Prophecy Update Newsletter
Is This the End? Just How Close Are We? - by Bill Perkins - Most of us are watching what's going on in the world and are wondering what, if anything, this pandemic has to do with the last-days run-up to the Rapture. Listening to the news it certainly feels apocalyptic! Americans have historically weathered financial problems from time to time but were spared from the devastation of cities during World War I and II. More recently, Korea, Vietnam and the Middle Eastern conflicts were a LONG way away. So even a "stay home order" is new to most Americans. And boy there are a lot of wild theories circulating about the root cause of Covid-19. Some of the articles and videos people have sent me are mind-boggling. But most are just wild unbiblical theories that should be ignored. My favorite conspiracy theory is that coronavirus/Covid-19 is being caused by the new installation of 5G Internet service. Please! Rays from 5G may or may not be good for your health, but I'm convinced it has zero to do with the Covid-19 that we're experiencing. So it's important to step back a bit and look at what is, and isn't, going on from a Biblical perspective. We're Not In The Tribulation! The first thing to always keep in mind is that until the Rapture happens, "THE END OF THE WORLD" is at least 1007 years away. We're presently living at the very end of the Church Age, and when this dispensation/time period concludes, we still have the 7-year Tribulation and the 1000-year reign of Christ yet to happen before the earth is burned up. So it doesn't end anytime soon and it certainly doesn't end by disease. So our concern is really only how close we are to The Rapture (The arrow pointing up in the timeline graphic above), the great removal of Believers from the earth. which is the next big worldwide Church event. When addressing Christians in the Church Age, the Bible doesn't say the world will get worse and worse and then the end will come. Rather, just the opposite. As we've laid out in past articles, Jesus said His coming for the Church will be "just like" the days of Noah "For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah." Matt. 24:37 "And just as it happened in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man:" Not leaving anything to possible incorrect interpretation, Jesus went on to explain what it was like during the days of Noah. He said: "For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be." Matt. 24:38,39 The parallel passages in Luke 17 pointedly say people will be eating, drinking, buying, selling, planting, and building. Then Jesus concludes with: "It will be just the same on the day that the Son of Man is revealed." Luke 17:30 We know this has to be referring to the Rapture because just before the 2nd Coming the world will have been completely annihilated with only a few surviving into the Millennium. So in picture form, what Jesus said about Noah, looks like this: Therefore, since the run up to Rapture will be JUST LIKE the days of Noah, here's what it looks like in picture form when applied to us today: Believers won't be surprised when Rapture happens, but the rest of the world will be totally shocked. Therefore, what Believers should understand from what Jesus taught is that life will be relatively normal before the Rapture. Paul even adds that just before the Rapture it will be a time of peace and safety: For you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night. While they are saying, "Peace and safety!" then destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape. But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day would overtake you like a thief; for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We are not of night nor of darkness; 1Th. 5:2-5 And as you see, Paul also added that day would come as a surprise only to evil, unsaved people. As Believers, we can discern the signs and get excited about being close to that day.(8) Paul then concluded the thought with the cherry on top of the cake-we won't be here for the horrific 7-year Tribulation. For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, 1Th. 5:9 So whatever the Coronavirus pandemic is, it's temporary and not the end of the world, because if this keeps up there will be no buying and selling, weddings, building, etc. God is fully in control, therefore Covid-19 IS part of God's permissive will. This life is not heaven and we experience both laughter and sorrow between birth and death. We live as aliens on this planet ruled by Satan. "... in whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel ..." 2Cor. 4:4 The wheat and the tares, the Believers and non-Believers, live together for now. As Believers, we're thankful for the good things and accept the bad things knowing one day all evil will be removed. And the Bible does talk about pestilences in the future. and there will be great earthquakes, and in various places plagues and famines; Luke 21:11a The word "plague" used there is literally "disease." But the problem is that portion of scripture is referring to things happening in the post-Rapture 7-year Tribulation. God will be pouring out His wrath on the world but Believers won't be here. Is this a warning from God? But Covid-19 could be a warning of things to come in the future. In the future Tribulation, famine, floods, hail and earthquakes will be 100 times worse than anything ever seen in the past. Currently we're all sitting in temperature-controlled homes with electricity, Internet and plenty to eat. Most expect this is just a temporary situation so they patiently are waiting for the stay-home order to be reversed. This is NOT what it will be like in the Tribulation. The death, destruction and disease begins immediately and continues for 7 long years. People will beg to die, but can't. and they said to the mountains and to the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the presence of Him who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb;" Rev. 