Prophecy Update Newsletter
What’s Next - By Grant Phillips -
Many Christians, and many who are not Christians, are quite concerned about what awaits us this coming year of 2021. 2020 has not been pleasant, and with all things considered, 2021 could be even worse. I say “could” be because maybe our attitude is a determining factor. In other words, as a Christian, are we depending on man or God? Paul said it well. “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7). I would like to quote Dr. J. Vernon McGee with reference to a Scripture passage in Daniel [Dr. J. Vernon McGee, Thru The Bible Commentary Series, The Prophets, Daniel, Pages 73-74]. God, in chapter four of Daniel, is warning Nebuchadnezzar in a dream that he is going to be judged for his pride if he doesn’t repent and trust in the one true God. Keep in mind that Dr. McGee went home to be with the Lord December 1st, 1988 … 32 years ago! Much has changed since then. Here is what he had to say: “This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men” (Daniel 4:17). There are three things that we learn from Nebuchadnezzar’s dream: · “The most High ruleth in the kingdom of men.” If you think that God has abdicated today and has withdrawn from this universe, you are wrong. The universe has not gotten loose from Him. Emerson was wrong when he said, “Things are in the saddle, and they ride mankind.” There happens to be Somebody else in the saddle, and He is in control on this earth. “He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure. Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion” (Ps. 2:4-5). God says He is going on with His purpose in the world. He is permitting Satan to carry out a nefarious plot for a very definite reason: God is demonstrating something to His created intelligences today. There are a lot of silly things being said about Satan which are entirely unscriptural. Nations rise and fall to teach men that God rules and overrules the kingdoms of this world. If you think our nation happens to be His special little pet, you are entirely wrong. I believe we have already been put on the auction block: we are already judged. The downward course which this nation is traveling is going to take us right to the judgment of God. He rules in the kingdom of men. · He “giveth it to whomsoever he will.” You probably thought that the Democrats and the Republicans put men in power. They think they do, but God disposes of these kingdoms according to His will. That thought may cause someone’s chest to puff up, and he will say, “Well, I am occupying this office by the will of God.” A lot of kings in the past had the foolish notion that they were ruling in God’s place. Don’t believe a word of it – God puts them in power. Notice that Paul says in Romans 13:1, “…the powers that be are ordained of God.” Why in the world does God permit certain powers to rule on this earth? · He “setteth up over it the basest of men.” This third statement should be humbling to both the Democrats and the Republicans – and to all of mankind. If you think we pick the best men, we don’t – all you need to do is to read human history to see this. My study of English history shows that our ancestors in the British Isles were some pretty bloody ancestors. They were terrible, and they had some rulers who were unspeakable! May I say to you, God “setteth up over it the basest of men,” and we get the kind of ruler that we deserve. People complain about our government, our Congress, and all that sort of thing. My friend, we put them in their offices; we voted for them. God lets the basest of men come to power. That ought to be humbling to all of us – from Washington, D.C., on down. You will never hear of someone who is trying to curry the favor of our leaders speaking on this verse at a Presidential breakfast or upon any occasion in Washington! This verse is quite upsetting, is it not? History will substantiate the truth of this statement. The head of gold, Nebuchadnezzar, was insane; yet he was a brilliant ruler who formed the first world kingdom. He had times when he was as mad as a mad-hatter and didn’t even know who he was. As we have mentioned before, many of the great world rulers have suffered problems similar to his. And the reason our forefathers did not establish the United States of America as a kingdom is because they believed that no man could be trusted to rule. God has been demonstrating this now over quite a length of time: He “setteth up over it the basest of men.” [end quote] I don’t know any more than the next person what lies ahead in the coming year. That’s a privilege held only by our omniscient God. Depending upon who is sitting in the oval office, I can make an educated (or uneducated) guess, and maybe I’ll be correct to some point. I do know this … The Lord Jesus Christ is in absolute control, and He knows exactly what He is doing. I know He loves His sheep of which I am one. I also know there is nothing man can do to me that can separate me from Him (Psalm 23; Romans 8:35-39). When I read Dr. McGee’s statement above, I was especially drawn to the third statement God made in Daniel 4:17; i.e., “and setteth up over it