Prophecy Update Newsletter
No Telling What We Will Face - By Daymond Duck -
As I have gone from place to place speaking and teaching on Bible prophecy, I have often said, if the Rapture does not happen soon, there is no telling what our nation and God’s people will face. No ordinary person could have imagined the things that people are seeing and doing now. Some of it is demonic, to say the very least, and if these are birth pains, things will get worse and there is no telling what our nation and God’s people will face in the near future. The globalists have big plans, but they are not in control; they just think they are. The more they reject God’s influence over the U.S. and turn against His people, the more they fulfill Bible prophecy and stir His wrath. Make no mistake about it; fake news, fake elections, fake climate change science, fake Coronavirus science, fake documents in the Dept. of Justice, fake values, and integrity in Washington DC and America’s courts, etc., are not of God. He is truth, we are living in prophetic times, and here are several more reasons for believing that: One, the Bible says God created man in His own image; male and female created He them (Gen. 1:26-27). Biden promised to remove America’s recognition of just 2 sexes on day one of his administration. Pelosi has already tried to do this by rejecting the use of father, mother, son and daughter in the House. This is more serious than catering to the LGBTQ agenda. It is a clear rejection of the Word of God and a mistake to think that America can deliberately cast aside the Scriptures without consequences. Two, on Jan. 13, 2021, the U.S. House of Representatives impeached Pres. Trump for a second time. This time, Democrats accused him of “incitement of insurrection” over the protests at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. They said he “repeatedly issued false statements asserting that the presidential election results were fraudulent and should not be accepted.” It is now up to the U.S. Senate to approve or reject this impeachment. Trump said his impeachment is “a continuation of the greatest and most vicious witch hunt in the history of our country and is causing tremendous anger, and division and pain . . . which is very dangerous for the USA, especially at this very tender time.” If the rioting, looting and arson of Antifa and BLM was constitutionally protected free speech, why wasn’t the attack at the Capitol constitutionally protected free speech? The answer is neither one is constitutionally protected free speech, and the problem is the character and motives of the people that are making the decisions. According to the Bible, the Antichrist will ignore truth and opt for deceit (Dan. 8:12). This spirit of antichrist (lying, half-truth, misinformation, and political spin) is very active in Washington DC today. It is easy to see why the lost will believe lies and rejoice in unrighteousness during the Tribulation Period (II Thess. 2:11-12). Three, it has been reported that 80 municipal and criminal charges, including fines of more than $15,000 a day, have been filed against the co-owners of Atilis Gym in New Jersey (N.J.) while they are fighting the state in court over the lockdown of their business under the guise of stopping the spread of Covid. Sometime during the night of Jan. 13-14, 2021, without warning or permission, N.J. officials seized the funds that Atilis had in its bank account. There have been reports that the seizure of funds by government officials (and by banks in financial trouble) is going to become more common as the urge to redistribute wealth grows and America’s financial situation worsens. Four, concerning persecution: on Jan. 14, 2021, it was reported that Bishop Joseph Strickland said on his T.V. program that Christians “need to be ready for a new age of martyrdom. . . in order to be faithful to Jesus Christ.” The Bishop added that if it comes to that, Christians “can’t deny the truth, and we should resist.” Five, also, concerning persecution: on Jan. 12, 2021, Project Veritas released a video of a PBS attorney suggesting that the children of Trump Voters should be put in re-education camps. PBS fired the attorney and disavowed what he said. Six, on Jan. 11, 2021, GoDaddy shut down the website of, the largest gun website in the world, without giving a reason. has found another host and expects to be back online in a matter of days. It is important to understand that globalists want to disarm America, to control those that might fight against the surrender of U.S. sovereignty. Seven, Biden’s support for world government, to open the U.S. border with Mexico, to provide a pathway to citizenship for more than 11 million immigrants, to declare a moratorium on immigrant deportations, to provide free healthcare to immigrants, etc. has already led to a caravan of thousands of immigrants (many with Covid) with plans to enter the U.S. and predictions that there will be waves of caravans in the future. Biden officials say it will take a few months to put some of these policies into effect, but he plans to go through with them. Eight, the Bible teaches that Israel will be a prosperous nation with silver and