Prophecy Update Newsletter
Featured Article: The End Is Not Yet
What the Bible Says About Stopping the Coronavirus Prophecy Update: Rapture Snapback Theory Cracking the Faith Barrier - Hal Lindsey Daily Jot: A word about truth in a world of lies Daily Devotion: A Better World Ahead The End Is Not Yet - By Terry James - Let me say at the outset of this commentary that I in no way intend to diminish the dangers presented by this disease. It is a pandemic to be sure, because it is worldwide. The potential is there for massive health devastation and death. However, the coronavirus has by no means reached anywhere close to historic levels of past deadly pandemics-or even regional epidemics. Not even close. Yet the projections are presenting to the world's public an end-of-the-world prognosis, to keep it within medical jargon. Even those who operate issues and events from Christian and even prophetic perspectives are painting a picture that the world is now almost certainly already in an era not unlike that described as the biblical apocalypse. Aside from the fears about the millions who might die from coronavirus are the just-as-feared economic ramifications of the now officially declared pandemic. Here are excerpts of some of the dystopian predictions I garnered from just one website to make the point. The financial system is cratering. Banks will begin to fold soon. Many deposits will be wiped out. Pensions are being wiped out right now, exactly along the lines we've been warning about for years. If you had exposure to the bubble stock market, real estate will begin to crater soon. Expect a 40% plunge on average, nationwide. Unemployment will skyrocket to Great Depression levels in less than 90 days. [Currency manipulation] insanity being pushed by the Trump administration will result in rapid price inflation across America, putting us on the path toward a Venezuela-type scenario, and more money printing goes to insane levels to bail out everybody and everything in the economy. Dumpster diving for food, the national sport of the failed state of Venezuela, will soon be commonplace in many US cities. The food supply is cratering in many regions, with food distribution hubs gutted and many local retailers cleaned out. City dwellers are "hunting" for grocery stores in rural areas that have more food. We anticipate gun battles over food to commence soon. Speaking of guns, every round of ammunition and every firearm in America is just about gone as of today. Retailers still have some supplies, but wholesalers are wiped out everywhere. More and more experts and even CDC officials are now openly talking about "millions of deaths" in the USA over the next 18 months. (Mike Adams, "URGENT Alert: Financial System Collapsing, Food Supply Collapsing, Hyperinflation Coming, Guns and Ammo Wiped Out, Military Martial Law Plans Leaked," Natural News, March 19, 2020) I found other websites forecasting even greater troubles. "America will end as we know it because of the coronavirus crisis" is the conclusion of a number of sites I've perused. Of course, I'll agree that America as we've known it has changed to the point that our founding fathers probably wouldn't recognize it-at least, not as they envisioned the constitutional republic they created. It is certain most wouldn't believe how it has turned out in terms of cultural and societal morality. And things like the fiscal irresponsibility of running monetary printing presses, as has been done for decades, with nothing to back the dollar-which itself seems to grow stronger rather than weaker vis-a vis all other currencies-would no doubt flabbergast them. As we've looked at many times in these commentaries, there seems no rational explanation for why the American and global economies haven't collapsed. Economists, mostly in the lesser-known blog forums, have pointed to the fact that there will come a tremendous crash at some point. The more renowned financial talking heads of broadcast and cable networks haven't really examined underlying fiscal structures. They have concentrated on amazement over the ever-rising stock market figures. Now, it is declared by many that the time of reckoning has come. The coronavirus crisis means the end of all things in terms of economic well-being. Economic/monetary matters have defied the fiscal laws of gravity-as we've pointed out-the way Wile E. Coyote defies gravity in the cartoon world. Now we have entered a time that will, many believe, lead to times worse than conditions created by the stock-market crash of 1929. To those who observe what's going on through the prism of Bible prophecy, particularly the pre-Trib view of Bible prophecy, things are in tremendous flux. That is, tremendous change is taking place that portends the soon-coming time of the Antichrist regime. This is what must come to pass so that Jesus Christ can return to put an end to human government, which has so egregiously failed at every turn. However, it is not the end...not yet. As my good friend Jan Markell says about world conditions in regard to Bible prophecy: "Things aren't falling apart. They are falling together." That is, we are privileged as Christians alive at this time to watch the end-times stage being set for all things to unfold exactly like God, through His Holy Word, says they will. The devil and his minions, both human and supernatural, have tried to accomplish a coup d'état in this nation for the past four years. They have failed at every turn. Now they are, through the crisis at present, determined to change America through the many rushed fixes we are seeing. They hope to attach their tentacles through lockdowns and