the basest of men.” If God is allowing the two Democrats who ran for president and vice president to govern our nation beginning January 2021, God’s statement “and setteth up over it the basest of men” seems to be a perfect fit. I can’t imagine the destruction that will ensue once these two, and the gang, take over. I am also jolted to the reality that God may be ready to reduce our national influence upon the world and allow the stage light to be re-directed toward the revived Roman empire and its coming world leader, the Antichrist. The Antichrist may be preparing for his grand entrance upon the world’s stage. Now, all of this is supposition. Only God knows the “how and when” of future events. Interestingly though, He has made clear the signs He has provided us for the coming seven years of Tribulation. Its arrival may not be at the door, but it’s footsteps can be heard coming up the path. In other words, the storm isn’t here yet, but the clouds are definitely darkening. Thankfully, the Lord has promised over and over that His Church (His bride) will not be here for that period in time. So whatever happens in this new year, let Jesus’ words live in your heart. “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me …Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14:1, 27). We don’t know the future, but we know Who holds the future. Grant Phillips Email: [email protected] Pre-Rapture Commentary: Rapture Ready: They Are Doing It Again, And We Have Seen It Happen Way Too Many Times Before… - by Michael Snyder - It appears to be happening again. As I write this article, 92 percent of the vote has been counted in Georgia, and both Republicans are leading. Kelly Loeffler has a lead of 2 percent over Ralph Warnock, and David Perdue has a lead of 2.8 percent over Jon Ossoff. In the old days, leads of that size this late in the vote count would be enough to call both races. But this is 2020, and we are being told that huge waves of votes from key Democratic strongholds could swing both races in favor of the Democrats. Just like we saw in November, it appears that votes that will be counted in the middle of the night while most of the nation is sleeping will make all the difference. Back in November, time after time President Trump was leading Joe Biden in key swing states after 90 percent of the vote had been counted, and time after time he lost. This time around, some are anticipating that the Democrats will win before they have even taken the lead in the vote count. In fact, Dave Wasserman of the Cook Political Report has already called the race between Warnock and Loeffler… Cook Political Report’s Dave Wasserman has seen enough. The data expert called the Georgia runoff election for Democrat Raphael Warnock, who he says will defeat Republican Kelly Loeffler. The call came early, as Georgia’s senate runoff elections are tight and have yet to be called by major outlets. Seriously? At this hour, we are being told that most of the “uncounted votes” are in the Democratic strongholds in the Atlanta area… Much of the uncounted votes are in metro Atlanta counties favoring Democrats as well as absentee ballots that also favor Democrats. Still, Sterling said there are also lots of uncounted likely Republican votes spread over smaller conservative counties in the state. Isn’t it odd how they never seem to be able to count votes as quickly as everyone else? In particular, CNN is reporting that the largest number of outstanding votes are in DeKalb County… The biggest chunk of outstanding votes is the early in-person voting numbers from DeKalb County, said Gabriel Sterling, the voting systems implementation manager for the Georgia Secretary of State’s office, in a news conference this evening. The county is heavily Democratic and played a key role in handing President-elect Joe Biden a victory in the state in the presidential election. In November, the biggest cities in many of the most important swing states were extremely slow in reporting their results, and when those results finally came in they pushed Biden into the lead in those states. And guess what? Just a few moments ago, a huge vote dump from DeKalb County has vaulted Warnock into the lead, and Ossoff is now almost tied with Perdue. 96 percent of the vote is now in, and it is anticipated that the remaining 4 percent of the vote will help the Democrats even more. Incredibly, President Trump seemed to be anticipating this exact scenario… Looks like they are setting up a big “voter dump” against the Republican candidates. Waiting to see how many votes they need? States are going to have to start changing their election laws after this. From now on, all counties should be required to report their vote totals at the exact same time so that nobody gets an unfair “advantage”. Nobody should be able to delay their “counting” until they can see how all of the other counties have voted. That just opens up way too much of an opportunity for malfeasance. And of course we need to get rid of the voting machines entirely. Speaking of that, there were all sorts of problems with voting machines in Republican strongholds in Georgia on Tuesday. Here