Prophecy Update Newsletter
February 20, 2017
World War IV: Part 1 - Pete Garcia -
In early 1914, though, it seemed almost impossible that Britain and France would go to war with Germany to defend Russia against Austria-Hungary over a dispute with Serbia. Yet by June 28, war moved straight from impossible to inevitable - without ever passing through improbable. Four years later, 10 million people had died. (From World War One: First war was impossible, then inevitable; Anatole Kaletsky) Things often seem unlikely, improbable, or impossible...until they are not. You'd think humans would have figured that out by now. Nonetheless, when we talk about 'things to come', the "experts" in academia, government, politics, and the media always mock the idea that what the Bible has to say is valid or credible. These "experts" were the same ones that said WWI couldn't happen. They also said that if you just appease evil (Hitler), his ambitions will be satiated and peace achieved. "Peace in our time" they said. The same kind of "experts" today say the same thing about Islam and radical leftism. Which is why listening to most of the pundits today speak on foreign policy, political or economic outcomes, and the future state of the world, should be considered a form of cruel and unusual punishment. (The Bible does have a perfect track record thus far...just saying.) WWI Perhaps the deadliest bullet ever fired triggered the First World War. On June 28th, 1914, a 19 year old Yugoslav nationalist by the name of Gavrilo Princip, fired a shot which successfully assassinated the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, igniting the flames of tension that had been steadily brewing for decades in Europe. His actions subsequently resulted in the Austro-Hungarian Empire aligning with Germany, and the Ottoman Turks and then declaring war on practically everyone else. By its end, some 10 million had died from battle, and another 28 million were either missing in action, or died due to wounds, starvation, and disease in the world's first Great War of the 20th century. WWII To the German Weimar leadership, both the predictable and consequential byproducts of losing WWI resulted in the conditions which would set the stage some twenty years later for an even greater global conflict...World War II. The following reasons are attributed as causation: a perceived economic and geo-political injustice (Versailles Treaty), an ongoing global economic downturn (the Great Depression), and the decline of the then world's only superpower, the British Empire. These three reasons created the right conditions of which when absent strong global leadership, created a geo-political vacuum which Adolph Hitler and his National Socialists were all too eager to fill. Adding fuel to the fire were the Italian and Japanese ambitions of global conquest. As a result, World War II ensued and in its wake, more than 72 million inhabitants of the earth met an early death. WWIII The next great global war was fought primarily behind the scenes and was simply known as the Cold War. It began at the end of WWII when the Soviet Union began to cordon off Eastern Europe as recompense for its massive losses to Nazi Germany. Although we don't consider it a "war" in the traditional sense, it very much was and lasted longer than any we had ever fought before. It resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. The Cold War continued as the Soviets (and later the Chinese) began to export their poisonous ideology globally. In response, the United States (and her allies) tried to counter and contain the 'domino effect'. The physical clashes between east and west were carried out via proxy wars which were fought over the next forty-six years with mixed results (Korea, Vietnam, and Afghanistan). In 1989 and 1991, the US prematurely declared herself the winner at the collapsing of the 'Iron Curtain' and the Soviet regime. After her collapse, we weren't rewarded with peace, but we simply traded in one enemy for another. While the Communist had been atheistic in nature and whose political and philosophical underpinnings were largely based on human secularism and Marxism, what followed was the rise of militant fundamentalist Islam. The rapid rise of fundamentalist Islam which quickly rushed into fill the void being left by the communists as early as in the 1970's. This was first evidenced in the 1972 Olympics attack by the Black September Palestinian terrorist group, the 1979 Iranian Revolution, the 1980 Wahhabi-hardening of Saudi Arabia, and the US-backed Taliban victory over the Russians in Afghanistan. By the late 1980's, other Muslim nations who were once considered "moderate", began to see a groundswell of their own radicalized Islamic movements within their borders (Lebanon, Egypt, and Pakistan). At the same time, Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) terrorist front man