Prophecy Update Newsletter
Leviathan - Pete Garcia - Then I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name. Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. The dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast. Revelation 13:1-3 For everyone alive in the world today, this is all we have ever known. Wars, rumors of wars, crime, violence, plagues, diseases, natural disasters, and growing lawlessness (anarchism) and economic disparity are par for the course of everyday life here on planet earth. In fact, for most of human history (and to paraphrase Thomas Hobbes), life was nasty, brutish, and short. In the last 70 years or so, modern technology and advancements in medicine have alleviated a lot of the brutality of everyday life. This has enabled the world's population to more than quadruple in just one century. However, even with our advancements in technology, political machinations have proven to be the most significant threat to humanity in the 20th century. As Marxism, Socialism, and Communism took hold in various places, the total dead in their wake has been in excess of 100 million. In fact, more people died in the 20th century due to these ideas then all the wars for the past twenty centuries combined. Assessment All things considered, we here in the West live in a generation that thinks that the way things are now, are the way they will always be. This view is known as uniformitarianism. Similarly, every age has thought that way until something came along that revolutionized either how they lived, or completely disrupted their world they lived in; wars, famines, plagues, automobiles, airplanes, the atom bomb, computers, Internet, etc. But since we live in an age where technology keeps evolving so quickly (flying cars, trans-humanism, artificial intelligence, 5 and 6G networks, crypto-currency, quantum computers, hypersonic travel, genetic modifications and all the rest), the expectation amongst "the experts" is that we will continue to evolve as a race until humans and machines are virtually indistinguishable. In an era of perpetual modernization, we tend to think that mankind will continue upward on a trajectory that achieves a Star Trek paradigm of a humanistic utopia. Speaking of Thomas Hobbes, he is most famous for his treatise on the social-political contract titled Leviathan. Below is a short summation of that text. In 1649, a civil war broke out over who would rule England-Parliament or King Charles I. The war ended with the beheading of the king. Shortly after Charles was executed, an English philosopher, Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679), wrote Leviathan, a defense of the absolute power of kings. The title of the book referred to a leviathan, a mythological, whale-like sea monster that devoured whole ships. Hobbes likened the leviathan to government, a powerful state created to impose order. Hobbes believed that a government headed by a king was the best form that the sovereign could take. Placing all power in the hands of a king would mean more resolute and consistent exercise of political authority, Hobbes argued. Hobbes also maintained that the social contract was an agreement only among the people and not between them and their king. Once the people had given absolute power to the king, they had no right to revolt against him. Hobbes warned against the church meddling with the king's government. He feared religion could become a source of civil war. Thus, he advised that the church become a department of the king's government, which would closely control all religious affairs. In any conflict between divine and royal law, Hobbes wrote, the individual should obey the king or choose death. (Source) Emphasis mine Hobbes political-philosophical theories have greatly influenced many (including America's Founding Fathers) throughout the ages. Having recently experienced firsthand the tyranny of a king, the Founding Fathers rightly rejected his ideas on assigning all power to an individual or group, which is how we ended up with a government that operates under a separation of powers. In retrospect, Leviathan can hardly been seen as intentionally prophetic, there is embedded within it an ages-long desire to ultimately consolidate power into the hands of one person. This desire for replacing anarchy for "peace and security" can be traced all the way back to a man named Nimrod and the Tower of Babel. But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built. And the Lord said, "Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them...So the Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the city. Therefore its name is called Babel, because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth; and from there the Lord scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth. Genesis 11:5-9 In other words, what God has torn asunder, let not man rejoin. But ever since, man has consistently (and futilely) sought to bring everyone back together. Most have attempted to unify the world under threat of force: The Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Mongols, Muslims, Napoleon, Adolph Hitler, and various communist dictators all have tried and failed. However, there has never been as serious a movement for a new world order as there has been since the end of World War II. The chartering of the United Nations on 26 June 1945, marked a new era in which world powers would willingly subjugate themselves (in varying degrees) over to a world political and economic body. There are many, particularly within secretive societies and Marxist groups, which believe consolidating power into a single source, is the only way to solve