Prophecy Update Newsletter
Mother of Harlots - Part: II - Pete Garcia -
Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that "man of sin be revealed", "the son of perdition"; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4) [Note the order of titles] The Antichrist is only one part of the unholy trinity that comes together in the final seven years. The False Prophet heads the religious arm (the Harlot) while the Antichrist runs the political system. The Dragon (Satan) gives power to both to deceive and enslave the world. At the mid-point of the seven years, Satan is cast out of heaven, and he physically indwells the Antichrist making him go from the man of lawlessness to the son of perdition. Revelation 17 deals with ecclesiastical Babylon ran by the False Prophet while chapter 18 deals with commercial Babylon (presumably run by the Antichrist). If both are cities, then they are two different cities with two different fates. It may be that the Harlot (as a system) is comprised of the people who indwell the city as we will look at later on. Regardless, the harlot is destroyed by the kings of the beast (the ten horns-Rev. 17:16-18), and no one mourns the collapse of this ecclesiastical abomination. At this point, the False Prophet then directs all worship towards the son of perdition. Juxtaposed to the Harlot is commercial Babylon, who when destroyed by God causes the entire world to mourn (Revelation 18:17-19). The "Universal" Church A sneak peek of what that final world religion will probably look like is the burgeoning movement known as Chrislam. To be more specific, Chrislam (the blending Christianity and Islam) is the end-result of an actual process which first began from applying a liberalistic approach to Holy Scripture. Liberal hermeneutics allows for all manner of incursions by aberrant theology to make inroads into orthodox Christianity. Chrislam is just one of the latest perversions, but it is likely the most significant, considering the total number of adherents to both Roman Catholicism and Islam. Two of the most well-known publications of literature regarding the subject of Revelation 17 &18 was Alexander Hislop's 1853 book entitled The Two Babylons. The second was Dave Hunt's 1994 seminal book A Woman Rides the Beast. Both posit that the Roman Catholic Church was/is the only qualified candidate who could fill the role of the last day's global, apostate church known as the whore of Babylon. She is called a whore, not for her sexual deviancies, but rather for her spiritual infidelity. Both are credited for shedding much light on the history of ancient Babylon and how that portends for her shadowy, future alter-ego known only as MYSTERY BABYLON. The Roman Catholic Church is one of, if not, THE wealthiest organizations on the planet. That wealth was not accumulated over the millennia by the generous tithes and offerings of its parishioners, but rather through centuries of corruption and force. She also has a rich history of cruelly persecuting those who disagree with her dogma and imaginary authority. But even more significant than her wealth, is her political influence and reach around the world of which she has used to promote ecumenism and the social gospel for the better part of 70 years. And while I agree with most of what Mr. Hunt has to say on the topic, I think that it will be much, much more than what even he described. I believe the Roman Catholic Church will be the primary organizational vehicle which Satan uses to take over. But he will not just use hollow dogma, religious rites, and rituals to entrap the world, but will use grandiose ceremonies marked by lying signs and wonders to deceive the world's religions into uniting against the real perceived enemy---fundamentalism (2 Thess. 2:9-12). Although fundamentalism applies to every belief system (religious or otherwise), the world has already assigned a negative connotation to it especially as it concerns Christianity. Speaking to the twentieth-century rise of fundamentalism, Dr. Grant Wacker, of Duke University Divinity School, notes in The Rise of Fundamentalism that fundamentalism should be better defined as a 'traditionalist movement,' trying to keep things the way they were. Well, if Satan only has seven years remaining (thereabouts), the last thing he needs is for things to stay the same. His plan is to destroy the Jews and to have the entire world worship him. The only way to do that is to get people to abandon what they knew in short order and embrace this new system. Even the Pope believes Christian fundamentalism is dangerous. This is why the Roman Catholic Church provides the perfect catalyst to create the ecumenical juggernaut which is on our immediate horizon. The Roman Catholic Church has brutally persecuted hundreds of thousands of Jews and Christians throughout the centuries (more so than even