The Ramifications of Blackstone and The WEF Purchasing Our Genetic Information – By David Bowen -
There has been some recent talk about Blackstone buying for 4.7 billion dollars. The concern with this news is that Blackstone now has access to millions of people’s DNA. Let’s discuss two issues here. First, this sale is not new; it happened in December 2020. So why is this coming up now? We’ll look at that in just a minute. People may not realize the history of Blackstone Inc. An obvious question to ask is, does it have any connection to the World Economic Forum? If so, what kind of connection? Here’s the real concern behind those two questions. Does this purchase of millions of digital records of people’s DNA have the ability to be connected to the 2030 agenda of the World Economic Forum? The answer is yes; stay with me and let me walk through this history and the connection. As I said, this purchase of happened over three years ago in December of 2020. Shortly after Blackstone’s purchase, a lawsuit was filed in Illinois. The lawsuit claimed that Blackstone violated Section 30 of Illinois’s 1998 Genetic Information Privacy Act. This act provides that no person or company “may disclose or be compelled to disclose the identity of any person upon whom a genetic test is performed or the results of a genetic test in a manner that permits identification of the subject of the test.” Both plaintiffs in this lawsuit had purchased DNA testing products from Ancestry and submitted saliva samples for genetic testing. Because Ancestry had allegedly paired the plaintiffs’ genetic tests with personally identifiable information, such as names, emails, and home addresses, they maintained that Blackstone’s disclosure of their genetic identities violated Section 30 of the Genetic Information Privacy Act. Unfortunately, in May 2023, the court ruled in favor of Blackstone and dismissed the suit., founded in 1996, is a leader in the digital subscription business and has continued to grow significantly. To date, Ancestry has more than twenty-two million people in the AncestryDNA network and an extensive collection of over twenty billion records. Blackstone, the entity which purchased, is involved in real estate, credit, infrastructure, hedge funds, and insurance. As of May 2024, Blackstone manages more than one trillion dollars in total assets, making it one of the largest investment firms globally. Blackstone and Blackrock Let’s answer the question: Does Blackstone Inc. have any connection to the World Economic Forum? To find out, we have to look at its history. Blackstone and Blackrock are separate entities. However, in 1988, Blackrock originally started under the umbrella of Blackstone. Blackstone, which now owns, was co-founded by Peter Peterson and Steven Schwarzman. Originally, the two were colleagues at Lehman Brothers. When they founded their own company, they decided on a name that blended their surnames. Schwarz is German for “black,” and Peterson comes from the Greek for “stone.” On the other hand, Blackrock was founded by Larry Fink, who used to be associated with Blackstone as Schwarzman and Fink worked together for five years, from 1988 to 1994. In 1994, when Fink decided to branch out on his own, he needed a new name for his asset management company, and Steve Schwarzman, the co-founder of Blackstone, suggested having a family name keeping the word “black” in it. Thus, Blackrock is birthed from Blackstone. Today, both firms have a significant role in the financial AUM, or assets under management, industry. Blackstone manages over $368 billion in assets, and Blackrock, the largest asset manager globally, manages over $5.4 trillion. Both companies have a present and firm connection to the World Economic Forum. Blackrock’s connection to the World Economic Forum comes from their CEO, Larry Fink, who sits on its Board of Trustees. At the 2022 annual meeting in Davos, Blackrock signed an agreement to promote gender lens investing. Gender lens means they will focus on investing in companies that specifically have a higher representation of women on their boards and in senior management positions. This agreement ties into the World Economic Forum’s society and equality agenda. The ESG Agenda The year after, in 2023, Fink spoke at the annual meeting in Davos, this time focusing on the World Economic Forum’s ESG agenda. ESG stands for “Environment, Social, and Government,” which is the beginning of a social credit score. When the Central Bank Digital Currency system (CBDC) is implemented, one’s social credit score will eventually dictate how much funds you can access and how you may spend those funds. Your social credit score will revolve around how much you follow the guidelines put in place by the powers that be. You will be “scored” on how you live. For example, do you drive a car, or have you decided to forgo an automobile for riding a bike or using public transportation? Do you eat meat, or have you decided to forgo meat and have embraced having a diet of plant-based foods? It will all come down to how well you jump through their hoops. Agenda 2030 Getting back to Blackstone’s purchase of, does this purchase of millions of digital records of people’s DNA have the ability to be connected to the agenda of the World Economic Forum? The answer