Prophecy Update Newsletter
Jesus is Coming Soon; Most are Not Ready - By Daymond Duck -
One, God said, "If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people; If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land" (II Chron. 7:13-14). Notice the words "no rain," "locusts" and "pestilence." The drought in Australia has caused the smallest harvest ever recorded there; the locusts are spreading from Africa to the Middle East, India, Pakistan and China; and the Coronavirus pestilence is spreading from China to So. Korea, Japan, Vietnam and Italy (notice no rain, locusts and pestilence). God's solution is humility, prayer, seeking Him and repentance. Concerning the Coronavirus, it should not be taken lightly. It is very dangerous (perhaps more dangerous than we know); the suffering and hardship are great. But obey God, look up and be thankful because there have been no deaths in the U.S. at the time of this writing (and 97% or so of the Chinese victims have survived). Remember that the Jews that obeyed God by putting the blood of a lamb on the side posts and upper posts at the front door of their houses were protected from the tenth plague, and the 144,000 that will be sealed by God during the Tribulation Period will be protected from the plagues (Gen. 12:7; Rev. 7). The gates of Hell will not prevail against the Church. Two, there will be famine and a global economic collapse after the Rapture (Rev. 6:5-6). It has been reported that the locusts in Africa are devouring enough crops to feed 35,000 people a day and the Coronavirus has millions of people shut up in their homes, not working and not able to pay their bills; factories, malls, restaurants and hotels closed; banks closing or being bailed out, etc. On Feb. 24, 2020, the Dow Jones Stock Market lost more than 1,000 points. God may be showing us what plagues can do, that His Word is true and that the need to accept Jesus is great. Three, in 2001, Israel decided to build an underground high-speed railroad from the Ben-Gurion International Airport to downtown Jerusalem. In 2016, the railroad was almost complete, and Israel decided to extend it to the Temple Mount and to build a railroad station there to accommodate visitors. In 2017, Israel decided to name the railroad the King David Railroad because King David made Jerusalem the capital of Israel. Israel also decided that the train station near the Temple Mount will be called the Donald J. Trump Station because Pres. Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. The design work is now complete, and Israel will dig a 1.8-mile long tunnel under downtown Jerusalem (and the old city of Jerusalem) to the Temple Mount. (There is no information on how long this is expected to take.) Four, according to the Bible, Israel will have silver and gold, cattle and goods in the latter years and latter days (Ezek. 38:8, 12, 16). Israeli farmers and ranchers have been raising and selling cattle to the Palestinians. In Sept. 2019, the PA launched a boycott of Israeli beef. The boycott has been settled and Israel will sell 120,000 head of cattle to the PA each month (more than 1.4 million head per year). Five, according to the Bible, Jerusalem will have to be expanded to accommodate all of the Jews at the end of the age (Zech. 2:1-13). On Feb. 19, 2020, Prime Min. Netanyahu announced that he has approved permits to build 6,200 housing units in two suburbs of Jerusalem. Six, some are teaching that we are in the Tribulation Period. God may be giving us a glimpse of the Tribulation Period, but we are not in the Tribulation Period. The Church is still here, the world government and world religion do not yet exist, the covenant with many does not exist, people are not being forced to take the Mark, etc. We are seeing a convergence of the signs, and they are a reminder that we are getting close. Seven, many readers of Rapture Ready know who Jan Markel, J.D. Farag and Amir Tsarfati are. These well-known and highly respected prophecy teachers have been interviewed in a new movie called "Before the Wrath" (before the Tribulation Period). It is available on DVD at . Jan reported that she learned from Brent Miller, Jr., the producer of the movie, that a Lifeway Research study found that "98% of the church will not talk about the glorious news that Jesus will return any moment." Think about that: according to the Bible, the Rapture is our blessed hope and 98% of those that call themselves Christians don't talk about it (Titus 2:13). Perhaps that is why it will come upon the world like a snare, and so many Christians think prophecy teachers are fanatics. Jesus is coming soon and most are not ready. Prophecy Plus Ministries, Inc. Daymond & Rachel Duck [email protected] Israel Watch: Change the System! - Jim Fletcher - [email protected] Gridlock isn't confined to Washington DC and Foggy Bottom. It's a human condition. Even in the Holy Land. Reading a