forced economic/business changes-i.e., ways of doing business-for accomplishing their globalist ambitions. Even with the immense propaganda power of the mainstream media, they have been unable to carry out their attempted coup d'état. This is because, I believe with all that is within my spiritual understanding, the Lord of Heaven has prevented their one-world plans to this point. This is due to the fact that it is not yet time for the Antichrist world order to emerge. This can't happen as long as the Church, Jesus Christ's Bride, is still on this fallen planet. That's why the present president has been placed in the most powerful office of the most powerful government on earth. If anyone else held the office at this crucial time, I believe the economy of the United States, and certainly economies of the rest of the world, would have by this time indeed come crashing down. This would especially have been true by now, figuring this pandemic into the economic equation. This is not to give Mr. Trump undue credit. He is simply living proof of the truth found in God's Word. The Lord of Heaven raises up rulers and kings, and He brings them down (Daniel 2: 21). That this man is chosen by God to be in the position to which he was elected in such astonishing fashion is a primary reason I believe that the economy that is currently in freefall will again reach previous heights. Jesus prophesied that when He next intervenes into the affairs of mankind, it will not be at a time of Tribulation-like desperation. It will, he said, be a time of building, buying, selling, marrying, planting. It will be, I believe He indicated, a time of business even more dynamic than usual-just like on the day when Lot was suddenly removed from Sodom, which was judged that very day. The changes we are seeing at this time are profound. Indeed, America is being reconfigured in a way that will pave the way for what will take place following the Rapture of Christ's Bride-all born-again believers. But this isn't the end. It is however, to somewhat distort the paraphrasing of Churchill regarding the end of the Battle for Britain during WW II, perhaps the end of the beginning of the end. Jesus said while sitting atop the Mount of Olives just before He died on the cross at Calvary and resurrected for the sin of mankind: "And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet" (Matthew 24:6). He also said: "And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh" (Luke 21:28). Even so, come, Lord Jesus! What the Bible Says About Stopping the Coronavirus - Bill Perkins - shall serve the LORD your God, ...and I will remove sickness from your midst. Ex. 23:25 We can trust the Bible The Black Plague/Black Death began in Europe in 1347 AD, killing an astonishing 200 million people in four years (1). The only way the Black Plague was finally contained was when people brazenly applied the Biblical principle of quarantine. Venetians were the first to apply the Bible's instructions regarding dealing with infectious disease. After studying Leviticus 13, they made all new arrivals stay in isolation long enough to determine if they were ill. It worked. Ultimately, taking God's Word literally is what saved Europe from even a worse fate. We can apply Biblical principles today Regardless of how the coronavirus began-by accident or on purpose-it's important to know what the Bible says about dealing with disease. After all, God is still in control and we're to look to Him for guidance in all things. And in the Bible He addresses how to deal with contagious diseases. The most dreaded sickness in the Old Testament was leprosy, a very contagious, disfiguring, and debilitating disease. To protect Israel from this disease, God's Word gave very specific commandments regarding how to deal with it to keep it from spreading. The Jewish priests were rarely physicians, but they did basically function as public health officers. Being under the Levitical Law, the priests would judiciously institute all 613 Biblical Laws and Commandments found in the Old Testament, which included dealing with leprosy, a highly infectious disease. Testing The Old Testament has specific tests to determine if he or she had contracted the dreaded disease. If the priest determined that he or she might have contracted leprosy, the Lord outlined very specific steps in Leviticus 13 to take to help contain it. When the first warning signs appear on a person's skin or clothes, the person was commanded by the Levitical Law to go to the priest. The priest examined the person to determine if he was clean or unclean. ...he shall be brought to Aaron the priest or to one of his sons the priests. Lev.13:2b Categorization Newly diagnosed leprous people were unabashedly deemed to be in a different class of citizens-they were relegated to the "unclean" category. The priest didn't worry about hurting their feelings, they were just calling it what it was and following God's Law. The priest shall look, and if the scab has spread on the skin, then the priest shall pronounce him unclean; it is leprosy. Lev. 13:8 In fact, if a leprous person was walking down the street where other people were walking or standing, the leprous person was commanded to publicly speak out so others could keep their distance. They were to verbally cry out: "...cry, Unclean! Unclean!" Lev. 13:45 Quarantine The first thing the priests did was to separate those who were possibly infected from the rest of the population. the priest shall isolate him who has the infection for seven days. Lev. 13:4b Leprosy wasn't always able to be determined in the first 10 days so additional 7-day periods could continue to be