is yes. Blackstone CEO Steven Schwarzman is a member of the International Business Council of the World Economic Forum and now owns As a board member, he is critical in fulfilling the World Economic Forum’s global agenda. Through its partnership with the World Bank, the United Nations, and businesses like Blackstone and Blackrock, the World Economic Forum now has access to billions of DNA records. This means it has the means to control the world’s finances, credit scores, housing, food production, healthcare, gender equality, and education—all to fulfill its 17 areas of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Once again, another piece of the puzzle has been put in place as the world heads towards establishing a future one-world Antichrist system. The good news is Jesus also has a plan, and his plan for the future will not be stopped. What We See Dimly in What Is Playing Out - By Ron Ferguson - Luke records a spectacular miracle in Chapter 8 that happened in the country of the Gerasenes, where a severely demonic man, whose name was Legion, was delivered from his possession. In this powerful account, we read – Luke 8:32 “Now there was a herd of many swine feeding there on the mountain; and the demons entreated Him to permit them to enter the swine. And He gave them permission. The demons came out from the man and entered the swine; and the herd RUSHED DOWN THE STEEP BANK INTO THE LAKE, and were drowned.” There is a well-known story – The Pied Piper of Hamlyn – where the Piper led the rats of the town, at the sound of his flute, to the river, and they were drowned. Later on, he led away the children of the town to an unknown land. What do these two accounts have in common? I am a life member of National Geographic magazine, and in the last few years, more and more, I am becoming annoyed at the increasing references to climate change. It is so bad, it is being forced into many articles. We could say, “Get on the prevailing bandwagon.” Sometimes, I like to watch some space science fiction movies, and today, I saw one on YouTube called “Solar Storm.” The theme was that great solar flares were about to burn up the earth because they were igniting the ever-increasing methane caused by climate change. This term is becoming like a cracked record, and people use it even without thinking what it means. They have joined themselves to a mass acceptance of the term so it becomes a green religion. In the examples I just gave, what is the common element? [Regarding Climate Change, I don’t accept the prevailing philosophy behind it, but I think there is a possibility that God is putting His finger on a number of weather events to wake man up to the fact He is still in control. Currently, China is recovering from massive flooding, some places receiving around 700 mm of rain in 24 hours [28 inches]. Toronto has had its floods. Where I live, in December, we had between 50 and 55 inches of rain in 5 days, and shortly after, another 11 inches overnight. The ancient world was awakened to the fact of God’s rule and authority in Noah’s flood, and I think these more outstanding weather events right now are pointing to the coming Tribulation judgment on the world. They are God’s voice of warning to a world that has turned its back on the Creator.] Here is yet another example – John 10:3-4 “To him the doorkeeper opens, and the sheep hear his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name AND LEADS THEM OUT. When he puts forth all his own, he goes before them, and the sheep follow him because they know his voice.” There is the good leading and the bad leading. The good pertains ONLY to the Lord’s sheep. The bad belongs to the world. This word is full of the bad leading. Religion is when an inner need is trying to be satisfied, be it the religion of paganism or the religion of climate change; even the religion of dead, ritualistic christianity. Without Christ, the empty soul remains empty but ever strives to seek fulfillment; a life buoy to grasp in the turbulent sea. What is common in these articles is the pitch toward destruction in a herd mentality. Follow the leader, but don’t think! Satan is the Pied Piper leading away the children of Adam to certain destruction in the river of hell.” For the past week, I have watched so many of the speeches at the Republican National Convention (RNC), I dare say more than most of you. Certain things here have impressed me about this. (I try to keep abreast of things.) The first has to be the enthusiasm, and that is because of the expectant victory the faithful Republicans have in their sights. The second thing is the many references to God and the Lord’s help in prayer and other aspects as well, regarding Christian values and morality. Nearly all speakers honored God with words and sentiments. I know some of you will come back at me and say that this is an appeal to the conservative voter to vote Republican. I acknowledge this may be a factor, but I also believe some of those speakers were genuine. I dare say I would not be hearing such things at a Democrat Convention with its misled humanism and destructive policies. The last two things I watched today were Trump’s testimony of the shooting and his acknowledgment of God’s providential care. I think he is very somber about this. The other one was Franklin Graham, who spoke and then led the convention in prayer. It concerns me that men and women try to advance in blindness to truth and godliness, and actually, today, are advancing in the opposite direction – away from God. Many Pied Pipers are leading them to destruction. This world’s sheep (as opposed to God’s sheep) blindly follow facets of the world’s humanism and fractured thinking. They know no better. 