Prophecy Update Newsletter
Islam in prophecy Part 1: Psalm 83, Esau & Edom - By Vanessa Panas -
The Bible's first act of violence was between two brothers. Cain murdered Abel because Abel did what was pleasing to God and Cain did not. Abel worshipped God like he was supposed to, and Cain hated him for it. 1 John 3:12 tells us, "Do not be like Cain, who belonged to the evil one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his own actions were evil and his brother's were righteous" Cain essentially persecuted his brother for his belief - the first persecution of God's people. The older persecuted the younger. Ishmael is recognized as the father of Islam. Abraham was promised a son, but he and Sarah grew impatient waiting on God's promise. He had Ishmael with Hagar, his wife Sarah's Egyptian servant. After Hagar conceived Ishmael, she began to despise Sarah and began treating her in a hateful way. The Bible says Sarah dealt with her harshly and Hagar ran away. But God spoke to her and told her to return to Sarah and that her son would father a great nation. Then, years later, God's promise was fulfilled and Sarah conceived Isaac. When Ishmael was about 13, Sarah saw Ishmael mocking Isaac, who was a very small child. We know this because the Bible says on that day Isaac was weaned from Sarah. Sarah told Abraham to cast out Hagar and Ishmael. She would not allow Ishmael to mock her son, live with him or share in his blessings. Abraham loved his oldest son; he was grieved. He did not want to send him away; but when God told him to listen to Sarah, Abraham listened. Brokenhearted and alone, in the middle of the hot desert, the water ran out and Hagar could not watch Ishmael die; she cried out to God to take him but not let her watch. "Let me not see the death of the boy." So she sat opposite him, and lifted her voice and wept. And God heard the voice of the lad. Then the angel of God called to Hagar out of heaven, and said to her, "What ails you, Hagar? Fear not, for God has heard the voice of the lad where he is. Arise, lift up the lad and hold him with your hand, for I will make him a great nation." There is something important to note here. Ishmael stayed with his father Abraham until he was at least 13 years old. He knew God and was taught the same teachings by his father that Isaac received. There is no indication that Ishmael ever turned from Abraham's teachings, but his sons did, intermarrying with the godless and forgetting the God of their father. The Muslims do not honor the God of their fathers. They honor a god (Allah) of war (fortresses). Daniel 11:37-38 "He shall regard neither the God of his fathers nor the desire of women, nor regard any god; for he shall exalt himself above them all. But in their place he shall honor a god of fortresses; and a god which his fathers did not know he shall honor with gold and silver, with precious stones and pleasant things." Then we have the twin brothers, Jacob (renamed Israel, by God) and Esau (Edom-Palestinians and Jordanians). God came to Rebecca in a dream and said, "Two nations are in your womb, Two peoples shall be separated from your body; One people shall be stronger than the other, And the older shall serve the younger." God saw in Jacob what he did not find in Esau. Esau thought so little of his inheritance that he sold it for a bowl of soup. Rebecca convinced Jacob to deceive Isaac into blessing him instead of Esau, fulfilling what God spoke to Rebecca. When Esau found out, he was filled with rage and declared he was going to kill his brother Jacob once Isaac died. Jacob then fled. Esau was not a man fit to inherit the blessing. While he loved his father, he was not a godly man; on the other hand, Jacob was. Esau wanted his father's blessing, but he did not want the obligation of obeying God. He wanted the worldly blessing but had no interest in the spiritual blessing. First, Ishmael's birthright is given to his younger brother Isaac and then Esau's birthright is given to his younger brother Jacob. Later, this "rejected" son of Isaac married the daughter of the rejected son Ishmael. Esau's marriage to one of Ishmael's daughters forever linked the Ishmaelites with Edom and Esau. The hatred the later Ishmaelites and Edomites had for Isaac and Jacob continues today. Muslims also teach that it was Ishmael who received Isaac's blessing. Through these men, we see the blessings by God and the persecutors of God's people beginning to form. Through Abraham's seed, two nations were born. These two nations struggled in the womb and continue to struggle today. Esau is Edom (Ishmaelites, Gen 36:1). Jacob is Israel (Jews, Gen 32:28). Psalm 83 tells us how it will end. It's not good for Edom (Jordan). Abraham is considered the father of all three major religions. The Bible doesn't go into much detail about