Prophecy Update Newsletter
End Times Prophecy - How Close Are We? - By Ron Dee Mallett -
Luke 21, Mark 13 and Matthew 24 all relay Jesus' lecture to his disciples on the subject of His return and end-times rule of the world from Jerusalem. Each writer employs unique terminology, but all agree on the Master's ultimate message. Matthew offers the most detailed of the three renditions: Matthew 24: 3-14 (Summarized): As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples asked "... what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?" 4 Jesus answered: "Watch out that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am the Messiah,' and will deceive many. 6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars... Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of birth pains. 9 "Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death... hated by all nations because of me. 10 ... many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, 11 and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. 12 Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold... 14 and this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. Each of the renditions by the three apostles agree on seven specific events, postulates, and outcomes for which we should be aware. THE SIGNS IN COMMON 1. Wars and Rumors of War 2. Earthquakes in Numerous Places 3. Famine 4. Pestilence 5. Hatred 6. Pretenders/False Prophets 7. Gospel Preached to Whole World A study of each category in our present era is very revealing. We no longer need ask: "Where are we today in fulfillment of the end-time prophecies of Jesus?" 1. Wars and Rumors of War Each of the following 20 nations experienced from significant war dead in the past year. Yemen, Ukraine, Turkey, Thailand, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Pakistan, Nigeria, Mexico, Libya, Iran, Israel/Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt, Congo, Columbia, Central African Republic, Cameroon, Afghanistan. Other conflicts also aflame in 2020: namely Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Uganda, Mali, Mauritania, Niger and Chad. In the Middle East we are also seeing armed combat in Yemen and Oman. In total, in the past decade, we have also seen some 45 separate and deadly "religious" conflicts. Led notably by Malaysia, the Philippines, China, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Myanmar, some 35 countries are experiencing significant masses of people killed. Year 2016 was one of the most violent years since the end of the Cold War. While violence levels decreased slightly from another high in 2017, non-state conflicts and internationalized intrastate conflicts continue to frustrate all attempts at global peace. The gruesome total for armed conflicts resulting in significant numbers of deaths inflamed some 75 nations in the past decade. Other outbreaks are simmering in another 10 regions/countries yet lacking enough deaths to tip the statistical scales. Enough said on wars: Jesus' prophecies on the topic are occurring today in great number! Conclusion: Fulfilled Prophecy 2. Earthquakes in numerous places. The statistics are staggering. The National Earthquake Information Center records an average of 20,000 earthquakes every year (about 50 a day). There are, however, millions of earthquakes occurring every year too weak to be recorded. Unquestionably, the earth is seeing a ton of earthquake activity, and some environmental activist 'scientists' are predicting an increase in both frequency and intensity because of global warming for the near future. Whatever the claims/statistics, we can safely and surely say this particular prophecy of Jesus is with us today in full force. Conclusion: Fulfilled Prophecy 3. Famine. After nearly a decade of progress, the number of people suffering from hunger has slowly increased over the past three years, with about one in every nine people globally suffering from hunger today, according to a United Nations report released in late 2019. An estimated 820 million people do not have enough to eat, up from 811 million last year - third year in a row that the number has increased. This gruesome statistic somewhat softens the hard fact that children suffer the most from this world-class malady simply because they are most vulnerable to the depredations of those older and larger than themselves. We see no need to dwell further on this very unhappy, obvious topic. Conclusion: Fulfilled Prophecy 4. Pestilence Ironically, this writer had already formed the basic outline for this prophecy report before the current 'Corona Flu' epic made headlines in world newspapers. We probably don't need to cover the topic further, but a few of the statistics we unearthed are interesting. So... here goes! A pandemic is an outbreak of global proportions. It happens when a bacterium or mutated virus becomes capable of spreading rapidly. It causes serious illness and can spread easily from one person to the next. The Spanish flu pandemic, from 1918 to 1920, is estimated to have claimed betwen 50-100 million lives. It is considered the worst in history. The Black Death claimed the lives of over 75 million people in the 14th Century. Other outbreaks of significant import include: HIV/AIDS PANDEMIC Death Toll: 34 million HONG KONG FLU PANDEMIC (1968) Death Toll: 1 million ASIAN FLU (1956-1958) Death Toll: 2 million So, we see that pestilence can kill