are just some of the reports that we were getting… –Georgia radio host John Fredricks:”Dominion machines in… 3 of the largest Republican precincts…are down…They are told they can’t scan their ballots because the machines don’t work…The pole workers are saying ‘When it’s fixed we’ll scan it for you’…There’s all kinds of red flags” –Columbia County, Georgia: “Columbia county…It’s a Republican-majority county. People forced to vote with provisional ballots and told to check online later to see if the vote was counted.” –Spaulding County, Georgia: Spoke with a woman who went to vote at 7am this morning. She & other voters were told the #dominion machines were down. They were not given emergency paper ballots & were told to come later. Some voters unable to come back due to work. It is funny – I didn’t hear of a single problem with the machines in Democratic strongholds. Maybe there were problems and I just didn’t hear about them. That is entirely possible. But it truly is strange how all of these election “anomalies” always seem to hurt Republicans and help Democrats. Now 98 percent of the vote is in, and Ralph Warnock has a 0.8 percent lead on Kelly Loeffler. The other race is almost completely tied. But I have a feeling that some more votes will suddenly be “found” for Ossoff before it is all said and done. The past couple of months have greatly shaken faith in our political system, and it has become exceedingly clear that America is in huge trouble. Now that this has happened to them personally, I anticipate that Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue will both take much stronger stands on election security in the future. It is still possible that Perdue may end up winning, but his lead just suddenly shrank to less than 2,000 votes. The votes that Ossoff needs seem to be coming in, and it appears that he could be about to take the lead. It is kind of strange writing an article as I watch the results come in. I had a feeling that we were going to see this sort of a scenario play out, and now it is actually happening. And right on cue, the Democratic stronghold of Gwinnett County has announced that they are not going to count any more votes until tomorrow morning… Gwinnett County, a suburb of Atlanta, has finished counting for the day, leaving just under 4,800 absentee and a small number of military ballots and cured absentee ballots to be counted, county officials said. If Ossoff ends up needing some additional votes to push him over the top, that is where he can get them. Sadly, it appears quite likely that the Democrats will end up taking control of the Senate, and that means that America is never going to be the same again after this. Nearing Midnight: Why We Have Reached a State of Total Monetary Madness – Todd Strandberg - The Nobel Prize is awarded to people in the field of economics because there are rules that equally apply to the financial world as in the world of physics and chemistry. The Nobel committee might as well suspend the prize for economics. We are at a point where financial guidelines that have existed for centuries are suddenly void. In 2020 we had bond yields at a 5,000-year low, and the price of oil traded at a negative price for the first time ever. Another first was Tesla reaching a market cap of $670 billion, which is greater than the combined value of every other car company on planet Earth. We had several times in 2020 where the stocks of defunct companies would go on wild price rides. The Hertz car rental company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. The company stock dropped down to 56 cents, and then it began to soar as day traders pushed up the price to $5.50. Never mind that the company had warned its “common stock will be worthless.” Hertz received approval from a bankruptcy judge to sell up to $1 billion of common stock to take advantage of its recent share rally. The plan was scrapped when it became clear there would be lawsuits once people realized they were issued stock that had zero real value. The craziest thing I witnessed was the massive amount of debt the government racked up. The House of Representatives got the ball rolling when it passed the $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus package on the 27th of March. The lack of tax revenues from all the lockdowns led to a $2.3 trillion shortfall for the federal government. Year-to-date, the national debt has grown by $4.3 trillion. Now that Trump has just signed the new stimulus package, we will have a $6 trillion deficit within a year’s time. Two years ago I said that a fiscal crisis could lead to a $3 trillion deficit. If I went back to 2018 in a time machine and informed myself of this current situation, I would have thought that I had gone insane. I’m amazed that we’ve exceeded 100% of my worst nightmare vision. We still have three months to add another stimulus spending bill to the ever-growing debt. The size and scope of this debt orgy is so enormous, most people probably do not understand what is happening. In 2000 we had a total federal debt of $5.6 trillion. In less than a year, our government has spent more than it spent during the