Prophecy Update Newsletter
Does the Great Commission Exclude Teaching on Prophecy? - By Jonathan Brentner - The prevailing mindset of many Bible-believing pastors today is that eschatology, or the study of future things, is not only separate from the preaching of the Gospel, but detracts from it. They maintain that our task of fulfilling the Great Commission excludes teaching on prophecy, which they believe only confuses believers and stirs up unwelcome controversy. Is this way of thinking biblical? No, it is not. This represents a myopic way of viewing both the commands and teachings of Jesus, who highlighted "eternal life" as the result of belief in Him and commanded His followers to watch for His return. Let's explore these things in more detail. Jesus Emphasized Eternal Life Jesus emphasized eternity throughout His earthly ministry. The Gospel of John records at least a dozen instances where Jesus promised "eternal life" to those who believe in Him. We are all familiar with John 3:16, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." The foundation of the Gospel is the promise of eternal life versus the fate of everlasting punishment in hell. Jesus did not die on the cross just so we would have a terrific Christian life in this uncertain world filled with sorrow and heartache; He sacrificed His life so we could receive eternal life with physical and imperishable bodies, reign with Him in a spectacular kingdom, and spend a glorious eternity with Him. Many Bible-based preachers love to criticize Joel Osteen for his book, Your Best Life Now, but then reflect that precise idea with teaching that emphasizes Christian living in this life, with only fleeting references to eternity. Doesn't such preaching leave those listening with the singular hope of being a joyous and "good Christian" in the here and now? Where is the hope in that amidst a fallen world? It's the specifics of our hope of heaven that encourage us each morning as we step out of bed to face a daunting and evil world. The "now-based" preaching that fails to do more than briefly mention the glories ahead for us in eternity does little, if anything, to console us in the midst of tragedy. It's the details of the Lord's return and our eternity in heaven that comfort us in the midst of sorrow and provide bright hope for tomorrow. Jesus Instructed Us to Watch for His Return Those who believe that teaching about future things detracts from the Great Commission ignore the other commands of Jesus, especially the one in Matthew 24:44 where He said, "Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect." Jesus again stressed the need for watchfulness in 25:13, "Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour." The Lord commanded us to both be ready and watch for His return. What does such watching imply? Jesus provides the answer to that in Matthew 16:1-4 where He chides the Pharisees for not recognizing the signs that He, the Messiah, was already with them. He blamed them for not knowing the Old Testament signs of His first coming. Does He not also expect that we also know and recognize the signs of His coming? I believe He does. In Matthew 24, Jesus gave us many signs of the end of this age so we could recognize the nearness of His coming and not miss the signs as did the Pharisees. In Luke 21:28 He added this, "Now when these things begin to take place, straighten up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near." Jesus expects us as His followers to be watching for these signs so we will recognize the season of His return and look up with eager anticipation. This is now! Those who compare the signs given to us in Scripture with current events are not performing an unnecessary task that diverts attention from fulfilling the Great Commission. They are obeying Jesus' command to watch for His coming. Jesus Taught about Prophecy after His Resurrection Jesus stressed at least two things after His resurrection. First, He emphasized how He fulfilled prophecy (Luke 24:26-27, 44-47) and, in doing so, instructed His followers "about the kingdom of God" (Acts 1:3). Second, He told His followers to proclaim the Gospel (Acts 1:8). What was the response of His disciples to His teaching during this time? They asked Him this question just before He ascended back to heaven: "Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel" (Acts 1:6)? Why would they ask this question if Jesus had not talked about this matter during the forty days when He emphasized "the kingdom of God?" Jesus' teaching caused the thoughts of His disciples to race ahead to the time when they would rule with Christ in His kingdom. They expected Jesus to immediately fulfill the promise He made to them earlier: "Truly I tell you, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel" (Matt. 19:28). Their timing was off, but not their ultimate hope. There is one instruction in the Great Commission that I rarely hear mentioned in sermons on the Great