Prophecy Update Newsletter
COVID-19(84) - By Pete Garcia - Author's note: This is an extremely long brief. It has many hyper-links that will go into much greater depth on particular topics than is possible here. I pray you take as much time as necessary to not only go through the brief, but also check out the links. * When I was in the military, both as a commander and as an instructor, I would routinely tell my students and subordinates that we lived in a 9/10 world. Most were not old enough to remember 9/11 clearly, but I would explain to them that on September the 10th, 2001, the world was one way. People had plans, dreams, ambitions, goals, and a thousand other things going on that had become part of their "normal" life. The very next day that all changed. The world changed. Forever. Nevertheless, we endured. Here we are some 19 years later; enjoying what was the greatest economic recovery a nation had ever enjoyed. We had (and still have) an overwhelmingly popular president, who was unashamedly pro-life, pro-Christian, and pro-Israel. We had three years of failed investigations and impeachment attempts overturned and rejected by both the people and the Congress. We had finally become energy independent. We finally had a president who recognized America's economic-core was crumbling from within through decades of terrible trade deals. It seemed America's biggest export wasn't food or cars, but our jobs. In turn, he began enforcing our immigration laws and border security. He began aggressively renegotiating the economic bloodletting previous presidents had ignored for decades. We finally had a president who recognized the reality that Jerusalem was and always will be the eternal capital of Israel. We finally had a president who acted upon the decades-old legislation to move our US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. We finally had a president who was willing to untangle ourselves from the increasingly complicated and bureaucratic web of international treaties that sound good in theory, but have significant economic and political ramifications to the cost of our national sovereignty. In fact, almost every Trump initiative was threatening to undo decades of globalist-based, political and economic machinations going back to George H.W. Bush. Then, unexpectedly, a Chinese epidemic coincidentally exploded out of a Chinese wet-market, which just so happened to be co-located in the exact same town China's first biosafety level-4 laboratory. The Chinese government then allowed this outbreak to spread from a local epidemic, to a global pandemic within a matter of weeks. Protecting their own image, they ignored the early warning signs, arrested anyone who spoke publicly about it, and then allowed travel to continue unabated for weeks. Again, the Chinese officials allowed this from the same town where a notoriously insane wet market existed, as well as their level-4 biosafety laboratory. While it might sound conspiratorial to say the Chinese government was behind the intentional release of a deadly pathogen just to upset the global applecart, the timing of this is at the very least, curiously opportunistic. Is it coincidental that this all happens after both the Mueller Investigation and the Impeachment efforts fall flat? Furthermore, it is curious that while President Trump has been busy trying to patch the holes in a sinking USS America, many former Obama administration officials have been actively busy conducting shadow diplomacy around the world with America's enemies. I am not here to say that 9/11 was an inside job, or even a foreign attack knowingly allowed for by the US government. Nor, am I saying that this new viral outbreak is one either. Whether this pandemic had governmental machinations behind it or not, is at this point, irrelevant. We are in it. We are living through the global response to it right now. What I am saying, is that regardless of its origination, we know one thing with absolute certainty; wicked and ruthless people will always take advantage of a crisis. It may be years from now, or perhaps even decades (should the Lord tarry) that people will ask us what it was like in the US before the "great virus" changed everything. People will have no concept of a "free" America, or world that wasn't so authoritatively dystopian as to believe it, that we couldn't even recognize it were we not living in it. First, let me add, NOTHING happens by chance in this world. God's sovereign plan for mankind works ALL things toward His glory (Romans 8:28). Secondarily, God's adversary, and ours, Satan, also has an agenda. Although his agenda does not supersede God's, it is a factor in this great drama we call life. It was because of Satan that sin and death entered into creation. Like every good mystery that must be solved, we must start with the right questions. So let me ask a series of questions. You can substitute the italicized verbiage for some other major crisis, but I think these get to the heart of what is going on. Will the pandemic death toll will surpass or fall short of, the post-economic crash death toll? Does anyone know what effect a full, multi-month quarantine will have on the global economy? Does anyone know what effect a full, multi-month quarantine will have on the US economy? How exactly will the world recover economically? Does anyone remember how the last great global economic crisis ended? Does anyone know what the new normal is supposed to look like? Why is a global crisis necessary? Who benefits the most from a global crisis? What are the goals in the aftermath of a global crisis? 