required until the priest could make the final determination if the person had leprosy. The priest shall look at him on the seventh day, and if in his eyes the infection has not changed and the infection has not spread on the skin, then the priest shall isolate him for seven more days. Lev. 13:5 Banishment Those who were deemed to definitely have leprosy were sent outside of town to live. No one who didn't have leprosy would go anywhere near a leper. He shall live alone; his dwelling shall be outside the camp. Lev.13:46b Garment washing Interestingly, clothes worn by a potential leper were treated in much the same manner as people. The clothes were quarantined by the priest for seven days. Then the priest shall look at the mark and shall quarantine the article with the mark for seven days. Lev. 13:50 As with people, if the priest wasn't sure, he could add seven more days of quarantine. then the priest shall order them to wash the thing in which the mark occurs and he shall quarantine it for seven more days. Lev. 13:54 If the priest found you didn't have leprosy, you simply had to wash your clothes. In some cases you were commanded to burn some or all of the clothes the person was wearing when the infection was discovered, whether the person had leprosy or not. So he shall burn the garment, whether the warp or the woof, in wool or in linen, or any article of leather in which the mark occurs, for it is a leprous malignancy; it shall be burned in the fire. Lev. 13:52 So how does all this apply to us today? Basically washing and separation is commanded in the Bible to ward off disease. Staying clean and not coming in contact with an infected person is exactly what is Biblically ordered. So here's what we know: Wash your hands AND your clothes Washing, not just your hands but also your clothes, is critical. If you have a compromised immune system, when you come back home from shopping, you should probably take off your clothes and wash them. Hot tubs are looking like a good thing to use after being out of the house. Avoid handling paper money It's not just our clothes that can transmit viruses. Using our paper money is also a problem. The coronavirus can last up to 72 hours on paper money.(2) Use CC or phone/digital wallet. Ultimately we know paper money will not be used as the entire world will be electronically connected. And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name. Rev. 13:16-17 Silver kills bacteria Back in the Old Testament and even up until recent history, silver and gold were the Biblically ordained units of exchange. Silver has a built-in antibacterial agent that kills diseases. Despite repeated use, you didn't pass along disease from the common use of silver coins. Silver is a very interesting metal. Until penicillin was discovered in 1928, farmers used to put a silver dollar in the bottom of a milk jug to disinfect it. Ranchers put them in water barrels to keep the water pure. Today, there are many who tout the use of colloidal silver to combat bacterial and viral infections and for other purposes. (3) I AM NOT RECOMMENDING ANYTHING, JUST SHARING SOME INFORMATION THAT MIGHT BE USEFUL!!! Drink wine In a general exhortation, Paul told Timothy to drink a little wine for health reasons. Apparently a little wine acts as a disinfectant. No longer drink water exclusively, but use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent ailments. 1Tim. 5:23 On our overseas trips we always suggest sipping on some wine at night when traveling in and between foreign countries to fight off the things we might be exposed to that our bodies are not used to. Regarding the coronavirus, can't hurt! Pray without ceasing Not to be overlooked, we have the privilege of prayer. Living in the Church Age, we have the Lord of the universe living in us. He knows our thoughts, hears and answers our prayers. Our number one concern should always be to reach people for eternal salvation, not just praying to get people well in this life. God may use the illness to wake people out of their sinful slumber! This is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests which we have asked from Him. 1John 5:14, 15 pray without ceasing; 1Th. 5:17 Keeping the right perspective Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. Col. 3:2 As my good friend Mike Gendron recently said, "Most of the world is rightly concerned about the deadly Coronavirus, but few are as concerned about sin, a far more deadly disease that affects everyone at conception." Mike nailed it. Don't get your panties in a wad over this coronavirus. It too shall pass. Instead, direct your prayers and concerns toward a far more fatal eternal disease-sin-a disease for which the cure is readily available. If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; Rom. 10:9 Use us, Lord! This is an opportune time to be used by the Lord because we have eternal answers. We've all been studying and armoring for this very moment. It's a time for us to be bold and share what we know to our nervous neighbors, family members, and coworkers. So pray for an opportunity to be used by Him in the lives of those who are in your sphere of influence. praying at the same time for us as well, that God will open up to us a door for the word, so that we may speak forth the mystery of Christ,... Col. 4:3 May you walk boldly through every door the Lord opens! Shalom! BP (1) (2) (3) Prophecy Update: Rapture Snapback Theory - By Gary Ritter - "Houston, we have a problem." A potentially serious issue with the Apollo 13 spacecraft back in 1970 caused one of the NASA astronauts to supposedly utter this phrase. In reality, it was stated in the past