Prophecy Update Newsletter
Daniel's 70 Weeks: Part 4 - By Alice Childs - This is the 4th installment of our Bible study on the 70 weeks of Daniel. Because this last part was so long, I decided to break it up into two shorter articles instead of one much longer one. However, before we begin this next to final part, let's take time to do a brief recap of all that we have learned, because all of it is vital to our understanding of end-time prophecy. The entire scenario of prophetic events is like a giant, cosmic jigsaw puzzle that has hundreds of thousands of intricate pieces, some large and easy to recognize, and some very small with their correct placement within the puzzle not easily discerned. In order to be able to put all of the pieces together in their proper place and time, we must start with a few ground rules of Bible study. First, we must realize that prophecy runs throughout all of scripture in both Old and New Testaments from the first prophecy given in Genesis 3:15 to the end of the book of Revelation, and all in between. Therefore, we will need to traverse the whole counsel of God - both testaments, realizing that what is concealed within the Old Testament is revealed within the New. Second, we must make and maintain the clear distinctions of each dispensation and keep clear the distinction between Israel and the Church. We must learn to discern WHO is being addressed in any book or passage (Israel or the Church), and we must determine in what timeframe each book or passage is placed - i.e. WHERE on God's timeline of history does any book or passage occur? This is what the Bible means by "rightly dividing" the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15). Each of these prophetic puzzle pieces must be put into their proper places within God's timeline and must be read and understood within their proper context. The study of God's plan for the ages spans millennia, divided by God into differing dispensations (differing administrations) along God's timeline. God's plan encompasses both history past and history future - history that has been written in advance and recorded in the Bible - the supernaturally authored book given to mankind by God Himself. This book is comprised of the whole counsel of scripture - the fully complete canon of scripture containing both Testaments, old and new, which make up the Bible. The Bible was penned by 40 different men over a period of 1,600 years, but it is God Himself who is its author. These chosen men, God's amanuenses, wrote as they were inspired by the Holy Spirit. God's plans encompasses the entire history of the world from creation up until the end of the Millennial Kingdom when Time itself, as a created construct, is abolished and merges into eternity, into what will at the end of the Millennial Age become the eternal "now." As we conclude this series, we will be looking at the two entities through whom God has revealed Himself to a lost world: The first entity is the nation of Israel (ethnic Jews), whose story is recorded in the entirety of the Old Testament from mid Genesis onward up until the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, recorded in the first three gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. (The gospel of John was a sort of transition book bridging the gap between the ending of the old covenant and hinting at the coming of the new covenant, with the coming birth of the Church in Acts 2.) The second entity is the Church - a called-out body of believers made up of BOTH Jews and Gentiles who, upon each individual's salvation, is born again into ONE new body as believers in Christ. The recounting of the beginning of the Church begins with her birth on Pentecost AFTER Jesus' death, burial, bodily resurrection and ascension back to Heaven (beginning in Acts chapter 2 and all throughout the New Testament, particularly the books and letters penned by the Apostle Paul, whom God appointed as the "Apostle to the Gentiles." We will be looking at the divergent destinies of both of these people groups - national Israel (the Jewish people) and the Church (one new body comprised of BOTH Jews and Gentiles who are believers in Jesus as their Savior, according to the scriptures). One of these groups is promised an EARTHLY kingdom tied to the LAND promised to them, along with the city of Jerusalem in particular (Israel). The other group is not a nation of this earth, but is an entity promised a heavenly kingdom not of this earth, but rather whose citizenship is in heaven (the Church). They are two very distinct and separate groups. In the previous 3-part series of our study on Daniel chapter 9, we have seen how God revealed to Daniel incredibly precise and very detailed prophecies concerning the times that He has appointed for the Jewish people (national Israel). We learned that God has specific plans for the Hebrew people, and that His plans have spanned not just centuries, but millennia. We learned in Daniel chapter 9 that God appointed 490 years or 70 "weeks" of years to accomplish His plans and purpose for the land of Israel and the Jewish people. We also learned that 483 of those 490 prophesied years have already passed and have already been fulfilled down to the very day that Jesus presented Himself to Israel as her Messiah whom she, Israel, rejected. (69 "weeks" constitutes 483 years.) As predicted in Daniel 9:26, the Messiah (Jesus) was indeed "cut off" - killed. This rejection of their Messiah by Israel then STOPPED the further progression of the 70 "weeks" (or heptads - groups of sevens) at 69 "weeks" (483 years), one "week" (7 years) SHORT of the full 70 "weeks" appointed to Israel. For nearly 2,000 years now after Calvary, we in the Dispensation of Grace have been living in a sort of parenthesis of time called the Church Age. This intermediate dispensation in which we are now living began at Pentecost (recorded in Acts chapter 2). It will end with the removal of the Church in the rapture (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1 Corinthians 15:51-53; Revelation 4:1). After the removal of the Church from the earth via the rapture, God's focus will once again return to national Israel in order to complete her final 70th "week" of years that have been placed on hold, as it were, for nearly 2,000 years. With all of this in mind, let us prepare to finish our study. As stated, after the removal of the Church, God's focus will again return to Israel in order for God to accomplish these things: (1) to judge the nation of Israel (2) to finish their transgressions (3) to make an end to their sins (4) to rescue the remaining Jews from certain annihilation from the Antichrist (1/3 of whom God will bring THROUGH The Tribulation (Zechariah 13:8-9) (5) to save the city of Jerusalem (6) to bring all remaining Jews (⅓ of all Israel) who will come to believe in their true Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ, into the Kingdom that Jesus will inaugurate on a rescued and renovated earth returned to its pre-fall condition. This 70th "week" will truly be "The Time of Jacob's Trouble," also known in scripture as "The Tribulation," "The Hour of Temptation (testing)," and "the Day of the Lord." (Jeremiah 30:7; Daniel 12:1; Revelation 3:10; 12:13-16). **Note: This particular series of lessons has focused exclusively on the land of Israel and the Jewish people within the context of Daniel 9. The Jews are the focus of this prophecy. As we have seen, the Church is to be distinguished from Israel. Once the Church is removed, God's focus will return to Israel. However during this 7-year timeframe, God is going to deal with ALL of sinful humanity as well. As great as God's judgment will be during this time, even in the midst of judgment God will still extend, for a time, His great mercy. There will still be opportunities for the lost to come to Christ during the Tribulation, even after the rapture of the Church has taken place. Those who come to Christ during this time will be a great number from every kindred, nation, tribe and tongue. There will be a great ingathering of souls into Heaven during this last seven years. However, the vast majority of those who will be saved during this time will also be martyred for their faith. These future believers WILL be saved - they WILL be believers in Christ, but they will NOT be part of the Church - the body/Bride of Christ. The Church will already have been in Heaven BEFORE the event of the confirmation of the covenant occurs. The brokering of this covenant is the event that actually begins the last seven years of The Tribulation. The ones who will become believers DURING the Tribulation are known as Tribulation Saints, or Tribulation believers. Only a very few (relatively speaking) of these Tribulation Saints will make it through the entire seven years alive. The majority of them will die during this time, with most being martyred because of their new-found faith (Revelation 6:9-11 & 7:9-17). This is why it is imperative that all who are willing (both Jews and Gentiles) should come to belief in Christ for salvation now, while there is yet time, to become a part of the body of Christ during this current Age of Grace. In the last installment, part 5 of this study of Daniel chapter 9, we will conclude with a look at what will be the destinies of both the nation of Israel and the Church during this last 7-year period of time under the fallen regime of Lucifer's (Satan's) usurpation of this world. In part 5, we will conclude this series by looking into the New Testament book of Matthew 24 where this same 7-year period of time is addressed by Jesus Himself in what is known as the Olivet Discourse, so stay tuned. Why Jerusalem is not Islam's 3rd Holiest Site - Joseph Farah - Joseph Farah reveals truth in face of 'powerful delusion casting spell upon world' You've undoubtedly heard that Jerusalem represents the third holiest city in Islam. That is provably untrue. Or, perhaps you've read in Wikipedia or heard on CNN that the Al-Aqsa Mosque is the third holiest place of worship in Islam. That, too, is a provable lie. Or, maybe you heard about the vote by UNESCO in 2016 that denied any Israeli connection to the Temple Mount, referring it only by the Islamic name, "Haram al-Sharif." Before I get to the history of these myths, these aberrant legends, these anti-Semitic fictions from hell, let me tell you why anyone with a clear head and objective, rational mind can see the truth in spite of the powerful delusion that has cast a spell upon the world - deliberately, with political purpose and very recently, too. Everyone should recognize the No. 1 holy site in all Islam