millions with very little warning. And such diseases as HIV, Ebola, dengue, malaria and so forth are also killing their millions even at this moment. In totality, we can securely state that this prophecy of Jesus is being fulfilled even as we read these words. Simply watch the Five O-Clock News tonight. Conclusion: Fulfilled Prophecy 5. Hatred The bells are tolling on this one. Unfortunately, this human trait is a two-way street in many instances. Jesus makes it clear that we are to hate the sin, not the sinner. I know too many Christians filled with hatred for people outside the mainstream Christian categories of desired behavioral valuation. In this regard, we will experience some hatred that we or others have brought upon ourselves. But, I believe Jesus was referring only to the fact we are hated for the same reasons he was hated. God's standards of intellectual morality and behavioral practices are absolute. The unsaved world prefers that these issues be addressed as situational. Murder, for example, is generally unacceptable, but killing babies in the womb is okay. The Bible says drug addiction and witchcraft are unacceptable. Sexually deviant lifestyles are also frowned on, but most people now consider such trends to be normal and highly acceptable behavior. How many pastors are hesitant to even push the concept of Hell and eternal punishment? It's illegal hate speech in some circumstances according to Canadian and certain U.S. laws. Bottom line, our Bible-based positions on these and other belief paradigms are becoming so severely offensive in the minds of the majority that Jesus says they will justify killing us in droves. We're quickly reaching the point where the entire world mimics Sodom and Gomorrah (the practice of sodomy deriving its name from that latter city... the wickedness to which Jesus referred in Matt. 24:13). Indeed, we are now at that point! Conclusion: Fulfilled Prophecy 6. Pretenders/False Prophets Few people fathom the enormous presence of false beliefs and metaphysical practices embedding our 'modern' world. Watchman Fellowship built a reference index listing over 1,200 distinct religious organizations and belief systems, not counting the major world religions (including Christianity). Upon reading short statements defining a mere handful of these indexed belief systems, my head swirled. It was as though I had crashed into a condensed pool of swarming Hollywood-style cartoon mythologies... each crazier than the one before. Take a look for yourself and test my reaction. In the book, Loving God's Way!, Gary De Lashmutt and co-author Dennis McCallum list over 40 distinct cults and sects within Christianity itself. Given the prevalence and near-endless range of belief systems swirling about the world... what are young seekers to believe?. For many, it must seem a hopeless riddle... leaving them with sensualism and pursuit of personal purpose (humanism?) as the 'natural' response... simply living life as a feel-good matter of 'anything goes.' Could Christ's warning of false belief systems get any more profound and imbedded than what we have today? Conclusion: Fulfilled Prophecy 7. Gospel Preached to Whole World "And the end will come." Christian television networks have played a major part in helping to ensure that the entire world is being reached with Christianity's message via radio (including short wave), television towers, satellites and mobile recording and playing devices. The last decade has seen a rapid growth of Christian broadcast networks well beyond just the United States. Most recently, the internet communications phenomenon has completed the paradigm of realized personal contact. It is impossible to imagine any further communications systems/devices/applications than those existing today in terms of reaching every last human being We have more missionaries from more countries than at any time in prior human history daily using all of these informational tools. What more is left to do in terms of carrying the Word to a waiting world? True, pockets of people, such as the Tarahumara (Raramuri) of the Sierra Madres, Mexico, have not yet heard the gospel. But, in all such cases, these groups have been identified and efforts are underway to bring them into Truth. Jesus did not say everyone will be reached. He said The Gospel would be a testimony to all nations. If there are nations that legally reject the gospel (Muslim, Eastern Mysticism, etc.) and fail to expose their populace to the Christian belief system, that is on them, not on Jesus. God has been quoted as saying it is not His will that any should perish. That is far different than saying none will perish. A hard truth. Conclusion: Soon Fulfilled Prophecy I see the minute hand ticking very near the High Noon deadline on God's Pre-Ordained Clock of World Forebearance Time. Do we have but seconds remaining? Considering all of the above... what say you? Netanyahu Considers Pascal Lamb Sacrifice on Temple Mount for First time in 2,000 Years - By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - "You shall say, 'It is the Pesach sacrifice to Hashem, because He passed over the houses of the Israelites in Egypt when He smote the Egyptians, but saved our houses.'" Exodus 12:27 (The Israel Bible™) The Sanhedrin tasked Shimshon Elboim, head of the Temple Mount Organizations, with submitting a letter to Prime Minister Netanyahu to perform the ritual korban Pesach (Passover sacrifice) in its proper place, the Temple Mount, and in its Biblically mandated time, Wednesday afternoon, the eve of the Passover feast. "God forbid we should allow the coronavirus to strike His children with rising up to bring about the solution given in the Torah for epidemics," the letter read. The request comes in the wake of the government rejecting requests to perform a reenactment of the korban Pesach. The full-dress reenactment has taken place for the past nine years, drawing large crowds of the devoted, but this year, the request to hold the event was denied due to Health Ministry restrictions. "The project is of the utmost importance for all of mankind," Rabbi Hillel Weiss, spokesman for the Sanhedrin told Breaking Israel News. He noted that the original Passover sacrifice offered in Egypt on the night before the Exodus was intended to stop the final plague which was described as a נֶגֶף (negef: disease). In addition, King David purchased the Temple Mount, built and altar, and offered a sacrifice to stop a plague. The ritual will include burning the incense that is prepared for the exclusive use by the Kohanim in the Temple Service. The incense is considered an essential element in ending epidemics. Every year, the Israeli police stop several people attempting to bring sheep onto the Temple Mount for the purposes of personal sacrifices. Also, requests to perform the ceremony in the proper place and at the proper time have always been rejected. But the request from the Sanhedrin received an unexpectedly different response this year. "Usually, this type of request is rejected out of hand," Elboim told Breaking Israel News. "We were pleasantly surprised when we were informed that the request was forwarded to Gilad Erdan, the Internal Security Minister in charge of what happens on the Temple Mount." Even if the request is denied, the non-rejection signals a change of heart for the prime minister who stated one month ago that he rejected an agreement with the right-wing Otzma Yehudit party that would have permitted Jews to pray on the Temple Mount. Netanyahu admitted that he preferred to lose the election rather than give his permission to Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount. But it is not only Netanyahu who is having a change of heart about the renewal of Torah rituals. The Hebrew language ultra-Orthodox news site, Kikar Shabbat, reported that a Haredi organization named Torat HaKedoshim is now calling for the renewal of the korban Pesach as a solution for the coronavirus. This is surprising since most ultra-Orthodox leaders have instructed their followers to avoid ascending to the Temple Mount despite an exponential growth in Jews appearing at their holiest site in recent years. This announcement in Kikar Shabbat is believed to be the first time any self-identified ultra-Orthodox group has made such a move. "The success or failure of the Jewish return to its holiest site and to the Biblically mandated commandments is entirely dependent on the public and not on the government," Elboim said. "Since we do not have a king, the government, after all, serves at the will of the people. We do not want a conflict with the government but at the same time, if the majority of the Jewish people demand equal rights on the Temple Mount, the government will have to listen, especially at a time when no side has a clear mandate." In addition to permission to perform the ritual on the Temple Mount, Elboim filed for permits to transport the altar from where it is being stored in Elkana in Samaria to Jerusalem. The Passover sacrifice can only be offered in one place; on the Temple Mount. The sacrifice does not require an actual Temple structure but it does require an altar that is built to adhere to the Biblical requirements. Such an altar was constructed last year and stands ready. The square altar is nine feet square and five feet high and is constructed of aerated concrete. The material was ruled to be fit for use in the Temple. In the Talmud, it is explained that steel may not be used to cut the stones of the altar since the Temple Service brings life into the world and steel, as it is used in war, takes life. Stones for the altar may not be cut using steel since the Temple service brings life into the world and steel though not ideal, it is light and easily transported and sized to be loaded onto a truck. The altar was constructed on a metal frame designed also for purposes of transportability. The intent was to create an altar that could be taken to the Temple Mount at a moment's notice should the need arise. The Pesach offering has special significance as there are only two mitzvot (Biblical commandments) for which non-compliance receives the most severe punishment mandated by the Torah, karet (being cut off from the community, or excommunicated): brit milah (circumcision) and the korban Pesach . All of the elements stand ready. The vessels have been prepared and merely need to be immersed in a ritual bath to be purified. Kohanim (Jewish men descended from Aaron the priest) are registered for service and their Biblically mandated clothes are ready. Wine and oil, prepared to the strictest requirements, are ready. A red heifer is being raised but lacking one, the halacha (Torah law) permits time-bound public sacrifices like the Korban Pesach and the Korban Tamid (twice daily offering) to be brought in impurity. The