Prophecy Update Newsletter
Everything Will Be Shaken - By Howard Green -
In the last fifty years, the world has seen its share of economic, social, and geopolitical unrest. While events like the Vietnam War, the assassination of JFK, and Black Monday had the collective attention of only segments of society, there are primarily two events that have galvanized the attention of the entire planet for an extended duration. One is September 11th, 2001, and the other is the current global onslaught of the Coronavirus (Covid 19). Both of these events and their effects have literally captured the attention of the entire planet. Much of what is occurring on the world stage is a rapid convergence of events that will ultimately culminate in the second coming of Christ. We can’t afford to be lukewarm or apathetic when it comes to eternal matters because everything that can be shaken will be shaken (Hebrews 12:25-28). The writer of Hebrews is reiterating (Haggai 2:6) and warns that a stronger shaking is coming in the future. Many people that God created continue to spurn his loving gift of salvation through Jesus. Even now, the unrepentant masses are in denial about how global events are pointing toward the soon return of Jesus. As a Bible teacher, I often use end-time Bible prophecy as a primer to witness to people and to turn conversations toward important matters of salvation and eternity. It is no different given the current Covid 19 crisis, as people want to know what, if anything, this situation has to do with the biblical end-time scenario. Regarding the Coronavirus, these are my thoughts and conjecture, and I’m in no way saying, “Thus saith the Lord” except for what is clearly written in his word. In Luke 21:11, Jesus gives us a series of events that will certainly take place before his return, and one of the signs mentioned is pestilence. Plagues and pestilence have assailed humanity for centuries including the recent SARS and MERS outbreaks. Unlike those recent outbreaks, Covid-19 (2019 Novel Coronavirus) has the collective attention of the entire planet. There is a multiplicity of reasons for this, specifically, its impact on the global economy. The Stock Market and global markets are reeling in recent weeks, and words like recession and depression are now common on Wall Street. What do these recent events have to do with Bible prophecy and the return of Jesus? Everything, because we are just beginning to see conditions that could easily set in place the events Jesus mentioned in Matthew 24:4, Luke 21:7-11, and Revelation 6:5-8. One thing we should be diametrically opposed to is unbiblical nonsense including the sort of hype that defined Y2K, Bible Codes, and supposedly knowing the day of Christ’s return. But we also want to avoid the equally unbiblical knee-jerk response of completely ignoring end-time Bible prophecy. A lot of people and, unfortunately, some ‘Bible teachers’ are speculating this is the start of the Tribulation, which it is not. First, in the Bible, the word tribulation means trial or trouble (thlipsis) but the Great Tribulation is mentioned. It is the latter half of the seven-year period Daniel mentions that will end history as we know it. This seven-year period begins with a peace accord with Israel and Antichrist, not with any preacher’s special revelation. Here’s the thing: Coronavirus may come and go. I don’t know if it is one of the end-time pestilences Jesus warned would come, but I have no reason to believe it isn’t one. We may very well be approaching the birth pains and beginning of sorrows Jesus warned about as these events are increasing in frequency and severity like never before. One thing is certain; for years, the world, and especially those of us in the West have had a sense of invincibility, self-reliance, and insulation from events that wreak havoc in other parts of the globe. That rose-colored optimism was obliterated in recent months. We’ve witnessed global markets in a nose-dive, governments struggling to cope, events canceled, schools and churches closed, and food scarcity unheard of in the West in recent history. Governments are pumping billions into faltering economies with little effect. A time is coming and may soon be here when these pestilences and other conditions Jesus warned us about will render the world economy, governments, and infrastructure unrecognizable. A global leader will soon emerge, and he will be able to bring about a one-world government, economy, and religion in the wake of catastrophic geopolitical events. When I read Matthew 24, Luke 21, and Revelation 6, I don’t feel like I’m reading about the distant future, but rather current news headlines. As a believer, I’m deeply troubled and saddened about the human toll and the effects of Coronavirus. No one should be cheering this on as a catalyst for end-time hype; but amid all of the deprivation and suffering, our hope should be in Christ. Saints of old would greet one another with the word Maranatha. It’s an Aramaic word which means, “Come, O Lord,” or “The Lord is coming.” True disciples are looking for end-time Bible prophecy to be fulfilled because it culminates in Jesus’ return as the Prince of Peace, and he will put an end to human suffering, sin, and death. So, what do Christians do as we see events leading up to Christ’s return? Jesus told us what to do in his word. We are to be salt and light in this dark world. In just the past few weeks, we’ve seen the best and worst in humanity. Although there have been pockets of compassion, the sheer lack of human kindness is appalling. 