Prophecy Update Newsletter
February 6, 2017
The Last Days According to Everyone - Pete Garcia -
The ancient Vikings believed in 'Ragnarok'. The Buddhist believe in the coming of the 'Maitreya'. The Hindus believe that the 'Kalki' brings an end to the current Kali Yuga. Islam predicts that the end will come when the 'Mahdi' returns. Even atheists and skeptics posit that we are overdue for an occurrence such as a meteor, super volcano, global weather extreme, or other cataclysmic earth-ending event. It is common for cultures and societies to look toward the future with a certain level of trepidation. The future represents change. It is the big and dark 'unknown'. With that said, every religion and/or belief system in the world today has some view, position, or opinion about what they consider the 'end-times' or the 'last days'. Within Christianity, around 30% of the Holy Bible contains 'prophecy', and more applicable to the discussion at hand is what academics call 'eschatology'. (Koine Greek-Eschatos = last or final things, logy=the study of) That said, Christianity has become largely divided over how to interpret the passages pertaining to the 'last days'. On one hand, the largely Protestant, mainline denominations (Episcopalian, Lutheran, Methodist, Anglican, Presbyterian, etc.) tend to view Bible prophecy in much the same way as their predecessor, the Roman Catholic Church viewed already complete and spiritually in effect. To them, that means that much of what the Bible has to say about the last days was completed in the first century, and that what is ongoing now is the ongoing spiritual kingdom. Granted there are disagreements on some of the finer points as to exactly how and when things like the Second Coming of Jesus Christ will be, or who the 'Antichrist' might be, but for the most part they agree in large measure on three main points:
Each of these major theological premises are accompanied and supported by their eschatological positions, which are predicated in how they interpret scriptural passages. So for instance, a 'literal' interpretation of Scripture, would not support the theological position of Replacement Theology (1). Romans 11 for instance, flatly rejects this notion. They are then forced to select another form of interpretation such as the allegorical (or non-literal) method to make their theological position of Replacement Theology mesh with their view that they have replaced Israel as 'God's Chosen'. Simply put, they have to use the allegorical approach, because the plain reading of scripture (in context) does not back up their suppositions. This makes the overarching end-times view within both Roman Catholicism and mainline Protestantism a mix between Post Millennialism (Church conquers the world before Christ returns) and Amillennialism [a-as a negative] (the world continues on perpetuity until some indefinite end as yet defined). Another branch within Christianity is the Evangelicals. Evangelicals tend to take more of the literalist interpretation of Scripture (i.e...take the text at what it says, in context). Within Evangelical Christianity, there are still divergent views on how the end happens, but for the most part, the two major views are the following:
Assessment So consider some of the older religions from groups such as the Sumerians, Babylonians, Greeks and Romans, Mayans, and Vikings...if their beliefs were true-then these civilizations would still be in effect. In other words, if their views had any merit to them...wouldn't their 'gods' have foretold the demise of their own civilizations in order to prevent that from ever happening? So for that purpose, this article we will forego any religious system that is already extinct or of no effect to the world today, and simply apply how their eschatology fits into the world of today. This leaves the following list by order of number of devotees and the potential ramifications for their eschatological beliefs: Roman Catholicism/Protestant Christianity (2.2 Billion) The Roman Catholic and mainline Protestant churches generally (not all) advocate the same type of eschatological views. The long term view is Amillennial, and their practical day to day view is Dominionist. Both of these support the repeated attempts at creating theocratic rule by the Church. Such was the case during the Dark Ages with its Crusades, Inquisitions, Geneva, and the new American colonies. Islam (1.6 Billion) The current divide between Sunni (majority) and Shia (minority) currently keeps the Muslim world divided amongst itself. The major division is over both their lineage and their eschatology. Divisions within each branch of Islam also keep them divided as they vie for power in an attempt to reestablish their own versions of the 'caliphate'. Hinduism (1 Billion) Hinduism is largely concentrated in India, with some bleed over to neighboring nations like Burma and China. Hinduism is not currently as driven for world-wide domination as say Islam and Christianity are, but tend to take more of a pantheist (everything is 'god') view with thousands of deities already on tap. Fits in with an ecumenical global religion very easily. Buddhism (375 Million) Like Hinduism, Buddhism will bring in the much needed "diversity" and deep-seated eastern philosophical underpinnings of the new global ecumenism. Christian missionaries to Nepal and India have described their experiences in these regions as even more spiritually oppressive than Islam. Evangelical Christianity (100-300 Million est. worldwide) Out of all the religions, Evangelical Christianity is a subset within the broader scope of what we would call, Christendom. It presents the most exclusive views on salvation as being solely based on a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Because of the exclusivity and nature of our salvation, Evangelicalism is also the least likely to embrace religious ecumenicalism as well as having the most cataclysmic view (in terms of consequential eschatological views) out of all the world's belief systems. Two scenarios will likely bring about the end of the world and both center on a period of time known as the 'Tribulation' (Matthew 24, Revelation 6-19) or 'Daniel's 70th Week' (Daniel 9:24-27).