first 224 years. Almost every government in the world has joined the U.S. in issuing massive amounts of new debt. All that new money led to higher stock prices. Worldwide market capitalization was $85 trillion in 2020. This value dropped to $65 trillion at the March low but ended the year at $100 trillion. Most businesses have seen their actual incomes decline by at least 30%. The stock prices for airlines and cruise ships are high because governments just give them money. I do not see how we can keep the economy going. Millions of people are several months behind on their rent and mortgage payments. People who have been unemployed for close to one year will be less likely to want to find work. Entire sections of the economy have been devastated by confinement, and millions of jobs have been lost for good. Another indication that monetary madness has taken over is the price of bitcoin. The cryptocurrency marketplace is the largest financial bubble in percentage terms in global history. Bitcoin began trading at less than a cent, and now it’s traded as high as over $34,000. The total market cap of bitcoin is still small at $500 billion, but it’s crazy for people to be paying for a number that currently comes in 8,111 flavors. If your password is lost or stolen, your bitcoin disappears forever. Every time I turn around, a new danger to cryptocurrency arises. The latest one came from the FCC declaring the cryptocurrency XRP a security in the way it was marketed. When the news of the move became public, the value of the XRP went from $30 billion to $8 billion, which was a 75% haircut. At the time, there wasn’t any concern that the same decision could be applied to Bitcoin. The U.S. national debt will soon rise to $30 trillion, and it will probably continue to rise without much consequence. Bitcoin may reach $100,000 in the coming days. God has total control over the world economy. He appears to be keeping things calm because tranquility will be the calling card of the rapture. The fact that we have arrived at such an extreme state of financial stability tells me the “Blessed Hope” must be very near. “Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man. People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all” (Luke 17:26-27, NIV). “Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh” (Mat. 24:44). Israel Troubled by Iran's Retribution Dilemma – Yoav Limor - If there's one thing that's troubling the Israeli defense establishment these days more than the coronavirus crisis, it's Iran. The recent historical progress made in the Middle East peace process is clouded by a cluster of events that has placed the region on edge. Chief among them is the first anniversary of the assassination of Iranian strongman Gen. Qassem Soleimani, the commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps's elite Quds Force unit--Tehran's infamous extraterritorial black-ops arm--who was killed in a U.S. drone strike in Iraq on Jan. 3, 2020. This is compounded by Iran's desire to exact revenge for the assassination of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, regarded by Western and Israeli intelligence services as the mastermind behind the country's nuclear weapons program, and by Tehran's desire to retaliate against Israel for its strikes on Iranian assets in Syria. Israeli defense officials believe that Iran has recognized a window of opportunity--the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump is in its last days, and that of President-elect Joe Biden administration has yet to be sworn in, meaning that the United States is limited in its ability to act. This ostensibly presents the ayatollahs' regime with a golden opportunity to retaliate over everything that the Trump administration did, from exiting the 2015 nuclear deal and re-imposing economic sanctions that have ravaged its economy, to the killing of Soleimani, which has seriously hindered its export of terrorism, to affording Israel the backing to act nearly freely against Iran across the Middle East. If this were a case of simple math, the Iranians would not hesitate to act. The U.S. has many assets in the Middle East and the Persian Gulf, a strike on which would be painful for the United States, and Iran has plenty of proxies in the region--from Hezbollah in Lebanon to the Houthis in Yemen--that are only too eager to do Tehran's bidding. The reality, however, is more complicated. Iran is wary of an unexpected strike before Trump leaves office, and would like to get off on the right foot with Biden, who would have to retaliate against any strike on American interests in the region. The Americans seem more alarmed about the issue and are gearing up for a major Iranian operation. This is why the United States has bolstered troops in the Gulf and has also sent threatening messages to Iran warning the ayatollahs that any strike would meet a devastating response. Israel, on the other hand, believes that the Iranians would err on the side of caution and that even if they did retaliate, they would opt for a target that would not bring fire and brimstone raining on their heads. These differences in perception are