Yasser Arafat (who was Egyptian) attempted to co-opt and unify the growing Arab discontent and anger and harness it into a global jihad movement against the nation of Israel. Assessment Albert Einstein famously quipped that "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." This sentiment, along with the fear of a US-USSR nuclear exchange, formulated US foreign policy for half a century prompting the creation of a highly symbolic Doomsday Clock, along with the START Treaties which were meant to scale back nuclear arsenals we both had pointed at each other. While well-meaning, they ignored the reality that WWIII had already begun. WWIII wasn't just fought with bombs and bullets in proxy wars, but with ideologies. These socialist ideologies had crept into the university, the seminary, popular culture, and into government long before...corrupting a whole generation. It came to a head in the late 1960's and early 1970's with Flower Power and Anti-Vietnam demonstrations. Unfortunately, that generation is now in charge and as a result, we are now just as divided as we were prior to the American Civil War. Consider these: * Common-sense has been replaced by political correctness. Political correctness is Cultural Marxism and has infected almost every institute of government, media, and education without question. * To counter an increasingly destabilized world, liberty has been traded for security. To counter a global threat, we created the very thing President Eisenhower warned us about in his farewell address...the Military Industrial Complex whose arsenal contains increasingly devastating weapons of war as well as providing the tools necessary to create a virtual police state. * Economic freedom has been replaced by financial bondage. At $20T in debt, our nation will either have to collapse financially, or completely restructure its financial and currency systems. Massive deficits have been accrued particularly over the last two decades at the expense of our children and grandchildren's future. Thus, we have a myriad of forces today arrayed against the West that are increasingly and aggressively seeking to challenge US dominance on the global stage. Some of those forces are non-state aligned actors such as: Narco-gangs, Islamic terrorist, anarchist groups, cybercriminal networks, and organized criminal networks. Others are state-sponsored from China, North Korea, Russia, and Iran and include armies and rebel/militia movements who serve as destabilizers. Regardless, the US is increasingly having to cover-down on partner nations who can't or won't handle their own issues thus requiring US military involvement. Still, another faction working to destabilize the world is that of economic-terrorist. Billionaire George Soros (and men like him), along with his spider-web network of shadow-organizations have funneled hundreds of millions of Dollars, Pounds, Rubles, and Euros through to push their agendas of toppling western governments. He's done this through buying off politicians who share the open-border immigration policies and other hard-left agendas, funding groups who will violently protest and riot, and organizations that actively commit law-fare. This in an attempt to create a singular global system by which they believe will fix all the world's problems. Fair to say that World War III has been ongoing since the end of WWII, and our enemy's corruption is bent solely on the destruction of western governance and rule of law. Since secular-leftism (Socialism and Marxism in its varying forms) has the same agenda as that of Islamic fundamentalism--it's a natural synchronization to see the two partnered up to fight against Western-capitalism, democracy, constitutional republics, and Judeo-Christian values. Hence the phrase "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" rings true. Assessment-World War IV And I looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer. When He opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, "Come and see." Another horse, fiery red, went out. And it was granted to the one who sat on it to take peace from the earth, and that people should kill one another; and there was given to him a great sword. Revelation 6:2-4 Seeing as World War III wasn't a single war in the traditional sense, but rather an ongoing series of conflicts (both militarily and ideologically), World War IV will follow along the same vein. The Apostle John was shown the opening of the Seal Judgments by Christ in Heaven after the age of the Church has ended. As Christ takes the scrolls and opens them, terrible judgments are poured out upon the earth. The first to appear on the scene is the Antichrist, who quickly rises to power and takes over. The Second Seal is opened and a rider on a red horse takes peace from the earth. After this, the riders on the black and pale horses (pestilence, starvation, and death) quickly ensue