Both upend the world's order and brings about the rise of a regional, than singular world order that allows for one man (Antichrist, Man of Lawlessness, Son of Perdition, Rider on the White Horse) to assume total power. Aided by the 'False Prophet', they are able to work lying signs and miracles that trick the world into following them in a disastrous set up against what remains of national and ethnic Armageddon. Remainder (1.1 Billion) What remains is the atheistic/agnostic/non-religious population which make up around 1.1 billion persons. The remainder (Taoist, Sikhs, Bahai Faith, Judaism, etc.) make up the rest of the minority of religious adherents globally. Conclusion Out of all the religious belief system, Christianity is by far the most descriptive of the end-times. Not only is it the most descriptive, but it's also the most accurate (ie...forecasting geopolitical alignments, restoration of Israel after 1900 years, societal conditions, etc.). Not only is it the most accurate, but it's also the most believable. In comparing all the other views along with the day and age we find ourselves, you see the profound difference and superiority of Holy Scripture once you lay them all out together. Buddha did not predict the end of the world to happen until 5,000 years after his death, which would put their 'last days' around the year 4600 AD, and frankly by then, who cares. This presents no immediate threat as we would all be long gone by then. Hinduism believes at the end of the fourth Yuga, that the end comes. These are listed by Wikipedia as: Satya Yuga lasts 1.728 million years. Treta Yuga lasts 1.296 million years. Dvapara Yuga lasts 864,000 years. Kali Yuga lasts 432,000 years." "Within the current kalpa, there are four yugas, or epochs, that encompass the evolution of this specific cycle. These ages encompass a beginning of complete purity to a descent into total decay." At least they got the general direction of deterioration correct. But how exactly do they know something happened 1.728 million years ago and not 1.729 million years ago? How could anyone, anywhere, ever validate any of it?. Islamic Eschatology Even harder to believe, are the signs given in Islam that would point to the end times. There are 56 minor signs, and 10 major most of which aren't indicative of any specific time period (the drinking of much wine), and some are pretty laughable (people fornicating in the streets like donkeys). One of the major signs... and probably the most damning against it as a viable eschatology, is that of Isa (Islam's Jesus) return prior to the Mahdi. It's damning for two reasons:
Last of which, the atheist/agnostic/skeptic/scientist view that the earth meets some cataclysmic-end due to a natural or cosmic disaster (i.e...comet collision, super-volcano, etc.). Ironically their view aligns most perfectly with that of the Bible (wormwood, sun going dark, extreme heat, etc.) The Bible foretold over 2,000 years ago, that certain things would have to happen prior to the return of Christ:
So given the signs of the end for the major world religions, which seems the most plausible? Which has the most historical, archeological, political, and economic evidence to support its claims? The Bible foretells of worsening conditions, ending with a final world system under the economic, technological, and theological thumb of regional governments, absorbed into one, all headed by a single man. Remember the former things of old, For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things that are not yet done, Saying, 'My counsel shall stand, And I will do all My pleasure,' (Isaiah 46:9-10) Iran official: Missiles need only 7 minutes to hit Tel Aviv -
Mojtaba Zonour threatens attack on Israel if US launches military strike on Islamic Republic A senior Iranian government official on Saturday warned Tehran would swiftly retaliate against Israel if the US launched a military strike against Iran. Mojtaba Zonour, a member of Iran's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission and a former Islamic Revolution Guards Corps official, boasted an Iranian missile could hit Tel Aviv in under seven minutes, the semi-official Fars News Agency reported. Zonour said Tehran would strike the Israeli coastal city and "raze to the ground" a US military base in Bahrain "if the enemy makes a mistake." "And only seven minutes is needed for the Iranian missile to hit Tel Aviv," he added. Zonour's comments came during a Revolutionary Guard military exercise aimed at testing its missile and radar systems. The exercise was taking place in a 35,000-square-kilometer (13,515-square-mile) area in Semnan province in northern Iran. The Saturday exercise came a day after US President Donald Trump's administration imposed sanctions on Iran in response to a recent missile test. The sanctions target more than two dozen people and companies from the Persian Gulf to China. On Saturday, another senior IRGC official issued a similar warning against the US. Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh, chief of the Guard's airspace division, said: "If the enemy makes a mistake, our roaring missiles will come down on them," according to the semi-official Tasnim news agency. Hajizadeh said Washington criticism of recent Iranian missile tests was "a pretext to show their animosity towards us; we are making round-the-clock efforts to defend our country's security and if the enemy dares to make any mistake our roaring missiles will land on them." Iran last Sunday test-fired a medium range missile, which the White House contends violated a UN Security Council resolution proscribing missiles that could carry a nuclear device. The Islamic Republic has confirmed it tested a ballistic missile but denied it was a breach of a 2015 nuclear deal with world powers or UN resolutions. The Coming Clash with Iran - By Pat Buchanan -
When Gen. Michael Flynn marched into the White House Briefing Room to declare that "we are officially putting Iran on notice," he drew a red line for President Trump. In tweeting the threat, Trump agreed. His credibility is now on the line. And what triggered this virtual ultimatum? Iran-backed Houthi rebels, said Flynn, attacked a Saudi warship, and Tehran tested a missile, undermining "security, prosperity and stability throughout the Middle East," placing "American lives at risk." But how so? The Saudis have been bombing the Houthi rebels and ravaging their country, Yemen, for two years. Are the Saudis entitled to immunity from retaliation in wars they start? Where is the evidence Iran had a role in the Red Sea attack on the Saudi ship? And why would President Trump make this war his war? As for the Iranian missile test, a 2015 U.N. resolution "called upon" Iran not to test nuclear-capable missiles. It did not forbid Iran from testing conventional missiles, which Tehran insists this was. Is the United States making new demands on Iran not written into the nuclear treaty or international law - to provoke a confrontation? Did Flynn coordinate with our allies about this warning of possible military action against Iran? Is NATO obligated to join any action we might take? Or are we going to carry out any retaliation alone, as our NATO allies observe, while the Israelis, Gulf Arabs, Saudis and the Beltway War Party, which wishes to be rid of Trump, cheer him on? Bibi Netanyahu hailed Flynn's statement, calling Iran's missile test a flagrant violation of the U.N. resolution and declaring, "Iranian aggression must not go unanswered." By whom, besides us? The Saudi king spoke with Trump Sunday. Did he persuade the president to get America more engaged against Iran? Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker is among those delighted with the White House warning: "No longer will Iran be given a pass for its repeated ballistic missile violations, continued support of terrorism, human rights abuses and other hostile activities that threaten international peace and security." The problem with making a threat public - Iran is "on notice" - is that it makes it almost impossible for Iran, or Trump, to back away. Tehran seems almost obliged to defy it, especially the demand that it cease testing conventional missiles for its own defense. This U.S. threat will surely strengthen those Iranians opposed to the nuclear deal and who wish to see its architects, President Hassan Rouhani and Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, thrown out in this year's elections. If Rex Tillerson is not to become a wartime secretary of state like Colin Powell or Dean Rusk, he is going to have to speak to the Iranians, not with defiant declarations, but in a diplomatic dialogue. Tillerson, of course, is on record as saying the Chinese should be blocked from visiting the half-dozen fortified islets they have built on rocks and reefs in the South China Sea. A prediction: The Chinese will not be departing from their islands, and the Iranians will defy the U.S. threat against testing their missiles. Wednesday's White House statement makes a collision with Iran almost unavoidable, and a war with Iran quite possible. Why did Trump and Flynn feel the need to do this now? There is an awful lot already on the foreign-policy plate of the new president after only two weeks, as pro-Russian rebels in Ukraine are firing