Prophecy Update Newsletter
Seven - God's Perfect Number and it's Biblical Significance - by Randy Nettles & Pete Garcia - The number seven is God's special number, for it signifies spiritual perfection and completion. The Bible mentions it more than any other number. Man considers it as lucky number seven, but with God, there is no such thing as luck. It is all precision and perfection. Luck is a word that is reserved for humans, for it is only another idol...the antithesis of faith. The number 7 is one of the four so-called 'perfect' numbers of the Bible. 3, 10, and 12 are the other perfect numbers. 3 is the number for divine perfection; 7 is the number for spiritual perfection; 10 is the number for ordinal perfection; 12 is the number for governmental perfection. Although the number 5 is not considered one of the perfect numbers, it is very significant as it signifies grace. This is an update on an article I wrote a couple of years ago entitled God's Perfect Numbers: Part 3. {1} I have added many new examples and bible verses wherein the number 7 represents a spiritually perfect or complete meaning. Not all number sevens in the Bible have special significance, but many do. These are the ones we will concentrate on in this work. There are also many listings (of men or subjects) of seven that are mentioned in God's word that refer to spiritual perfection and/or completion. Meaning of the Word Seven "The first natural division of time is stamped by the number seven. On the seventh day, God rested from His work of Creation. The first calendar known to man was the 7-day calendar. When God ordained the ritual of the Feasts of the Lord for the children of Israel, He was pointing humans toward Jesus' work of redemption. The number 7 is again stamped upon it in all its times and seasons: the seventh day was the holy day; the seventh month was specially hallowed by its number of sacred gatherings (feasts); the seventh year was the Sabbath year of rest for the land; while 7 x 7 years marked the following year as the Jubilee (Leviticus 25:4, 8). In Hebrew, the word 'seven' is translated as sheva. It is from the root savah, which means to be full or satisfied, have enough of. For on the seventh day God rested from the work of Creation. It was full and complete, and good and perfect. Nothing could be added to it or taken from it. Also, the word shabbath (sabbath), meaning a day of rest, is used for the word seven. The Sabbath or seventh day is universal and immemorial in its observance among all nations and in all times." {2} Times Mentioned in the Bible The words (and numbers) that include 'seven' such as seven, sevens, sevenfold, seventh, seventy, thirty seven, seven hundred, seven thousand, etc., occur 668 times in the Bible. The word 'seven' and its compounds (sevens, seventh, and sevenfold) are mentioned 490 (70 x 7) times in the Bible: 392 (56 x 7) times in the Old Testament, and 98 (14 x 7) times in the New Testament. 'Seven' is mentioned 368 times, 'sevens' is used 2 times, 'sevenfold' is mentioned 5 times, and 'seventh' is used 115 times for a grand total of 490 times. The number 490 is very significant, as it is the number (70 x 7) mentioned in the prophecy of Daniel 9:24-27. These verses are perhaps the most discussed and debated verses in the entire Bible. Leviticus has the most occurrences of the number seven with 66, while Revelation has 57. Seven is used most frequently in the Bible as related to time and the Feast days of the Lord (including the weekly Sabbath). The words "seven days" (or seventh day) is the most used terminology as it is mentioned 153 times, mainly in regard to the Sabbath day and the length of some of the Feasts of the Lord. The words "seven years" or "seventh year" is used 53 times, mostly regarding the Sabbath year of rest for the land and people of Israel. In regards to months, "seventh month" is mentioned 34 times, with the majority of times referencing Tishri (the 7th month of the Hebrew calendar) and the fall Feasts that occur in that month. In regards to weeks, "seven weeks" is used 3 times. The words "seven times" occurs 53 times. Feasts of the Lord and Calendars There are seven Feasts of the Lord (actually eight if you are counting Sabbath days/Saturdays). Two of the seasonal feasts are for seven days duration (Feast of Unleavened Bread and Tabernacles). Three feasts occur in the spring (Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread, and Firstfruits). One feast transpires during the early summer (Pentecost). Three are fall feasts (Trumpets, Day of Atonement, and Tabernacles) and occur in the 7th month of Tishri in the Jewish calendar. Many Bible students and scholars alike believe Jesus Christ will return (2nd Coming) to the earth during the 7th month, specifically on the feast of Trumpets. The feast of Trumpets is the 5th Feast of the Lord and occurs annually on Tishri 1st. The 6thFeast of the Lord, known as the Day of Atonement takes place every year on Tishri 10. It is the holiest day in the Jewish calendar for it is the day when all Israel mourns for their sins. The last (seventh) of the Feasts of the Lord, Tabernacles, actually lasts for eight days. The Jewish people commemorate the exodus from Egypt (and their wanderings in the desert) by building straw (sticks) huts to live in for seven days. Tabernacles is first celebrated on Tishri 15th and observed until