report on Israel's elections this week left me dizzy. Most polls show a virtual dead-heat between Benjamin Netanyahu and his Likud Party, and challenger Benny Gantz's Blue and White. Yet when voters were asked specifically who is best to lead the country, Netanyahu's numbers were most impressive; in most he had at least a 12-point lead over Gantz. There is also the specter of the Arab voting bloc causing problems and making the race much narrower. Gantz has pledged that he will not form a government with Arab parties. So the question must be asked: why does Israel continue with a parliamentary system in which voters pick a party rather than a specific candidate? It is an important distinction because it allows a boatload of parties to paralyze the government, holding it hostage to each of their lists of desired goodies. Israel went through a seismic change in national government in the 1970s, when Menachem Begin defeated the Labor Party. It was the first time a party (in this case Likud) other than Labor led the country. One wishes Israel would go to a system in which voters pick an actual, living and breathing candidate. I can't imagine that Netanyahu wouldn't win handily. Another flaw in their system is the presence of kingmakers like Avidgor Liberman, who can hold the country hostage by virtually deciding which lesser parties can cobble together to prevent a candidate/party (in this case Netanyahu) from forming the required 61-seat majority. Today, a story ran that Liberman claims Netanyahu told the Jordanians he would not annex the Jordan Valley, which would be the opposite of Likud's public statements on the matter. Liberman hates Netanyahu, so he can carry out personal vendettas. Netanyahu's corruption trial starts March 17, and that is also looming. During an interview this week with Mark Levin, Netanyahu seemed unusually relaxed. He was his usual charming self, in command of facts and savvy with the media. Despite a pivotal election and crucial trial, this is also the man that has seen combat, lost his brother Yonatan to terrorism, and has maneuvered through a whole host of other problems. He seems unflappable. Let us pray for Israel this week and in the coming weeks especially, and for the man we admire, Benjamin Netanyahu. Panic Buying & Price Gouging Has Only Just Begun - By Michael Snyder /End Of The American Dream - We have already seen it happen all over the globe. In China it is becoming increasingly difficult for ordinary citizens to get essential supplies, there have been very long lines to buy face masks in Hong Kong and elsewhere, and in Italy crazed residents have stripped store shelves empty of pasta and other staples in recent days. As the number of confirmed cases continues to rise at a very frightening pace, the "panic buying" that we have been witnessing is going to get even worse. Meanwhile, global supply chains are becoming increasingly strained due to this coronavirus outbreak, and it has already become quite difficult for many stores to get certain things for their customers. Here in the United States, we have never experienced anything like this. We are accustomed to stores that are absolutely teeming with products, and any "shortages" are usually very temporary. But now we are being warned to expect empty store shelves in the months ahead if this outbreak becomes a worldwide pandemic... Coronavirus has the potential to become a global pandemic, temporarily emptying retail store shelves in the coming months and depressing some consumer-facing businesses, experts say, with government officials advising families to take measured steps to stock up on certain essentials. In fact, NBC News is reporting that we should anticipate seeing "bare shelves" in some stores "by mid-April"... If production isn't restarted soon, the bottlenecks could lead to some bare shelves at brick-and-mortar retailers by mid-April, with stores such as Target and Walmart at the greatest risk, Kelly wrote. Supply chain disruptions and shortages have the potential to hit retailers such as Best Buy, Michaels and Wayfair in the near future, considering that 60 percent to 70 percent of their inventory comes from China. That doesn't sound good at all. Protective face masks are one of the items that is most in demand right now. When my wife went to our local Home Depot the other day, there were barely any left at all. Apparently "hoarding" of masks is taking place on a global scale, and manufacturers are warning that they won't be able to keep up with demand. The following comes from the Wall Street Journal... Hospitals and public-health officials in the U.S. and Europe are rationing medical masks and scrounging for more, as they prepare for a potential widening of the coronavirus epidemic. Global hoarding has left European wholesalers with empty shelves. Manufacturers outside China say they won't be able to fill an exploding stack of orders for