Ishmael. Isaac and Ishmael may have reconciled when Isaac died, or it's possible they never lost touch through Abraham. Genesis does tell us that together Isaac and Ishmael buried him in the cave where Sarah's body lay. "And his sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him in the cave of Machpelah." Esau and Jacob reconciled years later to bury their father Isaac. But Esau's story doesn't end how you think; Esau's end came during Jacob's burial. Esau took all the possessions of Isaac after his death and settled in Seir, which is in Edom. The house of Jacob, or Israel, possessed the whole land of Canaan from that day forward. There is a lot to focus on with Esau. God clearly made it understood that Esau gave away any legal claim of his birthright to his brother Jacob, and of his own free will. In the book of Jasper, we read: "And Esau took all this, and he and his children went home to the land of Seir the Horite, away from his brother Jacob and his children. "And Esau had possessions amongst the children of Seir, and Esau returned not to the land of Canaan from that day forward. "And the whole land of Canaan became an inheritance to the children of Israel for an everlasting inheritance, and Esau with all his children inherited the mountain of Seir." The book of Jasper tells us Esau was beheaded at the burial site of his brother Jacob. Esau blocked the cave for burial, claiming it to be part of his inheritance. Jacob's grandson cut his head off for disrespecting his grandfather and halting the burial. "And Chushim was dumb and deaf, still he understood the voice of consternation amongst men. "And he asked, saying, Why do you not bury the dead, and what is this great consternation? and they answered him the words of Esau and his sons; and he ran to Esau in the midst of the battle, and he slew Esau with a sword, and he cut off his head, and it sprang to a distance, and Esau fell amongst the people of the battle. "And when Chushim did this thing, the sons of Jacob prevailed over the sons of Esau, and the sons of Jacob buried their father Jacob by force in the cave, and the sons of Esau beheld it." This would certainly explain the everlasting contempt and struggle between Israel and Edom. As Israel gears up to celebrate their 70th Independence Day and the opening of the US embassy in Jerusalem, have the surrounding areas of Psalm 83 been organizing together against Israel? The Palestinian's have said the opening of the embassy is a declaration of war. Those with Jordan and the West Bank include Lebanon, Gaza, parts of Iraq and possibly Egypt. Nowhere in the Bible does it say the Israeli's will have a peace treaty with the Palestinians or Jordanians. I think the peace treaty of 7 years, that is broken midway, is a treaty with the surrounding Muslim nations, led by Turkey. Obadiah 1:6-7 "Oh, how Esau shall be searched out! How his hidden treasures shall be sought after! All the men in your confederacy shall force you to the border; the men at peace with you shall deceive you and prevail against you. Those who eat your bread shall lay a trap for you. No one is aware of it." Obadiah 1:18 "The house of Jacob will be a fire and the house of Joseph a flame; the house of Esau will be stubble, and they will set it on fire and consume it. There will be no survivors from the house of Esau. The LORD has spoken." Jacob and Joseph represent Israel, and Esau represents Jordan and the Palestinians. Jordan has control of the Temple Mount. Jordan has also recently become increasingly hostile to Israeli Jews being near the Temple Mount. It's unlawful for Israeli Jews or tourists to have on them anything that represents Judaism or Christianity. Jews and Christians cannot sing, pray or make any religious overtures at all. Jordan and Israel are circling one another; Jordan is looking for a weak spot. With the mass world outrage (planned) expected in May, it's not hard to envision Judea and Samaria (West Bank) coming under attack. Obadiah 1: 13-15 "You should not have entered the gate of My people in the day of their calamity. Indeed, you should not have gazed on their affliction in the day of their calamity, nor laid hands on their substance in the day of their calamity. "You should not have stood at the crossroads to cut off those among them who escaped; nor should you have delivered up those among them who remained in the day of distress. For the day of the Lord upon all the nations is near; As you have done, it shall be done to you..." If there was a sudden Palestinian attack on the Jewish people of Samaria and Judea, those that are able to escape would flee to Jordan, only Jordan will not help them. God will destroy them through Israeli military power. God said he would take revenge on Edom by the hands of His people - the military might of the IDF and her allies. Obadiah 