the 22nd. The 8th day (23rd of Tishri) is for a solemn assembly and offerings of sacrifices. There are numerous calendars in the world, and they have been revised throughout the centuries; but the weekly calendar of 1 through 7 days (now known as Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday) has not changed throughout the millennia. Sunday is the first day of the week and Saturday is the last day of the week or the Sabbath. In Nature There are seven colors of the spectrum and in the rainbow. In music, there are seven notes of the scale. In nature and science, there are seven divisions of classification for the animal and vegetable kingdoms: Kingdom, Sub-Kingdom, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species. An example would be: Animal, Vertebrata, Mammalia, Carnivore, Canine, Dog, and Golden Retriever. The various periods of gestation are commonly a multiple of seven, either of days or weeks: The mouse is 21 (3 x 7) days. The hare and rat is 28 (4 x 7) days. The duck is 42 (6 x 7) days. The cat is 56 (8 x 7) days. The dog is 63 (9 x 7) days. The lion is 98 (14 x 7) days. The sheep is 147 (21 x 7) days. The human species gestation period is 280 (40 x 7) days. There are seven ages of man according to Philo: Infancy (child), Childhood (boy), Youth (lad, stripling), Adolescence (young man), Manhood (man), Decline (old man), and Senility (aged man). In the Bible The entire Bible, both Old, and New Testament are divided into seven major divisions: the Law, the Prophets, the Psalms, the Gospels and Acts, the General Epistles, the Epistles of Paul, and the book of Revelation. David had this to say about the number 7 and God's word: "The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times" (Psalm 12:6); and "Seven times a day do I praise you because of your righteous judgments" (Psalm 119:164). Listings of Seven in the Old Testament There are seven men in the Old Testament that are specified as a man of God: Moses (Joshua 14:6), Samuel (1 Samuel 9:6, 14), David (2 Chronicles 8:14), Elijah (1 Kings 17-18), Shemaiah (1 Kings 12:22), Elisha (2 Kings 5:8), and Igdaliah (Jeremiah 35:4). The Lord told Abram (Abraham) to move unto a land that God would show him. In return for his faithfulness, God gave Abraham a seven-fold blessing as described in Genesis 12:2-3. 1) I will make of you a great nation. 2) I will bless you. 3) I will make your name great. 4) You shall be a blessing. 5) I will bless them that bless you. 6) I will curse him that curses you. 7) In you shall all families of the earth be blessed. The Lord told Moses he had heard the groanings (of slavery) of the children of Israel and remembered His covenant with them. Jehovah told Moses, in Exodus 6:6-8, what He would do for the Israelites in the form of a seven-fold blessing: 1) I will bring you out from Egypt. 2) I will rid you of the Egyptian's bondage. 3) I will redeem you. 4) I will take you to Me for a people. 5) I will be to you a God. 6) I will bring you in unto the land. 7) I will give the land to you. Seven times does the expression, "I will" occur in these three verses, ensuring God's spiritual perfection. During the 5th Feast of the Lord known as Atonement, blood was sprinkled seven times before the mercy-seat by the High Priest to mark the perfection of accomplished atonement: 1) On the mercy-seat per Leviticus 16:14. 2) Before the mercy-seat per Leviticus 16:14. 3) Before the veil per Leviticus 4:17. 4) On the horns of the golden altar per Exodus 30:10. 5) On the horns of the brazen altar per Leviticus 16:18. 6) Roundabout upon the altar per Leviticus 16:19). 7) The blood that was left poured out at the foot of the brazen altar per Leviticus 4:18. In the Old Testament, the book of Psalms is stamped with the number seven as the number of spiritual perfection. There are 126 (7 x 18) psalms which have titles. There are seven names mentioned in the titles as the authors of these psalms¨1) David wrote 56 psalms (7 x 8). 2) The sons of Korah wrote 11 psalms. 3) Asaph or his descendants wrote 12 psalms. 4) Heman the Ezrahite wrote 1 psalm. 5) Ethan the Ezrahite wrote 1 psalm. 6) Moses wrote 1 psalm. 7) Solomon wrote 1 psalm. King Solomon mentioned seven things the Lord hates: "These six things the Lord hates: yes, seven are an abomination unto him:A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, an heart that devises wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, a false witness that speaks lies, and he that sows discord among brethren" (Proverbs 6:16-19). Isaiah prophesied about the Messiah and that the Spirit of God would manifest upon him (Isaiah 11). The seven Spirits are: Spirit of the Lord, Spirit of Wisdom, Spirit of Understanding, Spirit of Counsel, Spirit of Might, Spirit of Knowledge, and Spirit of the Fear of the Lord. In Revelation, John also talks of the sevenfold Spirit of God. The Word Seven in the Old Testament The word seven is mentioned 392 (56 x 7) times in the Old Testament. During this time, the most famous event (regarding the number 7) for the newly formed nation of Israel, after entering the "promised land" of Canaan, was the fall of the city and walls of Jericho. This fall was the result of God intervening on behalf of Israel in their war against the Canaanites (descendants of Ham). The city of Jericho, built thousands of years before Joshua was born, was one of the oldest cities in