Prophecy Update Newsletter
January 23, 2017
From Here to Eternity - Pete Garcia -
The Christian world is currently divided into two groups. There are those who suffer under the boot of physical persecution, and those who do not. Those currently experiencing persecution include Christians from the Middle and Far East, Africa, various Latin American countries, and those who live in western nations, but predominantly non-Christian communities. Then there are those countries who tolerate Christianity in varying forms, and in these communities, the persecution has not so much been physical, but ideological. It is a battle in the marketplace of ideas. Whereas Christians in persecution-prone areas are persecuted for nothing more than identifying themselves as Christians, and perhaps attending churches. Those of us, who are not currently being persecuted, are trying to make the Gospel message relevant in societies who are increasingly embracing more vitriolic forms of decadence. [By West I mean; Europe, Israel, N. America, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, and Australia.] In these countries, many ministries are going about attempting to bridge the gap between the cultures they are in, with the message they want to convey. Some ministries focus on the economic necessities to make inroads into certain communities. Some focus purely on evangelism, while others focus on the differing denominational approaches to sharing the Good News. Primarily, the study of Prophecy as it pertains to the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, has gained great traction through the medium of the internet, which it uses to relay articles and message, podcasts, and YouTube videos to show differing points of views as to where we are in relation to the return of Christ. The Omega Letter is one such medium. Started by Jack Kinsella over ten years ago, it surveyed the Scriptures from a distinctly Pre-Millennial, Dispensational stand point. Jack has passed on to glory last March, and still our OL community stands because as Jack would frequently say, it's not about me, it's about the Message. Well, it is not about me either, or Wendy, JL, Alf, or Jim. It is all about what Christ did and who He is. And because Christ came, died, and rose again on the third day, we are compelled to continue to share this Good News with a world who by and large, is dying both physically and spiritually. More specifically, it is about a hermeneutical understanding of that Message, and making sure that what we teach is in line with and in context with what the rest of Scriptures state. Many people are out there today promoting their interpretation of the Scriptures, or how things will go down in the future. But does what they teach line up with the rest of Scriptures? If it does, great! Support those ministries. If it does not, then steer clear of them. Let me put this in a practical context. As a pilot, we very often have to do course corrections when we get away from the heading we are trying to keep. If I'm flying and I need to hold a heading of 35 degrees (northeast), and the wind keeps pushing me over to 33 degrees, it's not a big deal... at first...because we are only talking inches and feet. But if I continued to hold 33 degrees for an extended period of time, then those feet turn into miles, and pretty soon, I'm way off course. Does prophecy matter? I've been told numerous times, that it doesn't but is a secondary issue, having no bearing on salvation. In the end they say, all things will just 'pan out' so why bother? I think there are numerous fallacies in the above statement. Let's put this back into the context of flying. If I were flying a plane using Visual Flight Rules (VFR), that means that I'm just flying and using my eyes to 'see and avoid' other aircraft, towers, mountains, etc. Holding a heading in VFR is important, but not as critical as long as you know where your intended point of destination is and how to get there. If I'm flying Instrument Flight Rules (IFR), then I'm not trying to 'see and avoid', but using my instruments to follow a specific heading, altitude, and airspeed to hit specific points, because the pathway has already been proven safe. It doesn't matter if I can see outside the aircraft or not, because I know I won't run in to anything. That's why when you fly commercial, planes have no issue ascending or descending into a huge mess of clouds when taking off or landing. Being IFR means you trust your instruments to safely navigate you from one place to another. I would equate Christians who don't study or care about prophecy much like flying VFR. They know which general direction they need to go, and as long as the sun is shining and the weather is good, they aren't worried too much about what lies ahead. But as the news and historical records show, many a plane have crashed thinking they would have good enough weather to get to where they were going. If you know how to fly IFR, flying VFR is easy. If you only know how to fly VFR, then you will be in a world of hurt if you get in a situation when you can no longer trust your eyes to get you where you need to go. "And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts; knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit." 2 Peter 1:19-21 A Pre-millennial, Pre-Tribulation, Dispensational view of Eschatology (the study of last things), places one on a precise, intended destination in the course of Scriptures and is akin to flying IFR. It is precise because if you begin to deviate from the structure that is laid out in Scriptures, you will be way off course by the time you get to the end. Some key points here will help you navigate through the Scriptures:
So does having the wrong Eschatology make a difference in today's world? I say it plays a major role in how you interpret why our world is falling apart. Having the wrong Eschatology determines whether you stand with, or against Israel. It matters in how you spend your time. It matters in understanding that the Scriptures never state that things will get better in the last days, but they will grow increasingly dark and wicked. It matters if you want to give specific reasons for the hope inside you. These specific reasons are tangible ones you can point to and prove that the Bible is true, that our salvation is real, and that time is running out. Countless hundreds of thousands have come to Christ because they were initially interested in understanding prophecy. It is a part of human nature to inquire about what the future holds. Apart from salvation by grace through faith, and the Triune nature of our God, Biblical prophecy is unique because our God is not bound by time. He is the only One that knew the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:9-10), and shares that with those who are His so we too could know, and believe. Bible prophecy is a faithful guide when the times grow dark, and when our path becomes obscured by the obstacles in our life. It helps us to realize that this life is but a vapor, but eternity will be our real home. It is an encouragement to those who under persecution, and for those who are not, keeps the knowledge of our redemption from becoming stale and bitter. "Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth." Revelation 3:10 One last point I would like to make on this and that it has cemented in my soul the truth and inerrancy of the Scriptures. Studying prophecy purifies us because it keeps our focus on Christ and His soon return instead of the trials and tribulations of this life. It purifies us, because we don't know when that shout and trump of God could be calling us to our home in eternity. "For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words." 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18 Maranatha! Report: Trump Has Already Dispatched Embassy Architect to Jerusalem - By Abra Forman -
"Our feet are standing within thy gates, O Yerushalayim." Psalms 122:2 (The Israel Bible™) On Donald Trump's second day in office, the White House announced that initial discussions are already underway regarding the moving of the U.S.'s Israeli embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, which the president promised he would do on the campaign trail. On Sunday night, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer told reporters that the administration had begun to examine the move, but it is "at the very beginning stages of even discussing this subject." Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat said on Monday that his office is indeed in contact with the new administration concerning the move, which would represent a major shift in the U.S.'s traditional Israel policy. "I am holding talks with government officials in the US and I know that they are serious about their intention," he told Army Radio. A senior Jerusalem city official went further, claiming that the Trump administration has already sent architects to plan and design the new embassy in Israel's capital. Jerusalem City Councilman and Deputy Mayor Meir Turjemon told Israel's Channel 10 on Sunday night that a US government architect is at work in Jerusalem scouting possible locations. "The architect who designs American embassies around the world has already arrived in Israel to examine the conditions in the field," Turjemon said. According to the unconfirmed report, three locations are under consideration. The most likely choice would be the Arnona neighborhood, where the U.S. consulate facility is currently located. Abbas meets Jordan's King Abdullah to discuss possible US Embassy move - By Adam Rasgon -
PA President Mahmoud Abbas and Jordanian King Abdullah met in Amman on Sunday to coordinate policy over the possible relocation of the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. "Abbas and King Abdullah II discussed the possible ramifications of moving the American Embassy to occupied Jerusalem and agreed to take a number of measures if the embassy is relocated," the official Palestinian Authority news site Wafa reported, without clarifying what such measures would be. Abbas also told a group of reporters: "What is taking placing regarding the [possible] relocation of the American Embassy to Jerusalem is important to the king and us, and we must coordinate." The Palestinian leadership launched a campaign two weeks ago to appeal to the world against the possible relocation. Abbas sent letters to US President Donald Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin, British Prime Minister Theresa May and many other world leaders, warning that the relocation would have "disastrous" consequences and spell the "destruction of the peace process." Trump said Thursday he plans to follow through with his campaign promise. "Of course I remember what I told you about Jerusalem. Of course I didn't forget. And you know I'm not a person who breaks promises," Trump told Israel Hayom. Abbas added that his visit to Jordan was "necessary" because Abdullah will soon visit Washington and Moscow. Jordan considers itself the "guardian of Jerusalem's holy sites," but also takes particular concern for other matters pertaining to the city. Abbas also said he hopes the US administration "will stop talking about moving the embassy to Jerusalem... and become involved in serious negotiations between us and the Israelis to reach a political resolution." Israel, for its part, has encouraged the US president to move the embassy to Jerusalem. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he thought such a move would be "great" during a trip to Azerbaijan in December. Senior Palestinian official: Moving US embassy 'a declaration of war' on Muslims - By Avi Issacharoff -
