Prophecy Update Newsletter
Deal of the Century - A.V. Rauf - The term "mashiach" literally means "the anointed one," and refers to the practice of anointing kings with oil when they took the throne in the Old Testament . The mashiach is the one who will be anointed as king in the End of Days. The mashiach will be a great political leader descended from King David: Jeremiah 23:5-- Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth The mashiach is often referred to as "mashiach ben David" (mashiach, son of David). He will be very knowledgeable and thoroughly understand Jewish law, and observant of its commandments: Isaiah 11:1-5--And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots. 2 And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord; 3 And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the Lord: and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears: 4 But with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth: and he shall smite the earth: with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked.5 And righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the girdle of his reins. A rather interesting series of events are unfolding in congruent fashion New information is new circulating within the Haredi, or ultra-orthodox circles in Israel. A young Torah scholar from outside of Israel was hosted for the Sabbath a few weeks ago at the house of a follower of Rabbi Kanievsky. The young man visited Kanievsky during the Sabbath. He asked the rabbi if he should apply for Israeli citizenship in order to vote for the Haredi party in the Israeli elections being held on April 9. Here was the Rabbi's response: "There is no need," Rabbi Kanievsky answered. "The Messiah will already be here before the elections." See below: As I mentioned in the previous article, this Mashiach will be a false Mashiach. We know that Jesus Christ is the Mashiach. Nonetheless, Jews do not believe that Jesus was the mashiach. According to Jewish belief, Shimeon ben Kosiba, known as Bar Kokhba (son of a star), was a charismatic, brilliant, and a brutal warrior.Rabbi Akhiba one of the greatest scholars in Jewish history, believed that Bar Kokhba was the mashiach. Bar Kokhba fought a war against the Roman Empire, catching the Tenth Legion by surprise and retaking Jerusalem. He resumed sacrifices at the site of the Temple and made plans to rebuild the Temple. (Do not forget this important point). He established a provisional government and began to issue coins in its name. This is what the Jewish people were looking for in a mashiach. However, the Roman Empire crushed his revolt and killed Bar Kokhba. After his death, all acknowledged that he was not the mashiach. Thus, in their view, Jesus clearly did not do such things and didn't overthrow the Roman Government and establish the Messianic Kingdom. What many do not understand is that although Jesus first came as a suffering servant and came to take the penalty of sins and redeem mankind: Isaiah 53: 1-12--Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed? 2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.8 He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken.9 And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth.10 Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand.11 He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities.12 Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors He is poised to return and literally fulfill His role as the Meshiach and establish His rule and reign for 1,000 years. Revelation 19:11-16--And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.12 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.14 And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.16 And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords. But back to the "other" significant event.......... According to the Jerusalem post the highly anticipated Trump peace plan is scheduled to be released shortly after the April 9, 2019 Israel election: According to the report, Israel will be called upon to give up control of four sections of Jerusalem that will ultimately serve as the capital of a newly formed Palestinian state. It has already been reported that the agreement will include total US support for Israel in anything concerning the Iranian nuclear weapons program. The US will also support Israel in the international forum should Israel decide to act directly against Iran. The US support in will include substantial military aid, including advanced weaponry, should a conflict break out with Syria or Iran, even if the conflict is initiated by Israel. Israel and Iran are inching closer and closer to an all out war. Remember; it is the false messiah who will "save" Israel and bring a false peace to the world. Nonetheless, based on the reports above it looks as if the Trump peace plan will include the dividing of Jerusalem and sovereignty for the Palestinians, and may even include a sovereign state whose capital will be in East Jerusalem. The plan will include sovereignty for the Palestinians, which will strengthen them, and even though the report above says that the plan will not likely include "two state" language. The Palestinians have rejected this idea and are calling on President Trump and the United Nations to grant them Statehood. Although we do not know the exact details of the Trump peace plan, if the reports are accurate, it will strengthen some of