Islam). Both Islam and Roman Catholicism reject Israel's sovereignty. Roman Catholicism wants Jerusalem to be an international city open to all faiths. Roman Catholic expert Mike Gendron notes this about the similarities between the world's two most significant monotheistic movements; Considering how Islam is so opposed to Christianity, we find it fascinating that the Vatican has included the Muslims in their plan of salvation (Catechism of the Catholic Church [CCC], para. 841). Nearly 50 years ago, Roman Catholic Bishop Fulton Sheen predicted that Islam would be converted to Catholicism "through a summoning of the Moslems to a veneration of the Mother of God." He reasoned, "The Koran...has many passages concerning the Blessed Virgin. First of all, the Koran believes in her Immaculate Conception and also in her Virgin Birth. Mary, then, is for the Moslems the true Sayyida, or Lady." 1 More recently in a 1998 message to Islamic leaders, Pope John Paul II declared a unity of spirit already exists. He said, "There remains a spiritual bond which unites us and which we must strive to recognize and develop." At first glance, unity between Muslims and Catholics seems very unlikely but after a closer examination of the two religions we find much in common. Like Islam, Roman Catholicism has also offered spiritual inducements to those who put Christians to death. The Vatican offered plenary indulgences (the remission of punishment for sin) to those who killed "heretics." A summation is that through the veneration of Mary and diminishing of Jesus, Roman Catholic leadership seeks to incorporate the Muslim world into its global ecumenical movement. It can then use Islam as its political and militaristic force to impose its will upon the world. Paradoxical Islam Today we see more and more protestant Christian leaders placating and accommodating Islamic incursions into their communities by playing to the similarities rather than addressing the glaring differences. Ecumenism (promoting unity amongst Christian churches) is now being foolishly extended to non-Christian belief systems such as Judaism (ex. Hebrew Roots) and Islam (ex. Chrislam), as well as to the eastern religions (ex. Emergent church) and human secularism (ex. Social Justice gospel). This amalgamation promotes an idea that all belief systems are relative and equal, but this is a nauseating affront to the Creator of the universe. Note Jesus's position on the matter...I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. John 14:6 The paradox of Islam is that it comes along centuries after Christianity and claims that the other two (Judaism and Christianity) were corruptions of the true message from God. Islam then denies the fundamental tenets of Judaism (God's attributes as described in the Old Testament) as well as the divinity of Jesus Christ in the New. According to Islam, Jesus was only a human prophet. But then the Koran goes on to speak glowingly of the supernatural qualities of Isa (Jesus). In other words, Islam only knows about Jesus Christ because of Christianity. It then gives credibility to Jesus as a legit messenger from God, while at the same time denying His divinity which should discredit Jesus as a legit messenger. Jesus claimed to be the only way to salvation (John 14:6) and that He was God in the flesh (Exodus 3:14, John 8:58). So if Christianity is wrong on the divinity of Christ, then so too is Islam by given legitimacy to either a false prophet or a madman. The Harlot The great Dispensationalist scholar Clarence Larkin balanced his position on her identity, not on the geopolitics of his day (early 20th century), nor on random speculation but Scripture. He posited that MYSTERY BABYLON was Ecclesiastical Babylon, of which I could most closely agree with. His description here makes sense when you compare and contrast Revelation 17 to the commercial Babylon of 18. The "Woman's" name is "MYSTERY, Babylon the Great." "Mystery!" Where have we heard that word before, and in what connection? Paul calls the Church a "Mystery" because it was not known to the Old Testament Patriarchs and Prophets. Eph. 3:1-21. That Christ was to have a "Bride" was first revealed to Paul (Eph. 5:23-32), and the "Mystery" that Antichrist is to have a "bride" was first revealed to John on the Isle of Patmos. The name of Antichrist's "bride" is "Babylon the Great." Some one may ask why give to a "bride" the name of a "City"? The answer is that it is not unusual in the Scriptures. When the same angel that showed John in this chapter "Mystery, Babylon the Great," came to him in chapter 21:9-10 and said--"Come hither, I will shew thee the Bride--'The Lamb's Wife'," he showed John, instead of a woman, that great City, the "Holy Jerusalem" descending out of Heaven from God. Here we see that a "city" is called a "bride" because its inhabitants, and not the