Jibril Rajoub threatens 'consequences' if Trump goes ahead with Jerusalem move; other PA officials say PLO could revoke recognition of Israel A senior Palestinian official warned Sunday that a move by the Trump administration to relocate the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem would be perceived as an act of aggression against the entire Muslim world. "In our opinion moving the embassy to Jerusalem is a declaration of war against Muslims," Fatah Central Committee member Jibril Rajoub, who also presides over the Palestinian soccer association, told The Times of Israel in an interview. Rajoub, one of the most powerful figures in Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas's ruling Fatah party, warned that "it is not inconceivable that the United States will give the Jews the keys to the holy sites in Jerusalem - sites also holy to both Christians and Muslims. If someone among you [Israelis] thinks there won't be consequences, he is making a grave mistake." "We are talking about a dangerous step that won't bring stability to the ground," he continued, adding that "it contradicts previous United Nations resolutions and the policy of the United States since 1967." "We don't intend to wave a white flag" in front of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or US President Donald Trump, he declared. Last week, Rajoub called Trump a "lunatic" and a "fascist," attacking his promise to move the embassy to Jerusalem in an interview translated by MEMRI. On Sunday, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said talks had begun on moving the embassy, but seemed to indicate an actual move could be a long time away. "We are at the very beginning stages of even discussing this subject," he said in a statement. The statement contrasted with reports over the last several weeks that the announcement of the move could come as early as this week, but also confirmed that the administration intends to at least entertain the plan, despite warnings from the international community that it could significantly ramp up tensions in the volatile region. Spicer's statement came about an hour before Trump and Netanyahu held their first phone conversation since Trump became president Friday, with the president inviting Netanyahu to visit next month. Neither the White House nor the Prime Minister's Office made any mention of the embassy move in statements sent out following the phone call. Rajoub's comments echoed statements made by other officials in the PA and Fatah, as well as declarations by leaders in the Arab world, including in states that are considered moderate and have relations with Israel. One such country, Jordan, a key player in the saga over the potential embassy move, has already said such a step would be "crossing a red line." The ruling Hashemite dynasty in Jordan sees itself as the protector of the holy Muslim sites in Jerusalem, in particular the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which its stewards in the Islamic Waqf administer. Thus, Amman asserts that if the new US administration follows through with its promise to move the embassy, it will constitute a direct attack on its authority in Jerusalem and its status at the city's holy sites. Jordan's King Abdullah met with Abbas in Amman on Sunday to discuss the issue. According to Israel Radio, Abbas asked Abdullah to help establish a direct line of communication between the PA and the administration in light of growing anxiety regarding the embassy move. Following the meeting, Abbas said that he and Abdullah agreed upon "a series of steps we'll take if the US moves the embassy to Jerusalem," without elaborating. A Palestinian official told Israel Radio after the meeting that if Trump gives the go-ahead to the embassy move, the PA will turn to the United Nations General Assembly to request a suspension of Israel's UN membership. On Monday, a spokesman for the Jordanian government said that unspecified contacts were taking place to safeguard the kingdom's role as caretaker of the Muslim and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem, and declared that Israel, as an occupying power, has no right to make unilateral changes in areas it had taken by force. Saudi Arabia has also warned of the consequences that will result from moving the embassy to Jerusalem. Palestinian officials told The Times of Israel that any step by the Americans and Israelis to move the embassy to Jerusalem will likely have dramatic consequences. According to the officials, the leadership of the Palestinian Liberation Organization has already decided that if the move goes through it will renounce its recognition of Israel, as well as in practice its recognition of the Oslo Accords. On Monday, the PLO leadership is expected to meet in order to deliberate the possibility the embassy will indeed by moved, as well as its response to such a step. "No one will try and no one can demand from people to act with restraint. No one will try to stop the demonstrations on the ground against a step like this," the