Israel's enemies, and include the dividing of Jerusalem. Just how will this Middle East peace be achieved? What will have happened to suddenly change the political landscape in the Middle East and thus open the way to allow the temple to be rebuilt? A new "prince" will have come into power. But who will this man be? And in whose name will he come? Will he turn out to be the peacemaker or power broker spoken of by the prophet Daniel? Shall we come face to face with the long awaited peacemaker of Daniel 9:27: Daniel 9:27-And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. Remember I mentioned earlier that Bar Kokhba, who was perceived to be the Messiah until the Romans usurped him, resumed sacrifices at the site of the Temple and made plans to rebuild the Temple. And Rabbi Kanievsky's statement that the Messiah will be known come April 2019 after the Israeli elections are done which coincides with the possible timing of the announcement of the Deal of the century, the Trump Peace Plan. Regardless of the outcome, this peace plan initiative is another sign that the major events of the end times are very near. We are living in exciting times. get to know the Real Jesus. Get to know the Real Messiah...Now!!! MARANATHA! Preparing for Peace - The Palestinian Way - by Khaled Abu Toameh - While the Palestinian Authority (PA) continues to arrest and intimidate Palestinian journalists in the West Bank, its loyalists are also waging a campaign against Arab journalists who dare to visit Israel. This month alone, the PA security forces have arrested nine Palestinian journalists, according to the Palestinian Committee for Supporting Journalists. One of the journalists, Yousef al-Faqeeh, 33, a reporter for the London-based Quds Press News Agency, was taken into custody on January 16. On January 27, a PA court ordered al-Faqeeh remanded into custody for 14 days. His family said that they still do not know why he was arrested. Al-Faqeeh's wife, Suhad, said that PA security officers raided their house; when Yousef asked whether they had a search warrant, they proceeded to arrest him. "They took him to an unknown destination and did not provide a reason for his arrest," she said. "They also confiscated his computer and mobile phone." The Committee to Protect Journalists condemned the arrest of al-Faqeeh and called on the PA to release him immediately. The other journalists targeted by the PA in the past few weeks are: Mu'tasem Saqf al-Hait, Ayman Abu Aram, Mahmoud Abu Hraish, Mahmoud Abu al-Rish, Zeid Abu Arra, Hazem Nasser, Mohammed Dkeidek and Amir Abu Istaitiyeh. In the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip, only three Palestinian journalists were detained in the past few weeks: Luay al-Ghul, Executive Director of the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate, Salah Abu Salah, an independent reporter, and Huda Baroud, a female investigative reporter who was summoned for interrogation after she prepared a story about "rape within a single family." The Committee for Supporting Journalists said that the crackdown on Palestinian journalists was aimed at restricting freedom of the media under the PA and Hamas. These condemnations, however, do not seem to bother Palestinian leaders, who do not tolerate any form of criticism. The Palestinian leaders clearly seem emboldened by the fact that the international community and media are oblivious to the plight of Palestinian journalists. Or, more accurately, the international community does not care when a Palestinian journalist is arrested or harassed by the Palestinian Authority or Hamas. The only stories that attract the world's attention are those in which Israel is involved. The silence of the international community has inspired Palestinian leaders to the point where they have now extended their campaign of intimidation to non-Palestinian Arab journalists. When a group of Arab journalists, who hail from Egypt, Lebanon, Algeria and Morocco, recently visited Israel, the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Information issued a strongly-worded statement accusing the reporters of promoting normalization with Israel. "Normalization [with Israel] is an unacceptable and unjustified disgrace," the ministry said. "The ministry affirms its rejection of media normalization with the occupation and considers it an unacceptable crime under all circumstances." The Palestinian Journalists Syndicate, a body dominated by PA President Mahmoud Abbas loyalists, said it is now preparing a blacklist that will include the name of any Arab journalist suspected of engaging in normalization with Israel. The syndicate expressed "shock" over the visit and called for ending all forms of normalization with Israel, including in the media. "What happened was a huge political and national sin." The journalists, who work in France and Belgium, are now being accused by many Arabs of treason. The Paris-based magazine Kul Al-Arab said it has terminated all relations with Egyptian journalist Khaled Zaghloul, who was among the group of journalists who visited Israel in December 2018. The editor of the magazine said that his staff, which is "committed to the just and legitimate Arab causes, particularly the Palestinian cause, categorically condemns this unacceptable visit." Abdel Muhsen Salameh, Chairman of the Egyptian Journalists Union and CEO of Al-Ahram, said that Zaghloul had been fired from the paper in 2011. Ala