Prophecy Update Newsletter
Different - By Pete Garcia -
When reading the book of Daniel, we realize very quickly that he was given a lot of prophetic symbolism that we, the reader, have to parse through. Thankfully, the book also provides the interpretation of what those symbols mean. For example, when reading chapter two (i.e., Nebuchadnezzar’s dream), we are told what the multi-metallic statue is meant to represent – actual, literal, kingdoms. · Babylon – head of gold · Medo-Persia – shoulders and arms of silver · Greece – abdomen and waist of bronze · Rome – legs of iron · Future kingdom – feet of iron mixed with clay Likewise, in chapter’s seven & eight, we are shown what Daniel saw in his vision, as well as the angel coming after explaining what these visions meant. Again, these were the same kingdoms, just from a different vantage point. From man’s perspective, these kingdoms were an imposing and even majestic- looking statue. From God’s perspective, they were simply wild, ferocious beasts. From : The first of Daniel’s four beasts is “like a lion, and it had the wings of an eagle” (Daniel 7:4). As Daniel watches, the wings are torn off the beast, and the creature stands erect like a man, and a human mind is given to it. Later, the angel who interprets the dream tells Daniel, “The four great beasts are four kings that will rise from the earth” (verse 17). This first beast is representative of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. Its rise to human-like status reflects Nebuchadnezzar’s deliverance from a beastly existence and his insight into the true nature of God (Daniel 4:34–35). The second beast in Daniel’s vision is “like a bear. It was raised up on one of its sides, and it had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth” (Daniel 7:5). A voice tells the second beast to devour flesh until it is satisfied. This beast represents the Medo-Persian Empire; the raising up of one side of the creature indicates that one of the kingdom’s parts (Persia) would be dominant. The three ribs in the creature’s mouth symbolize nations that were “devoured” by the Medes and the Persians. These three conquered nations are known to be Babylon, Lydia, and Egypt. The third of the four beasts is “like a leopard,” except it has four bird-like wings on its back and four heads (Daniel 7:6). This beast is given authority to rule. The third beast represents Greece, an empire known for the swiftness of its conquests. The four heads are predictive of the four-way division of the empire following Alexander the Great’s death. Daniel’s vision of the ram and the goat gives further details of the second and third kingdoms (see Daniel 8). The final beast that Daniel sees rising from the sea is the most dreadful—”terrifying and frightening and very powerful” (Daniel 7:7). This fourth beast has “bronze claws” (verse 19) and “large iron teeth; it crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left,” totally annihilating its prey (verse 7). The fourth beast has ten horns. This creature represents the Roman Empire, a mighty kingdom that indeed crushed all its foes. However, since the final kingdom has yet to appear, its keywords and clues alluding to its exact background and/or nature can be somewhat confusing still. However, I think one of the key aspects of being a good observer of the times is the ability to recognize when a teachable moment arrives to reinforce something already taught in Scripture. I believe we are in one of those moments. “After this I saw in the night visions, and behold, a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, exceedingly strong. It had huge iron teeth; it was devouring, breaking in pieces, and trampling the residue with its feet. It was different from all the beasts that were before it, and it had ten horns” (Daniel 7:7). Most prophecy students and scholars would conclude (based off Daniel 9:26-27) that this final kingdom is some version of a revived Roman Empire. Since the Roman Empire was vast, determining what the nature of this final Gentile kingdom will be exactly can be challenging. All we know is that it comes out of the boundaries of the old Roman Empire and has some corresponding nature to both Rome and Greece (Dan.7:19). There is also the passage above (7:7) that speaks to the ‘different’ or ‘diverse’ nature of this beast. Given the previous descriptions of these hybrid-beasts (mixing of different animal species), it is hard to imagine how much more “different” this final one could be. So let us set aside its physical (and fantastical) symbolic attributes for a moment and focus in on what makes this one so different from the others. Assessment “And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings…” (Acts 17:26). All the kingdoms before this final one were military and political powerhouses in their own right. Each ruled their respective geographic areas with absolute authority. Still, before the advent of the Internet and digital currency, it would have been impossible for any of them to control their subjects any other way other than through political subterfuge and military might. They certainly had economic might but not total control over all buying and selling. At the height of Nazi power in Europe during the late 1930s, even they could not control ALL the buying and selling in the lands they controlled. Another aspect to this is information. From the Egyptians through the Romans, all of them had great military might but were still limited to the speed of horses and sailboats. If a king or governor died in a land, it could be days