2 Timothy 3:1 comes to mind as we are witnessing what Paul warned would come. As believers, I want to exhort you toward personal holiness, prayer, and time in the word. I also want to encourage you to witness to others. People are desperately looking for peace at a time when peace is hard to find. We have the gospel of peace. We can keep a safe distance while praying with people, distributing Bibles, and telling others about coming judgment, repentance, and what it means to be wretched before a holy God. Explain to them what it means to be born-again and to come to saving faith in Christ alone (Ephesians 2:8). This is no time for apathy, business as usual, or ignorance and arrogance toward Bible prophecy because everything that can be shaken, will be shaken. It’s a dereliction of duty for anyone in Christian leadership to neglect the teaching of end-time Bible prophecy. If you fail to protect and warn your flock, you are a hireling, not a shepherd. Dear Christian, the Coronavirus didn’t catch God by surprise. He isn’t in heaven pacing the floor wondering what to do. He is in control, and his concern is saving sinners. You can be a bold witness for Jesus at a time like this. Although we can’t meet for church, we are still the church, the Body of Christ. I want you to understand that it’s a loving thing to warn people. I’m giving you a loving warning and exhortation based on biblical authority that things won’t always continue as they have been (2 Peter 3:4). In a day when many professing Christians are sinking into apostasy, I want to encourage you to keep oil in your lamp and contend for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints. This is certainly the time to love as Jesus loves, as people are in desperate need of salvation. Go into all the world and preach the gospel. Maranatha! (Revelation 21:4) A personal note of encouragement: Many people are worried and anxious about the coronavirus and all the uncertainty that it brings. Jesus said he would give us his peace. Dear Christian friend, I want to invite you to contact us, and we will certainly stand in prayer with you. *We have believers from all over the world visiting our site, so please comment below this same article on our site at ; that way other Christians can encourage and pray for you as well. If you want to know about Jesus and what he says about eternal life, please contact us. All for Him, Howard Concerning The Times Ministries Israel Watch: “Unity” Government – Jim Fletcher - [email protected] As humanity races closer to its end—whenever and however that might come—it’s amazing to watch the single-minded focus of evil. Our world Is very much like the guy who runs headlong into a tunnel with a train coming, all the while people watching him implore him to run the other way to safety. For example, most of us that support Israel and love Bible prophecy recognize that the U.S. and Israel have strong leaders right now. Yet, their enemies are so committed to their destruction that there is never a let-up in efforts to remove them from office. Now with the Coronavirus spiking fear across the world, we need stable leadership more than ever. Right now there are reports of a national unity government being negotiated in Israel. Benjamin Netanyahu would be prime minister first for 18 months, then would leave office and Benny Gantz would assume power. Frankly, if reports are true that Gantz seriously considered forming a government with Israel’s Arab enemies in the Knesset, I hope this never comes to pass. Netanyahu has announced that the deal is waiting to be signed and accuses Gantz’s ally Yair Lapid of Blue and White of holding up the agreement. No one knows the outcome of this at this time. The hatred between political rivals in Israel is so acute, it boggles the mind they don’t care that it’s hurting their country and the world. Netanyahu rival Avigdor Liberman warned that Israel couldn’t allow Netanyahu to “become Mao Zedong.” This comment is unconscionable. Surely no reasonable person can deny that Netanyahu has been good for Israel and the West. We’ve listed his achievements before, and they are considerable. According to an ominous article in The Times of Israel: “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday warned that the health care systems of countries around the world were facing imminent collapse if the spread of the coronavirus cannot be contained, and claimed that the virus may turn out to prove the biggest threat to humanity since the Middle Ages. “At the same time, he implored his opposition rival Benny Gantz to join him in an ‘emergency unity government’ in order to help save Israel from the virus, where he said it threatened to kill ‘tens of thousands.’ Netanyahu said he would share power on a completely even basis with Gantz’s Blue and White party for three years, although he would insist on serving for the first 18 months of that period as prime minister, with Gantz then taking over. Gantz was tasked by Israel’s president on Monday with forming a government, after receiving the backing of 61 of the 120 MKs.” Isn’t this incredible? At this moment, there seem to be too very different views of how this virus panic will play out. On the one hand, optimistic reports of rapidly developed drugs and a “social distancing” policy of several weeks point to a better outcome. On the other hand, bleak assessments claim we are headed for a dreadful future. How distressing then that politicians politicize a crisis. Israel’s political chaos is disturbing, frankly. Against the backdrop of a ghastly epidemic, all this has people jittery. I firmly believe God