Thabet, editor in chief of Al-Ahram, distanced himself from the journalist and called on all Arab media outlets to follow suit. Another prominent Egyptian journalist, Abou Bakr Khallaf, is also facing criticism for visiting Israel. Khallaf, who is based in Turkey, is facing severe criticism after he posted a photo of himself during a visit to the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. His Egyptian colleagues have called for legal and administrative measures against him for engaging in normalization with the "Zionist entity." Kuwaiti writer Fajer Al-Saeed is also facing condemnations after she took the brave step of calling on Arab countries to normalize relations with Israel. The Palestinian crackdown on reporters in the West Bank and Gaza Strip is aimed at silencing critics and deterring journalists from reporting on sensitive issues such as financial corruption and human rights violations by the Palestinian Authority and Hamas. For now, it seems that this crackdown has achieved its goal, as most Palestinian journalists living under the PA and Hamas are afraid publicly to voice any form of criticism of their leaders. The Palestinian incitement against Arab journalists who visit Israel or maintain relations with Israeli colleagues is part of a wider campaign to prevent the Arab countries from normalizing ties with Israel. The Palestinians attach significant importance to their "anti-normalization" campaign, mainly because they believe that US President Donald Trump's yet-to-be-announced plan for peace in the Middle East envisages normalization between the Arab countries and Israel. By waging a smear campaign against Arabs for allegedly promoting normalization with Israel, the Palestinian leaders are hoping to thwart Trump's upcoming peace plan. If, in the eyes of the PA leadership, normalization with Israel is an act of "treason," a "crime" and a "big political and national sin," the Trump administration may well be wasting its time and prestige on a peace plan that envisions peace between the Arab countries and Israel, at least at this time. To achieve peace with Israel, Palestinian leaders need to prepare their people -- and all Arabs and Muslims -- for peace and compromise with Israel, and not, as they are now doing, the exact opposite. Shaming and denouncing Arabs who visit Israel is hardly a way to prepare anyone for peace, or the possibility of any compromise. Meanwhile, the Trump administration and the international community would be doing a real service to the Palestinians if they start paying attention to assaults on public freedoms, including freedom of the media, in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Holding Palestinian leaders accountable for their systematic abuses of public freedoms, assaults on journalists and incitement is the only way to encourage badly needed moderate and pragmatic Palestinians and Arabs to speak out. Nearing Midnight: The Satanic Upside-Downing - Terry James - Once again I come to the point in my pontificating that I admit to being sorely vexed. I understand more and more the KJV's description of Mr. Lot's sense of hyper frustration. Like Lot just before Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by fire and brimstone from Heaven, I am indeed sorely vexed. I'll bet you are, too. It seems as if the world has been turned upside-down in many ways. It seems that way because it is, in fact, being done so on a daily, even an hourly, basis. Just as there is a globalists-elite, all-out assault to invoke change in world order from sovereign nation-states configuration to borderless, one-world status, there is effort to change you and me from freedom-loving people to slaves under their control. Even as the previous presidential administration's hope and change promises proved to be part of the globalist agenda, the ongoing effort to turn everything upside-down continues-despite what I am convinced is God's Holy Spirit restraint against what looks to be developing the most evil time in human history. Bible prophecy stage-setting for the consummation of the Church Age (Age of Grace) is on the horizon in every direction the discerning senses turn. This upside-down assault by the most evil creature of history is no exception. In that regard, we look at the Scripture that forewarns of exactly where we stand as a generation on God's end-times timeline. Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! (Isaiah 5:20) This warning might easily be seen as pointing at those who today are directly assaulting everything God has deemed "good." He did so when He created that perfect or "good" sphere to be ruled or governed by His creature called man. The Fall in the Garden of Eden, of course, caused Adam to lose the title deed to Planet Earth to Lucifer, the leader of the angelic rebellion in Heaven. Everything became corrupted by sin. The Lord was thus caused to destroy all life on earth that breathed air-with the exception of Noah, his family, and select animal life that would replenish the planet. Now, at this late hour in human history, everything is in a rapidly degenerating state due once again to sin-corruptive forces. No force is more corruptive than that being used by the chief corrupter, Satan. Lucifer the fallen one is upside-downing all that God considers "good" and right in the world. We could go through example after example of how this is taking place. Like the matter I've mentioned