Commission. The majority of messages on it overlook a key instruction embedded in it, ". . . teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you" (Matt. 28:20). Would this not also include the command of Jesus to watch for His return? I think so. As we will see in the ministry of the Apostle Paul (my next article), he taught his new converts all about Jesus' imminent return as well as the future day of the Lord. While C.S. Lewis might not agree with me on everything regarding my views on eschatology, he would agree with my connecting the dots between Jesus' command for us to watch and our urgency to proclaim the Gospel. Notice what he said on this topic: "If you read history, you will find that the Christians who did most for the present world were just those who thought most of the next. The apostles themselves, who set on foot the conversion of the Roman Empire, the great men who built up the Middle Ages, the English Evangelicals who abolished the Slave Trade, all left their mark on Earth, precisely because their minds were occupied with Heaven. It is since because Christians have largely ceased to think of the other world that they have become so ineffective in this." [i] You see, we do not detract from the Great Commission through our emphasis on Jesus' soon appearing and the signs of the times. Quite the contrary! Such an emphasis intensifies both the importance and urgency of reaching the lost. And, many are turning to Christ today precisely because they see how God fulfilled prophecy with the first coming of Jesus, and recognize that He is doing it again with His Second Coming! Just ask JD Farag who in part inspired this post. His prophecy updates demonstrate how the teaching of prophecy brings many to Jesus! Jonathan Brentner Website: Our Journey Home E-mail: [email protected] [i] C. S. Lewis, Mere Christianity (London: Collins, Fontana Books, 1955), p. 116. Quoted in Hot Tub Religion, p. 90 Iran Claims to Have Formula for Nuclear Bomb - Adam Kredo - Tehran threatens nuclear force against U.S., Israel, allies A senior Iranian official said over the weekend that the Islamic Republic has the chemical and technical know-how to produce a nuclear weapon, according to Farsi language remarks independently translated for the Washington Free Beacon. Ahmad Khatami, a senior member of Iran's Assembly of Experts, which enjoys close ties with Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, claimed in recent comments that having a nuclear missile "is vital for Iran to confront the U.S. and its allies," according to Farsi language comments made over the weekend. "Having missile[s] and nuclear authority is vital for Iran to confront the U.S. and its allies." Khatami was quoted as saying in remarks in which he also referred to the United States as a thug. The comments come on the heels of threats issued by Khamenei to senior Trump administration figures, including Donald Trump himself, National Security Adviser John Bolton, and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Regional experts who spoke to the Free Beacon about the threats said U.S. intelligence agencies must take them seriously, and should launch an investigation into scores of potential agents tied to the Iranian regime, including those known to operate on U.S. soil. Khatami, in his comments, claimed Iran has no interest in building a nuclear weapon, but that it possesses the know-how and ability to do so. "Iran never has had the intention to build a nuclear bomb. Iran has the formula but does not want to use the weapons of mass destruction, but it is vital for Iran to have nuclear energy," he said. Meanwhile, Iran continues to manufacture and test advanced ballistic missile technology capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. The country has conducted multiple space launches that U.S. officials view as cover for the testing of advanced missile technology known as intercontinental ballistic missiles, or ICBMs. Iran marked the 40th anniversary of its Islamic revolution on Monday with chants of, "Death to America" and other slogans calling for the destruction of the United States and its allies. During remarks commemorating the occasion, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said the country would not compromise on its increasingly provocative missile tests. "We have not asked and will not ask for permission to develop different types of ... missiles and will continue our path and our military power," Rouhani said in Tehran, according to media reports. Ahmad Eshghyar, a founding member of the Iran Revival group which seeks non-violent overthrow of the Islamic Republic said: "Ahmad Khatami's Freudian slip that the Iranian regime has the technical capability to produce nuclear warhead, while declaring missiles as an integral part of regime's military strategy comes after years of denial of military nature of the nuclear program. The last thing the world wants to see is a nuclear