Tectonic Shifts: Did God Use an Earthquake in The Middle East to Thwart an Attack On Israel?8/19/2024 TODAY'S NEWSLETTER...
Tectonic Shifts: Did God Use an Earthquake in The Middle East to Thwart an Attack On Israel? – By Mark Hitchcock - https://harbingersdaily.com/tectonic-shifts-did-god-use-an-earthquake-in-the-middle-east-to-thwart-an-attack-on-israel/
Tectonic shifts are taking place in the Middle East. We see tectonic shifts politically, certainly militarily, but now we’re seeing tectonic shifts literally. An earthquake in Syria this last week has profoundly affected Hezbollah and could be one of the reasons why Iran and the terror organization have delayed their invasion of Israel. The assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, who was the leader of Hamas, took place in Tehran over two weeks ago on July 31. Iran is insisting that they are going to retaliate against Israel. However, Tehran added that one thing could prevent their attack: a ceasefire in the Israel-Gaza war. The problem is it appears everybody wants the ceasefire except Israel and Hamas in Gaza. Israel intends to prosecute this war to the end, which I believe they should. If they don’t, they’ll just be delaying the inevitable. I don’t think the Hamas leaders in Gaza and surrounding arab nations want this war to end either; they would much prefer to continue using it as leverage and a tool to stoke even more global hatred for Israel. The United States is currently accelerating its deployment of a carrier strike group to the Middle East, even sending a nuclear submarine to this area. Interestingly, the United States doesn’t normally announce the whereabouts of our nuclear sub’s location—that’s a top secret. I think all of this is happening not because the US wants to escalate but because the US wants to de-escalate. We want the world to see that we have Israel’s back, and hopefully, this will cause Iran to stand down. A Wall Street Journal headline reads, “In Israel, Support Grows for Offensive Against Hezbollah.” There is increased support in Israel to get this thing started and neutralize Hezbollah. There’s also growing fear that Iran and Israel could attack each other’s nuclear facilities—that would, of course, be an apocalyptic scenario if that were to happen. Time will tell how extreme and extensive the war and the destruction will be. The main story I would like to highlight surrounds the earthquake that took place recently in Syria. There’s an article in the Jerusalem Post about this fascinating development. The headline of the article says, “Heaven sent: Is Lebanon’s earthquake a testament to divine protection?“ Here is some intriguing information the article included: Hezbollah’s underground ambitions may now lie buried, turned to ashes before they had any chance to harm us. In our collective memory, Tisha B’Av has always been a solemn day, marked by the destruction of the First and Second Temples. To provide further context, Tisha B’Av is a day of sorrow and reflection, which usually falls on our calendar in early August. It marks the destruction of Solomon’s Temple in 586 BC and the destruction of the Second Temple in AD 70. Those events happened on the same day. That’s not an accident—that’s divine providence. It was the hand of God showing the Jewish people that He was behind these destructions that took place because of their disobedience to Him. The article continues: This year, however, the day bore witness to what many of us view as a modern-day miracle—a testament to divine intervention that could not have come at a more crucial time. Reports confirmed a 5.4-magnitude earthquake that struck Syria and Lebanon, profoundly impacting the region. This was not just any seismic event; it may have served as an unanticipated yet divine act that thwarted a grave threat against the Jewish nation. Hezbollah, an established proxy of Iran, had been preparing to launch an attack on Israel—a direct affront planned deliberately for Tisha B’Av. Many of the group’s underground tunnels, teeming with armaments, may have been reduced to rubble by an act of God to protect His children, which could effectively halt Hezbollah’s nefarious plan before it could materialize. It is hard to perceive it as mere coincidence that the earth shook on the very day Hezbollah had intended to send Israel into mourning once more. With tunnels collapsing and their arsenals buried, what could have been a devastating assault turned into a day of bewildering relief and gratitude. Throughout history, Jews have faced adversaries who sought to dismantle our spirit and our faith. This recent event is yet another example that, irrespective of the gathered forces against us, divine protection remains steadfast. Tisha B’Av, usually a day of sorrow and reflection, was transformed into a moment where we could see the hand of God in action, turning our potential despair into potential reassurance. It is possible that say that Iran and Hezbollah must now be reeling from this unforeseen disruption. We have previously discussed a number of reasons why Iran may be delaying this invasion. They may be trying to get more concessions out of the West. They may be waiting for air defense systems to come in from Russia. They may just be afraid. They don’t really want to escalate as the US is moving more assets into the area. There is a multitude of reasons why they might be delaying, but one thing