Prophecy Update Newsletter
Enemies of God - By Daymond Duck - Obviously, I could be wrong; I don't know how long it will take, and God is in control, but I am becoming more and more convinced that this Coronavirus Crisis COULD (possibly) be a prelude to the coming Tribulation Period, the rise of the Antichrist, and by implication, the pre-Tribulation Period Rapture. Dr. Fauci said the world will not return to normal when this crisis is over. He said things will get better, but we must prepare for a resurgence of the Coronavirus next year. Globalists are using this global pandemic to push for regional groups of nations (a possible lead-up to the Ten Kings) to tackle the crisis; a global leader with global solutions; the cashless society to get rid of virus-contaminated money; the surveillance society to control who can leave home to work, buy and sell, and who must be quarantined and not allowed to work, buy and sell; who can attend church and who cannot attend church, etc. The Tribulation Period is inevitable (foretold by Jesus) and, in the absence of major opposition to the globalist agenda from world leaders, it COULD be near.
Jesus said, "So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand. . . For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man" (Luke 21:31, 35-36). Knowing that God does not lie and it is impossible for His Word to not be fulfilled (Matt. 24:35), and knowing that we can see the day approaching (Heb. 10:25), it seems obvious that the Tribulation Period (the worst event to ever take place on this earth) is getting close. Below are eight recent events that have prophetic implications. One, concerning the Battle of Gog and Magog, on Apr. 4, 2020, it was reported that Iran has deployed missile launchers on an island overlooking the strait of Hormuz. It was also reported that the U.S. and EU are withdrawing their diplomats from Iraq in anticipation of an attack by Iran or its proxies on U.S. troops in Iraq. Two, concerning a global economic collapse, on Apr. 5, 2020, it was reported that more than half of the 54 nations in Africa have imposed lockdowns, and they are warning that their economies will collapse if they don't receive financial help. Three, concerning famine: closed borders, the grounding of airplanes and helicopters, and a tripling of pesticide prices has slowed efforts to spray the locust plagues in Africa and the Middle East. The swarms are increasing and endangering the food supply of millions of people. Four, On Apr. 3, 2020, the Wall Street Journal published an op-ed article by mega-globalist, Henry Kissinger. He opined that world leaders were dealing with the coronavirus crisis on a national basis, but the coronavirus doesn't recognize borders (a clear call for open borders and world government). As Kissinger sees it, a global effort is needed. He mentioned that Bill Gates, the Microsoft tycoon, avid globalist and fellow member of the CFR, has spent millions (and is planning to spend billions) of dollars on the development of a vaccine for the coronavirus. He urged the nations to let the coronavirus crisis move them closer to the New World Order and farther away from nationalism (Making America Great Again). He promoted regionalization which means the rise of the Ten Kings (an interim step toward world government). Five, Kissinger's mention of Bill Gates in an article urging the nations to move closer to regionalization and the New World Order is interesting because Gates wants to put a quantum dot tattoo on everyone so they can be tracked and their buying and selling can be controlled. Six, on or about Apr. 7, 2020, it was reported that Jared Kushner, Pres. Trump's son-in-law, has been put in charge of drafting a U.S. national Coronavirus surveillance system to track those that have or have had the virus. Kushner now has authority over several groups in the U.S. government. Seven, on Apr. 7, 2020, it was reported that the Gates' vaccine has received FDA approval to start human trials. Eight, on Apr. 9, 2020, former congressman, Ron Paul, called for Pres. Trump to fire Dr. Fauci. Mr. Paul believes the crisis is being used to take total control over people. FYI: It has taken me awhile, but I now believe the globalists are using the Coronavirus Crisis to set the stage for World Government. Some mean well, some are agents of Satan; and knowingly or unknowingly, most are making themselves enemies of God. In January 2010, Bill & Melinda Gates called for the next 10 years to be the Decade of Vaccines. The Decade of Vaccines has a Leadership Council, and Dr. Anthony Fauci is a member. The UN WHO, UNICEF, NIAID, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation created a Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP) that was approved by the World Health Assembly in May 2012. The Global Vaccine Action Plan supports the UN Millennium Development Goals. The World Health Organization (WHO) wants nations and regions of nations (headed by the coming Ten Kings) to adopt the Global Vaccine Action Plan. In 2020 and beyond, they want to extend the benefits of vaccinations to everyone on earth (require children to be vaccinated to enroll in school, adults to be vaccinated to work, buy and sell, etc.). It has been widely reported that Bill & Melinda Gates want mandatory global vaccinations and a required quantum dot ID tracking system. Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx have ties to each other, and to Bill Gates (Birx's daughter is a Deputy Director at a Gates Foundation), they are advising Pres. Trump, and Fauci wants to force an ID tracking system on every American. Video is online of Dr. Fauci making mistakes (or lying) and contradicting Pres. Trump. Some doctors have successfully used Hydroxychloroquine and Zinc against the Coronavirus, but Dr. Fauci opposes it. On Apr. 3, 2020, Tucker Carlson said Dr. Fauci's lockdown suggestions (perhaps a year or more until there is a vaccine) amount to "national suicide." Pres. Trump recently speculated about whether or not he should fire Fauci. He didn't ask me, but I would say, "Yes!" In early April 2020, it was reported that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation pledged $10 billion to the Decade of Vaccines. Here are links to three articles, but there are many more. Anthony Fauci sets stage for mandatory - lucrative! - vaccine Decade of Vaccines* Global Vaccine Action Plan 2011-2020 Decade of Vaccines Collaboration Incidentally, the UN WHO received $400 million in U.S. funding in 2019, and Pres. Trump threatened to cut it over WHO favoritism to China. The Gates Foundation is the world's second largest contributor to the WHO (more than any nation other than the U.S.). If Jesus came tonight, are you ready? Prophecy Plus Ministries, Inc. Daymond & Rachel Duck [email protected] The European Union is Dead but Does Not Yet Know It - by Giulio Meotti - The new coronavirus appears to be tearing apart the fragile framework of the European Union. "Europe" said the former Commission chief and a EU godfather, Jacques Delors, "is in "mortal danger". If citizens feel themselves abandoned at the heart of the pandemic, said Former French Prime Minister Manuel Valls, the EU could "collapse". The EU objective was evidently supposed to be an "ever closer union". But now, if the EU does not show solidarity and strength at a time of global crisis, what is the EU's purpose? Its ideological supporters have a mantra: each new problem must be solved by more Europe. "Europe is our future, we have no other", Germany's former Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher once said. Although these are important and dramatic statements, each time it is as if something even more important and dramatic needs to happen to shake people awake, as if the European Union is never actually seen as dying. Sadly, these high-flown phrases seem to shrivel into empty slogans. The truth is that there is no "Union". There is a conglomerate of European states trying to take advantage of some rules called "the union". In times of crisis, old European divisions always seem to reopen -- and crises are part of the old continent, possibly its epitaph. The coronavirus now has put the European Union and its comfort zone face-to-face with all its weaknesses, decadence and cowardice. In the face of Italy's pandemic catastrophe, the European Union showed only impotence and indifference. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen even "apologized" to Italy and acknowledged that the EU had failed to respond well to the Covid-19 pandemic. When Italy called for solidarity from its European neighbors, they declined. Even the former President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, spoke of a "cowardly Europe". The pro-EU Italian newspaper, La Repubblica, called it bluntly, "Ugly Europe". It seems that 70% of Italians believe Germany is trying to "strangle" them. Because of the coronavirus, Europe's Schengen Area of passport-free travel inside the EU -- one of the two pillars of EU dogma (the other being the euro) -- was suspended in a hurry and internal borders closed without coordinated action. During the the first two weeks of March, nine countries closed their borders; followed by the partial closure of Germany's borders. The EU then announced the closure of its external borders for 30 days. "Do you not understand the emergency we are going through?", Spain's prime minister, Pedro Sánchez, asked German Chancellor Angela Merkel during one of the EU's latest summits. What the Germans appeared to want was the advantages of an expanded euro market without its disadvantages, such as "solidarity" in the instance of migrants or coronavirus. Germany has always dominated Europe via the EU, which was created after the Second World War to prevent Germany from rearing its head again. A report by the Bertelsmann Foundation found that Germany, which accounts for more than a quarter of the eurozone's economic output, benefited most from the EU's single market, earning an extra 86 billion euros