Prophecy Update Newsletter
The Turn of the Tide: Part II - By Pete Garcia - But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase. Daniel 12:4 For most of human history, things moved at the speed of horse. However, once man crossed the threshold into the 20th-century, prophetic events began to quicken noticeably. Corresponding to that, and unbeknownst to most, was the shadowy undercurrent of globalism moving behind the scenes. Dating back to the days of Nimrod and the Tower of Babel (Gen. 11), globalism has finally reached its crescendo here in the 21st-century. After a century of dumbing down the masses through socialist indoctrination (public education) and a massive propaganda campaign of human secularism (media/pop culture), globalism has finally come out of the closet. Today, politicians, business leaders, organizations, communists, socialists, and industrialists of all stripes, have all begun to openly call for and support the effort for a single, universal system....a new world order. We can see the results of the early globalist efforts at the conclusion of the two great calamities of the 20th century, World War I (League of Nations) and World War II (United Nations). However, once Israel became a nation again in 1948, things began to surge in both speed and intensity. This is the convergence of events, as mentioned in Part I, demonstrably proves, we are the last generation. The initiative for a unified Europe, the rise of the nuclear and the computer age, and global financial systems were all either born on the heel of, or just prior, to Israel's rebirth. Also mentioned previously in Part I was one of the two truth-isms that almost every generation believed they could be the last generation. Again, what makes us any different? Israel and convergence. These are the two immutable signs that we are the last generation. I have written exhaustively (as have many others) that the return and rebirth of national Israel, is the super-sign of the ages. So in regards to Israel, I will not belabor that point in this brief. Parallel to Israel's rebirth, is the super-power status granted to her once greatest benefactor, the United States. Today I would like to explore how the collapse of the US, sets up the culmination of the convergence of all the signs, and how they factor into our being the last generation. The Convergence The United States is currently the undisputed world champion in regards to who has the most political, military, and economic control over the planet. This is because the world is still largely dependent upon a stable US (economic markets/geopolitical status quo). However, if something catastrophic were to happen to the US, the entirety of the current world system would collapse, instantly. At present, the US is very literally on the precipice of either civil war, or economic ruin (or both). Some would argue that the years leading up to the American Civil War were far more contentious than they are today to which, I vehemently disagree. The arguments then largely centered on just two major issues, the legitimacy of slavery and rights of states. Today, the divisive issues have been complexified a thousand fold. The division today is not just political or racial, but social, economic, sexual, religious, and ideological. Every pillar that ensures a stable society can stand either is already under assault, or has now buckled due to the attacks upon it. The aforementioned divisions are the unmistakable symptoms of a nation on its deathbed, mere moments before its final collapse. Therefore, I want to list by precedence, those signs of convergence, which point to the inevitability of our demise and the rise of a new order in that vacuum. Technology Where the doubling of humanity's technological advancements used to occur over the course of millennia and centuries are now happening in years and decades. Point of fact, the technological advancements of the 20th-century, dwarfed in one century, what took humanity four-thousand years to achieve. Advancements in the areas of advanced weaponry, manned and unmanned flight, information processing, genetics, artificial intelligence, and communications all lead to one, inescapable conclusion. This being, that whoever controls the most (or the most powerful) advancements, could control everything. For a time (preappointed that is), the United States is holding the reins. However, as I am about to show you, our demise will directly open the door for another revival of sorts (satanically inspired) to occur, that being the revival of the Roman Empire. Economic Currently, US national debt has almost reached $22,000,000,000,000. Even if the US could tax all of its citizens 100% of their income, we could still not pay off or even down the size of debt we have accumulated. Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen once publicly stated that our national debt was the single greatest threat to national security, to which, I would agree. We are no longer borrowing from other nations, but have begun borrowing heavily from the next generation. The overwhelming financial challenges we currently face are being multiplied on to our children. This will be catastrophic; and the only escape from it, will be to abandon our current financial constructs altogether, and start over. While we have staved off recent economic crashes for the last few decades, the laws of nature and economics will ultimately render the judgment sooner rather than later. A government cannot indefinitely function from a position of extreme indebtedness. In the end, the bill always comes due. Which reminds me of the quote from Ernest Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises novel. "How did you go bankrupt?" Bill asked. "Two ways," Mike said. "Gradually and then suddenly." Societal Disparity Given the increasingly diverse demographics across our nation, it should not be any surprise that our country is increasingly segregating itself into ethnic, religious, and ideological pockets. After a century of politically correct indoctrination in every sector of our education system, these groups are increasingly being persuaded by one particular party (rhymes with democrat) not to assimilate into the greater American citizenry and culture. This is the double-edged sword of multiculturalism. While democrats (and establishment republicans) are busy trying to appease everyone to stay in power, they are creating a more diverse and fractured nation. A nation that no longer cares about what makes America great (our exclusiveness based on our guaranteed freedoms) is a divided nation. It will be a fractured nation, made up of culture trying to inject their own failed policies and ways of life. A nation cannot indefinitely consume everyone and everything (without assimilation), and still hope to retain its national identity. Maybe that was the point. Ideology & Society Cultural Marxism (aka...political correctness) is an ideological offshoot of the economic Marxist theories first put forth by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels at the middle of the 19th-century. Marxism as it were, requires mankind to be divided into two major groups, the haves (bourgeoisie) and have-nots (proletariat). In order for Marxism to be successful, it needs to pit people-groups against each other by the tried and true tactic of divide and conquer. Cultural Marxism (CM) further expands on this by rank ordering people into differing classifications of victimhood. It then attempts to create an impossible and unrealistic system of accommodation, ecumenism, and multiculturalism that ultimately destroy every society it is imposed upon...Vis a subversive coup d'état. When nations/organizations/companies/churches/etc. promote diversity for the sake of political correctness, it becomes a demoralizing and ultimately destructive endeavor because it rejects assimilation. Second to that is the reality that you cannot accommodate everyone with equal results. George Orwell captured this brilliantly in his 1945 book, Animal Farm. Having rejected working for humans, the animal's revolution resulted in their new laws, of which, primarily, stated that all animals were equal. This worked for a brief time, but later had to be amended to say, although all animals were equal, some were more equal than others. Cultural Marxism needs strife and infighting to remain at the forefront, because it operates primarily by agitation. Furthermore, there is no way you can sustain it in a given society without bankrupting the system over the long-term. This is exactly what the Cloward-Piven Strategy was designed to do. To break the current system of American capitalism and constitutionalism, and start over, under the auspices of a new regional/global system. This is why things like illegal immigration and voter-ID issues have become the sacred cows to the political left. The only way they can deconstruct our current system, is to be in power (see Obama presidency). The only way for them to bring in destructive and illogical governance, is to rig the election systems in their favor. Juxtaposed to this, is our understanding of E Pluribus Unum (out of many, one), because it accepts the reality that out of many cultures, we can become one...when we have something to rally around. Unification then becomes a powerful multiplier. A great example of this was the US citizenry war effort in WWII. The nation rallied around the idea of destroying the German and Japanese war-machines, and the entire country came together. Many think of our nation as being on a spectrum of political ideology going in opposite direction. To the extreme left, you have absolute tyrannical, despotic rule. To the far right, you have absolute anarchy. In reality, the spectrum is just one direction, not two. The further left you move, the more government you want running your life. The more right you move, the less government you want running your life. However, both parties have entrenched themselves in increasingly opposing positions, which makes compromise almost impossible. The Democrats want to rig the system so they remain in power permanently, while the establishment Republicans seem only intent on keeping things the way they are. While both democrats and republicans have taken turns trading power over the last century, one thing is certain; both will come crashing down and be handed over to that final world system. Religion The United States was without a doubt, founded on Christian principles