The Importance of Bible Prophecy - Joe Hawkins -
In an era characterized by rapid technological advancements, increasing global tensions, and a marked decline in moral values, the study of Bible prophecy is more important now than ever before. Prophecy serves as a divine roadmap, offering believers insight into current events and assurance of God's sovereign plan. With the moral decay described by Paul in Romans and 1 Timothy mirroring today’s societal trends, understanding prophecy equips Christians to navigate these tumultuous times with hope, discernment, and purpose. Understanding Bible Prophecy Bible prophecy is a significant portion of Scripture, nearly one-third of the Bible consists of prophetic scripture. These prophecies range from the promises of the coming Messiah found in the Old Testament to the apocalyptic visions detailed in the Book of Revelation. Prophecy is not just about predicting the future; it is fundamentally about revealing God's plan and purpose throughout history. The Purpose of Prophecy 1. Revealing God’s Sovereignty Prophecy demonstrates that God is in control of history. Isaiah 46:9-10 declares, "I am God, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done, saying, 'My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure.'" This assurance of divine sovereignty provides believers with comfort and confidence amid uncertainty. 2. Calling to Repentance Many prophetic messages include calls to repentance, urging people to turn back to God. The prophets of the Old Testament, such as Isaiah and Jeremiah, warned Israel of impending judgment while calling them to return to their covenant with God. 3. Providing Hope and Encouragement Prophecies often include promises of restoration and hope for the future. Jeremiah 29:11, spoken to a people in exile, promises, "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." 4. Pointing to the Messiah A central theme of prophecy is the coming of the Messiah. Prophecies such as Isaiah 53 and Micah 5:2 foretold the coming of Jesus Christ, providing a foundation for the New Testament’s revelation of His life, death, and resurrection. 5. Preparing for the End Times Prophecy offers insight into the events leading to the culmination of history. Books like Daniel and Revelation provide detailed visions of the end times, emphasizing the ultimate victory of God’s kingdom. Current Events and the Prophetic Timeline The unfolding of events on the world stage today resonates with biblical prophecies, underscoring the importance of understanding these ancient texts in the context of contemporary developments. Based on the current geopolitical landscape and condition of this world, I believe we are witnessing signs foretold in Scripture, marking the last days. 1. Geopolitical Tensions and Middle Eastern Conflicts The Middle East, specifically Israel, remains a focal point of geopolitical tension, with conflicts and alliances forming that align with prophetic scriptures. Ezekiel 38-39 describes a coalition of nations led by Gog of Magog, which many scholars identify with modern-day Russia and its allies, attacking Israel in the end times. The ongoing conflicts and shifting alliances in the Middle East suggests that the stage is being set for these events. In recent years, the Abraham Accords and other peace agreements have brought significant changes to the political landscape of the region. These developments reflect the Bible's emphasis on Jerusalem as a central player in end-time events (Zechariah 12:2-3). As global leaders strive for peace, the Bible warns of a future false peace orchestrated by the Antichrist (1 Thessalonians 5:3). 2. Rise of Globalism and the Push for a One-World Government The rise of globalism and movements toward a one-world government resonate with visions described in Daniel and Revelation. Daniel 7:23 speaks of a future kingdom that will devour the whole earth, while Revelation 13:7-8 describes a world government that will demand allegiance from all people. The increasing interconnectedness of nations, advancements in technology, and calls for global governance align with these prophetic visions. The concept of a one-world religion is also gaining traction as interfaith movements and ecumenical efforts seek to unite different faiths under a common banner. This aligns with the prophecy in Revelation 17, which describes a religious system that will play a crucial role in end-time events. The growing trend toward religious pluralism and the acceptance of diverse beliefs as equally valid challenge the exclusive claims of Christianity and pave the way for the prophesied deception. 3. Natural Disasters and Pandemics Natural disasters and pandemics are another significant aspect of prophetic literature. Jesus warned in Matthew 24:7-8 that famines, pestilences, and earthquakes would be the beginning of sorrows. In recent years, we have witnessed an increase in the frequency and intensity of natural disasters, alongside global health crises like the COVID-19 plandemic. These events serve as reminders of the fragility of human life and the urgency of preparing for Christ's return. Scientific studies have documented an uptick in extreme weather events and natural disasters, emphasizing the pressing nature of these biblical warnings. As the world grapples with the consequences of these disasters, believers are called to find hope and assurance in the prophetic promises of God’s ultimate redemption and restoration. Moral Decline The Apostle Paul’s letters to the Romans and Timothy provide a vivid depiction of the moral state of humanity in the last days. His writings offer prophetic insight into the spiritual and moral decline that characterizes our contemporary world. 