Prophecy Update Newsletter
February 17, 2017
What Events Will Lead Up to The Anti-Christ's 666 Global State (Part 2) - David Pepe - The First Woe! This First Woe has to do with the demonic legions which are held prisoner in the bottomless pit called "the Abyss". These demonic hosts were placed there by Almighty God for their gross transgressions and heavenly rebellion against Almighty God and His ETERNAL sovereignty. They were most likely placed there after the Noaic flood for their excessive part in leading men to global rebellion against their Creator and his natural laws (Gen. 6, Isa. 14:12-17, Ezek. 28:12-19, Jude 1:6). These godless beings in their psychotic rage and violence will seek to - once again - tyrannically dominate and plague man, preparing all of humanity for the Third Woe which is to come. These insane supernatural beings - which transcend the realms of time and space - are EXPONENTIALLY more powerful and intelligent than man. These godless beings in their psychotic rage and violence will seek to - once again - tyrannically dominate and plague man, preparing all of humanity for the Third Woe which is to come (Rev. 12:12). These demonic legions fully comprehend the hour in which they now occupy and know that their time is dreadfully short. These released demonic hordes from the abyss prison hold - as insane and delusional as they are - know quite well of the impending judgment and doom that awaits them in the Lake of Fire for FOREVER and EVER (Matt.25:41, Rev. 20:10)! It is their sole hateful and vindictive intention to discredit Almighty God's Word and promises to Israel and the world and to torment and take as many humans with them to their ETERNAL abode as possible (Matt. 8:29, 25: 41, Mark 1:24, 5:7, Luke 4:34). These demonic legions are described to us as locust. Locusts are a consuming and devouring terror to all plant life that stands before them. So devastating are locust that they can wipe out vast plush green areas of vegetation in a matter of hours. These demonic hordes are told not to devour grass, but to torment men who have NOT the seal of Almighty God (Rev. 9:4). As these demonic hosts are released from their darkened prison in the abyss they will ravish and torment the unsaved defiant inhabitants of the earth for a period of five months (Rev. 9:5). These demonic hordes are lead by a demonic general named Abaddon, whose name means destroyer! What more do you need to know about this army and very hour! These tortured inhabitants of planet earth - who are also part of Lucifer's satanic rebellion against Almighty God - are now being violently oppressed by Satan's legions of fallen angels and are now driven as cattle by Satan to serve his destructive diabolical plan in his final war of this age against Almighty God (Rev. 16:13-16). Since these individuals out right reject the Divine revelation revealed to them by Almighty God (2 Thess. 2:8-12), His two witnesses and His ministering angels, they have now opened themselves to the demonic influences and possession of their minds (2 Cor. 4:3-4, 2 Thess. 2:9-12). Remember, by this time - the seven Seal Judgments and the first four Trumpet Judgments have passed (Rev. 6-8). Multitudes of millions (i.e.,1.5 billion) of the earth's inhabitants have been slain by global war, pestilence and famine, not to mention the global environmental devastation that has ravished 1/3rd of the earth's natural resources, elements, sea creatures, shipping commerce, celestial lights etc... It is now - after all of this global devastation - that millions of enraged demonic hordes are released from their prison hold of the abyss and will now commence terrorizing and torturing countless millions of the surviving masses of unsaved mankind for five months. At this time, one might ask himself, "Could things get any more horrific than this?" For in this brief time period since the Covenant of Peace was confirmed - which was suppose to usher in world peace and a new global age for all mankind (Dan. 9:27, 1 Thess. 5:3, Rev. 6:2) - the whole world has been ravished beyond imagination and humanity is laid waste on a scale unparalleled. Vexed and tormented beyond belief by man's transgressions and demonic oppression, could things get any more worse than this? Oh... Yes! EXPONENTIALLY WORSE!! The Second Woe! The back ground (Rev. 6, 8; 9:1-12:1) - has now been set for introduction of the sixth Trumpet "the Second Woe!" As the multitudes of earth's inhabitants feel the horrific judgments and plagues of Almighty God, the destructive out working of evil men and the oppressive tyrannical torture of the demonic devouring locust of First Woe (Rev. 9:1-12), the remaining world's inhabitants will have to brace themselves for the Second Woe which is at hand! A demonically induced and preconceived second Global War that will set the stage for Lucifer's (Satan's) Anti Christ and 666 global state (Rev 9:15; 13). As the completion of the five months of the First Woe comes to a horrific conclusion, the sixth trumpet sounds (Rev. 8:13)! The heavenly command is given from the golden alter which is before Almighty God in Heaven above to release the four angels that are bound in the great Euphrates River after the Genesis flood (2 Peter 2:4, Jude 1:6). God's Word states that these four immensely powerful angels are "prepared" for this exact hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men! (Rev. 9:15). It would seem that Lucifer at this time - the commander and chief of the hosts of Hell - is seeking to drastically reduce and consolidate the world's population to be more easily managed and controlled. This "prepared" plan of mass annihilation upon the remaining inhabitants of planet earth, is to allow Lucifer to control the masses and to eliminate any opposition to his up coming lawless one and demonic agenda (Rev. 13). As these four "extremely powerful" fallen angels begin their ministry of woe and destruction upon the remaining inhabitants of planet earth, they will be preparing the human soil to make the way for Lucifer's last offensive plan and push, the Abomination of Desolation and his 666 global state (Matt. 24:15, Rev. 13). Dear friends, just look at what it will take to establish and get Lucifer's anti Christ upon the world's throne! How many biblical scholars see this REALITY and position as we have revealed to you? Many today hold a very surface view of what is to be and provide little to no depth and substance for God's people about this time period. My dear friends, may we all be slaves and students to the Word of God in these days to know and understand what is to be with spiritual depth and perception! Now back to our study... These four mighty demonic angels of the Euphrates river prison hold are commanded to stir up a stupendous and mighty army of 200 million demonic riders to destroy the remaining world's population by 1/3. So STUPENDOUS and FRIGHTENING are their description and vision that it takes the breath away from the reader of this text (Rev. 9:16-19). During their monstrous campaign another BILLION plus or 1/3rd of the world's remaining inhabitants will be destroyed (Rev. 9:15)! As we rattle off these horrific statistics of this first three and a half year period, one has to shudder and try to grasp the vast carnage and devastation of human life of this time period. How do any of the haters of reality even make it to Armageddon at all? How do any survive to the end? Note that after all of this vast devastation and global carnage that the heart of the world has not grown softer towards Almighty God, but ONLY adamantly and violently harder (Rev. 9:20). "And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk: Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries (drugs), nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts" (Rev. 9:20-21). How awesomely amazingly, wondrously sobering and EXPONENTIALLY tragic beyond all imagination, that the inhabitants of this ravished world would still rather follow their demonic masters and their base practices after all that has come to pass. SUPRA-insanity, SUPRA-hysteria, SUPRA-lunacy, does not even begin to explain, nor describe these wretched souls and their mental state (2 Thess. 