months. U.S. hospitals and medical-supply companies have reported dwindling mask inventory and partial or delayed shipments as the surge in global demand for protective equipment enters a second month. All over the western world, supplies of face masks are rapidly dwindling. When one reporter searched around London for a mask, she could only find one pharmacy that still had any for sale... Meanwhile, pharmacies from Germany to Canada to Italy and the U.K. are all low on medical mask supplies, according to posts circulating on social media. In a post on Twitter, a journalist for Agence France-Presse said that the only pharmacy in central London she could find stocking face masks was selling them for approximately $3.25 a piece. Of course masks aren't the only thing that people are "panic buying" right now. In Hawaii, a wide range of essential supplies have been "flying off the shelves"... Supplies were flying off the shelves Wednesday, with some shoppers taking pictures of empty shelves at stores across Oahu. This comes after a message from the Health Department to stock up on necessities. There aren't any coronavirus (COVID-19) cases here in Hawaii, but health officials want people to have food, supplies and medicine just in case. And after a very long downturn, all of a sudden emergency food has become a very hot commodity again. In fact, it appears that Costco is currently tapped out... Costco Wholesale, which is one of America's biggest suppliers of long-term storable food, sold out of all their "emergency food kits" on their website after the CDC warned that Americans should be prepared in case the coronavirus becomes a pandemic. Visitors to the "Emergency [Food] Kits & Supplies" section of their website are currently greeted with a message saying, "We're sorry, no products were found." Keep in mind that all of this is happening even though we haven't seen one single American die from this virus yet. So if things are already this crazy, what is it going to be like if thousands of Americans start dropping dead during this outbreak? On Amazon, one of the biggest issues has been price gouging. In fact, "tens of thousands of offers" have been removed in recent days because of "unfair prices"... Amazon told CNBC it has blocked or removed more than 1 million products that made suspect or misleading claims about the coronavirus. The company said it also suspended or took down tens of thousands of offers from third-party merchants it accused of charging customers unfair prices. Amazon didn't give specific figures for how many listings it removed or suspended for price gouging. "There is no place for price gouging on Amazon," an Amazon spokesperson told CNBC in a statement. The spokesperson pointed to Amazon's "long-standing" policy on fair pricing, which states that the company doesn't allow pricing practices that harm consumer trust, such as setting a price on a product that is "significantly higher than recent prices on or off Amazon." But what is an "unfair price" in this environment? A free enterprise system is supposed to dynamically respond to changes in supply and demand, and right now our economic environment is shifting very rapidly. In the coming months, economic conditions will continue to evolve quickly, and that will especially be true if manufacturers in China cannot resume normal activity. Many Americans don't realize this, but we are extremely dependent on imports from China, and that is especially true when it comes to pharmaceutical drugs... The U.S. relies on China for electronics, clothes, toys and, increasingly, prescription drugs. About 90% of the active ingredients used by U.S. companies in drug manufacturing come from China, which has prompted politicians and public health experts to express concern over potential shortages of common generics. We should have never allowed so much drug manufacturing to move over to China, and now we may end up paying a very great price for doing so. Even though I hope that the Trump administration is 100 percent correct and that this outbreak will start to subside once warmer weather arrives, I am still encouraging everyone that I know to prepare for a long-term pandemic. I have been listening very carefully to what medical experts all over the globe have been telling us, and I have found their arguments to be quite persuasive. The CDC is "asking the American public to prepare for the expectation that this might be bad", and I plan to heed that advice. And if you do prepare and this outbreak is not as bad as initially feared, at least you will be prepared for the next great challenge that is ahead of us. Pascal Lamb could be Sacrificed on Temple Mount for first Time in 2,000 Years - By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - Moshe replied, "We will all go, young and old: we will go with our sons and daughters, our flocks and herds; for we must observe Hashem's festival." Exodus 