is Mecca, the Qaba, which draws millions of pilgrims annually - perhaps more than any other religious shrine in the world. For instance, while some 5 million visit the Vatican City every year, 18 million Muslims visit Saudi Arabia and, almost all of them, go to Mecca, which doesn't allow non-Muslims to enter the city. The annual five-day Hajj, alone, attracted more than 2 million in 2017. Spiritual pilgrimages are a big deal in Islam, and the No. 2 holy site in all Islam is probably Medina, where Muhammad is buried. But after Mecca and Medina, there is actually much dispute, even among Muslims, as to which would be Islam's third holiest city. Why? Because while Mecca and Medina are considered holy to all Muslim followers of Muhammad and Allah, not all of them are Sunni. Sunni Islam adherents represent about 80 percent, or roughly 1.2 billion Muslims worldwide. But another 20 percent are Shia, representing as many as 300 million. And Shia Muslims revere shrines in two other cities in Iraq - Najaf and Karbala. How many make pilgrimage from Najaf to Karbala annually during the Shia Arba'een Pilgrimage? Hold on to your burqa or keffiyeh. Some accounts put it at 30 million from as many as 40 countries, often braving attacks from Sunni terrorists and usually traveling barefoot. That's right. This Arba'een Pilgrimage, is a much longer one than the five-day Mecca Hajj and, according to many sources, much larger in sheer number of participants. Now let's consider Al-Aqsa and the Dome of the Rock and Jerusalem. How many Muslims make pilgrimage to Jerusalem? Israel hosts a total of about 2 million tourists from all over the world every year, but only a tiny fraction are Muslims. Israeli tourists are diverse ethnically but almost all Jewish and Christian. And please don't tell me Muslims are not welcome, because they are. In 2014, the latest statics I could find, showed 26,700 tourists from Indonesia; 23,000 from Turkey; 17,700 from Jordan; 9,000 from Malaysia and 3,300 from Morocco. And those were the biggest numbers. And maybe you think Muslims stopped coming to Jerusalem, their "third holiest city," after Israel reunified it in 1967. Quite the opposite. There was scarcely any interest in Jerusalem when Jordan controlled Al-Aqsa and the Dome of the Rock. Even King Hussein never visited Jerusalem during the time he controlled part of the city for two decades. If you want to go back further, before the first Zionist Aliyah, you can see what the Dome of the Rock circa 1875 looked like - abandoned, in total disrepair, unvisited. In fact, it didn't get its famous gold-plated roof until the 1950s under Jordanian control, and it had to be redone in 1993 under Israeli authority. While we're starting to travel back in history, let's look for Jerusalem in the Quran. Let me save you some time. You can stop looking. You won't find it. It's not there, though a passage we read in the Quran did indeed inspire the building of Al-Aqsa. The Muslim "claim" to Jerusalem is based on what is written in the Quran in Sura 17:1, which says, "Glory be unto Allah who did take his servant for a journey at night from the Sacred Mosque to the Furthest Mosque." How did this "Furthest Mosque" become the one visited by Muhammad in a dream in which he rode a flying camel or horse? In Muhammad's lifetime, Jerusalem was occupied by the Byzantine Empire. While Muhammad died in 632, Jerusalem was captured by Muslims in 638. When they came, of course, there was no mosque and no Dome of the Rock anywhere in Jerusalem, only churches. One of those churches is believed to have been built atop the Temple Mount. It may have even been converted into the Al-Aqsa Mosque. In fact, both the dome and the mosque display undeniably noticeable Byzantine architectural influences. When rivals of Muhammad's successors captured Jerusalem from the Christians, they first built the Dome of the Rock, a shrine the conquerors believed to have been the site of the Second Temple, destroyed by the Roman Empire in 70 A.D. The dome was completed in 691 and the Al-Aqsa Mosque some 20 years later, or some 80 years after the death of Muhammad. The "ascension" of Muhammad from the rock under the dome is believed to have been conjured during this period by Khalif Omar, who sought to construct a new holy site to rival the one in Mecca. Nevertheless, the idea of establishing this shrine and the Al-Aqsa mosque atop the old Temple Mount as permanent Islamic holy places did not catch on, as we can see by comparing them to others in Mecca, Medina, Najaf and Karbala. In fact, not through the entire time of the Islamic Ottoman Empire, which controlled Jerusalem until World War I, and not until 1929, did the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque stir any passionate interest in Islam. And that was thanks to Adolf Hitler's Muslim friend, Haj Amin Al-Husseini, the grand mufti of Jerusalem, who reminded his radical followers of Muhammad's "Night Journey." He stoked the myth to initiate riots that year. Then, another dreamer, after the 1967 Six-Day War in which Israel reunified Jerusalem under its control, Yasser Arafat, used the shrines to stir Islam's claim to the city, which he called "Al-Quds." Arafat also launched the lie that no Jewish Temple ever rested atop the Temple Mount, though that is precisely why both the dome and