Prophecy Update Newsletter
The Beating Drums of War - By Matt Ward - Israel is facing a multi-spectrum war in the very near future. While the West has largely been distracted, Iran, Hezbollah and Russia have been busy over the past six months cementing their positions in Syria, readying themselves for what is fast becoming an inevitable confrontation with Israel. At this point, it is not a question of "if" but "when" war will come to the Middle East. Yet, strangely talk of "peace" will not be quieted. Both Jared Kushner and President Donald Trump are still addressing closed-off meetings, garnishing support for the much-anticipated US-led peace plan. At point of writing, the assumption is that this peace plan will be presented later this year, possibly "after the Israeli" elections, which would be later on in the second half of 2019. And the air is full of talk of "concessions" being needed from "both sides." Despite this talk of concessions, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has not dismissed the suggestion of this peace plan out of hand, but seemingly remains open to its possibilities. He said, "We wait and see what the final plan will look like. It will be presented after the Israeli elections - as you can imagine, that takes up a little bit of my time right now. I don't think that any of us should reject the plan and reject this initiative by the American administration before it's even presented." Netanyahu went on to say, "If we make progress and indeed a formal peace with the Palestinians, it would help enormously in the Arab world, and I would say with parts of the Muslim world; but I think it is equally true that the normalization of relations with the Arab world also helps achieve peace with the Palestinians, and I'm happy to say that there's progress on that." Yet, amidst the continued talk of "peace," what we actually see in the Middle East is frantic preparations for war. On Israeli's southern and northern borders, war is only a hair's breadth away. Hezbollah, Israel's implacable and blood-avowed enemy from Lebanon, north of Israel, are now resurgent in Syria and have been working hard on converting their Zel Zal 2 medium range missiles into precision-guided missile systems. Of the 14,000 missiles they currently have, at least 250 have so far been upgraded and converted into precision-guided cruise missiles. Hezbollah is striving to develop its precision-guided missile technology, and there can only be one immediate target for that technology: Israel. At the moment, 250 upgraded missiles would not constitute enough to fight a war with Israel, but it is a very good start, and as clear an indication as is needed of their intention for war. Considering the density of population in the Israeli heartland, if only a few of these missiles got through the Israeli defenses, or were not shot down by the IDF, the devastation they could cause would be shocking. As, no doubt, would be the Israeli retaliation. Yet, the missile threat now facing Israel does not end there. Iran themselves are a growing and increasingly significant threat. On February 2nd, the new Iranian designed and built Hoveizeh cruise missile was tested. This is a medium-range cruise missile designed specifically for attacking Israel. It is clear that Iran has a growing determination to use them. This Hoveizah missile has a reliable range exceeding 1,200 km, which just so happens to also be the exact distance from Iran to Israel. This Iranian cruise missile is different from all others that have come before it. Unlike other missiles produced by the Islamic Republic, where defensive countermeasures do exist, this low-flying missile flies underneath radar to its target, thus enabling Iran to claim, with some justification, that neither the United States nor Israel have any credible defense against this specific threat. They are likely right in that assumption as up to this point there is no military in the world that has been able to develop a consistently reliable means of intercepting cruise-missile technology, including the United States of America. This missile represents a grave threat to the Jewish State. One can only assume that the only thing keeping this from Israel right now is the international condemnation using such a weapon would bring, and the enormous retaliation Israel would undoubtedly bring to bear on Iran should they dare launch even one at the Israeli heartland. There is no benefit at this point in playing down the growing threat to Israel; the Hozeizeh represents a powerful new weapon in the Iranian armory, and at present there is nothing Israel or her allies can do to counter it. Additionally, Iran has been heavily lobbying Russia to extend its formidable S-300 air-defense systems over Lebanon and southern Syria. The reason for this is that such a system would dramatically increase cover for Hezbollah's own precision-missile programs. To this