that has yet to be accounted for is that Iran may have had a plan for Tisha B’Av. This earthquake collapsed many Hezbollah tunnels, which may account for this further delay. One thing is sure in all of this: God is in control of the timetable and the scope of any attack by Iran and Hezbollah against Israel. God controls the time, and God controls the extent of that attack. Daniel 1:1-2, at the beginning of the book of Daniel in 605 BC, describes the Babylonians coming against Judah and Jerusalem. It reads: “In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah came Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon unto Jerusalem, and besieged it. And the Lord gave Jehoiakim king of Judah into his hand, with part of the vessels of the house of God: which he carried into the land of Shinar to the house of his god; and he brought the vessels into the treasure house of his god.” It’s interesting to note all these verbs in these verses have to do with Nebuchadnezzar. Nebuchadnezzar came, besieged, carried away, and put these articles in the temple in Babylonia. But in the middle of all the actions of King Nebuchadnezzar, it says, “the Lord gave Jehoiakim king of Judah into his hand.” Nebuchadnezzar thought he was in total control of what was happening, but God was behind the scenes working, and it was God who delivered a Jehoiakim into his hand. God delivers into the enemy’s hand, and God delivers out of the enemy’s hand. We need to remember that with all that is happening in the world today. Pastor Greg Laurie of Harvest Riverside shared a story from history that aptly displays God’s ultimate hand of control over the affairs and wars of nations: History tells us that on the morning of the Battle of Waterloo, Napoleon stood gazing on the field of battle and described to his commanding officer the strategy for that day’s campaign. Then he declared that at the end of the day, England would be at the feet of France, and the Duke of Wellington, who was leading the British forces, would be the prisoner of Napoleon. After a pause, Napoleon’s commanding officer boldly said, “We must not forget that man proposes, but God disposes.” With arrogant pride, Napoleon shot back, “I want you to understand, sir, that Napoleon proposes and Napoleon disposes.” Commenting on that statement, Victor Hugo said, “After that moment, Waterloo was lost, for God sent rain and hail so that the troops could not be maneuvered as he had planned, and on the night of the battle it was Napoleon who was prisoner of Wellington, and France was at the feet of England.” It’s a great and true statement: “man proposes, but God disposes.” And I think we saw that statement play out with the earthquake in the Middle East on Monday. That may have been the day (Tisha B’Av) that Hezbollah intended to attack, rubbing salt on their wound during their day of sorrow and reflection—But God had other plans. God’s hand sent this 5.4 magnitude earthquake, literally shifting the tectonic plates to cause this plan to be thwarted. Now, that doesn’t mean that Hezbollah will not attack sometime in the future, but I think it was a message to the Jewish people. It was also a subtle message, I’m sure, that wasn’t lost on Hezbollah. They saw these tunnels cave in, wondering, “Here we are making all these plans, and look what’s happening!” It had to give them pause. We need to remember that whatever happens in the Middle East, in fact, whatever happens in our lives, God always has the last word. People are proposing, they do what they want to do, but God is disposing. God’s will will be done in His time and His way. God is working behind the scenes in His providence, ordering, orchestrating, and overseeing the events of history. Sometimes, God steps in a more open way, like this earthquake, and shows His Hand. This is just one little kind of glimmer of light, if you will, in this dark situation, to show us that God is present and God is at work. I hope you’ll see that and look for that in your own life as well. The Judgment of God - By Daymond Duck - https://www.raptureready.com/2024/08/17/the-judgment-of-god-by-daymond-duck/ (FYI: In this article, “IT” refers to the coming Judgment/Tribulation Period, and “WHO” refers to Jesus/God.). Hal Lindsey, one of my favorite authors and Bible prophecy teachers, recently wrote an article titled “Don’t Stay Silent as the World Runs Headlong Into the Judgment of God.” Lindsey said, · Judgment is coming to the world. · God said it, and you can count on it. · It is defined in scripture as a period that begins after the rapture, at a time when humanity believes it has entered an era of peace and safety on its own and without God. · But the peace and safety will be an illusion followed by an outpouring of the judgment of God. Scripture calls this period of God’s judgment several things: Jeremiah 30:7 calls it, · The time of Jacob’s Trouble. Zephaniah 1:14-16 calls it, · The great day of the Lord, · A day of wrath, · A day of trouble and distress, · A day of waste and desolation, · A day of darkness and gloominess, · A day of clouds and thick darkness, · A day of the trumpet and alarm against the fenced cities and against the high towers. Isaiah 26:20 calls it, · The indignation. Isaiah 34:8 calls it, · The day of the Lord’s vengeance. Daniel 9:24-27, · The seventieth week of Daniel. · God’s purpose for this period of Judgment (the seventieth week) was revealed