the mosque were built there on what Omar believed to be the Temple's very foundation. On one level, the propaganda coup has fooled most of the world - to such an extent that most Muslims believe the Al-Quds myth. They riot for it all over the world. They commit terrorism in the name of "liberating" it. They boycott, divest, impose sanctions, throw stones, launch missiles, start intifadas and more. But, one thing they don't do? They don't visit. They don't do pilgrimages. Go figure. America, North Korea and Bible Prophecy - Joel - "You will hear of wars and rumors of wars" (Matthew 24:6; Luke 21:9) There is no indication in prophecy of a nation like the United States standing as a world superpower at the time of Christ's return, giving reason to understand that America will have collapsed sometime prior. In addition, North Korea is also not directly mentioned in Bible prophecy. For decades the greatest danger to America and its allies was Russia, but now North Korea seems to have taken that position due to its unpredictability and open threats to use nukes against the United States. It's no secret that the United States' ongoing war of words with North Korea is intensifying, with the spat between Kim Jong un and President Donald Trump taking some startling rhetorical twists and turns. North Korea has nuclear weapons. They're working to build long-range missiles. And many believe dictator Kim Jong-un is insane. He's promised to blanket his neighbors in "a sea of fire" and threatens the United States on an almost daily basis. To some, war is imminent, and they're fearful of what they see coming. Even Richard Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations, has estimated the chance of war at 50-50. Although it's the world's 51st most populous country, North Korea according to some sources fields the earth's largest army with 1.3 million men under arms, led by "supreme leader" Kim Jong un. North Korea's also got a deadly partnership with Iran - a country that is mentioned in the End Times. For more than six decades Iran had been engaged in efforts to develop nuclear energy technology. Iran and North Korea are already working together. Iranian scientists have attended nuclear tests in North Korea. If Iran doesn't already have nuclear weapons, they'll have them soon. North Korea is also testing intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). If North Korea develops ICBMs, it's safe to say Iran will have them soon thereafter. North Korean leader Kim Jong un claims, "The entire mainland of the US is within the range of our nuclear weapons and the nuclear button is always on the desk of my office." Jesus tells us there will be "wars and rumors of wars" towards the end of the age. Kim Jong-un's saber rattling certainly fits the definition of "rumors of wars". Rumors of war between the United States and North Korea fill the daily headlines. Rumors of a regional war escalating into a worldwide conflict also dominate the headlines. Here's some recent headlines:
Could the absence of any mention of both America and North Korea in the Bible's descriptions of the end of the world imply the two nations will be decimated before the apocalypse strikes? No one can say with certainty, but what we can say is that the United States is going to fade as a world power, and that could be for one of three possible reasons:
Most Americans don't realise this, but atomic war with North Korea is presently nearer than it has ever been previously. So don't underestimate the risk that North Korea postures. Unlike the past, North Korea's accelerating missile development program and nuclear attack capability, has clearly changed. Let us just hope and pray that it does not happen any time soon. Nearing Midnight: Globalism's Religious Rider - Terry James - All the beautiful pageantry was there. Excitement and joy were on the faces of the colorfully clad athletes from around the globe. Attention of the world's media focused on how wonderful was the fact that the two Korean youths were marching together and getting along as if peace and love had overruled hatred and division-all in all, a kumbaya moment in the 2018 Winter Olympic Games. Not far into the ceremony, a familiar anthem to the brotherhood of man swept everyone involved into a euphoric high. The music invited us all to Imagine all the world as one... Neo-Babel builders construct even their music in a way that clearly demonstrates the luciferian desire to usurp God's throne. John Lennon's universally popular song could easily be mistaken as portraying the biblically prophesied millennial reign of Jesus Christ. But Lennon, like Lenin, preached man-made heaven on earth-an imitative mockery of the true Messiah's coming kingdom. The words and melody are infectious. Imagine there's no heaven It's easy if you try No hell below us Above us only sky Imagine all the people Living for today... Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too Imagine all the people Living life in peace... You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will be as one... Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man Imagine all the people Sharing all the world... You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will live as one. Lennon, who once assured us that the Beatles were "bigger than Jesus Christ," is a bit off in his assessment given through his lyrics. He says "no religion too." He wanted us to "imagine" a world without religious restraint. Only then could we all "be as one." That particular sentiment-"no religion too"-will have to be rewritten if it is to fit what is coming when the first beast of Revelation chapter 13 and the second beast bring their version of heaven on earth to the planet. It will be a religious system of the most intrusive sort. Here is a brief look from Scripture about that system: So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet colored beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. (Revelation 17:3-6) The angel who showed John the Revelator these things told him-and us-that this whorish woman who rides the beast sits upon seven mountains or hills. The beast she rides is a composite of world kingdoms of the past and one that is yet to come. The last kingdom and the one who rules it will be Antichrist. We know from Revelation 13 that his sidekick will be a false prophet-a religious leader-who will orchestrate the worship by everyone on earth of this eighth king who will come up from the bottomless pit. My friend Dave Hunt wrote all about this eventuality in "A Woman Rides the Beast." All of this said, it is more than interesting that the world's most lauded religious leader in Christendom has waded in on how America needs to be brought under the world community's control if there is to be heaven on earth at any time in the future. Pope Francis told the Italian newspaper La Repubblica that the United States of America has "a distorted vision of the world" and Americans must be ruled by a world government, as soon as possible, "for their own good." The Pope made the observation in an interview with La Repubblica reporter Eugenio Scalfari. "Last Thursday, I got a call from Pope Francis," Scalfari reported. "It was about noon, and I was at the newspaper when my phone rang." He said Pope Francis had been watching Putin and Trump at the G20 and had become agitated. The Pope demanded to see him at four that afternoon, according to a Google translation of the Italian report. "Pope Francis told me to be very concerned about the meeting of the G20," Scalfari wrote. As translated into English by Agence France Presse, which picked up the story, the Pope said "I am afraid there are very dangerous alliances between powers who have a distorted view of the world: America and Russia, China and North Korea, Russia and Assad in the war in Syria." "The danger concerns immigration," the Pope continued to La Repubblica. "Our main and unfortunately growing problem in the world today is that of the poor, the weak, the excluded, which includes migrants." "This is why the G20 worries me: It mainly hits immigrants," Pope Francis said, according to AFP. Pope Francis's idea that Americans would be better off under a world government doesn't stop there. The radical leftist pontiff also went on record stating that Europe should become one country under one government. ("Pope Francis: World Government Must Rule U.S. 'For Their Own Good,'" JEWSNEWS, Rapture Ready News, Feb. 11, 2018) As we near the midnight of world history on God's prophetic clock, we see the four horsemen of Apocalypse getting set to ride. Might we be seeing the woman that rides the beast of Revelation chapter 17 getting ready to sit upon its back? Opening Up to God - Lee Strobel - In a best-selling book, Generation X guru Douglas Coupland tracks a young man through a troubled era. He's remorseful over his mistakes. His marriage has stagnated. He's ensnared in a meaningless job. Instead of deep friendships, he endures what he calls "halfway relationships." He's worried that he doesn't feel life the way he used to. He peers into his future with uncertainty. The book's title: Life after God. But after 358 pages of aimlessness and frustration, this was his conclusion: Now - here is my secret: I tell it to you with an openness of heart that I doubt I shall ever achieve again, so I pray that you are in a quiet room as you read these words. My secret is that I need God - that I am sick and can no longer make it alone. I need God to help me give, because I no longer seem to be capable of giving; to help me be kind, as I no longer seem capable of kindness; to help me love, as I seem beyond being able to love. Like Coupland's character, maybe you have a secret, too. Perhaps your own circumstances are causing you to conclude that maybe - just maybe - you need God to breathe hope and life into your world. Or maybe you need him to knock the crust off a heart that's corroded with self-interest and cynicism. Or maybe you need him because . . . well, to be honest, you're not sure why. You just sense that there's got to be more to your existence than a job, three meals a day, and the gnawing feeling that something's missing. So you've been casually checking out Christianity. Nothing too serious yet. You've leafed through a book or two. Questions are swirling through your mind. You'd like to get at the truth, but you're not sure how to - and you're a little afraid of what you might find. Or possibly you already know a lot about the idea of God, but you're realizing that you really don't know him. You've wrestled with the concept of a deity yet never embraced Jesus himself. You went