1:9 "Your warriors, O Teman, will be terrified, and everyone in Esau's mountains will be cut down in the slaughter." Ezekiel 25:13-14 "Therefore this is what the Sovereign LORD says: I will stretch out my hand against Edom and kill its men and their animals. I will lay it waste, and from Teman to Dedan they will fall by the sword. I will take vengeance on Edom by the hand of my people Israel and they will deal with Edom in accordance with my anger and my wrath; they will know my vengeance, declares the Sovereign LORD." Remember, the Palestinian people are actually Jordanian. The "Palestinian" people were separated from Jordan during the Trans-Jordan annexation. As Erdogan invades Syria, heading to Damascus, the Palestinians and Jordanians are gearing up for the embassy move in May. War is looming no matter how you look at it. All three prophecies are set in motion now. I believe the Psalm 83 war will happen before Ezekiel 38. I also think Damascus will be destroyed now that Turkey has invaded Syria. Prophecy is moving too fast and accurate to slow down now. Sitting quietly but impatiently is Pope Francis. The Vatican has not given up on controlling Jerusalem. I believe a brutal war is headed to Israel, and very soon. The Bible warns the Jewish people living in Judea and Samaria to flee. The Temple Mount is located in the West Bank. Judea and Samaria are located in the West Bank. There are large Jewish populations in areas of the West Bank that could be overtaken quickly. Israel has had restraint in the face of a daily threat since their rebirth. They have strategically targeted terrorists such as Hamas, not citizens. They are under more scrutiny than any other nation in the world. What will lead to Israel and Edom entering a full-scale war ending with the destruction of Jordan and Palestinian-controlled areas? Could it be a large-scale terrorist attack like 9-11? It's during war that people cry for peace the most. The peace treaty could be signed during/after the Psalm 83 war to prevent any more bloodshed - to call a truce between Jacob and his brother Esau and between Isaac and Ishmael - the Jews and the Muslims. "Therefore prophesy and say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because they have made you desolate, and swallowed you up on every side, that ye might be a possession unto the residue of the heathen, and ye are taken up in the lips of talkers, and are an infamy of the people." Judea and Samaria are swallowed up on all sides and occupied by "heathens," meaning Muslims. The lips of "talkers" sound like the U.N. and the constant attacks on Israel through resolutions. They talk about peace but in reality have no intention of treating Israel with fairness. They help the "heathens." These wars are all distinct, and each is very different from the war in Revelation. Armageddon can't be the Ezekiel 38-39 war, or the Psalm 83 war. In Revelation, this is where all the nations of the earth will attack Israel, not just surrounding nations or the King of the North. The Psalm 83 war will lead to the Ezekiel 38 war, but it will first bring a peace treaty between Israel and the many nations mentioned in Ezekiel 38. During the Psalm 83 war, the nations listed in Ezekiel 38 will rethink their strategy after Jordan and the Palestinians are decimated. President Trump isn't exactly what I'd call a role model for Christianity or Judaism, but neither was Nebuchadnezzar or many others God used throughout history; but God used them. Paul was one of the fiercest persecutors of Christians, and he became God's greatest disciple. Since President Trump made this announcement, prophetic events are at lightening speed. There is no going back. As these wars loom, the world has ignored or forgotten those that are enduring genocide right now, a persecution. In the middle of all the chaos, Christians are being quietly slaughtered. In Nigeria; Sudan; Syria; Egypt; Saudi Arabia; Iraq; Pakistan; India; North Korea; China - the list goes on. As Christians, we see prophecy unfolding before our very eyes and know His return is imminent. God said Israel is the apple of His eye. Every time these nations attack or provoke Israel, they are essentially poking God in the eye. His wrath is coming. Soon, He will no longer allow His holy name to be blasphemed, by anyone. "For thus says the Lord of hosts: 'He sent Me after glory, to the nations which plunder you; for he who touches you touches the apple of His eye. For surely I will shake My hand against them, and they shall become spoil for their servants. Then you will know that the Lord of hosts has sent Me.'" Vanessa Her email address is: [email protected] Mass March on Gaza Border May Only Be The Beginning - By Yoav Limor - Friday's "March of Return" on the Israel-Gaza Strip border ended in a way that made it clear that the