the world's problems. But with the ascendancy of the United States after World Wars I and II, this idea of a single-world-order would have to wait. But in their waiting, proponents of this new world order have been quietly laying a foundation of political and economic spider webs so intrinsic, that NO future government or political body would ever escape it. They are busy consolidating as much power, into as few of hands as possible. This is not some nefarious scheme to them, but a way to bring complete and total peace and security to a planet in disarray. According to Revelation 13, there is coming a world government that will one day control every facet of life on earth with absolute authority. This government is represented symbolically as a beast rising out of the sea. The beast is represented as an amalgamation of many different kinds of animals (kingdoms). The symbolism of the animal (kingdoms) comes from Daniel 7-8. The symbolism for the sea represents the 'sea of humanity,' as later explained in Revelation 17:15. Those left behind after the Rapture of the Church will enter into Daniel's 70th Week (Daniel 9:24-27) and willingly give their authority over to this monstrosity of a government. In turn, this world government will consolidate all its authority into the hands of one man, the Antichrist. Of course, he will not come out and say he is the Antichrist but rather, will appear as the "rider on the white horse," bearing a bow with no arrows and wearing a victor's crown (Rev. 6:1-2). Daniel states that he will go about destroying fearfully through deception and lies (Daniel 8:24-25). Both Daniel and later the Apostle Paul state that his blasphemies against God and Christ, are stacked up to the heavens (Dan. 7:24, 2nd Thessalonians 2:4). Conclusion But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need that I should write to you. For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night. For when they say, "Peace and safety!" then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape. 1st Thess. 5:1-3 Every single past attempt at unifying the world has always lacked the single most important ingredient, the perfect crisis. I believe that the perfect crisis will manifest itself in the form of the Rapture of the Church, which will empty the world of all Spirit-filled believers. This sudden removal will also remove the restraining influence that the Holy Spirit has exercised over the earth for the past 2,000 years (2nd Thess. 2:7; 1st John 2:18). The Holy Spirit (by way of the Church) has kept the spirit of antichrist at bay since Pentecost. But as we draw nearer to the end, we have seen the churches become more and more apostate, subsequently losing ground in virtually every sector and facet of society they once held. Social norms and values have been corrupted to the point that we (as a society) can no longer can distinguish right from wrong. This is evidenced by the rise in this antichrist spirit that we see sweeping the world. Along with the perfect crisis, comes a world already primed and ready through these transnational organizations and economies, technology, secular humanism, paganism, and indoctrination to believe the lie that will abound in the aftermath of the Rapture. We do not know what that lie will be at present, but if the world can accept the scientific "truths" of the Big Bang theory, Darwinian evolution, man-made global warming, yet, deny the scientific truth that men and women are biologically different; the world is very much ready to believe anything. So why crisis by Rapture? Having read numerous Department of Defense and National Security briefs over the years concerning every possible threat and/or scenario the United States faces, not one of them ever mentions a rapture-type scenario. To the world, a "rapture" is beyond preposterous. To most of the mainline Christian churches, a "rapture" is impossible. To the overwhelming majority in the media and the academic elite, the rapture is the epitome foolishness. In fact, the only time it is ever brought up in the public sense, is only to mock someone who has unwisely (and unbiblically) advocated a particular date they think it will happen. But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty; 1st Corinthians 2:7 If crisis was not the intended effect (for those on the earth) in the Rapture's wake, why couldn't God just make all true born-again Christians immortal and immune to both sin and wrath during the 70th Week? However, it is exactly the opposite. We are not promised to be kept through this period of testing, but too be kept from the very time (hour) of it. Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. Revelation 3:10 For all intents and purposes, the Rapture was designed the way it was in order to create this perfect vehicle for ushering in an immediate, global crisis. This crisis allows this sea monster (along with the Antichrist) to usher in total, absolute control. This final and terrifying governmental system has the total backing of Satan, that serpent of old. It will crush all underfoot and bring about destruction so severe, that if God does not intervene, no flesh would survive (Matt. 24:20-22). But fear not, In that day the Lord with His severe sword, great and strong, Will punish Leviathan the fleeing serpent, Leviathan that twisted serpent; And He will slay the reptile that is in the sea. Isaiah 27:1 Even so, Maranatha! Palestinians: Why Hamas Will Not Disarm - by Khaled Abu Toameh - Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is living in an illusion if he thinks that his rivals in Hamas would ever agree to lay down their weapons or cede control over the Gaza