2: 5-12). As Almighty God cries out in His GRACE and MERCY and in His wondrous ETERNAL love to His creation; Turn, repent and be saved and yield your hearts to the perfect spiritual and natural absolutes of peace and righteousness (Isa. 32:17, James 3:18)! Receive My pardon found in My Beloved Son and have and enjoy ETERNAL life (John 3:16-17) and enjoy ME, your Creator in spirit and in truth for EVER (John 4:24) as was My design! But astonishingly, these unrepentant transgressors reply in a violent and raging harmony - to the LOVE and GRACE of Almighty God and shriek - NEVER!!! And as it were, these give Almighty God the "branch to the nose" as they hold on to their delusion and demonic insanity with an iron clasped fist. Almighty God's Word states of this time: And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness (2 Thess. 2:10-12). As the Second Woe comes to a horrific and devastating conclusion, one may ask himself, "What can ever top that?" It has been now exactly forty-two months and three and one half days since the Anti Christ's confirming of the covenant with the world against Israel (Dan. 9:27, Rev. 6:2; 11:7-14) and since then, it has been absolute hell on earth for them (totally beyond one's comprehension today) and a non stop EXPONENTIAL global blood bath. It is at this time that Almighty God will now remove His hedge that has protected Israel for these last forty two months.. Jacob's Trouble! As we are now about to see, Israel and its hosts of unbelieving Jews (Rev. 11:8) will now begin to feel the chastening hand of Almighty God, the global ravishing of Satan's hatred and the world's wrath. It will be Israel's unrepentant heart and hostility against Almighty God's SUPER ABOUNDING mercy and grace (Ezek. 39:26, Matt. 22:1-13, 24:51, Luke 14:15-27, Rev. 11:8) that will then allow and open the HORRIFIC door of GREAT tribulation and Jacob's trouble (Jer. 30:18, Ezek 39:26, Dan. 9:27, 11: 45, 12:1, 11, Zech. 13:8-9, 14:1-2, Matt. 24:15-19, Mark 13:14-19, Luke 21:20-24, Rev. 12, Rev. 13). It will be after the death, resuscitation and ascension of the Two Witnesses of Almighty God that Almighty God's Divine hedge protecting Israel will be removed and GREAT HORRIFIC persecution (Demonic and human) will now take place against her (Jer. 30:1-8, Dan. 12:1, Zech. 13:8-9, 14:-2, Matt. 24:15-22, Mark 13:14-20, Luke 21:20-24, Rev. 12:12-17). It will be Israel's unrepentant heart and hostility against Almighty God's SUPER ABOUNDING mercy and grace that will then allow and open the HORRIFIC door of GREAT tribulation and Jacob's trouble. The Second Woe has now come to a horrific conclusion following the Two Witnesses' resuscitation and ascension into Heaven in front of the newly reigning Anti Christ (Matt. 24:15, Rev. 13:1-5) and ALL of their global God hating enemies (Rev. 11:7-14). The Two Witnesses' POWERFUL ascension has now only confirmed and validated ALL of their Divine message to unbelieving Israel and to a godless world. The godless confederacy of lawless men and fallen angels can NEVER stop Almighty God's ETERNAL plan for the ages! Thus the proclamation from Heaven, "And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever. And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshiped God, Saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned." Rev. 11:15-17 Exceeding terror and reality now permeates ALL of the world's godless inhabitants because of their dreaded enemies ascension (Rev.11 :7-12)! However this will not turn their hearts unto repentance for they will now ONLY double down with great rage, hatred and vindictiveness and enter into an ETERNAL covenant of perdition with Satan's beast and receive his mark and worship his image in FULL defiance against Almighty God (Matt. 24:15, Thess. 2:10-12, Rev. 13, 14:9-11)! The accumulated EXPONENTIAL catastrophic events of these first 3 1/2 years HAVE NOW set the stage and have tilled the ground for Lucifer's global "666" ultra fascist state. The "Great Tribulation" also called "Jacob's Trouble", HAS NOW BEGUN! With the institution of the Abomination of Desolation (Jer. 30, Dan. 12, Zech.11. Matt. 24:15, Rev. 11:1-2, 12:9-17, 13). Events for Israel and the godless world's inhabitants will only now get even more EXPONENTIALLY worse, to the point of unimaginable proportions (Dan. 12:1, Matt. 24:21)! It will be now (with the final Third Woe and Trumpet judgment) that Lucifer and His angels will be cast out of Heaven and confined to this puny planet until Messiah's return. He will now seek all of his focus on the destruction of Israel and her remnant and make war with any who profess Jesus is Lord. For at this time great WOE unto is upon ALL the inhabitants of the earth, for Lucifer knows his time is short and is filled with GREAT wrath (Rev. 12:12). My dear friend, please try to comprehend that ALL current global events in our nation and in our world are heading to this destination and EXPONENTIALLY beyond (Rev. 19:11-21)! There is absolutely NO hope for mankind apart from their Creator and Savior (John 3:16-17, Gal.1:4). My dear friend, do you have a personal relationship to Jesus Christ? All your ETERNAL future depends on this very union. May it be so! The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! ''. . . And Curse Them That Curse Thee'' - Jack Kinsella -