effect, Moscow has recently announced that it has begun the process of actually training Syria crews in the operation of these S-300 batteries, training that is predicted to be completed by mid to late March. The developing situation in Iraq does not look much better. In Iraq - not often talked about these days amidst the backdrop of a ruined Syria - Iran is utterly dominant, having finally succeeded in creating a land bridge through to the Middle East. At this point, Iranian forces are moving, almost uninhibited, through Iraq to take up positions almost directly against the Israeli border in northern and eastern Syria. To deflect international attention from this obvious provocation, Russia has been jumping on the Palestinian issue as international "cover" for these Iranian movements, successfully drawing attention away from Iran and back onto Israel. It is also worth noting that there is no doubt that the recent announcement by the US of its forthcoming troop withdrawal in Syria has, without question, benefited both Iran and Hezbollah. Intelligence has already confirmed that Iran has been redeploying its forces, regrouping them in northern and eastern Syria. This can only be so that they can take immediate advantage of the US withdrawal and so extend their strategic depth deep into Syria, increasing the stranglehold on this ruined Middle Eastern nation. War is coming to the Middle East between Iran and Israel. There seems to be an inevitability to it at this point. In order for war between Israel, Iran and her proxies to be prevented, it is absolutely essential that Israel is able to develop a stable deterrence to their actions in Syria. Israel simply has not been able to do so. In fact, they haven't even come close to developing a coherent deterrence to the Iranian threat in the Syrian theater. The downing last year by Syria of a Russian transport aircraft with the loss of a number of active Russian servicemen, and the subsequently hostile Russian reaction (blaming Israel) has fundamentally changed the environment for Israel, effectively tying Israel's hands behind her back. Equally, a second key component part in the prevention of regional war lies in Israel's ability to make explicitly clear, and then be able to fully enforce, what her "red lines" are. At present, while everybody seems to know what Israel's "red lines" are, the menacing presence of Russia in Syria, and Russia's overt support for Iran and her proxies like Hezbollah has meant that, frankly, nobody cares about Israel's declared "red lines" anymore. Where there is no deterrence for war, war often becomes an inevitability. The truth is that Iran and Hezbollah feel emboldened in their opposition to Israel. On February 23rd, Iran's National Security Advisor, Ali Shamkhani, decided to take the extraordinary step of publicly publishing, and then commenting on, Iran's foreign policy goal of toppling Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. Iran has even gone so far as to openly acknowledge that they intend to do this through war. Moscow is also no longer masking its true intentions in the Middle East. Ahead of the recent visit to Russia by Netanyahu, Moscow revealed that its loyalty now lies exclusively with Hezbollah, whom they believe is a "force for stability and security" in the region. Vladimir Putin is simply not interested in hearing reports from Netanyahu about the misdemeanors of Hezbollah, and has no time for talk of their military buildup in Syria opposite to the Israeli border. This deepening Russian attitude towards the Shiite Lebanese group comes after a direct face-to-face meeting between Vladimir Putin (Russia), Hassan Rouhani (Iran) and President Tayyip Erdogan (Turkey) at the Black Sea resort of Sochi on February 14th. The discussions centered on two discussion points: Israel and Syria. It would seem to me that Israel's enemies, as predicted long ago in scripture, are indeed now taking counsel together, actively preparing to invade an un-walled land to take a "plunder." Russia is not even attempting to hide these intentions anymore. Russia has revealed that its support for Hezbollah and Iran's buildup in Syria is expressly because of Lebanon's energy and gas supplies. Russian energy giant, Rosneft, has just signed a 20-plus year contract for the exclusive management of the oil and gas fields in northern Lebanon. And because of this, they are very soon expected, with full Russian backing, to claim that the recently discovered Israeli Leviathan gas fields belong to them, and not Israel. And now they have the full weight and might of Russia backing up that claim. We are on the brink of the prophesied war of Gog and Magog. I have always viewed this war as a post- rapture event because it is about the time of this war that God once again begins to turn His face back to his ancient inheritance, Israel. Whether this is right or wrong, it is looking increasingly