to the prophet Daniel by the angel Gabriel (a messenger angel that reveals something about the first or second coming of Jesus every time he appears in Scripture). “Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy” (Dan. 9:24). Gabriel came out of heaven to reveal six things to Daniel about the Jews and Jerusalem: · To finish the transgression (to cause the Jews to stop rebelling against God), · To make an end of sins (to cause the Jews to stop sinning against God and others), · To make reconciliation for iniquity (to cause the Jews to accept Jesus as their Messiah and Saviour; to accept Him as the only permanent atonement for their sins), · To bring in everlasting righteousness (to begin the Millennial Kingdom and make everlasting righteousness a reality for saved Jews), · To seal up the vision (to complete every prophecy that must be completed by this time, including the last seven years of Israel’s 490 years of punishment), · To anoint the most Holy (some experts say this means anoint a new Temple, others say it means anoint Jesus as the Messiah, and others, including myself, say it probably means both). The Disciples asked Jesus about the signs of His coming, and He said: “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s (Israel’s; Isa. 45:4) sake those days shall be shortened” (Matt. 24:21-22). The rise of the Antichrist over the coming New World Order will lead to nuclear war, famine, pestilence, persecution, and disasters that would destroy every living being on earth were it not for the Second Coming of Jesus. You see, it is not just a matter of WHAT is coming (the Judgment): it is also a matter of WHO is coming (the Judge of all things). He is: · The One who spoke all things into existence, · The King of kings and Lord of lords, · The King of the Jews, · The Holy One of Israel, · The One who is all-powerful, everywhere, and sees and knows everything, · The One who will raise the dead and cast the lost into outer darkness, · The One who will cast the Antichrist and False Prophet into the Lake of Fire, · The One who will cast Satan into the Bottomless Pit for 1,000 years and ultimately into the Lake of Fire, · The One who will separate the wheat from the tares, the sheep nations from the goat nations, · And more. I believe the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Tribulation Period; Rev. 6:1-8) are saddled up, the horsemen have their feet in the stirrups, their horses are pawing at the ground, and they are ready to charge forth. Here are some reasons why: One, concerning Israel’s war with Iran and the Jews rebuilding the Temple at the end of the age: on Aug. 13, 2024, Moshe Feiglin (leader of one of Israel’s Orthodox Jewish parties) produced a video with a message to the Ayatollah Khamenei in Iran. Among other things, Feiglin said: · We have reached the end of days. · We have reached the moment of truth. · We have reached the end of the historical conclusion. · We have reached the Day of Judgment. · In the name of the God of Israel, we will fight for truth, justice, and freedom. · We will destroy you on all fronts. · And when we win, we will complete the true vision of our prophets … we will build the palace of God, the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, our capital. · We will light the menorah, and we will bring freedom, life, and peace to the entire world. Here is a link to the entire article: (HERE) Two, concerning the salvation of all Israel at the end of the Tribulation Period: the constant attack on Israel is causing the Jews to become more spiritual. On Aug. 8, 2024, David Parsons, vice president and senior spokesman for the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem, told CBN News, I think the nation has grown in confidence as they’ve fended off even Iranian attacks with the hand of God behind them. So, it’s looking better. Three, concerning wars and rumors of wars: on Aug. 6, 2024, the U.S. confirmed that it has sent clear messaging to Iran that the risk of a major escalation is extremely high if they launch a significant retaliatory attack against Israel. Four, concerning wars and rumors of wars: on Aug. 8, 2024, Israel’s Defense Min. sent a warning to Lebanon (before Israel decides to destroy Lebanon). · Citizens of Lebanon, Shiite Iran, and those who submit [to its ideology], led by Hezbollah, have taken Lebanon and its people hostage for the sake of narrow sectarian interests. · The State of Israel wants peace, prosperity, and stability on both sides of the northern border and, therefore, will in no way allow the Hezbollah militia to destabilize the border and the region. · If Hezbollah continues its aggression, Israel will fight it with all its might. Five, concerning wars and rumors of wars: on Aug. 8, 2024, a leading member of Iran’s nuclear negotiating team promised on Wednesday to “wipe out” every American military base in the Middle East if the United States joins Israel in an attack on the Islamic Republic. (My comment: The U.S. warned Iran on Aug. 6, Israel warned Lebanon on Aug. 8, and Iran warned the U.S. on Aug. 8. It looks like war is looming.) (More: On Aug. 9, 2024, Iran informed the UN that it would honor any Gaza ceasefire and hostage deal accepted by Hamas, but Iran still intends to punish Israel for killing Haniyeh.) (More: On Aug. 10, 2024, it was reported that Jordan will allow Israel to use its airspace if it attacks Iran.) (More: Following U.S. warnings against a major attack on Israel: on Aug.9, 2024, it was reported that the U.S. Border Patrol is on high alert after reports that Iran is trying to sneak money and materials into the U.S. to use in a terrorist attack.) (More: On Aug. 11, 2024, it was reported that Iran has agreed to delay its attack on Israel to allow negotiators a little more time to advance a ceasefire in Gaza.) Six, concerning the decline of America, and God blessing those that bless Israel and cursing those that curse Israel: on Aug. 8, 2024, expert Bible prophecy teacher Amir Tsarfati wrote: · The Jewish state knows who its friends are … and so does the God of Israel. · I don’t worry about Israel. God has us safely in His hand. He has mapped out our future, and He will carry out His will. · I am much more concerned with the United States, the United Kingdom, and the rest of Europe. (More: On Aug. 13, 2024, the U.S. approved the sale of $20 billion of weapons to Israel, but it will take years for the U.S. to produce and deliver them to Israel.) (More: On Aug. 13, 2024, it was reported that Israel is preparing to manufacture its own heavy bombs because they can no longer trust the U.S. to supply them. It will take Israel 2-3 years to start producing what they need.) Seven, concerning the accusation that former Pres. Trump is a threat to Democracy: on Aug. 10, 2024, it was reported that Nancy Pelosi has confirmed that she was joined by former Pres. Obama and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Shumer in an effort to pressure Pres. Biden to drop out of the presidential race because they didn’t think he could be re-elected this coming November. Eight, concerning Russia, Iran, and others becoming allies and attacking Israel in the latter days and latter years: on Aug. 9, 2024, it was reported that: · Dozens of Russian military personnel are being trained in Iran to use the Fath-360 close-range ballistic missile system. · Two European intelligence sources said they expect the imminent delivery of hundreds of satellite-guided weapons to Russia for its war in Ukraine. Nine, concerning world government and a borderless world: on Aug. 10, 2024, Breitbart reported that an unofficial DHS report provided by a source in the Customs and Border Protection agency said: · In 2023, 24,125 migrants from communist China were apprehended at the U.S. southern border. · In 2024, 35,300 migrants from communist China were apprehended at the U.S. southern border. Kamala Harris is America’s Border Czar, and most of them have been released into the U.S. Ten, concerning natural disasters increasing like birth pains at the end of the age: on Aug. 13, 2024, it was reported that: Churches across the western United States are facing soaring insurance premiums, and even potential closure, as high building costs and extreme weather, including hurricanes, wildfires, severe thunderstorms, and flooding buffet their regions. Eleven, concerning Trump’s salvation: on Aug. 13, 2024, the Daily Wire reported that Trump said: The fact that he turned his head at the exact moment when the would-be assassin took the shot should make those who don’t believe in God reconsider their beliefs. · “I’m a believer,” Trump said. · “Now, I’m more of a believer.” · Several minutes later, Trump said that the fact that he turned his head to read a chart that was displayed at his rally was “an act of God” and “a miracle.” Twelve, concerning antisemitism and corruption in the UN: on Aug. 14, 2024, the UN Security Council convened an emergency session to discuss a recent Israeli attack on terrorists hiding in a school in Gaza. Israel’s ambassador to the UN gave the UN pictures and information on the terrorists that were killed and said: · You convened for these terrorists who used a school as their terror base, but for the children of Majdal Shams, murdered by Hezbollah’s rocket fire, you couldn’t find the time for an urgent session! Shame on you! · The Council convened today to discuss Hamas’ false claims. Shockingly, it seems that you have decided to dedicate your time to listen to the terrorists’ lies while no real concern has been shown when Israeli children were murdered recently by Hezbollah. · Israel’s ambassador also gave the UN Security Council pictures of the children who were murdered by a Hezbollah missile in Majdal Shams. (More: On Aug. 13, 2024, the Houthi terrorists in Yemen raided a UN office, took UN staff members hostage, and stole critical UN documents.) (My opinion: The UN is antichrist and anti-Israel. Its New World Order will come under God’s curse; Gen. 12:1-3.) (FYI: For a 2 ½ min video about Keeping God’s Land, go to this link: https://keepgodsland.com/.) Here is my daily update on the Israel-Hamas war: Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2024 (Day 306): The two-hundred fifty-first day of the resumed war. Day 93 of the attack on Rafah. · Turkey petitioned the UN International Court of Justice to let Turkey join the case against Israel, and he demanded that the international community (wannabe world government) intervene in the Israel-Hamas war against Israel. · Israeli officials said they do not believe Hamas wants a ceasefire in Gaza. Sinwar now heads the Hamas politburo, and he wants to expand the war. Thursday, Aug. 8, 2024 (Day 307): The two-hundred fifty-second day of the resumed war. Day 94 of the attack on Rafah. · Israel destroyed a booby-trapped