artillery again, and North Korea's nuclear missile threat, which, unlike Iran's, is real, has yet to be addressed. High among the reasons that many supported Trump was his understanding that George W. Bush blundered horribly in launching an unprovoked and unnecessary war on Iraq. Along with the 15-year war in Afghanistan and our wars in Libya, Syria and Yemen, our 21st-century U.S. Mideast wars have cost us trillions of dollars and thousands of dead. And they have produced a harvest of hatred of America that was exploited by al-Qaida and ISIS to recruit jihadists to murder and massacre Westerners. Osama's bin Laden's greatest achievement was not to bring down the twin towers and kill 3,000 Americans, but to goad America into plunging headlong into the Middle East, a reckless and ruinous adventure that ended her post-Cold War global primacy. Unlike the other candidates, Trump seemed to recognize this. It was thought he would disengage us from these wars, not rattle a saber at an Iran that is three times the size of Iraq and has as its primary weapons supplier and partner Vladimir Putin's Russia. When Barack Obama drew his red line against Bashar Assad's use of chemical weapons in Syria's civil war, and Assad appeared to cross it, Obama discovered that his countrymen wanted no part of the war that his military action might bring on. President Obama backed down - in humiliation. Neither the Ayatollah Khamenei nor Trump appears to be in a mood to back away, especially now that the president has made the threat public. IDF Conducts Drill Simulating Large-Scale Hamas Infiltration Of Southern Israel - by Jack Tonhaben -
The IDF last week conducted a five-day drill simulating a confrontation with Hamas including infiltrations by Hamas terrorist commandos on land, sea and air. The Gaza Division's large-scale exercise, held once a year, included hundreds of reserve soldiers. According to a report in Hebrew-language website Ynet, it included scenarios in which dozens of terrorists enter Jewish communities through several entry points - attack tunnels, paragliders, and the sea. Forces also drilled operating under incessant rocket and mortar fire on the Gaza periphery communities and the cities of Ashdod and Ashkelon. According to Ynet, there are fears Hamas may begin its next confrontation with a heavy barrage of bombs on border communities in an effort to debilitate army forces from responding. During Operation Protective Edge in 2014, five Hamas marine commandos tried to infiltrate Kibbutz Zikim before they were killed by the IDF. Israel's defense establishment has warned that the army must especially prepare for the strengthening of Hamas's marine commando unit, which is believed to have more divers today than during the 2014 war. The drill included special units of the IDF, as well as the mandatory service battalions that routinely patrol and secure the Gaza Strip border fence and the communities close to the border. The army also practiced an orderly evacuation of communities close to the border according to a plan formulated over the past year by the IDF's Home Front command and Southern Command. "The Gaza Division drill was an excellent opportunity to strengthen the readiness and capabilities of the division's men in mandatory and reserve service. The division simulated various scenarios in its entire territory," said IDF Division Commander Brig.-Gen. Yehuda Fuchs. The large-scale exercise was planned in advance as part of the IDF's annual training program. Heating Up - By Daymond Duck -
My threescore and ten years will arrive in about 30 months and I can honestly say that I have never seen anything like President Trump's first week in office. I try to keep up with the news that appears to be related to Bible prophecy, but his first week seemed to come like birth pains: faster and faster. That is one of those Biblical things. Pres. Trump did several things that caused me to bow my head and say, "Thank you God." "Thank you for giving America a leader with enough courage to remove the Muslim prayer rooms from the White House." "Thank you for giving America a leader with enough courage to cut off the flow of money to foreign and domestic groups that fund abortion." "Thank you for giving America a leader with enough courage to select strong Christians and people that love Israel to help him rule over America." "Thank you for giving America a leader that is willing to give Christians who seek to legally immigrate to the U.S. priority." "Thank you for these, and all of the other, blessings that you have bestowed upon America." Your Word says, "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much" (James 