likely that we will not have too long to wait to determine whether this confrontation really does take place after the Gentile age has concluded or not, because this war is going to happen soon. Really soon. Keep looking up. [email protected] Will Trump's Middle East peace plan really be 'dead on arrival'? - Joel C. Rosenberg - Not if POTUS makes it easier for Gulf states to move toward Israel. Soon after the April 9 elections, the White House is expected to unveil US President Donald Trump's long-anticipated plan to advance peace in the Middle East. Critics aren't waiting to read the actual text. They've already declared the effort doomed from the start. Yet such cynicism could very well prove wildly off the mark. Senior US officials are quietly meeting with Arab, Jewish and Evangelical leaders to prepare them for the spring rollout. Earlier this month, Jared Kushner - the plan's chief architect - traveled with White House colleague Jason Greenblatt to the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Bahrain, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar to brief them on what's coming and to seek financial backing for the plan's more ambitious features. "We are hoping when this [plan] comes out that people will look at it with a fresh perspective and say... this is the right package of compromises for both sides to take, in order to leave the past behind and try to start a new chapter where there can be tremendous hope and opportunity in the region," Kushner told Sky News Arabia. Last Thursday, Greenblatt held a "listening session" at the White House with prominent Evangelical leaders, such as the Rev. John Hagee, founder of Christians United for Israel, Paula White-Cain, Jentezen Franklin and others to field questions and address concerns regarding the plan. I was grateful to be included. Later that day, I also had a private lunch with Vice President Mike Pence and then an Oval Office meeting with the president to discuss Jerusalem, the Iran threat and other vital matters related to the peace process. Such outreach efforts by the White House are vitally important because the sniping is well under way and intensifying. "Kushner's Peace Plan Looks Dead on Arrival," declared Politico. "Kushner's Peace Plan Is a Disaster Waiting to Happen," insisted Foreign Policy magazine. "Trump's pursuit of his ultimate deal is almost certain to turn into the ultimate failure," concluded Aaron David Miller, a former State Department official. Palestinian leaders, meanwhile, have been publicly blasting the plan for months, while adamantly refusing to meet with administration officials. Last July, Riyad Mansour, the Palestinian ambassador to the UN, vowed the Trump plan would be "dead on arrival." Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said in November "the deal of the century is... the slap of the century" and "will not pass." Saeb Erekat, the chief Palestinian negotiator, recently denounced the plan as "a ridiculous and doomed-to-fail attempt at normalizing Israeli crimes." DESPITE SUCH a barrage of criticism, there are, however, two reasons why such conventional wisdom may prove entirely wrong. First, the Trump team could stun everyone by including provisions in its plan that the Palestinians would find far too attractive to dismiss, drawing them back to the negotiating table despite all their trash talk. Remember what Trump said after announcing he would move the US Embassy to Jerusalem? "If there's ever going to be peace with the Palestinians, then this was a good thing to have done... Now Israel will have to pay a higher price... The Palestinians will get something very good, because it's their turn next." Such a prospect has some in Israel quite concerned, especially on the Right. "It seems that everybody is in the loop, planning the Palestinian state right over our heads: the Americans, the Saudi prince, the Palestinians, the Jordanian king - even Erdogan of Turkey, blatant antisemite! Even he's in the loop!" warns Education Minister Naftali Bennett, head of the New Right Party. "Everybody's in the picture. Everybody but us, the people of Israel." There is, however, a second and potentially more compelling reason why the conventional wisdom could be wrong. The Trump team may not be worried in the slightest that the Palestinian leadership will reject its plan. Indeed, it may actually be counting on it and hoping that one Gulf Arab state after another will become so fed up with perennial Palestinian rejectionism that they will decide to finally take bold steps toward full peace with Israel. Imagine a scenario in which the US plan contains language indicating that Trump "could support a two-state solution if both Israelis and Palestinians can find a way to reach a mutually acceptable agreement," and that Trump is "open to east Jerusalem neighborhoods becoming the capital of a Palestinian state." Such language would infuriate