before word of his/her death reached areas outside of their immediate surroundings. In 68AD, Roman Emperor Nero committed suicide, thus sparking what has been coined the year of the four emperors. Even being the most powerful empire on earth at the time, it still took days and sometimes weeks for news to reach the forces in the outer reaches of their empire. What we can conclude from both is that pure military power (such as Babylonians or the Persians) is one-dimensional. Military power mixed with political prowess, such as the Greeks and Romans, is two-dimensional. Military power mixed with political prowess and economic might is three-dimensional. Military power mixed with political prowess, economic might, and information control is four-dimensional. Interestingly, Satanists proclaim the fourth dimension as the ‘astral plane,’ by which they communicate telepathically with the spirit world when they are in an altered state. More on this in a bit. However, this final kingdom will be a technological and economic superpower. While many prophecy scholars rightly note the final kingdom will be a three-fold government, encompassing military might, economic power, and global religion, it does not fully encapsulate its true nature. The final kingdom, and its ruler, does not start out as a powerful militaristic force. It starts out small, and in fact, comes up through the ten regions (presumably) growing like cancer. It is not until he (the Antichrist) arises does he subdue three to consume the rest with an iron fist. Consider these verses when put together: “Whereas you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; yet the strength of the iron shall be in it, just as you saw the iron mixed with ceramic clay. And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile. As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay” (Daniel 2:41-43). [Mixing weak and strong causes confusion] “I was considering the horns, and there was another horn, a little one, coming up among them, before whom three of the first horns were plucked out by the roots. And there, in this horn, were eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking pompous words” (Daniel 7:8). [Out of the confusion arises someone no one saw coming] “The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie…” (2 Thessalonians 2:9-11). [He uses the confusion and satanically charged deception to seize control] “And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived. He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his nam Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666″ (Revelation 13:15-18). [Once he has that power, he uses it to control the whole world through deception and technology] That is how it is different from the others before it. Before this final empire, no singular world power could control all buying and selling. No singular empire could censor entire populations with the stroke of a key. No other empire in history could control the flow of information the world has become hopelessly dependent upon. Yet, this final kingdom does, and we are seeing it begin to blossom right before our very eyes. We just got a glimpse, a brief example, of this kind of power through the monstrous abuse of power by the ruling technocracy, which has been arising silently over the past few years. As we have come to find out during the Cold War, information is power. The power to censor (or silence) people(s), even the President of the most powerful nation in history, is power indeed. The power to de-platform a rising conservative, pro-1st Amendment app like Parler by way of Amazon and Twitter, likewise, is power. Whether its social media apps like Twitter, Instagram, Tik-Tok, and Facebook, or its gatekeepers of information flow like YouTube, Amazon, and Google, information is not only power but also a multi-trillion-dollar industry. You and I must come to grips that we are no longer living under the antiquated constraints of the 20th century. We are no longer lounging gracefully in the shallow end of the pool; we are fully submerged into the deep end of the Age of Information. Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum elitist club have dubbed this arrival as the Fourth Industrial Revolution. One look at their website, in which they openly promote this Orwellian takeover as a positive thing, and you can see they have their tentacles into EVERYTHING. Even war is moving online. At least half of all defense industry jobs today are cyber in nature. (screenshot: ) However, the power to control information, much like electricity, could not be harnessed until the proper technology was in place. Not only do you need the technology to exist, but also you need people to believe they cannot live without it. For example, let us say the Internet was magically transported back in time to the year 1980. Let us also say every website and online service we have at our disposal today was also available for those ancient peoples. Let us further pretend some megalomaniacal terrorist group was threatening to shut down the Internet; would anyone back then care? Would whole industries shut down or riots break out in cities when no one could access their bank accounts or favorite social media apps? Hardly. I think 99.9% of the people back then (outside of a handful of military personnel, academics, and scientists) would even know or care. Now imagine someone doing that in the year 2020; all hell would break loose. Without the technology and platforms being in place, and more importantly, the demand for the Internet to exist, the loss