city itself, are the bride. "Mystery, Babylon the Great," the "bride" of Antichrist, then, is not a literal city, but a "System," a religious and apostate "System." As the Church, the Bride of Christ, is composed of regenerated followers of Christ, so "Mystery, Babylon the Great," the bride of Antichrist, will be composed of the followers of all False Religions. (Clarence Larkin, Book of Revelation) Conclusion Major crisis (such as 9/11) always result in brief moments of global comradery and unity. But these 'kumbyah' moments are short-lived so the harlot system must be in place as much as possible before the Rapture event. The Harlot needs both the architecture and force-mechanisms in place to quickly capitalize on this short lived global unity. We saw similar globalist machinations of this with both the creation of the failed League of Nations and later the United Nations just after World Wars I and II. The Arch-enemy of MYSTERY BABYLON in this last week of years will be none other than the Two Prophets of Revelation 11 (possibly Elijah and Moses). These two Jewish Prophets of God will challenge the sweeping global religious craze and be equal in power and might to also do signs and wonders. Such will be the apostate spiritual phenomenon after the Rapture that their supernatural powers are for keeping a remnant of the Jewish people from wholly going after and following the Antichrist. It will not be possible because God has these Two Witnesses present to serve as the supernatural 'checks and balances.' For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Matthew 24:24 While I believe that Roman Catholicism as an institution is anti-Christian, there are still Christians within the system today. Likewise, there are many Muslims and Jews who are coming out of both Islam and Judaism to find faith in Jesus as their Messiah. But Islam, Judaism, and Roman Catholic eschatologies make them primed for the acceptance of the coming Antichrist. Muslims are waiting for their Mahdi. The Jews are still waiting for their messiah. Roman Catholicism adheres to Amillennialism (which is a denial that Christ will physically return to set up His Kingdom) thus requiring a man (the Pope) to act as the Vicar of Christ on the earth. It would seem that False Prophet (when he comes) will serve as both the Vicar (representative) of Christ as well as the Muslim Mahdi. He then points to the Antichrist as the long-awaited Jewish Messiah. One might balk at that last point, but I believe Psalm 83, Isaiah 17, and Ezekiel 38-39 will literally beat the fundamentalism out of Islam. They will be ready to assimilate into this global unity movement when the time arrives. Meanwhile, the Koran deceptively incorporates just enough of the Old and New Testament names and ideas into it so that the connection can be said to exist between Christianity and Islam. Thus the False Prophet and Antichrist rise up after the Pre-Tribulation Rapture (major global crisis) and through lying signs and wonders, pull together the world's three major monotheistic religions (solving a lot of problems along the way) into a final world religion known as MYSTERY BABYLON. The goal then is to get the largest number of people, in the shortest amount of time, who remain on the earth after the Rapture, to follow this new, apostate, ecumenical, militantly anti-fundamentalist, nauseating religion. If you had Judaism (est. 15 million), Roman Catholicism (est. 1.1 billion), and Islam (1.2 billion), we are talking around 1/3rd of the population who could come into this system quickly and easily. This doesn't even include all those in eastern religions (who already operate under ecumenical ideations), as well as non-religious. Finally, adding those "Christians" who are left behind to the group because they were Christian in-name-only, we have over half the world's population primed and ready to be deceived at the beginning of the Seventieth Week; and for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness (2 Thess. 2:11-12). Hate, False Accusers and Jerusalem - By Daymond Duck - First, hate is an end of the age sign (Matt. 10:22; 24:9-10). There are many examples: The world will hate Christians and Jews, children will hate their parents, and more. The attitude toward Pres. Trump is one of the most stunning examples: The Dow Jones Stock Market is at an all-time high; America's GDP is higher than it has been in years; America's housing market is booming; black unemployment is lower than it has been in years; two million fewer people need food stamps; hundreds of thousands of jobs have been created, etc., but the hate for Pres. Trump is vicious, widespread and unending. Why is this? There are many reasons (one is honest disagreement), but it seems to this writer that the main reason for many is that Pres. Trump is not politically correct. People hate him because