the Israeli Right. It might also initially upset many American Evangelicals, who deeply love Israel and don't want to see Jerusalem divided. Yet what if the inclusion of these two points - which Trump has actually already said publicly - paved the way for the leaders of Bahrain, Oman, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, along with Egypt and Jordan, to publicly declare that the Trump plan, "while far from perfect," is nevertheless "serious" and "credible" and "an acceptable basis for immediate direct negotiations," in keeping with "the spirit of the Arab Peace Initiative"? Such positive statements about the Trump plan would be the geopolitical equivalent of the "Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval" from the Arab states. Might Abbas still stubbornly refuse to enter peace talks with Israel even after such qualified endorsements? Perhaps, but the media throughout much of the Gulf (except, of course, Al Jazeera) would cover Palestinian intransigence extensively. Arab journalists, think tank analysts and former government officials might begin to ask hard questions: Is there no peace plan the Palestinians will consider seriously? Isn't 70 years of saying no to peace enough? Are we really going to let the leaders in Ramallah hold the rest of the Arab leaders and their national interests hostage forever? Facing the incredibly dangerous prospect of the Persian bomb, shouldn't we forge a security and economic alliance with the US and Israel to contain and neutralize the Iran nuclear threat before it's too late? Such a conversation would be healthy, and could lead to public opinion in the Gulf states becoming increasingly favorable to normalization of relations with Israel. At this point, I concede that it's difficult to envision a scenario in which Abbas says yes to any American peace plan. Tragically, he risks going to his grave as the man who deprived generations of Palestinian men, women and children of the freedom, opportunity and economic prosperity they crave and rightly deserve. Yet, given the seriousness of the Iran threat, and the rise of a new generation of Arab leaders who think very differently from their predecessors, it's actually no longer difficult to envision a scenario in which Abbas's rejection of a reasonably structured Trump plan could actually breathe new life into a regional peace process. Indeed, it could create the very conditions that Gulf Arab leaders need to allow them to fly to Jerusalem - or invite an Israeli prime minister to their capitals - to negotiate their own peace treaties, thus hyper-accelerating regional trade, investment and economic growth, and making history. Arab leaders showing such courage and boldness would see their stock rise sharply among the American people, including among Evangelicals. And by not letting Abbas hijack the peace process, the Gulf Arab leaders might actually persuade their Palestinian brethren over time to return to the negotiating table, once they've beheld the beautiful fruit of peace. The writer is a New York Times best-selling author with nearly five million copies sold. His latest political thriller, The Persian Gamble, releases March 12. A dual US-Israeli citizen, he has led delegations of Evangelical leaders to meet with the leaders of Egypt, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. Coming Together - By Daymond Duck - First, this week, it was announced that Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu will be indicted on three charges of bribery and corruption. Mr. Netanyahu claims he is innocent, and there will be hearings that could take up to a year. For those that are concerned about the outcome of Israel's upcoming election, just know that God raises up leaders and God brings down leaders. He will decide who will rule in Israel and for what reason. And, in case someone has forgotten or doesn't know it, the head of Israel's military is actually God; and Israel will be attacked, but Israel will not lose. Second, on Mar. 1, 2019, a Jewish prophecy teacher (who is also a Christian) named Amir Tsarfati suggested that the people that are trying to bring Pres. Trump down are the same people that are trying to bring Prime Min. Netanyahu down. He believes they want Pres. Trump and Prime Min. Netanyahu removed because both men oppose one-world government, one-world religion, a one-world economy, open borders, dividing Jerusalem, etc. According to Mr. Tsarfati, globalists believe that replacing Pres. Trump and Prime Min. Netanyahu will allow the rise of people that are more likely to support a one-world government and more likely to sign a peace treaty. Three days later, I spoke to a local group of pastors, and some of them had just returned from a trip to Israel. They told me that their tour guide told them the same thing about efforts to remove Pres. Trump and Prime Min. Netanyahu. One pastor said, "I find it interesting that there are two nations that have been founded on the Word of God: Israel and the U.S., and globalists want to undermine the leaders of those two nations to establish a world government and a world religion." A satanic world government with a leader that thinks he is God would definitely reject a Biblical worldview. Third, on Mar. 1, 2019, Senator Bernie Sanders was on The View when he said, "According to the best scientists in the world, we have twelve years to begin substantially cutting carbon emissions." Twelve years will take the world to Mar. 1, 2031. Free healthcare, free education, etc., are bribes to gain control of everyone, and climate change is a scare tactic to force everyone into a world government by 2030. Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are now openly predicting doom and gloom in 12 years if the world doesn't accept climate change by then, and both political parties have followers that agree with them. Fourth, on Feb. 28, 2019, more than five inches of rain fell on Jerusalem, and the Sea of Galilee has risen more than five feet this winter. Israel could use more rain, but this has been a wonderful blessing, and God is fulfilling His prophecies. Fifth, in the last week of Feb. 2019, the Family Research Council criticized 12 Democrats for suggesting that some of Pres. Trump's nominees for government jobs are unqualified to serve because of their Christian faith. At least three of those Democrats are expected to seek their Party's nomination for president of the U.S. in 2020. I haven't read anything that these politicians have said against people serving on important committees in the U.S. because of their Muslim faith. But these politicians believe that Christians are unqualified for some government jobs because of their Christian faith. Their religious bias indicates that more extreme persecution is on the way. Sixth, kudos to the United Methodist Church (UMC) for refusing to lift its ban on same-sex marriage and the ordination of gay pastors, and for calling for stricter punishment for those who violate these Church bans (not limited to, but including asking those who won't obey the ban to find another church). It is a praise to God that the two largest Protestant denominations in the U.S. (Baptist and UMC) are still sticking with the Bible on these issues. Prophecy Plus Ministries, Inc. Daymond & Rachel Duck [email protected] Trump Peace Envoy Scolds Palestinians, U.N. Members for Enabling Payments to Terrorists - Adam Kredo - Greenblatt demands P.A. stop using aid dollars to take care of terrorists U.S. peace envoy Jason Greenblatt offered a rebuke of the Palestinian Authority and United Nations members who he said are enabling the embattled government to continue paying salaries to terrorists who have killed Jews, according to a readout of Greenblatt's remarks Friday to a closed-door session of the U.N. Security Council exclusively provided to the Washington Free Beacon. Greenblatt, who has been engaged in shuttle diplomacy to help foster peace between the Israeli and Palestinians, offered a robust defense of Israel and blamed the P.A.'s ongoing budget crunch on a package of policies that have enabled the government to continue spending internationally provided aid dollars on terrorist salaries, a policy known as "pay to slay." As the P.A. grapples with a deepening budget crisis that threatens its control, U.N. member states have sought to blame Israel for the situation, which has thrown the Palestinian government into chaos. Greenblatt fiercely pushed back against these charges, telling U.N. members that the Palestinians' problems are tied to their refusal to stop spending critical budgetary dollars on terrorists and their families. The "pay to slay" policy has emerged as a chief diplomatic hurdle in peace talks between the Israelis and Palestinians, sources told the Free Beacon, and Greenblatt used his perch at the U.N. to send a clear message: These payments must stop immediately if the Palestinians are to be seen as a serious partner for peace. Greenblatt's criticism comes at a key time in peace negotiations, as the Trump administration prepares to unveil its much-anticipated framework for peace. "It is astonishing that in the year 2019, the Palestinian Authority has not yet taken any steps to end these morally-repugnant payments," Greenblatt told the Security Council, according to one diplomat in the room, who briefed the Free Beacon about his remarks. "It is bewildering that the international community has not been more vocal in condemning this practice." "If your citizens were being routinely attacked by terrorists, which of you would tolerate a reward system that compensated the attackers for their crimes?" Greenblatt asked the room. "How can we possibly censure Israel for taking the same stance?" The Palestinian budget crisis hinges on one issue, Greenblatt said: The government's insistence on spending