of it would not be much of a threat. Now we live in a world hopelessly at the mercy of the Internet for pretty much everything. The COVID-19(84) plandemic, if anything, only expedited our necessity for everything being accessible online by some 4-6 years. I believe this will continue to trend in this direction (everything moving online) for the near future. Furthermore, we see fiat currencies around the globe in varying stages of either failing or on their deathbeds due to the massive national debts governments around the world have accrued. Again, COVID-19(84), having shut down the global economy for nearly a year, has only expedited the amount of debt nations are going into just to keep their people safe. Having just witnessed the largest and last beacon of freedom in the world willingly fold in on itself over a very survivable strain of influenza, we should rightly conclude that our currency is the next and final straw that breaks the back of America. Most of you already know this, but for those who are new to this topic, the United States was the last roadblock against global government. Having successfully stolen this last election through a complex and staggering effort, the globalists (who are backing the Democrats), as well as the technocracy (who are enabling and financing it), were finally able to push the U.S. over the edge. If our dollar collapses, our Constitution collapses. The minute we hand over the production and/or validation of our currency to some transnational or international organization, we are no longer sovereign. We have to play by their rules because they control the purse strings. The U.S. will have to fall in line under this new (presumably) regionalized global system. Even assuming we don’t collapse first (economically), all it takes is one medium-sized industrial nation to fall, and it will trigger a domino effect. However, we could very well collapse first, and if we go, the world economy goes down with us. What is frightening is that we can see our collapse on the horizon. It no longer stretches the imagination to see how any number of scenarios could do it. With breakthrough technologies like bitcoin or other digital blockchain technologies already in play (i.e., the technology and platforms now exist), dumping the old fiat system is becoming a matter of when not if. Conclusion Jesus, in His seminal treatise on the last days, mentions deception no less than four times as being the first and key indicator (or marker) of the last days. As mentioned earlier, it is difficult, nigh impossible, to commit widespread deception without a way to transmit it. Let us take a quick trip back to 1938. On Halloween morning, 1938, Orson Welles awoke to find himself the most talked-about man in America. The night before, Welles and his Mercury Theatre on the Air had performed a radio adaptation of H.G. Wells’s The War of the Worlds, converting the 40-year-old novel into fake news bulletins describing a Martian invasion of New Jersey. Some listeners mistook those bulletins for the real thing, and their anxious phone calls to police, newspaper offices, and radio stations convinced many journalists that the show had caused nationwide hysteria. By the next morning, the 23-year-old Welles’s face and name were on the front pages of newspapers coast-to-coast, along with headlines about the mass panic his CBS broadcast had allegedly inspired. If Orson Welles could prompt a nationwide hysteria over a fictionalized radio broadcast, how much more could it be done today? Especially with how widespread our smart devices are and the technology capable of creating deep fakes, CGI, and other forms of mind-altering manipulation. Deception on a global scale, like digital currency, requires technology with a global reach. In fact, deception requires information, albeit false information (or fake news) in order to convey a message. We are now in the Age of Information. My theory on how all this shakes out is that we will continue on the path of global crises for the foreseeable future. Satan needs all of these crises to expedite the emplacement of his demonic chess pieces for these final ten kings to arise. These crises will most likely not be real crises but manufactured for the sole purpose of putting everyone under this web of control. However, the Rapture of the Church is (in my opinion) the real crisis that will upturn the global applecart and be the true cause for all the geopolitical re-shuffling of power structures in the world. This is why no one can know the day or hour. God is playing this one close to the vest. After the Rapture, the world will, for a brief period, break apart into these ten regions, each with a leader of some sort. It is here that the Gog-Magog coalition (all the nations listed will be outliers to newly forming regional powers) comes against Israel in the chaos and confusion and is soundly destroyed by God. In the aftermath of this war, we see the strengthening of the Ten and the political, economic, and military neutering of Russia and Islam. Here is where we see the Antichrist begin his ascent to power by toppling three other leaders somehow. Once in control of the majority, the Antichrist and the False Prophet begin fast-tracking some new digital-ID/Passport (biometric) for all the citizens of their member states. This new system, which will include access to a digital currency, will be operated through a super-powerful, 5G, quantum-based Internet system. It is at some point that this system is thought to become “self-aware” and/or sentient but, in reality, is possessed