the world. In some places, it had fortified walls up to 25 feet high and 20 feet thick. Jericho was a symbol of military power and strength, and the Canaanites considered it invincible. "And the Lord said unto Joshua, See, I have given into your hand Jericho, and the king thereof, and the mighty men of valor. And you shall compass the city, all you men of war, and go round about the city once. This shall you do six days. And seven priests shall bear before the ark seven trumpets of rams' horns: and the seventh day you shall compass the city seven times, and the priests shall blow with the trumpets. And it shall come to pass, that when they make a long blast with the ram's horn, and when you hear the sound of the trumpet, all the people shall shout with a great shout; and the wall of the city shall fall down flat, and the people shall ascend up every man straight before him" (Joshua 6:2-5). These instructions were repeated by Joshua to the priests, and they were carried out daily for six days and then fulfilled on the 7th day. The seven priests blew their trumpets one time for 6 days in a row. This would be 42 (6×7) times the trumpets sounded in a six-day period. 6 is man's number and is incomplete (not perfect), so the walls of Jericho did not come down yet. On the seventh day, the seven priests (and all the children of Israel) made seven laps around the walls of Jericho, blowing their horns each time; for a total of 49 (7 x 7) times. 7 is God's number and is perfect and complete. On this day, after the 91st (13 x 7) time that the trumpets sounded, the walls fell down. The 13th seven was indeed a very unlucky number for the inhabitants of Jericho. The walls fell down after the last trumpet sounded and all the people shouted as one. I think the Lord also shouted with them at this time; as He will do at the Rapture. The results were exactly as the Lord had described them to Joshua. It was a great victory for the newly formed nation of Israel. Jericho's destruction was perfectly complete...never to be rebuilt again. I believe the victory at Jericho occurred in the seventh month of Tishri, on the first day; and was the first fulfillment of the Feast of Trumpets. The Jewish people would later commemorate this event by blowing of trumpets throughout the land. From Joshua 6, verse 3 to verse 16, there are 14 (7 x 2) mentions of the number 7...a double dose of completeness. In the entire book of Joshua, there are 19 mentions of the word seven or seventh. Listings of Seven in the New Testament Jesus made seven statements from the cross. They were recorded in the Gospels and are found in the following passages: 1) Luke 23:34: "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do" 2) Luke 23:34: "Verily I say unto you, today shall you be with me in paradise" 3) John 19:26-27: "Woman, behold your son...Behold your mother" 4) Matthew 27:46: "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me" 5) John 19:28: "I thirst." 6) Luke 23:46: "Father, into your hands I commend my spirit." 7) John 19:30: "It is finished." When Jesus uttered his last three words, it is finished, he was referring to the fact that he had completed his perfect mission of salvation that God the Father had assigned to him. There are seven parables told by Jesus in Matthew 13 regarding the Kingdom of Heaven: 1) The parable of the four soils. 2) The parable of the weeds. 3) The parable of the mustard seed. 4) The parable of the yeast. 5) The parable of the hidden treasure. 6) The parable of the pearl merchant. 7) The parable of the fishing net. God has given seven different gifts to members of the body of Christ: 1) Prophecy/preaching God's messages 2) Ministry 3) Teaching 4) Exhorting/preaching 5) givers 6) Rulers/administrators 7) He that shows mercy or compassion. Ephesians 4, verses 4-6 talk about the unity and oneness in the church for all believers. There are seven parts to this unity: 1) One body 2) One spirit 3) One hope 4) One Lord 5) One faith 6) One baptism 7) One God and Father of all. James 3, verse 17 mentions seven characteristics of wisdom that come from God: 1) Purity 2) Peacefulness 3) Gentleness/considerate 4) Open to reason or helpful 5) Merciful 6) Non-partial 7) Non-hypocritical The Word Seven in the New Testament In the New Testament, the book of Revelation best portrays the meaning and importance of the number 7. Revelation is about God's perfect plan of redemption for mankind and the earth and God's complete victory over Satan and death. The book of Revelation also focuses on Jesus Christ, his 2ndComing, his victory over the Anti-Christ and his evil followers, and the establishment of his Millennium Kingdom. The apostle John is given a vision of prophecy by the Holy Spirit regarding the end times. First, John is given a series of messages from Jesus to the seven churches of Asia. Then, Jesus calls John (or his spirit) up into Heaven where he is shown how the end times for mankind and planet Earth is going to transpire. The word seven is mentioned 57 times in Revelation. The exact word of "seven" is used 56 times and "seven thousand" is used 1 time. 56 is the product of 7 and 8. 