Prophecy Update Newsletter
5 Reasons to Talk about Prophecy - By Jonathan Brentner - Does the study of prophecy add value to the lives of believers that they could not receive apart from it? Is it worth the effort to talk about our future hope despite the controversy that rages over it today? Yes, absolutely! The Lord provided us with prophecies regarding Israel, the rapture, and Second Coming throughout Scripture; the last book speaks almost exclusively on future things. The volume of space given to future things in the Bible tells us its study has great value for believers. Here are five key reasons for talking about our future hope: Prophecy Consoles us in the Midst of Loss and Despair I experienced the consoling impact of biblical prophecy at the age of ten when my dad suffered a fatal heart attack. In the midst of my sorrow, I felt the comforting impact of 1 Thessalonians 4:12-18. "Wouldn't a belief in the general resurrection of all believers have brought the same comfort?" one might ask. Perhaps, but the imagery of the rapture touched my heart at the time. The Lord knew the naïve little boy of my past needed more than a foggy notion of eternal life to console him, and provided him with a picture of meeting his dad in the air. And, it worked! I still love to write about the rapture! Life in this fallen world provides many reasons for despair besides the loss of a loved one. We feel the pain of vanishing aspirations, of failing health, of aging, of financial woes, of persecution, and of rejection by those we love. Even when our dreams come true, we know they cannot last forever. Life goes by so quickly that we scarcely have time to catch our breath before the next decade arrives. The Gospel comforts us in all those circumstances through its assurance of a joyous existence after this life. Paul wrote that Christ "abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the Gospel" (2 Tim. 1:10). Apart from our future bodily resurrection to immortality, the apostle went so far as to say our faith would be worthless (read 1 Cor. 15:17-19). Many teachers err by divorcing prophecy from the Gospel. The Apostle Paul did not do that; he made the specifics of our forever hope an essential aspect of the Lord's saving message (see Rom. 8:23-25). Prophecy Reminds Us that God is Sovereign In Isaiah 46:9-11, God tells us His purpose for revealing events before they happen, ". . . I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done saying, 'My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish my purpose . . . I have spoken, and I will bring it to pass; I have purposed it, and I will do it.'" Fulfilled prophecy demonstrates God's sovereign control over history. He loves to reveal the distant future so when what He predicted takes place, people recognize His greatness. The Old Testament contains over 100 prophecies regarding Jesus' first coming that happened exactly as predicted. This is why Christ chided the Pharisees for not recognizing the signs that He, their Messiah, was standing before them (Matt. 16:1-4). What would Jesus' say about the many signs we see today? The Bible contains many more prophecies related to Jesus' return to earth; some of which He is already fulfilling before our eyes so we can recognize the time in which we live. We can rest assured God's promises will never fail; He remains in control of history. The world often seems out of control to us, but prophecy tells us a different story: God is sovereign over all things. Prophecy Assures us that God will Punish Evil Numerous passages in the Old Testament speak of a future "day of the Lord." Scripture describes it as a time in which God pours out His wrath on sinful humanity and reaches its climax with Jesus' return to earth to set up His earthly kingdom centered in Jerusalem (Isa. 13:9-13; Joel 2:1-11, 30-32; Zeph. 1:14-18). Prophecy assures us of a coming time when God will punish evil. Psalm 37 explains how this still future time of wrath enables us to cope with the overt wickedness of our day. Without the reassurance of God's future judgments, we would easily give in to anger, worry, and loud demands that justice be served. Whenever I feel these tendencies, I read Psalm 37:1-15. In these verses David explains that our agonizing over the wickedness of the world only hurts us. God sees everything we do, and much more. He will certainly judge the evil and lawlessness that grieves our hearts; we can count on that. We need only to wait a little while longer for Him to intervene in our world. His glory will one day fill the entire world "as the waters cover the sea" (Hab. 2:14). God's righteousness will triumph over all the evil we see in our world. Count on it! The Fulfillment of Prophecy Strengthens our Faith The reemergence of Israel in the past seventy years provides us with an example of how prophecy strengthens our faith. The Israel we see today represents the beginnings of the prophecy God gave to the prophet Ezekiel in chapters 36-37. The Lord has stood up the dry bones ahead of the time He will put His Spirit inside them. When we examine how Jesus literally fulfilled prophecy with His first coming, it reassures our faith. Many have come to saving faith through seeing God's hand at work in that way. When we see God starting to do the exact same thing with future prophecy, it stirs our hearts with hope that His promises regarding our future will soon be reality. Watching God fulfill prophecy strengthens our faith at a time when the news makes our future seem bleak; we read predictions of economic collapse and great natural disasters. Because God never fails to keep His covenants and promises, we rest in His assurances