in the aftermath of total-war. So how does it all begin? Like every other war, they do not just happen out of thin air. There is a cause (real or contrived), a buildup of forces, logistical preparations, information gathering, political posturing, and lastly, diplomatic severing. Neither are 'world wars' just single battles. They're conflicts extending days, weeks, months, and years over many nations. A reasonable, scripturally-based hypothesis is that we (the Church) have been in existence since the first century. Christ said that we would be 'salt and light' to a world that was dying and in darkness. In other words, we were a stabilizing force meant to preserve the conditions so that the Gospel could be spread to all nations. (Matt. 5:13-14, 28:18-20) We know that the Church Age had a beginning (Acts 2-Pentecost) and it will also have an ending. This ending of the Church Age will culminate in an event known as the Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church (1 Thess. 4:13-18, 1 Cor. 15:51-56, John 14:1-3, Rev. 3:10). We also know that the year 2032 would mark exactly 2,000 years since that first Pentecost when the Church was conceived. It is 2017 now...will we go the full distance to 2032? Hard to say, because other dispensations weren't exact (that we know of anyway). But we can deduce in general terms, that 4,000 years of human history preceded Christ's first coming going back to Adam and Eve. 2,000 years have since ensued since His birth, so we are definitely 'in the window' if the Six Day/Six Millennium-model holds true. The Seventh Millennium thus marking the Sabbath Rest for man and Creation, just as it was at Creation. To be continued... The Recorded Deed to Jerusalem - By Earl Cox -
Days after UNSC Resolution 2334 condemned Israeli settlements in the "occupied Palestinian territory" of Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem as a "flagrant violation under international law" Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat issued a strong rebuke: The mayor and his planning-committee director announced the committee's intent to approve building 618 previously planned housing units in East Jerusalem-a first step toward an additional 5,600 units in the city. "I'm not ever going to stop building. No construction will be stopped by me as mayor," he said. While the Obama administration harmed its ally by strengthening its enemies, if President Trump holds to his promises perhaps things will change going forward but there is already talk of backpedaling. Barkat is "politically correct" in the most positive sense of the phrase. He is also legally and historically correct. In property disputes over land ownership, lawyers search property records for deeds, liens and related issues in order to identify the real legal owner(s). They also use mandatory "discovery" to demand that the opposing party provide all relevant documents, inspections and depositions that pertain to the dispute. In the courtroom, the presiding judge determines whether the proceedings and evidence of both sides are represented in a fair and balanced way. The U.S. abstention of Resolution 2334 and John Kerry's specious rhetoric laying out his two-state agenda were mockeries of the these basic processes and premises of justice. As further evidence of' the resolution's shaky legal grounds, it conflicts with tenets of international law in the Palestine Mandate, UNSC Resolution 242, the Oslo Accords and Camp David Summit. The Bible clearly defines ancient boundary lines. One of the oldest title deeds in the world is recorded in the Tanach, where King David purchased the future site of the Jewish Temple from Araunah the Jebusite for 600 gold shekels. David's son, King Solomon built the First Temple on that site. There's ample additional biblical, archeological, religious and historical evidence of Israel's abiding connection to Jerusalem that pre-dates Palestinian claims. The Jews governed Israel for a thousand years, and lived there continuously for the past 3,300 years. According to Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs researcher Nadav Shragai, Jerusalem was the Jewish capital during that time, never a capital of any Arab or Islamic entity. Despite Israel and the Jewish people's deep and abiding historical, cultural and religious connection to Jerusalem, the Palestinians, who began to define themselves as a people only about 100 years ago, insist they will never sign a peace deal that does not include Israel's surrender of East Jerusalem, including the Old City and the Temple Mount. (Under international law, this area is disputed, not "occupied.") Meanwhile, the Palestinians continue to deny Israel's right to exist and incite violence and terrorism against her. As Dr. Joel Fishman wrote, "It is simply not possible to build [a state] on a foundation of myth and ignorance." Mayor Barkat and many others rightly discerned