Prophecy Update Newsletter
January 6, 2017
Why Revelation? - J.L. Robb -
You are reading a series of 66 books and manage to stay interested until the last book of the series. You begin to read the Prologue; and in the very first paragraph of the last book, the author writes this: Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near. Would that get your attention, or would it be something you would just scan and keep on keeping on? That is what I did the first few times I read the Book of Revelation. I wanted to get into the meat of the book and kind of drifted right past the first paragraph. Now that we have journeyed into 2017 (5777 by the Jewish calendar), will more churches emphasize the first paragraph of Revelation? Will events that occur in 2017 encourage people to read that first paragraph on their own? Blessed are those who read this book. A lot of exciting stuff happens in Revelation, much of which is unpleasant until you get to the final two chapters. Climate Change will not be nearly as subtle in the last days. The sun is to get seven times brighter and the moon is supposed to appear as bright as the sun. Sounds like warming, and probably a good time to be in the sunglasses business. And air conditioning. But a hotter sun is not all that will be going on. Revelation speaks of all kinds of climatic disasters: Exploding mountains, earthquakes like Earth has not seen before, drought and fire, flooding and tsunamis and hailstorms with hundred pound hailstones. Imagine that, 100-pound pieces of ice falling from the sky. When all this happens there will be a world leader that comes on the scene who works miracles and does wonders that will impress his fans of which there will be many, and scare his enemies. He will take a failing and war-mongering world and turn it around, bringing peace. Briefly. From 81-96 A.D., Domitian was the emperor of the Roman Empire. He was not a nice guy and carried out what became known as the Second Persecution of early Christians. He killed his brother, then killed the Roman Senators he didn't like and demanded that all descendants of King David be eliminated. There was a new law of the land: "That no Christian, once brought before the tribunal, should be exempted from punishment without renouncing his religion." If Christianity was not denounced and Domitian proclaimed god, the penalty was death; and death was not pretty: crucifixion, burning, boiled in oil. Proclaim Emperor Domitian as god, reject Christ and you lived. Sounds a lot like the choices that will be given in Revelation and the mark of the Beast. Or the choices now given to Christians in some Islamic countries. A leader coming to world power and demanding worship or death is not that far-fetched. Look at present-day North Korea and the Japanese emperorship of World War II. The Book of Revelation is a roadmap of the final, future events of this era. What happens is spelled out in a vision to John the Apostle and authored by Jesus the Christ. The vision is bizarre to say the least, tragedy abounds but the ending is good for those whose name is "written in the book of life." Anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire. Revelation 20:15 NIV Speaking of a lake of fire, a story this week out of Italy on CNBC, January 2, 2017, reports there is a large volcano rumbling under Naples. The caldera (crater) at 7 miles, is so large Campi Flegrei is called a supervolcano. There are several supervolcanoes on the planet, but this is the one that's rumbling. Italy is prone to earthquake and volcanic activity. Pompeii and Herculaneum were wiped out in a day from the eruption of Vesuvius, 79 A.D. The past summer has seen a lot of activity north of Rome. Campi Flegrei is situated directly beneath the city of Naples. Unlike volcanos one sees in the movies, supervolcanoes are not shaped like a cone and is often barely visible. Nearly flat, the caldera's are many miles wide and towns and farms reside over the invisible field of magma. It is believed that with supervolcanoes, before there is an eruption, the ground begins a slow rise as the pressure of the red, hot magma begins to push upward. This is happening, and Naples has 500,000 people. According to the CNBC article this week: There have been some reawakening signs in Campi Flegrei since the 1950s, from some low earthquake activity to hydrothermal degassing, with a pause in early 2000s. But in 2005, there were new uplifts and further activity has been recorded. Whether these uplifts and the continuing earthquakes are a sign of an imminent super-eruption, a minor eruption or no eruption, no person knows. According to Some researchers speculate that when Campi Flegrei, which translates from Italian as Burning Fields, erupted about 39,000 years ago it may have wiped out the Neanderthals. Although there is no definitive evidence for this, the fact that the caldera has the potential to devastate a large region of Italy and could even cause volcanic winter worldwide is not in question. The Book of Revelation starts out advising that the readers of the prophecy would be blessed. It ends up stating that anyone who changed the wording or expounded upon the prophecy would suffer all the tragedies described in the book. There is this certainty: If a supervolcano anywhere on Earth has a major eruption, we will believe the end is definitely near. And it only takes a minute. This could be an interesting year; 2016 certainly was. Have a great New Year. Biblical Origins of the 70-Nation Anti-Israel Paris Conference - By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz -
"They have said: 'Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Yisrael may be no more in remembrance.' For they have consulted together with one consent; against Thee do they make a covenant." Psalms 83:5-6 (The Israel Bible™) High ranking officials from 70 nations of the world will gather in Paris on January 15th in an attempt to force Israel to accept a two-state solution with the Palestinian Authority. By so doing, they will be fulfilling a momentous Biblical prophecy foretold thousands of years ago. When Israeli statesman Shimon Peres passed away in September, leaders and dignitaries from 70 nations gathered in Jerusalem to pay their last respects. The symbolism is no mere coincidence; the very same number of representatives will gather in Paris, but this time to deny the Jewish connection to the Land of Israel. "Everyone knows already what the purpose of the conference is: it will be an all-out hatefest against Israel," Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman, director of Ohr Chadash Torah Institute, told Breaking Israel News. "What's interesting is that it isn't just one or two enemies with a specific grudge, like the Arabs or the Nazis. It is 70 nations, which in Torah terms, means all of the nations," explained Rabbi Trugman. Rabbi Shimon Apisdorf, a prominent Jewish educator and bestselling author, told Breaking Israel News that seeing 70 nations written in the headlines caught his attention. "There is no question that the aspect of specifically 70 nations gathering is significant, the point being Israel is not one of them," said Rabbi Apisdorf, citing the book of Numbers. Lo, it is a people that shall dwell alone, and shall not be reckoned among the nations. Numbers 23:9 "We are fundamentally different," stated Rabbi Apisdorf. "And as a light unto the nations, we are supposed to be separate and different." Rabbi Trugman understood a different message in the gathering of the 70 countries. "There is no doubt this is a fulfillment of the prophecies that in the end of days, all the nations will come out against Israel," noted the rabbi. He quoted the commentary of Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki, an 11th century French commentator known by the acronym 'Rashi', on the first verse in the book of Genesis. "1,000 years ago, Rashi said that in the future, the nations of the world will come and say we stole the Land of Israel. This is precisely what we are seeing now," Rabbi Trugman said. "The majority of the nations say we have no claim to Israel, and the rest say we only have a claim to a small section of Israel." "Rashi told us how to answer this claim," said Rabbi Trugman. "We need to remind them that the same God who created the heaven and earth gave it to them, and then he took it from them and gave it to us." The concept of 70 nations has its source in the 70 grandsons of Noah listed in the Bible. These three were the sons of Noach, and of these was the whole earth overspread. Genesis 9:19 According to Bereshit Rabbah, a collection of homiletical teachings compiled around 400 CE, each nation is appointed an angel, except for Israel, which is protected by God Himself. According to Midrash Tanchuma, homiletical teachings believed to have been compiled around 500 CE, Jacob's vision was of these national angels ascending and descending a ladder, determining the fortune of their nations. And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven; and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it. Genesis 28:12 Jacob's vision is interpreted as a message that the nation of Israel was no longer part of this natural process. Though other nations will rise and fall, eventually disappearing into the sands of time, Israel will never disappear. The concept of 70 nations also appears in reference to the 70 oxen offered in the Temple throughout Sukkot (the feast of the tabernacles) which the Talmud (Sukkah 55b) teaches are for the merit of the 70 nations. In the wake of the recent United Nations Security Council resolution 2334 declaring Jewish housing in Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem to be illegal, the outcome of the Paris conference seems certain. A two-state solution would call for Israel to relinquish territories conquered in the 1967 Six-Day War, and subsequently create a Palestinian State. This would include establishing a Palestinian capital in East Jerusalem, thereby removing the Kotel (Western Wall) and the Temple Mount from Jewish control. It is unclear whether the 800,000 Jews living over the 1949 Armistice Lines, comprising approximately 13 percent of Israel's Jewish population, will be required to relocate, as they were when the Israeli government dismantled the communities of Gush Katif in the Gaza Strip in 2005. Even if the 70 nations at the conference decide in favor of the two-state solution it is unclear how this plan will be practically implemented. On January 20, five days after the conference is set to take place, Donald Trump will take the seat in Oval Office, and he has already made his opinion clear that, like Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, he believes the only solution to be face-to-face negotiations without pre-conditions between the Israelis and Palestinians. Why Trump and US intel clash over Russia -