10.What is global depopulation, and who benefits from this? 11.Who has long championed global depopulation? These questions, like countless more, cause me to question the globally accepted narrative about what is really going on. Again, not downplaying the seriousness of what is going on, but perhaps the problem with this global problem, is its lack of lethality. For instance, we do not have to sugarcoat Ebola or Marburg outbreaks. They are terrible and they are self-evidently, terrible. Doctors and news pundits do not report deaths due to Ebola as, 'Ebola-related deaths.' We do not have to lump in complications with it because its lethality is significant enough to trump anything else they had going on medically. So if this is less lethal than Ebola, and even less lethal to many degrees, as the normal flu season, why are we intentionally suiciding the global economy? Granted, some form of influenza(s) or viral outbreak is causing many people to die prematurely. Nor am I arguing we should not be promoting precautions and good public health. I am not even arguing how it began. I am simply asking, in a moment of crisis, who benefits most and why? What are their goals and what will a post-COVID19 world look like. Assessment If crisis is a means by which Democrats achieve their political ends - and it is; just think of their famous "never let a crisis go to waste" playbook - then imagine what coronavirus means to the globalists. What a dizzying opportunity for them to achieve massive goals. This is new world order time - one world order time, in the teachings of the Bible believers. By Cheryl K. Chumley - The Washington Times - Saturday, March 28, 202 When we look at the unrelenting effort to promote globalism over the decades, we must understand that those who hold to this are not simply old maniacal men smoking pipes and twisting their moustaches in darkened rooms. Some might be perhaps, but many, are true believers that a singular, global government is the only way to solve all the world's problems. Some of these are well known; The Roman Catholic Church, the United Nations, George Soros, David Rockefeller, Gordon Brown, Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and so forth. Some have even been US Presidents' such as Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Barak H. Obama. Still many others, while, not out and out globalists, are at least; sympathetic to its ideals (Jimmy Carter, George H.W. Bush, and Bill Clinton) have been some of our more notable promoters of internationalism. However, true dyed in the wool globalists are men and women of power, wealth, and most importantly, anonymity. In fact, their anonymity is their greatest weapon. Anonymous like the goings-on of Bohemian Grove. We know the place exists. We know the elite go there. However, we know very little of what actually goes on there other than it seems extremely suspect. A disheartening practical exercise in this would be looking up your favorite products (clothes, appliances, accessories, etc.) and finding out whom they support financially (i.e., political leanings) only to discover, you are funding your own country's demise. The New, New Deal: Echoes of Roosevelt It was only a few decades ago that globalisation was held by many, even by some critics, to be an inevitable, unstoppable force. "Rejecting globalisation," the American journalist George Packer has written, "was like rejecting the sunrise." Before and during World War I, the average American had little to no appetite for US entanglement in foreign affairs. Isolationism as an ideological belief ran strong throughout the country. In fact, President Woodrow Wilson successfully campaigned for a second term in 1916 on the premise of keeping our boys out of the Great War, which had begun in 1914. However, President Wilson was an internationalist at heart who longed for the creation of an international governing body. He realized the only way he would ever get the global support he needed to do so was if America joined the war and got her hands bloody. The war by this point had ground to a halt in the trenches strewn across the Maginot Line. Therefore, we did, and tens of thousands of young American men died on the altar of a new world order. After the war ended, Wilson began championing his 'Fourteen Points of Light', which would become the founding stone for both the doomed Versailles Treaty and the League of Nations. The League of Nations turned out to be weak and largely ineffectual due to its lack of US political support after Wilson's health failed. After WWI, most American's were content to leave well enough alone, and focus on a 'return back to normalcy.' However, the League would come to serve as a prototype for the United Nations some twenty-years later. Although the 1920s are commonly referred to as 'the roaring twenties' (due to the widespread economic prosperity that was surging throughout the nation), it was not without its problems. Many of the southern and mid-west states would come to experience record droughts and floods throughout the 1920s and thus, got a head start into the great depression. The 'roaring twenties' enjoyed the post-war boom in able-bodies men reentering the workforce, the boom in the construction market, an emerging automobile industry, the electrification of America's power grid, and the inescapable thrust of the US as the world's number one superpower. Republican candidate Herbert Hoover ran his unofficial 1928 campaign slogan promising "a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage," presumably projecting, a continued sense of optimism with economic prosperity going forward in perpetuity. However, a year later, the country was in tatters. With a decade's worth of wild stock speculation under its belt, Wall Street's wild ride came to its unavoidable end. The "official" Great Depression commenced in earnest after the market peaked on September 3, 1929, after which, the market began free falling. The stock market would finally hit rock bottom on 29 October, infamously enshrining that day into history as Black Tuesday. The reality was that although the 1920's were booming due to the aforementioned reasons, the Stock Market had been on shaky legs for some time. Several minor recessions (tremors) had already rocked Wall Street in previous years (1920-21, 1923). Quite a few other cues had been silently signaling the inevitable end of the 'roaring twenties,' which had largely gone unnoticed. First, there was the previously mentioned droughts and floods that had turned America's breadbasket into America's dust bowl. Secondly, there was the shakiness of the financial markets itself due to the unregulated speculation by traders and investors. Lastly, there had been a growing withdrawal of foreign investors from the US markets over the summer of 1929. Their quiet departure was perhaps due in part to the rising instability in Europe (i.e., weak League of Nations, Versailles Treaty). Europe's economic instability matched with rising aggressive rhetoric by Germany