Paris is Burning - Pete Garcia - I am putting my series of the Chronicles of Eternity on hold for a week, in order to address what transpired in Paris last Friday and what it means for us today. Having spent previous articles on the Hegelian Dialectic and the fact that Satan currently controls the narrative and maneuverings here on earth, I can't help but see the angle he is using for the continued barbarism of Islam. I believe he is using Islamic terror as a forcing mechanism to nudge the general global population toward given up their liberty and nationalism. We saw this in the aftermath of 9/11 when the Congress overwhelmingly supported voting in the Patriot Act. We also know that in the final seven years of mankind on earth, that one man (the Antichrist) will come to rule the entire planet absolutely. So starting out at the beginning, we see that; 1. Various empires began to rise and fall: a) Egypt b) Israel c) Assyria As described in Daniel 2, the multi-metallic statue of Nebuchadnezzar's Dream: d) Babylon (Head of gold) e) Medo-Persia (Should of silver) f) Greece (Waist of brass) g) Rome (Legs of iron) i. Eastern based in Constantinople, becomes Byzantine ii. EmpireWestern based in Rome, becomes Holy Roman Empire h) European nations (or offshoots) of Europe which rose and fell i. Holy Roman Empire ii. Spanish iii. Russians iv. French *Discovered by the Nordic and Spanish *Settled and claimed by the English, Spanish, and French v. Prussians vi. Germany (Bismarck, Wilhelm, Weimar, Third Reich) vii. Great Britain viii.European Union 2. Final one world government called the Beast, and headed by the Antichrist and the False Prophet...which is yet to be formed (Rev. 13, 17). Although hardly a complete list, nations have been jockeying for power throughout the world for the last 4,000 years. We've seen enough kingdoms rise and fall with enough repetition, that it could be only be deemed a tragic comedy. Currently, we (the U.S.) is in the death throes of our own makings, due in large part to the very same things that have destroyed previous empires; political corruption, unrecoverable national debt, loss of cultural identity, and public ignorance/apathy. Of note, is that since 1900, more and more political, military, economic power has been increasingly consolidated into fewer and fewer hands. Assessment Those who are promoting the satanic plan of a one world system, use issues such as Islamic terrorism to force the general public to cry out for more peace and security. The problem then is that this world's version of peace and security, always comes at the cost of personal liberty. In past generations, this enhanced protection, was very manpower and resource intensive. But now through advanced technology, monitoring and controlling a population has never been easier. The significance of Israel in the times we find ourselves in, is that Israel serves as God's time-piece. Israel is the only nation, God ever had a covenant with, and in so doing, has made certain irrevocable promises that He cannot renege on or risk violating His own Word. (Gen. 12:1-3, 15; Deut. 30:3-5; Jer. 31:31-40, 33:14-26; Ezekiel 36-37) Furthermore, God has set aside 490 years (Daniel 9:24-27) specifically for the Jewish people and Jerusalem, that covers the time from their Babylonian captivity to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ at Armageddon. To date, 483 years have been completed with the death their Messiah, Jesus Christ. We know that according to Scripture, two of the last three wars fought against Israel come primarily from Muslim nations: 1. Psalm 83 War/Isaiah 17; if this is a war, then it consists primarily of the Sunni-Muslim neighbors that immediately surround the nation of Israel. 2. Ezekiel 38-39; Gog and Magog War consists of a coalition of nations who are a mix of Sunni and Shia Muslims (with Russia being the only non-Muslim participant) 3. Armageddon; all nations come against Israel Remember, that Satan knows that Israel places a central role in Bible Prophecy, for they are the clock that God is using to mark the end of his rule. This is why Satan hates Israel so much, and has stirred up so much irrational hatred towards her and is turning the world against even her very existence as a nation. Prior to WWI, the Zionist Movement began to make some traction at the first Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland in 1897. From there, until the outset of WWI, there was 17 years. WWI concluded in 1918 with the defeat of the Central Powers who were; Austria-Hungary, Germany, and the Ottoman Turks. From there until World War II, there was 21 years (1939). WWII was the National Socialists (Nazis) attempt to not only reinstitute the greatness of the former German Empire, but picked up and began to capitalize on the growing anti-Semitism that had been fomenting in Europe for several decades. Three years after the ending of WWII, Israel declared its nationhood on a single day (May 14th, 1948) and has been in a perpetual state of war ever since. The list below outlines the terrorist and national attacks on Israel since then; 1948: War of Independence 1956: Suez Crisis 1967: Six Day War 1972: Munich Olympics terrorist attack 1973: Yom Kippur War 1982: Lebanon War 1987-1993: First Intifada (Palestinian uprising) 2000-2005: Second Intifada 2006: Second Lebanon War 2008: Gaza War 2012: Operation Pillar of Defense 2014: Operation Protective Edge Not listed due to sheer numbers, is the terrorist attacks against Jews and Israel, but if you're inclined, you can go here and see for yourself. It should be noted, that the reason for the uptick in Islamic terrorism, which is spilling out against everyone (including other Muslims), is the fact that Israel is back in her land as a nation. Satan is pouring out his fury against this tiny nation by stirring up an ocean of hatred against her and anyone aligned with her, because he knows what Israel represents. What transpired in Paris this past Friday, or with; Charlie Hebdo, Colorado, Ft. Hood, Mumbai, Bali, London, Madrid, New York City, Washington, Pennsylvania, Kenya, or a hundred other places Islamists have struck, are merely symptoms of the underlying masterplan Satan has enacted. In true Hegelian Dialectic fashion, his plan is to destabilize the planet to the point that the world is crying out for peace and security. But this peace and |