the previous administration in Washington D.C. as being anti-Israel long before Resolution 2334 reared its ugly head. Over the past eight years the U.S. has pressured Israel to halt "illegal" Jewish construction in eastern Jerusalem. In recent years Barkat slammed the Obama Administration for criticizing Israel's plans to expand the suburb of Ma'aleh Adumim-an effort to provide affordable housing in the over-crowded capitol. "I don't know of any city in the world whose regulator is the U.S. president," the mayor remarked. Efrat Mayor and pro-settler leader Oded Revivi added, "Israeli building policies are set in Jerusalem, not New York." Based on the latest news reports, it now appears that the Trump Administration are starting to sideways waffle on the topic of settlements. Let's hope these news reports are mistaken as they so often have been. What country doesn't have the right to its unified capital, and to develop and build it? I pray the Trump Administration will focus its efforts at the United Nations against terror and stand strong on Israel's side against any and all attempts to delegitimize the only democracy in the Middle East. A warning to Nasrallah: 'Israel will respond harshly to Hezbollah' - by Yasser Okbi, Maariv Hashavua -
Arab officials caution Hezbollah against provoking Israel. Arab States have reportedly warned Hezbollah that Israel will "respond harshly," to any attacks against it, a senior Arab official told the London-based Lebanese newspaper Al Hayat on Sunday. This warning comes closely after Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah spoke out against Israel on Thursday, threatening a missile strike on the Dimona nuclear reactor, an unprecedented threat in the struggle between Israel and the terror organization. According to the source, Israel would issue a harsh military response against the Lebanese organization if Hezbollah makes any military moves, even into Syria from Lebanon. They mentioned that Israel is closely following Hezbollah's armament and movements in Syria and Lebanon, including its presence in various areas of Syria that could be seen as a threat to Israel. The source explained that this warning was issued from Israel to Nasrallah via an Arab official because it is "serious and indicates the Netanyahu government's readiness to strike targets within the organization and within Lebanese territory, since Hezbollah has received the backing of the Lebanese government, which is what prompted Nasrallah to increase his threats." With the warning, Netanyahu has established his ability to react against Hezbollah. This ability is strengthened by Israel's regional backing and the support of US President Donald trump, which is greater than that of his predecessor, Barack Obama. The source also speculated that Netanyahu's intention is apparently to receive the full support of the Gulf States and other countries in the region who have defined Hezbollah as a terrorist organization, and who are concerned about its presence in Syria. The source also said that Israel considers the Lebanese government responsible for Hezbollah's actions, including Lebanese President Michel Aoun, as he provided arms to Hezbollah, which makes the Lebanese army a legitimate target of the IDF should a war break out. Sources said that Israel is waiting for the right time to attack Hezbollah, based on the statements of Israeli officials and the Israeli media's focus on the Shi'ite organization. According to the same sources, Israel wants Hezbollah to exhaust itself in Syria so that it would in turn become vulnerable to attack. Russia Calls for New World Order - Cristina Silva -
Russia wants global leaders to embrace a new world order where the U.S. and other western nations are not calling the shots, but rather sovereign nations will follow international law based on its national interests. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Moscow was seeking closer with Washington while also refusing to cower to the NATO militant alliance led by the U.S. "Responsible leaders should make a choice, I hope that the choice will be done in favor of creating a democratic and just world order," Lavrov said at the Munich Security Conference Saturday attended by world leaders, including Vice President Mike Pence. "If you want, you can call it a 'post-West world order,' when each country, based on its sovereignty within the rules of international law, will strive to find a balance between its own national interests and the national interests of partners." His remarks came as growing number of Republican and Democratic lawmakers have called for an independent investigation into President Donald Trump's ties to Moscow. His national security advisor, Michael Flynn, resigned Monday after the Washington Post published an investigation that revealed Flynn was haggling with the Kremlin over U.S. sanctions. Lavrov did not mention the