and Italy was definitely cause for concern. These trends began making foreign investors nervous. The savvy international investors may not have known what was coming per se; however, they sensed another perfect storm brewing on the horizon. After three years of severe economic turmoil, the Hoover Administration 1932 reelection campaign was all but doomed. He lost that election in a landslide to the incoming Democratic contender, Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR), who had campaigned on his New Deal initiatives. That same year, a relatively unknown man by the name of Adolph Hitler, was in the process of taking control of the chancellorship in Germany. It is to this point; I wish to draw a parallel to today's world. The world in 1933 was so distracted by their own economic turmoil to notice that evil men, ALWAYS take advantage of moments of crisis. Furthermore, they would have gone anywhere, turned to anything, and believed anyone, who could promise them some relief. Enter Adolph Hitler. World War II. The Holocaust. And while Satan may have intended it for bad, God resurrected the Jewish nation because of it. If anyone had said publicly in 2019 that unemployment rates would hit upwards of 40% in the second quarter of 2020, the "experts" in the media and academia would have laughed them off the stage. Even at the height of the Great Depression (1933), unemployment rates never topped 25% (source). In fact, unemployment rates never moved beyond 11% in the subsequent decades since the Great Depression. However, I note the term publicly with a profound sense of curiosity, seeing as nearly 2,000 chief executive officers (CEOs) from numerous major global corporate organizations have stepped down since 2019. It has been (at least since 2001) the greatest exodus of CEOs in the shortest amount of time, on record. Perhaps they knew something was afoot, or perhaps they decided to bail while the getting was good. Again, one of the greatest lessons the 20th-century leaders learned beginning with World War I, followed closely by the Great Depression, is that crisis points, offer the greatest opportunities for advancing agendas. There has been since 1913, a relentless push towards globalism. However, without major crisis's (either real or supposed), the march toward globalism had been relatively slow and cumbersome (like the New Deal's recovery efforts). People and nations are reluctant to hand over their own sovereignty, especially when there is no good reason to do so. However, when you add a crisis (again, either real or supposed) into the equation that crawl towards globalism, turns into a sprint. Let us summarize the major historical events and the subsequent efforts to advance globalism (italicized). I apologize for the length of this, but I am attempting summarize the entirety (as best as possible) the push toward globalism. 1913: The Federal Reserve Act is passed on December 24 (Christmas Eve), with a barely a quorum, effectively creating an American 'central bank' 1914-18: World War 1 embroils the world in conflict 1920: President Woodrow Wilson founds the League of Nations 1929: US Stock market crashes on October 29, 'Black Tuesday' 1929-39: US "Great Depression" results in the federalization of numerous industries, and FDR being elected for an unprecedented four, four-year terms of office (1933-1945) 1939-45: World War II embroils the world again in global conflict 1944: Bretton-Woods Agreement establishes the US Dollar as the global reserve currency 1945: The United Nations is founded 1946: Winston Churchill proposes the idea of a united Europe 1949: The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is created, permanently entrenching the US to European affairs for the next 70 years 1951: Treaty of Paris officially begins the European Coal and Steel Community (six nations) which becomes the genesis of the European Union 1967: Israel major victory in Six Day War; Israelis' recapture and reunites Jerusalem 1971: US President Nixon delinks the US economy from the gold-standard (ending Bretton-Woods Agreement) 1973: US Pres. Nixon supports Israel in Yom Kippur War; OPEC oil embargo begins 1979: US renegotiates trade agreement with OPEC (Saudi Arabia) effectively reinstituting the US Dollar as the world's reserve currency through 'petrodollars' 1989: 'Iron Curtain' comes down in Europe 1991: Collapse of the Soviet Union 1993: Clinton signs NAFTA into law 1993: Treaty of Maastricht formalizes the unification of the European Union (EU) 1993: UN Agenda 21 (non-formal agreement) on sustainable development 1995: Creation of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) by French President Sarkozy 1999: EU officially adopts the 'euro' currency 2001: 9/11 Islamic attack on the United States; 'war on terror' begins 2001: US retaliates and invades Afghanistan with NATO coalition 2003: SARS coronavirus outbreak occurs in southern China 2003: US invades Iraq with a NATO coalition, dethrones Saddam Hussein, and effectively destabilizes the Muslim Middle East 2005: Indonesian Earthquake and Tsunami results in a global recovery effort 2008: Fannie May/ Freddie Mac mortgage crisis embroils and drags down the global economy 2008-09: Mortgage crisis results in three massive financial bailouts 2009: H1N1 (Swine Flu) becomes a global pandemic 2010: Haitian earthquakes results in a global recovery effort 2010: US Congress passes the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare), effectively attempting to nationalizing 1/6th of the US economy 2011: 9.0 earthquake strikes Japan, triggering a massive tsunami, and causing a meltdown at the Fukushima nuclear reactor facility. This resulted again in a global recovery effort 2011: US military exit from Iraq, leaving vacuum later filled by ISIS 2010-Present: Arab Spring in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, and Syria 2014-15: Global Ebola Crisis 2015: UN Agenda 2030 initiated to end global poverty 2016: Unexpected election of Donald J. Trump to US President 2016: Obama agrees to the Paris Climate Agreement (executive agreement), presumably binding the US to a four-year international treaty 2017: Official US declaration of Jerusalem as capital of Israel 2018: US continued economic prosperity 2018: US Embassy move from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem 2019: US gains energy independence from OPEC November 2019: US notifies its intent to begin its year-long withdrawal from Paris Climate Agreement to occur no earlier than 04NOV2020 (right after the next elections) October 2019: The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, World Economic Forum, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. December 2019: First news of epidemic breaking at Wuhan, China January-February 2020: US Democrats continue impeachment process January 2020: The Trump Administrations COVID-19 response timeline March 2020: Quarantine/shelter in place government orders in effect globally April-May 2020: US / global economy grinds to halt, expectations of 40-50% unemployment worldwide If we were to compare this march toward globalization with earlier attempts (prior to 1900), there is simply nothing comparable to it except during the military conquests of Genghis Khan, the Roman Empire, and Alexander the Great. The relentless push toward globalism over the past 120 years has been like a powerful, unrelenting undercurrent sucking everything out to sea. Things may seem fine on the surface, but the undertow moves quietly and perilously under the surface. But what is the globalist agenda? What else but a new world order. Unbelievably, this is a relatively simple process. The long game is subtle, and uses gradualism and incrementalism as its main tools to force change over a period of time. The short game is to advance the long game in quick increments, usually during moments of crisis. The key here is to have your plans in place long before said crisis ever occurs. This is where both the short and long game work in unison to achieve the same end state. The Long Game 1. The dumbing-down of a population (requires a takeover of education, entertainment and media) 2. Creating an impossibly complicated web of legislation and bureaucracy to hide agendas 3. Consolidating as much wealth and power into as few hands as possible 4. Controlling the narrative (this requires controlling both the mouthpieces and the platforms to censor opposing opinions) 5. Depopulating the earth from our present 7.5B people, down to around 500M. This is done through war, epidemics, pandemics, famine, genocide, and abortion 6. Open borders and reduction/diminishment of national sovereignty. 7. Political change via gradualism or incrementalism (see Fabian Society) The Short Game 1. Dumbing down a population requires a relaxation of moral norms, a removal of God from academia, and the promotion of hedonism 2. Create a government/organization so shrouded with rules, departments, legislation, official channels, and systems of systems, that the average person would never be able to untangle their agenda. When a government becomes so large, we often see the rise of a shadow government, or deep state underneath it that moves unseen [About the best I have seen done, was by Glenn Beck years ago when tracking all the ties and linkages George Soros had to leftist organizations. It is truly a modern day Hydra.] 3. Elite-bankers/technocrats consolidate their power over autonomous countries through economic crisis. The creation of transnational and international organizations, whether governmental (IMF, World Bank, etc.) or corporate (Google, IBM, Microsoft, etc.) almost always become incestuous in moving forward their agenda 4. The use of Hollywood, secular academia, and the Media as leftist propaganda mouthpieces to push certain narratives (global cooling, global warming, climate change, etc.) 5. The Georgia Guide stones are the "ten commandments" of the new world order 6. Aside from socialist and leftist political attempts (i.e., EU open borders), global emergencies like unchecked immigration, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, etc., present perfect opportunities to get footholds in every country on the planet. 7. Use delaying tactics when opportunity arrives to achieve a goal most aligned to yours Conclusion Many of you are probably wondering, what a post-COVID-19 world looks like. Well, as the title alluded to, definitely more Orwellian than before the Chinese-originated viral outbreak began. Given the long history lesson I just presented you, we know that when a crisis occurs, conspirators will take advantage of the situation to advance their agenda. Ultimately, the globalists hate what Donald Trump represents. He represents a return to national sovereignty and a return to the American greatness that marked much of the 20th-century. So what they could not achieve at the micro-level (i.e., three-year investigation and failed impeachment attempt) to take out Donald Trump, they would be forced to attain at the macro-level and drag down the global economy. Trust me; had Hillary Clinton won the 2016 election, we would not be undergoing this current crisis (think back to 2009 H1N1) because she is a globalist and would already be working to advance their agenda. Prophetic Alignments Then I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name. Revelation 13:1 If anything, this current crisis is primarily designed as a 'stage-setting' event for the final reordering of the present world governments. We know that in the last days, there will be a ten-nation / seven-region confederacy, led by ten leaders, who rise up out of the sea of humanity. There will be an eleventh leader, who subdues three, and then ends up taking over the entire organization. This organization is known as The Beast. Their leader is the personification of The Beast, and his name is the Lawless One or the Antichrist. He has a right-hand person, known as the False Prophet, who orchestrates an apostate, ecumenical religious world system and eventually direct all worship toward this the Antichrist. So how do we get from where we are today, to the one the Bible says is coming? If recent headlines are any indication, they reveal that world leaders are actively working to promote the spirit of antichrist with increased vigor either knowingly, or unknowingly. Check out these recent headlines that point toward a world more Orwellian than anything even George Orwell could have imagined: A one-world government A digital, global currency Mandatory vaccinations with tracking devices Mandatory digital IDs Global depopulation In decades past, globalist lacked