many times-wanting to preserve "Mother Earth" by doing things like saving the egg of the spotted owl or the tiny snail darter's habitat, while at the same time murdering human babies in their mothers' wombs by the millions. (More than 60 million in America since Roe v Wade in 1973.) I received the following web link that reports 1.72 billion babies have been aborted worldwide in the past forty years: On the religious level, the current Catholic pontiff says the Bible is wrong-that there are many ways to achieve eternal life in Heaven, that is, redemption. Jesus Christ is not the only Way, as Jesus said (John 14:6). This is calling "good" "evil" in the most egregious terms possible. It is upside-downing, in the most blatant way possible, the absolute necessity to believe in the death, burial, and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ-the prescription God has, in His perfection, determined to be the only cure for sin sickness and the way to salvation for fallen mankind. This blatancy can be witnessed in the most easily discerned way by considering the way the corruptive force is dealing directly with God's creature called mankind. God, as recorded in Genesis, made man and woman-male and female. There were none other human types that He made. The corruptive force tells us daily that we must accept that there are a number of types. There is the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and queer. There are likely a number of other such designations, but this is as far as my vexation allows me to investigate... I will wrap up with the upside-downing this force has managed to perpetrate upon the most foundational relationship God created for us. This corruption was made intensely manifest with this news item. Calling family "family" has sparked a meltdown among workers at Google, according to the Daily Caller News Foundation, including one who lashed out at company officials for their "disrespectful way to speak."... The revolt began when a company official was talking to employees about features of Google's Unicorn product that continually use the word "family" as a synonym for "household with children." "That employee posted an extended rant, which was well-received by his colleagues, on why linking families to children is 'offensive, inappropriate, homophobic, and wrong,'" the Daily Caller said. The worker's scolding included: "This is a diminishing and disrespectful way to speak. If you mean 'children', say 'children'; we have a perfectly good word for it. 'Family friendly' used as a synonym for 'kid friendly' means, to me, 'you and yours don't count as a family unless you have children'... ... Use the word 'family' to mean a loving assemblage of people who may or may not live together and may or may not include people of any particular age. STOP using it to mean 'children.' It's offensive, inappropriate, homophobic, and wrong." Dozens of other workers joined in, including Google Vice President Pavni Diwanji. "Hi everyone, I realize what we said at tgif might have caused concerns in the way we talked about families. There are families without kids too, and also we needed to be more conscientious about the fact that there is a diverse makeup of parents and families, Dwiwanji wrote. "Please help us get to a better state. Teach us how to talk about it in inclusive way, if you feel like we are not doing it well...' One worker lashed out at conservatives, writing: "Using the word 'family' in this sense bothers me too. It smacks of the 'family values' agenda by the right wing, which is absolutely homophobic by its very definition." ("Calling Family 'Family' Sparks Meltdown for Google Workers," WorldNetDaily, Jan. 18, 2019) Satan's insane rage has at its heart a hatred for mankind. This is why he has waged a campaign to corrupt, thus with the desire to destroy, God's creation called man. That's why the corruptive force has managed to convince the elected (and unelected Supreme Court) governing authorities in America to allow the slaughter of more than 660 million babies in their mothers' wombs since 1973. That is why Satan has created the rage within the corrupted human mind that LGBTQ is a loving alternative to one man and one woman for life as the way to procreate. Lucifer the fallen one has convinced that to not procreate is preferable-and when there is procreation, the child is unimportant and needs to be eliminated. The corruption even goes on to put in the fallen minds of the vilest of human beings that children can be used in the most anti-God ways imaginable in satiating their lusts and perversions. All of that constitutes a major reason this dispensation is quickly reaching its end and that God's judgment and full-blown wrath loom. He will soon end the upside-downing and put everything right-side up again. Israel's natural gas fields elevated the Jewish State political relevancy - The discovery of Israel's multiple natural-gas fields appears to have facilitated the Jewish state's movement closer to the Arab states, as well as neighboring Mediterranean countries, as they all share Israel's concern over Iran's & Turkey's disruptive & dangerous influence in the region. A decade after discovering natural gas fields off its Mediterranean coast, Israel is starting to feel the geopolitical boost. Its newfound riches have fostered economic bonds with its neighbors, tightening relations with Arab allies, and built new bridges in a