tense as "Houston, we've had a problem here." Regardless, it's famously misquoted and is quite useful to this present article. Except, I'm going to change that incorrect statement somewhat and keep it in the present tense. "Remnant Church, we have a problem." And what is that problem, you might ask? Glad to tell you. It has to do with the exact accuracy of Bible prophecy and the effects of the current coronavirus. As literally everyone on the planet knows, this pandemic has wreaked financial, economic, and social havoc, except in North Korea (because, you see, it hasn't affected them whatsoever because their superb medical facilities and unprecedented preventive measures have kept the virus from their country, so says Kim Jong Un - I suppose other nations would have the same results if they shot and killed every person who had the slightest possibility of contracting it - but, I digress). What COVID-19 has also completely shattered is hope of the very near timing of the Rapture. What? That's silly, you might say. There is no timing to it as it could happen any time. It's imminent. We even have all the converging signs to assure us of that. That's all true, but... What did Jesus say in Matthew 24:37-39 and Luke 17:26-30 about when the Rapture would happen? First Matthew: "For as were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and they were unaware until the flood came and swept them all away, so will be the coming of the Son of Man." Then Luke: "Just as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the days of the Son of Man. They were eating and drinking and marrying and being given in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. Likewise, just as it was in the days of Lot-they were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building, but on the day when Lot went out from Sodom, fire and sulfur rained from heaven and destroyed them all- so will it be on the day when the Son of Man is revealed." Here's the key to our present dilemma: "they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage" "buying and selling, planting and building" In other words, very normal, secular times. People had no particular cares. They were living life as they always had. That, folks, is not this immediate, present time. What's going on all around us is very much not normal. The world is basically shutting down. There is little buying and selling. Certainly, no eating and drinking in public. People everywhere are stockpiling, self-quarantining, and absolutely freaking out. Sorry to say, but given the fact that Bible prophecy must be exactly fulfilled, the Rapture cannot happen right now. Another little-known fact is that Russia, Iran, and Turkey are seriously on the outs with each other right now. They're all positioned in Syria for their own reasons and will eventually, collectively attack Israel in Ezekiel's War. But, not right now. Of course, it's true that the enemy of my enemy is my friend, but these guys want nothing to do with each other at the present time. One big reason is because of the seriousness of the coronavirus in Iran. No Russian or Turkish soldier in Syria wants to get anywhere near an Iranian for fear of contracting the disease. So, it seems as if through allowing this virus (I don't for a minute believe that God brought it as judgment), God is slowing down the Rapture timeline. Despite the convergence of all the signs we've been watching, God appears to be walking back how soon it will happen. And this is part of the issue at hand. Many of these signs appear to be at their outer limits. So much demonic activity, such hate and rage, the amount of false teachings, the number of false prophets, massive numbers of high-intensity earthquakes, locust plagues, extreme Christian persecution. I liken it to the stretching of a rubber band. You can only stretch it so far before it breaks. This was beginning to be the situation with the build-up to Ezekiel's War, but has that now lessened? Trump Derangement Syndrome seems to continue unabated, but will the Wuhan virus cause some of these on the Left to reduce their rhetoric? It doesn't look good rooting against the president when that causes lives to be lost. Maybe the tension on the rubber band has been reduced for now. If so, that seemingly means that the imminence of the Rapture has been pushed back for the time being. I know this goes against the whole concept that the Rapture could literally happen at any time, but look again at what Jesus said. The times have to be normal. Now if some prognosticators are correct, we could have a serious recession or even depression. In the normal course of those events, recovery can take years: 5 - 10 - 15 years. According to these financial experts, that's how long it could take for us to get back to normal. None of us wants to hear that, and no one who looks for the soon return of Jesus even wants that to be the case. So, here's my take on the matter. I call it the Rapture Snapback Theory©. There, I just copyrighted it. In order for the situation around the world to get back to normal where Jesus' Words are faithfully fulfilled, things need to change dramatically at some point in the relatively near future. Who knows the timing on that? - not me - but the change would have to be as unprecedented as this whole virus nightmare. One possibility is that God steps in and does...something that changes the equation. Perhaps the recent news about the anti-malarial drug chloroquine will be the answer. Maybe that is the something. Another is that this government bailout actually works for the time being. Businesses and individuals all receive massive government funding