Most of the inhabitants of the Arab world can trace their lineage back for centuries. To find someone who lives on land owned by his family for generations, and sometimes centuries, is not uncommon. Many live exactly the same way their ancestors did, often without indoor plumbing or electricity. I was once a guest for coffee at a Bedouin camp in the Judean wilderness. The invitation was arranged by an Israeli tour guide. They lived in tents. We sat on a rug on the floor and drank strong, sweet coffee from heavily stained little glasses that were probably as old as our host's parents. The most prized possession -- shared by the whole Bedouin clan -- was a battery-operated 19" black and white TV and a little generator just big enough to keep the battery charged. Over coffee, they told us a bit about their lifestyle. They are desert nomads who regard themselves as stateless citizens and, TV set notwithstanding, still live in the 6th century. They do what their fathers did, and their fathers before them, from time immemorial. I can recall thinking to myself as I listened, "Why?" Arab culture is ancient; at one time, it was a seat of learning, with highly advanced schools of science, medicine, astronomy and mathematics. Arab doctors were performing sophisticated surgeries when French medicine believed that bathing was an unhealthy practice to be avoided at all costs. When one takes the Arab world and contrasts it against the United States, it seems more logical for the Arab world hold preeminence than it does the USA. By Arab standards, America is a young country, made up of immigrants from other countries, with no ethnic or cultural ties, and barely any history, to bind them together. What went wrong with the Arab world? Why is it so far behind the West? It isn't like the region is poor. They are awash with oil. Together with their equally rich cultural, religious and linguistic heritage, they should neither be poor nor facing ethnic conflict. Yet they are both. The 'Arab world' is loosely defined as the 22 member states of the Arab League. In 2002, the UN Development program commissioned a report entitled, ""Arab Human Development Report 2002" that examined the Arab World's strengths and failings. The part dealing with Arab strengths didn't take up much space. It's strengths were its oil wealth, a minor increase in life expectancy, and the largest proportion of young people in the world. It scored lowest among the regions of the world in individual freedom, political freedom and what the UN calls, 'gender empowerment' or women's rights. Democracy is occasionally offered, but as a concession, not as a right: "The transfer of power through the ballot box is not a common phenomenon in the Arab world," the report says politely. Freedom of expression and freedom of association are both sharply limited. The report quotes Freedom House, an American-based monitor of political and civil rights, in recording that no Arab country has genuinely free media, and only three have "partly free". The rest are not free. Despite the money spent on education, illiteracy rates are still very high, especially among women. According to the report, one in two women can neither read nor write. Investment in research and development is less than one-seventh of the world average. Only 0.6% of the population uses the Internet, and 1.2% have personal computers. The report comments sadly on the severe shortage of new writing, and, for instance, the decline in the film industry. Nor are foreign books much translated: in the 1,000 years since the reign of the Caliph Mamoun, say the authors, the Arabs have translated as many books as Spain translates in one year. Assessment: What went wrong with the Arab world? The short answer is Islam. Every one of the deficits listed by the UN's report is mandated by Islamic belief. Islam teaches that women should not be educated, given equal status with men, or allowed to work outside the home, effectively neutralizing half the Arab world's potential. Their participation in their countries' political and economic life is the lowest in the world. Islam mandates the merging of the executive and judiciary under Islamic Law, which makes no allowance for representative government. From their schooldays onwards, Arabs are instructed that they should not defy tradition, that they should respect authority, that truth should be sought in the text and not in experience. Fear of fawda (chaos) and fitna (schism) are deeply engrained in much Arab-Islamic teaching. "The role of thought", wrote a Syrian intellectual "is to explain and transmit...and not to search and question." Since the root of the problem is so obviously Islam, the Arab Human Development report only outlined the deficits responsible for the Arab world's stagnancy. It didn't dare suggest a solution. But it DID manage to find a way to blame Israel for some of the Arab's world's problems. And it even suggested the US response to September 11 has "provided authoritarian rulers with an excuse to get away with doing some pretty nasty things, particularly if done to Islamist dissidents," although the report was compiled within months of the 2001 attack. If one doubts the validity of Christianity over Islam, one need only look at conditions in the Islamic world. Where Islam is embraced, there is chaos, confusion, conflict and poverty. The wealth and prosperity are confined to the largely Christian West, despite the Islamic world's strangle-hold on the global energy market. Despite boycotts, a more or less constant state of war, with few allies and even fewer natural resources, Israel, situated in the midst of the Arab world, is a beacon of freedom, prosperity and technological genius. The teachings of Islam, Judaism, Christianity and genetics all agree that the only difference between the Jewish and Arab Semitic people is that of religion. Islam traces its lineage through Ishmael, whereas Judaism traces its through Isaac, but both agree to shared ancestry with Abraham. The Islamic world is dedicated to Israel's destruction. And despite its abundant natural wealth and former sophisticated culture, it now ranks as the most backward-looking, ignorant, uncultured and despotic region on the face of the earth. The fruits of Islam not only expose the nature of its god, they also serve to authenticate the Divinity of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The Christian West has largely supported Israel since its re-establishment in 1948, and prospered in accordance with God's Promise to Abraham's descendant's through Isaac that; "I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed." (Genesis 12:3) That promise is as valid today as when it was given four thousand years ago. The evidence of its fulfillment is undeniable. What it means to us is that the rest of God's promises are equally valid. Including His Promise; "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also." (John 14:3) Maranatha! The End of Palestine - Daniel Greenfield -