gold, cattle and goods in the latter years and latter days (Ezek. 38). On Jan. 14, 2021, it was reported that 3 international credit rating agencies (Fitch, S&P, and Moody’s) have given Israel an “A+” credit rating despite the problems caused by Covid. Nine, concerning the Battle of Gog and Magog (Ezek. 38-39) in the latter years and latter days: · On Jan. 13, 2021, it was reported that 18 Israeli strikes on Iranian targets in Syria killed 57 people (14 Syrian fighters, 16 Iraqi fighters, 11 Afghan fighters and 16 fighters of unknown nationality). Israel has been striking enemy targets in Syria for years, but this is the largest death toll in one series of strikes. · On Jan. 14, 2021, it was reported that the Israeli Defense Forces Homefront Command has released a video urging citizens to keep a radio in their personal bomb shelters in case there is a power outage or the Internet goes down in Israel. · In early Jan. 2021, Iran announced that it had restarted its program of enriching uranium to 20%, bringing the nation just a step away from 90% enrichment and the possibility of producing nuclear weapons. · On Jan. 14, 2021, it was reported that the IDF is working on 3 ways to stop Iran’s nuclear program, and one is a military attack. One Israeli official suggested that Israel might launch a military strike if the Biden administration rejoins the deal the Obama-Biden administration made with Iran. · If there is a full-fledged attack on Israel by the nations mentioned in Ezek. 38-39, people should know that the Bible clearly says this prophecy will be fulfilled in the latter years and latter days. Ten, Big Tech’s suppression of free speech in the U.S. has drawn the criticism of leaders in several nations. If Big Tech gets away with silencing the Pres. of the U.S., they can probably silence any other leader on earth and get away with it. If Big Tech can influence the results of the U.S. election, they can influence the results of any election. The purpose of the Mark of the Beast is to shut down opposition to the government of Antichrist. Big Tech has: · Designated itself as the free speech police of the world. · Given itself the power to decide who should rule nations. · Tried to squash the publication of Hunter Biden’s crimes against the U.S. and Joe Biden’s involvement in Hunter’s crimes. · Tried to take away the free speech of almost 75 million U.S. citizens. · Threatened to de-platform companies that allow almost 75 million U.S. citizens to speak freely. · Twitter’s Jack Dorsey (perhaps under the influence of the shadow government) has been videoed saying the censorship of millions of U.S. citizens has just begun. · During the Tribulation Period, people will be forced to support the government of Antichrist or they will be killed (a satanic silencing of opposition). FYI: Officials at believe their website will be fully operational by the end of this month. One way that readers can express their dislike of censorship is to switch from Apple, Amazon, Google, etc., to Parler as soon as the site gets back up. Christians, conservatives, and others need to use and support websites that won’t censor them and try to control our elections. Eleven, concerning deceit, false accusations and lying at the end of the age: on Jan. 14, 2021, it was reported that James Earle Sullivan, founder of a group called Insurgence USA, has been arrested and will appear in court on that day. Sullivan has admitted that he entered the Capitol building through a smashed window and incited violence. He videoed his activities, posted the video and recorded himself saying he is a supporter of Black Lives Matter. Despite this recorded evidence, some politicians and media say only Trump supporters were involved in the protests at the Capitol building. Twelve, on Jan. 14, 2021, it was reported that the 34-year-old son of a New York judge has been arrested for being in the Capitol protests. He is a registered Democrat, was wearing fir, a stolen police vest, and carrying a large stick in pictures that were taken at the Capitol. Thirteen, concerning a global economic collapse that will happen after the Rapture of the Church: Biden has announced plans for a 1.9 trillion-dollar Coronavirus stimulus package and a $15 per hour minimum wage. If I am not mistaken, the U.S. has spent about 6 trillion dollars on stimulus packages, and many of America’s enemies are counting on this spending to trigger the collapse of the U.S. economy. More than 100,000 small businesses have permanently closed due to Covid, thousands more are near bankruptcy, and some pundits are saying Biden’s minimum wage increase will up the cost of doing business, cause more businesses to fail, and increase unemployment. Some say as America goes, so goes the world. Fourteen, concerning the decline of America and the rise of Israel at the end of the age: on Jan. 14, 2021, it was reported that an influential rabbi in Israel is warning that America is more divided than most people realize. The rabbi said the Democrats are replacing the values of justice with the values of political correctness, it is causing division, and it will trigger the fall of America. He said, “This is a sad moment, but it will happen.” He added that this is part of God’s plan for Israel, and he urged Israel’s leaders to prepare for its role of leadership in the world. Fifteen, on Jan. 18, 2021, it was reported that Israel still intends to name the soon to be built train station at the Temple Mount the “Donald J. Trump Station.” A group of rabbis said the new train station will serve the Third Temple, and the connection of Trump to a rebuilt Temple is not in doubt. Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. He is the only president to keep his promise to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, and the only president to visit the Western Wall. Sixteen, on Jan. 18, 2021, it was reported that the outgoing Capitol Police Chief said Trump began his Jan. 6, 2021, speech at the Ellipse (a 35 min. walk to the Capitol) at 12:00 pm and ended it at 1:11 pm. At 1:10 pm, Trump closed his speech by telling the crowd to “fight like hell.” According to the police chief (and this is the official timeline), the first group of protesters arrived at the Capitol at about 12:40 pm (while Trump was still speaking about 35 min. away and about 30 min. before Trump told the crowd to fight like hell). Others had time to get there by the time the Capitol was broken into (at 1:59 pm), but the House impeached Trump for inciting the protesters even though many were at the Capitol before Trump allegedly “incited anyone.” Seventeen, on Jan. 15, 2021, Bill Koenig said, “Big Pharma is also putting pressure on the FDA to stop or heavily restrict access to Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin.” Prophecy Plus is not advising anyone to use these meds, and everyone must be responsible for their own decision, but since Dr. Kory told the U.S. Senate that a group of highly respected doctors think that Ivermectin is safe and effective for preventing Covid in most people, some have been buying Ivermectin (blue liquid, 250 ml bottle, with 2 pour spouts) at farm supply stores and FYI, on Jan. 18, 2021, lifesitenews reported that India has developed an effective and safe Covid treatment kit that uses Ivermectin and sells for $2.65 per person. The report says this inexpensive kit has been used to cause a steep decline in the number of Covid cases and fatality rate in India. If Ivermectin is lowering the number of cases and fatality rate in a densely populated nation like India, why is Big Pharma opposing it in the U.S., and why do we have the crippling lockdowns, social distancing, etc.? Since Ivermectin is inexpensive, why do we need Big Pharma’s costly vaccine, to track people etc.? If the House of Rep. can impeach the U.S. President in 2 days, why haven’t they distributed inexpensive Covid kits to U.S. citizens? Here is a link to the article: If the Rapture does not happen soon, there is no telling what our nation and God’s people will face. Finally, if you want to go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this. Prophecy Plus Ministries, Inc. Daymond Duck [email protected] The Palestinian Plan to Dupe the Biden Administration - by Bassam Tawil - One week after he entered the 17th year of his four-year term in office, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas finally announced new parliamentary and presidential elections, scheduled to take place in May and July 2021. His announcement was carefully timed to coincide with the inauguration week of President Joe Biden and in response to immense pressure from the European Union. Abbas's announcement, which many Palestinians take as seriously as they would take the alleged sighting of a UFO, is part of an attempt to curry favor with the Biden administration and the EU. There is only one word to describe Abbas's announcement: deception. The proposed Palestinian elections are part of a scheme designed to deceive the international community, specifically the US and EU, into believing that the Palestinians are serious about implementing major reforms, ending financial and administrative corruption, and engaging in another peace process with Israel. Abbas, who boycotted President Donald Trump's administration since December 2017, is hoping that the Biden administration will, among other things, resume financial aid to the Palestinians and the United Nations Relief and Work Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA); reopen the PLO diplomatic mission in Washington, DC., and cancel the US recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Abbas did not call for elections because he suddenly believes in democracy and pluralism or because he wants to pave the way for new and young leaders to rise to power. Abbas did not call for elections because he wants to give the Palestinians the opportunity to elect new leaders through a free and fair electoral process. Perhaps the 85-year-old Abbas called for elections because he wants to retire and spend his time playing with his grandchildren. Better not count on that. Not only does Abbas have no plans to depart from the political scene anytime in the near future, he is even said to be considering running in the presidential election, if and when it takes place on July 31. There is one reason, and one reason only, why Abbas is now