the political and technological abilities to bring about a new world order. Even at the height of World War II, the Nazi's were unable to control all buying and selling even in the areas they controlled. Both the League of Nations, and later the United Nations, lacked the military and legal authority to impose their politically driven agendas. While it appears that the present coronavirus (COVID-19) is wreaking havoc to the globalist agenda (i.e., open borders and lax immigration laws) what it is really doing, is reshuffling the geopolitical nations and the authorities they once held. It will become a complete dismantlement of nationalism and national sovereignty altogether. Why is that? Because the threat is no longer contained to a single nation. Much like the much-hyped and ever-evolving climate change threat, pandemics are global in nature (hence the name 'pan'). Nations, who refuse to get on board with the global agenda, face North Korea-styled isolation and embargo. The consensus from the "experts" is that the COVID-19 pandemic is threatening to unravel the long fought for liberalism and unification of a European Union (EU). The experts fear that Europe might return to the pre-1950s 'nationalism' and 'isolationism,' mindsets in the hoarding of resources and closing of borders. However, the reality is the global nature of this threat will reinforce their need to be represented by single, supranational voice that will lead all of Europe (much like the United States). This virus is not unraveling seventy-years' worth of consolidation; rather, it is restructuring the authorities to become the final structure the Bible has foretold it would become. This is the first pandemic event since the Spanish Flu that has affected the whole world at the same time. The obvious difference being that the world in 1918-20 lacked the technology to impose global surveillance and enforce currency controls. We do not have that problem anymore. Watch for these agendas to be hammered through in the coming weeks to months. Push for digital ID Will be mandatory Will be linked to health and vaccinations Will support the UN agenda for digital identity Will be embedded into the body Push for 5G networks With worldwide quarantines in place, the current 4G system is overburdened by usage. People will demand a faster system to continue streaming, gaming, browsing, and working. After the worldwide quarantines are lifted, expect to see rolling quarantines in various place, which will require stronger networks to supervise the entire world 5G will be needed to support the emerging Quantum-based networks and blockchain financial systems Will be required to run a global system of the Internet of Things Push for digital currency If this crisis is allowed to drag on, they will do so for as long as necessary to crash the global economies and primarily that of the United States This will require nations to come hat in hand to the World Bank or IMF for bailouts-which they will get in the form of a new, completely digital currency Technically, the US Dollar is already a digital currency. Most transactions around the world are increasingly digital. What this new currency will mean, is that you will not have to exchange a Dollar for a Yen, or a Ruble for a Won. It will be a new, singular, blockchain-based crypto-currency This Blockchain system will be satellite based (Low Earth Orbit), supported by Quantum mainframes, and carried throughout the earth on 5G networks Increased Surveillance State Threat of future pandemics, terrorism, and non-compliers will require massive overhaul to personal freedoms (at least in the US) (think how airport security changed after 9/11) Digital Identification, as well as embedded markers will show authorities things like personal identity, vaccination status, citizenship, tracking, and will one day (inside the 70th-Week), linked to one's banking systems to buy and sell Cameras will blanket the earth. They already do in most major cities. The rural areas that are thinly inhabited, will have LEO satellites covering them ensuring that there will literally be nowhere to hide Thermal, night-vision, and earth-penetrating imaging will further reduce anyone's ability to hide from the system. Many of these are already in existence. We just have the pesky thing like the US Constitution restricting its usage After reading all this, you are probably depressed, upset, distraught, or even belligerent in that the globalist machinations who appear to be winning the day. Far from it. They are fulfilling exactly what God has already told us would happen. And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings Acts 17:26 Remember the former things of old, For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things that are not yet done, saying, 'My counsel shall stand, And I will do all My pleasure,' Isaiah 46:9-10 The good news is if you are a believer in Jesus Christ, you will not live through the worst period in human history. Things might get rough beforehand, but Christ promised His bride, the Church, deliverance from the very time of this global testing (Revelation 3:10). So be of good cheer. Share the good news of Jesus Christ with friends, family, neighbors, and even your enemies. Time is running out on this sin-stained world. The enemies of God will not win and their schemes will not come to fruition. Why do the nations rage, And the people plot a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, And the rulers take counsel together, Against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying, "Let us break Their bonds in pieces And cast away Their cords from us." He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; The Lord shall hold them in derision. Then He shall speak to them in His wrath, And distress them in His deep displeasure: "Yet I have set My King On My holy hill of Zion." Psalm 2:1-6 Stage-setting in Overdrive - By Terry James - From my perspective of Bible prophecy in the stage-setting process for the wind-up of the age, three factors leap from current news. These are in addition to the tremendous developments taking place in the socioeconomic dynamics brought on by the sudden appearance of the COVID-19 pandemic. That virus, coming out of the demonic world, it seems to me, was in itself enough to point to the nearness