Hamas-organized march was only the first act in a play that is expected to drag on for months. Some 30,000 Palestinians took part in demonstrations along the Gaza border, during which rioters hurled rocks and firebombs at Israeli troops. Seventeen protesters were killed, and according to the Palestinians, some 1,400 were wounded. The Israeli military said that 10 of the fatalities were known terrorists. Still, from a military standpoint, Israel can say it marked a positive outcome. The turnout was far smaller than Hamas wanted--the terrorist group was aiming for 100,000 people--and the protesters were unable to rush or sabotage the border fence. The attempts to use the protest to carry out terrorist attacks also failed, and the Israel Defense Forces proved that it can successfully tackle complex civilian-driven events. From a diplomatic standpoint, however, Hamas can mark a success, as the protest once again placed Gaza at the center stage of international attention. The U.N. Security Council has called for an investigation of the violence. Even if nothing comes of this call, global public opinion would be tuned in to any future event on the border. Moreover, Hamas military leader Yahya Sinwar has taken his place as the most important Palestinian leader today, pushing Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas aside. It was Sinwar who was able to convince the masses to take to the streets, and it was his actions that allowed the Palestinian issue to make headlines. Abbas will now find it difficult to continue abusing the coastal enclave by withholding wages and funds for its power supply. This situation and the perceptions derived from it all but guarantee that Friday's events will be repeated in varying frequency and intensity in the coming months. Hamas will continue to challenge the IDF, especially on the border, to maintain international interest in the coastal enclave. The terror group's main challenge will be to continue convincing the Palestinians to show up en masse, so as to give the demonstration an air of "popular protests." This poses a dual challenge for Israel. Militarily, the IDF will have to maintain a high level of alert on the Gaza border for a prolonged period of time, and the sector will demand considerable combat and intelligence resources. Diplomatically, Israel is facing the complex task of making the international community understand Hamas is the one harming the Palestinians. It is hard to explain this to an international community that judges everything as black or white, and instinctively sides with civilians who appear to be coming under military fire. The fact that all the fatalities Friday were men and that most of them were terror operatives is lost on global public opinion. This is why Israel must find different solutions to pre-empt any international attempt to force a solution on it. Here's Why Hamas Is Stirring Deadly Border Riots with Israel - by Aaron Klein - At least fourteen Gazans were killed and over 1,100 were reportedly wounded in Hamas-instigated mass protests and riots along the Israel-Gaza border. Hamas is singlehandedly responsible for every one of those deaths and injuries. Israel must use heavy-handed tactics to quell riots in which Gazans attempt to violently storm the border of a sovereign nation. The Times of Israel reported on the deadly tactics used by the so-called protesters: "Rioters threw firebombs and stones at troops, tried to bomb and breach the security fence, and burned tires." Today's carnage follows numerous attempted terrorist attacks and infiltrations along the Gaza border during the past six days. The international news media has largely failed to provide proper context for the "protests" taking place today, framing the events as grassroots demonstrations aiming to secure a Palestinian state. The AFP, for example, reported: Tens of thousands of Gazans took to the streets Friday in mass protests calling for Palestinians to be allowed to return to land that their ancestors fled from in the 1948 war but that is now part of Israel. The AFP, like scores of other news outlets, is seemingly uninterested in asking the simple question: Why the protests now? The shallow coverage misses the fact that the Hamas terrorist organization meticulously planned today's unrest, and they have been openly calling for a series of upcoming border clashes with Israel slated to peak next month during Israel's Independence Day celebrations. Hamas has been selling the mass protest movement as "return rallies", marketing the fiction that Palestinians have a so-called right of return to the state of Israel. Hamas, famous for its use of civilians as human shields, has in reality been cynically utilizing the Palestinian protesters to stir up tension along the Gaza border out of sheer desperation over its