5:16), and you have answered the prayers of multitudes." Nevertheless, we should not overlook the fact that the election of Donald Trump is causing the temperature to rise all over the Middle East. In fact, the fulfillment of other prophecies may be appearing on the horizon. Pres. Trump's promise to move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem is causing tempers to flare. Palestinian (and several Arab) leaders have already said it will be "a declaration of war." These persistent haters apparently don't believe or don't know that dividing Jerusalem will be a declaration of war against Jesus (Joel 3:2). Pres. Trump's condemnation of the UN's anti-Semitic Resolution 5334 that calls East Jerusalem and the West Bank "occupied territory," and his statements of support for Israel, have been interpreted by the Israeli settlement movement as permission to build more housing in East Jerusalem. In the first week of Mr. Trump's presidency, 566 construction permits were issued for new homes in East Jerusalem. Also, Prime Minister Netanyahu promised the soon approval of wide-scale building in all of the settlement blocks. The Palestinians and other Arabs are going to have to act soon or their much desired two-state solution will essentially be a dream that never came true. And no matter what they do, when Jesus comes it will be gone forever. As my good friend Don McGee recently said in the January 2017 issue of his Crown and Sickle Ministries newsletter, "The city of Jerusalem is called 'the city of the great King' (Psalm 48:2), and that great King is Jesus, not Allah or Mohammed or any other pagan religious icon." Then, there is Prime Minister Netanyahu's upcoming visit to the White House (in early February, date not announced). Mr. Netanyahu said he will discuss the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the situation in Syria, and the Iranian threat. That is the Psa. 83 war (if there is one), the destruction of Damascus (Isa. 17) and the battle of Gog and Magog. (Ezek. 38-39). In 1995, Congress passed the Jerusalem Embassy Act that requires the U.S. government to move the Embassy to Jerusalem unless the president of the U.S. signs a waver that is good for six months. U.S. presidents have signed a waver every six months since then. Pres. Obama signed the current waver and it is good until June 1, 2017. Pres. Trump will have to decide whether he is going to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem or sign a waver by then. He hasn't said what he intends to do, but the IDF is planning for trouble on several fronts (Arabs in Israel, Arabs in Gaza, nations on Israel's border, attacks on Israelis in other nations, etc.) in case Pres. Trump decides to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem. It is not unreasonable to believe that the situation in the Middle East could quickly turn hot, several wars could take place, cries for a peace treaty could increase, or even that "a man with a plan" could be standing on the sideline. Pray for Pres. Trump, but know that the future is in God's hands and all of His prophecies will be fulfilled. Prophecy Plus Ministries Daymond & Rachel Duck ![]()
My Review of "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" Over the last 35 years, I have literally read hundreds of books on Bible Prophecy and End Time signs. I especially enjoy books on the Rapture, and I have read almost every Rapture-related book published. In all those years, devouring thousands of pages, and millions of words, I have not read a better book on the Rapture than, Rapture Ready...Or Not? Terry James might be physically blind, but he is spiritually sharp and well discerning beyond most authors. In "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" Terry has nailed the pre-trib Rapture, and removed any doubt what so ever about the Church going through the Tribulation. With great insight and Godly discernment, Terry explains with simple, yet profound words, why and how that he has come to believe the ways he does about the Rapture, the Tribulation, and the End Times scenario. I think after reading "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" you too will believe as Terry does, and be Ready for the Rapture like never before! - Randy Thomas - Publisher / Editor - Prophecy Update For more information and or to get your copy of "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" use this link: Watchman Warning: The Answer - By Hal Lindsey -