building and several terrorists in Rafah. · Israel struck 2 schools and killed 15 terrorists in Gaza. Friday, Aug. 9, 2024 (Day 308): The two-hundred fifty-third day of the resumed war. Day 95 of the attack on Rafah. · Israel assassinated another senior Hamas commander in Lebanon. · A U.S. poll found that 70% of U.S. voters support Israel and believe Hamas should be removed from Gaza. Saturday, Aug. 10, 2024 (Day 309): The two-hundred fifty-fourth day of the resumed war. Day 96 of the attack on Rafah. · Israeli jets killed 19 members of Hamas that were holed up in a Gaza school. Sunday, Aug. 11, 2024 (Day 310): The two-hundred fifty-fifth day of the resumed war. Day 97 of the attack on Rafah. · The U.S. Sec. of Defense ordered a guided missile submarine (armed with more than 150 tomahawk missiles) and another aircraft carrier and strike force with more jets to the Middle East. · Hamas said it will not attend the ceasefire negotiations that are set to begin this coming Thursday. Monday, Aug. 12, 2024 (Day 311): The two-hundred fifty-sixth day of the resumed war. Day 98 of the attack on Rafah. · Israel said Iran is smuggling more weapons and money through Jordan to terrorists in Israel with instruction to increase terrorist attacks inside Israel during an Iranian and Hezbollah retribution attack on Israel. · Britain, France, and Germany warned Iran and her allies to stop attacking Israel because it will jeopardize the upcoming ceasefire negotiations. · Hamas admitted that a guard killed one male hostage and severely injured 2 female hostages. Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2024 (Day 312): The two-hundred fifty-seventh day of the resumed war. Day 99 of the attack on Rafah. · Hamas fired 2 rockets at Tel Aviv, Israel from Gaza. There was no damage. · Iran rejected the warning of Britain, France, and Germany for Iran and her allies to stop attacking Israel. Iran said it lacks political logic and contradicts principles of international law. FYI: God does not send anyone to Hell (all of us are born with a sin nature and destined to go to Hell because we sin), but God has provided a way (Jesus) for everyone to go to heaven (and He is the only way to get there; John 14:6). Finally, are you Rapture Ready? If you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this. [email protected] PROPHECY UPDATE VIDEOS
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I believe where the Lord guides, the Lord provides and most of the time He provides through the willing and generous hearts of believers just like you and me. I genuinely believe that Prophecy Update and many other like-minded ministries, are needed now more than ever! The world is getting darker daily, almost hourly, but never has the light of the Word of God shone so brightly. Never in our history has there been such a thirst for Truth and a need for a Savior! The Prophecy Update website, newsletter, and Video Channels are all dedicated to providing the truth, encouraging and informing believers, and prayerfully opening the eyes and hearts of non-believers with the Gospel, but none of it would be possible without your prayers and support. DONATE HERE Your can also mail your support to: Prophecy Update PO Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384 Restraint, Derision, then Catastrophism – Terry James - https://terryjamesprophecyline.com/2024/08/18/restraint-derision-then-catastrophism/ A number of reports coming across my research in the sudden seeming collapse of US and world economic conditions, make it clear that, now, the long-feared disaster has begun. There would be no stopping the total collapse from happening, although it might take some time coming. This continues to be the conclusion by even some folks who look at such matters through the prism of Bible prophecy. This collapse will bring on the globalists’ desire to begin instituting the Great Reset that’s been long desired by Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum (WEF) sorts. This means the Tribulation is about to begin, or maybe has begun. We can next expect the beginning of the fulfillment of all Bible prophecy. That includes the Antichrist’s rise to power and Israel being assaulted. This will result in the catastrophes outlined throughout the book of Revelation. Agreed. When the Tribulation begins, the severity of God’s judgment and wrath will increase in intensity, and the planet will reel from the resulting carnage. Antichrist will more or less rule for a time, and Israel will become the object of Satan’s full-scale wickedness as he strives to destroy God’s chosen nation. We see developments toward the rise of Satan’s man of sin each and every news cycle. The WEF and others of that organization’s ilk are making great strides toward constructing the New World Order long advocated by one-world architects such as the now-deceased David Rockefeller. As a matter of fact, that progress was so aggressively pursued that I believe they were getting ahead of God’s governance. That is, they exceeded their allowed evil progression—at least time-wise. And that’s why I titled this commentary “Restraint, Derision, then Catastrophism.” My thinking on all this involves the American political left. That is the ideology–perhaps better stated, the “theology”—of the extreme left on the political spectrum of America and the world. It is indeed a theological drive toward removing God’s