increasingly desperate predicament. The Islamist terrorist group understands the Gaza population is frustrated that 11 years of Hamas rule has resulted in destructive wars - launched each time by Hamas itself - and an economy dangerously teetering on the brink of collapse. Hamas's decision to turn Gaza into a terrorist enclave has prompted an Israel-Egypt boycott that has impacted all aspects of Gaza life, although Israel allows for truckloads of humanitarian goods and supplies per day to enter Gaza. Gazan's are also suffering from the Hamas-Fatah divide, with the rulers of the West Bank and Gaza Strip failing to reach a reconciliation agreement that would likely result in the flow of aid to Gaza. Hamas views Israel's upcoming 70th anniversary and President Donald Trump's historic decision to relocate the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem as perfect opportunities to channel Gazans anger and redirect the rage toward the easiest target - Israel. Hamas knows the ensuing casualty count will bring international news media attention to the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, and it will thrust the issue to the forefront of the foreign policy debate. The border clashes may also press Egypt into easing the blockade and putting Egyptian pressure on Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah party to reach a reconciliation deal since Gaza tensions usually favor the jihadists operating against Egypt in the Sinai. Abbas must fear that the protests could spread to the West Bank and threaten his rule there. Lastly, Hamas may also be signaling to Iran and to other potential state patrons that Hamas is still the dominant player in Gaza and that it is useful to financially support the terrorist movement once again. In failing to provide the full context for the deadly border riots, the news media are unwittingly helping Hamas achieve its objectives. Nearing Midnight: End-times Trump Intrigue - Terry James - Fascinating speculations are dredged from the swamp intrigues as of late. These tug mightily at my fiction-writer side, bringing out the novelist that lives there and comes out only very occasionally. For example, I recently finished a novel I call REVELATIONS, scheduled for release by my publisher in the not-too-distant future. The past couple of weeks have brought forth intrigues surrounding this president I wish I would have had to work with back when I was trying to do my 1200-1500 words per day during those early morning hours. Story-telling possibilities keep coming forth that would have provided exciting fodder for any Clancy novel. But, real life in the case of what's been going on in the D.C. Swamp might make a Tom Clancy determine that the reality was just too implausible to make for believable fiction. I'm not in that stratospheric, novelist class within which the late, great Tom Clancy dwelt. So I haven't his likely inhibition against mixing the swamp realities with a fictional plot, regardless of the chances it might all come across as unbelievable. And, I'm not composing here a novel or short story. Rather, I'm writing a straight-forward commentary, therefore I'm safe in just presenting what I see as things that are possibly brewing. I'm not at all certain about the prophetic implications all of this might portend. However, that there are prophetic implications embedded in these intrigues, I have no doubt. This all blossomed into a storm that talk-show host Rush Limbaugh said threatened President Donald Trump's base of voters going "wobbly." The president informed the press that he would sign the $1.3 trillion budget bill to keep the government going. Then, on the eve of the signing scheduled for the next day, he threatened to veto the bill, throwing media, the Democrats, and many within Congress into a frenzy. Trump's voter base, Limbaugh said, supports the president because of promises he made and has diligently worked to keep. Nobody can separate them from Trump, Limbaugh said, no matter how hard the Democrats, media, and Washington establishment try in assaulting him with all of their false accusations. Only Trump, himself, can cause the separation, and that by the president failing to stick to his agenda: 1) getting a border wall built; 2) stopping the massive influx of illegal immigrants; and 3) upholding the 2nd Amendment, the right to bear arms. There are many other things the Trump base voted for in electing him to the presidency. but those are some main reasons. Donald Trump, although threatening a veto of the huge spending bill that was full of Democrat Party social-spending demands, including funding of Planned Parenthood, followed through on his declaration that he would sign. This, according to Limbaugh and many of the conservative coalition within Congress and other support groups might cause