Israel has the opportunity to reclaim its nation. Palestine is many things. A Roman name and a Cold War lie. Mostly it's a justification for killing Jews. Palestine was an old Saudi-Soviet scam which invented a fake nationality for the Arab clans who had invaded and colonized Israel. This big lie transformed the leftist and Islamist terrorists run by them into the liberators of an imaginary nation. Suddenly the efforts of the Muslim bloc and the Soviet bloc to destroy the Jewish State became an undertaking of sympathetically murderous underdogs. But the Palestine lie is past its sell by date. What we think of as "Palestinian" terrorism was a low-level conflict pursued by the Arab Socialist states in between their invasions of Israel. After several lost wars, the terrorism was all that remained. Egypt, Syria and the USSR threw in the towel on actually destroying Israel with tanks and jets, but funding terrorism was cheap and low-risk. And the rewards were disproportionate to the cost. For less than the price of a single jet fighter, Islamic terrorists could strike deep inside Israel while isolating the Jewish State internationally with demands for "negotiations" and "statehood." After the Cold War ended, Russia was low on cash and the PLO's Muslim sugar daddies were tired of paying for Arafat's wife's shoe collection and his keffiyah dry cleaning bills. The terror group was on its last legs. "Palestine" was a dying delusion that didn't have much of a future. That's when Bill Clinton and the flailing left-wing Israeli Labor Party which, unlike its British counterpart, had failed to adapt to the new economic boom, decided to rescue Arafat and create "Palestine". The resulting terrorist disaster killed thousands, scarred two generations of Israelis, isolated the country and allowed Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and other major cities to come under fire for the first time since the major wars. No matter how often Israeli concessions were met with Islamic terrorism, nothing seemed able to shake loose the two-state solution monkey on Israel's back. Destroying Israel, instantaneously or incrementally, had always been a small price to pay for maintaining the international order. The same economic forces that were transforming the world after the Cold War had salvaged "Palestine". Arafat had lost his sponsors in Moscow, but his new sugar daddy's name was "Globalism". The Cold War had been the focus of international affairs. What replaced it was the conviction that a new world tied together by international commerce, the internet and international law would be born. The demands of a clan in Hebron used to be able to hijack the attention of the world because the scope of the clash between Capitalism and Communism could globalize any local conflict. Globalization was just as insistent on taking local conflicts and making them the world's business through its insistence that every place was connected. The terrorist blowing up an Israeli pizzeria affected stock prices in New York, the expansion prospects of a company in China and the risk of another terrorist attack in Paris. And interconnectedness, from airplane hijacking to plugging into the international's left alliance of global protest movements, had become the best weapon of Islamic terrorists. But now globalization is dying. And its death may just take "Palestine" with it. A new generation of leaders is rising who are actively hostile to globalization. Trump and Brexit were the most vocal rebukes to transnationalism. But polls suggest that they will not be the only ones. The US and the UK, once the vanguards of the international order, now have governments that are competitively seeking national advantages rather than relying on the ordered rules of the transnational safety net. These governments will not just toss aside their commitment to a Palestinian state. Not when the Saudis, Qataris and countless other rich and powerful Muslim countries bring it up at every session. But they will be less committed to it. 45% of Americans support the creation of a PLO state. 42% are opposed. That's a near split. These historical numbers have to be viewed within the context of the larger changes sweeping the country. The transnationalists actively believed that it was their job to solve the problems of other countries. Nationalists are concerned with how the problems of other countries directly impinge on them without resorting to the mystical interconnectedness of everything, from climate change to global justice, that is at the core of the transnational worldview. More intense competition by Western nations may make it easier for Islamic agendas to gain influence through the old game of divide and conquer. Nations facing terrorism will still find that the economic influence of Islamic oil power will rally the Western trading partners of Islam against them. But without the transnational order, such efforts will often amount to little more than lip service. Nationalist governments will find Israel's struggle against the Islamic invaders inconvenient because it threatens their business interests, but they will also be less willing to rubber stamp the terror agenda the way that transnationalist governments were willing to do. The elimination of the transnational safety net will also cause nationalist governments to look harder at consequences and results. Endlessly pouring fortunes into a Palestinian state that will never exist just to keep Muslim oil tyrants happy is not unimaginable behavior even for a nationalist government. Japan has been doing just that. But it will be a less popular approach for countries that don't suffer from Japan's energy insecurity. Transnationalists are ideologically incapable of viewing a problem as unsolvable. Their faith in human progress through international law made it impossible for them to give up on the two-state solution. Nationalist governments have a colder and harder view of human nature. They will not endlessly pour efforts and resources into a diplomatic black hole. They will eventually take "No" for an answer. This won't mean instantaneous smooth sailing for Israel. It will however mean that the exit is there. For two decades, pledging allegiance to the two-state solution and its intent to create a deadly Islamic terror state inside Israel has been the price demanded of the Jewish State for its participation in the international community. That price will not immediately vanish. But it will become easier to negotiate. The real change will be on the "Palestinian" side where a terrorist kleptoracy feeds off human misery in its mansions downwind of Ramallah. That terror state, conceived insincerely by the enemies of the West during the Cold War and sincerely brought into being by Western trans nationalists after the Cold War ended, is a creature of that transnational order. The "Palestinian Authority", a shell company of the PLO which is a shell company of the Fatah terrorists, has no economy worth speaking of. It has foreign aid. Its diplomatic achievements are achieved for it by the transnational network of foreign diplomats, the UN, the media and assorted international NGOs. During the last round of "negotiations", Secretary of State John Kerry even attempted to do the negotiating on behalf of the Palestinian Authority in the talks with Israel. Take away the transnational order and the Palestinian Authority will need a new sugar daddy. The Saudis are better at promising money than actually delivering it. Russia may decide to take on the job. But it isn't about to put in the money and resources that the PA has grown used to receiving from us. Without significant American support, the Palestinian Authority will perish. And the farce will end. It won't happen overnight. But Israel now has the ability to make it happen if it is willing to take the risk of transforming a corrosive status quo into a conflict that will be more explosive in the short term, but more manageable in the long term. Prime Minister Netanyahu, in