America's intelligence chiefs may have been singing their swan's song Thursday and Friday (Jan. 5-6) when they hurled allegations of election-meddling "ordered at the highest Kremlin level" against Russia at a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing in Washington. The committee's chair John McCain picked up the ball and declared that Russian hacking was "an act of war," after hearing grim testimony from the Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and the National Security Agency head Adm. Michael Rogers. They disclosed that they had compiled a confidential intelligence report that demonstrated how President Vladimir Putin interfered in the US election campaign in favor of the winner, Donald Trump. They declined to divulge its contents but promised to release a shorter, censored version to the public next Monday, Jan. 9. CIA chief John Brennan and Homeland Secretary Jeh Johnson then proceeded to the White House to present the confidential report to President Barack Obama. It will be put before President-elect Trump Friday. The furious clamor keeping the alleged Russian hacking scandal on the boil is being orchestrated by the outgoing president and his intelligence chiefs to ramp up US-Russian friction to an eve-of-cold war pitch. debkafile's Washington and intelligence sources find that the campaign is prompted by five motives: 1. The president-elect not only proposes to put relations with Moscow on a new and different footing, his transition teams are already at work with Putin's advisers to chart areas of cooperation between the two powers, ready for the Trump administration to go forward when he moves into the White House on Jan. 20. The most prominent area is the war on the Islamic State; another - the conflicts in Syria and Iraq. They are also exploring a joint US-Russian effort to resolve the decades-long Israeli-Palestinian dispute. 2. Obama, who has decided to retain a team for monitoring Trump's policies, has plunged into a dogged fight against his successor's decision to reset US-Russian ties. Battling to salvage a part of his "legacy" is, Obama, exceptionally for departing American presidents, is determined to cast a long shadow over his successors' actions and policies. In the next four years, Barack Obama will keep hammering at the Russian hacking affair in order to keep the flames high against Trump's "Russian steps." 3. It is important to note that Trump and his advisers, including designated Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, don't propose rushing into détente with Moscow or any sort of honeymoon. They are acting to restore relations to an even keel and end the disequilibrium of the past eight years, during which Obama just talked and Putin did what he wanted, especially in East Europe and the Middle East. If the effort to restore balance to the relationship works, cooperation in common areas of concern might follow. But if not, the rivalry will continue, except that henceforth America will operate from a position of strength. 4. Working together in the war on Islamic terror will call for a large measure of cooperation between US intelligence agencies and the Russian secret services. Sixteen years ago, after 9/11, Putin proposed this kind of cooperation to President George W. Bush in the fight against Al Qaeda. In 2011, he stepped in again with an offer of assistance to Obama in the Libyan war. Putin was rebuffed by both presidents rebuffed him. Donald Trump is the first US leader ready to seriously explore Putin's intentions. The US intelligence community is up on arms at this prospect, mainly because its clandestine branches were purpose-built to confront Russia, America's historic Cold War enemy. It is hard for them to wrench the wheel round and head in the opposite direction at the bidding of the Trump administration. 5, Notwithstanding denials by administration officers, the president elect has every intention of overhauling the character and operational methods of America's intelligence services. His overarching goal is to cut down the vast numbers off officers, analysts and computer operations, which turn out mountains of intelligence reports most of which he claims no one reads. Trump plans to focus more on the product of secret agents in the field, and so save the hundreds of billions of dollars spent on desk staff and high-tech computer systems. His administration will prefer to rely more on human intelligence and less on technology-based input. Trump encapsulated his approach to intelligence and computers in a remark to reporters on New Year's day: "No computer is safe. You want something to really go without detection, write it out and have it sent by courier." Jerusalem, O Jerusalem - By Jonathan Brentner -
When writers like myself talk about the nearness of the Lord's return, I'm sure for some it brings up an image of a scruffy old man draped with a sandwich sign with the words "The End is Near!" printed in bold letters on both sides. After two thousand years of waiting, I know many dear believers have difficulty wrapping their minds around the nearness of the Lord's return, and understandably so. Could Jesus really come for His church in our lifetime? Could the tribulation actually start in the coming years? Why do some believe that the end of human history is at hand? Prophecy. With so many events aligning so closely with what Scripture predicts about the last days, it's difficult for me to imagine that we are not getting to close to the time of the tribulation and hence to Jesus' return for His church. So while we do not limit God's patience or foolishly set dates, I believe Jesus would have us be wise in