10:9 (The Israel Bible™) As per Trump's Deal of the Century, the Sanhedrin petitioned the Israeli government, filing to receive permits that would allow priests to perform the ritual of the Pesach (Passover) sacrifice temporary altar that will be transported to the temple mount and removed immediately after the ceremony. If the government grants the permits, as it should, based on Israeli and international law, this will be the first time since the destruction of the Second Temple that an altar has stood in its proper place on Judaism's holiest site: the threshing floor purchased by King David. For the past eight years, the Sanhedrin has been conducting reenactments of the Temple service as a means of preparing for the actual reinstating of the service. These reenactments are held before each of the Biblically mandated feasts by kohanim (Jewish men descended for Aaron the high priests) dressed in the proper Temple garb. The reenactment of the Pesach offering has special significance as the commandment has great import. There are only two mitzvot (Biblical commandments) for which non-compliance receives the most severe punishment mandated by the Torah, karet (being cut off from the community, or excommunicated): brit milah (circumcision) and the korban Pesach (Passover sacrifice). "Despite various issues of Jewish law, such as ritual impurity and lack of a high priest, Jews are still required and technically able to bring the sacrifice," Rabbi Hillel Weiss, the spokesman for the Sanhedrin told Breaking Israel News. "The only thing preventing the Jewish People from performing the Passover sacrifice is the Israeli government." The Sanhedrin recently performed an intense study concerning the current status of the Passover offering and concluded that at this juncture, one sacrifice made at the Temple Mount brought in the name of the entire Jewish people would suffice. The Sanhedrin held a special meeting on Wednesday to discuss the Pesach offering reenactment as well as contingency plans should the government permit the actual ritual to be performed on the Temple Mount at the proper time. As they do every year, the Sanhedrin submitted requests for permits to perform the reenactment to be held on the Temple Mount three days before the holiday. They also submitted a separate request for the actual sacrifice to be held on the Temple Mount on the holiday. Included in this request is the plan to bring a stone altar to the Temple Mount. The Passover sacrifice can only be offered in one place; on the Temple Mount. The sacrifice does not require an actual Temple structure but it does require an altar that is built to adhere to the Biblical requirements. Such an altar was constructed last year and stands ready. The square altar is nine feet square and five feet high and is constructed of aerated concrete. The material was ruled to be fit for use in the Temple. In the Talmud, it is explained that steel may not be used to cut the stones of the altar since the Temple Service brings life into the world and steel, as it is used in war, takes life. Stones for the altar may not be cut using steel since the Temple service brings life into the world and steel though not ideal, it is light and easily transported and sized to be loaded onto a truck. The altar was constructed on a metal frame designed also for purposes of transportability. The intent was to create an altar that could be taken to the Temple Mount at a moment's notice should the need arise. Should the request to bring the sacrifice be granted, this would mark the first time an altar has stood on the Temple Mount in its proper place since the Second Temple was destroyed in 70 CE. The Sanhedrin emphasized that the plan to bring the altar to the Temple Mount was entirely consistent with President Trump's recently released Deal of the Century which recognized Israel's full sovereignty over the site. "People of every faith should be permitted to pray on the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif, in a manner that is fully respectful to their religion, taking into account the times of each religion's prayers and holidays, as well as other religious factors" the text of the deal reads. "Just like King Cyrus, this declaration by Donald Trump opens the door for the Jews to build the Temple. It is now up to us to take the next step forward. This is a watershed point in history. Once we bring the altar to the Temple Mount, even for the sacrifice of one lamb, there is no turning back. The prophesied next step is inevitable." "This may have sounded drastic not so long ago but today, when faced with the coronavirus, climate change, and rogue nations, people of faith are certainly praying for the Temple service to begin immediately," Rabbi Meir Halevi Hakaadded. "According to Midrash (homiletic teachings), the Exodus from Egypt was for the sake of the entire world," Rabbi Yoel Schwarts, the head