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 “Even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, in whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ who is the image of God.” That is sad, as they are rushing headlong into the river of destruction as Legion’s demons did in the pigs, into the lake. Can we convince them otherwise? Many more now turn off you if you say anything. These last days are becoming more arrogant and violent and more hardened to godly thinking. I am sure you know that and see that. Regarding Trump and Make America Great Again, I have said in the past that things won’t get better, but rather they will get worse. Speaking of the last days of the Church age, Paul wrote – 2 Timothy 3:12-13 “Indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. Evil men and impostors WILL PROCEED FROM BAD TO WORSE, deceiving and being deceived.” That makes me think that maybe Trump won’t be elected for some reason, BUT… If the Lord tarries and the trump of God is on standby, and we do enter a Trump rule, then those days may be likened to the rule of Josiah, a godly King as was David. The prophets Haggai and Jeremiah ministered at that time, and the reforms implemented by Josiah were just amazing. His own grandfather was the worst godless King in Judah’s history and had the longest reign, 55 years – 2 Kings 21:16 “Moreover, Manasseh shed very much innocent blood until he had filled Jerusalem from one end to another besides his sin with which he made Judah sin, in doing evil in the sight of the LORD” Manasseh’s son, (Josiah’s father) Amon, was just as bad. Out of that dire wickedness that flooded the nation came Josiah and all his godly reforms. However, when you study Jeremiah, you see that the entire nation was corrupt, from priest and elder to all people. People were rushing to destruction as Hamlyn’s rats did. When the godly king died, his sons succeeded him, and they were vile and evil in all their ways. What does this show? You can have a good person at the top, but evil festers underneath and grows worse. That is what will happen to the USA no matter who is at the top. My nation is like that already. A greater attitude to godliness is found in the USA, though, as the USA has a higher percentage of Christians. Christians follow the Lord, but the others follow Satan down to the destructive river. Jeremiah was told to go speak to Judah several times by the LORD, but he was also told that the people would not listen because their eyes were blind and their ears deaf. However, the LORD is longsuffering, not wishing to visit destruction on His earthly people, and He gave them opportunity after opportunity. In focusing on the USA, is this their last opportunity? Why was Trump spared by God? Jeremiah preached right to the end, and God’s opportunity was open right to the end. The world is right at the end of its tether. I would say its very end and America’s last chance. Is the “last Trump” the last chance before the “last trump” sounds – 1 Corinthians 15:52 “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at THE LAST TRUMP: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed” (KJV). Biden’s White House has carried the nation closer to godless implosion possibly more than any other President, and he has led them to the river. He has been a Pied Piper. Those who honor God, He will honor; those who despise Him, He will judge swiftly. I know when things happen that have tragedy as the outcome or are potentially tragic, people get a wake-up call. Why did God spare Donald Trump? It was only a centimeter of deliverance, a serendipitous turn of the head. We, as Christians, don’t believe in chance. The situation for David 3,000 years ago is the same for us today; the same for Donald Trump – Psalm 31:15 “MY TIMES ARE IN YOUR HAND. Deliver me from the hand of my enemies, and from those who persecute me.” Let our prayer be the previous verse in that Psalm – Psalm 31:14 “But as for me, I trust in You, O LORD. I say, ‘You are my God.'” May Donald Trump come to a full salvation experience, learning humility and dependence on God. God’s hand is coming in severe destruction, as we know, beginning with the red horse and continuing until Armageddon. The Lord’s own people will not be here for all that, but the time is short. I will be interested in seeing if any speaker on the Democrat side bothers to acknowledge God in any way in their convention coming up. Kamala Harris will probably be the endorsed candidate. I don’t think you will see any reference to God (maybe only a token reference), for how can a Christian ever be a member of the Democrats when their platform is built upon abortion, evolution, gender destruction, hate for Israel, homosexuality, WOKEism, and so many, many more anti-God practices, all underwritten by humanism? I don’t want this to be a political coverage, though I am speaking on the