by either some high-ranking demon or Satan himself (hey, if a demon can possess a person, it can possess a system). When the Antichrist is “assassinated,” we will see this false resurrection by them putting this AI system into his slain body, supposedly giving him immortality. He will then have the devil incarnate inside him and demands everyone takes the Mark, or if they refuse, they lose their heads. This mark will be a direct, cyber-physical connection from Satan (i.e., fourth dimension/astral plane) to those who bear his mark and will be relentlessly controlling them until they die. They will be under this compulsory delusion and unable to come to the truth so as to be saved because Satan will alter their ability to reason and understand. This is presumably why those who take the mark are doomed forever. As much as we want to think we are in the Tribulation now – especially under a Biden/Harris administration – we aren’t. The bad news is, we are seeing the finishing touches on the beast’s final kingdom happening in real-time. The good news is, if you are a born-again believer in Jesus Christ, you won’t be here for any of it. “Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth” (Revelation 3:10). Maranatha! Biden's Iran Policy Could Put It on Collision Course with Israel – Boaz Bismuth - As the United States enters the Biden era, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) warns that the relationship between Washington and Jerusalem is poised to become particularly fragile, mainly because he believes the policies the new administration will pursue with respect to Iran will pose significant security challenges for Israel. U.S. President Joe Biden has already stated that he plans to negotiate a nuclear deal with Iran in lieu of the 2015 accord from which outgoing President Donald Trump withdrew in 2018. Following the Nov. 3 elections, Tehran has been growing brazen in its violations of the accord, in what experts believe is an attempt to produce leverage for future talks with Washington. The situation with Iran, Cruz told Israel Hayom, could prove precarious. "I think the greatest national security threat to Israel that will be posed by the Biden-Harris administration will be their attempt to re-establish the disastrous Iran nuclear deal," said Cruz. "Under President Obama, the signature so-called foreign-policy achievement of his second term was sending hundreds of billions of dollars to Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei as part of the 2015 nuclear deal, who regularly chants 'Death to America' and 'Death to Israel.' The Biden-Harris administration will set as their top foreign-policy objective restoring that failed agreement. The single most important national security victory of the last four years was pulling out that disastrous deal," he said. "There was a vigorous debate in the administration about whether to do so. Both the State Department and the Pentagon advocated staying in the deal. I argued vigorously, multiple times, that we should pull out of the deal, and President Trump agreed with me and overruled his own defense department and state department," said Cruz. "I fear we are headed into a dangerous chapter with the Biden-Harris administration, working actively to undermine the national security gains made in the last four years, and to reinvigorate the ayatollahs in Iran, which poses an existential threat to Israel," he added. Cruz further said he believes that the Democratic Party has been overrun by the radical forces within it. "Unfortunately, the Democratic Party today is being driven by the extreme and angry left. The voices who are setting the agenda are [Sens.] Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, and [Rep.] Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. They are unapologetic socialists, they are advocating abolishing the police, packing the U.S. Supreme Court and ushering in a fundamental transformation of American society. I don't believe the voters want that. I don't believe that is consistent with the views and values of the American people." Still, even with the Democrats essentially in control of both chambers of Congress, "I believe America will continue to stand alongside Israel," said Cruz. "There is to be sure an anti-Israel and an anti-Semitic far-left in the Democratic Party. And with Democratic majorities, that extreme faction will have greater influence. That being said, for eight years, I have endeavored to be the leading defender of Israel in the United States Senate, and I intend to continue to do so. And I am hopeful that there will remain a significant bipartisan coalition to stand alongside Israel," he added. The Agony Of Deceit - by Michael Snyder - It has often been said that “in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act”. That quote is often attributed to George Orwell, but there isn’t actually any evidence that he ever said it. But many years from now, people will continue to attribute that quote to Orwell. It certainly sounds like something he might have said, but it is so important to stick to the facts. Unfortunately, just about our entire society has become divorced from reality in recent years, and this has been on full display over the past couple of months. We have witnessed a constant flood of lies from the left, and unfortunately we have also witnessed a constant flood of lies from the right. As children we were told that “words can never hurt us”, but the truth is that millions upon millions of people have been hurt by all of these lies. If we ever hope to heal our