historically hostile region - even without significant progress being made toward peace with the Palestinians. Last week's inclusion of Israel into the Eastern Mediterranean Gas Forum in Cairo - a consortium aiming to cut infrastructure costs and lower prices - marked the first time Arab countries accepted Israel into such a regional alliance, sparking excitement in the country that its long-held hope of finally also making "economic peace" with Egypt and Jordan was fast approaching. "I think this is the most significant economic cooperation between Egypt and Israel since the signing of the peace treaty 40 years ago," says Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz during his visit. "The discovery of significant gas fields in the eastern Mediterranean has also political value because it brings all of us ... together to cooperate with each other." The forum, which also includes Cyprus, Greece, Italy and the Palestinian Authority, aims to emerge as a mini-OPEC of sorts and highlights how Israel has been leveraging its newfound gas reserves into a powerful tool to expand its immersion into a region that has increasingly come to see Iran and Turkey, rather than Israel, as their greatest rivals. With the expected gas boon, Israel plans to wean itself off coal and emerge as an unlikely energy exporter - providing both an economic and political lift. In the coming months, Israel will begin exporting gas to Egypt as part of a $15 billion deal signed last year to provide 64 billion cubic meters of gas over a 10-year period that will help turn Egypt into a regional energy hub. The first batches will come from the operational Tamar field and later from the far larger Leviathan field, set to go online later this year. Israel already delivers gas to the Palestinians and to Jordan, with whom Israel's Delek Drilling and its US partner, Noble Energy, signed their first export agreement in 2016 - a $10 billion, 15-year deal to provide 45 billion cubic meters of gas. "This gives Israel an additional element to its relations with its neighboring countries. When you add an economic facet to the security cooperation it strengthens the bond and gives it stability," says Oded Eran, a former Israeli ambassador to Jordan and to the European Union, and a senior researcher at Tel Aviv's Institute of National Security Studies. Still, he says economic interests alone aren't enough to fully integrate Israel into the Middle East. Arab nations without formal peace accords with Israel would need to see at least some progress on the Palestinian front before normalizing relations, he says. Israel has peace agreements with only two Arab countries - Egypt and Jordan. But warming ties with Israel remain unpopular on much of the Arab street, and the gas exports have sparked sporadic protests in Jordan. The Palestinians, pleased at being invited into the consortium, hope to develop their own gas fields off the coast of Gaza but for now are required by international agreements to acquire their fuel from Israel. Sameer Abdallah, a former Palestinian economy minister, says they import from Israel "because we have no alternative but once we can change that, of course we will." The gas appears to have helped Israel grow closer to Arab governments and other Mediterranean countries that share its concern over what they perceive as the rising power of Iran and Turkey in the region. Just as Noble Energy was discovering the massive gas fields in Israeli and Cypriot waters, Cyprus in 2010 suddenly banned Turkish flotillas seeking to break the Israeli naval blockade of Gaza from using its shores - a stunning about-face after months of turning a blind eye to ships that were creating a diplomatic nightmare for Israel. Cypriot officials said at the time that Gaza-bound vessels were prohibited from leaving because of "vital national interests." Relations have since soared. Israel now holds annual trilateral summits with Greece and Cyprus, which have become its geographical conduits to the West. The two also conduct joint military operations with Israel, and just a short flight away, have replaced Turkey as the Israelis' preferred holiday destinations. The countries recently said they would sign an agreement for a $7 billion project to build a pipeline to carry natural gas from the eastern Mediterranean to Europe. Cyprus Foreign Minister Nikos Christodoulides has said he believes "hydrocarbons in the Eastern Mediterranean can become what the coal and steel was for the European community" - a reference to how in the 1950s, coal and steel brought European countries together economically and politically. Eran, the former Israeli diplomat, cautioned against investing so heavily in what he called "an economic adventure." Even with the recent discoveries, he said the joint reserves were still not enough to create a strong enough economic lever to challenge global energy providers. Still, the upside of finally having natural resources of its own has been so appealing that the Israeli government has pushed forward even against stiff domestic opposition from environmental and social welfare activists. Critics, including prominent opposition lawmakers, say a controversial 2016 agreement over royalties is skewed in favor of the energy tycoons. More recently, local activists have been urging Noble Energy to move its proposed shoreline gas rig farther out to sea for fear of what they call catastrophic consequences of