of the end of this dispensation. The dire prospects for recovery from the effects of the coronavirus are, if one hasn't faith in God's complete control, at the very least emotionally debilitating. Now, three additional developments bring into sharper focus exactly how near we are to the time when Christ calls for His Bride, the Church. This fact-that Jesus Christ is, for all born-again believers, soon to break through all the depressing news to take His own into Heaven-should excite us. The first of the factors I see as profoundly setting the stage for the Tribulation era, thus for the Rapture of the Church, involves China's sudden emergence to prominence on the geopolitical scene. For centuries, China was a building giant that seemingly chose to stay sequestered behind the Great Wall. It had little major influence. Then the communist takeover gave the vast nation a presence that represented a threat, but one that could be controlled by the greater powers of the West-and even, to some extent, by a Soviet regime that didn't want Mao Tse-tung to get too far out of line. China has emerged, as we all know, to become an economic force that, in conjunction with its military presence, some say can nearly rival that of the US. It has become the great, hegemonic power of all of Asia. It is even building entire islands in the South China Sea just to establish a military presence to challenge anyone who dares to enter those waters. America, it is sad to say, has provided much of the funding for that military burgeoning through insane trade deals of the past. And now, the communist leadership of China is beginning to assert its ever-increasing power. We see some of this through the following: U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr warned of a range of threats from China including propaganda efforts surrounding the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and efforts to interfere in U.S. elections. In an interview with Fox News host Laura Ingraham, Barr described Chinese efforts as a 'full-court blitzkrieg' across multiple fronts, which he said includes meddling in US elections, exercising control over key supply chains and promoting disinformation about the coronavirus. ("AG Barr Says China in 'full-court blitzkrieg' to Undermine US Elections and Institutions," Fox News, Rapture Ready News, April 10, 2020) Many students of Bible prophecy have long viewed China as a leading part of the "kings of the east" army foretold to invade the Occidental world across a dried-up Euphrates River. This is prophetically scheduled to take place during the Tribulation era (see Revelation chapters 9 and 16). I have termed China "the king of the kings of the east." Certainly they are swiftly moving into position to fulfill this role. The second element in the news today that I believe is setting the stage for the coming Tribulation involves Iran. That nation, which occupies much of the territory of the ancient Persian Empire, is scheduled prophetically to attack Israel in "the latter days," meaning, I take it, in the post-Rapture era. Ezekiel the prophet, in chapters 38 and 39, calls it the "Gog-Magog" force, consisting, we believe, of Russia, Iran, and Turkey, along with lesser nations. The following brings to light Iran's preparation for that assault: The national security and foreign policy committee for the Islamic Republic of Iran's parliament declared that Tehran will move forward with its uranium enrichment process, triggering sharp criticism from the US State Department on Thursday. ("Iran Defies EU, Declaring Continued Nuclear Uranium Enrichment," by Benjamin Weinthal, Jerusalem Post, Rapture Ready News, April 10, 2020) Iran's defiance of demands by the US president, the European Union, and especially by Israel for that nation dismantle its nuclear weapons facilities puts the region on track for a prophetic fulfillment. The very mountains that reportedly house these facilities are foretold to suffer catastrophic destruction. Many of us believe it will be Israel that destroys the nuclear capability of its chief nemesis. The third current new items that I believe shows the nearness of the Tribulation is seen in the following: In light of the growing demand by the Israeli public, several major Israeli rabbis ruled on the subject and for the first time ruled that it was now permissible to begin the Passover Temple service. As a result of that ruling, the rabbis sent a letter to the Prime Minister requesting that he allow the korban Pesach to take place. The Sanhedrin emphasized that the plan to bring the altar to the Temple Mount was entirely consistent with President Trump's recently released Deal of the Century which recognized Israel's full sovereignty over the site. ("Historic First: Israel's Top Rabbis Call on Netanyahu to Allow Temple Service to Begin on Temple Mount," Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, Breaking Israel News, Rapture Ready News, April 10, 2020) The request was rejected because of feared ramifications of probable conflict with Muslim forces and complications presented by the coronavirus. However, the demands by the Jews in the area that Temple worship be allowed are growing. The almost completed plans for rebuilding the Temple and the already-prepared instruments of worship assure that the prophecies concerning the Tribulation Temple is nearing fulfillment. With prophetic stage-setting for the Tribulation in overdrive, the nearness of the Rapture of the Church can't be overemphasized. Living in Days of Fear! - Gary Stearman - We now find ourselves living in days of fear that began with a stealthy disease, which progressed into an economic threat. Examining the effects of the COVID-19 virus, it was decided that "social distancing" was needed to prevent a deadly epidemic. That, of course, meant closing workplaces. In the face of the resulting financial shutdown, government aid began to be planned. Now, there is great perplexity on these two fronts, after years of prosperity and health. But, to complete the picture, the period was also darkened by political intrigue and international deception from the Far East to Europe and South America. Now, the "experts" are not so expert. What shall we do?! It's been a very long time since such a confluence of ills encompassed so many unknowns, and our