talking about holding general elections: to continue milking the cash cow he has in the form of American and European governments. Abbas wants the money to ensure his continued dictatorial rule over the Palestinians. He knows that without money from the US and EU, his regime would not survive for one day. Abbas also knows that without Israel's security presence in the West Bank, Hamas and his political enemies would easily remove him from power. Abbas is trying to show the Biden administration and the Europeans that he is not an autocrat or an illegitimate leader whose tenure ended in January 2009. In addition to money, Abbas is apparently hoping that his election farce would persuade the Americans and Europeans to support his plan to hold an international conference for "peace" in the Middle East. Abbas does not want to return to direct negotiations with Israel: he knows that Israel cannot comply with 100% of his demands (a full withdrawal to the pre-1967 lines and the "right of return" for "millions" of Palestinian refugees and their descendants to Israel). Abbas is hoping that such an international conference, under the auspices of the United Nations, European Union, Russia and China, would impose a solution on Israel. Abbas has only one solution in mind: one that would see Israel fully withdraw to the pre-1967 lines, including east Jerusalem, and the establishment of a Palestinian state that would undoubtedly be used in the future as a launching pad to wage war on Israel. If Abbas's rivals in Hamas win the parliamentary and presidential elections, the future Palestinian state that Abbas is aspiring to establish will be an Iran-backed Islamist terror entity, similar to the mini-state that already exists in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip. In 2006, Hamas defeated Abbas's Fatah faction in the parliamentary election, triggering a bitter and bloody power struggle between the two rival parties. At the peak of the conflict in the summer of 2007, Hamas militiamen threw Fatah activists from the rooftops of tall buildings and killed hundreds of others. Since then, the Palestinians have had two independent and sovereign mini-states: one to the east of Israel, on the "West Bank" of the Jordan River; and one to the west of Israel, on the Gaza Strip. The Gaza Strip, controlled by Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and other Palestinian terrorist groups, is being used as a launching pad for carrying out various forms of terrorist attacks against Israel, including firing thousands of rockets into Israel over the past 15 years. Hamas leaders have welcomed Abbas's announcement They say they intend to participate in the general elections. Hamas is now hoping to repeat the victory it scored in the 2006 parliamentary election. Public opinion polls have shown that more than 60% of the Palestinians would like to see Abbas quit. This means that a vast majority of Palestinians do not believe in Abbas and his Fatah lieutenants. In 2006, many Palestinians voted for Hamas because they were fed up with Fatah's corruption and incompetence. The polls now show that the views of many Palestinians toward Abbas and Fatah have not changed, which means Hamas has a good chance of winning another victory in the upcoming elections. Another Hamas victory means that the West Bank would become another terrorist entity ruled by Iran's Palestinian allies and proxies. Thanks to the presence of Israel in the West Bank, there is less terrorism there. If Israel pulls out, the West Bank will fall into the hands of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, who will start firing rockets at Israeli in the same way they have been doing from the Gaza Strip for years. A reminder of Hamas's dangerous ambitions was provided on January 18, 2021, by none other than its leader, Ismail Haniyeh. Addressing a conference in Tehran, Haniyeh said that the "resistance" against Israel remains an "ideal choice" and the "strategic option" of his group. "Resistance" is a euphemism for continuing the war of terrorism against Israel by using rockets, suicide bombings, car-rammings, stabbings and shootings, as well as throwing rocks and firebombs at Israeli soldiers and civilians. In early February, leaders of Fatah and Hamas are expected to meet in Egypt's capital, Cairo, to discuss preparations for the elections. The two sides are saying they want to reach agreement not only on the issue of elections, but "real partnership." Fatah and Hamas are ready temporarily to lay aside their differences to form a unified front against Israel. Abbas wants money, while Hamas wants legitimacy and recognition from the international community. Hamas, of course, also wants to extend its control to the West Bank, overthrow Abbas and proceed with its plan to destroy Israel. For Abbas and Fatah, the talk about elections is important because they want to dupe the US and EU into giving them more money. Hamas, for its part, is hoping that the elections will legitimize it in the international community it and turn it into an acceptable player in the Palestinian arena. If Fatah and Hamas really cared about elections and the interests of their people, they would have