signs of the time. I find politics divisive and still have concerns when Christians are too involved in politics, as they must be strong and well-committed. The political scene has become a bit of a dirty game. My interest in politics, and I do follow fairly closely BUT not involved, is for this reason – Matthew 16:1-3 “The Pharisees and Sadducees came up, and testing Him, asked Him to show them a sign from heaven. But He answered and said to them, ‘When it is evening, you say, “It will be fair weather for the sky is red,” and in the morning, “There will be a storm today, for the sky is red and threatening.” Do you know how to discern the appearance of the sky but CANNOT DISCERN THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES?'” Jesus was among His people, the Messiah in their midst, and they did not know it; they could not discern the signs of the times. I believe Christians are obligated to notice the things happening around them (discerning the times) and to live and act accordingly. The churches are failing in this regard deplorably, and often, the people follow the blind leaders of the blind. RaptureReady is a bastion of awareness in this matter, and God will bless the contributors and the readers. I find our times difficult ones. People are becoming more and more resilient against the gospel, more arrogant and self-willed, and more annoying, I find (hoping that is not the victim’s complaint). I can understand Christians who have fought the good fight just wanting the Lord to come. We should all be wanting His coming for us in the clouds when He comes to take home His Bride. We want the Rapture, that glorious calling of the saints in an instant; a calling in power and victory to carry us into the Lord’s presence for ever more. Lord Jesus, come! [email protected] We Are Experiencing the Annual Summer Giving Drought and We Could Really Use Your Support! Thank You So Very Much!!! Let Us Make the Short Time We have Left, Count for ALL of Eternity! Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift! II Corinthians 9:15 Worthy of Your Support? It has been said, one of the most reliable ways to determine if a ministry is worthy of your financial support is to examine its fruits. If Prophecy Update is keeping you informed and if that information inspires you and causes you to draw closer to the Lord, if Prophecy Update equips you with valuable information and knowledge to share with and encourage other believers and open the eyes of non-believers and if Prophecy Update keeps you connected to current events relating to Bible Prophecy then you are partaking of the fruit produced through this ministry. None of this would be possible without the Lords blessings and your support. I believe where the Lord guides, the Lord provides and most of the time He provides through the willing and generous hearts of believers just like you and me. I genuinely believe that Prophecy Update and many other like-minded ministries, are needed now more than ever! The world is getting darker daily, almost hourly, but never has the light of the Word of God shone so brightly. Never in our history has there been such a thirst for Truth and a need for a Savior! The Prophecy Update website, newsletter, and Video Channels are all dedicated to providing the truth, encouraging and informing believers, and prayerfully opening the eyes and hearts of non-believers with the Gospel, but none of it would be possible without your prayers and support. DONATE HERE Your can also mail your support to: Prophecy Update PO Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384 PROPHECY UPDATE VIDEOS
THE RAPTURE KIT OR THE RAPTURE KIT FOR PASTORS/TEACHERS CLICK ON EITHER ONE FOR MORE INFORMATION! Witchcraft Is Consorting with The Powers of Darkness And Must Always Be Rejected - By Dean Dwyer - Recently, I came across an article written by a “Christian Witch” who gets offended by Christians who warn her that witchcraft is a demonic practice that will condemn its unsaved practitioners to the Lake of Fire. The witch goes on to state that: “Before you speak to or harass or comment on any spiritual practices or beliefs or ideas held by Christian Witches, please adhere to the following:” For the sake of space, I’ll summarize her points into the appropriate headings she used, which are: do your research, think and be an adult. With that said, let’s examine a key claim she made and compare it to Scripture. For good measure, I will also adhere to her “rules” in my response. Firstly, let’s affirm from the Word of God that witchcraft is a practice that God opposes and therefore wants His people to oppose. In Deuteronomy 18:9-12, the Israelites are given a very clear command: “When you come into the land which the LORD your God is giving you, you shall not learn to follow the abominations of those nations. There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. For all who do these things are an abomination to the LORD, and because of these abominations of the LORD your God drives them out from before you.” As we have seen highlighted throughout the Biblical record, fallen human flesh gravitates toward curiosity concerning the supernatural. However, in the case of the Deuteronomy passage (and others which follow) it is a curiosity which God forbids. Why? Verses 13 and 