of our future. Prophecy Leads to a Two-World Perspective The more we immerse our minds in the specifics of eternity, the more we live in the two-world perspective of 2 Corinthians 4:17-18, "For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal." A skeptic might ask, "Isn't this perspective possible apart from a study of the specifics of prophecy?" And I agree, but it's extremely difficult. Apart from a focus on God's promises regarding our future, how does one maintain such an outlook in a world that never ceases to beg for our attention? I spend my work week studying and writing about our imminent hope and other matters of prophecy. Even with all that, this perspective does not come easily to me. Apart from our focus on Jesus' promised return to take us back to His "Father's house" in heaven (John 14:2-3), how do we maintain a proper balance between this life and eternity? I believe this is why Jesus commanded us to always "watch" and "be ready" for His return (Matt. 24:44; 25:13). He knew we needed to "watch" for His imminent return in order to remain mindful of it. The Lord does not come to us in our despair and simply say "be comforted." He tells us of our future glorious existence in eternity. He reminds us of His track record in fulfilling His promises and gives us an inner confidence of future joy regardless of our circumstances. Jesus assures us this world is not all we have and tells us that He will soon appear to take us home to the place He is preparing for us. These are my key reasons for talking about prophecy. Perhaps you have other items you treasure in your heart for doing the same. Jonathan Brentner Website: Our Journey Home Please consider signing up for my newsletter. Thanks! E-mail: [email protected] How Palestinian Leaders Encourage Terrorism - by Bassam Tawil - Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas recently reaffirmed his longstanding commitment to pay families of Palestinians who were imprisoned for or killed during terrorist attacks against Israelis. "We have been paying the families of the prisoners and martyrs since 1965," Abbas told Arab League Foreign Ministers during an emergency meeting in Cairo on April 21. Abbas's insistence on paying millions of dollars to families of Palestinians who murder or attempt to murder Jews, has cost the Palestinians a heavy price. In the past two months, Abbas's government has been unable to pay full salaries to its 200,000 employees. The reason? Israel has begun deducting, from the tax revenues it collects on behalf of the Palestinians, the same amount the PA government pays each month to the families of the prisoners and "martyrs." Facing a sharp financial crisis, the PA government says it has been forced to pay its employees only 50%-60% of their salaries because Israel has been deducting the large sums of money that were supposed to go to the families of prisoners and terrorists who carried out attacks against Israelis. In his speech before the Arab foreign ministers, Abbas urged the Arab states to provide the Palestinians with financial aid to prevent the PA from collapsing. Referring to Israel's opposition to the payments made to Palestinian terrorists and their families, Abbas explained: "We've been paying them since 1965 because they died or were imprisoned or wounded for the sake of a national interest and not for personal reasons. It's our duty to care for the families." Abbas further claimed that Israel has deducted more than $100 million from the tax revenues in the past two months. According to a report published by Wafa, the total annual budget of the Palestinian Authority is $5 billion. The amount that supports prisoners directly is $155 million, out of which $147 million are spent on transfers to the prisoners. These include "salaries" to 5,000 current prisoners, paying Israeli fines for 1,200 prisoners, grants to 1,500 prisoners upon their release, grants for 1,200 unemployed released prisoners, salaries for 5,500 released prisoners and unspecified amounts to released prisoners who spent more than 10 years in jail. The PA budget for supporting the families of "martyrs" and the wounded is $185 million, Wafa noted. This sum is used to make sure that 24,000 families of "martyrs" and wounded get a monthly allowance. In a further example of business as usual, the Arab League ministers promptly issued a statement pledging $100 million per month to the PA to compensate it for the funds withheld by Israel. Based on past experience, though, the likelihood of this promise being fulfilled is next to nothing. The Arab states have been strikingly generous with the Palestinians when it comes to lip service. However, when it comes to filling Palestinian coffers, the Palestinians have, in the past 25 years, seen hardly any real assistance from their Arab brethren. The failure of the Arab states to come to the aid of the Palestinians is far from a new development. In fact, the Palestinians have long lamented that the Arab world has turned its back on them. Less well understood is Abbas's readiness to sacrifice the livelihood of tens of thousands of families of public employees for the sake of supporting Palestinian terrorists. Abbas's remarks at the Arab League gathering in Cairo and other statements he has made in the past few months demonstrate his preference for the well-being of terrorists over the ability of hard-working employees to put bread on the table for their families. In the past few months, Abbas has made explicit his list of priorities - and topping that list are would-be Jew killers. The families of the terrorists, Abbas has stated, should be the first to receive salaries from his