scandal, but did outline his hopes for working alongside the Trump administration, the Associated Press reported. Trump has called NATO "obsolete" and threatened to withhold support if European members do not spend more of their national budget on defense spending, even as some nations have expressed fears over Russia possibly violating international law within their borders, such as with the annexation of Crimea from Ukraine in 2014. "What kind of relations do we want with the U.S.? Pragmatic relations, mutual respect, understanding our special responsibility for global stability," Lavrov said. "We have immense potential that has yet to be tapped into, and we're open for that, inasmuch as the U.S. is open for that as well," he added. Lavrov said NATO "remained a Cold War institution." You can watch a video of his remarks here. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg dismissed Moscow's criticism of NATO. The military alliance recently sent troops to the Baltics and Poland as a deterrence to a "more assertive Russia," he said. "We don't want to provoke a conflict. We want to prevent conflict and preserve the peace," Stoltenberg told the AP. "Our aim is not to isolate Russia. We don't want a new Cold War, we don't want a new arms race, what we do is measured and defensive." Pence just hours earlier told attendees at the annual Munich Security Conference that the U.S. would "hold Russia accountable" for its actions in Ukraine and the Syrian war. He also pledged Washington's "unwavering commitment" to NATO members. God's Wall - By Daymond Duck -
As a candidate for president of the U.S., one of Donald Trump's signature promises was to build a wall/fence on the U.S.-Mexico border. Critics quickly said it won't happen. Mr. Trump won't get elected, walls don't work, there will be engineering problems, construction problems, damage to the environment, the wall will violate the endangered species act, it will be too expensive, ranchers twill sue the U.S. for taking their land, it is immoral, and more. These critics didn't know or care that at the same time they were saying these things the U.S. military was building a wall/fence on Jordan's border with Iraq and Syria to protect Jordan from terrorists. They didn't know or care that Pres. Obama (who so strongly opposes the wall/fence) would rent a swanky house (probably at tax payer expense) in Washington, DC. and build a wall around it. They didn't know that people would claim that the wall is needed because Pres. Obama and his family need to be protected and the house he intends to live in, at least until Sasha graduates, needs more fortification. I have to ask, "Why would the U.S. military build a wall/fence 535 kilometers long to keep terrorists out of Jordan, if it won't work?" Or, "Why would a wall/fence work in Jordan if a wall/fence won't work in the U.S.?" "Why is it okay to build a wall to protect Pres. Obama's wife and children, but wrong to build a wall/fence to protect the average citizen's children?" Let's go a step further. Hundreds of Israelis were wounded and/or killed by Palestinian suicide bombers in the five year period prior to Israel building a security fence. But the suicide bombings stopped after Israel built a security fence. Why did the suicide bombings stop if a security fence doesn't work? The critics were wrong about Pres. Trump's chances of getting elected and they are just as wrong about the wall/fence getting built, protecting people, being immoral, being too expensive, etc. It took only 5 days for Pres. Trump to issue an Executive Order to deploy all lawful means to get it done. John recorded that Jesus said He was going to prepare a place for His disciples (John 14:2) and he described that prepared (Rev. 21:2) place in Revelation chapter 21. He called it the Holy City, the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:2). He said it will have a wall great and high, and twelve gates, and at the gates 12 angels (Rev. 21:12). The New Jerusalem will be foursquare, 12,000 furlongs on each side (about 1500 miles on each side or about 6,000 miles all the way around it), the walls will be 144 cubits thick (about 216 feet thick), they will be made with a very expensive stone called jasper, they will sit on 12 foundations that will be decorated with precious stones, they will have 3 gates on each side, and each gate will be one pearl (Rev. 21:16-21) Only those whose names have been written in the Lamb's Book of Life will be allowed into the Holy City. The unsaved (bad hombres) will be kept out (Rev. 21:27). How does one get their name written in the Lamb's Book of Life? It is by doing what God will accept (not by being good, getting baptized, joining the church, etc.). And the only thing that He will accept is faith in Jesus (John 14:6). People should put their faith in Jesus first (get saved first), get baptized second, and join the church third.