1. A Portrait of Moral Decay In Romans 1:18-32, Paul describes a society that has rejected God and embraced idolatry, immorality, and a distorted understanding of truth. This passage outlines a progression of moral decline, beginning with the suppression of truth and culminating in a debased mind that leads to all forms of wickedness. The passage begins with an indictment of humanity's refusal to acknowledge God’s truth: "because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened." (Romans 1:21). This rejection of divine revelation results in a culture that exchanges the truth of God for lies, worshiping created things rather than the Creator. Paul’s description of this moral decline is strikingly relevant to contemporary society, where relativism and secularism dominate cultural narratives. The rise of individualism and the rejection of absolute truth has led to a society where moral boundaries are blurred, and personal desires are prioritized over divine standards. 2. Spiritual Deception and Apostasy In 1 Timothy 4:1-2, Paul warns of a future time when people will abandon the faith, following deceptive spirits and doctrines of demons. He writes, "Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons" (1 Timothy 4:1). This passage highlights the reality of spiritual deception and apostasy in the last days. The proliferation of false teachings and the erosion of biblical truth are evident in today’s religious landscape. Many churches have compromised on essential doctrines, embracing teachings that align with cultural trends rather than Scripture. This shift away from biblical fidelity mirrors Paul’s warnings and underscores the importance of discernment and adherence to sound doctrine. The Role of Prophecy in the Believer’s Life Studying Bible prophecy is not merely an academic exercise; it is a vital aspect of a believer’s faith that offers several key benefits for believers navigating the complexities of the modern world. 1. Hope and Assurance One of the primary functions of prophecy is to provide hope and assurance. The prophetic promises of Scripture remind believers that God is in control, and His purposes will ultimately prevail. In a world filled with uncertainty, prophecy offers a foundation of confidence and peace, encouraging believers to trust in God’s plan. The hope of Christ’s return is a central theme of New Testament prophecy. Jesus Himself promised, "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also" (John 14:3). This assurance of Christ’s imminent return motivates believers to live with an eternal perspective, finding hope in the promise of His coming kingdom. 2. Spiritual Discernment Prophetic knowledge equips believers to discern truth from deception. As false teachings and ideologies proliferate, understanding prophecy helps Christians remain anchored in biblical truth, recognizing the signs of apostasy and spiritual compromise. Paul’s exhortation in 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22 to "test all things; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil" underscores the importance of discernment in the life of a believer. By studying prophecy, Christians can develop a deeper understanding of God’s Word, enabling them to discern truth from error and stand firm in their faith. 3. Motivation for Holiness The anticipation of Christ’s return motivates believers to live lives marked by holiness and righteousness. Prophecy encourages us to be vigilant, prepared, and actively engaged in sharing the gospel with a world in need of redemption. Peter emphasizes the call to holiness in light of prophetic promises: "Therefore, beloved, looking forward to these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, without spot and blameless" (2 Peter 3:14). The knowledge that Christ could return at any moment inspires believers to live with integrity and pursue a life that honors God. 4. A Call to Evangelism Understanding Bible prophecy also serves as a catalyst for evangelism. As believers recognize the signs of the times and the urgency of the gospel message, they are compelled to share the hope of salvation with others. The realization that we are living in the last days should prompt Christians to proclaim the message of Christ's redemptive work to those who have yet to hear. Jesus commissioned His followers with the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20, instructing them to "go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." The study of prophecy reinforces this mission, emphasizing the importance of reaching a lost world with the message of God's love and grace. In addition to personal evangelism, prophecy can inform the Church's collective outreach efforts. Churches and Christian organizations can use prophetic teachings to engage in meaningful conversations with seekers and skeptics, addressing their questions about the future and pointing them to the ultimate hope found in Christ. 