government. These families, according to him, are entitled to be at the head of the line of those standing to receive their salaries. On July 23, 2018, at a Ramallah ceremony honoring Palestinian terrorists, Abbas referred to the prisoners and "martyrs" as "pioneers" and "stars in the sky of the Palestinian people's struggle who have a top priority in everything." Abbas said: "We will neither reduce nor withhold the allowances of the families of martyrs, prisoners, and released prisoners, as some want [us to do]; if we had one single penny left, we would spend it on the families of the martyrs and the prisoners." Abbas has been left with much more than a penny because Israel has been withholding only a small percentage of the tax and tariff revenues it collects on behalf of the Palestinians. Israel's move is not aimed at punishing the entire Palestinian public as much as sending a message to Palestinian leaders to cease and desist from paying Palestinians to murder Jews. As Abbas stated explicitly, the Palestinian leadership has indeed been making such payments since 1965. Could he possibly have meant to imply that this fact makes such a policy moral? These payments lie at the heart of Palestinian incitement to terror that drives the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. If anyone is collectively punishing the Palestinians, it is Abbas himself. He is depriving tens of thousands of families of full salaries, thus preventing them from purchasing food for their children or paying various fees, including rent and university tuition. The only families who continue to receive full salaries are those whose sons and daughters are in prison or in the grave for murdering or attempting to murder Jews. A Palestinian civil service employee who sends his son to university does not get a full salary. A Palestinian whose son sets out to murder a Jew is entitled to a full salary and earns more respect from Palestinian leaders. What message is Abbas sending to his people? That those who wish to eat had better turn to terror. The families of the public employees who are now unable to pay their grocery bill and rent are now looking at the families of the terrorists with envy. They must be saying to themselves: "We are suckers because we didn't send our children to stab a Jew!" This is the education that the Palestinians leaders have been providing since 1965. Nearing Midnight: The Departure - Terry James - Author's note: This article has appeared in this and other forums previously. The heads-up it represents to the Christian who should be looking for the Blessed Hope (Titus 2:13) has never been more relevant than now. Because the spiritual falling away is so pronounced, the literal (spatial) "Departure"-the Rapture of the Church-has never been more in immediate prospect! The Scripture is haunting. It echoes and reverberates throughout the spiritual hallways of the Church with each passing hour. Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils. (1 Timothy 4:1). This forewarning fits into the last-days pattern, also given by the Apostle Paul, in the familiar prophetic passage: Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of Perdition. (2 Thessalonians 2:3) The "falling away," apostasia in Greek, means a "departure from." Paul prophesied in the 2 Timothy 4:1 passage that there will come a time at the end of the Church Age when people will depart from the "faith." He foretells in 2 Thessalonians that this will be a general "falling away," the apostasy of the end time. What is this "faith" from which people will fall away, and who are the "people" who will fall away? Another crucial question is: Can the departure that God forewarned be recognized when it occurs? "Faith," as here defined, must by context be the faith in the One who is at the heart of the Gospel-faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Lamb of God, chosen from the foundation of the world to be the propitiation for the sin that separates fallen man from God. It is the faith you and I must have in order to confess with our mouths that Jesus is the only begotten Son of God, and to believe in the deepest part of our spirits that God raised Him from the dead. That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. (Romans 10:9) A person can't fall from a position (doctrinally speaking in this case) he never has attained. The "people," then, whom Paul the apostle is writing about in his prophecies of 1 Timothy 4:1 and 2 Thessalonians 2:3 are those who have believed in Jesus Christ for salvation of their souls. This brings us to the question: Can the departure God, through Paul, foretold be recognized when it occurs? To recognize that "falling away"-that apostasia, or apostasy-when it begins to happen will almost certainly give the Christian attuned to God's will a heads-up on the nearness of the Tribulation era, thus to the nearness of the Rapture of the Church. We have looked at the "faith" as faith in Jesus for salvation and at the "people"who will "depart" from the faith as being the Church-that is, the true Christians who are alive at the time of the end, when the apostasy takes place. Although there are those who think this departure includes the possibility of one losing one's salvation, the "falling away" of 2 Thessalonians 2:3 cannot include that meaning. A quick look at Romans 8:38 and 39, to name just one security-of-the-believer passage, shows that God's Word teaches that the believer can't depart from the Heavenly Father to the point of losing his or her family status. Jesus, in John chapter 17, makes that absolutely clear. I suggest that if you have questions about this, read the Scriptures I just