held elections a long time ago. The two parties, however, have spent the past 15 years torturing and arresting each other, denying their people both free elections and basic public freedoms. The Palestinians live under two dictatorships: one in the West Bank and one in the Gaza Strip. Elections, even if they are held, will not produce new leaders. They will produce Fatah flunkies and Hamas henchmen who bow obediently to their corrupt bosses. The Police State Is Coming For “Religious Extremists”, “Evangelical Christians”, “Pro-Life” Activists And “Libertarians” – Michael Snyder - If you cherish faith, family and freedom, you might want to keep a low profile for a while. The Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2021 has been unveiled in Congress, and it has bipartisan support. It is essentially “the Patriot Act on steroids”, and we are being told that it is almost certain that some version of the legislation will make it to Biden’s desk for him to sign. Personally, I am very much against all forms of domestic terrorism, and a law which could help to prevent terror attacks from happening is going to sound like a good thing to a lot of people. Unfortunately, it appears that this bill is meant to specifically target certain groups, and as you read this article you may discover that you are a member of one or more of those groups. Those that drafted this new law say that it will help authorities go after “extremists”, and very few of us would consider ourselves to be one of those. But the definition of an extremist has changed. Tulsi Gabbard is one of the most prominent Democrats in the House of Representatives, and last year she ran for president. But even though she is a Democrat, she is warning that this new law appears to be “a targeting of almost half of the country”… “What characteristics are we looking for as we are building this profile of a potential extremist, what are we talking about? Religious extremists, are we talking about Christians, evangelical Christians, what is a religious extremist? Is it somebody who is pro-life? Where do you take this?” Gabbard said. She said the proposed legislation could create “a very dangerous undermining of our civil liberties, our freedoms in our Constitution, and a targeting of almost half of the country.” It is fundamentally un-American to specifically target people for their religious beliefs, and so that is extremely alarming. Gabbard is also warning that people with certain political perspectives are likely to be targeted as well… “You start looking at obviously, have to be a white person, obviously likely male, libertarians, anyone who loves freedom, liberty, maybe has an American flag outside their house, or people who, you know, attended a Trump rally,” Gabbard said. Wait a second. I am a male. I love freedom and liberty. I am flying an American flag outside my house right now. Am I going to be put on a list somewhere? During a recent television interview, former CIA Director John Brennan said that the Biden administration will likely be focusing on “religious extremists”, “nativists”, and “even libertarians” as possible targets. In what universe is saying something like that okay? Even before this new legislation has gone through Congress, Joe Biden has already instructed his director of national intelligence to identify potential extremist threats… President Biden has asked the director of national intelligence to draw up a comprehensive threat assessment on domestic violent extremism in the country as the new administration seeks to tackle what it calls a “serious and growing national security threat.” The move is one of several the White House press secretary announced Friday to address mounting concerns about domestic extremism, particularly in the wake of the violent insurrection more than two weeks ago by Trump supporters at the U.S. Capitol. There is that word “extremism” again. And new White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki has been using it repeatedly during her press briefings. In the old days, we assumed that “extremists” were crazy terrorists and suicide bombers in the Middle East. But now they are using that term to describe large numbers of people that live inside the United States. That is extremely chilling. And once “extremists” have been identified, we are being told that the White House National Security Council “will be tasked with building capacity to tackle and disrupt extremist networks”. What does that mean and what will that look like? If the Biden administration truly wanted to go after domestic terrorists, they aren’t hard to find. In fact, a whole bunch of them attacked an ICE facility in Portland on Saturday night… Protests outside an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) facility in Portland turned ugly on Saturday night as federal authorities threatened mass arrests for trespassing. Dramatic videos posted on Twitter showed the crowd chanting: ‘No borders! No nations! Abolish deportations!’ You can watch footage of the battle that ensued right here. According to the Daily Mail, insurgents in Portland have now been committing political violence for four days in a row… It marked the four-straight day of protests in the city since Joe Biden’s inauguration as demonstrators make it clear that a new Democratic administration will not stop their campaign for social justice. There they are Biden. Go get them. We also just witnessed a very frightening terror attack at a church in California… The FBI has launched an investigation after a bomb was thrown at an anti-LGBT church in California just weeks after the pastor received an arson attack threat. Police and fire crews were called to the First Works Baptist Church at 2600 Tyler Avenue in El Monte in the early hours of Saturday morning to reports of an explosion. The FBI said an improvised explosive device had been thrown at the building and it had also been covered in graffiti. Sadly, these are not the sorts of “extremists” that the Democrats have in mind. Instead, they appear to be very interested in identifying and “deprogramming” those that voted for Donald Trump… A Democratic National Committee official, David Atkins, said on Twitter that “deprogramming” is needed for every one of more than 74 million people who voted for Trump on Nov. 3. Limbaugh said they “are literally thinking of deprogramming conservatives.” Of course it isn’t just the Biden administration that is focused on Trump supporters. Countless private individuals have joined a growing nationwide effort to punish any individual or entity that was ever closely associated with Trump… It’s why the left is cheering Big Tech’s embrace of cancel culture and pushing cable providers to stop airing One America News Network, Newsmax and other “conservative influencers.” It’s why the so-called Trump Accountability Project, which seeks to prevent administrations officials from gainful employment, is not widely denounced for the thuggery that it is and why 250 publishing professionals feel comfortable circulating a “No Book Deals for Traitors” petition that says former Trump officials shouldn’t be allowed to publish their works. It’s also why Harvard students think it’s reasonable to circulate a letter demanding the revocation of degrees earned by Republicans who questioned the 2020 election, and why demands that the Senate not give Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley any committee assignments. Now that the Democrats have full power in Washington, it is open season on Trump and all of his supporters. But the truth is that the vast majority of the civil unrest over the past year has been caused by radicals on the left, and it is only going to get worse in the months and years to come. For the past 12 months, there has been political violence somewhere in America on an almost nightly basis. But because leftists are involved 99 percent of the time, the corporate media generally ignores most of it. You can’t just be against political violence when the other side does it. I am very strongly against all of the rioting, looting, arson and vandalism that we have been witnessing. The attacks on police stations, courthouses and federal buildings need to stop. Sadly, it appears that the people committing most of the political violence will be handled with kid gloves by this new administration. Meanwhile, those that have politically incorrect religious and political views will be demonized as “extremists” and will be specifically targeted under the new law that Congress is about to pass. The Great Reset & The Magic Money Tree – Joe Jankowski - If you knew where the tree that grew money from its branches settled, wouldn't you want to shake it? Of course you would. You'd in fact, want to shake it as often as you could. Comparing central bank monetary policy to a money tree isn't a perfect analogy but to someone with little knowledge of the consequences of printing too much currency and going too far into debt, the difference between "quantitative easing" and a magic tree is nil. Reports are now surfacing showing that voters are becoming upset that their elected representatives may not send out the campaigned promise of a direct payment of $2,000. When announcing his $1.9 trillion "stimulus" package, Biden skimped on his vowed $2K payment with a new promise of $1,400 which would "top off" the $600 sent to Americans under President Trump. "If you send Jon and the reverend to Washington, those $2,000 checks will go out the door, restoring hope and decency for so many people who are struggling right now," Biden said at a rally for Senators Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff. Both Warnock and Ossoff made it a point to make the promise of $2,000 payments a part of their bid to obtain votes from the people of Georgia. Ossoff, in particular, often used his lip service to the payment to attack his opponent, David Perdue, in the run-off race. Rogelio Linares, an Atlanta native and Democratic canvasser during the runoff elections, told Mediaite that he feels "like crap" over the fact that the next stimulus payment may not be as large as he was promised and called it "a betrayal of the working class." "I was on the ground and I knocked over 1,000 doors," he said. "At the doors, I was literally telling people, '$2K checks, you can rely on this.' I'm a man of principle and morals and I feel like