5. Strengthening Discipleship and Teaching Incorporating Bible prophecy into the teaching and discipleship programs of the Church can strengthen the faith and understanding of believers. By exploring prophetic passages, congregations can deepen their knowledge of Scripture and gain a more comprehensive view of God's redemptive plan throughout history. This understanding fosters spiritual maturity and prepares believers to face challenges with confidence. Effective discipleship involves equipping believers to interpret current events through a biblical lens. By teaching prophecy, church leaders can help congregants discern the signs of the times and respond with wisdom and grace. This approach encourages a well-rounded faith that balances knowledge, application, and a heart for evangelism. 6. Avoiding Speculation and Date-Setting One of the most significant challenges in studying prophecy is the temptation to engage in speculation and date-setting. While prophecy provides insight into future events, it is not meant to satisfy curiosity about specific dates or timelines. Jesus Himself warned against trying to predict the exact timing of His return: " But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only" (Matthew 24:36). Instead of focusing on setting dates, believers are called to live in a state of readiness and anticipation, faithfully serving God and others until Christ's return. This balanced approach allows Christians to embrace the urgency of the times without succumbing to speculative theories. 7. Interpreting Prophecy in Context Proper interpretation of prophetic passages requires careful consideration of their historical, cultural, and literary context. Many prophetic texts use symbolic language and imagery, which can lead to varied interpretations. To avoid misinterpretation, it is crucial to study prophecy in light of the whole counsel of Scripture, comparing it with other biblical passages and seeking guidance from reputable scholars and theologians. By approaching prophecy with humility and a commitment to sound hermeneutics, believers can gain a deeper understanding of its significance and relevance for today. Conclusion In these last days, the study of Bible prophecy is more crucial than ever for believers seeking to navigate the complexities of the modern world with wisdom and faith. As current events align with biblical predictions, prophecy offers a roadmap for understanding the times and finding hope in God's sovereign plan. By embracing the teachings of prophecy, Christians can be equipped with spiritual discernment, motivated to pursue holiness, and empowered to share the gospel with urgency and compassion. The moral decline and spiritual deception described in Paul's writings in Romans and 1 Timothy resonate with the challenges facing the Church today. Yet, amidst these challenges, prophecy provides assurance that God is in control and that His kingdom will ultimately prevail. As believers study prophecy, they are reminded of their calling to be ambassadors of God's truth and grace in a world desperately in need of redemption. By remaining anchored in Scripture and committed to doctrinal purity, Christians can stand firm in their faith and fulfill their mission to be a light in the darkness. The study of Bible prophecy is not just a matter of understanding future events; it is an invitation to live with purpose, hope, and anticipation of the glorious return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Joe can be found at: When Everything Shuts Off – Future Cyber War Could Plunge America Into Chaos - Dale Hurd - If war ever reaches the American home front, most people might expect to hear an air raid siren. But what they may actually hear is silence, when many of the things they rely upon each day stop working. The Commission on the National Defense Strategy recently warned senators the United States is "unprepared" for a "devastating" cyber war that will bring life in towns and cities across America to a standstill. Former Congresswoman Jane Harman, Co-Chair of the Commission on the National Defense Strategy told senators, "The public is essentially clueless about the massive cyber-attacks that could be launched any day by our adversaries. Not just nation states but rogue actors as well." Experts see the next war beginning with a keyboard attack on America's critical infrastructure, threatening to cut off the internet, electricity, water, transportation, and financial systems. It would mean almost everything, from phones to gas pumps to cash machines to traffic lights suddenly stops working. Cyber security expert Dr. Samantha Ravich of The Foundation for Defense of Democracies said, "We're very vulnerable." Ravich served on Congress's Cyberspace Solarium Commission and as a Deputy National Security Advisor in the Bush White House. She's especially concerned about the lack of protection at America's many municipal water stations. "A soft underbelly of our country is our water system. And those water utilities don't often have the best cyber security. They have old technology," Ravich said. After a cyber strike on your local water plant, your water tap might not work, or your water could become dangerous to drink. In 2021 a hacker tried to poison the water supply of Oldsmar, Florida by increasing the