officials said. Pressure builds toward a planned outburst If a decision to move the embassy is made, Fatah will try to lead the demonstrations on the ground in order to prevent its rival Hamas from "stealing the show." But to a great extent Israel's concern should not be a spontaneous eruption on the ground, but rather an organized outburst, since the PA and Fatah - together with Arab states like Jordan and Saudi Arabia - have already outlined a clear plan of resistance. Thus, in order to prevent mass protests and an outbreak of violence, Israel will need the assistance of the PA and Jordan, although it is doubtful they will be forthcoming in offering their help. Israel will be dependent to a great extent on the goodwill of the PA to preserve the prevailing quiet, even though the PA will have little interest in doing so in light of the particularly dramatic and troublesome manner in which Palestinians will interpret an embassy move. Still, there were some voices among the Palestinian leadership in Ramallah that interpreted the announcement from the White House that more time is needed to implement the decision as an indication that Washington does not want move forward too quickly with the move. They perceive Trump's ostensible hesitance as the result of Israel's strong push to follow through with it. In any case, the coming months are expected to be particularly eventful in regards to an embassy move. An Arab League summit is scheduled to take place in March in Amman, and as host, Jordan is expected to lead a hawkish stance against it. Prior to the summit, a meeting between the Jordanian king and Trump is expected to take place, during which Abdullah will likely try and convince the US president to not push forward with the move. A month later, at the end of April, former US president Barack Obama's waiver of the Jerusalem Embassy Act - a 1995 law that mandated the US embassy be moved to Jerusalem - will expire, as did every previous six-month waiver of his predecessors. Owing to Trump's unpredictable nature, no one is sure whether he will stick with precedent and sign the waiver or not. However, one thing is certain: until then, the pressure will continue to build. Spiritual Adultery - by Daymond Duck -
Many of us who study Bible prophecy have heard a multitude of professors, pastors and church members say that the book of Revelation is nothing more than a book of symbols and allegories that no one can understand. I don't believe God would say all Scripture is profitable (II Tim. 3:16), if the book of Revelation is nothing more than a book of symbols and allegories that no one can understand. I don't believe God would promise to bless all who read, hear and keep the things in the book of Revelation (Rev. 1:3), if it is nothing more than a book of symbols and allegories that no one can understand. I do believe that the book of Revelation is a wonderful book that God knows is hard to understand. So He has explained many of the symbols and given us stories in the Bible to help us understand what He wants us to know. Revelation chapter 17 is one of the most difficult chapters in the book. It is about a woman called "Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth." She is called the great whore, with whom the kings of the earth (world leaders) have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication (they been corrupted or deceived by what she is doing). She is arrayed in purple and scarlet (expensive clothes). She is decked with gold and precious stones and pearls (expensive jewelry). She is holding a golden cup in her hand (perhaps a communion cup or the Holy Grail). She is drunk with the blood of the saints and the martyrs of Jesus (she has persecuted and killed many true believers). She is riding upon a beast with seven heads (identified as a Satan worshiper in Revelation chapter 13 that people call the Antichrist) and ten horns (identified as ten world leaders that will rule with the Antichrist; Rev. 17:12, 3:10). Her lovers (the Antichrist and ten world leaders) will make war with the Lamb (Jesus; the Lord of lords, and King of kings) and He will defeat them. But before Jesus deals with her lovers God will put in their hearts to hate her, turn on her, make her naked and burn her with fire. Now, instead of dismissing this story as nothing more than an allegory and symbols that no one can understand, we should look in the Bible for a something that will help us interpret it. We find that in an Old Testament parable about Jerusalem (Ezekiel 16:1-43). On the day that Jerusalem was born her parents abandoned her in a field. They didn't cut her naval, wash, salt or swaddle her. And there was no one to pity or help her. God passed by and saw that she was bloody and filthy. He picked her up and said, "Live." He took her to His house cleaned her up, put clothes on her, loved her and raised her. Time passed and Jerusalem grew into a beautiful young woman. God asked her to make a covenant with Him (marry Him) and she did. He washed her (perhaps with the water of the Word), got rid of her filthiness (forgave her), anointed her with oil (perhaps the Holy Spirit), dressed her in expensive clothes, jewels, silver and gold (perhaps His righteousness), and He put a crown upon her head. Jerusalem's beauty derived from God and she became world famous. But it went to her head. She became a flirt and committed adultery. She put her expensive clothes on idols (false gods). She used God's jewels, gold and silver to make idols. She set God's oil and incense in front of her idols. Jerusalem was a harlot. Even worse, she took the children that she had bore unto God, killed some and made harlots out of the others. Yes, she was a mother of harlots (like Mystery Babylon) and she provoked God to anger. So He decided to make her naked before her lovers, judge her as harlots and killers are judged, let her lovers destroy her and burn her houses in the sight of many people (like Mystery Babylon). There is a lot more (such as the church is a mystery, she is the Bride of Christ not a harlot, clothed in linen clean and bright, etc.). Just know that "harlot" and "prostitute" are words that God uses to describe spiritual adultery or false religion. And Mystery Babylon the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the earth is a false religion that began at Babylon. ![]()