Middle East." Nearing Midnight: End-Times Religious Rearrangements - Terry James - Observers of the signs of the times that indicate the nearness of Christ's Second Advent chronicle with ever-increasing interest the convergence of all the signals given for the end of the age. These look at the major areas of life upon this judgment-bound sphere. The areas include geopolitics, socioeconomics, geophysical occurrences, and developments in religion. We consistently deal with what is going on in Israel and the Middle East. We look at the declining morality and economic upheavals, natural weather and earthquake disasters around the globe. Too often, however, I think we sometimes put on the back burner of prophetic discernment what is happening in the arena of religious apostasy. And, there is no area with greater emphasis placed on it by the Word of God than religion in discerning the times as the end of the Church Age approaches. Bible prophecy foretells the coming of a worldwide religious system. It will be anti-God in every respect and likened to a harlot with whom the leaders of earthly kingdoms will consort. This evil will bring God's ever-increasing judgment as He releases His wrath on an incorrigibly rebellious world of whom the KJV calls "earth dwellers." This prostitute-like religious system is described as follows: And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. (Revelation 17:1-5) One of the great Bible prophecy scholars and writers of recent times, a person whom it was my great privilege to call a friend, wrote the following: The great prostitute described in these verses is a portrayal of Apostate Christendom in the end time. When the Rapture occurred, all true believers were caught up to be with the Lord, but left behind were many thousands of those who made some profession of faith in Christ and claimed to be Christians who were not born again. These constituted the apostate Church which will dominate the scene politically and religiously up to the midpoint of that last seven years before the Second Coming. The apostasy, called adultery and fornication here, of course refers to spiritual unfaithfulness, not to physical adultery. The church, devoid of any redeeming influence, is now completely united with the world, and, as the passage indicates, is working hand in glove with the political powers. (Dr. John F Walvoord, Every Prophecy in the Bible, Chariot Victor Publishing, 1999, pp. 604-607) This harlot church system that will be in place during the Tribulation will, many prophecy students and teachers believe, be made up of an eclectic mix of religions in the time following the Rapture of the true Church. The religious system, called "Mystery Babylon," will work in concert with the Antichrist regime to enslave the world in every realm of life. With every day that passes, it becomes more obvious that the ecumenical movement among the religions of the world and the falling away within Christian church bodies from the sound, fundamental doctrines are quickly pushing the world toward this prophesied harlot system. With the coming on the scene of Pope Francis of the Roman Catholic Church, the observance of the development of end-times religious apostasy must no longer remain on that back burner. His recent comments make clear that he breaks dramatically from Catholic doctrine. For certain, his declarations fly in the face of Christian doctrine found in God's Word, the Bible. This pope has declared that there are many ways to God, not just one, as Jesus Christ, Himself, said as recorded in John 14:6. He has said that all atheists will one day be in Heaven. He has declared that there is no Hell. This can all be seen as nothing less than heresy, apostasy in its most blatant form. Once again the news blaring at this generation on a minute-by-minute basis shows the dynamic movement of this most relevant end-times prophecy. Rearrangement of the religious landscape on a national basis is significant enough. Pastors are abandoning sound, doctrinal teaching. The Laodicean church of Revelation is more and more in view. However, it is the dramatic development involving Pope Francis and his embrace of many religions that take front and center in the news. The story makes plain that the current movement into apostasy is a relevant sign of the times. The following report, in my estimation, demonstrates how quickly the entity that will become the harlot system of Revelation 17 is coming into view. 135,000 tickets have been issued for a historic mass with Pope Francis. The Pope is heading to the United Arab Emirates, the first papal visit to the Arabian peninsula. The February 3-5 visit will also highlight coexistence, religious freedom and interfaith relations as the Pope meets with the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Ahmed el-Tayebb. The UAE has declared 2019 the "year of tolerance," bringing together different religions.... The centerpiece of the visit is a mass