has Israel in the palm of His hand. I also firmly believe He cares about human beings. Israel will survive. I suspect the world will survive in the short term. Let us go on praying for Israel. And say a special prayer for everyone else tonight, too. Nearing Midnight: Persia’s Prophetic Preparation – Terry James - Last week in this column, I gave an excerpt from an article I wrote some years ago that told of God’s promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Those promises came from Genesis 12:1–3 and involved the fact that God would bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse His chosen people of Israel. I then wrote: My words of those earlier times have continued to prove true, because the facts involved come directly from God’s Word. Israel continues to be an amazing fulfilling of stage-setting for ultimate fulfillment of prophecy yet future. In this week’s commentary, I hope to show that Iran, the modern nation that covers much of the territory that encompassed the ancient Persian Empire, likewise gives absolute proof of God’s promises coming true. Whereas Israel has dramatically proven to be the beneficiary of the Lord’s promise to “bless” that nation, Iran continues to prove the veracity of God’s promise to “curse” those who curse Israel. Most who study Bible prophecy are more than aware that the ayatollahs of Iran have, particularly since the fall of Iran’s shah, uttered the most damnable curses imaginable against Israel. They have organized Iran’s peoples into hate-Israel frenzy. The chants include “Death to Israel!” and the Islamic regime declares America “the big satan” and Israel “the little satan.” It is reported that Iran is now suffering from the coronavirus more terribly than even China, the center from which the disease apparently sprang. At least 429 people had died in Iran from the disease as of Thursday March 12 and more than 10,000 people were confirmed as infected as of that date. Sources estimated that because of the regime’s oppressive and reclusive modus operandi the real tallies of the infected and dead are much higher. Hatred is so deeply ingrained in Islamic leadership that, even though Israel leads the way in developing effective vaccines and treatments for the disease, they still curse that nation. Their reluctance to accept Israel in any way seems to condemn the people of Iran to a tragic outcome. Grand Ayatollah Naser Makarem Shirazi took a break from hating Israel long enough to announce a religious ruling that it would be permitted to use a “Zionist” vaccine against the coronavirus. “It is not permissible to buy and sell from Zionists and Israel,” Shirazi said Wednesday to the Iranian daily Hamdeli. “Unless the treatment is unique and there is no substitute.” Shirazis statement comes in response to a Hebrew media report on Wednesday citing unidentified officials as saying that scientists at the Ness Ziona-based Institute for Biological Research were close to developing a vaccine for the coronavirus. (Adam Eliyaho Berkowitz, “Holocaust-Denying Grand Ayatollah Okays Buying Israeli Cure for Coronavirus,” Breaking Israel News | Latest News) While the Grand Ayatollah might at some point allow the use of vaccine produced by the hated Israel, the general attitude of the Islamic hardliners in control is reflected in a statement by Roshan Salih, a prominent journalist for Press TV. He tweeted a Haaretz article about an announcement that an Israeli research center had developed a vaccine for the coronavirus. Salih commented, “I’d rather take my chances with the virus than consume an Israeli vaccine.” The Iranian government mullahs, it can be argued, brought the curse of COVID-19 down on their own heads. While America and much of the Western world isolated China because of it being the center of the disease, the mullahs decided to take advantage and fully embrace China to get trade deals so desperately needed. The sanctions President Trump and other leaders placed on Iran have greatly affected the regime’s ability to do business worldwide. They are struggling mightily to stay afloat economically, and the people of Iran are protesting with increasing anger and vigor. The embrace of China, apparently, with the intermingling of people doing business, is one major factor that brought the coronavirus into even the highest levels of the clergy-leadership. It is reported that some top Islamic leaders are infected, and a number—perhaps much greater than reported—have died from the disease. The “Butcher of Tehran,” Mohammad Haj Abolghasemi, for example, has died of the disease. He was in charge of the sadistic repression of Iranian dissidents during recent antigovernment riots. The Iranian public rejoiced when Abolghasemi became one of the early fatalities associated with COVID-19. Other reports leaking out of Iran paint ominous portraits of a nation that might be said to be under curse. Two days after Iran declared its first cases of the novel coronavirus—in what would become one of the largest outbreaks of the illness outside of China—evidence of unusual activity appeared at a cemetery near where the infections emerged. At the Behesht-e Masoumeh complex in Qom, about 80 miles south of Tehran, the excavation of a new section of the graveyard began as early as Feb. 21, satellite images show, and then rapidly expanded as the virus spread. By the end of the month, two large trenches—their lengths totaling 100 yards—were visible at the site from space. In[a stunning] video, shared by the BBC’s Persian service March 3, the narrator [described] the scene at Behesht-e Masoumeh cemetery