Sanhedrin recently performed an intense study concerning the current status of the Passover offering and concluded that at this juncture, one sacrifice made at the Temple Mount brought in the name of the entire Jewish people would suffice. "Despite various issues of Jewish law, such as ritual impurity and lack of a high priest, Jews are still required and technically able to bring the sacrifice," Rabbi Weiss said. "The only thing preventing the Jewish People from performing the Passover sacrifice is the Israeli government." In the letter to Netanyahu, the organizations emphasized that they were requesting the government enforce equal freedom to all religions on the Temple Mount as legislated by Israeli and international law. Muslims are currently afforded free and unlimited access to the Temple Mount. Small groups of Jews are only permitted to enter the compound during restricted hours via one gate, and only after rigorous background and security checks. Once in the compound, Jews must follow a set route and are only permitted to stand in place for a few minutes at a time. Jews are not permitted to eat or drink and the water fountains at the site are for the exclusive use of Muslims. The Sanhedrin emphasized that the plan to bring the altar to the Temple Mount was entirely consistent with President Trump's recently released Deal of the Century which recognized Israel's full sovereignty over the site. "People of every faith should be permitted to pray on the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif, in a manner that is fully respectful to their religion, taking into account the times of each religion's prayers and holidays, as well as other religious factors" the text of the deal reads. Acknowledging the President's role in helping the Jewish people move towards renewing the Temple, Rabbi Dov Stein wrote him a letter one month ago, asking for his intervention in allowing the korban Pesach to take place for the sake of healing the world. No matter what the response from the Israeli government, a lamb has already been acquired for the sacrifice and stands ready. Nearing Midnight: The Beast Government System's Big Leap Forward - Todd Strandberg - Up until now, the 9/11 terrorist attacks stood as the most destructive threat to our personal liberties. The reaction to the coronavirus has turned into a far greater power grab. The Federal Reserve is handing out trillions of dollars to any business and organization that claims to have a need for money. All these loans will lead to monetary enslavement. The $2.2 trillion bill just passed by congress has a section that allows the Fed to leverage $500 billion into $5 trillion. It will buy debt from the corporate market or extend loans to businesses large and small. Because the Fed will be at zero risk of any losses on these loans, it will quickly control the whole debt market, effectively becoming a Central Federal Bank. Any time a massive organization becomes in control of money, political corruption naturally follows. A pet project may get funded by the Fed just because a Senator voted to get a certain person onto the Board of Governors. By holding the debt of corporations, the fed can control the operations of the business. When a business fails, the bond holds take control of the corporation. The Fed has created a number of facilities that have little or no oversight. The Federal Reserve last Tuesday announced the establishment of a "temporary" repurchase agreement facility for foreign and international monetary authorities (FIMA Repo Facility). This outfit hands out dollars to foreign banks; so much for Congress' sole authority in controlling government spending. Because the Fed now controls a vast amount of the US business world, it is perfectly set up for what will become the Beast government system. The free money handout from the stimulus package will turn millions of Americans into welfare addicts. In some cases, people will receive checks that are higher than their current salary. After sitting on their couch for six weeks watching Netflix, they will demand that Congress authorizes another $2 trillion because it's still too dangerous to go back to work. It frustrates me that Chinese leaders have been able to maintain the lie that they have contained the coronavirus. The demonic liberal media have taken China's side so they can promote the message: If you want to control the virus, you need to turn your nation into a police state. The truth is slowly getting out. People in China have posted videos of Long Lines in a Wuhan Cemetery. The Chinese investigative outlet Caixin revealed that when mortuaries opened back up last week, photos revealed a far greater number of urns than reported deaths. In one, a truck loaded with 2,500 urns can be seen arriving to the Hankou Mortuary. According to the report, the driver said he had delivered the same amount the previous day. I can understand the need to close the kissing both at the country fair, and the prevention of the gathering of large groups because of the pandemic. The mad lust for power in situations that don't cause medical risks, shows the Orwellian mentality that is sweeping over America. The actions by many State and local officials needs to be called out. Ten people decide to have a church service at Friendship Baptist Church in Northeast Baltimore, and they were following guidelines on assembly. About nine police officers