spreading toxic water and air pollution toward their homes. Noble and the Israeli government say it's an irresponsible scare campaign and have countered with an aggressive ad campaign extolling the virtues of Leviathan, which it has dubbed "the national project." Daily Jot: Turkey making a prophetic move in Syria - Bill Wilson - The meeting between Turkey's dictator president Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Russia's President Vladimir Putin was couched on the premise of peace, but it was more likely jockeying for position to war on Israel. Let us remember in May 2018 when Turkey attempted to use the terrorist group Hamas-inspired riots, ostensibly in response to the US recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, to unite the Islamic world against Israel. Press TV reported "Ankara has reacted with fury to the killing Monday of 60 Palestinians in clashes and protests, on the same day as the United States formally moved its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem al-Quds from Tel Aviv in defiance of international outrage." Turkey led the media charge that Israel is a terrorist state because it "massacred" some 60 "Palestinians" on the day the US Embassy was dedicated. And the generally anti-Israel media and the United Nations bought into the propaganda as if Israel just decided to go out and kill scores of innocents. It mattered not that even Hamas' official Salah Bardawil admitted that at least 50 of the 62 people killed were members of his terrorist group. In short, the violent riots referred to as the "March of Return," are inspired, agitated and organized by Hamas and supported by other terror groups. As White House Deputy Press Secretary Raj Shah said in response, "The responsibility for these tragic deaths rest squarely with Hamas...Israel has the right to defend itself." Turkey continues to maneuver toward leading the Islamic world against Israel. In Daniel 8:19, Gabriel says, "Behold, I will make thee know what shall be in the last end of the indignation: for at the time appointed the end shall be. The ram which you saw having two horns are the kings of Media and Persia. And the rough goat is the king of Grecia." Strong's Concordance interprets the word "Grecia" in Hebrew as "Yavan, a son of Japheth (the third son of Noah)," his descendants and their land. The Genesis 10 table of nations indicates this area was not only Greece (as Bible interpretations imply), but also the Eastern Mediterranean, including key parts of today's Turkey. Other sons of Japheth were Gomer, Magog, Madai, Tubal, Meshech, and Tiras-many settled in ancient areas of Turkey, which are mentioned in Ezekiel 38. This is why we need to keep an eye on Turkey when considering end time prophecy. Gog of Magog, chief prince of Meshech and Tubal leads the Islamic world against Israel in the end time battle prophesied in Ezekiel 38. Participants from modern Turkey include Magog, Tubal, Meshech, Gomor, and Togarmah. Others named are Persia (Iran), Ethiopia (Sudan), Libya, Sheba and Dedan (also Noah's grandsons from Ham-thought to be South Arabia), and Tarshish (unknown but possibly Tunisia or Lebanon). These are all Islamic nations today. The Koran has over 100 verses instructing to fight and kill those who do not follow Islam, specifically Jews and Christians. As prophecy comes more clearly into focus, it could be the Beast of Revelation, that rages against God's people, hails from a revived Ottoman Empire, with Turkey, where the seat of satan resides, leading the way. And we may be seeing it starting to form. Daily Devotion: A Battle We're Destined to Lose - By Greg Laurie - But the LORD hardened Pharaoh's heart, and just as the LORD had predicted to Moses, Pharaoh refused to listen. -Exodus 9:12 It has been said that your arms are too short to box with God. If you're fighting with God, you're going to lose. And if you're running from the Lord, you're going to lose. God might humor us, and we might think we're prevailing, but He will bring the wrestling match to a close. That is what happened with Pharaoh. The Jewish people were living as slaves under Pharaoh, and through Moses the answer to their prayers had finally come. The problem was that Pharaoh wasn't cooperating. Instead of releasing the Israelites, he dug in his heels and refused to let them go. He effectively challenged God, saying to Moses and Aaron, "And who is the Lord? Why should I listen to him and let Israel go? I don't know the Lord, and I will not let Israel go" (Exodus 5:2 NLT). Pharaoh was saying, "I'll take God on." Be careful what you wish for. You just might get it. The Lord gave Pharaoh chance after chance to release the Jews, but Pharaoh refused. So the Lord brought judgments-ten plagues in total-upon Egypt. These included lice, flies, bugs, spiders, frogs, and hail. It got worse and worse. Yet Pharaoh's heart only got harder. So the Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart (see Exodus 9:12), which means the Lord strengthened Pharaoh in the decision he already had made. Jesus said, "For you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged" (Matthew 7:2 NLT). Pharaoh drowned the Jewish baby boys, and God was about to drown Pharaoh's army. Many times the things we try to inflict on others come right back on us. The trap you set for another may be the trap that brings you down. FROM THE HEART
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