that keeps us all afloat, the stock market rebounds on such good news, and we all quickly forget the coronavirus. We put it behind us and get on with that normal life that Jesus describes. One other idea that has been floated is a debt Jubilee. Just like the Biblical year of Jubilee when all accounts were set back to zero and no debts remained, wouldn't it be great if all student loans, corporate loans, and credit card balances were eliminated? What could be better? On top of that, send everybody $1,000 or more every month-again, because the government owes everyone a basic living wage and what could be more fair? - and we'd probably be living the utopian life that so many have dreamed of for years. We'd have the full faith and credit of the federal government behind all these wonderful notions, so what could possibly go wrong? There is a slight problem with all this money soon to flood the economy in whatever form it may take. There's nothing that will back it up. Among economic circles there's a concept called Modern Monetary Theory, or MMT. It essentially says that the Fed can keep pumping out dollars indefinitely with no consequences. This is the thinking behind the liberal mindset that says the government can and should pay for all these "rights" that we the people are owed by this country, and we can do it with unlimited dollars. Unfortunately, there is a piper to pay as Weimar Germany found out in the 1920s with this kind of policy when they abandoned the gold standard and began printing money. Hyperinflation set in, and a loaf of bread cost a wheelbarrow or two worth of deutsche marks. Things might be good for a while with this kind of MMT thinking, but it never ends well. But, here's the bottom line. I think the economy, the markets, and the way people live will snapback to some definition of normal in the relatively near term. God's got His own timeline for this lost and dying world. He wants His faithful servants to do their jobs of representing Him as His ambassadors, as the imagers of God as He created us to be. Additionally, He surely wants as many people to turn to Him in faith as possible, but He does have limits as to how much rebellion and disobedience he'll tolerate in the world. The Lord our God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He has brought wrath and judgment at the appropriate time in the past, and He'll do it again. As faithful followers of Jesus Christ, we should not dismay, nor should we fear. God is in control. We can trust Him. Soon, very soon, Jesus will catch us up to the clouds to be with Him. Cracking the Faith Barrier - By Hal Lindsey - In John 16:33, Jesus said, "In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." We're having some of that tribulation now. People are afraid and not just of disease. According to the Wall Street Journal, "Stocks are falling faster than they did during the financial crisis, the crash of 1987 or the Great Depression." Many are watching their lifetime's savings evaporate before their eyes. It's easy to be upset. But we shouldn't be surprised. The Bible is full of warnings about the dangers coming on the world in the last days. But that same Bible is also full of promises God has made to His people - promises we can stand on. As a new Christian, I suffered from times of depression. I prayed that the LORD would show me what was wrong. I asked him to teach me how to do His will and live out His plan in my life. Not long after this prayer, a friend of mine took me to a Bible study taught by Pastor Bob Thieme in Houston. I liked him immediately and wanted to hear more. He began a series entitled "Cracking the Faith Barrier." God used this teaching to deliver me from depression, insecurity, and fear. Today, we all need it. On October 14, 1947, a Bell X-1 aircraft piloted by Captain Charles 'Chuck' Yeager became the first human vehicle to go faster than the speed of sound in controlled flight. To get there, Yeager had to pass through something called "the sound barrier." A lot of people thought it was impossible. As pilots approached that speed, tremendous turbulence built up against the airplane. The air couldn't get out of the way fast enough. It piled up in front of the leading edges of the aircraft. The buffeting was extreme. In those days, they didn't know how to design the aircraft for supersonic flight. The buffeting caused changes in airflow over the vehicle's control surfaces, making it almost impossible to fly. Sometimes controls froze and became inoperable. Brave men died in the conquest to break "the sound barrier." During his flight, as Yeager approached the speed of sound, the plane began to shake violently, as if it might disintegrate at any second. The control stick shook so much that Chuck could hardly hold it still. Just as it seemed the aircraft would rip apart, there was a loud boom, and everything became quiet inside the cockpit. When Yeager broke through the sound barrier, the buffeting stopped. The controls responded again. He and his X-1 left behind the screaming noise and violent air as he bolted toward the dark blue of the edge of the earth's atmosphere. There were still great pressures on the outside of the little craft, but the turbulent air had shifted from the leading edge to the rear. And so it is when a Christian breaks the faith barrier. The pressures shift rearward. We move past the old ideas of depending on human resources and emotions. We switch over to faith in God's promises alone. It takes a great deal of speed to crack the sound barrier. But to crack the faith barrier we must stand still. The hard part is that it's easy, and we can't accept that something