Prophecy Update Newsletter
A lot like Lot - By Pete Garcia -
Like many of you, I have grown increasingly uncomfortable living in a nation where so much evil is blissfully ignored and tolerated on a daily basis. Wickedness, perversity, debauchery, violence, occultism, transgenderism, homosexuality, and all the rest have seemingly become the new normal. Everything is permissible in today's America, so long as it is not Christian or conservative. Imagine living on an island near a large, towering, volcano. You may have decided to move there because the scenery was gorgeous, the land was cheap, and the volcano was long thought to be extinct. Years may have passed and aside from the scenery, you never gave much thought to that monstrosity of a mountain on your horizon, nor the potential danger it could present. One day, the once dormant volcano began to show signs of life. At first, it was a series of sporadic gentle rumbles, but then, the rumbling came more frequently and intensely. The next thing you know, there is a smoke plume coming out of the top. It is at this point that you may have begun to think through your life-choices like why you ever decided to buy some land right next to a volcano. That is what it feels like to live in the new pagan United States of America, 2019. Assessment While the island-volcano scenario might seem a bit simplistic given the complexities of our day and age, it is no less accurate in detailing the amount of mortal danger this world is precariously on the threshold of. If you were to trade the words volcano with the wrath of God, you would see that the smoke and rumbling is not coming out of a volcano, but from the very throne of God. While it is true that God is long-suffering, and would that none should perish (2 Peter 3:9-10), He is not indifferent to our plight, nor man's wickedness. God is also not powerless to act. Just because He has not acted yet, does not mean He will never act. Those who believe otherwise, subscribe to a form of lunacy known as the normalcy bias. The normalcy bias, or normality bias, is a mental state people enter when facing a disaster. It causes people to underestimate both the possibility of a disaster and its possible effects. This may result in situations where people fail to adequately prepare and, on a larger scale, the failure of governments to include the populace in its disaster preparations. Some 1,656 years had passed from the fall of Adam and Eve, until the flood of Noah's day. During the years leading up to the flood, God had forewarned Noah that he only had 120 years left (Gen. 6:3) before everything would be destroyed. In the meantime, Noah worked on the ark, prepared for the journey, and preached (2 Peter 2:5). In all that 120 years, he did not have single convert (that we know of). Then, God, had them enter the Ark, and He sealed the doors behind them. The deep opened up, the rains began to fall, and soon after, the whole of creation was subjected to a watery grave. Many Bible scholars and experts believe that prior to the flood, the world had achieved a population level equal to our day today. Along with a massive population was the level of wickedness. The bible states that then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil (Gen. 6:5). Wickedness was worldwide, and all of humanity lived unconstrained doing whatever they wanted. Several centuries after the Great Flood, a man named Abraham came west from the land of Ur with his nephew Lot and settled in the land of Canaan. Over time, farming and grazing issues began to arise between their herdsmen, and they decided to separate and split the land of Canaan between them. Having the first choice, Lot decided to settle in the cities located on the lush plains of Jordan (Gen. 13:10-12), while Abraham remained on the plains of Mamre. After some time had passed, the area Lot had chosen had become a hotbed of wickedness. It is at this point; that God intends on making an example of these two cities, and He tells Abraham of His intentions. Remembering that his nephew still dwells there, Abraham begins a series of plea-bargaining with the Lord and ultimately concludes with a very pointed and crucial question; Far be it from You to do such a thing as this, to slay the righteous with the wicked, so that the righteous should be as the wicked; far be it from You! Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?" Gen. 18:25 Therefore, before judgment rains down on the two cities, God performs a rescue mission using His angelic messenger to work on Abraham's behalf. Only Lot, his wife, and two daughters escape with their lives. As in the case with Noah, God would not subject the righteous to His wrath until they were safe; so too, God restrained His fiery judgment until Lot and family were safely away (Gen. 19:22). And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. Likewise as it was also in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; but on the day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Even so will it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed. Luke 17:26-30 During the Noahic Flood, only eight persons survived. During the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, approximately half of that (four) escaped the city, with one being destroyed for her hesitation on the way out (Gen. 19:25-26). The commonality between both events (both global and localized) was that wickedness had reached and then crossed over a certain threshold. Recently on Jan Markell's radio program, Jan's co-host Jill Martin Rische mentioned something that I had not previously considered; Satan has changed tactics. If you go back fifteen years ago and beyond, you would not have seen such an open and overt display of Satanism and occultism as we are seeing now in mainstream pop culture. True, we have always had Satanism in the fringe groups and the like, but it has only been recently that outright Satanism has come out of the closet. We now have satanic groups lobbying to have statues of pentagrams and Baphomet (surrounded by children) put on public display all around the nation. In the 1960s thru 1990s, Satanism was carefully concealed in things like Eastern Mysticism and Spiritualism, the New Age movement, and subtly in Hollywood and Academia. Now we have mainstream shows on virtually every channel, all trying to out-shock each other. Here is but a small sampling of what passes for entertainment these days,
Conclusion Like many of you, I experienced a range of emotions when I found out that New York had just passed a law allowing for abortions up to the end of the third trimester. The jumble of emotions ranged from outrage and disgust to sadness and shame (for our nation). On the heels of this sickening news, the state of Virginia has offered up legislation that would allow for the murder of babies even as they are being born. The revived interest in unfettered infanticide is simply the latest in a long line of attacks against the Judeo-Christian principles this nation was founded upon. There is a dark and malevolent spirit behind the abortion-mill industry (both in the performance of and in the trafficking of human body parts). Abortion on demand is, essentially, the required satanic sacrificial system that fuels the further deadening of America. The shameless promotion of homosexuality, transgenderism, pedophilia, bestiality, and pagan deities are then the symptoms of a nation given over to the spirit of Antichrist. It is this violent and angry new paganism, which is preparing the world for the arrival of their messiah, the Antichrist. And it reeks very much like the old Roman Empire. The New Paganism utilizes the powers of the State, particularly the law and the courts, in order to change the foundations of a Christianized West and to promote paganism, even barbarism, as the basis of Western society. Barbarism then seeks to use the State to achieve an iron and tyrannous order, beginning with crushing dissenters like Christians, who believe they are to obey God rather than the State... ...The Christian Church must respond vigorously or sink into paganism itself, as is already happening in some Main Line churches that are creating liturgies to bless bodily mutilation as spiritually transformative and as a way of attaining self-salvation. The Church must reject the new barbarism and its tyrannous assault on Christianity or find itself overwhelmed by the avid worshippers of the new gods. For when the God of Christianity is rejected, new and far, far worse gods arise to demand worship. As Belloc himself concluded: "Men do not live long without gods; but when the gods of the New Paganism come they will not be merely insufficient, as were the gods of Greece, nor merely false; they will be evil. One might put it in a sentence, and say that the New Paganism, foolishly expecting satisfaction, will fall, before it knows where it is, into Satanism." (State Enforced Paganism in America) Even though our nation was founded on Christian principles, Satan still managed to slip in some cracks in our national foundation so that he could later poison the water well. Below is a timeline of some of the more noticeable and egregious acts of paganism, which has plagued our nation since its inception. Of note, what was once esoteric and hidden has now been brought out to the open. [Caveat: For a more detailed account of this, please see -In the Belly of the Beast] Hidden Societies: 1715-Freemasonry 1832-Skull and Bones Society 1878-Bohemian Grove 1968-The Club of Rome 1990-2001- Wicca: Fastest Growing Religion in the US 2001-2016- Promotion of Islam as a religion of peace 2015-Spirit cooking by Obama cronies 2015-Hindu Goddess Kali on the Empire State Building 2015-Rainbow colored White House 2018-Arch of Palmyra of Baal to D.C. Seeing that the US is the greatest obstacle to globalism and a new world order, it is no wonder why the attacks have become so relentless. At the 70-year mark of Israel's rebirth and pro-Israel, pro-life, and pro-Christian President, Satan knows his time is running short, and he no longer has the luxury of subtlety. The US is under a full-out assault from the demonic realm (Eph. 6:12) and will continue until the Rapture of the Church (1st Thess. 