stark contrast to rivals on the left like Peres and on the right like Sharon, is not a gambler. The peace process was a big gamble. As was the withdrawal from Lebanon and the expulsion from Gaza. These gambles failed and left behind scars and enduring crises. Unlike the prime ministers before and after him, Netanyahu has made no big moves. Instead he serves as a sensible steward of a rising economy and a growing nation. He has stayed in office for so long because Israelis know that he won't do anything crazy. That sensible stewardship, which infuriated Obama who accused him of refusing to take risks, has made him one of the longest serving leaders in Israeli history. Netanyahu is also a former commando who participated in the rescue of a hijacked airplane. He doesn't believe in taking foolish risks until he has his shot all lined up. But the time is coming when not taking a risk will be a bigger risk than taking a risk. Eventually he will have to roll the dice. The new nationalist wave may not hold. The transnational order may return. Or the new wave may prove darker and more unpredictable. It's even possible that something else may take its place. The status quo, a weak Islamist-Socialist terror state in Ramallah supported by the United States, a rising Muslim Brotherhood terror state in Gaza backed by Qatar and Turkey, and an Israel using technological brilliance to manage the threat from both, is already unstable. It may collapse in a matter of years. The PLO has inflicted a great deal of diplomatic damage on Israel and Hamas has terrorized its major cities. Together they form an existential threat that Israel has allowed to grow under the guise of managing it. The next few years may leave Israel with a deadlier and less predictable struggle. "Palestine" is dying. Israel didn't kill it. The fall of the transnational order did. The question is what will take its place. As the nationalist wave sweeps the West, Israel has the opportunity to reclaim its nation. Lebanese Reports: Hezbollah Received 'Game-Changing' Weapons From Iran - by Deborah Danan -
Lebanon-based terror group Hezbollah is stronger than ever before, with "game-changing" weapons provided by Iran and an ongoing partnership with Hamas' military wing, Lebanese reports have claimed. The group is also reported to have increased its military activity south of the Litani River on the Lebanon-Israel border, in violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1701. An editorial published on January 24 in the pro-Hezbollah daily Al-Akhbar and translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) declared the terror organization as more capable than ever before of facing Israel in a direct confrontation, a fact that "greatly worries" the Israeli enemy. Israel's "vigorous efforts" to thwart Hezbollah, which include the targeted killings of senior operatives, have had the adverse effect of strengthening the group, the paper's board chairman Ibrahim Al-Amin wrote. The terror group's leadership has introduced "harsh retaliatory measures, up to and including readiness to enter an all-out confrontation," he said. Hezbollah's involvement in the Syrian civil war has allowed "a vast supply of advanced, state-of-the art weapons of various kinds, including weapons provided by Iran, to flow into Hezbollah's depots," the editorial said. The Lebanese terror group's role in the civil war has had the other major benefit of increasing its presence along Israel's northern border. "Moreover, the enemy [Israel] sees that Hezbollah, whose activity was once confined to the front along the Lebanese border, is now present along the [entire] northern front of occupied Palestine [i.e., also along the Syrian border], and has more room to maneuver than it had before." Finally, writes Al-Amin, Hezbollah's "vast influence," not only in Syria, but in Iraq and Yemen and "other parts of the Arab and Muslim world" provides a counterpoint to Israel's alliance with certain Arab nations. These new facts on the ground have "forced the enemy to avoid direct military action on Lebanese soil, including localized operations," the article said. Al-Amin also claims that Israel's own assessment that Hezbollah is capable of firing 1,500 missiles a day underestimates the organization's capabilities. Moreover, Israel is very much mistaken when it makes claims of sectarian strife between Hamas as a Sunni group and Shi'ite Hezbollah, Al-Amin said. A separate report published in Lebanese daily Al-Mustaqbal, owned by Lebanese Prime Minister Sa'ad Al-Hariri, a prominent political rival of Hezbollah, indicates that Hezbollah is violating UN Security Council Resolution 1701 by operating south of the Litani River, an area that was under Israel's control until its withdrawal from Lebanon in 2000. News from Hal Lindsey Media Ministries - Hal Lindsey -
Remember a couple of weeks ago, when I told you that the battle for America is now starting? The election of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States was only the beginning. You thought you saw opposition during the election campaign. I believe that nothing then compares to what we will see now that President Trump actually has the power to fulfill his campaign promises. I think his attempts to do the things he was elected to do will be opposed by the Left and by the Washington establishment with such ferocity and vitriol that it will stun most of us. Not only will the President and his allies be fought every step of the way by the Democrats and the liberal Left, but they will be resisted by establishment Republicans, the mainstream media, the crumbling European Union, many Muslims, the globalists who seek the elimination of all borders and national sovereignty, and millions of Americans who only get their information from the established media. I think he will also be sabotaged by leftover elements of the Obama administration who remain in the intelligence and law enforcement agencies and will certainly be resisted by millions of federal bureaucrats who oppose any reduction in their numbers or their benefits. Unlike any other President in the last 100 years, President Trump will also have to deal with public and behind-the-scenes opposition from his predecessor. Breaking longstanding tradition, President Obama has remained in Washington and set up shop within two miles of the White House. Returning to his roots (did he ever leave them?), he is back to community organizing and practicing the politics of division. He is actively building an organization, complete with professional staff and organized training programs, for the sole purpose of preserving his "legacy" and furthering the far-Left agenda he promoted in his second term. There is so much more at work here than just domestic politics. I believe we will see a battle between the forces of evil (this is not hyperbole) and the forces of good (I would go so far as to say the forces of righteousness) that will require all of our determination to fight and willingness to intercede in prayer that we can muster. A good example of this is the "Women's March on Washington" that was staged the day