he doesn't espouse their views on abortion, same-sex marriage, immigration, Islam, humanism, socialism, patriotism and the like. This is significant for Christians because the hate won't stop even if Pres. Trump were to be impeached. If the Rapture doesn't take place soon, the hate that we are seeing will morph into a full-blown persecution of Christians. Even if the Rapture does happen in the near future, the hate that we are seeing will morph into full-blown persecution of those who become believers during the Tribulation Period. People will eventually be required to take a Mark to acknowledge their support for those in power. Those that refuse will be killed. Second, false accusers are an end of the age sign (II Tim. 3:3). I am not defending Pres. Trump, but one attorney sought donations to pay women to falsely accuse him of sexual harassment. One reporter inferred that Pres. Trump cannot read. Christians are being accused of hate just for saying that same-sex marriage is wrong. Things have reached the point that some haters call anyone that disagrees with them over any issue a racist. Sexual harassment and racism are definitely wrong, but character assassination to silence a person that someone disagrees with is also wrong. Slandering people, ruining their reputation, calling them names, and getting them fired is not of God. Sadly, society is becoming more unchurched and unchristian. It is becoming more anti-Christ and anti-God. Wickedness is thriving and the love of many is growing cold (Matt. 24:12). Underneath all of this is the father of lies called Satan. Third, Pres. Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel is one of the greatest events in the history of the world. It has implications for the earthly Millennial reign of Jesus, but not enough people understand it. There are reasons why the Jews expected their Messiah to be a political leader. According to the prophet Jeremiah, God intends to place a descendent of King David (Jesus) on an earthly throne in the future (the Millennium). When Jesus occupies His earthly throne, He will establish justice on earth, and all of Israel will be saved (Jer. 23:5-6). The prophet Zechariah confirmed the reign of the LORD (Jesus) on earth. Jesus will be universally worshipped and accepted (Zech. 14:9). The prophet Isaiah taught that government will be upon the shoulder of God's Son (Isa. 9:6). Understand that Jesus told Christians to pray for His kingdom to be established on earth (Matt. 6:9-13) and that Jesus is coming back as King of kings and Lord of lords (Rev. 19:16). These teachings are some of the great positives of Bible prophecy. This is where Jerusalem comes in. The Lord's name is on Jerusalem (II Kings 21:7). He will dwell in Jerusalem during the Millennium (Psa. 132:13). He will teach and His Word will go all over the world from Jerusalem during the Millennium (Isa. 2:3). Jerusalem will be called "the throne of the Lord" and people will gather in Jerusalem in the name of Jesus (Jer. 3:17). Pres. Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel is a game changer. It is a major step toward Jerusalem becoming an occupied city: Occupied by the King of kings and Lord of lords. At Jerusalem, people will worship only one God. He will sit on a throne there and rule a much better world. Prophecy Plus Ministries, Inc. Daymond & Rachel Duck [email protected] Abbas Furious: Trump Wants Palestinian Capital in Abu Dis - By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - "In that day I will all but annihilate all the nations that came up against Yerushalayim." Zechariah 12:9 (The Israel Bible™) On Sunday, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas addressed the Palestinian Central Council, saying that US President Donald Trump offered Abu Dis, an Arab village adjacent to east Jerusalem, as the Palestinian capital, an offer Abbas rejected outright. "Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the state of Palestine," Abbas told the delegates at the meeting. "We are at a critical moment and our future is in danger ... We are currently being offered Abu Dis as our capital." Abbas expressed his disappointment in the offer, suggesting the council should tear up any of the agreements they have already made with Israel. "What would you want if Jerusalem were to be lost? Would you want to make a state with Abu Dis as its capital?" Abbas asked rhetorically. "That's what they are offering us now. I call on the Central Council to revise all the agreements signed between the PLO and Israel because Israel has brought these agreements to a dead end," said Abbas. "Israel has ended the Oslo agreement, so the PLO Central Council must decide where should we go from here?" Abbas made it clear he had already rejected the president's plan. "We can say no to anyone... And we have now said 'no' to Trump and others. No, we will