supremacy and installing the luciferian authority embraced by these people and their activities. Each political nuance pursued by that fanatic element is focused on evil continually. That is, the adherents to the woke insanity, for example, accept every form of wickedness God’s Word says goes against His holiness and His will for humankind. God has thus given them over to the “reprobate mind” of Romans 1:28. I maintain that the evil coming from the leftist ideology/theology has just been handed an astounding restraint by the backhand of the Lord of Heaven and earth. Rather than the sudden downward plunge by the stock markets of America, Japan, and the world being used by the WEF to create conditions to further their Great Reset ambitions (as I’m convinced was intended), God used that contrived event to heap derision upon, in particular, those on the American political left. The stock market’s dramatic fall starkly pointed out the abysmal way the current presidential administration has detrimentally afflicted this nation—and thereby the entire world, because the rest of the world economies are so intricately linked to that of the US. This, and the chaos created within the party of the anti-God left by apparently choosing totally woke candidates for the 2024 presidential election, in my opinion, is God’s hand of restraint and fulfillment of His Psalm chapter 2 promise of “laughing to derision” those who would put their power above the supremacy of God. That was the huge mistake Lucifer made when he looked into that mirror of iniquity and said his “I wills” (Isaiah 14:14). And this is to in no way say I believe this means one party will prevail over another in the upcoming election. We should pray and vote as God gives light to the believing mind–the spirit within. With everything that’s happening in every direction on the end-times landscape, our primary focus should be as Jesus Himself commanded: And when you see all these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your head, for your redemption draws near. (Luke 21:28) God’s restraining hand will be on this world as long as believers of this age are on the earth. When Jesus calls all of God’s family to be with Him upon the clouds of Glory, all will come crashing down–including the economy that has been miraculously kept from total collapse, as predicted for two decades or more. Catastrophism—the complete disruption of things as usual upon the earth—will then be the result of humanity’s rebellion and the embrace of Satan’s Antichrist counterfeit. That rejection of God will bring judgment and wrath the likes of which Jesus said will be the worst of all human history (Matthew 24:21). You don’t want to be here when Antichrist rules and God’s judgment and wrath begin to fall on the rebels of this world. Here is how to go to the safety found only in Jesus Christ when He calls all believers to Himself in the Rapture: That if you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and will believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (Romans 10:9–10) They Are Preparing For Absolutely Massive Anti-Israel Protests At The Democratic National Convention - by Michael Snyder - https://endoftheamericandream.com/they-are-preparing-for-absolutely-massive-anti-israel-protests-at-the-democratic-national-convention/ Do you remember what happened when the Democrats held their convention in Chicago in 1968? The Democrats are really hoping to avoid a repeat of what we witnessed 56 years ago, and Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson insists that law enforcement authorities in his city are ready. We shall see. Tens of thousands of protesters from 264 different radical protest groups have descended upon Chicago, and the war in the Middle East is what they are upset about more than anything else. They are determined to get as much attention as possible, because so far the Biden administration has not been responsive to their demands. According to Politico, after Joe Biden dropped out of the race and Kamala Harris became the nominee, pro-Palestinian protesters “paused to rethink their approach”. But then they remembered that Kamala Harris has supported every move that Joe Biden has made in the Middle East, and so they decided to go “full steam ahead”… “We all came to a consensus that it’s not going to make a difference, that [Harris] represents this administration,” said Hatem Abudayyeh, chair of the U.S. Palestinian Community Network. “We’re going to stay full steam ahead.” And he noted, his organization referred to Harris as “Killer Kamala” even before she topped the ticket and continues to push for harsher restrictions on the Israeli government, like an arms embargo — something that a top Harris adviser has said she doesn’t support. So what does “full steam ahead” look like? According to NBC News, there will be over 20,000 protesters from over 264 different protest groups… More than 20,000 protesters are expected to cram into a 1.4 mile-long court-approved protest route near Democratic National Convention in Chicago next week, creating a potential standoff between demonstrators and a police department with a history of excessive force. The 264 protest groups that have said they will participate are primarily focused on Palestinian rights, ending the war in Gaza and reducing U.S. aid to Israel. Others represent a patchwork of left-leaning causes: climate activists, socialists, anti-racist