4:13-18). After which, the demonic/spiritual realm will no longer be restrained and it will literally become hell on earth. Perhaps this is why Jesus alluded to both the days of Noah and the Days of Lot as being similar to the days just before His return and asked later, would He even find faith upon the earth (Luke 18:8). Just as there were rampant paranormal and malevolent forces acting then (Gen. 6:1-4, Jude 1:6-7), so too are these forces alive and active in our day. As bad is it seems now, it will be multiplied a hundredfold the second after the Rapture of the Church takes place. This is because there has always been a direct correlation between sexual deviancy, bloodshed of the innocent, and the rise of violence. These all attribute too and are results of, the overarching rise of wickedness. It has been nearly 2,000 years since Christ walked the earth and if historical and biblical patterns remain true to form, then we should be at the very cusp of His return. However, before the wrath of the Lamb is unleashed upon this dark and malevolent earth, Christ will remove the righteous from the wicked. We are truly living in very vexing and troublesome times. If you are not "vexed" as a Christian in 2019 America, then you might want to check your spiritual pulse. For if God did not spare the angels who sinned, but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved for judgment; and did not spare the ancient world, but saved Noah, one of eight people, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood on the world of the ungodly; and turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes, condemned them to destruction, making them an example to those who afterward would live ungodly; and delivered righteous Lot, who was oppressed by the filthy conduct of the wicked (for that righteous man, dwelling among them, tormented his righteous soul from day to day by seeing and hearing their lawless deeds)- then the Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations and to reserve the unjust under punishment for the day of judgment, and especially those who walk according to the flesh in the lust of uncleanness and despise authority. They are presumptuous, self-willed. They are not afraid to speak evil of dignitaries, whereas angels, who are greater in power and might, do not bring a reviling accusation against them before the Lord. 2nd Peter 2:4-11 Even so, Maranatha! Israel's Red Lines in Lebanon and Syria - By Yaakov Lappin - Israel's low-profile military campaign against the Iranian-Shiite axis in Syria is continuing despite changes in the geo-strategic environment. But the use of Israeli air power to disrupt enemy force build-up has yet to cross into Lebanon. It is possible that this could represent one of the most significant regional escalation scenarios in the near future. The "War Between Wars" is an ongoing Israeli military and intelligence effort to disrupt the force build-up of the Iranian-Shiite axis throughout the Middle East. This campaign, which has evolved into an entire force activation doctrine, has seen the Israeli defense establishment employ an approach that differentiates between Syria and Lebanon. In Syria, Israel launches frequent intelligence-fueled air strikes that target Iranian military build-up sites. The strikes also destroy Iranian weapon transfers that use Syria as a transit zone on their way to Hezbollah bases in Lebanon. The scope of Israel's preventative air strike campaign in Syria is enormous, as recently outlined by former IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Gadi Eisenkot. Eisenkot told the New York Times that Israeli jets had fired 2,000 air-to-ground munitions at targets in Syria in 2018 alone. This has clearly disrupted Iran's plans to build a Shiite army in Syria under its command, made up of 100,000 militia members. Iran was also planning to build missile factories, launch sites, weapons storage facilities, and a network of cross-border attack positions along Syria's border with Israel. The January 12, 2019 Israeli air strike on Damascus international airport, apparently targeting a depot housing Iranian-made Fajr 5 rockets and other projectiles, is the latest indication of Jerusalem's determination to enforce its red lines in Syria against the entrenchment of a radical Shiite axis. Commentators have eulogized the "War Between Wars," claiming that it cannot withstand Russian pressure and the growing risk of conflict with a reconstituting Syrian state. They are underestimating Israeli resoluteness. Israel's military high command and cabinet are both fully committed to the objective of denying Iran a military foothold in Syria. According to