a year because of it. It is likely this financial bonus that now helps Germany in contending with the epidemic. Germany had 25,000 ventilators; France had only 5,000, and Italy was forced by a lack of ventilators to make agonizing decisions about whom to treat. "Wouldn't European solidarity mean Germany deliver [sic] at least some of the new ventilators to countries that currently need them most?", asked Die Zeit's journalist Jochen Bittner. Among the European states, however, even faster than empathy and solidarity, spread bitterness and resentment. In 2017, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, then the Dutch Minister of Finance and head of the "Eurogroup" (the EU's grouping of finance ministers), said that southern European countries such as Italy wasted their money on "drinks and women". This month, one of Germany's leading newspapers, Die Welt, wrote that the Italian mafia was waiting for Brussels' coronavirus money. Berlin was not moved, even by the pictures of the Italian army transporting dozens of coffins out of a city because the local crematorium was overwhelmed by the deaths. Dozens of coffins awaiting burial were lined up in churches. "It pains me to say it, but the countries who are dragging their feet, such as Holland, Germany and Sweden, have not yet experienced shortages of coffins", Italy's former prime minister Enrico Letta commented. The Germans and the Dutch never found retirement home residents "dead and abandoned," as happened in Spain. "European capitals watched as Italy took steps that seemed extreme at the time in an ultimately futile bid to hold back infections from the rest of the Continent", wrote Politico. Another merciless battle Italy fought with the EU was for protective face-masks. France adopted a policy of requisitioning them; Germany banned their export. Those unilateral decisions undermined a much-touted EU principle: the free movement of goods in the single market. As L'Express exposed, France seized four million masks belonging to a Swedish company and that had been intended, in part, for Italy and Spain. A German writer, Hans-Magnus Enzensberger, calling the European Union "the gentle monster", predicted its demise: "All the empires of history flourished for no more than a limited half-life, before they foundered on over-expansion and internal contradictions". To revive their economies, the countries most affected, such as Italy and Spain, claimed that they could be financed by a common EU debt to be raised through "coronabonds". Spain, France, Greece, Malta and Ireland all supported this solution, as did the German philosopher Jürgen Habermas, who asked the EU to give "mutual aid". Germany and the Netherlands, however, killed the proposal. The Netherlands was demanding that the loans be accompanied by "long-term conditions", such as reducing the size of welfare states. The same lack of interest was exhibited by the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), funded by EU member states, a process to lend money to a state in difficulty, up to 2% of its GDP. "North Europe is abandoning south Europe!" said the former leader of the German Social Democrats, Sigmar Gabriel . "Better to have Eurobonds and coronabonds than a destroyed EU". The conditions demanded, however, would be unacceptable for Italy: the countries hit the worst by Covid-19 -- Italy, Spain and France -- are the ones that have the least amount of fiscal breathing space. "Europe never met when we needed it" French economist Jean-Paul Fitussi reflected. "And therefore, it was foreseeable that the northern countries would say no to the mutualization of debt. But without mutualizing debt, today's crisis is not resolved. And not doing it is collective suicide". The UK, after Brexit, is out the door; eastern Europe has clashed with Brussels for years and now comes the isolation of southern Europe. While Italy was struggling to slow and contain the deadly contagion, the president of the European Central Bank, Christine Lagarde, announced that the central bank was "not here to close spreads" between Italian and German bonds, a measure of the risk differential between the two sovereign debts. Lagarde's comments, untarnished by "solidarity", sent Italy's bond yields sharply higher. Earlier, when Italy and Greece were overwhelmed by migrants from the Middle East and Africa, the EU countries refused to take their "share" of migrants. Lacking a policy to stop the flow of mass immigration, Europe decided to leave the southern countries to their fate. Italy's foreign minister at the time, Angelino Alfano, declared that Europe had "abandoned" Italy. "The EU Is Abandoning Italy in Its Hour of Need," declared Elisabeth Braw in Foreign Policy. The truth is that the EU is simply showing how weak it really is. As Éric Zemmour observed: "... our borderless ideology has prohibited us from closing borders... As for our European sovereignty, it turns out to be vanishing. When the tragedy knocks on our doors, our conception of the world