so great came come as a gift. It defies our old way of thinking and doing. All our lives we have sought to cope with problems using our own limited strength and understanding. To get past that is to crack the faith barrier. And when we do, we find rest and peace. The pressures and problems still exist, but God's peace and assurance well up within our hearts. And that's when the Holy Spirit begins to do amazing things in and through us. When we rest in the Lord our efforts cease to be the primary thing, and we turn fully to the Holy Spirit. Amazing things happened in my life when I passed through to the other side of the faith barrier. They will for you, too. Romans 8:37 says, "In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us." "All these things" might include viruses and pandemics. They might include financial difficulty. In all these things, God urges you to crack the faith barrier. Become more than a conqueror. Daily Jot: A word about truth in a world of lies - Bill Wilson - The Hollywood elite and many democrats are saying that Americans are dying because President Donald Trump is lying about the COVID-19 virus. They say they want the truth about the situation. Then they go on and call the president "absurd," "insane," "murderer," and so on. CNN's Jake Tapper Wednesday told viewers that there was no telling how many lives were affected by Trump's lies. These people can only stir dissent now by calling Trump an insane, absurd liar, but only use out of context statements that hardly back up anything they say. This is the point when political intolerance and ideological bigotry prevent people from seeing the truth, or even seeing events clearly. To those who wish to stay informed, the president and his coronavirus task force have been updating the people each day. If you have watched them, they have been very thorough updates and have patiently answered every question by a hostile media, no matter how ill-informed or emotional the reporter was in asking the question. Whether the president and his array of task force experts are all lying about this crisis can be determined by a discerning viewer. The fact that 60% of Americans, according to a Gallup Poll, approve of the way President Trump is handling the crisis, drives Hollywood and the democratic leadership crazy. Not because they believe Trump is lying, but because they hate him. They actually want Americans to suffer COVID-19 because they hate the president so much that they don't want him to succeed. If a person is so driven by his political beliefs, or even his legalistic religious beliefs, that he will not listen to reason or even view what is in front of him as fact, that person is blinded to the truth. Repeatedly calling someone insane, a liar, or some such label while refusing to consider all the facts, and saying you only want the truth, you are not allowing truth to enter. Also to say that you want the truth, and call the truth a lie because it isn't what you believe, is refusing truth. I have seen this in watching people's comments on Facebook, for example. They demand the truth. Someone gives them documented facts that are truth. It is not the answer they want, so they call the person a liar, or some such other label. Viewing the world from the lens of bias against truth, prevents truth. Isaiah 59:13-14 says, "In transgressing and lying against the Lord, and departing away from our God, speaking oppression and revolt, conceiving and uttering from the heart words of falsehood, and judgment is turned away backward, and justice stands afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter." If someone is a vessel of lies and rebellion against God, how can they find truth? Hating a person because he doesn't agree with you, blocks the truth. We see this when the president and his task force answer all the questions over and over again, yet the answers are not what the haters want to hear, so they call them lies. Indeed, truth is fallen in the street. Daily Devotion: A Better World Ahead - Greg Laurie - "For our present troubles are small and won't last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever!"-2 Corinthians 4:17 Deep inside us, there is a sense of something more in life that drives us on. No matter what experiences you've had, no matter how wonderful they were, they were just a glimpse of what is still ahead. You are really homesick for a place you have never been before, and that place is Heaven. You were wired this way. The Bible says that God has put eternity in our hearts (see Ecclesiastes 3:11). This simply means there is a sense inside of us that there is more to life. That is what keeps us moving forward. It is sort of like the homing instinct we see in the animal kingdom, like the salmon making their way upstream with such determination. We see it in the way the swallows return every year to San Juan Capistrano. It's a homing instinct that drives them. We have the same thing, but it is a homing instinct for a place we haven't seen yet. It is a homesickness for Heaven. Until that day, there is nothing that will completely satisfy our lives. No matter what happens to us on Earth, it pales in comparison to this great hope. The apostle Paul wrote, "For our present troubles are small and won't last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever! So we don't look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever" (2 Corinthians 4:17-18 NLT). This is the hope of the Christian-the hope of a place called Heaven. There is a better world ahead. There is something greater than what we're experiencing now. FROM THE HEART
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