of the Noahide court said. "God told the Children of Israel, 'It is not for your sake that I am taking you out of Egypt. It is only so that you can tell of the Exodus and teach my Torah to all the nations.'" Rabbi Shwartz cited another Midrash which explained the three times oaths are mentioned in Song of Songs. "According to the Midrash, the first oath refers to the First Temple which Solomon built," Rabbi Schwartz explained. "The second oath is the Second Temple that was built on Cyrus' merit. The Third oath is the Third Temple whose construction will be initiated by the nations, after which the Jews will join in." If the Jerusalem municipality does not grant permission to bring the altar to the Temple Mount, an additional request was file to bring the altar to Jerusalem for the reenactment. "Plurality in the form of 70 nations is a Biblical requirement for the Temple to be a House of Prayer for All Nations," Rabbi Weiss said. "Western liberal values and international law demand the equality of religions. We are proposing bringing a temporary altar for one day to sacrifice one lamb for the entire Jewish nation. The Samarians sacrifice hundreds of lambs every year. Any objection to this can only be based in racism and hatred." "We have been preparing, faithfully performing whatever we can to bring perform God's will," Rabbi Weiss said. "Now it is in God's hands to take it to its prophetic conclusion; the Pesach sacrifice on the Temple Mount. All of the inhabitants of the world need to place God's will as it is expressed in the Bible foremost in their consciousness." Every year, more people attend and the ceremony itself develops in complexity, becoming more like the actual ceremony in the Temple. The Sanhedrin also made a ruling regarding the participation of non-Jews in the ceremony and its funding. Non-Jews are expressly forbidden by the Torah from partaking of the sacrifice. They are also not permitted to participate in funding communal sacrifices. The Sanhedrin noted that non-Jews did observe the Pesach sacrifice as it was brought in the Temple and such areas should be set aside for this purpose at the reenactment. Non-Jews would be permitted to donate money towards the reenactment and fund necessary elements surrounding the reinstatement of the Temple service but no funds from non-Jews would be permitted to be used for sanctified purposes. "The Temples were and will always be for the good of the entire world and the nations are intended to help us towards this end," Rabbi Meir Halevi Hakaadded said. "This is especially true today when we are faced with global threats that affect every individual and every nation. And, indeed, there are many nations and individuals, including Muslims and Arabs, that understand this and are willing to take their place in this effort." "Now, at this point in time, it is essential that the nations make their desire known for the return of the Temple service." A headstart project to fund the Pesach reenactment will be launched in the near future. Last year, the ceremony was supposed to take place at the Davidson Center, an archaeological park at the foot of the stairs where individuals walked up to bring their sacrifices to the Temple. All of the permits were acquired but at the last moment, the police officer overseeing security demanded that the original copy of the permit for slaughtering the lamb be produced in place of a faxed copy. It was later revealed that the police wanted the venue changed in order to prevent a violent Palestinian reaction to the Jewish ritual, the police ordered the Sanhedrin to change the venue. Such important Jewish rituals are often repressed by Israeli security forces and every year, several Jews are arrested while attempting to bring a lamb to the Temple Mount. The reenactment was accompanied by blasts from silver horns. A band played songs based on the Hallel service, a prayer service composed of verses from Psalms, that was sung in the Temple while the Passover sacrifice was being prepared. The lamb must be checked for blemishes before being slaughtered. As in the Temple, the priests arranged themselves in a line stretching from the courtyard in which the lamb was slaughtered stretching all the way to the altar. The blood from the lamb was collected in a vessel and then passed from one priest to another, hand over hand, until it arrived at the altar upon which it was poured. The animal is skinned and the inner parts are separated. The goat was prepared roasted whole on a long pomegranate branch in the manner described in the Torah and served to the Jews gathered to witness the reenactment. When the Temple stood, all of the Jewish people came to Jerusalem and organized into groups to celebrate the Passover seder. Each group sent a representative to the Temple to bring a lamb that would be ritually prepared by the priests and its blood sprinkled on the altar. The lamb would