and ideals. We can find that in numerous statements from the founders, as well as in the governing documents like the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. From then until now, our nation has made a dramatic departure from our Christian roots (due to both multiculturalism and political correctness). We are in the process now of transitioning from a post-modern, post-Christian nation, into a purely pagan one. This final mix of popular belief systems by millennials, ranges anywhere from New Age mysticism, Wicca, the Occult, and just plain old rampant, apostasy. Point of fact, we are moving back to the Roman era view of religion, which everything was tolerated, except biblical Christianity. Sexuality The last pillar in the strength of a nation, centers on the family unit. The traditional (as in the last 6,000 years) has been a man, a woman, and their offspring. The traditional way in which this family unit comes together, is in some form of marriage ceremony between a man and his wife. Where we are today, is that marriage has been redefined to mean a person can marry anyone (or anything) they want. Furthermore, a person can and should shed the biological markers they were born with, and self-identify as something else. Since our nation is the world's lone superpower, and we have decided to abandon objective truth for subjective reasoning, we should not be surprised when the world follows suit. This is not to say that issues such as homosexuality, transgenderism, pornography, divorce, militant feminism, abortion, etc. have not been an issue in the past, because they have. However, the last nail in the coffin as it were, is when a society begins to treat and enforce this abandonment of reason as "the new normal." When a society reaches this point, there is no turning back. Conclusion In summary: the glorification of lawlessness, socialism, political correctness, race riots (ethnos against ethnos), and the rise of anarchists, are primarily due to the secularization of public education. The promulgation of easy divorce, abortion on demand, and the aggressive promotion of the LGBTXYZ agenda in every spectrum has led to a dismantlement of the nuclear family. The blurring of gender roles and the insanity of self-identification has confused beyond measure, this current generation. The massive and unsustainable debt, fueled in part by government corruption and endless-wars. The irreparable political division, corrupt media, legitimization of illegal immigration, and sanctuary cities are further factionalizing our nation. The result of which is massive increases in violent crime and a return of viruses and illnesses that had previously been eradicated in the United States. Finally, a devout and committed globalist shadow government (the deep state) intent on overthrowing our legitimate authorities keeps our government from ever being fixed. Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world. 1 John 4:1-3 All of these are the symptoms of a nation steeped in the spirit of Antichrist. Therefore, the natural state of any nation given over by God must be one succumbing to its own horrors. Although he was able to slow some of this down, we were foolish to think that President Trump could really Make America Great Again. Our nation is sick on so many levels; having a decent Executive Branch of government is like putting a Band-Aid on a terminal cancer patient. Just as the collapse of the USSR signaled the end of the Cold War era, so too will the collapse of the USA signal the end of Western Civilization as we know it. What began in rocky cliffs along the Aegean Sea with the ancient Greeks will end on the fruited plains of a post-modern America. It is difficult to say how exactly our end will come, or how soon, but one scenario seems to make the most sense, which is the Rapture of the Church. But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need that I should write to you. For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night. For when they say, "Peace and safety!" then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape. 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3 Jesus said that His return would be at a time very similar to the days of Noah and Lot (Luke 17:26-30). There are two interesting comparisons made regarding the timeframe of His return at the end of the age. First, God was longsuffering in the days leading up to Noah's flood. For 120 years as Noah built the ark, he also preached the coming judgment, but no one listened. In Lot's case, the judgment came suddenly, and only he and his wife and daughters made it out of Sodom alive. In both instances, the society's they lived in were rampantly evil. These societies had reached the point to where they normalized wickedness, and the believers (Noah and Lot) were increasingly oppressed (2 Peter 2:7). We live in a day and age where: Homosexuality is a protected class, abortion on demand is a legal right, transgenderism is being pushed on our children, Christianity is removed from every facet of government and education, and the churches (to a great extent) are falling like dominos succumbing to the pressures of accommodating this antichrist spirit. In fact, when the world at large reaches this point of wickedness (as it did in Noah's day), the earth itself will groan under the terrible weight of judgment coming against it. Nature itself will revolt against mankind and this is evidenced in the overall increase of natural disasters that keep occurring with greater frequency and intensity. The final piece to the convergence is the separation of the natural and supernatural. At the conception of the church age (Acts 2-Pentecost), the Holy Spirit was given to us and took on the new role as Restrainer (2 Thess. 