discerning the signs of the times in which we live. The Lord chided the Pharisees and Sadducees for not recognizing the signs of His first appearing (Matt. 16:3). Would He not also expect us to recognize the signs of the tribulation or of His return? For example . . . in just the past couple weeks the dispute over old Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria has reached a fever pitch with highly significant prophetic implications that leap out at us from the pages of Scripture. The Prophecies Regarding Jerusalem The prophet Zechariah, writing 2,600 years ago, said this regarding the behavior of the world toward Jerusalem in the last days: "Behold, I am about to make Jerusalem a cup of staggering to all the surrounding peoples. The siege of Jerusalem will also be against Judah. On that day I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples. All who lift it will surely hurt themselves. And all the nations of the earth will gather against it" (12:2-3). Zechariah long ago prophesied a future worldwide preoccupation of the nations with Jerusalem to the extent that the leaders of the world would literally become intoxicated with it and eventually injure themselves coming against it. The "heavy stone" signifies a boundary stone thus indicating a fixation on the boundaries of Jerusalem. Does this not describe what is happening today? Isn't it bizarre that with all the terrorism and violence taking place in the Middle East, the world remains almost solely focused on Jerusalem? One agency estimates that 90,000 Christians were martyred for their faith in 2016 and yet Jerusalem consumes all the attention of the nations, just as the prophets said would happen in the last days. The prophet Joel, who likely wrote before Zechariah, said this about Jerusalem and Judah: "For behold, in those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. And I will enter into judgment with them there, on behalf of my people and my heritage Israel, because they have scattered them among the nations and have divided up my land" (3:1-2). The first part of this prophecy has come true; the Lord has restored "the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem." The next event in this passage is the gathering of nations to fight against Israel with the Lord's subsequent judgment on them. But notice the reason for His anger with the nations: it is because they have divided up His land, which is precisely what we see happening before our eyes today. These prophecies from Zechariah and Joel long ago predicted what is currently happening at the UN. This undue preoccupation with Jerusalem and its boundaries is really no surprise. The ancient prophets said this would happen in the last days. UN Resolution 2334 On Friday, December 23, 2016 the UN Security Council passed Resolution 2334, which essentially divides up the land by making all Jewish settlements in old Judea and Samaria illegal. It gives all this land to the Palestinians. Land, by the way, that never belonged to the Palestinians in the past. Israel took that land from Jordan in the 1967 war and now has a peace treaty with them. The resolution also gives the Palestinians control of all of east Jerusalem; something Israel will never accept. It's now illegal, according to the UN, for Jews to go to the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. As a follow up to this resolution, seventy nations will gather in Paris, France on January 15, 2017. Many believe the goal of this meeting will be to draft language promoting a "two-state solution" for Israel and Palestine. The intent is thus to draw up a UN resolution to this effect to be presented to the UN Security Council before January 20, when Donald Trump, who would sure veto the resolution, becomes president. The thinking is that Obama, who pushed for UN Resolution 2334, would also "allow" this to pass the UN Security Council. It's the prophecies of Zechariah and Joel coming to life before our eyes. Christian author and speaker David Hunt said this several years ago regarding the Zechariah 12:3-4 passage: "Consider how remarkable even this one prophecy is. Who could have imagined when the Old Testament was written that all the nations of the world would be involved in deciding the fate of Israel? And this involvement of all nations in dividing Israel has occurred exactly as prophesied and is still in the process of being implemented." This fascination of the world is even greater now than when David Hunt wrote these words. What's the Significance? Why is the current activity regarding Jerusalem and Israel such a big deal? Do you remember how the second US invasion of Iraq started? It began with the George W. Bush reciting all the UN resolutions that Saddam Hussein had neglected. Besides the weapons of mass destruction, it was the failure of Iraq to abide by UN resolutions that became the justification for the invasion in 2003. It may very well be another issue that brings the nations of the world to Israel's doorstep at the end of the tribulation. However, it's rather easy to see how the current UN resolution as well as the result of the upcoming meeting in Paris on January 15th could become the impetus for military action against Jerusalem such as prophesied to take place just before the Lord's return to earth. Benjamin Netanyahu has publicly stated that Israel will never give up the old sector of Jerusalem. He clearly stated in his response to Resolution 2334 that Israel will not agree to its terms. If the world further seeks to