showed up in five patrol cars right in the middle of the service. Security stopped the police officers at the door of the church and told them they could not come into the church. Rev. Alvin Gwynn dismissed the church members and talked to the head Sgt. "I said why are you here. He said did you read the Governor's Order? I said I know the Governor's order. It says ten people or less, I have ten people or less, and I have ten people, so tell me why are you here," Rev. Gwynn explained. When he asked officers to explain why they were there, Gwynn said, they looked "bewildered," declined to answer, and called a superior. "Why the government is so insistent on closing the church down on Sundays, restricting worship, restricting the size of the gathering in the church is totally against the first amendment of our constitution, which says congress make no law prohibiting the free worship exercise of peaceful assembly of people in the United States that include the church," said Rev. Gwynn. Several cities in Texas have told gun stores to close down. Luckily, Texas is still a state with some sanity. The Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton issued a letter warning city and county officials that they did not have the authority to shut down gun shops in Texas over the coronavirus pandemic. He said, local authorities do have the right to regulate the use of firearms, but that does not extend to the sale or transfer of firearms. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is threatening to permanently close churches and synagogues that do not comply with his order to stop gathering during the coronavirus outbreak. He didn't have any problem with abortion rights protestors having a large gathering. When I was a young Christian, the description of the mark of the Beast often had a comical nature. I remember one book showing people walking around with 666 on their foreheads. Today, we have the technology to implement a global financial system. We now also have a world crazy enough to cut your head off for not taking the Beast number. I thank God that the Church will soon escape this dreadful dilemma. "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six" (Rev 13:16-18). Worst Week or Holy Week - By Hal Lindsey - On Palm Sunday, the Surgeon General of the United States, Jerome Adams, predicted that this would be "the hardest and saddest week of most Americans' lives." I disagree with one word of that assessment. It may not be the hardest and saddest week of "most" Americans' lives, but it certainly will be for some. The list of the dead will grow. And many of the sick will hurt like never before. Some people get COVID-19 and show experience few symptoms or none. But others become painfully ill. Liberal CNN anchorman Chris Cuomo said he felt like a piñata - like people had been beating him. The chills were so extreme that he chipped a tooth. Vivid hallucinations left him unnerved. It will be a hard week for many Americans and others throughout the world. But in this time of pain, death, and separation, I keep hearing of something else. Revival! I hear many reports of a personal renewal of soul. Previously weak, compromised Christians are catching the fire of the Holy Spirit. And they're passing it on in their families and to their friends. And what better time! The events we commemorate in Holy Week are more than religious dogma. They are history. On the first Palm Sunday, Jesus really did enter Jerusalem on the back of a donkey as the crowds sang out, "Hosanna!" Jesus really did die on a cross, receiving in Himself God's judgment for our sin. And He really did rise again! These facts are as historical as 9-11, the Kennedy Assassination, or the attack on Pearl Harbor. Does it take faith to believe it? Yes. But remember that it also takes faith to believe in Abraham Lincoln. No human being alive today ever saw him in person. The important thing is that our faith in Abe is not a blind faith. Instead, it is a reasonable faith held by reasonable people based on real and abundant evidence. And so it is with our faith in the resurrection of Jesus. In fact, after you look closely at all the evidence, you may conclude as I have that it would take more faith NOT to believe. The prophet Isaiah wrote about the coming Messiah's death. His words sound like something out of the New Testament. But he wrote them 700 years before the birth of Christ. "He was despised and forsaken of men, A man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; And like one from whom men hide their face, He was despised, and we did not esteem Him. Surely our griefs He Himself bore, And our sorrows He carried; Yet we ourselves esteemed Him stricken, Smitten of God, and afflicted. But He was pierced through for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; The chastening for our well-being fell upon Him, And by His scourging we are healed. All of us like sheep have gone astray, Each of us has turned to his own way; But the Lord has caused the iniquity of us all To fall on Him" (Isaiah 53:3-6 NASB). Those words are emotionally moving and intellectually challenging. They perfectly foretell the mission of Jesus on the cross. The New Living Translation puts it like this, starting in the middle of verse 4. "We thought his troubles were a punishment from God, a punishment for his own sins! But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed." If you