organizations, queer and trans rights groups. Considering what is currently happening in the Middle East, this is literally the worst place that the Democrats could have picked for their convention. Today, Cook County has the largest Palestinian population in the entire country… And they’ve got a lot of power behind them. Cook County, where Chicago resides, is home to the largest Palestinian population in the United States. “It’ll be the largest protest in the history of Chicago for Palestinian rights, specifically,” said Hatem Abudayyeh, national chair for the U.S. Palestinian Community Network. Needless to say, they are going to come out in force for these protests. The first major protest is scheduled for Monday… There are at least six major protests planned on the streets of Chicago during the Democratic National Convention. The biggest is planned for the first day, Monday, when “tens of thousands” are expected to march just blocks from the United Center, where Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, will give their acceptance speeches. The “family-friendly march” is organized under a pro-Palestinian umbrella coalition that includes groups devoted to a variety of causes. Organizers are busing in protesters from Michigan, Minnesota, Indiana and Wisconsin, and activists are also coming in from New York and California, too. Will there be violence? Let’s hope not. The city of Chicago has erected a vast array of fences and barricades that are designed to keep protesters in approved areas… Fences, barricades and parked snow plows have already limited movement in key downtown areas, with helicopters buzzing overhead. Grumpy business owners are worrying about lost sales, and some residents and tourists say it all appears a bit overblown. Will those measures be enough? Not taking any chances, some Chicago businesses have already been boarding up their windows… Several downtown Chicago businesses have been boarded up as concerns run high over protests and potential unrest as the Democratic National Convention (DNC) kicks off on Monday. “We have experience with this, and the city doesn’t have a great track record with protecting their businesses or their citizens’ property. So we want to be preemptive and board up and in advance of the Democratic convention,” Scott Shapiro, owner of Syd Jerome, told Fox News as he boarded up his business. If I had a business in downtown Chicago, I would be boarding it up too. The Democrats are supposed to be against walls, but in this instance they are so terrified of violence that they have actually constructed an enormous wall around their entire convention… For years now, Democrats have insisted that walls are racist and don’t work but those rules apparently don’t apply when it comes to their safety. The Democrat National Convention kicks off in Chicago this week and with the anticipation of massive protests by the radical left, Democrats are building a protective wall around the event. For once, the Democrats have made a wise move. If that wall wasn’t there, what would have happened? Thankfully, we will never find out. Of course prominent Democrats will need to be on guard when they are away from the United Center too. Axios is reporting that House Democrats are being urged “not to book hotel rooms under their own names” due to the threat of potential violence… House Democrats attending the Democratic National Convention next week are being advised by congressional security officials not to book hotel rooms under their own names or engage with protesters if confronted, Axios has learned. Let’s hope that nobody gets seriously hurt over the course of the next week. Hopefully the protesters will find ways to blow off steam that do not involve causing physical injury to anyone. Before I end this article, there is one more item that I wanted to mention. Those that are applying for jobs with the Harris campaign have “nine different options for pronouns” that they are allowed to choose from… The presidential campaign for Kamala Harris is now including special pronoun options for job applicants, as part of their commitment to diversity and inclusion. The job application for the Harris campaign includes nine different options for pronouns, including ‘xe/xem,’ ‘ze/hir,’ ‘ey/em,’ ‘fae/faer’ and ‘hu/hu.’ ‘Fae/faer,’ indicates a gender-fluid person but non-masculine, sometimes of Celtic origin. ‘Hu/hu,’ pronouns are third person gender-neutral pronouns referring to both a man and a woman. Can you imagine how exhausting it would be to try to remember the correct pronouns of everybody that you are working with? Our country is literally going insane, and that should deeply sadden all of us. I just hope that we don’t see too much insanity in Chicago this week, because political violence is not a solution for anything. Daily Jot: The prophetic wind swirling around Israel - Bill Wilson – www.dailyjot.com There is a prophetic wind swirling around Israel as we witness the ancient words of holy scripture playing out in historic fashion. Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11 is the Torah portion called Va’etchanan and it is read following the fast of Tishah B’Av, which began August 12th this year at sundown and continued until an hour after sundown on August 13th. Tishah B’Av is the saddest day of the Jewish year because it was on that date that the Sin of the Spies occurred, and both Temples were destroyed–among other national tragedies. Currently, Israel faces terrorist wars from Hamas, Hezbollah and others sponsored and/or supported by prophetic end-times nations Iran (Persia) and Turkey. Moses warns the people not to fall into idolatry, for as Deuteronomy 4:24 says, “ADONAI God is a consuming fire, a jealous God.” This is repeated in Hebrews 12:29. Moses predicted that the people would serve other gods and enter into exile, but that the LORD would have compassion on them when they repent. Moses prophesied in Deuteronomy 4:30-31, “In your distress, when all these things have come upon you, in the acharit-hayamim (end of days), you will return to ADONAI your God and listen to what he says; for ADONAI your God is a merciful God.” Notice that Moses says that the mercy of God will restore Israel in the latter days when they are in distress—tribulation. Tribulation for Israel in the end times is also prophesied by the prophets Daniel, Jeremiah, and Zechariah. Daniel 9:26 says, “…and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary, and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.” “Zechariah 14:2-3 says, “For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city. Then shall the Lord go forth and fight against those nations.” Jeremiah 30:7: “…it is even the time of Jacob’s trouble, but he shall be saved out of it.” This all aligns with the Matthew 24:21 prophecy of Jesus concerning Israel’s troubles in the latter days: “For there will be trouble then worse than there has ever been from the beginning of the world until now, and there will be nothing like it again.” But that is not the end for there is hope. Jesus says of Israel in Luke 13:35, “See! Your house is left to you desolate; and assuredly, I say to you, you shall not see Me until the time comes when you say, “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” Jesus was quoting Psalm 118:26. It was the way people of that day were taught to welcome the Messiah. And when that time comes, the people of Israel will cry out to their Messiah, and He will deliver them. Prophecy is often fulfilled in layers and we may be witnessing the very events leading to the end of days. Daily Devotion: Fearless in a Frightening World - by Greg Laurie – www.harvest.org He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection. —Psalm 91:4 https://harvest.org/resources/devotion/fearless-in-a-frightening-world/ - Listen Fear is an overwhelming emotion that can take hold of us, causing complete irrationality. Sometimes fear can be more devastating than the very thing we are afraid of. But God says that as followers of Jesus Christ, we don’t have to be afraid. Why? Because He is with us. Psalm 91:4 tells us, “He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection” (NLT). The psalmist went on to say, “Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night, nor the arrow that flies in the day. . . . Though a thousand fall at your side, though ten thousand are dying around you, these evils will not touch you” (verses 5, 7 NLT). God will put His wings around us. He will protect us. And because of this, we don’t have to be afraid. However, what the psalmist isn’t saying is that God’s people will be immune to difficulties in life. There are Christians who have faced calamities and hardships. And there are Christians who have been victims of crimes. Therefore, these verses don’t give us a carte blanche promise that we never will face any difficulty. Instead, they give us a promise from God that He will be with us, no matter what we go through. And He will see us through. Interestingly, the devil quoted a passage from Psalm 91 to Jesus during His temptation in the wilderness. Matthew’s Gospel says, “The devil took him to the holy city, Jerusalem, to the highest point of the Temple, and said, ‘If you are the Son of God, jump off! For the Scriptures say, “He will order his angels to protect you. And they will hold you up with their hands so you won’t even hurt your foot on a stone”’” (4:5–6 NLT). The devil was referencing verses 11 and 12 from Psalm 91, but he took the passage out of context. He was attempting to use Scripture to say that Jesus could recklessly test the Lord without consequences. Jesus, however, brought it back into context and replied, “The Scriptures also say, ‘You must not test the Lord your God’” (Matthew 4:7 NLT). We should not go out and unnecessarily endanger our lives. It’s a clear violation of Scripture and obviously tests the Lord. God has a work He is going to do in our lives. And until He is done with that work, we are indestructible. We see this illustrated in the story of the apostle Paul after he was shipwrecked. As Paul attended to a fire, a poisonous snake bit his hand. But Paul simply shook off the snake into the fire. Paul wasn’t affected by the venom because God wasn’t finished with Paul yet. In the same way, God will keep us on Earth and be with us here until He has completed His work through our lives. There are so many things today that can strike fear in our hearts. Yet as we look at a frightening world, we can have courage, not because of who we are but because God is with us. PROPHECY UPDATE NEWS HEADLINES Yesterday's Prophecies - Today's Headlines HEADLINES IN PARTNERSHIP WITH TRACKING BIBLE PROPHECY 8/19/24 http://trackingbibleprophecy.org/birthpangs.php
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