to church as a youngster and even went through religion classes, but they seemed to have numbed you toward God more than sensitized you toward him. If someone asked, you'd say that you were a religious person, although the truth is this: a heartfelt, life-changing, soul-satisfying faith has always eluded you. This prayer is for you. Seventeen words that can start a revolution. Pray them at your own risk: "God, open my eyes to who you really are, and then I'll open my life to you." Daily Jot: Russian and DNC election disruption - Bill Wilson - The Mueller investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election is pointing more and more to the socialists in the news media, the Democratic National Committee, the previous "president's" White House, and the Clinton campaign than it is toward President Donald Trump. The recent indictments of Russians by the Mueller Special Counsel reveal a lot of chicanery going on but really no influence over the election. These were indictments based on these Russians running various disinformation campaigns as non-registered foreign agents, which is against the law. If you are a non-citizen doing work of a political nature, you have to register as a foreign agent. They didn't. But this gets far worse. There is just plain old rough and tumble politics taking place during campaigns. Dirt is drudged up on opponents. Charges are made. Facts are skewed. Liars lie. That's the way game is played. But what the Clintons, the DNC, the ex "president" did with a willful socialist-bent media appears no less than a high crime for which many should go to jail. In a nutshell it appears that the Clinton campaign and the DNC paid a non-registered foreign agent to assemble a false dossier on Donald Trump involving Russian businessmen and prostitutes. To give the dossier more "punch" the ex "president" pushed the use of the secret FISA Court to share the information with the FBI, which was then leaked to the media. Meantime, Clinton had her own Russian scandal brewing--Classified emails over an unsecured server, a uranium deal that brought in millions to the Clinton Foundation in a pay for influence scheme with the Russians, and her ex-president husband receiving hundreds of thousands from the Russians for a speech. All this was essentially covered up by the White House and the Justice Department under the control of the ex "president," who was informed of the progress as it took place. Now, after the Mueller indictments are made public, more information has surfaced that the Russians were sowing confusion by holding pro- and anti-Clinton/Trump rallies and asserting nonsense to an all too willing news media. The Media Research Center's analysis of the Mueller indictments indicates that CNN and MSNBC extensively covered a Russian-staged anti-Trump rally on November 12, 2016, where paid protesters insinuated that Trump's election meant that Blacks would be shot in the streets. The networks repeated and discussed among their "experts" these accusations as if they were true. All this was an attempt to undermine the incoming presidency. Meanwhile, the Clintons, the DNC and the White House were working together against a Trump presidency even taking office. The media helped make their case. Proverbs 26:26 says, "[He] Whose hatred is covered by deceit, his wickedness shall be shown before the whole congregation." In this case, the DNC, Clintons, and the former "president" should all be indicted for their conspiracy. Daily Devotion: What Must I Do to Be Saved? - By Greg Laurie - And he brought them out and said, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?" -Acts 16:30 "What must I do to be saved?" This was a question asked long ago by a man simply identified as "the keeper of the prison" (Acts 16:27). And people are still asking the same question today. God directed the apostle Paul to some new places after his first missionary journey, including the Roman colony of Philippi. The Jewish population in Philippi must have been small, because there wasn't a synagogue. There was only a place of prayer at the riverside. Paul and Silas went there and shared the gospel with a woman named Lydia, who put her faith in Christ. Afterward, the devil went on the attack. Paul and Silas were arrested, whipped, and thrown into prison. Yet they didn't become angry with God. In fact, the Bible says that "at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God" (Acts 16:25). Suddenly an earthquake shook the place, and the prison doors flew open. The jailer knew he was in trouble, because if any of his prisoners escaped, he not only would be executed, but he would be tortured. He was ready to kill himself when Paul called out from the darkness, "Do yourself no harm, for we are all here" (Acts 16:28). The jailer said, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?" Paul's response was significant: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved" (Acts 16:31). The same Jesus who changed that hardened Roman jailer can forgive you and change your life as well. Then you can look forward to the future, knowing that God will be in control of your life and that He has a plan for you. You will also have the wonderful knowledge that when you die, you will go to Heaven. FROM THE HEART
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