mentioned. What, then, is meant by "departing from the "faith"? Glad you asked. The "faith" mentioned in 2 Thessalonians and 1 Timothy 2:3 is a collection of faith principles wrapped up in the Lord Jesus Christ. These principles are doctrines put forth by the Word of God. The Word of God is none other than the Lord Jesus: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (John 1:1) "People" at the time of the "falling away" will "depart" from the "faith"-the doctrines put forth by the Word of God, who is Jesus Christ. This departure will mark the generation of Christians at the very end of the Church Age. The question that applies most relevantly to us today is: Are we seeing signals of the departure about which Paul forewarned? We have analyzed, dissected, examined, and inspected every end-time signal found in God's Word many times in these commentaries: Israel again in the land of promise; the EU looking to be the reviving Roman Empire; Russia, Persia (modern Iran) and other nations looking to be a nucleus that will one day form the Gog-Magog force of Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39. These, plus, all of the other end-time characteristics of this generation. However, I believe the most insidious of all the things taking place under the clever, devious hand of the devil-Satan-is the falling away, the departure from the faith being currently orchestrated by Lucifer, the fallen one. This departure is evident to the spiritually discerning when looking at the church growth movement. This "seeker friendly" approach to both the saved and the lost (all who don't know Christ) through New Age, corporation-type seminar seductiveness and brainwashing techniques that water down or completely eliminate true Bible doctrine is leading in a profound departure from the "faith once delivered" (see Jude 1: 3). The new paradigm instituted by the champions of the church growth movement is the shift from New Testament Christianity to "New Spirituality-Driven Christianity." Like in the modern corporate organization, invented in large part by German economic guru Peter Drucker, who mentored some of the leading designers of the church growth movement, the system is more an organism than an organization-adopting Drucker's model based upon Freudian psychology and Darwinian evolutionary principles. The individual is assigned a value, and must fit in or be removed from the system. To put it as I heard one person of the movement say: "Pillars just hold things up. So, they need to be moved out of the way." So, those who hold to doctrine must get out of the way so no one will have their feelings hurt by talk of sin, blood atonement, and eternal punishment in the place called Hell, if repentance is not forthcoming. Again, the Apostle Paul wrote God's view of this watering down of doctrine: But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. (Galatians 1:8) Are we at the point of departure from the faith that is prophesied for the very end of the Church Age? Maybe we can get a better sense by looking at one more area of Scripture pertaining to the matter: I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. (2 Timothy 4:1-4) There is another prophetically scheduled departure to consider. It's the one we should be looking forward to. It is a God-ordained onethat will remove every child of God of the Church Age-living and dead-from Planet Earth in one millisecond: Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ. (Titus 2:13) I Never Thought I'd See the Day (Part 4) - By Jan Markell - I started this rather remarkable series a year-and-a-half ago. I began noticing things I never thought I would see in my lifetime. Sadly, they keep happening, so unfortunately, I'll keep noting them! So more recently, I never thought I would see the day when: * Another entertainment outfit encourages the assassination of President Trump. It was in a tweet from CBS' The Good Fight. * I would be called a cult member for believing in the pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church. * Politicians would talk about the world ending in 12 years but never in a biblical context. This end-of-the-world mindset will get nobody into Heaven! * Dozens of abortion workers would quit the industry thanks to a fairly low-budget film called "Unplanned." * My tax dollars would pay for a witch hunt that took 22 months, using 19 lawyers, 40 FBI agents, 2,800 subpoenas, 500 search warrants, and 500 witnesses...all for nothing. It's called the Mueller Report. * Half of America's pastors would admit they are afraid to speak out on certain issues because they might offend church members. Thus, they dare not defend traditional marriage or offend the LGBTQ crowd. * More of my tax dollars -- $235,000 -- would be spent for a virulent anti-Semitic event at the University of North Carolina last March. You can see the video here and you have to see it to believe it! * One-third of Americans disbelieve the fact that six million Jews perished in the Holocaust, and almost 70% of Millennials don't know what Auschwitz is. * The media would endlessly report on President Trump's supposed misbehavior and never mention the previous president's lawlessness. * The media would also have a meltdown because President Trump likes to hire "religious" people such as Mike Pompeo and Mike Pence. The New York Times said they were "horrified." * One state would talk about making pastors and priests become government informants. Leave it to California. * Eight-year-olds are receiving injections for their gender confusion. Isn't this child abuse in any society? * Illegal aliens would get public housing while impoverished Americans are on their own. * The