7 is the number for spiritual perfection and 8 is the number for great abundance. As day 7 was the number for completion and rest, so the 8th day was over and above this perfect completion and is the first of a new series, as well as being the 8th. It is a "new number 1," if you will. In Revelation, John mentions 14 (2 x 7) words that have the number 7 preceding them: seven churches, seven candlesticks, seven stars, seven Spirits of God, seven seals, seven horns, seven eyes, seven angels, seven trumpets, seven thunders, seven heads, seven plagues, and seven golden vials full of the wrath of God. All of these sevens are definitely symbolic of God's spiritual perfection and completion. The last 7 years on the Earth before the Millennium begins is the time known as the Tribulation/Daniel's 70th Seven/Jacob's Trouble. It is a time of chastisement the world hasn't seen since the Great Flood or Sodom and Gomorrah. Multiples of Seven There are some multiples of the number 7 that should be mentioned: namely 42 (6 x 7), 70 (7 x 10), 77 (7 x 11), 49 (7 x 7), 490 (7 x 7 x 10), 7000 (7 x 10 x 10 x 10). The product number exhibits the significance of each in an intensified form. For example, 42 is the sum of 6 x 7. As mentioned before, 6 is Man's number and signifies rebellion, while 7 is God's number and signifies 42 is the number associated with mankind's total rebellion against God. The Anti-Christ's absolute rule will only last for 1,260 days or 42 months. The number 49 is very important as it represents seven 7's or seven cycles of completeness. For instance, there must be 7 Sabbaths or 49 days (plus one day) to transpire between the feast of Firstfruits and the Feast of Pentecost. Also, every 7 years, the land (and people/work animals) is required to rest, where no work is to be done, for it is the Sabbath year. Then after 7 years of rest for the 'land' has been observed, the 50th year (49 plus 1) of the Jubilee can occur. The Jubilee can never take place until all 7 Sabbath years of rest have occurred for Israel. Once the 50th Jubilee has occurred, the following year starts the cycle over again with it being the new number 1 year. There is no evidence of Israel ever observing a Sabbath (seventh) year of rest for the land, much less a Jubilee (50th) year. 70 (7 x 10) signifies perfect spiritual order carried out with all spiritual power and meaning. 70 is a very significant number as it is the product of two perfect numbers, 7 and 10...both spirit and order are greatly emphasized: 70 elders were appointed by Moses; 70 descendants of Jacob built up the nation of Israel; David died at the age of 70; Gideon had 70 sons with his many wives (and 1 with his concubine); 70 years was prophesied by the prophet Jeremiah for Judah to be in captivity to Babylonia; 70 elders were the total for Israel's great Tribunal, afterwards called the Sanhedrim; 70 disciples were sent out by Jesus to preach the gospel; Jerusalem and the Temple were destroyed by the Romans in A.D. 70. Moses said man's life on this earth would only last for the duration of 70 to 80 years (Psalm 90:10). 'Seventy' is mentioned 60 (6 x 10) times in the Bible... man's number 6, multiplied by 10. God's number for the amount of men He would need to accomplish a certain task or mission was sometimes 70. 490 (7 x 7 x 10) is a very significant number in the Bible. 490 years or 70 'weeks' ( more accurately translated as 'sevens') were determined upon the Jews and upon Jerusalem to complete its transgression, and bring in everlasting righteousness, according to Daniel 9:24-27. In other words, the prophecy would not end until seventy 7-year time spans had elapsed, or more precisely 490 years. 483 of those years have already been accomplished, which ended with the death of Jesus Christ. One day soon (a relative term), Daniel's 70th Seven prophecy will resume, and 7 years later the total prophecy of 490 years will be completed. This will be fulfilled when Jesus returns and sets up His Millennium Kingdom on earth. The 70th seven will see God's perfect and complete plan for mankind come to fruition. Prophecy will also end at this time. {4} Isaiah the prophet had this to say about Jesus' return: "Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the Lord binds up the breach of his people, and heals the stroke of their wound" (Isaiah 30:26). The last 7 years of the Tribulation will be for 2520 days, as a year on the prophetic calendar is for 360 days. 2520 is a very remarkable number in 3 different ways: It is the summary of all the primary rectilinear forms. It is the product of the four great numbers of completion or perfection (3 x 7 x 10 x 12 = 2520). It is the Least Common Multiple of all the ten numbers from which our system of notation is derived (the L.C.M. of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, is 2520). {5} Let's examine Daniel 9 verse 27: "And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week (7 years or 2520 days): and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate." This verse is referring to the last 7 years of mankind before the Millennium Kingdom begins. These 7 years will commence when the antichrist confirms a covenant (peace treaty) with Israel. This event starts the time known as the Tribulation, otherwise known as Jacob's Trouble, and/or Daniel's 70th week. In the midst of the seven years, the antichrist will stop the sacrifices in the newly built temple (the 3rd one) of Israel. The false prophet will have a statue or image of the antichrist erected in the newly built Temple in Jerusalem and demand all the citizens of the earth to worship him as God. This event is known as the Abomination of Desolation. 