society, we have got to make a commitment to return to the truth, and that is not going to be easy to do. As I was thinking about putting together this article, a song that was written by Steve Camp came to my mind. It is entitled “The Agony Of Deceit”, and these are the lyrics for the chorus… This is the agony of deceit Promising truth for the lies they teach They come in Jesus’ name But they’re sons of Hades This is the agony of deceit Let me start my discussion by talking about someone that has been invoking the name of Jesus a lot lately. Joe Biden and his handlers are constantly touting the fact that Joe Biden is a practicing Catholic, and to be honest he goes to church more than almost anyone that I know. During his inauguration, he put his hand on a very thick Bible. In fact, I don’t know that I have ever seen a thicker Bible than that, and I have seen some very thick study Bibles in my time. He claims to be a man of faith, but he has done unspeakably evil things, his son has done unspeakably evil things, and the things that he stands for are unspeakably evil. There is deception in almost every statement that he makes, but he doesn’t seem ashamed by anything that he has said or done. Like so many other politicians, he is a great con man, but as time goes on more and more people will catch on to his act. At this point, the radical left absolutely despises him and they have already started to riot. Sadly, the civil unrest in this country is only going to get worse as the radical left gets angrier and angrier. For now, the corporate media is fully behind Biden and they can’t stop saying nice things about him. But after decades of putting out fake news and after shedding any pretense of objectivity over the past four years, the faith that Americans have in the corporate media is at an all-time low. The following comes from Axios… · 56% of Americans agree with the statement that “Journalists and reporters are purposely trying to mislead people by saying things they know are false or gross exaggerations.” · 58% think that “most news organizations are more concerned with supporting an ideology or political position than with informing the public.” · When Edelman re-polled Americans after the election, the figures had deteriorated even further, with 57% of Democrats trusting the media and only 18% of Republicans. Over time, many Americans have caught on to the fact that the news is essentially the same no matter which channel you are watching. If you doubt this fact, just watch this video. WATCH: Night after night, countless “local news broadcasts” read the exact same scripts which are fed to them from the same centralized sources. Ultimately, more than 90 percent of all of the “news” on television is controlled by just six giant media corporations, and those giant media corporations are owned and controlled by the global elite. Speaking of scripts, our most prominent politicians are also given direction about what to say. After all, do you think that it is just a coincidence that so many of them use the exact same phrases and talking points? It is easy to point out the deceptions of the globalists, but many that are supposedly opposed to the globalist agenda have also been spreading deception. Ever since October 2017, one particularly insidious deception has spread all over the Internet like wildfire, and now everyone is finally realizing that it was all a hoax from the very beginning. Of course it didn’t exactly take a genius to figure that out. The very first two “drops” that were posted in October 2017 were obviously and laughably false… Drop #1 “claimed that “HRC extradition [was] already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run” with Drop #2 alleging “HRC detained, not arrested (yet)” and that there would be “massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US.” Starting with those first two posts, it has been lie after lie after lie. From the very start I knew that it was a giant hoax, and I couldn’t believe that there were people out there that were stupid enough to believe it. Sadly, some believed it to the bitter end. There were some that watched television coverage of the inauguration believing that mass arrests would happen at any moment. If the “mass arrests” had not happened during the previous four years, why in the world were they going to happen at the very last moment? It didn’t make any sense, but of course the entire hoax never made any sense the entire time. The truth is that there is no “plan”. There never was. If you got caught up in that nonsense, snap out of it and stop being an idiot. There are others that expected a last minute “miracle” at the inauguration because they were following charlatans that convinced large numbers of people that God told them that Donald Trump would still be president. Those charlatans owe millions of people an apology. In fact, if you are one of those charlatans and you are reading this article, I would like you to send me a personal apology. I have been repeatedly called a “doom and gloomer” because I didn’t go along with all the nonsense, and now you have been proven to be dead wrong. If I sound upset, that is because I am upset. At this moment, millions upon millions of Americans that got hooked by the deceptions are emotionally shattered. Even some of my good friends around the country were deceived, and I am going to do what I can to help those friends recover. The way back starts with the truth. We must reject and renounce all of the falsehoods, and we need to start focusing on what really matters. Despite everything that