then be taken home to be cooked and eaten. Daily Jot: The disturbing Castro Connection - Bill Wilson - Cuban Americans took to the streets Saturday in Miami, FL., to protest the Democratic Party's candidacy of socialist Bernie Sanders because of his remarks favoring Cuba's brutal dictator Fidel Castro. Sanders told 60 Minutes' Anderson Cooper that the Castro regime "educated their kids, gave them health care, [and] totally transformed the society." Sanders praised Castro, saying, "We're very opposed to the authoritarian nature of Cuba but you know, it's unfair to simply say everything is bad. You know? When Fidel Castro came into office, you know what he did? He had a massive literacy program. Is that a bad thing? Even though Fidel Castro did it?" He's not the only Democrat in love with Castro. In March 2014, the immediate past president and his family visited Cuba. They attended a baseball game with Castro's brother Raul, also a brutal communist who took over for Fidel when his health began failing. The apology tour included announcing a reexamination of Cuba's terrorist-sponsoring designation, saying that 50 years of isolation and economic sanctions on Cuba have not worked, and that the US and Cuba are going to work together on topics with which they agree. He all but conceded to the Castro Revolution. In November 2016, the Washington Post and the New York Times coverage of Fidel Castro's death made him out to be an extraordinary revolutionary that brought great things to Cuba. Let us remember the Castro regime. It is one of death and destruction. It is a legacy of poverty for Cubans and debauchery for Castro and his family. The Miami Herald reported on April 23, 2006 that Fidel Castro was responsible for 31,173 executions and prison deaths since he took power in 1959. Some 5,728 were killed by firing squads. He refused medical attention to those trying to escape the island by boat, resulting in another estimated 77,000 deaths. Nearly all the sources indicate an exact number of deaths caused by Castro's regime is unattainable, with some estimating the death toll over 1.5 million. Castro lived a private life of extravagance while appearing as a poor man in public. He was a liar. Can you see the pattern here? While many of the Democratic candidates for president have said very little about Cuba, there has been closet support for Castro in the party leadership for years. "Ignore the bad, embrace the good" is their mantra. It's a shallow good, and a very deep bad. The Communist Manifesto states: "...Communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of constituting them on a new basis." This is the basis of deception for all socialism and progressivism as well. It is godless and evil. The Bible tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5:21, 22, "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil." Communists ply the nature of humans with powerful words like "rights" when, in reality, they wish to kill, steal and destroy. Be not deceived by the honoring of Castro. Daily Devotion: Known by Our Love - by Greg Laurie - Dear children, let's not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions.-1 John 3:18 As I've grown older, I've noticed that everyone ultimately turns into an exaggerated version of themselves-or a fully realized version of themselves. Cranky people just get crankier. And loving people seem to grow more loving. Having spent time with Billy Graham, I saw what a loving man he was. When he first started out as a preacher, he was full of fire and passion. He never lost that, really, but he talked a lot about God's judgment. By the way, that's an important thing to talk about. We don't want to neglect it. But as he got older, he was such a loving guy-not just when he spoke publicly and reminded people that God loved them. He also was a very loving person privately. He became a fully realized version of himself. I'm not talking about a touchy-feely kind of love but genuine love. There are some people who say they love you, but they don't show it by their actions. The Bible says, "If I speak God's Word with power, revealing all his mysteries and making everything plain as day, and if I have faith that says to a mountain, 'Jump,' and it jumps, but I don't love, I'm nothing" (1 Corinthians 13:2 MSG). You can be theologically correct and be an unloving person. Some people mark their Bibles, but their Bibles don't mark them. They go through the Word of God, but the Word of God doesn't seem to go through them. They're hypercritical, always finding faults and flaws in other people, always down on others. You could describe them as judgmental people. As followers of Jesus Christ, we want to grow in our love toward others. And if we're not known for our love for others, then we're actually falling short of what God wants for us as Christians. FROM THE HEART
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