Frustration... rage... condemnation... confusion... fear.... To many, it feels like we're in the middle of a massive and growing storm with a funnel cloud forming in the sky above our heads. Temper tantrums - with stomping feet, held breath, pointed fingers, and raised fists - are not the answer. But there is an answer... and He has a name. Jesus. Jesus was a Man of perfect humility. He's the One who said, "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth" (Matthew 5:5 NKJV). But He was also perfectly honest about His identity as God the Son sent from heaven to save us. Just look at some of the remarkable things He said about Himself. In Mark 14:61-62, the high priest asked Jesus point blank "Are You the Christ, the Son of the Blessed One?:" And Jesus answered just as clearly. "I am; and you shall see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven." If you have an electronic Bible, it's interesting to search for the words "greater than" in the New Testament. You quickly learn that Jesus claimed to be "greater than" the temple (Matthew 12:6), "greater than" the prophet Jonah (Matthew 12:41), and "greater than" Solomon (Matthew 12:42). Jesus told the person known to Bible readers as "the woman at the well" that He could give her "living water." In trying to figure out His identity, she used the phrase "greater than." She asked Jesus if He was "greater than" the patriarch Jacob who was said to have dug the well. Jesus didn't say "Yes," or "No." But His answer clearly tells us that He is as high above Jacob as Mount Everest is high above an ant hill. He said, "Everyone who drinks of this water [meaning water from Jacob's well] will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life" (John 4:13-14 NKJV). To a world that's desperately thirsty, and doesn't even know what it thirsts for, this is Good News! Later in the book of John, Jesus told some Jewish religious leaders, "'Most assuredly, I say to you, if anyone keeps My word he shall never see death.' Then the Jews said to Him, 'Now we know that You have a demon! Abraham is dead, and the prophets; and You say, 'If anyone keeps My word he shall never taste death.' Are You greater than our father Abraham, who is dead? And the prophets are dead. Who do You make Yourself out to be?'" (John 8:51-53 NKJV) The Jewish leaders were outraged that Jesus might be placing Himself above Abraham, the father of the nation. They seemed to think that by putting the question straight to Him, they might shake Him to His senses. They asked, "Are You greater than our father Abraham?" Their own answer would be, "No one's 'greater than' Abraham." Jesus - a Man of meekness and humility - astounded them with His answer. "If I honor Myself, My honor is nothing. It is My Father who honors Me, of whom you say that He is your God. Yet you have not known Him, but I know Him... and keep His word. Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and he saw it and was glad." (John 8:54-56 NKJV) At this point their minds were reeling. Abraham had lived and died more than 1600 years earlier, and this Fellow spoke as if He knew the patriarch personally. They said to Jesus, "You are not yet fifty years old, and have You seen Abraham?" Jesus then gave an answer that resonates across the millennia. "Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM." (John 8:58 NKJV) Their outrage was so great that they picked up stones to throw at Jesus, but He slipped away. This was not the time, the place, or the method by which He was to die, and He knew it. Why did His statement make them so angry? Because He was pronouncing Himself to be God. When Moses asked God His name, He replied, "I AM THAT I AM." God told Moses to tell the children of Israel that "I AM" had sent him to them. (Exodus 3:14) But Jesus was also revealing an astounding aspect of God's character. Jesus didn't say, "Before Abraham was, I was." That would have meant Jesus was impossibly old. But what He actually said was far more amazing than that. He said, "Before Abraham was, I AM." Present tense. Only God could make such a claim! His majesty and greatness deserve our awe and heartfelt worship. But there is more to Him than that. He's not just this distant Majesty out there in the great beyond. He's here now. By His Spirit, He's as close to you as the air you breathe. And He's saying now what He said two thousand years ago, as recorded in Matthew 11:29-30. "Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." If you've accepted this invitation from Him, this is a good time to relax in the security of His salvation, but also to respond to His great love with renewed determination to live in ways that please Him, and to share His love with others. If you have not accepted that invitation... there's no better time than now! Daily Jot: Civil unrest and the revolution - Bill Wilson -