the logic of that objective, the long-term cost of allowing Iran the opportunity to build a second war front on Israel's border, alongside the Iranian attack base already in place in Lebanon, would be higher than any fallout from "War Between Wars" strikes. In Lebanon, however, Israel employs a very different approach. Hezbollah, Iran's primary proxy in the region, enjoys a monopoly of military and political power in Lebanon, with the help of the Iranian Quds Force. The Hezbollah-Iran axis has imported some 130,000 projectiles into Lebanon, turning the country into one big rocket launching base aimed at Israel. This represents an exponential jump compared to the 10,000 rockets that were in Hezbollah's arsenal on the eve of the Second Lebanon War in 2006. Most of the projectiles in Hezbollah's inventory are unguided, and Iran has made a new push in recent months to deliver guidance systems to the group. These would enable Hezbollah to convert some of its projectiles into precision-guided missiles, which could be used to strategically threaten vital Israeli targets like airports, seaports, power plants, military bases, and high-profile buildings. Israel's determination to stop Hezbollah from upgrading its firepower in this way found expression on September 17, when Israeli fighter jets struck an Iranian shipment of guidance kit components near Latakia, on the Syrian coastline. That strike triggered massive Syrian anti-aircraft fire, bringing down a Russian intelligence aircraft and killing 15 crew members. The incident sparked a major Russian-Israeli crisis that has yet to be resolved. The Iranians then appeared to switch tactics, flying guidance components in cargo flights directly into Beirut's Rafic Hariri International Airport. At the end of September last year, PM Netanyahu and the IDF Spokesman's Unit exposed the existence of multiple underground sites for the conversion of unguided rockets into precision missiles. One of the sites was adjacent to the airport. "Hezbollah's senior members took a deliberate decision to shift the center of gravity of the precision missile project, which they have been working on for a while, to the civilian area in the heart of Beirut," the IDF stated on September 27. Three months after these warnings, Netanyahu said at the end of December 2018 that Hezbollah had shut down these conversion centers, adding that the organization has, "at most, a few dozen precision-guided missiles" at this time. Netanyahu said that Israel's security forces have stopped Hezbollah from possessing thousands of such missiles. These developments illustrate the fact that unlike in Syria, Israel is deeply reluctant to employ air power in Lebanon to enforce its red lines, and prefers to rely on messaging and deterrence through speeches and the media as well as through potential alleged activities that are more discreet than air power. This is an indication that mutual deterrence between Israel and Hezbollah remains in effect. An unwritten agreement between Israel and Hezbollah began to crystallize in 2014, after Israel allegedly struck a Hezbollah weapons convoy on the Syrian-Lebanese border and Hezbollah set off border bombs that targeted an IDF convoy traveling in Har Dov, causing damage but no injuries. Following the incident, Nasrallah said in an interview that Israeli attacks in or near Lebanon would draw rapid retaliation, hinting that this was not the case regarding strikes in Syria. This quiet understanding would become irrelevant if Lebanon becomes the site of precision missile conversion operations. Israel's multiple warnings to Nasrallah and his Iranian backers have delivered that message. Hezbollah, for its part, felt the need to replenish its own deterrence against Israel by releasing a video at the start of December with Google Earth satellite images and coordinates of sensitive targets across Israel, threatening strikes against them. The video included a snippet from a speech by Nasrallah in which he warned that his organization "will respond" if Israel hits targets in Lebanon. The ability of Israel and Hezbollah to apparently defuse the "Lebanese [precision] missile crisis" of 2018 without going to war is no guarantee that they will repeat such a de-escalation this year. It seems safe to assume that the newly appointed IDF Chief of Staff, Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi, who has monitored Hezbollah's force build-up both as Northern Command chief and as Military Intelligence commander, will remain busy with this issue during his term. For now, Israel has been able to enforce its red lines on precision missile production in Lebanon through the use of deterrence and messaging. It remains unclear whether those same tactics will be effective the next time the Iranian axis tries to set up precision missile factories on Lebanese soil. This World Will Change - By Daymond Duck - Some say the Battle of Gog and Magog is getting close; some say it is so close it can no