world would mourn a Cathedral in Paris that is shrouded in demonic creatures as is Notre Dame. * The Democrat Party would let one of their members get away with saying "some people did something" referring to our 9/11. Yet Ihan Omar may be the most celebrated member of the U.S. Congress. * An evangelical college, Taylor University, would leave some students "physically shaken" because Vice President Pence is going to speak there. * Someone would be fined $55,000 for calling a male a male. * Fox News would censure Judge Jeanine Pirro, and ban her for two weeks, then hire a woman who engaged in election meddling -- Donna Brazile, an ardent Leftist. * This past Resurrection weekend nearly every church in my home town of Minneapolis talked about Jesus Christ's ascension into Heaven but I suspect hardly any of them talked of His soon return! There's much more that got my attention but I'll keep my list short. You get the idea. Things are out of whack in the world. I'd rather say things are falling into place! Part one of the series is here. Part two of the series is here. Part three of the series is here. Daily Jot: The coup intensifies - Bill Wilson - While President Donald Trump's approval rating continues to decline in the aftermath of the Democratic Party and media onslaught about obstruction of justice in the Mueller Report-what the report specifically says that there were no charges levied, the Democratic coup-makers continue to fabricate a narrative that the President should be impeached. This is nothing short of a nearly three-year campaign to remove a duly-elected president from office while the real business of running the nation, solving its many challenges, and the divisive visceral continues by opposition to the President. Yet there is no substantial evidence to back the claims while the media continues hammering away at all facets of the administration. The battle is evident: partisan party politics, not what is best for America. Trump identified it in a sentence when he told the Washington Post that he didn't want former members of his Administration testifying before Congress. He said, "I don't want people testifying to a party, because that is what they're doing if they do this." The "this" is referring to former White House personnel security director Carl Kline, who was subpoenaed by Democrats who are "investigating" anything and everything they can about Trump. Congressman Elijah Cummings (D-Md), chairman of the House Oversight Committee stated: "It appears that the president believes that the Constitution does not apply to this White House...that he may obstruct attempts by Congress to conduct oversight." This is the buzz word in the coup-inspired narrative-obstruction. The Democrats believe that the Mueller Report didn't go far enough to bring obstruction of justice charges against Trump. So they are taking it upon themselves to label Trump as an obstructionist by investigating everything they can think of, including his tax returns for the past six years. AP reports that Trump and his business organization sued Cummings to block a subpoena that seeks years of the president's financial records. The complaint, filed in federal court in Washington, said a subpoena from Cummings "has no legitimate legislative purpose" and accused the Democrats of harassing Trump. CBS reports that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) held a conference call with the chairs of several powerful committees to discuss the Democrat's path forward following the Mueller Report. She told the Democrat leaders (sic coup leaders) that the House should continue committee investigations into the president. This current onslaught is a coup-narrative designed to shout obstruction while at the same time the Democrats are obstructing the business of America and the functions of government. As in 1 Timothy 3:16, "But evil men and seducers shall grow worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived." Take heed that you are not deceived by these people. Daily Devotion: The Value of Wait Time - by Greg Laurie - But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. - Isaiah 40:31 There was a time when, if you wanted to access a movie, you went to a video store and rented something called a videotape, which also came with a reminder to "be kind and rewind." Then DVD technology arrived, so you didn't have to rewind anymore. Then Netflix came along, and your rental DVDs were delivered by mail. Now you can just stream the movies you want to watch. We don't have to wait for much of anything today. We just click it and stream it. Everything comes fast. The idea of waiting is an alien concept in a culture accustomed to immediate gratification. The Bible tells us, "But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint" (Isaiah 40:31 NKJV). After Nehemiah heard that the walls of Jerusalem were broken down, four months passed. He waited before he posed his question to the king: "If it pleases the king, and if your servant has found favor in your sight, I ask that you send me to Judah, to the city of my fathers' tombs, that I may rebuild it" (Nehemiah 2:5 NKJV). Nehemiah spent more time praying than he did building. Sometimes the Lord will give you an idea. But timing is everything. You must wait for the right moment to go to the next place. Most of us don't like to wait, however. We like everything now. Know this: Waiting time is never wasted time. We need a plan, and then we need to pray that God will help us with that plan-if it is the plan He has given to us. There is a time to pray, and there is a time to move. FROM THE HEART
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