1260 days will transpire between the midst of the Tribulation (A.O.D.) to Jesus' return at the Battle of Armageddon. These last 3.5 years are known as the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:21). Jesus was once asked by his disciples when would be the end of the age. He replied: "Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near: so likewise you, when you shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, this generation shall not pass away, till all these things are fulfilled. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away" (Matthew 24:32-35). When Jesus told his disciples "this generation shall not pass away," he was saying that all the end-times signs would be fulfilled within the lifetime of the people being born when the end-time signs began. The beginning sign was when Israel became a nation again on May 14, 1948. According to Moses in Psalm 90:10, a generation is 70 to 80 years in duration. The modern nation of Israel turned 70 years old in 2018. Israel will be 77 (7 x 11) years old in 2025. 11 is the number for disorder and disintegration, which aptly describes the chaos of the end times; yet multiplying it by 7 means that God will have the final word, and His will shall always be accomplished. Israel will be 80 (8 x 10) years old in 2028. 8 is the number for new beginnings and 10 is the number for divine order. Some Bible scholars believe there will be 6000 (6 x 10 x 10 x 10) years of mankind before the Millennium Kingdom of Jesus comes, whereas He will rule and reign for 1000 years. Thus, mankind will have been on the earth for a total of 7000 (7 x 10 x 10 x10) years before God creates a new heaven and earth for redeemed humans and righteous angels. We are rapidly approaching those 6000 years of mankind's history before the Millennium Kingdom of Lord Jesus begins. {6} Whatever the timing of Daniel's 70th Seven and the Second Coming of Jesus, we know the end is drawing near. You can compare God's word to the daily headlines and realize the "birth pains" (Matthew 24:8) are getting more frequent and severe. As believers in Jesus Christ, we await the rapture of the Church, not the pre-tribulation wars or the 7-year Tribulation. However, as we see these signs getting close, it means the Rapture is even closer. Comfort one another with the apostle Paul's words. "And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come" (1 Thessalonians 1:10). Amen. Even so, come Lord Jesus. [email protected] P.S: In Part II we will get into a more detailed and thorough study of the number 7 (and listings of seven) throughout the 66 books of the bible. 38 books contain the word/number seven. It is truly amazing how many times God's special number 7 is used in reference to spiritual perfection and completion Endnotes: {1} ( ) [2} Number in Scripture by E.W. Bullinger, pg. 4 - Kregal Classics {3} . {4} . {5} Number in Scripture by E.W. Bullinger, pg. 24 - Kregal Classics {6} There might be something to 'deal of the century' after all - Ben-Dror Yemini -,7340,L-5561854,00.html Opinion: The long-awaited Trump peace plan is not expected to include an offer of statehood for the Palestinians, unlike offers made by previous administrations and it would be wise for Ramallah to understand there will be no better offer on the table You would be hard pressed to find a single political commentator who takes Donald Trump's "deal of the century" seriously. Politicians also say there is nothing to the plan, while the Palestinian response to it will as always be negative - not because of Trump or Benjamin Netanyahu, since they would respond negatively to a Meretz proposal as well. The only politician who still goes around claiming that the Palestinians never rejected his proposal is former prime minister Ehud Olmert. But he cannot be taken seriously because he was the one who at the time wrote that his proposal was indeed rejected, a version of events confirmed by the Palestinians. But as time goes by, it seems there might be something to the Trump plan after all. Circumstances in the region have changed and are continuing to change. Iran has assumed the role of enemy for most of the Arab world. Israel has become a strategic alley thanks to Iran, a situation for which it should be grateful. The Palestinian position is being criticized more and more in the Arab world, both on social media and by journalists and bloggers. Even some politicians are expressing such views - which would have been unthinkable just a decade ago. The outline of the deal is being revealed bit by bit. It is not just the economic plan whose gist was presented at the Bahrain summit in June. There is no Palestinian statehood in the "deal of the century," only autonomy, as U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman, a silent member of the administration's Mideast peace team, has revealed. Friedman warned the Palestinians that the Clinton, Olmert, Kerry and Obama proposals are no longer on the table. This is a blow to Saeb Erakat's vision of Israeli-Palestinian peace as told to the Jordanian Ad-Dustour daily newspaper in 2009: "At Camp David (in 2000) we were offered 90% (of the West Bank) and Olmert offered 100% (in 2008)." Now the architects of the peace plan are making clear that all those proposals are a thing of the past and there is no better deal on its way. When