longer be avoided; others say it has already started, and so on. How to describe the timing of the Battle of Gog and Magog is a matter of opinion, but recent events definitely show that Israel is at war; and if this war keeps escalating, the Battle of Gog and Magog will soon be history. On Jan. 12, 2019, Israel struck and successfully destroyed several Iranian weapons storage facilities in Syria. Several high-ranking Iranian, Hezbollah and Syrian officers were killed, and many troops were wounded. On Jan. 13, 2019, Prime Min. Netanyahu confirmed Israel's attack on the Iranian weapons storage facilities in Syria and warned that Israel will strike harder if it is necessary to prevent Iran from gaining a military foothold in Syria. On Jan. 14, 2019, Iran denied having troops in Syria and said the Iranians there are military advisors that are there at the request of Syria to fight terrorists. On Jan. 15, 2019, Prime Min. Netanyahu responded to Iran's claim with this statement: "So let me advise them (Iran)-get out of there fast, because we'll continue our forceful policy of attacking, as we promised and are doing, fearlessly and relentlessly." About Jan. 17, 2019, it was reported that Iran responded to Prime Min. Netanyahu's advice to get out of Syria by sending 10,000 troops to Iraq to take up positions near Iraq's border with Syria. About that same time, it was reported that the U.S. has informed Iraq that it will not intervene if Israel attacks Iranian troops in Iraq. On Jan. 20, 2019, it was reported that Russia has notified Israel that Russia intends to renovate Syria's Damascus International Airport and Russia will not tolerate any more Israeli attacks near Syria's Damascus International Airport. On Jan. 20, 2019 (that same day), Israel ignored Russia's warning and attacked targets at Syria's Damascus International airport. It has been Israel's custom to attack Iranian targets in Syria at night, but this time Israel attacked during the day. On Jan. 20, 2019 (that same day), about one hour after Israel's attack, Syria fired two missiles into Israel, but Israel's Iron Dome anti-missile system shot them down. On Jan. 20, 2019 (that same day), an Iranian official made a statement that confirms Bible prophecy: "A future war with Israel could draw thousands of fighters from countries including Iraq." On Jan. 21, 2019, Israel launched a vicious attack on targets all around Damascus including targets at the Damascus International Airport. Israel warned all of Iran's allies in Syria to stay out of the fight or they would be attacked too. On Jan. 22, 2019, an Israeli think tank called the Institute for National Security Studies released its annual report, and it said Israel could face war on three different fronts in 2019 (Syria, Lebanon and the Gaza Strip). Israel's leaders were urged to prepare for a potential escalation of events including all-out war. On Jan. 23, 2019, Syria's Ambassador to the UN told the UN to stop Israel's attacks on Syria or Syria will attack Israel's Ben Gurion Airport near Tel Aviv. On Jan. 24, 2019, it was reported that there is growing concern in Israel that Iran is planning to escalate the attacks on Israel at Israel's northern border and in the south at the Gaza Strip. Israel deployed extra Iron Dome anti-missile systems and called up reserve troops to man them in case Syria attacks Israel's Ben Gurion airport. On Jan. 25, 2019, shots were fired from inside Syria at Israeli troops in Israel, and the Israeli troops shot back. On Jan. 27, 2019, one of Iran's top military officials said Iran will switch its policy from defense to offense and attack Israel first if Iran sees evidence that she might be under attack. On Jan. 28, 2019, the Deputy Commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard said, "We announce that if Israel does anything to start a new war, it will obviously be the war that will end with its elimination, and the occupied territories will be returned. The Israelis will not have even a cemetery in Palestine to bury their own corpses." The defeat of Russia and her Islamic allies will let multitudes know that Jehovah is God (Ezek. 39:7, 13); and it is my OPINION that it will increase the demand for a peace treaty in the Middle East, if one doesn't already exist. It is also my OPINION that the defeat of all of these Islamic radicals will stimulate the demand for a world government and pave the way for the rise of the Antichrist. Not all agree, but I believe the Rapture and the Battle of Gog and Magog are both pre-Trib events that may happen close together on God's calendar. If we are close to the Battle of Gog and Magog, we could be close to the Rapture and a dramatically changed world. Here are two unrelated events before I close: First, on Jan. 21, 2019, media-darling and socialist, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, said, "The world is gonna end in 12 years if we don't address climate change." I wondered why she said 12 years until I