6:16 Our hearts and prayers go out to those who miss the Rapture and are forced to live under the wrath of God. That's why we circulate our Millions Missing booklets and tracts. They explain what to do if you miss the Rapture." CLICK HERE to get the info. Is Satan preparing to reign on earth? Satan is alive and well and is a very intelligent spirit. He can read God's Word just like we can. He knows his time to take over the entire earth is close, and he is putting people and actions into place to use when the Rapture happens. So when we hear even slight references to a future global government, universal currency, or a single worldwide economic system, they sound very familiar to those who have done even a cursory study of Bible prophecy. Satan will eventually get 3 1/2 years on earth just like Jesus had 3 1/2 years. But where Jesus brought healing, love and freedom, Satan will bring just the opposite-sickness, hate and bondage. But again, we WILL NOT be here for that wrath of God. Keep in mind that while the Holy Spirit Restrainer is still present on earth and permanently indwelling Believers, Satan doesn't have full sway over the earth. So watching the last-day's turf tussle is quite fascinating. Take for instance the current struggle between Big Pharma and common sense. The drug companies are flipping out over the bad press Advil is getting when it's used on Covid-19 patients. Doctors on the front line are reporting that using Advil appears to make the virus far worse, not better.(1) So Big Pharma has issued numerous fake news releases saying this is not true...trying to protect their money-maker Advil. Always remember that the pharmaceutical industry is huge and primarily profit-driven.(1) The billions of dollars at stake often cause man to make decisions based on how much profit is made, not how many people are healed. If you're unconvinced that a drug company will choose profit over anything else, why would there be a drug already approved for general use that's cheap, safe and effective against Covid-19, called hydroxychloroquine, yet Big Pharma is so against it? It's because it's generic and not controlled by Big Pharma who wants to sell a patented vaccine worldwide making billions of dollars. The complicit liberal media crucifies President Trump and others who are promoting its use, parroting the phrase "unproven drug." They claim that the drug hasn't been put through multiple Covid-19 trials, ignoring the fact that millions of doses have been prescribed over the last sixty plus years with no significant side effects. We're in a crisis, and with human lives at stake, why wouldn't we at least try this drug that has great success in treating Covid-19? Instead, we're watching the obvious "fast-tracking" and speed-up of the COVID-19 vaccine approval while at the same time slowing the approval of hydroxychlorquine, which is NOW available and works! Are vaccines a stepping stone to world control? If the drug companies can hold off the widespread use of hydroxychlorquine and get the Covid-19 vaccine finished, it's likely they'll go for the jugular and push for mandatory vaccines before you're allowed to travel, vote, shop, buy gas-and you can see where that's headed! (Rev 13:16,17) Bill Gates, who I put in the same category as George Soros, is a vocal proponent for population control and huge proponent of vaccines. For years he's pushed for massive worldwide vaccinations. He recently stated, "Mass public gatherings will not come back 'at all' until we have everyone on the planet covered by vaccines."(5) Suspicious timing of events If the world Elites, (who are pushing for world government) saw all that they had put in place in the last 30 years being jeopardized by President Trump, they would stop at nothing to get him out of office. So it's interesting to look at a timeline of recent key events. Notice the impeachment dates in pink. Was the timing of President Trump's impeachment planned to distract him from being able to deal with the Covid-19? Sure looks suspicious: March 2015 Bill Gates gives a Ted Talk on future virus pandemic potential, and pushes vaccines as a solution. Click here to watch the video. January 2017 Dr. Fauci predicts Trump will have to deal with a surprise outbreak of a global virus. September 2018 Chinese government holds drill for for the same coronavirus pathogen that is now a pandemic. October 2018 Wuhan, China hold Military Olympics with 10,000 athletes and 230,000 volunteers from 110 countries. September-November, 2019 House of Representatives holds behind closed-door hearings for evidence on President Trump impeachment articles. November 2019 First coronavirus case in China confirmed December 18, 2019 President Trump impeached by Congress on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. December 20, 2019 House Speaker Nancy Pelosi delays sending articles of impeachment to the Senate. December 30, 2019 34-year-old Chinese doctor in Wuhan, Li Wenliang, warns about coronavirus on a live chat, immediately censored by Chinese government, all related posts deleted. January 11, 2020 China reported its first coronavirus death January 16, 2020 Pelosi finally sends Articles of Impeachment to the Senate thus initiating the Senate impeachment trial. January 20, 2020 Coronavirus discovered in Japan, South Korea and Thailand January 21, 2020 Coronavirus discovered in USA. January 23, 2020 Wuhan, China closed, no one could go in or out. Buses, subways and ferries closed. January 28, 2020 Center for Disease Control says Coronavirus is serious but the threat to the U.S. is “low.†January 29, 2020 President Trump creates Coronavirus task force, despite the CDC downplaying the threat. January 30, 2020 W.H.O. declared Chinese coronavirus a global health emergency. January 31, 2020 President Trump suspends entry to the USA for any person who had traveled to China in the past 14 days. Liberal media calls him racist and xenophobic. February 2, 2020 First death from coronavirus reported outside China. February 5, 2020 President Trump acquitted. February 11, 2020 W.H.O. gives a name to the specific virus: “Covid-19†February 24, 2020 Nancy Pelosi encourages people to go out in public and spend money at local businesses, declaring it “safe.