are not yet whole in Him, you can be. His story did not end in death. What about yours? Hebrews says that the fear of death permeates people's lives, but it doesn't have to. 1 Corinthians 15 calls death the last enemy, and then tells us of death's defeat. When Jesus rose from the dead, He was the first of a resurrection that will one day include all who trust in Him. Our present, death-infected bodies will rise as eternal, glorified ones. 1 Corinthians 15:55 says, "O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?" Because Jesus rose from the dead, those who have received Him need no longer fear death... or even an extremely difficult week. His is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! Daily Jot: The prophetic implication of Passover and COVID-19 - Bill Wilson - Passover, the feast of salvation, begins tonight at sundown. As many around the world and those of us in America are locked down in our homes, we can't help but notice the similarities to the time when the Israelites were told to stay in their homes; sacrifice a lamb without blemish; take of its blood and sprinkle it on the door posts of their homes; eat the lamb with unleavened bread and bitter herbs, with their loins girded, shoes on their feet, and staff in hand. For the Lord passed through the land of Egypt with the plague of bringing death to the firstborn, except those with the blood of the lamb on the doorposts. It was the final plague visited by the Lord on Egypt. Exodus 12:11 says, "It is the Lord's Passover." The importance of Passover for Christians is that Christ, the lamb of God, was crucified on the day of the feast. Christ told his disciples in Matthew 26:2, "Ye know that after two days is the feast of the Passover, and the Son of man is betrayed to be crucified." He then held an early Seder (Passover feast) in which he spoke of the wine as his blood and the bread as his body. The events of the evening followed where Christ was taken in the garden, brought before the priests who sought a false witness to put him to death, but as Matthew 26:60 says, "But found none." He was taken before Pilate who also could find no fault in him, but allowed the people to decide if he should be crucified. There is much discussion about the timing of the resurrection of Christ, but it follows the Hebrew calendar perfectly. The Hebrew calendar starts its days from sundown to sundown, making its timing far different than the Gregorian calendar that we follow. The sacrifice of the Passover lambs needed to be completed before sundown on Nisan 14 (which is Wednesday on the Hebrew calendar this year). The Messiah was nailed to the cross, suffered, died and was buried before sundown at the beginning of Nisan 14. He remained in the grave until sometime after sundown, the beginning of Nissan 17 and the dawn of the first day of the week. Today, like the Israelites in the first Passover, we are in our homes to avoid a deadly plague. People are seeking signs that these are the end of days. Many are making new prophecies, and reading conspiracy into every event. Let's be clear: Numerous prophecies must take place before the end. In Matthew 24, Christ outlines many of them, the specific details of which are found in the books of the prophets. Let us also remember that the Israelites were not removed from the plagues against Egypt, which are very similar to the plagues in Revelation, and the Lord led them out after the last plague. While COVID-19 may be a type and shadow of what is to come, it is not a Revelation judgment. It is, however, a solemn time to honor Christ's work on the cross for the salvation of mankind, beginning with Passover. Daily Devotion: What Easter Is Really About - by Greg Laurie - For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost. -Luke 19:10 Easter is not about eggs and wearing pastel colors. That's all fine, but that isn't what Easter is about. It's about Jesus wanting a relationship with you. Jesus was born to die-and to rise again. That was the reason for the Incarnation. On the cross, Jesus faced the judgment of God. He took the wrath of God upon Himself. It's why He cried out, "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?" which means, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?" He was bearing all the sin of the world, including your sins and mine, by dying in our place. That is why He came. Jesus talked about it all the time. He was on a mission to go to the cross of Calvary. His life was not taken from Him; He willingly gave it up for us. Nails did not hold Jesus to that cross. Love did-love for you and love for me. He died for us. So how do you come into a relationship with Him? First, you have to admit that you're a sinner. Some of us choke on that word, but we have to admit that we've broken God's commandments. If you've broken even one commandment, then you have sinned. We've all done that many times over, because the Bible says, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23 NKJV). You need to realize that Jesus died on the cross for you. And then you need to repent of your sin, which means a change of direction. It means turning away from it. Next, you must receive Christ into your life. You must ask Jesus to be your Savior and your Lord. No one else can do this for you. This is a decision you make. And eternity hinges on this decision. FROM THE HEART
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