My Review of "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" Over the last 35 years, I have literally read hundreds of books on Bible Prophecy and End Time signs. I especially enjoy books on the Rapture, and I have read almost every Rapture-related book published. In all those years, devouring thousands of pages, and millions of words, I have not read a better book on the Rapture than, Rapture Ready...Or Not? Terry James might be physically blind, but he is spiritually sharp and well discerning beyond most authors. In "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" Terry has nailed the pre-trib Rapture, and removed any doubt what so ever about the Church going through the Tribulation. With great insight and Godly discernment, Terry explains with simple, yet profound words, why and how that he has come to believe the ways he does about the Rapture, the Tribulation, and the End Times scenario. I think after reading "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" you too will believe as Terry does, and be Ready for the Rapture like never before! - Randy Thomas - Publisher / Editor - Prophecy Update For more information and or to get your copy of "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" use this link: Watchman Warning: A Trump Reprieve for America? - By Hal Lindsey -
In 760 BC, one of the most important cities in the most powerful empire of its time, repented of its sin and turned to God. The case proves once and for all that no one should take credit when God works through him or her. God took extraordinary measures just to get Jonah to go to Nineveh. The prophet was used greatly, but not the way he wanted to be used. He didn't want the people to repent or the city to be saved. His message was hard, and there was nothing winsome in his presentation of it. But the people did repent, and Nineveh's well-earned destruction was put off for more than a century. Many evangelical Christians see Donald Trump's rise to the presidency as a similar reprieve for the United States. Let's suppose, for a moment, that President Trump is right on all the big policy positions he took in the campaign. I'm not saying it's true, but try to imagine that President Trump will take the smartest possible positions on the economy, immigration, tax reform, the budget, environmental protection, foreign policy, security against terror, and the use of military power. No human is right all the time, but to prove a point, let's take that leap of imagination and say that he is right on all these matters of policy. Would that make us like Nineveh? Would that be our reprieve? No. Nineveh repented. Ninevites felt sorry for their sin, and they turned to God for their answers. Has America done that? Maybe you don't think the United States deserves God's judgment. After all, we're not nearly as bad as some other countries. While that's true, we need to remember the words of Jesus in Luke 12:48. "For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required." (NKJV) Except for the nation of Israel - the original recipients of God's word - no nation ever received more from the hand of God than the United States of America. That places the US at the highest level of responsibility before God. When Trump was sworn into office, did abortions stop? Almost sixty million unborn humans have been killed since Roe v. Wade. Sixty million is the population of New York City, Los Angeles, and Chicago... times four! A theme runs through scripture. If you want to see God's anger, harm the little ones. In Jeremiah 32:35, God said, "And they built the high places of Baal which are in the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire to Moloch, which I did not command them, nor did it come into My mind that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin." Moloch was a pagan idol. They thought they could appease him by sacrificing their children in his fires. Unthinkable as that sounds, the United States is not as different as you might hope. America sacrifices her children, too - not on the altar of a pagan god, but on the altar of convenience and self-centeredness. Did the election of Donald Trump change that? I hope so, but I've seen lots of anti-abortion presidents over the years, and it hasn't stopped abortion. We harm the little ones in another way as well. We teach them the religion of humanism. We ingrain it in them. We teach them to disregard God and see the state as the provider of all good things. Our schools teach our little ones that there is no right and wrong, that all is relative. Schools ridicule God, the Bible, and those who believe in them. In talking about such harm to children, Jesus did not mince words. "Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it is better for him that a heavy millstone be hung around his neck, and