Trump supporters to stay home in November of 2018 when mid-term elections are held. In that case, the Democrats might win back the House, possibly the Senate. That would mean immediate attempts at impeachment. -That, based upon Special Counsel Robert Muller finding impeachable offenses with his seemingly endless investigation, originally into Trump-Russian collusion during the 2016 election. This, despite the fact that there has been no evidence found of such collusion. President Trump held a press conference Friday March 23, at which he somewhat somberly gave a lengthy explanation of why he signed the bill that gave the Democrats much of what they wanted. He said he was "very disappointed" in the package, in part because it did not fully pay for his planned border wall with Mexico and did not extend protection from deportation to some 700,000 "Dreamer" immigrants due to lose coverage under a program the president himself has moved to eliminate. But Trump praised the bill's provisions to increase military spending and said he had "no choice but to fund our military." He then went on to give extensive details on that military spending that will now be funded with more than $700 billion as part of the budget-spending package. And, here is where the intrigues come in, in my estimation. I'm of the very strong belief that the military is likely in much worse shape than the American public has been told. This is the only pressure that would make Donald Trump risk alienating his staunch voter base. The military, I sense, has to play catch-up at a phenomenal pace in order to keep the nation safe from the likes of Russia, China, and even from North Korea and Iran, who have been on massive arms build-up programs during the Obama years of neglect. And, here's where my novelist instincts kick in. The American military at the level of the fighting generals-not the arm-chair generals of the D.C. establishment-know they have a genuine champion on their side. They embrace this president because they recognize what his predecessor did to greatly degrade the armed services. They have just been shown his loyalty to the nation's safekeeping, and to the military's great need of funding. Trump, in my observation, went to extraordinary lengths in that presser to explain that it was the necessity of funding the military that made him risk alienating his supporter base. He was telling the non-political top officers that he is a friend to be trusted. It might soon become necessary for the military leadership to demonstrate that they have his back, as well. The globalists want Trump gone at any cost. They make no attempt to hide that desire. The one-world conglomerate includes a great number within the U.S. State Department, the so-called deep state ensconced within the U.S. intelligence community, and even the Washington D.C. establishment cabal, including Republicans who are totally opposed to Trump's outsider status. This treachery is all backed up by the media-news, entertainment and social-who also want things to return to nefarious business as usual in Washington D.C. This is very conspiratorial thinking, I'll acknowledge. But, as I said, my novelist persona has emerged for writing this commentary. The fictioneer in me wonders whether the president might have been forewarned that there might be an attempted coup d'état when those of the so-called deep state become convinced-as they are learning-that they can't remove him any other way. Satan's minions, both human and demonic, are in full rage against American sovereignty-against this president who champions that sovereignty. If these combined forces were to attempt to forcibly remove the president, unconstitutionally, Trump would almost certainly have the U.S. military-minus the Pentagon political types on his side. This would certainly be a horrendous situation-for the U.S. military, in effect, to have to take over in such a situation. It could lead to dictatorship if someone or a group within the military establishment with tyrannical proclivities came to power. This is all fictional rumination-or is it? It would be foolish to dogmatically declare that the scenario describe has not already been contemplated. I can almost assure that it has, and even now is being considered. The very nature of military contingency planning dictates that every possibility be taken into account. When the Rapture of all believers in Jesus Christ occurs, times on earth will indeed be precarious. The scenario above might be mild in comparison to things happening on this judgment-bound planet as they roll out toward the coming time of Antichrist. All of the intrigues of this fallen world will be left behind as the Lord leads the redeemed through the gates of Glory. You and I want to be part of that procession! Saudi Prince Recognizes Israel's Right