14 of Deuteronomy make it clear: “You shall be blameless before the LORD your God. For these nations which you will dispossess listened to soothsayers and diviners; but as for you, the LORD your God has not appointed such for you.” In short, the use of magic and divination was seen as a refusal to acknowledge the sovereignty of God. Furthermore, reliance on these practices indicated a corresponding failure to trust the Lord with one’s life, instead turning to the demonic realm to seek spiritual guidance. It is not surprising that these forbidden practices continue today. During the Tribulation Period, the book of Revelation reveals that occult practices will be widespread. In fact, those who engage in such practices are among the ones destined for the Lake of Fire (Revelation 21:8; 22:14-15). This brings me to my point. The article from the “Christian Witch” I mentioned in the opening comments says this: “News alert: most Witches have no concept of a devil. Beliefs in a devil and hell are constructs of Abrahamic religions and do not find a place in the Witch’s personal vernacular or spiritual path. The devil is a construct, a character who was created to depict our human tendencies to be evil, ugly, obscene and/or vulgar. The devil represents the hideous aspects of ourselves. The Devil card in the Tarot deck represents abject slavery to sensorial perceptions and being completely controlled by the same, rather than being led by higher powers, such as the God(s) and/or Goddess(es). The inverted pentagram on the Devil’s forehead reveals the occult wisdom that the whole of consciousness is pointed downward, to the 5 senses, creating hell on earth (a hell that can be exited at any time, by choice). Contrast this with the upward pointing Witch’s pentacle, indicating alignment with the 4 elements of earth, air, fire and water, and the 5 force of Spirit or aether/space: Witches are not in league with the devil, don’t believe in the existence of a devil, nor worship a devil. These are all lies manufactured to perpetuate mass hatred and killing of Witches (and many whom were not Witches, yet whose lives were ended because of mass hysteria and terror sweeping through the general populace). Witches also do not subscribe to hell, as it too is an invention. Humans made up the concept of hell, not God. The Hebrew Bible has nothing in it to denote anything other than the grave as a resting place when we die. The term for this state in the Hebrew Bible is Sheol, and simply means a grave, or going down to the earth. All went there, good and evil. No torture. No hellfire. No damnation. Just an ended life. The Greek word often mistranslated to hell is Hades, again, simply a place where all the dead went. As a Christian, if you espouse hell, and tell Witches they’re going to hell, you may benefit from learning the truth: This is simply a starting point for study on the origins of hell to understand that it did not come from the Bible or from God. For me, hell does not exist other than a state of consciousness people put themselves in due to corrupt thinking patterns. Of course, everyone is free to believe whatever they like, whether it be true or not. Thank you for your attention to these important matters of faith.” There is a lot to unpack with that statement and space does not permit me to do so here. However, I will say that the Bible speaks very clearly about everlasting punishment and the reality of the adversary we know as Satan. For a so-called Christian to claim otherwise is akin to calling Jesus a liar. This “Christian Witch” has fallen prey to the very one she denies exists (Satan) and if she does not hold a saving faith in Jesus she will also spend eternity in the place that she denies exists (the Lake of Fire). Practicing witchcraft is consorting with the powers of darkness and is always to be rejected by Christians. In fact, for those involved, rather than denying the truth of God’s Word, it would be better to follow the practice of those described in Acts 19:19-20: “Also, many of those who had practiced magic brought their books together and burned them in the sight of all. And they counted up the value of them, and it totaled fifty thousand pieces of silver. So the word of the Lord grew mightily and prevailed.“ The Values That Made Western Society Great Came from The Bible - by Michael Snyder – Right now there is a tremendous amount of debate about what values our society should embrace. There are some that are promoting the benefits of “conservative values”, there are some that are promoting the benefits of “liberal values”, and there are others that are promoting the benefits of other types of values. But if we really want to make western society great again, the truth is that we should return to the values that made western society great in the first place. Those values are the reason why western nations were the most prosperous and most civilized nations on the entire planet for centuries. And once other nations started adopting those same values, they became more prosperous and more civilized too. The values that I am talking about are the values that we find in the Bible. All throughout history, civilizations that have chosen to do things God’s way have been blessed. And civilizations that have chosen not to do things God’s