Arab countries are disintegrating because of jihad on one hand and Iran on the other, no stable Arab government would see the formation of a new Arab state as a dream come true. A bold new peace plan should propose taking a completely different direction. Given all of the above, there may be some logic to holding a summit at Camp David as a continuation of the Bahrain conference. And maybe, just maybe, some Arab states would be supportive of that. Jordan will continue to release statements in support of a Palestinian state, but it is actually the last thing Abdullah's kingdom needs. Such an entity would be prone to expansion to its east as well as its west and could threaten Jordan. Additionally, Hamas would try and most likely succeed in seizing control of such a state. Netanyahu's plan to build 700 housing units for Palestinians in Area C can be seen as a gesture of good will, if a proposal of autonomy is considered. Regardless of whatever left-wing or right-wing political views its population may hold, a proposed peace settlement that would ensure Israel's continued existence as a Jewish and democratic state - and prevent a bi-national state down the road - is the best option. Two attacks on two borders in one day: Is the IDF ready for war on 3 fronts? - by Anna Ahronheim - What's the connection? Iran, Iran, Iran. Two attacks on two borders in less than 24 hours. One targeted IDF troops stationed along Gaza, while another targeted Hezbollah positions in Syria's Golan Heights. Two incidents, miles apart. Just a small indication of the major challenge Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi faces in the next war. Before dawn on Thursday, hours after the army completed the largest drill since Operation Protective Edge five years ago, a Hamas terrorist armed with grenades and a Kalashnikov infiltrated into southern Israel near the community of Kissufim and injured an officer and two soldiers before being killed by IDF reinforcements. Several hours later, Israel was accused of striking a Syrian Arab Army position in al-Bariqa west of Queintra on the Golan Heights. What's the connection? Iran, Iran, Iran. With fronts ripe for conflict to break out at any moment, the IDF's ability to operate effectively on multiple fronts simultaneously is crucial for Israel to deal with the region's unpredictable and explosive nature. According to a report in Haaretz, Iran and Hamas have agreed to open a southern front should a war break out in the North. Israeli officials have warned that any northern war will not be confined to one border, but rather both the Lebanese and Syrian border. That means war on three fronts. The IDF, which has put Gaza as a top priority, is concerned that should a war break out in both the North and South, the military's air defense might not be as available, leaving whole communities and cities vulnerable to rocket fire. Israel has accused Iran of growing involvement in Gaza, both financially and militarily. Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar has boasted about his close ties to Hezbollah and Iran, including with Maj.-Gen. Qasem Soleimani, commander of the Revolutionary Guards' Quds Force. Hamas delegations have visited Tehran and met with Solemani and other senior Iranian officials following his appointment. Despite facing its own economic crises, the Islamic Republic has increased its funding to Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) to the tune of $100 million, to have more influence in Gaza. And in the West Bank, Israeli officials foiled around 130 Hamas terror cells in 2018 alone, up from the 40 foiled the previous year. While the past few months have been "relatively" quiet in southern Israel, tensions with Gaza have significantly risen over the past year of weekly riots and occasional rounds of conflict, with thousands of rockets and mortars being fired at Israeli communities. The IDF, in return, has struck hundreds of targets belonging to Hamas and PIJ (a group fully subservient to Iran) throughout the Strip. Hamas, which itself is under intense public pressure due to the humanitarian situation in its territory, knows it cannot militarily survive another conflict with the IDF. But the army knows that another confrontation in Gaza, despite it being more prepared than before, will not end with it being a clear victor. On top of that, the army is not too keen on another military operation in Gaza until the upgraded barrier to remove the threat of terror tunnels is completed, which is expected to be done by next summer. And as Israel keeps its eyes warily on Hezbollah and Iran's entrenchment in the Syrian Golan Heights, it is also looking toward Iraq. Iran is believed to have transferred ballistic missiles capable of reaching Israel to terrorist groups there. Despite Israel's missile defense capabilities being at an all-time high after successful trials of the Arrow 3 over Alaska this week, defense officials believe the advanced technological capabilities coupled with intensive firepower by the country's enemies - be it from the South or North - will lead to unprecedented damage and fatalities. Israel fought simultaneously in Lebanon and Gaza in 2006. But 12 years later Israel's enemies have changed, and their military capabilities have increased tremendously. "I get the impression that there is very high readiness for a possible campaign in