impose a two-state solution upon Israel, it will be met with the same resistance. Can you see why so many students of prophecy believe we are in the last days? We are already seeing events shape up in the world that could easily set the stage for the great battle at the end of the tribulation, which I believe is at least seven years away. I pray that President Obama does not allow passage of any UN resolution forcing a two-state solution upon Israel. I sincerely believe this will lead to disastrous consequences for America as well as set the stage for the Great Tribulation. It will lead to greater violence, not peace, and possibly ignite a series of events leading up to the battle of Armageddon. I also recognize that the refusal of the United States to block such action against Israel may be a part of the fulfillment of end time prophecies. Perhaps we might even expect it even though our hearts react strongly against such action by the UN. Such duplicity seems similar to that of Judas' betrayal of Jesus. Although terrible, it was prophesied in the Old Testament. He did not escape responsibility for his actions, even though Scripture said it would happen. Is this not similar the potential upcoming votes in the UN? We shudder to think of our nation betraying Israel in such a way. I pray every day that the Lord will restrain this evil and keep it from happening. I know our leaders will not escape responsibility for this great evil. If the UN votes to officially take land from Israel and give it to a newly formed Palestinian State, will it not be yet another bright flashing sign pointing to the nearness of the Lord' return? Is this not what the prophets Zechariah and Joel said would happen in the last days? I very much believe such a vote would signal the approaching of the Tribulation and even sooner appearing of Jesus to take us home to forever be with Him. Jonathan C. Brentner [email protected] Eternity Versus the Moment Watchman Warning: A Revolutionary Resolution - By Hal Lindsey -
A new year seems to always bring with it a renewed sense of optimism. It carries the feeling of a fresh start and a new beginning. We see it as a clean slate, and see the future as a place of boundless possibilities. That's why so many people make New Year's resolutions. We sense that as we turn to a new page in our calendars, we can fill those pages with what ought to be, and not what used to be. We know we can't change the whole world, but we think we can change ourselves because that's what we think we can control. New Year's resolutions can be good. A few people have had significant life changes because of them. Maybe they quit smoking or improved their diets. But let's face it. Most of those kinds of resolutions don't last a day, much less a year. Throwing away an old calendar does not remove the events, choices, and habits of days gone by. We enter the new year with the same tendencies, feelings, behaviors, and attitudes we had in the old year. Many of those things were self-destructive last year, and they will be again this year. Real and lasting change takes more than a firm resolve. It requires a course correction that involves thousands of what we might call "micro-decisions." According to the Laboratory of Neuro Imaging at the University of Southern California, we have about 70,000 thoughts per day. (Some scientists believe the real number is much higher.) Many of those thoughts involve decisions. Among our most important decisions is a choice that we make countless times a day. We decide what we will think about. Modern science is beginning to see the tremendous significance of our thought choices. In other words, modern medicine is beginning to see the wisdom of words written 2000 years ago. Philippians 4:8 says, "Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things." (NASB) The King James Version goes through that list, then says, "Think on these things." We now know that the direction of our thoughts has an immediate impact on brain chemistry and a long-term impact on the physical structure of the brain. Neuroplasticity, sometimes called "brain plasticity," speaks of the malleability of the brain throughout life. The brain changes according to our thoughts. Healthy thinking makes for a healthy brain. Children's brains are more malleable than those of adults. The brain continues to grow until at least age 18. Obviously, if it's still growing, it has greater flexibility. That's why the scripture says, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." (Proverbs 22:6 KJV) But even though most of the shaping of the mind takes place in early years, modern medical science shows that neuroplasticity lasts for your whole life. This understanding is one of the reasons stroke patients recover so much better now than in the past. Physical therapy forces the brain to create new neural pathways. Even badly damaged brains can be trained so that healthy parts take over the functions previously handled by the now damaged areas. In the same way, you and I are never too old to change how we think. But as adults, we have a major challenge. We carry the accumulation of years of the old thinking. And we fight our old, fallen nature every time we move toward a more godly life. But if you are in Christ, you have Help. Your greatest Ally for positive change is the Holy Spirit in your life. The best example of this is salvation itself. I know of cases where people in their seventies and eighties came to Christ and received a whole new outlook on life. Their