a significant portion of its budget to take care of terrorists. "The system the Palestinian Authority has set up to make payments to terrorists and their families is not a social welfare system, no matter how inaccurately it is described," he said. "The system created by the Palestinian Authority only creates incentives for further acts of terrorism." One U.S. official familiar with the remarks told the Free Beacon that Greenblatt offered some hard truths in an atmosphere where they are not often heard. "Jason spoke truth to a room that needed to hear it," the official said, speaking only on background. "There is no excuse to single out Israel as the reason for this manufactured crises when the Palestinian Authority continues the practice of paying terrorists. This reprehensible practice should be a no brainer issue that the international community can unite around and push the PA to stop this practice and instead focus on making the lives of its people better. Greenblatt went on to reject claims that Israel is the source of this crisis, saying that the source of the P.A.'s woes is its insistence on using international aid dollars to pay convicted terrorists. "It is entirely inappropriate to focus on Israel as the source of this crisis," he said. "It is the Palestinian Authority that has chosen to manufacture the current crisis." "Israel is withholding 5 to 7 percent of monthly clearance revenues, a step Israel took in response to the Palestinian Authority's abhorrent practice of using those funds to make payments to terrorists and their families," Greenblatt said. "It is the Palestinian Authority that has chosen to reject all remaining clearance revenues, which amount to up to 95 percent of the revenues to which they are entitled." The Palestinians are manufacturing their own budget crisis in order to paint Israel as a pariah, Greenblatt said. "The Palestinian Authority is refusing to accept over $150 million in revenue to protest the fact that $11 million is being withheld, only to make a political point. Does that sound like a governing authority that is concerned with the welfare of its people?" he asked. The United States stands by Israel as it withholds funds that would otherwise be spent on Palestinian terrorists, a policy the P.A. has not only endorsed, but refused to abandon in the face of pressure from the Trump administration and a wide swath of Congress. "The Palestinian Authority has the right to challenge Israel's withholding of the five to seven percent of the clearance revenues that would otherwise be used to pay terrorists and their family members-although I would hope they would garner few supporters for any defense of this indefensible 'pay to slay' policy," Greenblatt said. "But let's not kid ourselves. The small percentage of revenue transfers that is being withheld by Israel is not what is causing this crisis." Israel remains willing to transfer around 95 percent of revenues to the P.A., money that would be used to fund key infrastructure projects, health works, and the salaries of critical personnel. "The Palestinian Authority can prevent the withholding even of the small percentage of funds by Israel by ceasing the despicable practice of using public funds to make payments to terrorists and their families," Greenblatt said. The "pay to slay" policy remains in place, with little protest from U.N. members who view Israel as the source of the crisis. Greenblatt called this unacceptable. "Plainly put: the system rewards terrorism. That is why President Trump signed into law the Taylor Force Act, which makes clear that the United States absolutely, without qualification, rejects payments rewarding terrorism," Greenblatt said, referring to a recently passed U.S. law banning the use of aid dollars for the pay to slay program. In the face of this law, as well as the Trump administration's repeated rebukes, the Palestinian government has made clear that it will not end this policy. "We must acknowledge that peace can only be achieved by those who reject violence and terror," Greenblatt said. "The Palestinian Authority's institutionalization of support for terrorism is unacceptable and must be called out, unequivocally by all of us. The time has come for everyone to stop looking the other way." Greenblatt urged U.N. member nations to make their opposition to this policy known. "The time has also come for all of us to make it clear that the Palestinian Authority, if it aspires to the status of a government, must behave like one," he said. "It is unacceptable for the Palestinian Authority to pay these terrorists and their families a reward for criminal acts. It is unacceptable for the PA to divert its funds and fail to pay the hard working civil servants who teach in Palestinian Authority schools, patrol the streets in uniform, and provide medical care to the sick. The Palestinian Authority would rather pay terrorists than ordinary