to Exist In Interview - By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - "Arabia and all Kedar's chiefs were traders under your rule; they traded with you in lambs, rams, and goats." Ezekiel 27:21 (The Israel Bible™) In a historic move, Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman acknowledged Israel's right to exist, in an interview with Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic, while adding fuel to an already raging fire by comparing Iran's leader to Hitler. "I believe that each people, anywhere, has a right to live in their peaceful nation," the Saudi Prince told Goldberg. "I believe the Palestinians and the Israelis have the right to have their own land, but we have to have a peace agreement to assure the stability for everyone and to have normal relations." Saudi Arabia still does not have official diplomatic relations with Israel. Although it is unprecedented for a Saudi leader to recognize the legitimacy of the Jewish State, bin Salman's remarks were not shocking and unexpected. Goldberg noted that "the Saudis, like many Arab leaders, have tired of the Palestinians," reflecting recent reports of "fraying" relations between Saudi Arabia and the Palestinian Authority (PA). Israel, in contrast, has much to offer Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries in the region according to Prince Salman. "Israel is a big economy compared to their size and it's a growing economy, and of course there are a lot of interests we share with Israel and if there is peace, there would be a lot of interest between Israel and the Gulf Cooperation Council countries and countries like Egypt and Jordan." According to Prince bin Salman, religious differences between Saudi Arabia and Israel would not necessarily preclude the development of bilateral relations between both countries. "Our country doesn't have a problem with Jews," he claimed. "Our Prophet Muhammad married a Jewish woman. Not just a friend-he married her. Our prophet, his neighbors were Jewish." "You will find a lot of Jews in Saudi Arabia coming from America, coming from Europe," he continued. "There are no problems between Christian and Muslims and Jews. We have problems like you would find anywhere in the world, among some people. But the normal sort of problems." Nevertheless, bin Salman expressed anxiety over Israeli policy on the Temple Mount, the Jewish people's holiest site. "We have religious concerns about the fate of the holy mosque in Jerusalem and about the rights of the Palestinian people," he said in the interview. "This is what we have. We don't have any objection against any other people." The motives behind Prince Salman's receptiveness to initiate relations with Israel may be twofold. Prince Salman is advocating a pet project dubbed Vision 2030, a wide-reaching plan to remove Saudi Arabia's dependence on exporting finite oil as the basis for its economy. He may therefore views Israel as an economic and technological power in the region that could work to Saudi Arabia's advantage. Even more influential might be a common nemesis shared by Israel and Saudi Arabia in Iran. Bin Salman once again compared the Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, to Hitler, makes is a powerful incentive. "I believe the Iranian supreme leader makes Hitler look good," Prince Salman said. "Hitler didn't do what the supreme leader is trying to do. Hitler tried to conquer Europe ... But the supreme leader is trying to conquer the world. He believes he owns the world. They are both evil guys," he said to "He is the Hitler of the Middle East. In the 1920s and 1930s, no one saw Hitler as a danger," bin Salman added. "We don't want to see what happened in Europe happen in the Middle East. We want to stop this through political moves, economic moves, intelligence moves. We want to avoid war." Prince Salman was critical of the influence the previous White House administration had on the region and specifically, with regards to Iran. "President Obama believed that if he gave Iran opportunities to open up, it would change," Salman explained. "But with a regime based on this ideology, it will not open up soon. Sixty percent of the Iranian economy is controlled by the Revolutionary Guard. The economic benefits of the Iran nuclear deal are not going to the people." The Prince noted that little, if any, of the sanctions relief for Iran under the 2015 international nuclear deal was funneled to the Iranian military instead of the Iranian society. Prince Salman also doubted the international nuclear agreement's likelihood of helping to reform Iran for the better. "For Saudi Arabia, there is a 0.1 percent chance that this deal would work to change the country," Prince Salman said. "For President Obama it was 50 percent. But even if there's a 50 percent chance that it would