Strip. Hamas has no intention of dismantling its military and security apparatus. It also does not have any intention of allowing Abbas's security forces to be stationed in the Gaza Strip. This refusal is why the "reconciliation" deal that Abbas signed with Hamas in Cairo in October 2017 will never be translated into facts on the ground. Hamas is prepared to give Abbas anything he wants in the Gaza Strip except for security control. Hamas has no problem allowing Abbas and his government to function as a "civil administration" in the Gaza Strip by providing funds and various services to government institutions there. If Abbas wants to pay salaries to civil servants in the Gaza Strip, that is fine with Hamas. If he wants to pay for fuel, water and electricity supplies to the Gaza Strip, that is also fine with Hamas. Security control, however, is the last thing Hamas wants from Abbas. For Hamas, security is a red line not to be crossed. What is behind Hamas's fierce opposition to relinquishing security control over the Gaza Strip? Hamas wants to retain its weapons and security control of the Gaza Strip for two reasons: first, it wants the weapons so that it can continue the "armed struggle" against Israel; second, Hamas knows that the moment it hands over security control of the Gaza Strip to the Palestinian Authority (PA), many of its leaders and members will either be killed or imprisoned by Abbas's security forces. Ahmed Bahr, a senior Hamas official in the Gaza Strip, described Abbas's demand that Hamas dismantle its security and military apparatus as "idiotic." In a sermon he delivered during Friday prayers at Al-Mahata Mosque in the central Gaza Strip on March 23, Bahr said that the issue of disarming Hamas and other Palestinian terror groups was "non-negotiable." Hamas, he added, will not hand over its weapons to a Palestinian Authority government that conducts security coordination with Israel in the West Bank. "The weapons of the Palestinian resistance are legitimate weapons that will be used to restore our rights and liberate our lands," the Hamas official said. "The armed struggle [against Israel] is a right guaranteed by international laws." Bahr's statements show that Hamas still does not trust Abbas and his Palestinian Authority, mainly because of their close security ties with Israel. For Hamas, security coordination with Israel is a form of treason, and there is no way Hamas would agree to cooperate with any Palestinian party that works with the Israelis. Hamas continues to accuse the PA security forces and Israel of jointly cracking down on its members in the West Bank. In a recent statement, Hamas accused the Palestinian Authority of arresting 10 of its members there. The arrests were carried out in the West Bank cities of Tulkarem, Nablus, Kalkilya, Hebron and Ramallah, according to Hamas. Among those taken into custody was a Palestinian journalist, Osama Shahin. Hamas said that two of the detainees have gone on hunger strike to protest their "illegal" incarceration. Hamas fears that many of its leaders and members will face the same fate if it allows Abbas's security forces to deploy in the Gaza Strip. Those who are fortunate will only end up behind bars. Those who are less fortunate will be executed in public squares by Abbas loyalists. Hamas still has agonizing memories of the days between 1993 and 2007, when the Palestinian Authority was in control of the Gaza Strip. Then, many Hamas leaders and senior officials found themselves either in prison or under house arrest. Back then, one of the PA's favorite methods of "torture" -- and humiliating Hamas leaders -- was shaving the beards of Hamas leaders. Several Hamas leaders, including Mahmoud Zahar, had their beards shaven by their Palestinian interrogators while in prison. This was the Palestinian Authority's technique of punishing the Hamas leaders. Muslims believe that, according to Islamic teachings, it is mandatory for men to grow a beard. Prophet Mohammed was even quoted as saying, "Be distinguished from disbelievers, grow your beards and shave your moustache." The Hamas leaders' fear of what awaits them should they cede control over the Gaza Strip is not unjustified. In a March 19 speech before Palestine Liberation Organization leaders in Ramallah, Abbas threatened to "pour shoes on the heads" of the Hamas leaders. The shoes, he said, will hit the heads of the most senior and most junior man in Hamas. Abbas's threat came in response to the apparent assassination attempt targeting his Prime Minister, Rami Hamdallah, and General Intelligence Chief Majed Faraj, during a visit to the Gaza Strip earlier this month. The two senior Palestinian officials escaped unharmed when a roadside bomb exploded near their convoy in the northern Gaza Strip -- an area controlled by Hamas. Abbas has held Hamas "fully responsible" for the attack, while Hamas has denied any responsibility. The attack on the convoy has led to a serious crisis between Abbas and Hamas, and destroyed the Egyptian-brokered "reconciliation" agreement between the two sides. Under the current circumstances, any talk about Hamas giving up its security control of the Gaza Strip sounds more like a joke, especially in light of Abbas's accusation that the terror group had tried to kill his prime minister and intelligence chief. Hamas has spent the last decade arming itself to the teeth. With the help of Iran and other Islamic and Arab terror groups, Hamas managed to smuggle large amounts of weapons into the Gaza Strip through dozens of tunnels along its shared border with Egypt. According to some reports, many of the weapons, including missiles and rockets, were smuggled