2:7) to protect the Church during its gestation period. What this restraint has done, has prevented the demonic spirits from completely manifesting in our day (Ephesians 6:12). So far, this restraint has lasted some two-thousand years. But the Church will not remain in utero forever, for there is a definitive point in which God will deliver the multi-membered body of Christ into glory (Romans 11:25), which will remove the restraint placed against the demonic realms. Just as in the birth pangs signal the coming birth of a child, the signs Jesus gave us in the Olivet Discourse (Matt. 24, Mark 13, Luke 21) would herald the coming birth of the Church at the Rapture of the Church (Romans 8:23-25, Philippians 3:20-21). Keep in mind; these signs have been present since Jesus walked the earth. What He keyed in on was not that they would happen, but that all of these signs would happen altogether with greater frequency and intensity until the end of the age.
Therefore, the final sign that signals the culmination of all these Olivet Discourse birth pang signs and that is the increase of the supernatural. The supernatural (or paranormal) are a result of the upsurge in wickedness, which has already begun to "thin" the veil separating the natural from the supernatural. We have seen an unprecedented increase in the paranormal and extra-terrestrial in just the past century alone. The Rapture and the removal of the Holy Spirit's role as Restrainer, will absolutely remove that veil altogether. This means that the supernatural will be the "new normal" during the final week of years much as it was in the years leading up to Noah's flood (Gen. 6:1-4). While it may appear too many that turn of the tide has only brought in a flood of evil, and the days appear to be dark and without hope, remember, the two major signs- Israel and convergence. If things already seem to be coming to a head regarding all these matters, then we are even closer than we can possibly imagine to our Lord's return. So take heart and hope, and remember what Jesus said regarding the times in which we live, And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; men's hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near. Luke 21:25-28 The Palestinian Jihad Against Peace - by Bassam Tawil - Palestinian leaders have recently stepped up their efforts to stop Arab countries from normalizing their relations -- or even signing peace agreements -- with Israel. The campaign comes against a backdrop of reports about the warming of relations between Israel and some Arab countries, including a recent visit to Oman by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The specter of peace between the Arab countries and Israel has become a nightmare for Palestinian leaders. Instead of worrying about building a better future -- which the Palestinians desperately need -- Palestinian leaders are feverishly working to thwart any attempt to bring the Arab countries closer to Israel. As part of the "anti-normalization" campaign, the Palestinian leaders in the West Bank are now putting pressure on the Arab countries to boycott a US-sponsored global summit to discuss the Middle East and Iran, which is scheduled for next month in Poland. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a televised interview that the meeting would "focus on Middle East stability and peace and freedom and security here in this region, and that includes an important element of making sure that Iran is not a destabilizing influence." The meeting, Pompeo said, will "bring together dozens of countries from all around the world, from Asia, from Africa, from Western Hemisphere countries, Europe too, the Middle East of course." Palestinian leaders are apparently convinced that the upcoming conference is part of a US effort to normalize relations between the Arab countries and Israel. Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas and his senior officials and spokesmen in Ramallah consider anything the US Administration does or says as a "conspiracy designed to liquidate the Palestinian cause and national rights." Abbas and his Palestinian Authority have been boycotting the US Administration ever since President Donald Trump's December 2017 decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital. Since then, they have exploited every opportunity to voice their condemnation of Trump's yet-to-be-announced plan for peace in the Middle East, also known as the "deal of the century." On January 23, Palestinian leaders who met in Ramallah, the de facto West Bank Palestinian capital, rejected the US plan to hold the conference in Poland and also called on the Arab countries not to participate in the conference. They asked instead