thoughts changed and their actions changed. That's not just brain plasticity. That's the work of the Holy Spirit! But salvation is not the end of His work in us. It is only the beginning! Resolutions rarely work because years of use have created patterns in your brain. You can doggedly resolve - determine with your whole might - but it usually won't work because you have limited control of the tens of thousands of micro-decisions that are the real determiners of your life's direction. Romans 8:26 gives us hope. It says, "The Spirit also helps our weakness." (NASB) That doesn't mean He makes decisions and forces them on us. He doesn't act like demons - evil spiritual entities that can possess and control humans. The Holy Spirit doesn't work that way at all! He's no puppeteer. Rather, He empowers us to make the right choices we have wanted to make, but that were impossible for us. Galatians 5:23 lists "self-control" (NASB) as one of His fruits in our lives. Can't quite get a handle on your life? Struggling to get things under control? Jesus said, "I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; that is the Spirit of truth." (John 14:16-17 NASB) Resolve now... to let the Holy Spirit help you. ![]()
My Review of "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" Over the last 35 years, I have literally read hundreds of books on Bible Prophecy and End Time signs. I especially enjoy books on the Rapture, and I have read almost every Rapture-related book published. In all those years, devouring thousands of pages, and millions of words, I have not read a better book on the Rapture than, Rapture Ready...Or Not? Terry James might be physically blind, but he is spiritually sharp and well discerning beyond most authors. In "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" Terry has nailed the pre-trib Rapture, and removed any doubt what so ever about the Church going through the Tribulation. With great insight and Godly discernment, Terry explains with simple, yet profound words, why and how that he has come to believe the ways he does about the Rapture, the Tribulation, and the End Times scenario. I think after reading "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" you too will believe as Terry does, and be Ready for the Rapture like never before! - Randy Thomas - Publisher / Editor - Prophecy Update For more information and or to get your copy of "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" use this link: News from Hal Lindsey Media Ministries - Hal Lindsey -
On this week's program, I am going to begin my annual two-part series that I call, "The Prophetic Year in Review," or PYIR. For those of you who are regular viewers of the program, you remember that at the beginning of each new year I look back on the previous one and highlight the developments and events that I believe hold particular prophetic significance. For my 2016 PYIR, I have devoted Part 1 to Israel. This has been a difficult year for the nation of Israel, and, for that matter, Jews worldwide. Not only has Israel faced its normal array of enemies, but as 2016 closed, it found itself stabbed in the back by its closest ally, the United States. On the eve of Hannukah, President Obama chose to "fundamentally transform" decades of U.S. policy and allow the world to gang up on our tiny ally at the United Nations. The UN Security Council, with America's tacit approval (some say instigation), pushed Israel into an untenable position that President-Elect Trump will not be able to undo. To add insult to injury, Secretary of State John Kerry then displayed to the world a level of contempt for Israel that stunned many, including several of America's allies. But, if you recall, I warned just a few weeks ago that I felt President Obama would make his true colors known and wreak as much damage to Israel as he could before leaving office. I'm sorry to say that I -- along with a few others -- was correct. I pray that God will be merciful to America despite the hatred for God's chosen people that our leaders have shown. And continue to pray for Israel and our nation. There are still a couple of weeks left in which this Administration could further turn the knife and create crises that the incoming administration will be left to face. And, folks, I believe the attitude of those leaving office is something rather unprecedented in modern American politics. Please continue to hold up our nation in prayer and intercession for God's protection and mercy. I firmly believe we are dealing with supernatural forces that are displaying themselves as we've never witnessed before. That's one more reason I believe that Christ's return for His true believers may be more imminent than we realize. Don't miss this week's Report on TBN, Daystar, CPM Network, The Word Network, various local stations, or . Check your local listings. A NOTE FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO WATCH "THE HAL LINDSEY REPORT" ON TBN: This week, we are moving to our new time. Beginning today, January 6, 2017, the Report will be seen 30 minutes later, beginning at 6:00 pm Pacific/9:00 pm Eastern. Hopefully, this new time will make it even more convenient for those of you in the western United States. Again, I want to wish all of you a wonderful, blessed and happy new year. As I said last week, thank you so much for your prayer and financial support of "The Hal Lindsey Report" during the past year. We are on the air around the world only through your faithfulness and persistent giving. Thank you for your loyalty and keep up the good work! So will we! Maranatha! And Happy New Year! Daily Jot: How close we are to losing our Liberty - Bill Wilson -