Palestinians and their families. What a shame!" Daily Jot: Call to action on communism in America's Youth - Bill Wilson - Axios News reports that a Harris poll taken February 21-25 of over 2,000 adults indicates that Millennials and Generation Z are more likely to embrace socialistic policies and principles than past generations. The poll, given exclusively to Axios, cites that 73% agreed that government should provide universal health care; 67% agreed that the government should provide tuition-free college; 43% support abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and nearly half, 49.6%, said they would prefer living in a socialist country. The poll shows that Gen Z and Millennials will be 37% of the voters in 2020 and their top issues are mass shootings, climate change, immigration policy, racial equality and healthcare. This is dangerous for the personal liberties and religious freedom of every American. Socialism is the pathway to communism. In fact, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was a communist state. Communism in the 20th century was responsible for over 100 million deaths. It is the ruse of ruses in that socialist/communist leaders count on class warfare to get everyone to demand equality, pitting neighbor against neighbor, family against family, countrymen against countrymen until everyone is fighting. Then they take over and oppress the very people they claimed were disenfranchised while enriching themselves with wealth and power. Communism pulls everyone down to the level of slavery. Even worse, the Democratic Party has become the socialist political party. Friday House Democrats voted to defend localities that allow illegal immigrants to vote in their elections. Socialist John Lewis (D-GA), a leader in the 1960s civil rights movement, said, "We are prepared to open up the political process and let all of the people come in." The Constitution requires only legal citizens to vote in federal elections, but you see what they are trying to do. The writing is on the wall that the old Democratic Party is the New Socialist Democratic Party as Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT) launched his New Hampshire campaign Sunday insisting that his "radical" ideas are now embraced "across the board" by his party's candidates. The Communist Manifesto says, "But communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of constituting them on a new basis." Other linchpins of communism are enumerated in the Manifesto: 1) Abolition of property ownership, 2) a heavy progressive income tax, 3) abolition of all rights of inheritance, 4) confiscation of property, 5) centralization of credit, 6) centralization of transportation, 7) centrally planned economy, 8) obligation to work, 9) abolishing distinction between towns and country, and 10) a free education for children. Exodus 20:3 says, "Thou shalt have no other god's before me." When government replaces God, bad things happen--ask citizens of Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua. Call to ACTION: Educate your children/grandchildren about socialism and communism. Influence them. Daily Devotion: Think Biblically - by Greg Laurie - Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path. - Psalm 119:105 Everyone has a worldview. Our worldview is influenced by many things. It's influenced by our culture, by our upbringing, and by our education or lack thereof. It's influenced by the books we read or the lack of books we read. It's influenced by the media we expose ourselves to. A worldview is comprehensive. It will affect every area of our lives, from our morality to how we spend our money to our politics to how we vote. It affects everything about us. What we want to have is a Christian worldview, and more specifically, a biblical worldview. C.S. Lewis said, "I believe in Christianity as I believe that the Sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." That's how we need to view life: through the lens of Scripture, through the eyes of a follower of Jesus Christ. The only way to have a biblical worldview is by studying and memorizing Scripture and spending time in it every day. We want to run everything through a biblical grid, asking ourselves, "What does the Bible say about this?" Sometimes people have an emotional worldview. They base their views on how they feel. They'll say, "Well, I just go with my heart, because the heart wants what the heart wants." Here's what the Bible says about our hearts: "The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?" (Jeremiah 17:9 NLT). Don't go with your heart, because your heart can mislead you. Don't go with your emotions, because your emotions can mislead you. And certainly don't go with the culture, because that will mislead you. Go with the Bible. It will never take you in the wrong direction. Learn to think biblically. FROM THE HEART
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