shit. I lied to them. I was lying to them the whole time. I was lying to people that were relying on this. At the time I didn't know it was a lie. But that was not the reality." "This is pretty much a betrayal of the working class ... I know people are ticked off about it," he added. Another Georgia voter, Justin Wade from Tucker, says that it is a "bad sign" that those elected in the state do not appear to be willing to follow through on the promised welfare. "Warnock, Ossoff, Kamala, and others have all pushed for $2,000 checks, but none of them have called on Biden to push for $2,000 checks in addition to the $600 checks," he told Mediaite. "Considering the Democrats control Congress and the presidency, they could've pushed for more if they wanted to. This is a bad sign for how they will govern for the next four years." We also saw an ugly form of discontent over the lack of Congress' ability to provide stimulus payments when the homes of Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell were vandalized by people who made it clear that once you shake the money tree for the plebs, it becomes a light bulb moment for them, signaling political pressure (or intimidation) can get you paid. Everything laid out above is a consequence of the collaboration between central banks and governments to take care of citizens with their abilities to print money and push the worry of deficits off into the future. In his book titled, COVID-19: The Great Reset (Published July 2020), World Economic Forum globalist Klaus Schwab predicted that the effects of the initial stimulus efforts by governments to keep both individuals and business afloat in the aftermath of the unprecedented lockdowns would create a scenario where the public would keep elected officials under "fierce and relentless" pressure to continue the schemes of helicopter money well into the future. For those unfamiliar with Schwab, he is the founder of the World Economic Forum that is at the forefront of pushing the idea of a "great reset" in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. Schwab is now best known by the common folk as the guy who said the world will "never" go back to normal because of Covid and as the creep who envisions a technocracy under which people are subjected to sci-fi level police state surveillance. "The idea is appealing and realizable, but it contains an issue of social expectations and political control," Schwab says in his book about printing money and giving it to the public. "Once citizens realize that money can be found on a "magic money tree," elected politicians will be under fierce and relentless public pressure to create more and more, which is when the issue of inflation kicks in." He also writes: It is now conceivable that, in the future, government will try to wield its influence over central banks to finance major public projects, such as an infrastructure or green investment fund. Similarly, the precept that government can intervene to preserve workers' jobs or incomes and protect companies from bankruptcy may endure after these policies come to an end. It is likely that public and political pressure to maintain such schemes will persist, even when the situation improves. With anger, discontent, and the need for more being the visible result - at least in the United States - of politicians failing to feed the public money from the "magic money tree," Schwab's thoughts are coming to life. It certainly wasn't the hardest thing to predict, that people would have an 'aha' moment after getting a taste of the money printer's money. It was a line that was crossed, and a political decision that will likely be incredibly hard to reverse course on. As we have written about before, the introduction of stimulus payments since March 2020 has looked a lot like a Universal Basic Income scheme. And with an economic situation so bad due to lockdowns, it is likely to continue well into the future to keep the public content with the status quo. There is also absolutely no reason to believe that the federal government will stop going into debt and having that debt monetized by the Federal Reserve anytime soon. Just take it from Biden's likely Treasury Secretary and former central banker, Janet Yellen, who said at her confirmation hearing that Congress should "act big" on relief spending and worry about debt LATER. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell has also stated that the Fed would continue to buy $120 billion in bonds each month until the economy made "substantial further progress" toward the Fed's goals of maximum employment. If you've been keeping up with the official unemployment numbers, you understand Powell means that the Fed's economic interventions aren't going to end for some time. And as Schwab further notes in his book, COVID-19: The Great Reset, with interest rates at near zero, the Federal Reserve is likely to take on monetizing government debt rather than the classical move of bringing interest rates lower or negative as a means of "stimulating" the economy. Ben Franklin had a quote that everyone should keep in the back of their head... "When the people find that they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the