has happened, the truth still stands, and the truth will set you free. The Die Is Cast - By Grant Phillips - Today is January 7, 2021. Today we know that the Democrats control the White House, the House of Representatives and the Senate. Is there anything remaining that will not be under their control? Not that I can think of, but let’s not kid ourselves; most of the Republicans are just as corrupt. Some Republicans are already making plans to recover at least the Senate in two years and the White House in four years. Frankly, I wouldn’t hold my breath. If you have been listening closely, you would have heard the sound of the most blessed nation in history, apart from Israel, going down the proverbial drain. The dark clouds of God’s judgment are positioning overhead, and His wrath is soon to come — not just on our nation, but all the world (the Tribulation). Our 44th president (Obama) was the most anti-God President we have ever had in the White House. His actions were so anti-God and anti-American, many decent citizens of this land were like the deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming train. He can be credited for moving Satan’s plan forward several notches, but what we have coming next will put everything in high gear. Our new political leaders now have the keys to the candy store, and nothing will be denied them. I have little doubt that we will see changes made in the next two years that will make his legacy look like child’s play if that were possible. A brother in Christ reminded me to read Habakkuk. I have read this book many times, but I read it again. I didn’t refer to it when writing, “What’s Next?” I just didn’t think about it at the time. I love the way Habakkuk is written. Habakkuk is complaining to God in chapter 1:1-4. God responds to him in chapter 1:5-11. Habakkuk complains again in chapter 1:12-2:1, and God answers him again in chapter 2:2-20. Finally, in chapter three, Habakkuk offers a prayer to God. If this doesn’t prove that history repeats itself, then I don’t know what does. Please read this book. It isn’t very long, and the key verse is chapter 2:4. “Behold the proud, His soul is not upright in him; But the just shall live by his faith” (Habakkuk 2:4). Also, take note of these Scripture passages in the New Testament. “For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, ‘The just shall live by faith‘” (Romans 1:17). “But that no one is justified by the law in the sight of God is evident, for ‘the just shall live by faith’” (Galatians 3:11). “Now the just shall live by faith; But if anyone draws back, My soul has no pleasure in him” (Hebrews 10:38). Folks, it really doesn’t matter who is in control of the White House, the House of Representatives, the Senate, the Supreme Court, or any other governmental agency. GOD IS IN CONTROL OF THEM! God will only allow them to proceed so far, just as He would not allow Satan to take Job’s life. Does it mean that life could get “uncomfortable” under these tyrants? Yes, it does. Just as life was uncomfortable for Job for a while, and think of the apostle Paul. Satan hated Paul and threw all the fiery darts at him he could, but don’t you think Satan was “pulling his hair out” and “gritting his teeth” while Paul and Silas were singing praises to God while in prison (Acts 16:25)? You bet he was! Will circumstances get that difficult for us before Jesus takes us out of here? I have no idea, but I do know “the just shall live by faith.” My brother in Christ also sent me a video to watch of Dr. David Reagan. Dr. Reagan’s message was, “What Is God Doing in America?” It is less than 30 minutes and would be well worth your time to watch it. People like David Reagan and our own Terry James are men with God’s message that can be trusted with the Truth. Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, no one in their right mind would choose or even long for persecution of any kind, but millions of our fellow believers in other parts of the world are very acquainted with persecution. We in America have never known anything but being comfortable and having a rewarding life in most cases. The truth is, the next few years will probably be uncomfortable, not so much for those who would compromise God’s Word, but those who refuse to compromise. Knowledge of the future belongs only to God. Life may get bad, or it may not. The Lord Jesus could remove us (true Christians) at any time. I don’t know when, but the point is, that same faith we used to trust Jesus to save us and give us eternal life is the same faith we use to trust Him now. In my opinion, those who are the most anxious about this whole sordid political affair are the very ones who are not faithful in the Word. As a Christian, get in the Word, now. Read your Bible. Could it be this is one reason, among others, that God is allowing this to happen? Maybe He wants his own children to learn how to lean on Him. He’s done it before. As a nation, we are on the fast track to judgment. The “glory days” are gone and will never return. There will be no national revival. We have passed the point of no return. We are just like Judah. God pleaded with them time and time again until He said enough is enough. God judged Israel, the northern kingdom. He judged Judah, the southern kingdom. He has judged other nations, and we are now under judgment. BUT individually, we have everything to shout about if we know Jesus! As believers, our Redeemer is another day closer to snatching us away in the Rapture and taking us to the Father’s house. For unbelievers, they can ask Jesus to save them