Gaza," Kochavi said during the four-day exercise this past week. "We will continue preparing, on the assumption that a conflict could erupt any day." The army under Kochavi needs to be ready: while the most imminent threat for war is on the southern front, the risk of a military confrontation in the northern arena, from three different countries at the same time, is not farfetched. One Day At A Time - By Dennis Huebshman - Prelude: For the person that emailed and said this song is one of her favorites, this message is especially for you. Also, this is for everyone who is anticipating the soon return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ; Yeshua; Our Messiah. Songwriters Marijohn Wilkin and Kris Kristofferson wrote "One Day At A Time," and it was first released in 1974. The version I most identify with was the one by Eleanor Johnston, better known as Cristy Lane, in 1980. Wikipedia states it has been recorded by over 200 artists to date. The Song: One Day at a time, Sweet Jesus. (1) I'm only Human, I'm just a woman (man). Help me believe in what I could be, and all that I am. Show me the stairway I have to climb. Lord, for my sake, teach me to take One Day At A Time. (chorus) One Day At A Time, Sweet Jesus! That's all I'm asking of you. Just give me the strength to do every day what I have to do. Yesterday's gone, Sweet Jesus; and tomorrow may never be mine. Lord, help me today, show me the way, One Day At A Time. (2) Do you remember when you walked among men? Well, Jesus, you know, if you're looking below, it's worse now than then. Cheating and stealing; violence and crime. So for my sake, teach me to take One Day At A Time. (chorus, then) Yes, for my sake, teach me to take One Day At A Time. (any emphasis mine) One of the hardest things to do today is to "patiently" wait for the call from Jesus, to meet Him "in the air" and be free from all the evil of this world (1 Thessalonians 4:17). No more pain, suffering, death, or evil of any kind will ever again be part of our lives. At the instant - twinkling of an eye (1 Corinthians 15:52) - that we are called, we will receive immortal "forever" bodies, designed to live forever with our Savior and all the Saints that will call Heaven our Home. Paul says the "dead in Christ" will rise first. These are all those who received Jesus from the day of Calvary to the present time, but died prior to the Rapture. The thief on the cross next to Jesus will have been the first to receive this new Covenant. Their souls will return with the Savior to be reunited with their earthly bodies, no matter what is left of them. All who rise up to meet Jesus will be converted into their "forever" bodies. Paul makes it clear that the dead will be raised up first, followed by those of us still alive at the calling (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). Once we're removed, the restrainer that is keeping the antichrist from appearing (2 Thessalonians 2:6-7) will be removed as well, and this earth will suffer a 7-year period of time like no other. It's getting worse every day now, but that time will be absolutely horrible. At the very least, 2/3 of the world population will perish, and this will include God's chosen, the Jews. Anyone seeking Jesus during those days will be subject to martyrdom. At the end of this time, the touch-earth coming of Jesus will take place, and He will rule from Jerusalem for one thousand years. As impossible as it may seem, there will still be sin on earth until the end of that millennial period. When that time ends, Jesus will hold a judgment, and separate the faithful (sheep) from the lost (goats). The faithful will be with Jesus forever and will witness the new heaven and earth, and the New Jerusalem coming down from Heaven (Revelation 21). All who rejected God prior to Calvary, and all who rejected Jesus from Calvary to the end of the Millennium, will be gathered at one time for one final judgment. The antichrist and false prophet will have been the first occupants in the Lake of Fire (Revelation 19:20) that was created specifically for the devil and all his demons (Matthew 25:41). They will be the only two occupants from the end of the 7-year Tribulation until the end of the Millennium. Then, Satan will be the next to enter (Revelation 20:10), followed by All the rest of the lost who will stand before God at the Great White Throne (Revelation 20:11-15). Each will be given their own personal degree of punishment that will last forever. There is no pardon from Hell as some false prophets are saying today. One Day At A Time is a call to the Father to give us what we need to make it day by day, and to please give it today. We ask for the strength and resolve to make it here every day. We ask for enlightenment to guide us as to the way He would have us live. The past is gone, and except for asking forgiveness for our sins, we are not to dwell on that time. We are all sinners (Romans 3:23), and God knows we are weak. Those who have truly accepted Jesus as Savior have a pathway to forgiveness when we do slip and fall (1 John 1:8-10). The song reminds us to live our best today, as tomorrow may not be there for us. I have told of my experiences while working in hospital settings, where I have witnessed people die that thought they had more time. If we have lived for Christ up to that moment, Paul says in Philippians 1:23 we will depart and