remembered that it is the UN's goal to have a world government by 2030. In essence, three weeks after 2018 ended, Alexandria was saying, if the world doesn't accept climate change and meet its goal of a world government by 2030, the world will end three weeks later. Second, on Jan. 22, 2019, a Jewish rabbi reported that several Jewish rabbis, including one of the most prominent rabbis in this generation, are saying the signs indicate that the process leading up to the coming of the Messiah has already started. I don't know how long the "process" leading up to the coming of the Messiah will last (and I don't agree with some of their thinking), but I do agree that the signs indicate that the world is approaching the coming of Messiah. Prophecy Plus Ministries, Inc. Daymond & Rachel Duck [email protected] PA Chooses Terror Promotion & Rewards Over US Aid - By Maurice Hirsch - As of January 31st, the US administration ceased all its aid to the Palestinian Authority. In response, Saeb Erekat, the Palestinian Chief Negotiator, said: "Hundreds of Palestinians will be losing their jobs as a result of the U.S. decision to terminate all USAID projects in Palestine. An additional step in a series of punitive and unethical measures, carried out by the Trump Administration, against the people of Palestine to pressure its leadership to compromise on our inalienable right to self-determination." [Website of the State of Palestine PLO Negotiations Affairs Department, Feb. 2, 2019] Upon closer examination, it becomes clear that Erekat, on behalf of the PA, is once again distorting a very simple fact. In reality, it is not the US that has made any such decision. Rather, it is the Palestinian Authority, headed by Mahmoud Abbas, which has positively decided to reject all of the considerable US aid to the Palestinians. It has done so by actively choosing to continue its "Pay for Slay" policy, whereby the PA squanders hundreds of millions of dollars annually to incentivize and reward terrorism and terrorists including convicted murderers and the families of dead terrorists (so-called "Martyrs.") American veteran Taylor Force was murdered by a Palestinian terrorist while touring Israel. When the US understood that the PA pays the family of the murderer of Taylor a monthly allowance, it passed the Taylor Force Act (TFA, passed March 2018). According to the provisions of TFA, most of the US aid to the PA became contingent on the PA abolishing its "Pay for Slay" policy. Instead of heeding the call of the US administration, the PA made a positive decision to waive the US aid and continue its "Pay for Slay" policy, with Abbas declaring that the PA prioritizes rewarding terrorist prisoners rather than taking care of the rest of the Palestinian population: "By Allah, even if we have only a penny left it will only be spent on the families of the Martyrs and the prisoners, and only afterwards will it be spent on the rest of the people." [Official PA TV, July 24, 2018] In parallel to the passage of TFA, the PA managed to escape being held legally and financially responsible for its promotion of terrorism. At the end of lengthy litigation, in which the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York found the PA responsible for terrorism that caused the death of American citizens and ordered it to pay hundreds of millions of dollars in compensation, the US Supreme Court, accepting the argument of the PA, decided that the US Courts did not have jurisdiction to adjudicate the cases. [Sokolow v. PLO and PA US Supreme Court No. 16-1071 April 2, 2018] In response to that decision, in October 2018, the US passed the Anti-Terrorism Clarification Act(ATCA). The new legislation was very simple - any recipient of US aid inherently agrees to the jurisdiction of the US court system. In other words, the PA could no longer be a recipient of US aid and then claim that the US courts have no jurisdiction to penalize it for its responsibility for terrorism against US citizens. Understanding that if it continued to receive US aid, the PA would finally be held financially liable for its promotion and involvement in terrorism, PA Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah wrote to US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo, saying that "In light of these developments, the Government of Palestine respectfully informs the United States Government that, as of January 31st, 2019, it fully disclaims and no longer wishes to accept any form of assistance referenced in ATCA." So while it is true that the US aid to the Palestinian Authority ended on January 31st, 2019, Erekat's attempt to mislead the world by laying the blame for the cessation of the aid and the ensuing loss of Palestinian jobs on the US administration should be seen for what it is - another PA excuse to shirk and deflect responsibility and distort the truth. The truth is that the US aid ended because the PA positively decided to reject the assistance in favor of