at Abu Dhabi's Zayed Sports City on Tuesday. Initially expected to draw 120,000, it now appears to be including up to 135,000 according to the Vatican. "I am happy for this occasion the Lord has given me to write on your dear land, a new page in the history of relations between religions," the Pope said last week.... The UAE is hosting 600 religious leaders for an inter-faith conference that will also be part of the Pope's itinerary... The interfaith discussions also come in the wake of reports in December about a synagogue in Dubai which Bloomberg described as a rented village in a "quiet residential neighborhood" used for services. Rabbi Marc Schneier, who has played a formative role in Jewish outreach to the Gulf, told The Arabian Gazette in an interview published January 30 that he was in the UAE this week. "To start it is historic that Pope Francis is visiting Abu Dhabi and a true honor for me to be here for this and to represent the Jewish communities in the Gulf. This is not only an incredible fete for the UAE and the Vatican, but it marks a new era for interfaith relations." (Seth J. Frantzman, "Pope Francis Headnig to UAE for Historic Meting with Religious Leaders and Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Ahmed el-Tayebb part of UAE's 'year of tolerance' supporting interfaith dialogue," Jerusalem Post, February 2, 2019). Like other last-of-the-end-of-the-age prophecies involving geopolitics, socioeconomics, and geophysical upheaval, the last-days apostasy is developing swiftly. Rearrangements that will usher in Antichrist and serve as his platform of control that will enslave Tribulation earth dwellers are all converging upon this generation. Every day, I am reminded by those who send emails that Titus 2:13 is on the collective mind of those truly devoted to discerning the signs of the times: "Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ." Proving the Bible by Finding the City of Ai - By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - "Your servants take delight in its stones, and cherish its dust." Psalms 102:15 (The Israel Bible™) Dr. Scott Stripling is in the process of having his theory concerning the precise location of the Biblical city of Ai and if it is accepted, it may be a major step in proving the Bible is a valid source for archaeologists. Dr. Stripling, provost at The Bible Seminary in Katy (Houston) Texas, is a man with a deep faith in the Bible as well as a passion for scientific truth. These seemingly conflicting forces have driven him to sift through the sands of Israel for over 20 years. Dr. Stripling serves as the archaeological director for the Associates for Biblical Research (ABR), a Christian organization that brings together Biblical research and archaeology to mutually advance both disciplines. According to the Book of Joshua, the City of Ai was conquered by the Israelites on their second attempt. After an initial attempt failed due to a sin committed by an Israelite name Achan resulted in a demoralizing defeat, a God-directed ambush led to the Israelites conquering the city. The king is captured and hanged on a tree until the evening. His body is then placed at the city gates and stones are placed on top of his body. The Israelites then burn Ai completely. Then Yehoshua burned down Ai, and turned it into a mound of ruins for all time, a desolation to this day. Joshua 8:28 As a site that plays a prominent role in the Exodus narrative, Biblical scholars and archeologists have always been intensely interested in locating Ai. Based on a surface survey he conducted in the region in 1924, W.F. Albright concluded that et-Tell, 10 miles north of Jerusalem, was the location of the Biblical city of Ai. After excavating the site from 1933-1935, Judith Marquet-Krause, she concluded that the village was built on top of the Early Bronze Age remains. Marquet-Krause did not find evidence of occupation of the site during the Late Bronze Age (1400 BCE) which is when most archaeologists assume the Israelites entered the land of Israel. Joseph Callaway, professor of Old Testament and biblical archaeology, conducted digs at et-Tell from 1964-1972. Callaway concluded over the course of this research that the city of Ai described in the biblical account did not exist when Joshua encountered it. Albright proposed that the narrative in the Book of Joshua refers to the conquest of Bethel, a few miles from et-Tell. As a result of the lack of archaeological evidence at et-Tell for the conquest of Ai in the days of Joshua, most archaeologists today reject the historical veracity of the account of the conquest of Ai as reported in the Bible. In recent years, some archaeologists have begun to question the theory that et-Tell is the location of Ai. In 1994, Bryant G. Wood, a member of ABR, began digging at Khirbet el-Maqatir to investigate the possibility that it might be the elusive site of Ai. He was encouraged by the writings of Edward Robinson, an