levels of sodium hydroxide. The city now says it was operator error, but in the last year, foreign actors from Iran and Russia have been linked to water facility attacks in Pennsylvania, Indiana, and Texas. Shawn Waldman, CEO of Ohio-based Secure Cyber and a member of CyberOhio's Critical Infrastructure Working Group says, "One hundred percent of the water systems that I've been involved with have been extremely vulnerable to external attacks, specifically." Waldman warns that adversaries are constantly testing America's cyber defenses for vulnerabilities in preparation for war. "We're in a cyber cold war today," Waldman said. "We've got vulnerabilities with our radar systems and our air traffic control. We've got vulnerabilities in our 911 systems." In China's Operation Volt Typhoon, hackers were able to pre-position bots inside U.S. systems for a possible future attack. They remained undetected for years, spying on the U.S. military. One of those responsible for securing America's power supply in the next cyber war is Andy Bochman, Senior Grid Strategist at the Idaho National Lab. While his team works to make the grid safe, Bochman admitted there are "a million vulnerabilities," and a cyber war could be "bad." "Yeah, if this came to pass in the United States and we lost critical infrastructure services that we take for granted that we come to expect, there will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth as we try to adapt to that 'new normal.' See the recent CrowdStrike thing? and that wasn't even a hack. That was just human error, misconfiguration with a huge impact," Bochman said. In a cyber war, hackers will not be content to just turn things off. They will also try to force potentially dangerous sites like dams and nuclear plants to malfunction. In 2013, Iranian hackers gained access to the control system of a small dam in Rye Brook, New York before being caught. The experts we talked to all believe a cyber war is coming, and all are personally preparing, some with stocks of food, water, and fuel. Ravich advised, "I think that every household can be more prepared for 30 days off the grid. Think about your water. Think about your food stocks. Think about your emergency communications plans. Think about, do you have people in your house that need medicines that are refrigerated?" Even though US experts know that the next war will begin in cyberspace and are scrambling to beef up America's defenses, they also know that in this very internet-connected age, there are likely too many vulnerabilities to defend. PROPHECY UPDATE VIDEOS
Your Support is Important to this Ministry - We Could Not Do This Without Your Support! Let Us Make the Short Time We have Left, Count for ALL of Eternity! Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift! II Corinthians 9:15 Worthy of Your Support? It has been said, one of the most reliable ways to determine if a ministry is worthy of your financial support is to examine its fruits. If Prophecy Update is keeping you informed and if that information inspires you and causes you to draw closer to the Lord, if Prophecy Update equips you with valuable information and knowledge to share with and encourage other believers and open the eyes of non-believers and if Prophecy Update keeps you connected to current events relating to Bible Prophecy then you are partaking of the fruit produced through this ministry. None of this would be possible without the Lords blessings and your support. I believe where the Lord guides, the Lord provides and most of the time He provides through the willing and generous hearts of believers just like you and me. I genuinely believe that Prophecy Update and many other like-minded ministries, are needed now more than ever! The world is getting darker daily, almost hourly, but never has the light of the Word of God shone so brightly. Never in our history has there been such a thirst for Truth and a need for a Savior! The Prophecy Update website, newsletter, and Video Channels are all dedicated to providing the truth, encouraging and informing believers, and prayerfully opening the eyes and hearts of non-believers with the Gospel, but none of it would be possible without your prayers and support. DONATE HERE Your can also mail your support to: Prophecy Update PO Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384 America's Extreme Vulnerability to Cyber Calamity - Brandon Smith - As most people are aware, this month there was a sweeping internet outage across the US which led to a failure in roughly 8.5 million Microsoft Windows devices. Disruptions included banks, airline networks, emergency call centers, online retailers and numerous corporate networks. The outage is estimated to have caused at least $5.4 billion in profit losses and it only lasted about a day. The alleged cause of the breakdown was CrowdStrike, a cyber-security company that uses large scale data updates to Microsoft Windows networks to counter cyber threats. Instead, the company uploaded bugged code and caused a cascading outage. Mac and Linux machines were not affected. The scale of the shutdown was immense - Over 25% of Fortune 500 companies were frozen. Travel essentially stopped. Business transactions for many companies ceased. Some banks including Bank of America, Capital One, Chase, TD Bank and Wells