continuing its "Pay for Slay" policy and in order to avoid being held responsible for its terror promotion and involvement in terror that has claimed the lives of hundreds of victims, including numerous US citizens. The American use of financial leverage to force the PA to choose a peaceful approach and the best interests of its population instead of choosing violence and continued promotion of terrorism by continuing its "Pay for Slay" policy could have constituted a huge step towards achieving peace. However, according to Abbas and Erekat's statements, it seems to be a step the PA is not prepared to take. Daily Jot: Obstructionism is the new normal - Bill Wilson - The socialist revolution that began with the election of the immediate past president in 2008 was scheduled to go uninterrupted with the election of Hillary Clinton. The American people, however, said "No," disrupting the revolutionary remake of the United States. What followed in its wake has been a three-year temper tantrum by radical leftists with their hearts' set on overturning the current government. They call it the "resistance movement" and those who lost the last election foment it. Clinton and the past president called for it. Congress and the media are following suit. It is the largest obstruction of governance in American history. This is the visceral new normal. Your very freedoms are threatened. Article I Section 8.15 of the Constitution says Congress shall have the power "To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions." Article 3 Section 1.1 defines treason as, "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort." Section 4 states: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence." In his 1796 farewell speech, George Washington warned thatparties and factions were a danger to Liberty, "They serve to organize faction, to give it an artificial and extraordinary force; to put, in the place of the delegated will of the nation the will of a party, often a small but artful and enterprising minority of the community; and, according to the alternate triumphs of different parties, to make the public administration the mirror of the ill-concerted and incongruous projects of faction, rather than the organ of consistent and wholesome plans digested by common counsels and modified by mutual interests." This is exactly what is happening today-an artful minority attempting to impose its will against the people. We see it in the media's narrative, the obstruction toward governing, and in the deep-rooted shadows of the deep state. So when does it go too far? I would suggest that the answer is found in the very mission statements of the groups instigating this nationwide rebellion. Communist Party USA, Islamic Society of North America, Council on American Islamic Relations,, Human Rights Campaign, Planned Parenthood, National Education Association, and the factions and people-elected or otherwise--that work with them-all contain language, subtle or direct, that is against the Constitutional Republic form of government. Just as they spew the very hate they accuse others of doing, their brand of "patriotism" is of a similar nature against our guarantees of liberty. It has already gone too far. As Jesus said in Matthew 7:16, "You shall know them by their fruits." Daily Devotion: Better Than a GPS - By Greg Laurie - Don't you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself. -1 Corinthians 6:19 Every now and then, it seems that my GPS has a mind of its own. I'll be driving on the freeway, going to a destination where I've never been before, and all of a sudden it tells me to turn right at the next off-ramp. It doesn't make sense, but I turn right. Then it tells me to turn left, so I turn left. Then it brings me back to the freeway. What was that all about? It makes no sense at all. The Lord gave the Israelites an amazing GPS system: a fire by night and a cloud by day. It was very simple. When the cloud moved, they moved. When the cloud stopped, they stopped. At night when the fire moved, they moved. When the fire stopped, they stopped. We might think, "I wish I could have that, because a lot of times I don't know what I should do and where I should go. It would be so easy." As believers under the New Covenant, we have something better than a cloud or a fire. We have Christ Himself living in our hearts. This is only for the Christian who has believed in Jesus Christ. God takes residence in our hearts. We don't need a fire in the sky. We have the fire of the Holy Spirit in our lives, giving us the power to do what God has called us to do. The Lord will lead us in the way that He wants us to go. Now, sometimes God's will doesn't make sense. Maybe we think God is trying to ruin all our fun. But in time we'll realize that God knew what He was talking about all along. A GPS isn't always right, but God is always right. And God's way is always the right way. FROM THE HEART
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