My Review of "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" Over the last 35 years, I have literally read hundreds of books on Bible Prophecy and End Time signs. I especially enjoy books on the Rapture, and I have read almost every Rapture-related book published. In all those years, devouring thousands of pages, and millions of words, I have not read a better book on the Rapture than, Rapture Ready...Or Not? Terry James might be physically blind, but he is spiritually sharp and well discerning beyond most authors. In "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" Terry has nailed the pre-trib Rapture, and removed any doubt what so ever about the Church going through the Tribulation. With great insight and Godly discernment, Terry explains with simple, yet profound words, why and how that he has come to believe the ways he does about the Rapture, the Tribulation, and the End Times scenario. I think after reading "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" you too will believe as Terry does, and be Ready for the Rapture like never before! - Randy Thomas - Publisher / Editor - Prophecy Update For more information and or to get your copy of "Rapture Ready...Or Not?" use this link: When the Levee Breaks - A.V. Rauf -
If it keeps on rainin' levees goin' to break, If it keeps on rainin', levee' going' to break...... Such are the lyrics of a popular Blues song written and recorded back in 1929 that was written in reaction to the upheaval caused by the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927. However, we aren't talking about levees and rivers here. The issue at hand happens to be a Dam. Not just a standard Dam, but the tallest Dam in the United States of America. One that rises 770 feet high and is holding back a resorvoir containing 1.1 trillion gallons of water. I am referring to the Oroville Dam in northern California. After a long stretch of no rain and drought-like conditions for a span of almost five years, winterstorms and atmospheric rivers over the past few weeks have drenched the northern parts of California. As a result, the Oroville Dam was reportedly at 151 % of normal capacity. Not a a major problem so as long as your chute in the spillway is operable. Just a few weeks ago, a massive, gaping hole opened up the chute of the Spillway of the Oroville Dam. As a result, the water spilled over the spillway and began eating away at the very ground beneath the top of the auxiliary spillway. Dozens of towns in between Oroville and Sacramento are at risk were the spillway to collapse. Well, just when the situation seemed to have stabilized, along comes a new storm. Now I am not making up this next part: the name given to storm is......LUCIFER. What are the odds? Anyways, incredible amounts of rain have accumalated within the last two months alone coupled with an abundance of snow in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Even Lake Tahoe has benefitted from this. As a matter of fact, since the beginning of 2017, the state of California has received over 200% above what is concerned normal rainfall for this time of the year. Enter Lucifer (mere coincidence I suppose), a storm that is projected to dump another 12 inches of rain over the weekend alone. The forecast also calls for even more rain next week. Job 38:22-30-Where is the way where light dwelleth? and as for darkness, where is the place thereof, That thou shouldest take it to the bound thereof, and that thou shouldest know the paths to the house thereof? Knowest thou it, because thou wast then born? or because the number of thy days is great? Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow? or hast thou seen the treasures of the hail, Which I have reserved against the time of trouble, against the day of battle and war? By what way is the light parted, which scattereth the east wind upon the earth? Who hath divided a watercourse for the overflowing of waters, or a way for the lightning of thunder; To cause it to rain on the earth, where no man is; on the wilderness, wherein there is no man; to satisfy the desolate and waste ground; and to cause the bud of the tender herb to spring forth? Hath the rain a father? or who hath begotten the drops of dew? Out of whose womb came the ice? and the hoary frost of heaven, who hath gendered it? The waters are hid as with a stone, and the face of the deep is frozen. One must keep in mind that America's dam infrastructure is not in the greatest of working conditions. The Oroville Dam itself was built in 1960's and is experiencing wear and tear as of late. It doesn't help to know that over the last few days there have been reported tremors as two earthquakes have been reported. These quakes that are in the 5.0 range! Could this have been caused by the fast lake level changes and the subsequent release of pressure from water weight? The city of Sacaramento is already reportedly experiencing some flooding. If something were to happen, the only means of escape would be eastward. Will President Trump have to declare a State of Emergency for the State of California? If it keeps on raining, is the levee indeed going to break? Stay tuned.... Daily Jot: First Amendment undermined by not so free press - Bill Wilson -
