therefore His Father’s children are Jesus’ “people,” just as they are God the Father’s “people”. We are all “one” with God. We are His “people.” This includes all people of God’s created order who “believe” for salvation as prescribed by God. Those who believe are His people. Therefore, it is my Bible-based contention that in 2 Chronicles 7:14, the “my people” is referring to God’s “people,” no matter of what era. God changes not. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. God’s promise to Israel in 2 Chronicles 7:14, in my view, apply to believers of all ages. It is true that Israel’s “land” was healed on several occasions, after the people had drifted into backsliding and gross idolatry. America, it is equally true, for example, has not experienced what might be considered a complete healing in the sense of Israel in its ancient past. However, America, again for example, has experienced degrees of “healing.” The great revival movements that came out of the Great Depression was God at work in answering prayers of His “people.” I believe the 2016 election for president was an answer to the prayers of God’s “people.” It was, to anyone possessing spiritual acuity, a miracle from the Almighty. Certainly, even the secularists –the mainstream media and Mr. Trump’s opponents—were stunned into a form of madness! Another friend defines the declaration that 2 Chronicles 7: 14 is not for the Church as a part of the Seminary Syndrome. By this, he means that the products of often self-exalted seminaries sometimes can’t see the simplicity of God’s truth for feeling they have to make it complex to somehow justify their existence as the last word on interpretation of scriptural truth. And, I mean no disrespect to the men and women who have the prestigious seminary degrees of various flavors. Many, many of these are dear friends. But, for the Seminary Syndrome to induce them to say such things as mentioned above with regard to God’s dealings with His “people” just smacks of being wrong to my spiritual senses. I have expressed before that I have the same problem with the Seminary Syndrome declarations that Matthew chapter 24 (the Olivet Discourse) is for the nation Israel only—that the Rapture of the Church isn’t to be found in that great teaching by our Lord. So please continue to pray in light of 2 Chronicles 7:14 in regard to the 2020 presidential election Our nation still needs healing, as we all know. Admittedly, as this generation seems to be at the very end of the Age of Grace, and at least half of the nation is deliberately moving away from, not nearer to God, it is unlikely that there is time to see a complete healing of America. However, the prayers of God’s people have and can yet produce miracles within this land upon which God has so richly bestowed His blessings. That was my admonition for the 2020 election—which, as we all know, turned out differently than many wanted or expected. My admonition is the same for this election. Now, the nation has exhibited ever-darkening movement away from God, and the reprobate mind of Romans 1:28 seems to have infected much of the population. However, God’s promise of 2 Chronicles 7:14 has not changed, even though it looks even to me that the Lord’s time for correction might be near ending and the time for judgment and wrath could be just ahead. Truth is, the God of Heaven knows the limits of His mercy–and we do not. The promise of 2 Chronicles 7:14 is still there in God’s Word. Let us who are called by that Holy Name humble ourselves and pray, and turn from all wicked ways. God has promised to hear that prayer, forgive our sins, and heal our land. This should be at the center of our unified desire regarding our nation. The matter will then be in His mighty hands. We could be in none better. Daily Jot: Stupidocrisy: Hostage Dualism among world leaders - Bill Wilson – A definition of dualism is the quality or state of being dual or of having a dual nature. This is seen among world leaders regularly. A recent example is the brutal murder by Hamas terrorists of six Israeli hostages as Israeli Defense Forces were closing in to rescue them. The world leaders were decrying the horror of this murderous act and denouncing Hamas as vicious and barbaric. But these same world leaders gave Hamas billions of dollars for “humanitarian” purposes, knowing full well the undeniable fact that the money was diverted for weapons and terrorist activities. These leaders are the very ones demanding Israel end hostilities against Hamas because “innocent” people are being killed. Joe Biden, for example, said, “It is as tragic as it is reprehensible. Make no mistake, Hamas leaders will pay for these crimes. And we will keep working around the clock for a deal to secure the release of the remaining hostages.” Then he goes on to say that Netanyahu isn’t doing enough to end the conflict. Kamala Harris said, “The