now and have the same promise in their lives. In my opinion, I know we are in the season of our Lord’s return. I know He can come at any time. I know it “could” be today. I think it will be soon. Jesus told us He has gone to the Father’s house to prepare a place for each of us and that He will keep us from the hour of trial (the Tribulation). “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also” (John 14:1-3). “Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth” (Revelation 3:10). Please read Habakkuk. Grant Phillips Email: [email protected] Pre-Rapture Commentary: Daily Jot: The Farm Chronicles: Indoor Plumbing – Bill Wilson – The Farm in Northeastern Ohio was handed down from generation to generation of Wilsons beginning around 1818. It took a rugged bunch to carve out a working farm in what was then the western part of this new nation. Cold and snow filled winters, low land, Indians, the lack of infrastructure were all elements of adversity and part of the natural selection process that allowed only the strong and wise to survive. In fact, these were the very challenges that fostered overcomers and that action alone prospered skill, work ethic, invention, community, and strengthened faith in God resulting in building the greatest nation in modern history. It is a small wonder why indoor plumbing took us over 135 years to achieve. We had several shallow wells on the farm that were fed by something of an underground water source. If one went dry, we carried water from another until it filled up again. They were all alike except for the one in the milk house, which was drilled probably in the 1950s. The wells consisted of a well-rounded hole in the ground of about four feet in diameter, dug down about 15 feet and lined with stone from the fields—probably gathered when earlier Wilsons were clearing them for farming. We used the one closest to the house for our water, unless of course, it went dry, then we would carry water. It was on this well that the indoor plumbing was hooked sometime before I was born, or was very little. Dad was a proud Welshman. He would buy a new Buick or a truckload of horses with cash, but didn’t want to spend the money on permits, inspectors, or, quite frankly on a septic tank or bathroom fixtures. He waited for years to gather up hand me downs from others who replaced theirs with new and usable fixtures. And when all the parts were assembled, he arranged a party to install them in the dark of night so the county inspectors couldn’t detect it. They dug the hole for the septic tank and hit rock, so the septic tank didn’t go as far into the ground as it should have. The sewer line was made of clay sewer pipes emptying into the ditch about 40 yards away, which often backed up because the septic tank wasn’t low enough. Pipes connected on the Northwest side of the house—where the winter wind coming off Lake Erie hit the hardest. Inevitably, the pipes would freeze up in the winter time and Dad would crawl under the sink and light newspapers to thaw out the water lines. Sometimes we washed dishes in the bathtub. Every winter a box of matches was left under the sink. This went on for decades until my wife Chris and I insulated the pipes. The bathroom was built in the pantry off the kitchen. It, too, had matches. My best advice is to never put a bathroom opening into a kitchen. But it was indoor plumbing and the outhouse needed only to be used as an emergency. The Wilsons had finally arrived in the 20th Century! Proverbs 5:18 says, “Let your fountain be blessed; and rejoice with the wife of your youth.” While it wasn’t much, Mom and Dad rejoiced over that indoor fountain for it was an answer to prayer and longsuffering. Daily Devotion: The Spiritual Lightweight - by Greg Laurie on Jan 22, 2021 Tekel means ‘weighed’—you have been weighed on the balances and have not measured up. —Daniel 5:27 - Listen The other day I was at the gym, and an employee asked me if I wanted to step onto their scale. It was a very fancy scale, so I said okay. Then he measured me to see how tall I was. I discovered that I was shorter than I originally thought, and I weighed more than I was supposed to weigh. On God’s scales, though, we want to weigh more, not less. The Bible tells us about a spiritual lightweight, the grandson of King Nebuchadnezzar. His name was Belshazzar, and he went out of his way to mock God. One day during a feast, King Belshazzar asked for the gold and silver cups that Nebuchadnezzar had taken from the Temple in Jerusalem. Then Belshazzar and the others drank from them and praised the false gods of Babylon. While they did this, a hand appeared and began writing on the wall. Then a terrified Belshazzar summoned Daniel to interpret the message. Daniel told him, “This is the message that was written: Mene, mene, tekel, and Parsin. This is what these words mean: Mene means ‘numbered’—God has numbered the days of your reign and has brought it to an end. Tekel means ‘weighed’—you have been weighed on the balances and have not measured up. Parsin means ‘divided’—your kingdom has been divided and given to the Medes and Persians” (Daniel 5:25–28 NLT). Belshazzar stepped onto God’s scales, and there was nothing there. So that was the end for him. I believe that God is giving us a warning today. He’s telling us that our time is short. I don’t know when the end of the world will be, but the end of your world or mine could come sooner than we expect. So don’t be a fool like Belshazzar. Don’t be a spiritual lightweight. FROM THE HEART
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