American Biblical scholar and Orientalist, who explored Palestine several times in the mid-19th century. According to Robinson's accounts, when he visited Khirbet el-Maqatir in 1838, the local Arabs told him the site was the location of Ai. In an article in 2008, Wood noted that neither the topography of et-Tell nor of Bethel conformed to the Biblical description. Wood suggested that Khirbet el-Maqatir as the location of Biblical Ai. Wood's theory, based on an Exodus in the 15th century BCE, was criticized by many archaeologists who set the Exodus in the 13th century BCE. ABR is attempting to confirm this. The remains must indicate a fortified city with a gate in the north. Remains of a gate were discovered in ABR's first year of digging. The ABR team also discovered pottery from the late bronze era. Dr. Stripling directed the excavation from 2013-2017.. Dr. Stripling explained that to make their case, the evidence needed to fit certain criteria. The Biblical account describes an ambush carried out by Israelite troops hiding to the west of the city, hiding nearby but out of sight. He instructed them as follows: "Mind, you are to lie in ambush behind the city; don't stay too far from the city, and all of you be on the alert" Joshua 8:4 Dr. Stripling believes the Israelite troops hid in Wadi Sheban, a dry wash to the west of the site. To verify the plausibility of this theory, three members of the ABR excavation team equipped with backpacks ran from the dry wash to the location, arriving in exactly five minutes. It should be noted that et-Tell does not have any such location to the west capable of concealing troops. Such remarkable results do not come easily and conditions in what Stripling refers to as "the Wild West" were basic in the best of times. "There were 14 years of difficult digging with an 8-year hiatus due to the Intifada," Dr. Stripling said, describing a site with no running water or bathrooms. "We suffered from constant vandalism. But we persevered and did an excellent job of excavating." And hopefully, the hard work paid off. Dr. Stripling is currently preparing to present his findings for publication later this year, presenting what he describes as "compelling evidence" for his case. ABR is also excavating Shilo where the tabernacle stood for 369 years. "This gives us a regional perspective, an overview of what was happening in the highlands of Israel in antiquity," Stripling explained. "We can see the transitions of the culture." Dr. Stripling is aware of those who dispute his claim and notes that the cause may be a trend towards secularism in the field of archaeology. The source of this trend, he claims, are in the roots of archaeology. "Allbright was a genius and a believer. He had a religious background but he was not finding archaeological evidence to support an Exodus in the 15th century BCE," Dr. Stripling explained. "But you have to understand, at the time, they had explored a tiny amount, less than one percent of what we have explored since." "Allbright then went on to train the next generation of archaeologists, giants in the field like Yigal Yadin. That next generation had already jettisoned the original 15th-century date for the Exodus and set it in the 13th century. The third generation already began to view it as pejorative to be described as a Biblical archaeologist." Dr. Stripling related how he once lectured a group of Ph.D. students at Hebrew University on Mount Scopus whom he described as "the future leaders of archaeology." Dr. Stripling taught about his methods including his referring to the Biblical text. "After the lecture, they lined up to talk to me, to shake my hand," Stripling said. "They thanked me, saying that I was the first person who had taught them while using the Bible. Like me, they used texts from Egypt and Mesopotamia, but I was the only one who referred to the Bible." Dr. Stripling expressed great respect for the archaeologists he has worked with in Israel but believes there is an unjustified "anti-Bible" bias in the field. "Even if you dispute the historical reliability of the Bible, which I would take issue with, you can't deny the hundreds of synchronisms between the archaeological data and the Biblical text." Dr. Stripling remains optimistic. "There are a handful of believers and we are hoping to raise up a new generation of Biblical archaeologists," Dr. Stripling said. "My work in archaeology in Israel has affected me profoundly as a believer," I already believed in the Bible but as the years go by and I have seen hundreds of examples of synchronization between the material culture we are excavating and what I read in the text. This is a constant reminder that there is a God and that he left a record of his work in history. It is an incredible honor to lead this work." Dr. Stripling quoted as his inspiration a verse in Psalms. Your servants take delight in its stones, and cherish its dust. Psalms 102:15 "Archaeology helps