reasonable and reflect the difference in concerns. On a strategic level, Israel wants to ensure that America maintains maximum deterrence vis-à-vis Iran, but at the operational level, it has its own issues with which to contend. The threat is not imminent Iran has been looking to harm Israel for a while, and it has plenty of reasons to use a pretext. Syria, as always, is Iran's go-to theater of operation. It's militias there do its bidding without hesitation, and while they have the manpower and the weapons, they are not sophisticated. An Israeli reaction could prove more than Iran bargains for, as experience has shown. In 2018 and 2019, Iran mounted several failed attempts to attack Israel from Syria, and paid for it, which is why it is likely to look for another route. The Houthi rebels in Yemen are likely candidates to assist Iran this time. In many respects, they are similar to Hezbollah, as they would go a long way for Iran, as long as it doesn't jeopardize its interests in Yemen. The Houthis did as much in September 2019, when they claimed responsibility for the drone attacks on two key oil installations in Saudi Arabia--Iran's archenemy in the Gulf. The attack emanated from Iranian soil, but the Houthis were loyal enough to claim it, thus allowing Tehran to maintain deniability. The concern is that they will do the same vis-à-vis Israel. The Israeli defense establishment has been monitoring the Houthis' arsenal buildup, especially given the change in Iranian policy. In the past, Tehran would keep its advanced weapons to itself, but recently it has been very generous with giving it to its proxies, particularly the Houthis and Hezbollah. As part of this policy, Iran has been providing its proxy in Yemen with the same weapons it used to strike Saudi Arabia. This will allow it to attack Israel from outside its territory, using means that greatly challenge the target. Unlike rockets and missiles--the trajectory of which is relatively easy to detect and project--drones and cruise missiles travel both high and low, making them very difficult to identify until the very moment of impact. The drone strike in Saudi Arabia prompted the Air Defense Directorate in the Israeli Air Force and aerospace industries to make adjustments to Israel's detection and interception systems to better counter these threats. Yemen so far has been someone else's problem--that of the United States, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates--so it has never been a priority for Israel's military intelligence. This is likely to change, and chances are that Israel will ask for help from the United States, which keeps close tabs on the southern Arabian Peninsula country. These efforts should afford Israel enough time to intercept an attack, and given the distance between the countries, interception could involve fighter jets and take place away from Israel's borders. It is important to stress that by all intelligence assessments, the threat is not imminent. The Israeli military seeks to preempt it, as well as to generate deterrence. If the Iranians realize that Israel is ready to counter them, they may think twice about it, although that's doubtful. But with all due respect to the Houthis, conventional security threats and everything that is happening in Syria, Israel is the most profoundly concerned about Iran's nuclear aspirations. The Islamic Republic is a long way away from developing an atomic bomb, but it is slowly and steadily inching towards it. Tehran has been exploiting the fact that the United States pulled out of the 2015 nuclear pact to violate the accord time and again, and so far, no one has tried to stop it. This has allowed Iran to accumulate enough low-nuclear bombs. The Iranians have so far been careful not to push uranium enrichment to 20 percent, despite a parliamentary decision to do so, as they prefer to use that as leverage when they negotiate a new nuclear deal with the United States. Western intelligence officials, as well as their Israeli counterparts, do not believe Iran is about to make a move that it would be unable to walk back. The ayatollahs are already facing several International Atomic Energy Agency investigations over issues discovered after Israel exposed Iran's secret atomic archives in April 2018. As Iran is a member of the United Nations' nuclear watchdog, it would like to see these cases closed, and will most likely throw them in the mix when negotiating with the Biden administration. It is still unclear to Jerusalem where Washington will stand on the issue under Biden or under which conditions he would be willing to re-enter the nuclear deal or negotiate a new one. Once in office, Biden is likely to be preoccupied with the coronavirus crisis and his country's economy, and Iran will be something he will have to clear off his desk. This is both a pro and a con: a con because Biden will be distracted, and his administration could potentially agree to conditions it normally wouldn't, just to wrap the issue up; and a pro because it means that the United States could push for a better deal. Daily Jot: The Republic, God and you – Bill Wilson – Many say that the