leaders are scrambling. It is even more interesting to note the effects of quarantining millions of people throughout the world. Business has ground to a halt, at the same time as health experts work day and night to avoid another 1918-style flu epidemic, with its rampant global death toll. Estimates range from 50 to 100 million fatalities! Today's conditions are the recipe for anxiety. Christians who had been alarmed by the global convulsions of the last few months, have suddenly found themselves thinking that the present conditions could possibly be the precursors of a coming period with a very familiar theme. Of course, it comes from Jesus' own words, as He was seated upon the Mount of Olives and answered the disciples' questions. He had just described a coming period of difficulties. Little did His listeners know that He was describing the coming two thousand years of international apostasy, strife, disease, starvation, and martyrdom for believers. His words are among the most-quoted in the entire Bible: "7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows" (Mt. 24:6-8). In this list of horrors, we find the word "pestilence," that means "communicable disease." His disciples must have been perplexed. They no doubt believed that He was about to establish the Kingdom. But as we all know, His plan reached far into the future, and would be global in nature: "12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. 13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come" (Mt. 24:12-14). These words bring us back to the present. The Gospel has been preached to all the world ... many times over! At this moment, there are scattered reports of revivals in such unlikely places as China and Iran, where Bible teaching can be fatal. The fear associated with preaching the Gospel is something that we hardly think about here in the United states. But now, anxiety has come ashore in our beautiful land. Once again, fear abounds! The answer is simple. We must remember these words: "16 And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him. 17 Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world. 18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. 19 We love him, because he first loved us" (1 Jn. 4:16-19). Fear or faith? The decision is ours to make! 10 Signs Revealing that the Messiah's Arrival is Imminent - By Dr. Rivkah Lambert Adler - "But a shoot shall grow out of the stump of Yishai, A twig shall sprout from his stock." Isaiah 11:1 (The Israel Bible™) More than 1500 years ago, rabbis discussed many signs that would precede the coming of the Messiah and the inauguration of the messianic era. Last week, Jewish activist and founder of the Israel Dog Unit Yekutiel Ben Yaakov (Mike Guzofsky) delivered a talk in which he connected many of these ancient signs to current events. Here are ten of the messianic prophecies that Ben Yaakov understands are being fulfilled in our day. 1 Young will shame the old. The Rabbis teach that, "In the generation when the son of David (a rabbinic reference to Messiah, son of David) will come, young people will shame the old." Ben Yaakov argued that this was fulfilled with the oft-expressed opinion, particularly in the early stages of the virus, that since COVID-19 was only affecting the elderly, young people should not have their movements restricted. "So many people were prepared to sacrifice the old, just for a little bit of instant gratification and social needs. People were prepared to endanger the sick and the elderly," he commented. 2 The passing of Biblical scholars The Rabbis teach that, "In the generation when the son of David will come, the number of Torah scholars will decrease." Ben Yaakov pointed out that a shockingly high number of Orthodox rabbis have lost their lives to the coronavirus. "It literally says that before Moshaich comes, you're going to see all these rabbis dying," he explained. 3 Costly sustenance The Rabbis teach that, "The vine will produce its fruit yet wine will be expensive." Ben Yaakov explained that, in Israel, local farmers are being forced to throw away produce because they can't compete on price with imported produce. There's plenty, but the prices they would have to charge to make a living are too high to sell. He also emphasized that food is available, but because of curfews and isolation, people can't go to the stores easily to buy food. "The produce is there, but people can't get to it," he noted. 4 Sudden Poverty The Rabbis teach, "He will not come until the perutah (a small coin of little value) has gone from the purse." In other words, until people become poor. Ben Yaakov stated that we are beginning to see that happening. For people whose places of employment have been closed and where production has been restricted, there is no work and there are no salaries. So many people don't have the financial stability to manage the global financial crisis connected to the coronavirus that governments are handing out grants to keep people afloat financially. He added, "Moshaich (Messiah) won't come until we have a situation where we're looking for basic food. We see empty shelves in Europe and around the world. He claimed that, in Italy, supermarkets and people delivering food are being robbed. 5 No government in Jerusalem The Rabbis teach that, "The son of David will not come until the petty government has ceased from Israel." Ben Yaakov elaborated, "Moshiach won't come until there is no government in Israel. It's unprecedented that there have been three elections and there is still no government." 6 The face of a dog The Rabbi teach that, "The face of the generation will be like the face of a dog." Ben Yaakov interpreted this to mean that today's leaders, "are populist politicians that are not leading, but following, like a dog on a leash that constantly looks back to its master. Leaders are saying what the public wants to hear, not what it needs to hear." 7 Waves of trouble The Rabbis teach that, "Numerous troubles and harsh decrees will be constantly appearing anew. Before the first trouble is over, a second one will hasten to appear," and "If you see a generation upon which numerous troubles come like a river, expect the Messiah." Ben Yaakov compares these troubles to waves and noted that, "China is worried that the second wave (of the coronavirus) will be worse than the first." This is different from other viruses because contracting the virus doesn't lead to immunity. "This is like no other virus that we've seen. The next wave will come and be worse than the first wave," he said. "Tragedy is coming like a river that keeps flowing. That's a sign that redemption is coming soon," he explained. 