after President Trump's inauguration in Washington and cities elsewhere. Even London. The mainstream media fawned over the crowds and the celebrities that attended. One outlet even called it a "huge, spontaneous groundswell." "Huge?" Maybe. "Spontaneous?" Far from it. It was highly planned and promoted for weeks prior. It was sponsored by dozens of organizations that are committed to either hastening the moral decay of America or hastening the end of our open and free society. One writer for The New York Times (oddly enough, a female Muslim and Trump supporter) studied the make-up of the march's sponsorship. Here's what she concluded: at least 56 of the sponsors receive funding from notorious globalist and anti-American George Soros. The sponsors included a wide range of groups like the American Humanist Organization, Planned Parenthood, Communist Party USA, American Atheists, Amnesty International, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), GLAAD, the National Abortion Federation, and Occupy Wall Street. Two things they all had in common (besides George Soros): they all oppose traditional American values and most of them -- at their core -- ultimately oppress women and children. Most of the speakers used incendiary language and many were extremely vulgar. The march's organizers even promoted headwear that was labeled with such double entendre that I won't repeat it here. But a few years ago, even liberal feminists wouldn't have used the term in public. I think it can be safely said that the promoters sought to devalue women's dignity and value as much as possible. And they succeeded. But at least the march was relatively non-violent. Unfortunately, the same can't be said for the march on the University of California at Berkeley. When I worked with Campus Crusade for Christ at Berkeley in the late 1960s, it was the heyday of the "free speech" movement. At Berkeley today, apparently "free speech" is but a distant memory. If that. In fact, if you don't say exactly what the faculty and many of the students want you to say, they will shout you down and/or block your audience from attending. If that doesn't stop you, they are willing to break you, burn you out, or threaten to kill you. So much for free speech at the birthplace of free speech. But that is the logical result of more than a half-century of intense indoctrination by professors and faculty diametrically opposed to most of the values that made America great and, ironically, provided their freedom to teach and the very campuses on which they lurk. When the Senior Editor from Breitbart News attempted to speak on campus recently, riots erupted. Fires were set. Windows were broken. Police were attacked. Amazingly, the speaker was the sort normally lionized by the Leftist faculties at most American universities. Milo Yiannopoulos is openly gay and very overt about his sexuality. Milo's problem, though, and the reason the protesters wreaked such havoc, is that he is a vocal supporter of President Trump. I guess we know now that a politically conservative position trumps a flagrantly homosexual lifestye. Wow! Who would have seen that coming? Isn't it amazing how "political correctness" can be so finicky? One of the instigators of the chaos at Berkeley was an organization called "BAMN," an acronym for "By Any Means Necessary." Though it's a national organization, the local chapter led the violent protests. And the local chapter is led by a woman, Yvette Felarca, who has gained national notoriety for her televised physical abuse of someone who disagreed with her at a demonstration. Ms. Felarca also has quite a reputation in the Berkeley area for her rabid support of other causes that often go contrary to the beliefs of most Americans. But what makes Ms. Felarca's behavior and history so interesting, is that, by day, she is a middle school teacher in Berkeley, California. Doesn't it make you wonder who is teaching your kids? As early as 1838, more than two decades before he became President, Abraham Lincoln (who, by the way, did not win the majority of the popular vote), predicted what we are now seeing in America. He said in a speech that America would never be conquered by a foreign power using military force. He said: "At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer. If it ever reach us it must spring up amongst us; it cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher." Even though we now live in a time where ICBMs with unfathomable destructive power can reach America's heartland in minutes, I believe Mr. Lincoln's words are still true. If America falls, it will be the result of moral decay from within. And I believe we are now in a death struggle with those forces of decay. That's why I think intercession on behalf of our nation should be a part of our daily prayer lives. Only God's mercy can save our nation. Finally, we're all familiar with the story of the great flood that destroyed almost all life on earth in the days of Noah. What most people don't know is the astonishing story of what happened in the time before that calamitous event. Unbelievably, humanity was even more depraved then than now. In fact, it was so corrupt and violent that God "was grieved that He had made man on earth, and His heart was filled with pain." (Genesis 6:6 NIV) Then it got worse! Satan launched an ingenious plan to invade the earth and corrupt mankind so that God could never enact the pre-human judgment He had pronounced on all the angels who had followed Lucifer's rebellion. He also saw this as a way to disrupt and destroy any plan God had for humanity's redemption. So his rebel angels assumed human form and beguiled women to marry them. The children from those unions were incredible. In fact, in the literal Hebrew translation of Genesis 6:4, God revealed to Moses that those children were "the supermen who from ancient times were famous for their incredible exploits." These were literal giants (from the Hebrew word Nephilim) who roamed the earth. As the Nephilim infection spread, and the purity of the human race was threatened, God decided to "reboot" the human race. He chose Noah and his family because "Noah was a just man... and Noah walked with God." (Genesis 6:9) But, he also chose him because "Noah... was perfect in his generations...." (Genesis 6:9) That also means he was "perfect in his genealogy." In other words, Noah was completely human. He was not from a family which had been intermingled with the fallen angels. With Noah and his family safely in the ark, God destroyed the world with the great flood. He did it not only because of the terrible wickedness of humanity, but also to preserve humanity. The Nephilim all died in the flood. The fallen angels were bound in chains and cast into the darkest abyss to await final judgment. This guaranteed that fallen angels could never again co-mingle with humans. It then cleared the way for God to enact His plan to redeem mankind from the sin it had chosen in the Garden of Eden. Understanding the fall helps us understand the Old and New Testaments. It gives us further insight into God's plan for humanity. But it also