Fargo could not function and customers could not access their accounts. The event reminded me of the panic surrounding the Y2K scare 25 years ago. However, US systems were definitely not digitized to an extent great enough to cause a disaster should there be an internet crash or a software crash. But today things are very different. Nearly every sector of the American (and European) economy and many utilities are directly dependent on a functioning internet. The fear that prevailed during Y2K was unrealistic in 1999. Now, it makes perfect sense. I often hear preppers talk about the impending danger of an EMP leading to a grid-down scenario. However, I would recommend worrying a lot more about cyber threats. I believe these events will become far more common in the next few years for a number of reasons. First and foremost, there is the potential for random error like the CrowdStrike incident. Then there's the potential for a foreign attack on US and European digital infrastructure. Then, there's the potential for a false flag event BLAMED on random error or a foreign government in order to foment war or economic collapse. In 2021 in my article 'Cyber Polygon: Will The Next Globalist War Game Lead To Another Convenient Catastrophe?' I warned that if the pandemic crisis failed to achieve the centralization goals of the World Economic Forum and other globalist institutions, they may use a cyber crisis instead. WEF head Klaus Schwab incessantly compared the idea of a "Cyber Pandemic" to the covid pandemic. He suggested that governments would have to respond to both in a similar fashion (i.e., lockdowns and extensive controls on individual freedoms). In the past I have mentioned a very interesting event that was barely covered by the corporate media called the "Fastly Outage." I examined the implications of this and more in my article 'Obama's Weird New Movie And America's Extreme Vulnerability To Cyber Attack'. In June of 2021 there was an internet outage that led to large swaths of the web going completely dark, including a number of mainstream news sites, Amazon, eBay, Twitch, Reddit, etc. A host of government websites also went down. All this happened when content delivery network (CDN) company Fastly experienced a "bug." Although Amazon had its website back online within 20 minutes, the brief outage cost the company over $5.5 million in sales. A content delivery network is a geographically distributed network of proxy servers and their data centers. They make up what is known as the "backbone" of the internet. Only a handful of these company's support a vast majority of internet activity. All it would take is for a few to go down, and the internet goes down, taking our economy with it. The recent CrowdStrike situation is perhaps the worst web disruption of all time, and that was just a bug in a software update. Imagine if someone wanted to deliberately damage internet functions for an extended period of time? The results would be catastrophic. With supply chains completely dependent on "just-in-time" freight deliveries and those deliveries dependent on efficient digital communications and payments between retailers and manufacturers, a web-down scenario for more than a few days would cause an immediate loss of consumer goods. Stores would empty within hours should the public realize that new shipments might not arrive for a long time. Keep in mind, I'm not even accounting for payment processing between customers and retailers. If that shuts down, then ALL sales shut down. Then, whatever food you have left in your pantry or in storage is what you will have to live on until the problem is fixed. If it is ever fixed... Network attacks are difficult to independently trace, which means anyone can initiate them and anyone can be blamed afterwards. With the increasing tensions between western and eastern nations the chances of an attack are high. And corrupt government officials could also trigger an internet crisis and blame it on foreign enemies - Either to convince the public to go to war, or to convince the public to accept greater authoritarianism. I believe a cyber attack is the next most likely global disaster. We weathered covid and defeated the draconian mandates. The economy is in the midst of a stagflation crisis but the system is still operating. But what if the next ploy is a complete shutdown of the web and a fast moving financial collapse? Figuring out who triggered the breakdown would be nearly impossible. We could suspect, but proving who did it is another matter. In the meantime, western officials controlled by globalist interests could lock down internet traffic and eliminate alternative media platforms they don't like, giving the public access to corporate news sources only. There are millions of Americans out there ready for a systemic collapse. According to surveys around 30% of adult Americans now consider themselves preppers. But that leaves 70% of the population in a daze, unaware and panicking should the supply chain break. Will they care who was behind the attack? Probably not. They'll be far more concerned with simple survival. The people who used to claim it's "doom mongering" to examine the threat of cyber attacks have been proven utterly wrong this past month. We just witnessed one of the worst internet implosions of all