brings us to our knees..." In times of crisis, the technocrats in Brussels look robotic and apathetic, while national states become essential to contain illegal immigration or a pandemic. The European Union is dead, it just does not yet know it. Israel Watch: New Israeli Theme Park - Jim Fletcher - [email protected] If the Knesset is a theme park, then the most popular ride is "Bibi's Rollercoaster!" Seriously, the negotiations between Benjamin Netanyahu and rival Benny Gantz have taken more twists and turns than a Turkish cab driver in downtown Istanbul. One week, it looks like Bibi's political career is over (he's also under indictment on corruption charges), the next week it is clear Gantz will never be prime minister and the incumbent will survive. In the last two months, various experts have claimed a definitive outcome, only to be outdone by the wily Netanyahu, surely the shrewdest politician in recent memory. What we know is that through three (3!) election cycles, Gantz can't get across the finish line. Now, at this point, we should note that it's almost incomprehensible that in the 10 years Netanyahu has been back in office-a remarkable accomplishment in itself, given the revolving door among prime ministers the previous decade-the country would want new leadership. Netanyahu's almost supernatural achievements economically and strategically are the stuff of legend. Israel, while still surrounded by implacable enemies, is relatively safe. Iran has been neutralized to some degree, the country outlasted the menacing Obama, and the US Embassy sits in Jerusalem. Stunning resume, to be sure. And yet, also in these last three elections, Netanyahu could not quite get over the threshold. His enemies are the same in essence as the ones trying to bring Trump down. They hate a strong Israel and a strong US. It looked like last week that Gantz would never become prime minister. President Reuven Rivlin gave him the mandate to form a government and he couldn't...again. The wizard Netanyahu had looked to be back in complete control (pending his legal challenges, of course). Now comes word that the two sides are negotiating a unity government, and Netanyahu has dropped his demand of new legislation that would allow him to continue as prime minister even if the High Court of Justice rules against him. Gantz served in the IDF with distinction, yet it is galling (to some of us) that he would want to unseat the man that has kept Israel safe and prosperous for a decade. I think this comes down to one thing: In his years in power, Netanyahu has made many political enemies. Gantz is one of them. Unless a new prime minister goes by the name, say, of Naftali Bennett, I am not impressed with any new leadership in Israel. Gantz would be weak in foreign policy. We shall see. Remember, 30 years ago Israel formed a national unity government, with Yitzhak Shamir rotating the prime minister slot with Yitzhak Rabin. Rabin of course "guided" Israel into the disastrous Oslo Accords, and I'm concerned Gantz would do similar things. As we've said many times in different ways, if we didn't believe God is in control (and I do), then it would be time for concern or despair. There is imperfect justice in this world today, and we just have to put up with it. Just like in America today we have to put up with insane attempts to put Trump out of office (or we must listen to Media claim that Joe Biden leads in the presidential race; Biden vs. Trump is like a fourth-grader going up against Joe Louis, and everyone knows it). Continue to pray for Bibi and for the marvelous country he still leads. A Song of Praise, In the Midst of Modern Plague COVID-19 - Jamil Sadiq - [email protected] NIV Bible provides Isaiah Chapter 26 - the title 'A Song of Praise'; can we shout, 'A song of praise', even, in the midst of modern plague, COVID-19 as we are quarantined? Probably! It seems weird to our human ears. It could be disgusting by human ethics and standards. Might be some of you are thinking what the heck? And without any doubt your frustration and dismay is reasonable. No doubt, it is rational and realistic to think about it in such a way. What the saddening and dark side quarantine bring into our lives! Being quarantined, at homes, we are secluded or separated from meeting each other, every type of business secular or religious get affected by it. We are stopped to meet socially no matter it is to perform some business work or to execute some spiritual act. We are barred and forbidden to work as we were supposed to do couple of weeks earlier. Social gatherings are banned, almost; everything is shut down the public places, the church gatherings, even the small group meetings of 10-12 people are not taking place at churches or at homes. Social distancing takes a place everywhere. The terror, the monster and the unseen enemy the COVID -19 made everyone hapless. What about vulnerable and sick people who are at risk? We are in great bewilderment, where the world is going on. How we can sing a song