way have been cursed. Just consider the United States. It was founded by people that loved the Bible, and throughout our history it was primarily made up of people that loved the Bible. Of course that has changed in our day, and as a result our society is now a giant mess. But at one time we were the most blessed nation on the entire planet by a wide margin, and that didn’t happen by accident. Centuries of experience have taught us that capitalist countries tend to be more prosperous than countries that practice various forms of collectivism. A lot of people tend to think of socialism and communism as relatively modern movements, but the truth is that there have been collectivist societies for thousands of years. In fact, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels were both greatly inspired by hunter-gatherer societies that practiced “primitive communism”… Primitive communism is a way of describing the gift economies of hunter-gatherers throughout history, where resources and property hunted or gathered are shared with all members of a group in accordance with individual needs. In political sociology and anthropology, it is also a concept (often credited to Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels), that describes hunter-gatherer societies as traditionally being based on egalitarian social relations and common ownership.[1] A primary inspiration for both Marx and Engels were Lewis H. Morgan‘s descriptions of “communism in living” as practised by the Haudenosaunee of North America.[2] In Marx’s model of socioeconomic structures, societies with primitive communism had no hierarchical social class structures or capital accumulation.[3] Needless to say, societies that practiced “primitive communism” never became great. But even today, there are primitive tribes all over the globe that practice various forms of collectivism. It doesn’t work, but they still keep on trying. Of course the same principles also don’t work when entire modern nations try them. In the Bible, from the very beginning we see buying, we see selling, and we see property rights being respected. There is a reason why so many capitalists are fond of the Bible and so many collectivists are not. The Bible encourages private ownership, private enterprise, individual responsibility and hard work. Needless to say, even those that do not believe in the Bible benefit when they embrace the same economic values. Just look at what has happened to China. In the years following the communist revolution, millions died from starvation. But once the Chinese moved in a more capitalist direction and started promoting private ownership, private enterprise, individual responsibility and hard work, China became a global economic powerhouse. The Bible also places a very high value on family. In the Ten Commandments we are told to honor our fathers and our mothers, and throughout the rest of the Torah we are given very specific instructions about how families are to operate. Today, much of the population has rejected the Bible and the traditional family unit is relentlessly mocked. As a result, divorce rates have soared, birth rates have fallen to historic lows, suicide rates are at all-time record highs, alcohol and drug abuse is out of control, sex outside of marriage is rampant, and the streets of our major cities are filled with violence. Study after study has shown that kids that come from broken homes are far more likely to commit violent crimes, they are far more likely to get involved with drugs, and they are far more likely to end up impoverished. And societies that do not value the traditional family unit also tend not to value the lives of those that are the most vulnerable… In ancient Greece and Rome, individual human life had no particular value in and of itself. The Spartans left weak children to die on the hillside. Infanticide was common, as it is common even today in many parts of the world. Fathers who wanted sons had few qualms about drowning their newborn daughters. Human beings were routinely bludgeoned to death or mauled by wild animals in the Roman gladiatorial arena. Many of the great classical thinkers saw nothing wrong with these practices. Christianity, on the other hand, contributed to their demise by fostering moral outrage at the mistreatment of innocent human life. In ancient times, child sacrifice was one of the most common ways to get rid of unwanted children. When it was time to make a sacrifice to “the gods”, children that were not wanted were brought and put on the altar. The same thing is essentially happening today, but we give it a different name. We call it “abortion”, and it is done behind closed doors in pristine clinical settings. Since 1973, more than 1.5 billion children have been slaughtered worldwide. So what makes us any better than any of the ancient civilizations that regularly sacrificed their unwanted children? The Bible very strongly denounces child sacrifice, and it also very strongly denounces the various forms of sexual immorality that are exploding in our society today. For decades, the left has been pushing us to accept one form of sexual perversion after another. As societal sentiment has shifted, the right has eventually gone along with most of the changes that have been happening. But God has not