illustrates the unbelievable power of the evil forces at work to destroy all of God's creation. It should convince us that we cannot face those powerful forces alone. We each need the living power of the Holy Spirit in our lives to be "more than conquerors." (Romans 8:37) If you have not received that Holy Spirit power into your life by accepting the atoning work of Jesus Christ on Calvary, you can do that right now. Just acknowledge that you believe Jesus Christ is who He says He is, the Son of the Living God. Confess that you are a sinner. Ask for His forgiveness, grace, and mercy. Then believe that He will do what He says He will do, and accept the free gift of pardon He died to purchase for you. If you did that with sincerity of heart, then you just joined God's forever-family. Ask God to lead you to a church where the pastor teaches true Bible principles, not just a feel-good self-improvement doctrine. You need solid Bible teaching to help you grow strong in the Lord and the fellowship of other believers to encourage you. Read the Bible. I suggest starting with the New Testament book of John. And pray daily for God to help you grow in His strength. Congratulations! You now face an eternity of happiness. In the joyful presence of God Himself. Don't miss this week's Report on TBN, Daystar, CPM Network, The Word Network, various local stations, or . Check your local listings. A NOTE FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO WATCH "THE HAL LINDSEY REPORT" ON TBN: Remember, the Report is now seen 30 minutes later, beginning at 6:00 pm Pacific/9:00 pm Eastern each Friday. God Bless, Hal Lindsey ![]()
My Review of "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" Over the last 35 years, I have literally read hundreds of books on Bible Prophecy and End Time signs. I especially enjoy books on the Rapture, and I have read almost every Rapture-related book published. In all those years, devouring thousands of pages, and millions of words, I have not read a better book on the Rapture than, Rapture Ready...Or Not? Terry James might be physically blind, but he is spiritually sharp and well discerning beyond most authors. In "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" Terry has nailed the pre-trib Rapture, and removed any doubt what so ever about the Church going through the Tribulation. With great insight and Godly discernment, Terry explains with simple, yet profound words, why and how that he has come to believe the ways he does about the Rapture, the Tribulation, and the End Times scenario. I think after reading "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" you too will believe as Terry does, and be Ready for the Rapture like never before! - Randy Thomas - Publisher / Editor - Prophecy Update For more information and or to get your copy of "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" use this link: Stunning warning about Saudi Arabia's new 'mega-city' -
Prophecy author Joel Richardson exposes possible dark future It's already the center of a great empire - but it's only going to grow in the years to come. In fact, it's shaping to be the "mega-city" of the Antichrist himself. The city is Mecca, the object of devotion of Muslims around the world who pray in its direction five times a day. New York Times bestselling author and scriptural teacher Joel Richardson argues Mecca is nothing less than the great city that corrupts the kings of the world in the book of Revelation in his new book, "Mystery Babylon." Yet Richardson's case is not only rooted in the Bible but in contemporary history. In a recent interview on Skywatch TV, he outlined how the House of Saud is aiming to turn Mecca into a "mega-city" that will serve as a monstrous conglomeration of spiritual, financial and political power. "Just to the west of Mecca is Jeddah, and they are turning that into what is going to be the greatest seaport in the world," he said. "That is their purpose. They want Jeddah to replace Dubai as the greatest seaport of the whole Red Sea, the whole Middle East. Then, in the north, you have Medina, which is the second holiest city in Islam. And then you have another major port city, it's called King Abdullah Economic City. They are in the process of building this incredibly high speed railroad so you can get from any one of these cities to the other within about 20 minutes. "Although they are essentially four cities, it will become one mega city. It will be, and they are trying to make it, the regional capital for commerce and trade and so forth." To claim Mecca will be the great city of evil during the last days is controversial, to be sure. Eschatology is always a delicate matter and Richardson was especially careful in his new book. "This is one of the most challenging, difficult, enigmatic prophecies," he told Skywatch. "I didn't want to pull the trigger until I had clarity." However, Richardson now believes he has enough information and argues "there's enough taking place in the Earth making prophecies clear to sort of lay this out on the table and let the body of Christ chew it over." And the body of Christ is responding, as "Mystery Babylon" is already the No. 1 new release in the category of Christian Eschatology on, one day before the hardback is available. Richardson's contentions are startling to many contemporary Christians, but as he explained in his interview on Skywatch, he is actually returning to an interpretation of "Mystery Babylon" held by early believers. "In the early history of the church the primary opinion of believers seemed to be that the pagan city of Rome was Mystery Babylon," Richardson explained. "Of course, they lived under the shadow, under the dominance, the hegemony of the pagan Roman empire. But as the Roman Empire essentially fell, as pagan Rome fell and it was Christianized, then that view lost favor. And so the next major view that we find in history is that it was Islam. Islam, as a religion, represented Mystery Babylon. We see that in some of the earlier commentaries we have on Islam." The belief shifted as Christians began to fight over the true interpretation of the faith with the rise of Protestantism. "Later, when we have the Reformation, the church sort of went back and picked up the idea of Rome, except now they shifted it to the Vatican," Richardson said. "No longer pagan Rome, but the Roman Catholic Rome. So this became the dominant position for really the last 500 years since the Reformation. And then really over the past 150 years many have shifted toward the Illuminati, the New World Order, this sort of thing. Now in recent years, we've had a lot of people saying the United States, Wall Street, New York City, this sort of thing. Another really popular view, which I would say of all the interpretations is my second most favored interpretation, is a literally rebuilt Babylon." But Richardson argues that only the case for Islam meets the specific requirements laid out in the prophecy. He explores all the possible interpretations in his new book and leads the reader inexorably to his dramatic conclusion. "I lay out their strengths and then I lay out their