of praise? But wait a minute please . . . there is another side of Covid; without any exaggeration, we heard and saw mostly the side that is dark, gloomy and sad but it has another side too. And that side is bright, high spirited, and joyful as Isaiah mentioned "A song of praise" This side speaks about a specific call or a sacred invite. I believe it could be a specific call or a sacred invite for such a time as this. A call to do or achieve the greater things for our Lord and His Kingdom. Yes. We can see the wonders of our Lord even in this terrible atmosphere of COVID -19. We can live a life in these quarantined days having a perspective to be a surviving person or a thriving person! It could be a call not only to survive but thrive! How many of you can dare to say that there is God behind it? The Prophet Amos wrote down in such a way, "Does a bird swoop down to a trap on the ground when no bait is there? Does a trap spring up from the ground if it has not caught anything? When a trumpet sounds in a city, do not the people tremble? When disaster comes to a city, has not the LORD caused it?" (Amos 3: 5-6). The disaster that we are facing it does not come to a city. The whole world is religion facing that threat. The people of every ethnicity, race, religion, color and country is in danger. Certainly, God is addressing His people in mysterious way, withholding a specific call and an invite for His people. So, His people not only survive but thrive! The question to dig deep is where do we plug in? Who is our source in this chaotic situation? Fear, media or circumstances or faith, His Word or His presence? Let me jump quickly to verse 20 of this chapter, where it is mentioned "Go, my people, enter your rooms and shut the doors behind you; hide yourselves for a little while until His wrath has passed by. See, the Lord is coming out of his dwelling. . . " Our Lord Jesus said, "Go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father . . ." (Matthew 6:6). Can we dig deep it? Do we being quarantined, truly are able to bow down in prayer. Most of the time we are missing the true audience at public places. Probably! It is hard to say but the truth is this, there could be a possibility the real audience - God, is not present at public places but people. (Matthew 6: 5). Currently, we can thrive for a quarantine situation keeping in view Isaiah 26:20. 'it can be a time of tremendous blessing as we sit, wait on the Lord and listen. Isaiah display the picture of this threatening situation in profoundest way and expressed beautifully how to handle it. He provided the solution to deal with this monster in prayer closet. We need to address God we need a private time, if we really want to get His attention, we need to be quarantine, we are supposed to find some secluded place. We need to address God 'so that times of refreshing may come' and He may have mercy on us (Acts 3:19) to provide the times of meeting and embracing and hugging each other joyfully. In the meantime, God wants to accomplish something through His people in this miserable time. Can we dare to stand with Him for His cause? Or, will we keep on ignoring it? What does God want to accomplish? Prophet Isaiah says, "LORD, they came to you in their distress; when you disciplined them, they could barely whisper a prayer."[Isaiah 26: v.16]. What is our situation in this miserable time? Are we the party 'That could barely whisper a prayer'? v. 17 "As a pregnant woman about to give birth writhes and cries out in her pain, so were we in your presence, LORD. We were with child, we writhed in labor, but we gave birth to wind. We have not brought salvation to the earth, and the people of the world have not come to life. Are we hitting news channels, Netflix or Hulu lulu more or are we hitting heaven, by spending time reading His Word, meditating it and asking prayer keeping in view His will and purposes? What is on our agendas? Our priority should be no more or less than "To know Jesus and to make Him Known" but we are busy in so many other activities within and without the church like Martha. And, Jesus is looking for Mary!! Being quarantined, such a time as this, while there is fear, anxiety and distress, the spirit of despondency covering people, even in this chaotic situation, we can sing a song of praise for His glory! Do we have ability to see greater things to see revival for the kingdom of our Lord! Are we consider ourselves capable enough to use the keys of revival to see His wonders by shouting and raising and singing ' a Song of Praise' Shutting and closing the doors and opening our mouths by keeping aside the fear, the media, the news and anxiety is the key to seek His revival! We can become a part of His glory! And, we can touch a revival - a revival that is certainly on the way. COVID- 19 might take few more weeks or months, but it will be no longer! Who knows ADONAI, EL -SHADAI, YWAH GOD relates intimately to reveal deep or inner meanings of our lives during this time? This time could be