that that they reaffirm their commitment to the Arab Peace Initiative, a 10-sentence proposal for ending the Arab-Israeli conflict that was endorsed by the Arab League in 2002. Israel has expressed reservations about the Arab League peace plan, especially the demand to retreat to the indefensible pre-1967 lines with territorial adjustments, including a withdrawal from the Golan Heights, as well as the "right of return" for refugees and their descendants to their former homes in Israel. Flooding Israel with millions of Palestinians will turn the Jews into a minority -- as is presumably the plan. In other words, the Arab Peace Initiative is actually demanding the creation of two Palestinian states: one in Israel, and another in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and east Jerusalem. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been quoted as saying that the only positive part of the plan is the willingness of the Arab nations to achieve peace and normalization with Israel. The Palestinian leaders did not find time to discuss ways of improving the living conditions of their people. They did not discuss the ongoing "economic and humanitarian crisis" in the Gaza Strip. Those issues never made it onto their list of priorities. What is dogging Abbas and his Palestinian Authority is the talk of rapprochement between some Arab countries and Israel. PLO Secretary-General Saeb Erekat, who has devoted the past two decades of his life to condemning Israel and the US, was one of the first Palestinian leaders to sound the alarm about the US Administration's upcoming conference. In keeping with the long-standing Palestinian tradition of denouncing everything related to Israel and the US as a "conspiracy," Erekat said that the Poland conference was "aimed at deepening divisions in the region." Erekat seems particularly worried that some Arab countries will attend the conference and speak on behalf of the Palestinians, or even normalize their relations with Israel. The PLO, he said, is the only party authorized to speak on behalf of the Palestinians in any negotiations pertaining to the Palestinian issue. Other senior Palestinian officials have gone further by warning Arab countries that any form of normalization with Israel would be considered an act of treason. Abbas Zaki, for instance, a veteran leader of Abbas's ruling Fatah faction, said about the apparent rapprochement between Israel and some Arab countries: "The normalization of some Arab countries with Israel is an act of treason and cowardice." In another statement, Zaki condemned recent visits by some Arabs to Israel as a "deep stabbing of the Palestinian national struggle." The apparent rapprochement between Israel and some Arab countries, he added, was part of a conspiracy to facilitate Israel's control and hegemony over Arab resources. Mohammed Shtayyeh, another senior Fatah official and former member of the Palestinian negotiating team with Israel, said that the Palestinians were frustrated and saddened by the normalization of relations between the Arabs and Israel. In an interview with the Palestinian Authority's Voice of Palestine radio station, Shtayyeh attributed the apparent rapprochement between Israel and some Arabs to the "state of decline" in the Arab and Islamic countries. Three Palestinian groups - the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), and Hamas - have also called on the Arabs to resist any attempt by their leaders to make peace with Israel, and said that the time has come to take "serious measures to confront the dangers of normalization with Israel." Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah also joined the chorus, by urging the Arabs to refrain from any form of normalization with Israel. In a speech before an Arab economic conference in Lebanon on January 20, Hamdallah said that Arab normalization with Israel should not happen before the establishment of an independent Palestinian state, with east Jerusalem as its capital, on the pre-1967 lines. He called on all Arab institutions and companies to abide by Arab League instructions to boycott Israel. It is, at the very least, pure hypocrisy for the Palestinian Authority and its leaders to demand that Arabs boycott Israel when they themselves are speaking and working with Israel. The same Hamdallah who is calling on Arabs to boycott Israel, holds regular meetings with Israeli Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon in Jerusalem. Another Palestinian minister who holds regular meetings with Israeli officials is Hussein al-Sheikh, who is also a senior Fatah official. The Palestinian strategy is now based on inciting Arabs against their leaders. This is the message that Abbas and his officials are sending to the Arabs: "You need to join us in our campaign to stop Arab leaders from making peace with Israel. You must condemn any leader who seeks normalization with Israel as a traitor." The Palestinians' "anti-normalization" campaign is also part of their effort to thwart Trump's "deal of the century," which, according to some reports, will call for normalization between the Arabs and Israel. The Palestinians say that they are determined to foil Trump's unseen peace plan and its attempt to normalize