establish our Christian roots in Judaism, in the very soil of Israel," Dr. Stripling concluded. Daily Jot: The deceitful web of election meddling - Bill Wilson - The Departments of Justice and Homeland Security Tuesday issued a joint statement saying the results of their classified joint study on the 2018 midterm election concluded there was no foreign interference on the election and political/campaign infrastructure. The statement said, "Although the specific conclusions within the joint report must remain classified, the Departments have concluded there is no evidence to date that any identified activities of a foreign government or foreign agent had a material impact on the integrity or security of election infrastructure or political/campaign infrastructure used in the 2018 midterm elections for the United States Congress." This means that Russia did not alter the election infrastructure. The statement also indicated: "Throughout the 2018 midterm election cycle, the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security worked closely with federal, state, local, and private sector partners, including all 50 states and more than 1400 local jurisdictions, to support efforts to secure election infrastructure and limit risk posed by foreign interference. Efforts to safeguard the 2020 elections are already underway." This statement comes in the wake of a February 2018 testimony by Director of National Intelligent Dan Coats before the Senate Intelligence Committee that Russia was poised to use "propaganda, social media, false-flag personas, sympathetic spokespeople and other means of influence to try to exacerbate social and political fissures in the United States." Despite the Democratic Party's and media's relentless self-generated propaganda that the 2016 Presidential election was somehow rigged by a Donald Trump-Russia conspiracy, the intel agencies (who are also not to be trusted) are certifying that the US election infrastructure was sound. This does not, however, absolve what went into the election infrastructure. Voters are always influenced by what they hear, see and read. Russia used America's limitless freedom of speech to create opportunities to influence and confuse voters, probably no differently than the campaign efforts of the US politicians themselves. Voters cast their votes based on what they surmised on a candidate's positions, likeability or other factors. The problem with election meddling is the action that occurs inside the voter booth-not the infrastructure. We have documented cases of illegal voting inspired by out-of-date voter rolls, fraudulent registration and other scurrilous actions that suppress voting or fix outcomes. This is where the emphasis should be placed instead of worrying about the Russians, who have been trying to influence US elections for decades. In other words, we are all responsible for how we voted, whether we voted legally, illegally, liberal or conservative or not at all. The entire narrative is a ruse to cover up the dark deeds of the accusers, who have woven an intricate web of deceit. As Christ said in Matthew 24:4, "Take heed that no man deceive you." Daily Devotion: Playing with Fire - By Greg Laurie - Can a man scoop a flame into his lap and not have his clothes catch on fire? -Proverbs 6:27 When I was a kid I was fascinated by fire. This prompted me to do some stupid things, like taking little green army men and lighting their plastic rifles on fire so I could watch them melt into little green puddles. Once, however, I was doing this on a piece of newspaper, which also caught on fire. So I grabbed the newspaper with the burning green army men and threw it all into a wastebasket. The wastebasket, unfortunately, was made of bamboo and it, too, was set ablaze. Thankfully I was able to put out the fire. That is how sin works. It starts small, and then it grows out of control. That is what happened to Samson. He thought he could handle sin. He thought he could keep playing the game. But the devil knows how to package his wares. He knows how to sell his stuff. The devil sized up Samson and figured out that he was a he-man with a she weakness. He couldn't bring Samson down in the battlefield, so he brought him down in the bedroom. And he found a willing accomplice in Samson, who thought he could handle it. Temptation comes in attractive packages, but for temptation to succeed, we must be willing participants. For temptation to work, there must be desire on our part. James 1:14-15 says, "Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away. These desires give birth to sinful actions. And when sin is allowed to grow, it gives birth to death." For the devil to succeed, we must listen to him, yield to him, and desire what he is offering. The devil can throw anything at us. He offers different kinds of bait. But it isn't the bait that constitutes sin. It's the bite. FROM THE HEART
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