The news media is jeopardizing its First Amendment credibility with its irresponsible reporting and attempts to demonize anybody in disagreement with its leftist globalist agenda. The most recent news conference with President Donald Trump revealed how the delusional media views fake news. The reporter tried to blame Trump for the media's credibility problems, asking the President: "But aren't you concerned, sir, that you are undermining the people's faith in the First Amendment freedom of the press, the press in this country when you call stories you don't like "fake news"? Why not just say it's a story I don't like?" Herein, it's the press that is undermining the people's faith in the First Amendment. Trump responded, "But I know what's good. I know what's bad. And when they change it and make it really bad--something that should be positive. Sometimes something that should be very positive, they'll make okay. They'll even make it negative. So I understand it because I'm there. I know what was said. I know who is saying it. I'm there. So it's very important to me. Look, I want to see an honest press. When I started off today by saying that it's so important to the public to get an honest press. The press -- the public doesn't believe you people anymore." In reality, the press is going wild quoting unnamed sources without verification and reporting illegally leaked information as if it were fact. Case in point: The shadow government and deep state want panic about the possibility that Trump will deport millions of illegals. AP reported that the White House was calling up 100,000 National Guard troops to round up illegals and send them back to wherever they came from. The White House categorically denied that the report was even remotely factual. But the report was made without verifying the source or the memo the source quoted. A free press in bondage to an ideal or agenda is not free at all. The false narrative that the President is undermining the people's faith in the First Amendment by criticizing the media-is an extraordinary example of the twisted demeanor of the news media. Exodus 20:16 states, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor." Telling the truth is the basis of good journalism. And Truth comes from where? Jesus said in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father, but by me." He goes on to say in verse 17, "Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it sees him not, neither knows him: but you know him; for he dwells with you, and shall be in you." These so-called journalists cannot recognize truth because it's not in them. The First Amendment, a unique guarantee of Liberty, is undermined when liars lie with impunity while disguising the lies as truth. We need to pray and act to hold accountability, especially within the "Church" where the truth should be rightly discerned and spoken of boldly that good is not considered evil. Daily Devotion: Why We Need Purpose - Greg Laurie -
But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's delicacies, nor with the wine which he drank; therefore he requested of the chief of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself. -Daniel 1:8 In Daniel 1 we read how King Nebuchadnezzar brought Daniel and his three friends, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego, into his court and tested their loyalty to God by offering them Babylonian delicacies. You can be sure it was some of the finest food on earth. But Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego would not eat the food at the king's table because for them, it was a compromise. It may be because the food was dedicated to pagan gods, or it may have been because some of it was forbidden under Mosaic Law, and they were Jews. Whatever the case, they were unwilling to compromise their principles. Now that may seem like a little thing to us. They should have just eaten. When in Babylon, be like the Babylonians. Come on, don't be so legalistic. Don't be so fanatical. But it was important to them. It was that commitment at an early age that gave them the moorings to face the challenges that came later in life. Had Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego failed in this test, they would have never made it when it came time to bow before the king. They would have caved into pressure and bowed with everyone else before the golden idol that the king had erected. But they didn't compromise because they were men of purpose, and they stood up when everyone bowed. And had Daniel failed to pass this test, he would not have had the fortitude and grit to stand up, or in his case, to kneel and to pray to his God, even though a decree had been signed by the king that made it illegal. These were men of purpose. Are you a man or a woman of purpose? Without purpose and direction in your life, you can throw it all away. FROM THE HEART
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