When I began going to West Africa, Ghana was a dictatorship. I escaped an airport bombing and led 8 missionaries through a coup attempt in another country. Freedom is not for the weak. We Americans have no idea how close we have been (and are) to losing our Liberty. The previous eight years was an all out attack on the American ideal. My ministry partner William Agbeti in Ghana has witnessed and has lived through several dictatorships. He says it is a spirit of dictatorship that he sees in the "president" and those of his party. I asked him how to stand against this spirit, and what Christians did in Ghana to gain and preserve liberty. His insights may be your most important read of the year. William says, "Coming from a so-called third world country and having experienced first hand the rule of dictators, the US "president's" "third term" statement, and the "shadow government" moves clearly indicate to me the presence of the spirit of dictatorship in him. If my analysis is correct, this simply means that If he were a president in a third world country, he would indisputably attempt to change things to continue in power after the legal constitutional term; Or, if dictatorship is not possible for him, then the spirit will drive him to start a shadow government, leading to an eventual overthrow of the legitimate US government through various means. Your "president" seems to have an uncompleted business to change America, and it is likely he is not going to relent until it is done. "The role of the Christian and allied communities throughout the dictatorships cannot be downplayed. There were organized and constant all-night prayers, church services and peaceful marches. The heavens were bombarded with unceasing prayers. Above all, there were the rise of various sole but bold leaders and journalists (like you) who gave voice to the people to help bring down oppressive regimes. I was the Editor of a national religious-based weekly that helped a great deal to topple a military dictatorship in Ghana. The mainstream media produced very few outlets that became thorns in the flesh of evil regimes in Ghana. The majority of the press was bought by dictators and placed on their payrolls. "The hallmarks of successful overthrow of evil regimes have included, but not limited to: emergence of sole opposition leaders around whom the masses build resistance, involvement of the people in civil disobedience, alignment with foreign governments and powers, revolts sparked by unfortunate killings of innocent people, etc. There is nothing like a "one thing" at play in dealing with dictatorships. That notwithstanding, I think it is time for American Christians to stop the emerging evil shadow government with "one thing": that is, to send out a massive clarion call to prayer, with the support of Christian communities worldwide. Owing to the complexity of the American system of governance, if this is not done, it is easy for a smart dictator to run America, hiding behind rules and regulations which your "president" has already set in place." See the similarities with what Ghana experienced leading to dictatorships-over regulation, shadow governments, news media employment? Ronald Reagan once said, "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same." For us as Christians, Galatians 5:1 says, "Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again in the yoke of bondage." Both are good advice. Americans, especially Christian Americans, must learn how to stand fast, be ever vigilant, in both our spiritual and physical freedom. Our generation must do so or face the consequences of such inaction. Daily Devotion: Let Him Choose - Greg Laurie -
He went a little farther and fell on His face, and prayed, saying, "O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will." -Matthew 26:39 When my sons were growing and one of them had a few dollars to spend, I would take him to the toy store. My son would look around, select a toy he wanted, and then ask me what I thought. At that moment I would have a vision of his closet and all his broken toys. I knew the toy he was considering also would go that way. So I would tell him, "Well, buddy, I don't think that's a good toy to buy. I recommend you get something different." "But I want this one." "Why don't you just wait and think about it." "Why don't you choose for me, Dad?" I loved it when my sons would say that. Of course, you know what I ended up doing. I usually ended up spending a little more money on them. I liked to get them great toys. That is God's attitude toward us, illustrated in a simplistic way. When we ask the Lord to choose for us, He will go above and beyond what we can ask or think. Many times we limit God through our unbelief. He wants to do more than we're asking for. So don't be afraid to say, "Not as I will, but as You will." D. L. Moody said, "Spread out your petition before God, and then say, 'Thy will, not mine, be done.' The sweetest lesson I have learned in God's school is to let the Lord choose for me." We don't always know the will of God in every situation. And then there are times when we know it but don't like it. There are also times when we know the will of God but don't understand it. However, we must never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God. FROM THE HEART
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