time and more are on the way. Prepare accordingly and remember that technological dependency is a double-edged sword. Use your tech wisely and don't let it run your life. Trusted Ministries Warn Pulpits, ‘America Is Doomed Unless The Church Wakes Up And Steps Up’ – By Breanna Claussen - The stakes of the upcoming election in the United States are incredibly high. The outcome has the power to push America’s trajectory in two very different directions. Throughout the Old Testament, we see the stark contrast between when ancient Israel had good vs wicked leaders. In one generation, you would have a king who “did what was right in the eyes of the Lord,” and the nation followed suit. A mere generation later, a wicked king would step into power with the ability to turn the whole of society over to paganism. During that time, God would send his messengers, the prophets, to warn and call to repentance the culture and ruling leadership around them. To Ezekiel, God likened their task to a watchman who would blow a trumpet to inform the city of imminent danger: “I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me” (Ezekiel 33:7). Paganism Rising in America Unfortunately, it seems that many of today’s messengers, the pastors and church leaders, don’t believe that same task is on their list of responsibilities. They may believe that our modern world is not in the same danger of falling into pagan worship, human sacrifice, and other abominations against the Lord that took place in ancient times. That miscalculation, however, should have been corrected following last week’s Democratic National Convention (DNC), which featured free mobile abortions and vasectomies from Planned Parenthood outside the event. Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, in an interview with Jan Markell and Ken Mikle on the weekly program “Understanding Our Times,” underscored that the Democratic Party’s platform has a “profound correlation of identifying with pagan practices and deities.” “The fact of the matter is this is a demonic thing,” Hibbs warned. “This is the sacrifice of human children.” The killing of the unborn is not the only way that paganism has infiltrated the left, according to Hibbs, who pointed to research he conducted on the pagan goddess Ishtar. “I am shocked to discover that the practices that she required of her devotees are astonishingly familiar and similar to what we’re seeing in America today,” he warned. “For example, in her ancient pagan worship system, she is both a male and a female. She can shift her gender. Her priesthood would dress up with one side of them male, the other side female, and they would engage in homosexuality, lesbianism, and [beastilality]—things that we would think, ‘No way! That’s got to be coming out of Hollywood.’“ “I want to challenge everybody: How can you possibly support the Democrat Party and vote Democrat when they are parading this in front of your face,” Hibbs, dubbed by Markell as “American’s Pastor,” argued. Many crown jewels of the Democrat Party’s platform consist of things the Bible warns result in the judgment of God—such as abortion, the celebration of homosexuality, rejection of God’s design for gender, and a lack of support for the nation of Israel. For that reason, Hibbs stressed, “The Christian cannot sit this out.” Given Over to The Leadership We Deserve Ken Mikle highlighted the book of Romans chapter one, which discusses individuals and cultures being “given over” to a reprobate mind. “I’ve said this for a while—I know Jan agrees—it’s like we’re living in Romans 1 right now where God says: If you’re not going to stop what you’re doing, turn away, and repent, I’m going to give you over to the sin you want and over to a debased/depraved mind,” Mikle detailed. “I believe that’s where we’re at as a nation.” Hibbs agreed that the United States has done a worldview 180º from its Judeo-Christian founding. He further stressed that if God gives America over to blatantly pagan and socialist thinking, we would be receiving “exactly what we wanted.” “You may say, ‘Jack, I didn’t want this.’ Did you vote? Did you fast? Did you pray? Did you get involved? Did you find out if your children are being sexually molested in their minds by the school board wherever you live? Did you find out what’s going on in your kids’ class?” he charged. “As Watchmen on the wall, if we’ve sat down and not blown the trumpet, their blood is on us—we are the ones that are guilty.” “The demise of America will be by the hands, or the lack thereof, of the church,” he challenged. “It is the hour of the pastor to stand up and proclaim the truth without apology. Unless pastors wake up and do it now, then we are going to catapult this nation into a pit of darkness that is going to be unlike anything this nation has ever seen—and it will be something that it cannot recover from.” “When God is not in the minds of men, every man will do what is right in his own eyes. That’s what we’re seeing in America, and unless there’s mercy from God, it’s not going to go well in this upcoming election,” he cautioned. “I’m afraid that due to Christian apathy, God will give us the leaders that we deserve.” Pastors Relinquishing Their Influence During the last presidential election cycle in 2020, a Barna survey found that 58% of Christians attend churches