changed. He sees everything that is going on, and He has warned us over and over again to change course. If we choose to keep going down this path, we will be cursed and the consequences will be extremely bitter. But if we repent and change our ways we will be greatly blessed. God always gives us a choice, and the clock is ticking. Daily Jot: The American Chronicles: Destination Camping - Bill Wilson – One of the joys of camping/RV life is going on a quest. In fact, our RV is labeled an Entegra Quest. We are often on a quest to take an adventure of a certain ilk. Some friends we have are on a quest of destinations. Whether it is state or national parks, certain trails of the old West or even going to all the Major League baseball parks and seeing games there. You can have a lot of fun and learn a lot from such quests. Recently, our quest took us to one of the major events of the National Football League—the NFL Flag Championships held at the Football Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio. Now, Canton is probably not the most famous of destinations, but this was a great expedition for many reasons. Part of my job with the NFL is to observe and analyze what we call “tentpole” events such as the Flag Championships among other things. Flag football is among the fastest growing sports in the world, especially with young girls and women. While football long has been primarily a man’s sport, flag football has given women the opportunity to play the game and experience the unique benefits of football such as positive life skill development, teamwork, and resiliency. In Canton, over 10,000 young men and women from across the nation competed in a tournament to determine the National Champions of flag football in various age groups. Over 23,000 people attended during the four-day playoffs which were broadcast for the first time on ESPN. That, in of itself, was fun to watch and see the amazing athletes compete. Behind the scenes, there are people who make the tournament work. RCX Sports, for example, organizes the tournament as a partner with the NFL. One of the guys who is really special is Tom LeNeve, who heads up and coordinates the officials. Tom not only has the responsibility of making sure all the referees are scheduled and coordinated, he himself referees games from 8:00 in the morning until they stop playing in the late afternoon. I don’t know how he does it. All day long in the hot sun, game after game. He told me he is inspired by the kids and energized by seeing how they compete at such a high level. Certainly, he has a front row seat. Another behind-the-scenes hero is Avis Roper, who makes sure the event is covered smoothly by the various news outlets—both locally and nationally. He works nonstop bringing people together. To give you an idea of how popular flag football is among high school aged girls, there were over 200 girls at a clinic held by Massillon High School, home of the Tigers. Ohio is working on sanctioning flag as a girls’ varsity sport. These young women showed up and sent a message about how important playing football is to them. After the clinic, where former NFL players gave coaching tips, they had a flag tournament. It was a great experience to see the enthusiasm and, quite frankly, the athleticism of these young ladies. Seeing all these young athletes restores my hope in America—they’re good kids learning good values. The good book says to train up a child in the way he should go. What I saw in Canton does just that. And at the end of each day, I would return “home” to my sister-and-brother-in-law’s back yard where they set up a small RV park for family where the sunsets across Portage Lakes and ends another day of RV adventure. Daily Devotion: Holy Hatred - by Greg Laurie – Hate evil and love what is good; turn your courts into true halls of justice. Perhaps even yet the LORD God of Heaven’s Armies will have mercy on the remnant of his people. —Amos 5:15 - Listen It wasn’t the first time David had traversed this rugged terrain. As a young man, he had been an outlaw in the wilderness, hunted by the paranoid King Saul. The prophet Samuel had anointed David and said he would be the next king of Israel. And after David killed the giant Goliath in the Valley of Elah, the praises of David were on the lips of the people. Saul was paranoid and angry that someone would try to take his position. This drove David into exile, and he was running for his life. But by this time, David was an older man. He was moving more slowly. And it wasn’t Saul who was hunting him but his own son Absalom, who wanted to put him to death. David really needed to know that God was with him because the last time he was out in that wilderness, he didn’t have the stain of adultery and murder on his conscience. Maybe you’re thinking, “Now, wait a second. I thought the Bible teaches that when God forgives, He forgets.” That is true. God Himself said, “And I will forgive their wickedness, and I will never again remember their sins” (Jeremiah 31:34 NLT). The problem is that we don’t forget so easily. And there is someone else who doesn’t forget: the devil. The Bible refers to him as “the accuser of our brothers and sisters” (Revelation 12:10 NLT). So yes, God forgives you, but the devil won’t let you forget as easily. He will