threat Hamas poses to the people of Israel—and American citizens in Israel—must be eliminated and Hamas cannot control Gaza. The Palestinian people too have suffered under Hamas’ rule for nearly two decades.” Yet, Biden and Harris were the ones that restored billions in aid to the Hamas government in Gaza that President Donald Trump cut off—and that money was used for weapons and terrorist infrastructure under the guise of humanitarian aid. The Biden-Harris Administration, while they say they support Israel’s right to defend itself, are demanding Israel stop hostilities against Hamas and negotiate a hostage swap for so-called “Palestinian prisoners.” Palestinian prisoners are those being held in Israel for terrorist crimes. Biden-Harris want the war to end that they played a major role enabling. They blame Israel for “going too far” in defending itself. Yet the world need only read that those six hostages were brutalized and executed rather than have them rescued. Hamas wants hundreds of “Palestinian prisoners” released for the remaining hostages—dead or alive. Israel says they want to root out Hamas once and for all. Britain’s Prime Minister Keir Starmer also said he was “shocked at the horrific killing” of hostages AND he demanded an immediate ceasefire “to end the suffering.” Britain also gave humanitarian aid to the terrorists. Let us also remember that the “Palestinian” people elected Hamas to govern them in Gaza. And after the October 7, 2023 attack by Hamas on Israeli innocents, several polls indicated Gaza residents still overwhelmingly supported Hamas and believed the terrorist government would annihilate Israel and all Jews living there. Point is, these “leaders” are bemoaning what these barbarians that they funded are doing to Israelis while demanding Israel stop defending itself against this evil. It’s like the Bible verse in James 1:8, “A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.” These people are playing both sides against the middle and the ones who will suffer are those who are led by these double-minded supporters of evil. Say it with me…Stupidocrisy. Daily Devotion: On “Finding Yourself” - by Greg Laurie – And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but are yourself lost or destroyed? —Luke 9:25 - Listen In a culture that puts so much emphasis on self-image, self-worth, self-love, and self-esteem, the words of Jesus in Matthew 10 don’t go over well. He said, “If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it” (verse 39 NLT). Jesus was saying, “Do you want to find yourself? Then lose yourself.” In Luke’s Gospel He said something similar: “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross daily, and follow me. If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it” (Luke 9:23–24 NLT). Statements like these don’t play well in our society. And we’ve even brought that thinking into the church. We hear preachers say, as though it were gospel truth, that we need self-esteem. And we are told that we need to love ourselves. People will cite Scripture, saying, “You know, the Bible tells you to love your neighbor as yourself. But before you can love your neighbor, you must love yourself. And our problem is that we don’t love ourselves.” But is that true? Maybe the problem in our society is not that we fail to love ourselves but that we love ourselves too much. We already do love ourselves. That’s obvious. It’s an established fact. Therefore, the Bible is telling us to love our neighbors in the same way that we love ourselves. Remember, the apostle Paul wrote, “No one hates his own body but feeds and cares for it, just as Christ cares for the church” (Ephesians 5:29 NLT). How often have we heard the statement “I’m trying to find myself”? However, Jesus said, “If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it.” This simply means that we take our plans, our goals, and our aspirations, and we place them at the feet of Jesus Christ. Then we say, “I want Your will more than mine. Nevertheless, not my will, but Yours, be done.” Don’t ever be afraid to pray that, because God says, “For I know the plans I have for you. . . . They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope” (Jeremiah 29:11 NLT). God is thinking about you, and His thoughts are very good. They’re about your future, and they’re thoughts of giving you hope. He is not against you. Therefore, when you come to the Lord, say, “Here are my plans. But if You have something different in mind, I surrender to You because You know best.” God wants us to love Him more than anyone else. He wants us to want His will more than anyone else’s will. And what God does in our lives will be better than what we ever could have done on our own. PROPHECY UPDATE NEWS HEADLINES Yesterday's Prophecies - Today's Headlines HEADLINES IN PARTNERSHIP WITH TRACKING BIBLE PROPHECY 9/4/24
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