during the period when Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood was in power between June 2012 and July 2013. Some of the rockets and missiles were later used by Hamas and other Palestinian groups to attack Israel. In addition, Hamas has thousands of security officers and militiamen who will never agree to serve under Abbas's security forces. This does not mean, however, that they will not accept salaries from Abbas's government. Abbas, for his part, will never agree to incorporate the Hamas men into his security forces. He cannot, on the one hand, accuse Hamas of being behind the botched assassination attempt on Hamdallah and Faraj, and at the same time include Hamas militiamen and policemen within his security forces. Ironically, while Abbas is demanding that Hamas disarm and hand over to his government security control of the Gaza Strip, Hamas is talking about its desire to "transfer" its weapons to the West Bank. Abbas wants to extend his authority to the Gaza Strip, while Hamas is seeking to take over the West Bank. Hamas wants to "transfer" its weapons to the West Bank for two reasons: to overthrow Abbas's regime and to pursue the "armed struggle" against Israel. Fighting Israel is Hamas's declared goal. Toppling Abbas's regime is its undeclared goal. The weapons of Hamas are a red line not "to be crossed," said Khalil Al Haya, a senior Hamas official. "Everyone should stop talking about these weapons, because they will remain to fight Israel. The weapons in the Gaza Strip give power to all Palestinians, including Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. These weapons will be transferred to the West Bank. The transfer of the weapons [to the West Bank] will not be enough. They will be used to fight Israel." Abbas is fortunate to have Israel sitting with him in the West Bank. Otherwise, Hamas would have succeeded in its effort to topple his regime and "transfer" its weapons to the West Bank. Fortunately for the Palestinians, Israel is sitting in the middle between the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Otherwise, Hamas and Abbas loyalists would be dispatching rockets and suicide bombers against each other. Instead of marching towards "reconciliation" and "unity," Abbas and Hamas have brought their people a new model of the "two-state solution": a Hamas-run emirate in the Gaza Strip and a mini-PLO state in the West Bank. Meanwhile, Abbas will continue to dream of returning to the Gaza Strip, while Hamas will continue to prepare for war against Israel and removing the Palestinian Authority from power. What is Going On? - By Daymond Duck - I am not sure that it is accurate to say that one passage in the Bible is more important than others (ALL of it is the Word of God), so I will just say that Daniel's Prophecy of Seventy Weeks is as important as it gets (Dan. 9:24-27). The seventieth week (the Tribulation Period; a week of years; seven years) will begin when the Antichrist confirms (signs or approves) a covenant with many for seven years of peace in the Middle East. It is a debatable issue, but I believe that can only happen after the Rapture of the Church (I Thess. 1:10, 5:9; II Thess. 2:7-8). Since the fall of 2017, the news has carried reports about Pres. Trump's Middle East Peace Proposal. Over and over again, Trump Administration officials have said things like, "It is almost complete," "It is being finalized," "It will soon be released," "It is being discussed with Arab officials," etc. Pres. Trump's Proposal is not likely the covenant the Antichrist will confirm because part of it may be subject to negotiation, but the completed document could possibly wind up being that covenant. On March 13, 2018, Pres. Trump's negotiating team brought together diplomats from Israel and several Arab nations. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the situation in Gaza and issues that needed to be discussed before Pres. Trump's Peace Proposal is released. The discussion lasted for six hours and it was reported that things went surprisingly well. But the next day, DebkaFile reported that Pres. Trump has decided to remove his Peace Proposal from his immediate agenda. No reason was given in the lone article that I read, but the article did say that Pres. Trump's Middle East Envoy, Jason Greenblatt, spread the word that Pres. Trump's plan might be revived in a year or two. What is going on? Is God delaying the covenant and Tribulation Period? Have Pres. Trump's Faith Advisors advised him to withdraw? Is this a Trump negotiating tactic? Is the DebkaFile report fake news? Time will tell and the truth will prevail. But for whatever it is worth, Pres. Trump's withdrawal from the peace process or his delaying it suits me just fine. Pres. Trump said Israel will have to pay a price for his moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. That could be a big mistake. Hopefully, with the improving relationship between Israel and the Arabs, it is off the table. I know that many are anxious for Resurrection Day and the Rapture to take place, to see our loved ones again, receive our new bodies and more, but the U.S. should have no part in the division of Jerusalem, scattering the Jews, etc. (Joel 3:2). We know that the end of the Tribulation Period will finish Israel's transgression, make an end of Israel's sins, make reconciliation for Israel's iniquity, bring in Israel's everlasting righteousness, seal up Daniel's vision and prophecy, and anoint the most Holy (Dan. 9:24). We know that Jesus is coming back as King of kings and Lord of lords, but none of us are anxious for the Tribulation Period to begin. We long for world peace under the reign of