go into the video player of your mind, so to speak, bring back that sin and remind you of it. He will continuously hit play, rewind, play, rewind. It’s at times like these that we must go back to the cross and say, “Lord Jesus, You died for this sin. You shed your blood for it. And I know You have forgiven me. I stand on Your promise of forgiveness.” We find that promise in 1 John 1:9: “But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness” (NLT). You may be standing on that promise now. And so you should. We like to cite promises like this one to bring comfort to our hearts. However, the promise is contingent on our meeting certain conditions. Yes, God says that He will forgive us. But this verse also says that we must confess our sins to Him. Confessing our sin is more than mere acknowledgment. It is seeing our sin as God sees it. And how does God see sin? He hates it. In fact, the Bible tells us to “hate evil and love what is good” (Amos 5:15 NLT). The question is this: When we acknowledge our sin, are we truly seeing it as God sees it, with a holy hatred? If we have not confessed our sin, then we cannot stand on the promise of 1 John 1:9. So, let’s be sure that we have done it God’s way. PROPHECY UPDATE NEWS HEADLINES Yesterday's Prophecies - Today's Headlines HEADLINES IN PARTNERSHIP WITH TRACKING BIBLE PROPHECY 7/25/24
FROM THE HEART Let Us Make the Short Time We have Left, Count for ALL of Eternity! IF YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED THROUGH THIS MINISTRY, THEN WE ASK THAT YOU WOULD PLEASE REMEMBER PROPHECY UPDATE IN YOUR GIVING - WE ARE TRULY, TRULY, THANKFUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT WORTHY OF YOUR SUPPORT? One of the most reliable ways to determine if a ministry is worthy of your financial support is to examine its fruits. If Prophecy Update is keeping you informed, and if that information inspires you, and causes you to draw closer to the Lord, if Prophecy Update equips you with valuable information and knowledge to share with and encourage other believers, and open the eyes of non-believers, and if Prophecy Update keeps you connected to current events relating to Bible Prophecy, then you are partaking of the fruit produced through this ministry. None of this would be possible without the Lords blessings and your support. I believe where the Lord guides, the Lord provides, and most of the time He provides through the willing and generous hearts of believers just like you and me. Humbly Seek Your Support Prophecy Update has no corporate sponsors. This ministry is paid for and prayed for by readers and supporters. Without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update, Please pray about becoming a monthly supporter - thanks! If ever there was a time to invest in God's Kingdom, it's now! What on earth are you doing for Heaven's Sake? "Share in the Blessings and Rewards that will last Forever!" "Folks, it's all beginning to unravel. America is in more danger of falling than at any time in its history. But I believe Bible prophecy predicts this very decline. From this point on, we believers have to get serious. We are going to face discouragement, disillusionment and, most certainly, persecution in the time between now and the Rapture. But don't be discouraged or disillusioned. The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey 1) We need your prayers!- We proclaim the Truth of the Word of God and we are under constant spiritual and sometimes even physical attack. 2) We need your encouragement!- We need to hear from you, let us know how the Lord is blessing you through this ministry so that we can share it with others. 3) We need your input! - If you have a prophetic article or story or if there is a news related item we missed, let us know. 4) We need your financial support!- To put it quite simply, without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update. I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Remember, your gift, no matter how small, does make a difference! You will be helping to touch lives, around the world, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, thanks to the internet your generosity carries a global impact! - Thanks! Our Prayer for You- "Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else." 2 Corinthians 9:10-13 If you have been blessed by Prophecy Update and would like to help support this ministry financially. You can make a secure donation online by going to: DONATE NOW Or write us at: Prophecy Update P.O. Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384-0516 We are very pleased to offer all our readers this FREE download on Bible Prophecy from the Evangelical Bible College of Western Australia - Just download and enjoy and be blessed! Feel free to share it with all your friends and family members. Click below to download! "AS YOU SEE THE DAY APPROACHING" If You Died Today, Would You Go To Heaven? Find out, visit: How to know God DID YOU KNOW? You can submit an article, leave a comment or praise report at email: [email protected] Maranatha! (Lord Come Quickly) "On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand, All other ground is sinking sand." "Let Us make the short time we have left count for all eternity!" YBIC-Randy
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