work, we can't risk it. The other 50 percent is war. We have to go to a scenario where there is no war." Daily Jot: Prophetic Turkey arising - Bill Wilson - Turkey's dictator Recep Tayyip Erdogan has characterized Israel as a terrorist state and its leader, Benjamin Netanyahu, a terrorist. Erdogan used as an illustration Israel's response to the terrorist group Hamas' organized march against the Israeli border. Netanyahu then pointed out that it is Turkey under Erdogan's leadership that is murdering its own Kurdish people, as confirmed by many human rights organizations. Netanyahu said, "The most moral army in the world (referring to the Israeli Defense Force) will not be lectured by someone who for years has indiscriminately bombed civilian populations." Turkey's influence in the Arab world was accelerated by the former US "president's" support of Arab Spring. In April 2012, The Jerusalem Post reported, "Turkey has been one of the biggest winners of the Arab revolts, as people around the Muslim world look to its ruling Justice and Development Party as a model for combining Islamic values with economic growth (the number of Egyptians expressing approval for the Ankara government grew 22% since April 2011 to 37%)." The New York Times wrote in January 2012, "Supporters credit Erdogan with elevating Turkey's profile in the Middle East, turning the country into an increasingly assertive regional player at a time when several of its neighbors are locked in sometimes violent struggles for democracy." Case in point: After a two-day visit to Iran 8 years ago, Erdogan told reporters that an Israeli attack on Iran would devastate the entire Middle East. Erdogan made the point of saying he shares concerns with the American "president" at the time that an Israeli attack on Iran could trigger a regional war. The Turkish newspaper Hurriyet reports that Erdogan also sided with Iran by saying the International community is turning a blind eye to Israel's "250-300 nuclear warheads" while trying to stop Iran's peaceful nuclear program. Erdogan was acting as a bridge between Shiite Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt which promotes a return of the Islamic Caliphate. The Islamic Caliphate/Ottoman Empire, headquartered in Turkey, was one of the longest lasting empires in history spanning 624 years from 1299 to 1923. It ruled over much of southeast Europe, Western Asia and North Africa. Its control over the Middle East was far greater than the Roman Empire. Some scholars now believe that a revived Ottoman Empire is the one prophesied by Daniel as the end-time antichrist system. Also the antichrist army of Ezekiel 38 is led from specific locations in Turkey--Magog, Meshech, Tubal. Also Christ is quoted in Revelation 2:13 that Pergamos is "even where Satan's seat is...where Satan dwells." Pergamon is in Turkey. Turkey arising--a sign of these prophetic times in which we live. Daily Devotion: Overcoming the Insurmountable - By Greg Laurie - The people crossed the Jordan on the tenth day of the first month. Then they camped at Gilgal, just east of Jericho. -Joshua 4:19 The day of reckoning had come for Jericho. The inhabitants of the city were very wicked people, and they deserved judgment. History tells us the Canaanites used their children as prostitutes for false gods and even sacrificed their children on pagan altars. They were into every kind of idolatry, perversion, and sin. This evil had gone on for years and years, and God had patiently endured it, from the time of Abraham to Moses-a period of four hundred years. The people of Jericho had plenty of time to repent, because they knew the Israelites were coming. When the spies met Rahab, she said, "For we have heard how the Lord made a dry path for you through the Red Sea when you left Egypt. And we know what you did to Sihon and Og, the two Amorite kings east of the Jordan River, whose people you completely destroyed. No wonder our hearts have melted in fear!" (Joshua 2:10-11 NLT). These people knew about the miracles God had done for Israel, yet they continued in their hardness of heart. Then came the Israelites, marching around their city day after day. The Canaanites easily could have said, "Judgment day is here! We repent! Come into our city-we want to serve your God!" Instead, they probably laughed at the Israelites. They probably dumped garbage on them. But when the last day came, Israel blew their ram's horns and gave their shouts, and the walls of Jericho collapsed. Like the people of Israel, you can overcome the insurmountable. Just do what God tells you to do, and trust Him. There is no illness He can't heal. There is no need He can't meet. There is no problem He can't resolve. And there is no person He can't save. Just trust Him. FROM THE HEART
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