that he be drowned in the depth of the sea." (Matthew 18:6 NASB) Sexual perversions and blood-soaked violence in the name of entertainment pours out of America every day, and floods the world. We are ripe for God's judgment in these and hundreds of other areas. Can God use Donald Trump to help turn this country around? Yes, God can. So, pray for the new President. But don't look to him for your hope. Look to God. May each of us who know the Lord, humble ourselves before Him, and pray for our nation, our families, our churches, our communities, and ourselves. Did you pray for Donald Trump when he was running for President? It is human nature to stop praying for him now that he has entered that office. But that would be a terrible mistake. If you love America, now is our time to pray for him as never before. Daily Jot: Left's dark take on Trump speech exposes graft to light - Bill Wilson -
The Marxist globalist left's talking points across the Democratic Party and the mainstream news media characterized President Donald Trump's inauguration speech as "dark" and "Hitlerian," but in reality his populist speech exposed the establishment's cabal of graft and corruption to the light. Again, these perpetrators of darkness continue to project what they have been doing for decades as something evil when it exposes their deeds. Perhaps most Americans have over spiritualized the very physical manifestation of Ephesians 6:12, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against, powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Trump plainly said in some 16 minutes what America and the rest of the world have been experiencing without exception prior to and immediately after the presidency of Ronald Reagan-"For too long, a small group in our nation's Capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost. Washington flourished -- but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered -- but the jobs left, and the factories closed. The establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country. Their victories have not been your victories; their triumphs have not been your triumphs; and while they celebrated in our nation's capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land." It took great courage to say these words when the very generations of those complicit in what Trump exposed were sitting right behind him-from Jimmy Carter to both Bush's to the Clintons to the immediate past "president," all participated in a corrupt globalist agenda that worked counter to the well-being of every American they swore to uphold and protect, so help them God. The oath of office didn't mean anything to them because "God" in their public statements was whatever anybody thought at any given time. They all have said that allah and God were the same, indicating they were no respecter of the one true God and that their "god" was the god of this world. They showed by their actions the realm of wickedness in high places. For the past eight years in particular, Americans have heard nothing but lectures of how bad we are, how Christians were akin to radical insurgents, how we were culpable for all the woes on earth. The highlight of the globalist agenda was to demonize all that is good and celebrate all that is evil, and wrap it in some strange form of patriotism. No, Trump's speech was not dark, it was exposing these people and their agenda to the light so that all can see. The immediate response from the antichrist crowd was to swear to fight him at every juncture, a call for no quarter. All of God's people are in a battle against this spiritual wickedness. Trump set a record for the number of prayers lifted up on inauguration day. Let us solemnly engage by not allowing others to speak evil of our good. May we shine the light of Christ across our land. Daily Devotion: Fighting the Wrong Enemy - Greg Laurie -
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. -Ephesians 6:12 Peter couldn't take it anymore. He had watched His Lord's anguish in the Garden of Gethsemane. He had watched the group of soldiers come to arrest Him. So he took out his sword, took a swing, and removed the ear of the high priest's servant. In a way, I understand Peter's frustration. Had I been in the same situation, I might have done the same thing. We might almost commend Peter for his heroism and bravery. But in reality, Jesus did not do that at all. He told Peter to put the sword away. Poor Peter. He couldn't seem to get it right. He always seemed to be doing the wrong thing at the wrong time. He was sleeping when he should have been praying. He was talking when he should have been listening. He was boasting when he should have been fearing. Now he was fighting when he should have been surrendering. He always had it turned upside down. You see, Peter failed to see that he was fighting the wrong enemy. Our enemies are not flesh and blood, the Bible says, but principalities and powers. And they cannot be defeated by ordinary measures. Far too often we take things into our own hands and try to assist God, to sort of help Him out a little. And far too often we do not pull out the most powerful weapon in our arsenal, which is prayer, and use it in these times of battle. As Christians, we are too quick to protest and not quick enough to pray. We are too quick to picket and not quick enough to preach and focus on what God has primarily called us to do. We need to realize that we are fighting a spiritual battle. Therefore, we need to use spiritual weaponry. FROM THE HEART
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