republic." The fact that Schwab is being proven right on his "magic money tree" prediction leads one to wonder: what else will he be right about in the near future? Scary thought... Daily Jot: Addressing an issue in the church – Bill Wilson – Many verses in the Bible warn about deception. The antidote to deception is truth. So long as Christians are willing to accept emotional, self-indulgent, and extra-biblical doctrine in the church there will be deception. The spirit of deception grows and ingrains itself in a person. It reshapes how one thinks. It distorts the truth and leads people down a wrong-minded path and it consumes the thoughts, causing people to believe whatever they passion to believe, and read into and change the meaning of plain words. This deceptive spirit leads many astray, is paralyzing, and causes anger, anxiety, strife, false hope. It is a danger to the soul and to life itself. That’s why Christ warned: “Take heed that no man deceive you.” I get many emails every day from people, ranging from encouragement to hate, but this is an example of the issue of deception among Christians leading to delusion and anger: “HOW DARE YOU CLAIM TO BE A CHRISTAIN! YOU OBVIOUSLY WATCH THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA AND DONT HEAR FROM THE LORD! YOU ARE A CARNEL CHRISTAIN THAT WONT GET FAR!…TRUMP IS THE ONLY PRESIDENT THAT HAS PROFESSED JESUS CHRIST AS LORD, HE DEFENDED THE UNBORN AND SUPPORTED ISRAEL! HOW DARE YOU BLAME HIM FOR THE RIOT AT CAPITAL HILL. DID YOU SEE THAT IS WAS ANTIFA WHO DRESSED AS TRUMP SUPPORTERS? DO YOUR RESEARCH PLENTY OF VIDEOS! PROOF IS OUT THERE! STOP SENDING ME YOUR UNTRUTHFUL DAILY JOT WHICH ARE ALL LIES! HOW DARE YOU NOT KNOW THE FACTS!” Let’s unpack this. First, this person expresses outrage that I claim to be a Christian, then she says that I’m a carnal Christian because she doesn’t think I agree with her. President Trump is not the only president who has professed Jesus Christ as Lord. Yes, he defended the unborn and supported Israel—I have often praised him for these stances. I never blamed President Trump for the Capitol Hill riot—I said “because of the way things went down on Capitol Hill, conservatives and Christians will be paying that price of association for years to come, guilty or not.” So far, the arrest records indicate that radical conservatives and some Antifa were involved. The news media and the Democratic Party are using that incident to persecute conservatives and Christians, irrespective of whether Antifa was involved. People can become so wrapped up in deception that truth cannot be discerned from lie, facts are relative to belief. Truth is not always found in videos with narratives that use the power of suggestion to make a point. Truth is not always found in people weaving such outlandish stories that the lie is easy to believe without even checking the facts—because one really wants to believe it. This is exactly how it will be so easy for an antichrist to deceive many. What does Paul say in 2 Timothy 4:3? “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears.” Maybe sound doctrine cannot be endured because it isn’t taught much these days and when people hear it, they want to believe what they want to believe, and that becomes their truth. Daily Devotion: The Man Who Went Looking for God - by Greg Laurie – Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning at this Scripture, preached Jesus to him. —Acts 8:35 - Listen He was a government official, a VIP. He oversaw the treasury of Ethiopia, which was a powerful kingdom at the time. But he didn’t find what he was looking for in the religions of his culture. He’d heard about the city of Jerusalem, the home of the Jewish people—the people who had a relationship with God. So he went to Jerusalem in search of God, but he didn’t find Him there. Sadly, the Judaism of the day consisted of a lot of rituals and regulations. But he did obtain a scroll of Isaiah, one of the books of the Bible. And as he rode through the desert in his chariot, he read aloud from Isaiah 53. Meanwhile, God directed Philip to go and wait for this man in the desert. And then Philip saw this VIP riding along, reading aloud from Isaiah 53. Acts 8 tells us what happened next: “So Philip ran to him, and heard him reading the prophet Isaiah, and said, ‘Do you understand what you are reading?’ And he said, ‘How can I, unless someone guides me?’ And he asked Philip to come up and sit with him” (verses 30–31 NKJV). He wanted to know whether the prophet was talking about himself or someone else. Then the Bible says that “beginning at this Scripture, [Philip] preached Jesus to him” (verse 35 NKJV). Like this man from Ethiopia, sometimes people don’t know what to make of the Bible. They need someone to show them the way. And that’s exactly what Philip did. He told him how to have a relationship with God. So the Ethiopian official believed in Jesus, and Philip baptized him that day. How long does it take to become a Christian? It doesn’t take years, months, or even hours. It can happen in an instant. You can have your life changed in a moment. FROM THE HEART
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