not accept his plan," Abbas said. "We told him that the deal of the era is the slap of the era... We will repel it." "I'm with the two states...according to international legitimacy and the Arab Peace Initiative, the State of Palestine along 1967 borders," he said. Though this statement by Abbas reflects the standard left-wing dialog justifying the two-state solution, it should be noted that the regional borders before the 1967 Six-Day War did not include any State of Palestine. There has been no comment from the White House concerning Abbas' statement. So, like the scene from "A Christmas Story," not only do I challenge you, but I triple-dog-dare you to become a monthly supporter of Prophecy Update! Watchman Warning: Your Truth...My Truth...THE Truth - By Hal Lindsey - Oprah Winfrey thrilled the world with her speech at the Golden Globes ceremony. The Atlantic said, "It was undeniably the most electrifying moment of the 2018 Golden Globes." CNN called it "extraordinary." The President's daughter, Ivanka Trump, tweeted that Oprah's words were "empowering & inspiring." That's surprising because the speech contained at least one swipe at her father. People were so thrilled that they immediately began clamoring for Oprah to run for president in 2020. In the speech, Oprah employed a phrase that concerns me a great deal. She said, "What I know for sure is that speaking your truth is the most powerful tool we all have." The phrase "your truth," as it is commonly used, is a non-sequitur. Ideas, beliefs, and opinions can belong to you. But truth stands above those things. Oprah brought up "your truth" while speaking of sexual harassment. But if truth changes according to point of view, how can we convict the rapist? The victim's "truth" is that she was sexually assaulted. The rapist often claims that the victim really wanted him to attack her. His view is clearly nonsense, but if he believes it, it meets the common definition of "his truth." Our justice system must be based on THE truth - not just opinion, or point of view. In a world where truth and opinion are one, a white supremacist's worldview would be as valid as any other. White supremacy would simply be "his truth." When we see truth as malleable depending on point of view, we build on shifting sand. You don't want an architect to use "his truth" when designing the foundation of an office tower. You want him to use "the truth" - objective, solid truth. You want him to use mathematics. 2 + 2 = 4. If "your truth" says something else, then it is not truth, but a lie. If an architect builds on lies, the structure will fail. A recent article in The Guardian explores Satanism's sudden rise in popularity. The headline read, "Hell freezes over: how the Church of Satan got cool." People are not flocking to Satanism because it is true. Most of the new Satanists say they don't even believe the religion's most basic precept - the existence of Satan. But they like sexual "freedom," the rebellious nature of the name, and the sense of community. They want to be part of it, not because it is true, but because it is "cool." In one of Oprah Winfrey's "Life Classes," she refers to herself as a Christian. Then she says it really doesn't matter. "I am a Christian," she said. "That is my faith. I am not asking you to be a Christian. If you want to be one, I can show you how. But it is not required. I have respect for all faiths - all faiths!" Having respect for people of all faiths is a Christian position. But to respect all faiths is to bury one's head in the sand. The Manson Family's faith was rubbish. Charles Manson was not the second coming of Jesus. Neither was Jim Jones nor David Koresh. Respect those faiths? Never! But we must respect the God-given rights and dignity of the people who held those faiths. Respect those people, and help them escape Satan's snare. Oprah said being a Christian "is not required." If she means joining a specific church or denomination, then I agree. But I suspect she's means that faith in Jesus is not required. On many occasions, she argued that He is not the only way to God. In this, she ignored Jesus' own words. In John 14:6, He said, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me." (NASB) Promoting one of her books, Oprah said, "God is a feeling experience and not a believing experience. If your religion is a believing experience... then that's not truly God." Without truth or belief, all you have left are feelings. And feelings can lead us into dark places. That's why Oprah's TV show sometimes featured guests teaching highly destructive things. In 2011, Mark Oppenheimer wrote in the New York Times, "She helped launch Rhonda Byrne, creator of the DVD and book 'The Secret,' who teaches that just thinking about wealth can make you rich. She invited the 'psychic medium' John Edward to help mourners in her audience talk