as men carry a casket toward a trench with multiple graves. Qom, like other parts of Iran, is grappling with the coronavirus outbreak that has sickened thousands of people and overwhelmed the public health infrastructure. “This is the section for coronavirus victims,” the narrator says, as the camera pans across a small portion of the trench, showing mounds of dirt and small, simple markers. People wearing blue protective suits are seen standing nearby. “More than 80 [people] have been buried in this section so far, and they say only 34 deaths,” he says, citing the official death toll on Feb. 28. (Erin Cunningham and Dalton Bennett, “Iran’s Coronavirus Burial Pits Are So Vast They’re Visible from Space,” Connecticut Post, Washington Post, March 12, 2020) Pressure is enormous on modern-day Persian leaders to bring relief from the suffering of the nation’s enraged population. Instead of joining the more reasonable nations of the world and starting to act in a more civilized manner, thus bringing about better economic conditions, the mullahs double down on their hatred for Israel. God’s prophet Ezekiel foretold millennia ago the results of the things we are seeing develop at this time of history. Iran (Persia) will be offered by Gog to share in the “spoil” of the riches they expect when attacking the Jewish state. It is not difficult to believe that Iran’s hate-filled leaders will eagerly join in the assault. It will be the most disastrous outcome for an aggressor in human history to that point. Only Armageddon itself will bring greater destruction to Israel’s enemies. Infringement Of Our Rights Or Love Your Neighbor As Yourself? - By Michael Brown/ - As Americans, we are fiercely independent. We are not like a collectivist society like China, which can mandate the behavior of an entire nation. We are individualists, and we prize our freedoms. How, then, should we respond when our government restricts these freedoms in the name of public safety? Is this an infringement of our constitutional rights? Or is it an opportunity to love our neighbor? What is at Stake Before answering these questions, we would do well to consider what is at stake. The New York Times paints this grim picture from Italy: Hospital morgues there are inundated. Bergamo's mayor, Giorgio Gori, issued an ordinance that closed the local cemetery this week for the first time since World War II, though he guaranteed that its mortuary would still accept coffins. Many of them had been sent to the Church of All Saints in Bergamo, located in the closed cemetery, where scores of waxed wooden coffins form a macabre line for cremations. And what, exactly, does this look like? "'Unfortunately, we don't know where to put them,' said Brother Marco Bergamelli, one of the priests at the church. He said that with hundreds dying each day, and with each body taking more than an hour to cremate, there was an awful backlog. 'It takes time and the dead are many.'" This is what happens when the coronavirus is not checked in time. This is what we could be facing in America. One more glimpse from the Times: At around midnight on Wednesday, Renzo Carlo Testa, 85, died from the coronavirus in a hospital in the northern Italian town of Bergamo. Five days later, his body was still sitting in a coffin, one of scores lined head-to-toe in the church of the local cemetery, which is itself closed to the public. His wife of 50 years, Franca Stefanelli, would like to give him a proper funeral. But traditional funeral services are illegal throughout Italy now, part of the national restrictions against gatherings and going out that have been put in place to try to stem the spread of Europe's worst outbreak of the coronavirus. In any case, she and her sons could not attend anyway, because they are themselves sick and in quarantine. Would you like this to happen to your family? Your city? In short, this is not about me or my freedoms. It is about caring for my neighbor. Consequently, if the government feels the need to put reasonable, mandatory restrictions on the populace in order to save lives, then as much as possible, I will comply. I am willing to be restricted so as not to be a potential carrier of the disease to others. Concerns that the Restrictions are Part of a Nefarious Plot "But," someone will surely say, "this opens the door for the government to do anything. This is just a trial run to see how we will respond. There is nothing random or unplanned about it. The restrictions are part of a larger, national (or, even international) plot." (For related thoughts from an evangelical leader, see here.) To be sure, I do not put absolute trust in our government. Not a chance. I do not believe in Washington the way I believe in God. (Not within a million miles.) But do we honestly think that President Trump is part of this conspiracy? That his entire administration is part of a plot to steal our liberties and subject us to a one-world government? That Trump will be coming for our guns next? I could understand some conservatives being up in arms if George H. W. Bush were our current president, with his frequent references to a "New World Order." And I could understand more skepticism from the right if this was happening under President Barack Obama (or, more scarily, under a President Bernie Sanders). But let's be realistic. This is happening under Donald Trump. He is nobody's puppet. And he is no friend of the "New World Order." It was German's Angela Merkel who complained about the damage Trump was doing to this very order. And the Foreign Policy website noted on December 27, 2018 