that only occasionally discuss politics and cultural issues. As if those numbers were not concerning enough, 36% stated that their pastors never speak up on the matter. According to Hibbs, the silence of pastors correlates with the lack of influence they have over society at large. “Jeremiah 29:7 says that we as believers, in whatever city or town we find ourselves placed by God, we are to seek out the welfare and the benefit of that city and those who live in it,” he detailed. “I’ve been saying the same thing for over 30 years: pastors are to be the stewards of their community,” Hibbs described. “Historically, from the book of Acts, all the way to the United States and Europe, the epicenter of any culture, town, village, or city was the church. The most educated, the most influential individual was the pastor. We need to get back to that and stop testing the wind of what’s trending or how many likes I might get on this or that and face the reality.” “I believe that our culture has gone beyond the pale,” he stated. “I believe that we’ve crossed the line as a culture. I believe that there’s no hope for America except for the church turning back.” Jan Markell further highlighted the need for pastors to take an unwavering stand. “Right now, if I can be blunt, we have two candidates on the left who are blatant Marxists. This is a very, very serious point that this country has arrived at because, without a miracle, they could be leading America by January of next year,” she cautioned. “A call to the pastors is so appropriate. I understand many don’t want to be political, many don’t want to take a stand, and many don’t want to rock the boat. You know what? It’s time to rock the boat.” A Clear Conscience Before God With elections close at hand, church leaders carry an immense responsibility. Will pastors be left with a clear conscience, or, through silence, will America’s blood be on their hands? Pastor Hibbs sent a stark warning to pulpits: “America is doomed unless the Church wakes up and steps up.” “I don’t care how the election turns out; I’m just going to do the right thing and leave the results to God,” pastor Hibbs asserted. “However, my conscience is clear because I have equipped every pastor I can. I have reached out to tens of thousands of Christians. We’ve done everything we can. If I die today, I can say my conscience is clear. I invited people to vote for a Biblical worldview. I’m free of the blood of those who are perishing by bad laws or from those who choose not to do anything about it.” “If there’s ever been a time to fight, now is the time. For someone to say they’re a Christian and they’re a Democrat… is that even possible? There’s no perfect candidate, but I tell you what, there are more Republicans that are pro-life than Democrats. Republicans want religious freedom; Democrats do not. There is no sacred or secular—to God, it’s all sacred. We, the believers, have to insert the light and the salt into these dark situations,” he urged. “I’m sorry, but you have got to vote, and you have to vote for a Biblical worldview. We’re not electing a savior. Jesus is the one and only. But to not get involved is absolutely, in my opinion, a greater sin.” Not The Time to Lose Heart For the pastors who are faithfully informing and equipping their congregation to be salt and light in our culture, Hibbs encouraged, “This is not a time to lose heart; the exact opposite.” “Jesus said to that generation that as His nearing came closer, there would be certain things that would be indicative and revealed, and we’re seeing those things now,” he exclaimed. “I don’t know the day or the hour, but Paul the Apostle said, ‘Concerning the times and seasons, my brethren, you have no need that I should write unto you.‘ You can sense it.” Markell agreed, “Jack, you and I have been watching the times, discerning the times, and trying to stand the times for a while now. You and I have never seen anything like this over a few decades. It’s all converging—and I think that’s the key word right now: ‘convergence.’“ While Christians are to be a restraining force against the spirit of the Antichrist growing in our nation, there is no need to fall into distress, Hibbs emphasized. “If you pull back, take a deep breath, and realize, ‘Wow, there’s something going on’… that something going on is the near-coming of Christ.” “These are glorious days,” Hibbs concluded, “be encouraged.” Daily Jot: Common Sense and Idiocy - Bill Wilson – During the first week of Joe Biden’s presidency, he put a stop work order on the keystone pipeline that killed 11,400 jobs. The American Petroleum Institute said halting oil and gas drilling on federal lands will cost a million jobs. The Chamber of Commerce estimated the Paris Climate reentry will cost 6.5 million jobs. All in all, the new president may have put over 7.5 million Americans out of work in his first week. Plus, his actions raised fuel costs, which raises the cost of everything. Since then, we have seen record inflation that continues to this day. When asked why Kamala Harris hasn’t implemented her solutions to fix problems over the past 3 ½ years, her deputy campaign manager said the question is “comical.” It’s not so funny for all of us who are suffering from the Biden-Harris Administration’s idiocy. Common sense says that if you kill