to their dead relatives." Oprah promotes feeling over believing. But Jesus said that not believing in Him condemns us before God. In John 3:18, He said, "He who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God." (NKJV) Seeing truth as merely a point of view, goes hand in hand with the failure to see belief as important. In the New York Times piece mentioned earlier, Oppenheimer wrote about Oprah's television show. "In her religious exuberance Ms. Winfrey gave people some badly broken tools. Ms. Winfrey nodded along to the psychics and healers and intuitives. She rarely asked tough questions, and because she believed, millions of others did, too." The psychics and healers and intuitives were sharing "their truth." Oprah was respecting "all religions." It's natural that she nodded and believed. Hers is a vaporous creed of feeling good about yourself no matter what, and seeing the potted plant on your desk as a part of God. Those are not the teachings of Jesus - nowhere near them. We can debate Oprah's credentials to be president, but there's no doubt she's one of the best communicators to ever step in front of a television camera. Her Golden Globes speech lasted 8½ minutes. She had the crowd on its feet starting at the 7-minute mark. People in the room and many in the television audience wept for joy. But Jesus - the Founder of the "faith" she identifies with - said you must believe in Him. He talked about the importance of knowing truth. In John 14, He said, "I am...the truth." In John 8:32, He said, "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Greg Laurie on Hawaii Missile Panic: People Need to Prepare for Final Moments, Heaven or Hell - By Stoyan Zaimov - The recent Hawaii missile scare should serve as a reminder to Christians everywhere that death might be just around the corner, said megachurch pastor Greg Laurie, who noted that the Bible offers two options for where people can end up, namely Heaven or Hell. Laurie, who is the senior pastor at Harvest Christian Fellowship in California, and of Harvest Church at Kumulani in Kapalua, Hawaii, said in a Facebook video on Monday that residents and visitors to Hawaii received a massive shock on Saturday when they were sent a text alert reading "Ballistic missile threat inbound. Seek immediate shelter. This is not a drill." The Hawaii Emergency Management Agency later explained that the notification was indeed a mistake, and that an employee had "pushed the wrong button." Laurie pointed out, however, that "for 37 very long minutes, the people wondered what was going to happen." He said that he saw reports of people "running and screaming in the streets," with some parents putting their children into storm drains. "It turned out to be a false alarm, thank God for that. But it brought up a very important issue - what if you knew you only had moments to live?" he asked, positioning that if a missile was fired from North Korea, it would take only 20 minutes to hit Hawaii. "I've often thought what would I say if I only had a few moments to share with a person how to get right with God?" the pastor wondered. He then said that in a scenario where he does not have much time, he would attempt to simplify the Gospel in just a few sentences: "Look, God loves you, but the problem is you're separated from God by your sin. But God loves you so much He sent His son Jesus Christ to die on the cross in your place. And if you'll turn from your sins and ask Christ to come into your life, God will forgive you of all of your sins, and you can go to Heaven when you die." Laurie warned viewers that one day, everyone is going to be told or realize that their final moments are coming soon. "It probably won't be an incoming nuclear missile, but it could be a heart attack. It could be a car accident, it could be something suddenly coming your way, saying 'you better get right with God, are you ready?'" he said. As for what is at stake, Laurie said that according to the Bible, the only two possibilities are Heaven and Hell. "God wants you to join Him in Heaven, and the other option is Hell, and the last thing God wants is for any person made in His image to spend eternity separated from Him in this horrible place called Hell that was prepared for the devil and his angels." Laurie said that people can make sure they are going to Heaven by believing in Jesus, and led viewers in a prayer. Other Christian leaders, such as evangelist Franklin Graham, CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, also used the Hawaii scare as a teachable moment. "A friend of mine in Hawaii said he ran to the window to see everyone running off the golf course, and then he sat in front of the television. I read about another man who got in the bathtub with his family and prayed. Well, a few minutes later, it was revealed that an employee had hit the wrong button and it