In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Americans lived through a time of civil unrest. Mixed in with the much needed civil rights movement were those who wanted to destroy America. Fortunately, gains were made in civil rights. Unfortunately, those wanting to destroy America continued to grow. What we see today is a product of those times, only far more radical. It seems that the majority of protesters don't even know what they are protesting. They are just exercising their right to protest. An angry minority are latching on to whatever propaganda they can to believe it enough to protest, and they are being used. Still another radical minority knows their end goal-cause enough strife to foment revolution. Since the beginning of our nation, people have been trying to bring it down. Today, they are more vocal and radical than ever. Today, our freedoms of speech and religion are being threatened by bullies who accuse those who disagree with them from the content of their own heart. They proclaim they are exercising their right to freedom of speech, but when someone disagrees, he is beaten by mobs and/or labeled with some kind of "ist" or "obe". Those in disagreement are not afforded their rights to free speech because in the eyes of the radicals, dissenters of the radical mantra are wrong. More and more they are emerging as groups linked together by a common cause-America must go down. What do radical homosexual groups and radical Islamic groups have in common? In reality, homosexuals in Islamic countries are beaten, tortured and killed. But they were allied in the Women's March in Washington, DC. What is the common thread that binds them together long enough to trash our nation's capital with words and litter? They want to see America go down and be remade into their own image. Islam wants an Islamic America. Homosexuality wants an America that submits to their sexual orientation. I guess if they were able to take America down, they would have to fight it out as to who gets their way-Islam who wishes all homosexuals dead, or homosexuals who want Islam to accept them. We as Christian Americans must speak into this morass. Somewhere, somehow, the light of Christ needs to shine. It starts with knowing the facts and being able to speak to them. These anarchists run on emotion, making the half-truths into facts, then into battle cries. We need to be armed with the facts and also, as Romans 14:16 says, "Let not then your good be evil spoken of." We need to be firm. Remember Ephesians 6:12, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." This spiritual wickedness manifests itself in flesh and blood, but originates in the principalities of darkness. Let's, having done all, stand, as we are not to be overcome by evil, but to overcome evil with good (Romans 12:21). Daily Devotion: Let the Children Come - Greg Laurie -
But Jesus said, "Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven." -Matthew 19:14 We need God's help to be moms and dads. We live in a culture that is largely hostile to the family. It certainly does not support the role of mother and father. In fact, in many ways, culture (music, movies, television, etc.) tends to undermine the role of the parent. In the Gospels, we read about how the parents brought their children to Jesus. "One day some parents brought their little children to Jesus so he could touch and bless them. But when the disciples saw this, they scolded the parents for bothering him. Then Jesus called for the children and said to the disciples, 'Let the children come to me. Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children'" (Luke 18:15-16 NLT). I love that story. The parents see Jesus and bring their kids to Him, but the disciples push them back. They say things like, "Don't bother the Master right now," "He is busy," or "He is tired." And Jesus says, "Hold on now. Let those little children come to Me, for such is the kingdom of Heaven!" Let them come. The kids came to Christ and loved Him, and He loved them and their parents. In the original language it could be translated, "They kept bringing their children to Jesus." I like the fact that even though they were rebuffed by the disciples, they were persistent. If you are a smart parent, you will keep bringing your child to Jesus. Your part is important. Be faithful in it. And remember, nothing can really happen through us until it has first happened to us. Paul writes in Philippians 4:9, "The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do." What your children need most is to see your faith in action. FROM THE HEART
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