special time to obey our Lord by developing intimate relationship with Him. Who knows for some of us He will reveal the deep, inner things of His heart, while we are quarantined. (Psalms 25:14). By Rev. Jamil Sadiq [email protected] Daily Jot: COVID-19-A Prophetic fire drill - Bill Wilson - There is a lot of speculation about the meaning of the COVID-19 event. Some see it the hand of God judging America for all its sins. Others see it as a prophetic end time event and are trying to justify that the world is in its final days. First and foremost, America is not the center of Biblical prophecy. The Bible is a Middle Eastern book, written from the geographic perspective of the table of nations found in Genesis 10. The Bible relates how Christ was sent for the salvation of the world through the Hebrew people, how gentiles were grafted in to the salvation plan by Christ's death and resurrection, and how He will return to and rule from Israel. Finding prophetic meaning in COVID-19 requires a look well beyond America. Matthew 24 speaks of wars, earthquakes, pestilences and famine as precursors to the "beginning of sorrows." There have been events such as COVID-19 in the past. In 2005, I documented in my book "Warshod" that in the previous 100 years, small pox killed 300 million people, and influenza millions. In 1918, for example, a worldwide flu epidemic attacked about 20% of the global population, leaving some 50 million dead, 675,000 deaths in the US. Do you not think that those who were alive then believed the end times were upon them? In a 14-year period from 1991-2005, earthquake frequency had increased 88%, and in the 1900s, 165 wars and tyrannies contributed to 180 million deaths-100 million attributed to communism. This was a 125% increase in war-related deaths over the previous century. Famine follows war. Many have tried to make the case that China's coronavirus is one of the bowl judgments in Revelation. It is not. Read your Bible. The bowl judgments come AFTER the beast (antichrist) has taken control in the last 3 ½ years of Jacobs Troubles, commonly referred to as the Tribulation. We have not seen such a figure as yet. We can, however, through this virus example, see how the entire world can be impacted by a single event and how a leader might arise. Our response-First, as Christ said, do not be deceived. Second, this is an opportunity, not to place blame and be angry, but to show the love of Christ to others. Bond together. Help one another. Pray for one another. Have empathy. This COVID-19 is a type and shadow of things to come, a prophetic fire drill if you will. It is showing us just how fast our freedom can be shackled. It demonstrates how quickly the world can be locked down in response to a crisis. As we look at this prophetically, watch carefully for leaders arising out of the Middle East, especially from Turkey and Iran. Study Daniel 8, Ezekiel 38-39, and Matthew 24. Don't get caught up in the wild-eyed claims and conspiracy theories-they are only there to deceive. Be wise. Take care. Show the love of Christ as your testimony. Remember, you are still here and you will be until the Lord decides to remove you. As Christ said in Matthew 24:13, "But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved." You have been given a spirit of power, love and a sound mind. Do not fear. Daily Devotion: On the Run? - by Greg Laurie - Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. -James 4:7 Are you running from God? Maybe you were raised in a Christian home, and you're running from that. You're saying, "I don't want these values. I don't want to live this way. I want to live my way. My family doesn't know what they're talking about." And off you go. How's that working out for you? God will give us the freedom to make our own choices. And He will allow us to experience the repercussions of those choices. Jonah found out that it was a really bad idea to run from God. The others on the ship called out to their gods, and ultimately Jonah called out to his God. Would you rather have a nice easy flight and a crash landing, or a bumpy flight and a safe landing? For nonbelievers, life on Earth is as good as it will get. That's it. If Jesus Christ isn't a part of their lives, it will get a lot worse. But for the Christian, life on Earth is as bad as it ever will be, because the best is yet to come. When Jesus told the disciples to go to the other side of the Sea of Galilee, a terrible storm hit. But they did make it to the other side. Some people in life seem to have no suffering at all. Then there are others who seem to have more than their share of suffering. Why is this? I don't know. But I do know this: There is more than life on Earth. There is eternity. As Christians, ultimately. we will live happily ever after. But there might be some rough seas along the way. God loves you. His plans for you are better than your plans for yourself. So, don't run from Him. Run to Him. FROM THE HEART
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