was a false alarm," Graham wrote on Facebook Sunday. He posed a number of questions people could consider: "What would you do if you only had 20 minutes to live? Would you call on the name of God? Would you ask for forgiveness of your sins? Would you contact your loved ones?" Daily Jot: Did he or didn't he? - Bill Wilson - The airwaves, cyberspace and print media have been ablaze with repetitions of stories about President Donald Trump calling certain nations a derogatory name and implying that he is racist. The President has denied both making the remark and that he is a racist. Notwithstanding, the cattle are out of the barn on this story and they are stampeding as each person who has an account of what happened in the immigration meeting with lawmakers starts another string of stories discussing the President's "racism." The firestorm emanated from known leftist liar Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) who claimed the President made the remarks. Since then, the media does what it does best-repeat, but not confirm. The New York Times reports that Durbin, of course, stands behind his statement, but stated that Senator David Perdue (R-GA) said Durbin made a "gross misrepresentation" of what the President said. Perdue and Senator Tom Cotton (R-AK) at first said they didn't "recall the President saying these remarks specifically" but Sunday disputed Durbin's account outright. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who was also at the meeting, said accounts of Trump's language was "basically accurate." Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) claims that people who were in the meeting told him that the President used inflammatory language. Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, said she did not recall the President "saying that exact phrase." Here we have the President denying his words. Two Senators who support the President saying they did not "recall" hearing him make the remarks, then changing their story to refute Durbin's "misrepresentation." You have two Republican Senators who generally oppose the President-Graham and Flake-saying that Durbin's account was basically accurate. And the Homeland Security Secretary, who is appointed by the President, not recalling the President saying that exact phrase. The only one emphatically denying the comments is the President. What he said and what was heard are in question. That question has grown into a full-blown episode where the narrative has been shaped to spell r-a-c-i-s-t. In today's environment, being accused of racism and anything of a sexual nature are extreme hot buttons where no burden of proof is needed for the presumption of guilt. The media and every special interest group who oppose the President fan the flames of this fiery perception. It makes all who support the President subject to being painted with the same brush. It limits the President's ability to advance his agenda. This debate is far beyond what the President actually said. It's now about labeling him and his followers. This is why the President should be encouraged to choose his words as advised by Proverbs 10:19, "He that refrains his lips is wise." Daily Devotion: Build on Your Own Foundation - By Greg Laurie - For it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure. -Philippians 2:13 Some people are really into exercise. They love to work up a sweat, go on a run, or lift weights. I hate all of it. And I know I'm not alone in that. But the fact of the matter is that we really need to exercise. We can't hire someone to work out for us. It's something we have to do for ourselves. The apostle Paul wrote to the believers in Philippi, "Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure" (Philippians 2:12-13). Paul was in prison when he wrote this epistle. He was writing it from Rome and was experiencing anxiety over the fact that he was separated from these believers. Effectively Paul was saying, "Look, guys, I can't be with you right now. I wish I were there to offer you guidance and to be a good example for you, but I can't do it. But check it out. It is God who works in you, not Paul." They may have thought, We can't live the Christian life without Paul around. Well, actually they could. And if pastors and spiritual leaders are doing their jobs properly, they will get you up on your own feet spiritually so that you are not dependent on them. Paul was saying, "Guys, keep things in perspective. It is God who is doing the work. Maybe He worked through me, but it's still God who did the work." We can put people on pedestals and think they can do no wrong. And sometimes people will base their relationship with God on someone else's relationship with God. That isn't good. We need to get our own faith. We need to build on our own foundation. FROM THE HEART
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