Constitutional Republic of the US is over if Republicans do not hold the presidency and Senate. It looks as though by those standards, it is over. But let us not forget that the Constitution remains intact. Its precepts enforceable. Let us also remember that God is our witness; that Christ is our salvation; that the Holy Spirit is our comforter and guide. The Republic should not define you. In fact, you should define the Republic. And that, my brothers and sisters, is the reason we are faced today with historic consequences of a revolutionary complacency. We are looking for solutions, but there are no solutions in politics, only compromise. And compromise is so systemic that it is as an evil upon our land. Over the past 19 years, I have grown to know many of Daily Jot subscribers very well. You are the active ones. You are, as Christ said in Matthew 5:13-14, “.the salt of the earth. You are the light of the world.” You have written letters. You have made phone calls. You have attended prayer meetings and prayer conference calls. You pray unceasingly. You speak truth wherever and whenever the opportunity. Still, with all this, the Republic is crumbling. And we look for many reasons—the legality of abortion, the killing of the unborn; the acceptance of same sex marriage; the censorship of God in the public square; the abomination of the dishonest scale—which is found in politics, elections, government, the church, entertainment, and business dealings. But these are not things that you practice. In fact, much of this you and I do not have any control over. We are at our wits end because all of our prayer and acts seem to come to little. Well, it is time to become more strategic. I have written for a long time that the condition of our nation reflects the condition of the “church.” So long as the “church” in general is focused on extra-biblical, emotional and self-indulgent feel good religion, this nation and the world for that matter, will continue on its path into darkness. No doubt, the prophecies of the end time foretell this darkness as Christ said in Matthew 24:38, “For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until that day Noah entered into the ark.” We cannot be defined by two seats in the Senate and the Presidency. You see, as is written in 1 Peter 2:9, “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people: that you should show forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” We are the nation. There is a 70% majority of Christians in this nation. Trouble is, most do not even understand what it is to be a Christian because they haven’t heard the Word of God. When it comes down to the future of our nation being held by two Senate seats and the Presidency, we are holding onto the Republic by a thin-threaded rope. We need more than that. Be encouraged that you are the light in this present darkness and let that light shine. Hold accountability, especially with the “church.” Overcome evil with good. Christ showed us how. Daily Devotion: The Church and the Tribulation - by Greg Laurie – And they speak of how you are looking forward to the coming of God’s Son from heaven—Jesus, whom God raised from the dead. He is the one who has rescued us from the terrors of the coming judgment. —1 Thessalonians 1:10 - Listen There is some debate in the church as to when Jesus Christ will return. Some suggest that He will return midway through the Great Tribulation. Others say that Christians will have to go through the Tribulation, which will last for seven years. But I think it’s quite clear from the following passage, as well as other Scripture, that Christians will not go through the Tribulation: “For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Thessalonians 5:9 NKJV). Now, I’m not saying that Christians won’t go through tribulation. But I am saying that in my opinion, we won’t go through the Great Tribulation. There’s a difference. We all will experience trials and hardship and persecution as Christians. In fact, Jesus said, “In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world” (John 16:33 NKJV). The Great Tribulation the Bible speaks of is God’s judgment on a generation of people whom He has amply warned of the wrath to come. However, you cannot find any instance in the Bible where God judged an individual or a nation and judged His people along with them. We find examples of this when God sent two angels to bring out Lot (and those in his family who were willing) before He judged Sodom and Gomorrah. Another example is Noah and his family, whom God spared from the Flood. And in Revelation we have Jesus’s words to the church of Philadelphia: “Because you have obeyed my command to persevere, I will protect you from the great time of testing that will come upon the whole world to test those who belong to this world” (3:10 NLT). Being a member of a church won’t keep you out of the Tribulation, but being a member of the body of Christ will. You have to know Jesus in a personal and real way. Are you waiting for Him? Are you watching for Him? Are you looking forward to His return? ![]() FROM THE HEART
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