Jesus as He sits on the throne in Jerusalem, but we shudder to think about what will happen to this world first. Anyway, it is possible that the world is under a pause of undetermined length in the Peace process. Let's watch for more information. Here it is. Since writing this article, I have read that Pres. Trump has delayed his Peace Proposal indefinitely until Mahmoud Abbas is no longer in office. Mr. Abbas is in his 80's (83 I think) and there have been reports that he is not well. On the other hand, as this article is being written, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman is in Washington hoping to influence Pres. Trump to restart the Peace process. There is no question about the peace process winding up with a peace treaty. The questions are what will it say and how long will it take? Prophecy Plus Ministries, Inc. Daymond & Rachel Duck [email protected] Through Many Tribulations - By Hal Lindsey - One-night last month, one of the world's most famous landmarks, the Colosseum in Rome, glowed red. According to Vatican News, officials bathed the ancient arena in red light "as a sign of solidarity with all those who are persecuted for their faith." Before now, had you heard about that? Usually, western media outlets look for stories with dramatic imagery. The Colosseum's famous silhouette, bathed in red against a stark, black backdrop, would seem to fit the bill. They also love a story with a good twist. Officials used the Colosseum, once a symbol of Christian persecution, to strike a blow against such persecution. But despite an interesting, ready-made story, the media paid little attention. To cover it would mean admitting that there is a story here. And once they admit that, they will have to explain that the story is huge and ongoing - especially in Nigeria. Giulio Meotti, writing for the Gatestone Institute, said, "The West does not seem to care about the ongoing Islamic terrorist genocide on Africa's biggest Christian population in Nigeria." Terrorism usually gets the frontpage treatment. Genocide makes this story global and historic. But western media elites could not care less about Africa. The reasons are more complex than simple racism, but you can't help wondering if that's not part of it. In one February attack, radical Islamic terrorists went through 15 villages in Nigeria. They murdered townspeople, burned churches, and razed the homes of known Christians. Several sources quote a witness as saying, "Despite several calls to the governor and his deputy, and other security apparatus, the government remained silent as the atrocities continued. The Fulani (a west African Muslim people) were able to carry out their deadly attack. They stayed for hours in the vicinity, moving at will, unchallenged." Wole Soyinka, a Nigerian Nobel laureate for literature, called the Islamic terrorists a "horde." He said their goal is to "Islamize the nation." Bishop Hyacinth Egbebo, a Nigerian Catholic, said, "If Nigeria falls to Islamic extremists, all of Africa will be at risk." It would be a mistake to think of Nigeria as insignificant or far away. Nigerians are as important in God's eyes as Americans. But even from a selfish point of view, remember that what happens there does not stay there! Meotti wrote, "The West truly needs to care about the daily carnage suffered by this poor, black, Christian and abandoned population. Wole Soyinka's 'horde' will not be confined to the Nigerian borders, but will try to strike Western Europe as well." Not long ago, a mob in Vietnam attacked two dozen Christians. They were new converts from a group known as Hmong. CBN News wrote, "Their conversion provoked the village chief who threatened to expel the believers from the community if they didn't renounce their new-found faith. The Hmong Christians refused to recant, prompting a mob to attack them." After a period of relative tolerance, Christian persecution in Vietnam is on the rise. In fact, it's on the rise everywhere. In Turkey, an American pastor, Andrew Brunson, faces life in prison. He's accused of "terrorism." You're probably wondering what act of "terrorism" this Christian minister could have been up to. The answer is that he shared the Gospel. That means in today's Turkey, for a Christian minister to read John 3:16 is considered an act of terror. Turkey's President Recep Erdogan is playing a game of global power politics. Many have suggested that Pastor Brunson is merely a pawn in that game. But it's more than that. Erdogan could have chosen any American as a hostage. He chose a Christian minister because he fears the Gospel. Jesus said, "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (NASB) To a despot like Erdogan, those are the scariest words in the world. Attacks on freedom of religion and belief - especially Christian belief - are escalating around the world. Sometimes it's the persecution of a group, and sometimes it's a lone individual. Right now in Nigeria, a girl named Liah Sharibu is being held by the Islamic terror group, Boko Haram. The terrorists abducted 110 girls in February. After intense government negotiation, they returned 104. Five died in captivity. Only Liah remains in terrorist hands. One of the returning girls explained that Boko Haram refused to release Liah because she would not renounce her faith in Christ. "She was held back," the released girl said. "We were freed because we are Muslim girls and they didn't want us to suffer." Another girl released by Boko Haram relayed that the terrorists said they would keep Liah "until she converted." Imagine how Liah's parents feel. How would you feel? Her father, Nata Sharibu, told a Nigerian radio station, "I