weaknesses," he says of the different candidates for "Babylon." "If you go to the store and you are going to buy a glove, you don't buy a glove if three of the five fingers fit, even if they fit perfectly. You buy it if all five fingers fit. So we're looking for an interpretation that doesn't have any substantial problems with the text. And that was sort of my guiding principle throughout the book." And by that standard, Richardson believes it is clear Mecca is the best possible candidate to be the city identified in prophecy. After all, it is already at the center of a vast worldwide network of blasphemy and corruption. "Mecca is the primary city of idolatry, in fact the greatest city of idolatry mankind has ever known," said Richardson. "And not only does Saudi Arabia house Mecca but it is the greatest single source of financial support for the greatest anti-Christ religion that mankind has ever known." Other candidates for "Babylon" miss this explicit anti-Christian component, Richardson argues. "In the case of both New York or London, they're missing the most essential component, which is the spiritual component," he said. "The harlot Babylon is not characterized by mere... materialism. It is a specific religion, with specific doctrines and it's responsible for the shed blood of the saints. "You look at the Saudi lobby in Washington, the Wahhabi lobby, the Salafi lobby, this is the most vile, the most violent, the most terrorist oriented sect, version or form of Islam that has ever existed. And the Saudi lobby is the single greatest lobby in Washington. There's no other lobby, in terms of just raw numbers, that has corrupted Washington to the degree that the Saudis have. This is one of the reasons... why I celebrated when Hillary Clinton was defeated in the recent elections." For that reason, "Mystery Babylon" isn't just an important read for Christians or those interested in eschatology. It's a critical guide to understanding the threat Islam poses to the West today. "This is one of the greatest issues that has hamstrung the United States from waging the war effectively against radical Islam," said Richardson. "Because whether we're dealing with ISIS, al-Qaida, or any of these groups, they all find their ideological foundations in Saudi Arabia." Daily Jot: Trump exposes wickedness in high places - Bill Wilson -
After a month in office, President Donald Trump held a news conference to update Americans on the condition of their country. What he said was an extraordinary indictment on the corruption he found. He said the government was in a big mess, bigger than he thought, that politicians had been lying year after to year to get elected, foreign policy was in a shambles and that the news media were lying to the American public to advance an agenda protecting this institutionalized entrenchment of corrupt power. Having covered politics every day for over 15 years, these observations are not new to this writer. If Trump is 10% right, he is right enough to support him in his efforts to right the good ship America. Trump is telling it as he sees it. He is unabashedly organic in his presentation, rough around the edges, not a diplomat. If he is seeing things accurate, he is the right man in the right position at the right time. Any much longer and the country would be taken over by an Islamic Marxist globalist coup. Trump spoke of "the entrenched power structure" He said, "As you know, our administration inherited many problems across government and across the economy. To be honest, I inherited a mess -- it's a mess -- at home and abroad. A mess." While everything was going along and Americans were living out their lives, evil politicians were globalizing our country and folding it into a dangerous one-world order. Moreover, the free press was supporting this remaking of America, by, as Trump said, "distorting" the news and information. He said, "Unfortunately, much of the media in Washington, DC, along with New York, Los Angeles, in particular, speaks not for the people but for the special interests and for those profiting off a very, very obviously broken system. The press has become so dishonest that if we don't talk about it, we are doing a tremendous disservice to the American people--tremendous disservice. We have to talk about it to find out what's going on, because the press honestly is out of control. The level of dishonesty is out of control." Trump enumerated a number of accomplishments during his first month-border security, job creation, deregulation, a five-year lobbying ban on White House officials, and a lifetime ban on them lobbying for foreign governments, the start of repealing socialist healthcare, a pro-life justice of the Supreme Court, sanctions on Iran. And the list goes on and on. The press continues its war on this man. The opposition distorts the truth and attacks at every opportunity. Trump is showing the very practical workings of Ephesians 6:12,"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." He is taking a stand against the physical manifestation of this each day. May we take up the whole armor of God and stand and intercede as well. Daily Devotion: A Message from a Lions' Den - Greg Laurie -
And when he came to the den, he cried out with a lamenting voice to Daniel. The king spoke, saying to Daniel, "Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God, whom you serve continually, been able to deliver you from the lions?" -Daniel 6:20 The Bible tells the story of a man who laid his faith on the line. As the Bible says, "He believed in his God" (Daniel 6:23). Daniel had been elevated to a position of great prominence. Darius, the ruler over Babylon, saw the integrity and value of this man who had so boldly spoken the word of God. The king was preparing to make him the prime minister, which meant that Daniel would have been the most powerful man in the entire kingdom, next to King Darius himself. But Daniel's enemies were angry. They were jealous. Yet they could find nothing wrong with him. They knew they couldn't stop Daniel, unless they had something concerning him and his God. So they convinced Darius to sign a decree that no man could call on any god except the king for thirty days. And actually, the king passed a law forbidding prayer to any god. What did Daniel do? He didn't change a thing. He prayed anyway. The trap had been laid, and the king was distressed because even he could not change his own decree. So he sent Daniel into the lion's den. But God shut the lions' mouths, and Daniel was delivered. It is worth noting that God did not keep Daniel out of the lions' den. He had the power to, just as surely as He has the power to keep you out of any hardship that you potentially could face. But God will allow His people to go through difficulties. Everyone on this planet faces hardships in life. Everyone faces difficulty. But Christians have the hope that no matter what, God will see us through. That is the great message resounding from the lions' den. God will be with us in the midst of our adversity and difficulties. FROM THE HEART
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