8 Haste The Rabbis teach that, "Three things come on the spur of the moment, and these are they: the Messiah, a lost object, and a scorpion." Ben Yaakov noted that the lockdown happened so quickly that, "people have not had time to prepare themselves." 9 Forgetting the Bible The Rabbis teach that, "In the generation when the son of David will come, the number of Torah scholars will decrease," and "Torah knowledge will be forgotten by its students." All synagogues, yeshivot and Torah study halls have been closed and sit empty. "We see that as a clear sign that Moshiach is on his way," Ben Yaakov said. 10 When God exacts revenge Ben Yaakov spoke about how one of the clearest signs of the coming of the mesianic age is when "revenge is extracted against enemies of Israel". He specified China, Iran and Italy, which he called, "the seat of [the anti-Semitic] Church." In introducing this lengthy list of signs, Ben Yaakov offered his listeners an encouraging message, "Hopefully we will not despair and we will understand that this has within it the potential right now, immediately, to bring geula (redemption)," he said. Daily Jot: The Farm Chronicles - Gone Batty - Bill Wilson - It must have been about two in the morning one late spring day and I was dreaming. My dream had this eerie darkness to it. I remember it seemed heavy with a cloud inside my room. There were areas on the edge of the room that were even darker, as if they fell deep into an abyss. Then all of a sudden out of my dream came these bats. It seemed as if there several of them flying around my bed above my head. In my sleep, I must have started screaming for help. And when I did, all of a sudden the dream morphed into reality and I was awake. My pulse rate was racing. I was breathing hard. And my mother was kneeling down at my side with her hand on my forehead, asking her eight-year-old son what was wrong. "Mom, I was dreaming and there were these bats swooping down on me. And when I woke up they were still there flying around the room, coming close to me and then flying off," I explained through my deep breaths. By then, Mom had turned on my Conestoga Wagon western lamp on the stand beside my bed. She said, "Now, Now, Billy," as she hugged me, "There's no bats up here, no bats in your room. It's all OK." "But Mom," I replied, "There are bats and they are flying around right now." Her eyes fixed on me, she calmly said, "No, Billy, you're just upset from the dream, there are no bats up here." All of a sudden she felt the wind of a bat wing blowing in her hair and she looked up. To her horror, it was a bat! "Carl, Carl!" She yelled to my Dad. "Get these bats out of here! There are bats in our house!" Of course, Dad was in a dead sleep and by the time he staggered out into the hallway, the bats were gone. Disappeared. Just as fast as they came. He didn't believe either of us. Mom soothed my nerves and I went back to sleep, somewhat vindicated that I saw a bat. Mom went back to her room and was telling Dad the story for I don't know how long. Dad still didn't believe there were bats in the house. So many weeks went by. Dad was at a friend's house and Mom and I were alone. I went out to the back room, which we used as an office, trophy room, and back entrance, and behold, there was another bat, It was flying about and clinging to the ceiling. This time it was not clouded by a dream. And sure enough Dad wasn't there. I put on a plastic toy army helmet and a heavy jacket. Mom got a broom. It was quite a sight me opening the door and her, in her hair scarf and Dad's old barn coat, swiping at that bat, trying to get him out the door. I had a toy grenade launcher trying to shoot it with plastic grenades. We looked like a spin-off of the Lucy show with Lucille Ball. Finally, the bat flew out the door into the darkness. Leviticus 11 gives a list of birds that are unclean, saying in verse 13, "they shall not be eaten, they are an abomination." Verse 19 lists the bat. My Mom was a clean freak to the max. To have bats in her house was definitely an abomination. And Dad eventually became a believer because there was no rest until the bats were gone. Daily Devotion: It's All Part of the Plan - by Greg Laurie - And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. -Romans 8:28 Joseph was on his way, destination unknown. His brothers sold him into slavery, and afterward an Egyptian named Potiphar bought him. Potiphar, basically the head of security for Pharaoh, brought Joseph into his beautiful home and put him in charge. Joseph ran everything beautifully. But Potiphar's lustful wife set her lustful sights on young Joseph. He resisted her constant advances, saying, "How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?" (Genesis 39:9 NKJV). Then one day when they were alone in the house, she grabbed Joseph by the coat. Joseph ran out as fast as he could, but she falsely accused him of rape. So Joseph went to prison. About eleven years passed from the time Joseph went to Potiphar's house to the time he left prison. Joseph easily could have said, "God, I believed in You. I didn't give in to that woman's advances. I lived a life of integrity. And look where that got me." But Joseph waited. Ultimately, Pharaoh had a dream. Joseph interpreted that dream and became the second-most powerful man in Egypt. He warned Pharaoh that a severe famine was coming, so Pharaoh put him in charge of the food supply. Eventually Joseph's brothers came looking for food in Egypt. And ironically, the only food supply was under Joseph's control. It could have been payback time. But instead Joseph made an amazing statement: "But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive" (Genesis 50:20 NKJV). Joseph seemed to understand Romans 8:28 before it was even written. He understood that God was in control of his life. And he knew that God can take what's perceived as bad and bring good out of it. ![]() FROM THE HEART
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