that, "From his earliest days on the campaign trail, U.S. President Donald Trump made clear his disdain for the international organizations that have regulated trade, promoted human rights, and advanced international peace since the end of World War II." That's why I reject the idea that the restrictions being placed on us are part of a larger, nefarious plot. Our Leaders Are Doing Their Best to Prevent Deaths It's possible that some leaders want to exploit this crisis to advance their own, controlling agendas. (That is certainly the case in China.) But I truly believe that our health experts are doing their best to prevent millions of deaths and our national leaders are doing their best to respond with wisdom. If and when the government illegitimately seeks to steal our rights, we will stand up say, "We must obey God rather than man" (Acts 5:29). This, however, is not that time. Daily Jot: Taking note of the lies – Bill Wilson – Try as they might, the news media and the Democratic Party cannot help themselves from politicizing the COVID-19 crisis. On March 21, for example, Margaret Sullivan of the Washington Post tweeted, “The media must stop live-broadcasting Trump’s dangerous, destructive coronavirus briefings. He’s just using them as a substitute for his rallies. Put him on tape-delay so journalists can counter his rush of information.” MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow tweeted that continued live broadcasts of Trump’s briefings is “going to cost lives.” The Boston Globe wrote that the president couldn’t be trusted to tell the truth. NBC, The Atlantic, CNN, and a host of other media joined the same chorus of talking points. All this call for censuring the President and establishing the media’s own brand of truth comes against the backdrop that more than half of Americans approve of the way the President is handling the pandemic. The media’s hated villain of contemporary times is actually communicating with Americans, showing compassion, empathy and effective action to solve a worldwide crisis. They can’t let that happen. Those who rely on First Amendment rights to free speech and freedom of the press are the ones calling to shut up the president by taking away his freedom of speech because his words disagree with their beliefs and narrative. If you have watched their questions, you would see this as true. Then there is the Democratic Party. Seeing that Trump’s approval rating is improving, the Democrats are no longer being bipartisan in efforts to defeat COVID-19. They, too, have taken off the gloves and are swinging. The crucial legislation to provide assistance to Americans is being blocked by the Democrats, who all the while have said that Trump is not doing enough to stop COVID-19. They are blocking the relief bill because they are loading up on socialistic programs, using the crisis for political advantage. For example, The Hill reports that House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC) told some 200 members of the House Democratic Caucus last Thursday, “This is a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.” They are stuffing the bill with pet projects of the Democratic socialist agenda. Changing the voting system to mail in, expanding Social Security benefits, abortion funding, increased emission standards, more union bargaining power, and a host of other pork for local congressmen is not meeting the public needs for this crisis. Yet, they claim the Republicans are the problem. This, in addition to blaming the President for the virus spreading in the US after they called him racist for banning travel from China and Europe. Clyburn, himself, said in an interview with Axios that Trump was a racist and compared him and Republicans to Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany. There is so much more of which to take note. Exodus 20:16 says, “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.” These people make it an art form. Daily Devotion: Our Defense against Worry - by Greg Laurie – And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. —Philippians 4:7 We live in such a stress-filled society today. We could write these words on the tombstones of many Americans: Hurried, worried, buried. We’re constantly in motion, going from one thing to another, from one worry to another. We can get so stressed out that we’re almost immobilized. Sometimes worry can absolutely paralyze a person’s life. But as my friend Max Lucado has said, “Your anxiety decreases as your understanding of your Father increases.” That is really the heart of the matter. On July 24, 2008, my wife and I heard the news that no parent ever wants to hear. We found out that our son had suddenly left us for Heaven. Anxiety, panic, worry, and fear all crashed in at the same time. And as I bent beneath the weight of it, I honestly wondered if I could survive such a thing. As a pastor, I had spoken with people over the years who had lost children, but when it happened to me, I honestly wondered if I could handle it. But God was there for me. And one of the reasons I have continued to preach since that day is because of that, because God was there. If the Lord had not come through for me on that day, I would have given up preaching. But He did come through for me. I’m not saying it has been easy. We still miss our son, of course, and we still feel deep pain. But we have found the truth of Philippians 4:6–7: “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (NKJV). Apply this truth, and turn your worries into prayers. FROM THE HEART
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