be with Jesus. By the example Jesus gave in the parable of the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16), the body dies, but the soul, that part of us that is our true being, will be aware of all that is happening instantly. Those in Christ will be in paradise; those who do not have Jesus will start their torment while waiting for the White Throne. This world is getting worse by the day. What God called abominations are flourishing, and even in ways I never thought I would witness in my lifetime. Jesus said there would be a turning away from the faith, and that is so evident today. False prophets are entrenched throughout the evangelical world, and are proclaiming we all worship the same "god"; there's many ways to Heaven besides Jesus; what the Father "hated" before is now okay; and so on and so forth. Children are being exploited, and even worse. Yet the outcry is not there against all of this. Anyone who tries to speak out is called a "hater." The main thought that is with me constantly is, "How much more will you tolerate, Father? Today would not be too early to take us Home!" Only God knows the answer to this, so I say, "Yes, for my sake (and all our loved ones), teach me to take One Day At A Time." Abba, Father, please hear our call! Shalom - Come Lord Jesus! [email protected] Daily Jot: The world or the Word? - Bill Wilson - The Daily Jot began nearly 13 years ago with a simple mission: to use current events to equip and encourage people to evangelize the word of God. You may not always agree with what the Daily Jot has to say, but there may always be something in it to talk to others about or to take action. Some just get angry or don't want to think about the way events are shaping up prophetically or the way they are having an impact on society. We, as Christians, cannot afford to ignore the world around us. The issues will not go away if we look the other way. In fact, when Christians are not engaged with their family, their community, their state, their country, everything goes the way of the world, not the way of the Word. Jesus said in Matthew 28:19-20, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world." He said in Mark 16:15, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Romans 10:13-15 says, "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent? If you receive The Daily Jot, you are hearing and you are being sent. You are called to action. You have current event to use to share the Word of God. As written in 1 Peter 2:9, "But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that you should show forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light." James 1:25 says, "But whoso looks into the perfect law of liberty, and continues therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed." As Jesus said in Matthew 5:16, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." It's not always easy. Many people find sharing the word uncomfortable in this day and age. But we are not charged to be comfortable, but to take up our cross and follow the Lord. That means it's not chocolate and roses, or rolexes or checks in the mail or nice cars or whatever material things modern preachers are preaching about. It's not really about you or me. It's about Jesus and him being preached. 2 Corinthians 8-13 says, "We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsake; cast down, but not destroyed...We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak." So let us speak boldly as we ought to for if you are reading this you are equipped and encouraged to do so. Daily Devotion: Why Worship? - by Greg Laurie - And they were singing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb. -Revelation 15:3 When you come together in worship with God's people, something wonderful happens. God is omnipresent, which means that He is present everywhere at the same time. But He manifests His presence and reveals Himself in a unique way when we gather for worship and Bible study. When you unplug from that, you're missing out on a significant thing God wants to do in your life. From Genesis to Revelation, our faith is one of worship. In Heaven we're going to sing, and Revelation 15 gives us a glimpse of this: "I saw before me what seemed to be a glass sea mixed with fire. And on it stood all the people who had been victorious over the beast and his statue and the number representing his name. They were all holding harps that God had given them. And they were singing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb" (verses 2-3 NLT). We'll be worshiping in Heaven, so let's get in practice now. The Lord wants to hear us verbalize our praise. Doesn't God know that we love Him? Yes, but He wants to hear you proclaim it. Psalm 106:1 tells us to "give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever" (NLT). Did you know that your worship is a witness? We read in Acts 2 that the first-century church was "praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people. And each day the Lord added to their fellowship those who were being saved" (verse 47 NLT). They were a worshipping church. There is a definite connection there. When nonbelievers see believers give praise to God, especially when things are hard, it's a powerful testimony. When you worship God, you're doing what God created you to do. FROM THE HEART
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