relations between the Arab countries and Israel. This, then, is what Palestinian "diplomacy" boils down to these days: foiling peace plans and Israeli-Arab normalization. That is what happens when Mahmoud Abbas and his officials have nothing good to offer their people. It now remains to be seen whether the Arab countries will surrender to the latest campaign of Palestinian incitement and intimidation. Seven Questions - By Daymond Duck - I will be out of town for a speaking engagement and away from my computer for a few days. Then, when I get back, my wife is scheduled for shoulder surgery. So, I won't be able to keep up with current events for my weekly article, and for that reason, I have decided to give my OPINION on seven questions that I am often asked. One, "Do I think the Rapture will happen in 2019?" No one knows, but the Bible clearly teaches us to be prepared for it to happen anytime. It could happen any second, and God could delay it for many years. But prophesied events are moving fast, and they seem to indicate that the world is getting close to the Tribulation Period. According to Pre-Trib believers, if the world is getting close to the Tribulation Period, it is even closer to the Rapture. People need to be ready. Two, "Will Damascus, Syria be destroyed before the Battle of Gog and Magog?" Since Syria is not mentioned in the list of Russia's allies in Ezek. 38:5-6, some prophecy teachers believe Damascus, Syria will be destroyed before the Battle of Gog and Magog. Three, "Do all of the nations that will attack Israel in the Battle of Gog and Magog have troops in Israel now?" More troops will probably be sent in the days leading up to the battle, but I believe the answer is yes. Russia and Iran have hired mercenaries, Shiite militias and others to do some of the fighting, and they have come from all over the Middle East. Four, "Which will happen first, the Rapture or the Battle of Gog and Magog?" Some Pre-Trib prophecy teachers believe the Battle of Gog and Magog will take place during the Tribulation Period, so they would say the Rapture will happen first. Others, including myself, believe the Battle of Gog and Magog will take place before the Tribulation Period (there is no mention of the Antichrist in Ezek. 38-39; time is needed for the Israelis in the cities to gather and burn Gog's weapons for 7 years; Israel won't be dwelling safely under the covenant of the Antichrist in the last half of Tribulation Period, etc.) so most would probably say we don't know. I usually add that it is my OPINION that the two events could happen at or about the same time, but God may cause Gog and Magog to happen before the Rapture to make Himself known to many before the Rapture (Ezek. 39:7, 13, 22-23). Five, "Will the Church be on earth when the Temple is rebuilt?" Many orthodox Jews believe their Messiah will appear and give them permission to rebuild the Temple. Many Pre-Trib prophecy teachers believe the Jews will accept the Antichrist as their Messiah, and he will give them permission to rebuild the Temple (John 5:43). Since the Antichrist cannot rise to power while the Church is here (II Thess. 2:6-9) and he is the one that will give the Jews permission to rebuild the Temple, the Church will not be on earth when the Temple is rebuilt. Six, "If a person receives the Mark of the Beast without knowing it, will they be condemned?" The idea that information can be put on chips without a person's knowledge is a fact because at least one person has been found with a computer virus on the chip in their arm. Taking the Mark won't impact the Church because of the Rapture, but death will be the only option to not taking the Mark during the Tribulation Period, so this could happen to some people. I don't think the Bible answers the question, but it is my OPINION that a person that doesn't knowingly take the Mark of the Beast will be condemned. I will also say that they won't be in the Tribulation Period if they will get saved before the Rapture. Seven, "Is Pope Francis the False Prophet?" Know that I believe that the coming one-world harlot religion will be composed of lost Protestants, Catholics, Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, etc. The False Prophet may well be the leader of the Roman Catholic Church because it is so influential on earth, but we don't know that Pope Francis is the False Prophet. Nevertheless, there are many troubling things about him; and if he isn't, many people are going to be surprised. His theology indicates that he either does not understand or does not believe many of the teachings in the Bible. He promotes world government despite the fact that it will be headed up by a Satan worshipper that will persecute believers and kill multitudes. He reportedly doesn't believe in hell, has covered up for pedophile priests, prayed that the Jews won't get Jerusalem, said that a personal relationship with Jesus is dangerous and harmful, and more. The Book of Revelation pictures the False Prophet as a beast (evil person) having two horns like a lamb (presents himself like he is a follower of the Lamb of God), but he will speak like a dragon (speak against Jesus, deny the Word of God, etc.). These facts make it easy to see why some people believe Pope