am very sad, but I am also jubilating, too, because my daughter did not denounce Christ." Salvation is free. Jesus paid the whole price. But in this world, bearing His name carries its own cost. In Acts 14:22, Paul the great teacher of grace, gave this warning to the Christians of Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch. "Through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God." It reminds me of the third verse of John Newton's "Amazing Grace." "Through many dangers, toils and snares I have already come. 'Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home!" That amazing grace abides with Liah Sharibu and Andrew Brunson. It abides with millions around the world facing various levels of persecution because of their stands for Christ. If you are His, it also abides with you. According to the Bible, as we approach the end of the age, persecution of believers will increase. But don't despair. In John 16:33, Jesus said, "In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." (NASB) Daily Jot: March for tyranny - Bill Wilson - On one hand, it's great to see so many young people getting involved in the political process. On the other hand, it's disappointing that they are so deceived and misled. The public school system in this country has allowed the National Education Association as influenced by communist John Dewey's "progressive education" movement to undermine our country and brainwash our children against the fundamental principles of the Constitution. The kids that marched across the nation to protest guns were mostly unknowing dupes of communist front groups who wish to tear down the nation and make it into a socialist society beholden to tyranny. They do so in the name of safety and liberty. March for our Lives allegedly has been funded in part by billionaire leftist George Soros. The organization's website mentions no leadership or sponsors. No board of directors. No contact person. Yet it has voter registration packets, anti-gun propaganda, anti-National Rifle Association materials, and how and where to protest. In other words, kids who signed up for this protest have no documented idea of who they are in league with. And of course, because their NEA teachers and school administrators are supporting this new "revolution," it seems ok to them. Notwithstanding, if they were told that the people organizing this movement were those who wanted to oppress all their rights, they wouldn't believe it. Those speaking on behalf of gun control are foul mouthed, angry and emotional. They do not understand that there is no gun legislation that will stop an immoral, evil, or mentally ill person from getting a gun and using it. This is a moral problem, not a weapon problem. The very same people who have taken moral training out of school-the separation of church and state crowd-are the same who are trying to ban guns. They want no part of God or country, especially the way that country is defined with America. As 2 John 1:7 says, "For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh." To communists, God is government. These people have attempted, and for the most part succeeded, to take away free speech and freedom of religion in our schools. They have brainwashed kids into believing that religion has no place in their daily lives, and that the only free speech is speech that supports communistic and revolutionary ideals. Thus we have kids who believe that the Bill of Rights is outdated and must be deconstructed. Ephesians 5:6 says, "Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things come the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience." In being instruments of deceivers, disobedient, and rebellious, these kids will suffer consequences in due time. They think they are marching for their lives, when in reality they are marching for tyranny. Sad. Daily Devotion: Easter Brings Hope - By Greg Laurie - Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live." -John 11:25 Easter is not about brightly colored eggs, wearing pastels, or enjoying a big meal, although it could include these. Easter is about the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. For some, Easter will be a great day, spent surrounded by family and friends. But for others, it will be a sad day, because Easter is a reminder of a loved one who has died and is now desperately missed. Death seems so cruel, so harsh, and so final. That is what the disciples were feeling when they saw their Lord, whom they had left everything to follow, hanging on the cross. They were devastated. Death had crushed them. But if they would have gone back in their memories, they would have recalled an important event and statement Jesus had made. They would have remembered Jesus standing at the tomb of His close friend Lazarus. They would have remembered that Jesus did something completely unexpected: He wept (see John 11:35). Jesus wept, because He knew that death was not part of God's original plan. Humanity was not meant to grow old, to suffer with disease, or to die. But because of the sin of Adam and Eve, sin entered the human race, and death followed with it. And death spread to all of us. Jesus wept, because it broke His heart. But standing there at Lazarus' tomb, Jesus also delivered these hope-filled words: "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live" (John 11:25). Death is not the end. And the Resurrection of Jesus Christ proves it. If you have put your faith in Christ, then Easter means that you will live forever in the presence of God. Easter brings hope to the person who has been devastated by death. FROM THE HEART
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