fuel production, prices on everything will soar. Biden-Harris idiocy says that’s a good thing because it will force people to use electricity. In her acceptance speech, Harris said: As President, I will bring together: Labor and workers, Small business owners and entrepreneurs, And American companies. To create jobs. Grow our economy. And lower the cost of everyday needs. Like health care. Housing. And groceries.” In other words, she claims credit for the policies that created joblessness, housing costs, food price increases. Now she wants Americans to trust her to fix the problems. Under the first three years of Trump, unemployment declined to 3.5%. Democrats and the mainstream news media like to say that Trump’s final employment report was far worse than any president, but they fail to say that the COVID-induced corporate lockdowns turned Trump’s employment record upside down. Prior to the Biden-Harris lockdown, the number of employed Americans broke 25 records, reaching an all-time high of 158.8 million. More Black folk were employed than in any time in US history. All this gone as Democrats locked down the economy, killed jobs, and voted to give you some small payment as a consolation. Now Biden-Harris claims credit for creating 15.8 million jobs after they shut the economy down and millions lost their jobs. Current unemployment is 4.3%. Some progress, right? After months of creating a border crisis and denying it is a crisis, Biden appointed Harris to handle the issue. Harris accepted the job by saying that she can handle the “problem” at the border because she can chew gum and walk at the same time. On March 24, 2021, she told “CBS This Morning,”, “Well, OK, look, it’s a huge problem. I’m not going to pretend it’s not. it’s a huge problem.” Of course it is. When you publicly give an open invitation for all immigrants to come to America as a campaign ploy, they come. Nothing comical about this lack of common sense. Ephesians 5:6 says, “Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things comes the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.” And now Harris is an election away from the presidency. Common sense, anyone? Daily Devotion: A Long-Standing Habit Continued - by Greg Laurie – To the faithful you show yourself faithful; to those with integrity you show integrity. —2 Samuel 22:26 - Listen What is character, or integrity? It is who you are when you’re all alone, when there is no one around to impress. It has been said that the measure of real character is how someone would behave if they knew they never would be found out. We could apply that principle to a lot of things in life. Why do we not do this, or why do we not do that? It’s usually because we don’t want to get caught doing something wrong. For instance, why do people observe the speed limit? It’s because they don’t want to get pulled over by the police, evidenced by the fact that when the highway patrol shows up, everyone slows down. We obey the law for fear of the repercussions. That is where integrity comes in. It picks up where the fear of being caught leaves off. Fear is a fine deterrent, and it has its place. But a better deterrent—or a better motive, if you will—is wanting to do what is right. D. L. Moody defined character as “what we are in the dark.” What do you think about the most when you’re all alone? What shows do you watch? What websites do you visit? What would they tell people about you? What makes you sad? What makes you mad? And what makes you laugh? An old German proverb says, “A man shows his character by what he laughs at.” Everyone has character of some kind. When we’re young, we lay a foundation that we will build on for the rest of our lives. If you are doing the right thing now, you will likely do it right later. And if you are not doing the right thing now, chances are you won’t do it right later, either. In other words, if you cheat in practice, you will cheat in the game. If you cheat on the test, you will cheat later with the résumé. If you cheat on your boyfriend or girlfriend, then you probably will cheat on your husband or wife later. You see, what you are doing now only will be magnified tomorrow. Character is simply a long habit continued. The Old Testament Book of Daniel includes the story of four young people who had strong character and integrity. Their names were Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Now, when we think of Daniel, our minds usually race to the account of Daniel in the lions’ den. And when we think of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, we usually think of them being thrown into the fiery furnace. These were dramatic displays of faith on their part. But early on, when they were very young, they laid the foundation for the decisions they made later in life. When you’re young, you develop habits that will continue throughout your life. You are setting your course. You’re making big decisions, but you’re also developing patterns for the way you live and what you do. You can accomplish a lot of things in life, but in the end, if you don’t have integrity, your accomplishments will amount to little. PROPHECY UPDATE NEWS HEADLINES Yesterday's Prophecies - Today's Headlines HEADLINES IN PARTNERSHIP WITH TRACKING BIBLE PROPHECY 8/29/24
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