Francis is the False Prophet. Prophecy Plus Ministries, Inc. Daymond & Rachel Duck [email protected] Tel Aviv Skyscraper: Remake of Tower of Babel or Preparation for Third Temple? - By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - "See, a time is coming-declares Hashem-when the city shall be rebuilt for Hashem from the Tower of Hananel to the Corner Gate;" Jeremiah 31:37 (The Israel Bible™) One of the largest real-estate developers in Israel revealed plans for the soon-to-be tallest building in Israel that looks surprisingly similar to images of what the Tower of Babel may have looked like. But a closer look reveals the new building may be much more, what one rabbi thinks could be a dry-run for building the Third Temple. The Azrieli Group, an Israeli real estate and holding company, announced their plan to build Israel's tallest building as an addition to their already impressive Azrieli Center Complex in Tel Aviv. Topping out at 91 stories and reaching 1,150 feet toward the heavens, it is estimated that the Spiral Tower will take six years to complete at an estimated cost of $666 million. The new tower will take its place next to the iconic circle, square and triangle towers that make up the Azrieli Complex. By building the Spiral Tower, the Azrieli Group will outdo itself as they built the current tallest building in Israel, The Azrieli Sarona Tower which stands 782 feet high with 53 floors, just two years ago. The plans are ambitious, with around 150,000 square meters containing commercial space, offices, residences, and a hotel. Six underground parking levels, covering an area of 45,000 square meters, will be built at the base of the structure, in addition to a commercial floor connected directly to the light rail. The tower's peak will include space for conferences and meetings, recreational space, and a 360-degree view of Tel Aviv and the surrounding area. it is predicted that approximately 100,000 people will pass through the center every day. The unique design was produced by Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates (KPF), a New York-based architecture firm which is responsible for five of the 10 tallest skyscrapers in the world. According to the press release, the architects took their inspiration from nature as well as Jewish heritage. "The tower was planned and developed in a unique geometric shape, never before seen in Israel, which captures the eye and the imagination. The main challenge for the initiators and architects was to create harmony between the three iconic towers that form Azrieli Center and the new tower, an impressive, one-of-a-kind structure which stands on its own. The tower's design takes inspiration from the twists of a snail's shell, attempting to imitate their natural form. The design also draws inspiration from ancient biblical scrolls and the way they unfurl upwards." More cynical critics of the design might draw a comparison between the elegant design presented by the developers and certain depictions of the Biblical Tower of Babel. Though the Biblical account contains no details other than it builders aspirations for it to reach great heights. And they said, "Come, let us build us a city, and a tower with its top in the sky, to make a name for ourselves; else we shall be scattered all over the world." Genesis 11:4 Traditional Jewish sources provide additional details. Midrash (homiletic teachings) described "an idol on the top holding a sword, so that it may appear as if it intended to war with God." The Midrash also described a structure built on tall columns designed to protect the tower from another divine flood. Some modern scholars have associated the Tower of Babel with known structures, notably the Etemenanki, a ziggurat dedicated to the Mesopotamian god Marduk built by Babylonian King Nabopolassar in 610 BCE. Indeed, the Spiral Tower Design closely resembles a ziggurat, an ancient structure from the Middle East built as a terraced compound of successively receding stories or levels. at the top of each ziggurat was a shrine. Also, similar to the Azrieli Towers, each ziggurat was part of a larger complex that included a courtyard, storage rooms, bathrooms, and living quarters, around which a city was built. Rabbi Yisrael Rosenberg is an author who has a powerful connection to the spiritual implications of construction. His daytime job is as a tour guide for the Western Wall tunnels. "The main of the sin connected to the Tower of Babel was not in their action but in their intention. The bottom line is that the intent of the builders and the architects of the Azrieli tower is l'shem shamayim (in the name of heaven). The fact that they envisioned a Torah scroll while designing the building is remarkable. Even if it was just for beauty, beauty can be to praise God's creation." Rosenberg noted that the builders of the Tower of Babel came together to challenge heaven, hence their punishment was to be divided and scattered. "Tel Aviv needs high towers since it is becoming densely populated," he said. "This is a Tikkun (fixing) for what happened after the Tower of Babel. It allows people to be together in Israel." He also noted that for the 2,000 years of exile, Jews excelled in many fields but were less represented in architecture and land development. "Everything we learn about construction in Israel is just one step away from the Beit Hamikdash," the rabbi said. "Just like Solomon's Temple, the Third Temple will be with the agreement and blessings of every nation in the world and it will be the greatest construction project ever seen. We need to learn how to lead the world in this project." Daily Jot: Prophetic significance of Turkey meeting with Russia - Bill Wilson - With the announcement that the US is going to pull out of Syria, the other players are scrambling to fill the void and seize the power shift. One of the players, Turkey, represents the area mentioned as the leader of a coalition against Israel in the Ezekiel 38 end time prophecy. That prophecy states that Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, will lead "Persia (iran), Ethiopia (Sudan) and Libya with them (verse 5)" against the mountains of Israel in a colossal end time battle. Magog, Meshech and Tubal are all ancient locations in Turkey. The meeting of Russia's President Vladimir Putin and Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdogan aimed to broker alignment between Turkey, Syria, Iran and Russia. Russia supports Iran. Syria is a vassal state of Iran. A 1998 agreement between Russia and Turkey, according to Bloomberg, "states that Syria won't permit any activity on its territory that would jeopardize Turkey's security." Russia wants the government in Damascus to assert control over the Kurdish-held territory once US forces leave, which constitutes a "safe zone." When the US withdraws, Turkey wants to attack the Kurds in Syria, which Erdogan believes pose a threat to Turkey's national security. Putin is leveraging the 1998 agreement to say that Syria will take care of the Kurds in Syrian territory, hoping that Turkey will restore ties with Syria. Russia and Iran have helped keep Syria's Bashar Assad in power. The current focus of Turkey and Russia in Syria likely advances the prophecy clock. Turkey, obviously, is a primary player in establishing the stage of the end times. Russia is representing the interests of Turkey's competitor Iran. Iran eventually submits to Turkey, if only long enough to invade Israel in the end of days. Syria is also a prophetic player as indicated by Isaiah 17:1 stating, "Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap." All these end time players are working together against Israel, while reluctantly sharing, giving, and taking power. But it is Turkey, where the ancient regions of Magog lay, and Pergamos, where Jesus says Satan's seat is, that bears watching for the end of days. In Daniel 8:19, Gabriel says, "Behold, I will make thee know what shall be in the last end of the indignation: for at the time appointed the end shall be. The ram which you saw having two horns are the kings of Media and Persia. And the rough goat is the king of Grecia." Strong's Concordance interprets the word "Grecia" in Hebrew as "Yavan, a son of Japheth (the third son of Noah)," his descendants and their land. The Genesis 10 table of nations indicates this area was not only Greece (as Bible interpretations imply), but also the Eastern Mediterranean, including key parts of today's Turkey. Other sons of Japheth were Gomer, Magog, Madai, Tubal, Meshech, and Tiras-many settled in ancient areas of Turkey, which are mentioned in Ezekiel 38. This is why we need to keep an eye on Turkey when considering end time prophecy. Daily Devotion: When You Need a Fresh Start - By Greg Laurie - Before Moses left Midian, the LORD said to him, "Return to Egypt, for all those who wanted to kill you have died." -Exodus 4:19 I think it's always a great thing to start something fresh. I love the first day of spring. I love it when Daylight Saving Time begins and we spring forward one hour with our watches and clocks. I also love the way everything looks after it rains. What is also great is a second chance after you fail. It's great when you can have a fresh start. In Exodus 12, Moses was about to change the world for the captives of Egypt. But first, Moses himself would need a new beginning, because he had crashed and burned. You know the story. He killed an Egyptian. He went into exile for forty years. Then God gave him a second chance at the burning bush. The Lord spoke to him and recommissioned him to service. He gave a new beginning to Moses-and ultimately a new beginning to the Israelites. It comes down to this: When you've been changed, you'll want to see others experience change in their lives, too. Let me turn that around. If you don't want to see others experience change, then how have you really been changed? Jesus said this: "When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required" (Luke 12:48 NLT). Do you realize the great privileges you have? God has given these to you, and with them come responsibilities. To whom much is given, from him much is required. If we can wrap our minds around what God has done for us and how much He has forgiven us, how He's taken all that sin and removed it from our lives, then we should have an eagerness, an excitement, and a passion to tell others about what God has done for us. FROM THE HEART
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