†February 29, 2020 USA records first coronavirus death. March 11, 2020 WHO declares Covid-19 a pandemic. March 11, 2020 President Trump bans travel from Europe. March 13, 2020 President Trump declares a national emergency. I find it amazing that in the midst of President Trump's impeachment trial, he creates a Coronavirus task force and stops incoming Chinese travelers. Rather than dealing with the potential end of his Presidency, he puts America first.If Gates, Soros, Pelosi et. al., thought they could distract President Trump from dealing with Covid-19 to allow it to spread viciously, they were wrong because God didn't want it to happen. God is in control, not man, not Satan. Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. Rom. 13:1 If this is not yet God's timing for Rapture, the Lord may use someone (President Trump?) to incorporate innovative procedures to stop the virus in its tracks, like hydroxychlorquine. Doctors are already screaming at Dr. Fauci, who is a huge supporter of Big Pharma, for continuing to downplay its usefulness.(6) And the FDA has now approved the use of hydroxychlorquine in emergency situations.(7) And per the Wall Street Journal, April 10, (headline below) research is showing that over-reaction of the body's immune system may be playing a key part in the more severe Covid-19 cases. That also has implications for other known drugs that could prove to be very effective.(3) So all this could very well be a game-changer. But whatever happens, we know that "we are not up against flesh and blood." And Satan has been "conspiring" against God's plan for 6000 years. And whenever he can, Satan uses governments, world influencers, corporations, politicians, media, and anything else that serves his purpose. But the good news is that in the end, Satan loses! My prayer is that it's not yet time for the close of the Church Age so we can witness a little longer. My prayer is also that the Lord will protect President Trump and allow him to turn this mess around despite the constant liberal lies and attacks. Lastly, my prayer is that God will give President Trump the wisdom to get the economy rolling again. That he will be reelected by a landslide, and the Republicans win a majority in the House and Senate. If God does tarry, the upside would be that the Lord might use us to reach more people with the Good News about Jesus' offer to pay for their sins and therefore miss the horrific Tribulation. It's certainly an awful time that will make this coronavirus look like a walk in the park. Shalom! Bill (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Will Post-Lockdown Normal Include Anti-Virus Patrols? - By Tyler Durden/Activist Post - The industrial hub of over eleven million people and ground zero for the global outbreak, Wuhan, has come roaring back to life but more in the way of a dystopian version of itself after the virus peaked there in February and now with almost no new infections occurring according to official numbers. Under strict lockdown since late January as the virus ripped through the original 'hot zone' epicenter of Hubei province, the capital city provides a glimpse of what hard-hit urban centers in the West may look like in a new post-lockdown world. "So far, Wuhan's answer has been to create a version of normal that would appear utterly alien to people in London, Milan, or New York -- at least for the moment," Bloomberg writes. It's a situation that appears 'normal' but with a totalitarian twist: Bolstered by China's powerful surveillance state, even the simplest interactions are mediated by a vast infrastructure of public and private monitoring intended to ensure that no infection goes undetected for more than a few hours. Just to get a major Lenovo tablet and phone factory on the outskirts of the city up and running again - previously closed for over two months - workers are first greeted by a series of four temperature checks. If flagged for even slightly higher than normal temperature (above 99.1F) they get referred to an in-house "anti-virus task force" to make determinations. The steps the factory as well as businesses and offices across the city have taken are designed to spot any potential resurgence in infections a mere minutes after symptoms appear. And this is after returning employees have already been exhaustively tested for both the virus and antibodies before being able to go back to their place of work. And yet still, as Bloomberg describes, there's a detailed regimen involved at every step of the day in the 'new normal': Once cleared, they returned to work to find the capacity of meeting rooms built for six reduced to three and the formerly communal cafeteria tables partitioned off by vertical barriers covered in reminders to avoid conversation. Signs everywhere indicate when areas were last disinfected, and robots are deployed wherever possible to transport supplies, so as to reduce the number of people moving from place to place. Elevators, too, are an artifact of the Before Times; everyone now has to take the stairs, keeping their distance from others all the way. Amid a surge in global demand for laptops and tablets given schools around the world have gone to remote learning, the Lenovo factory has added more than 1,000 workers since reopening operations, with over 10,000 employees on-site. Head of Wuhan's Lenevo operations Qi Yue told Bloomberg the entire factory would immediately shutter again should even one employee get coronavirus. "In my meetings with my staff I always tell them, 'No loosening up, no loosening up.' We can't allow any accidents," he said. Ever worried also about asymptomatic spreaders which could could trigger a second wave, an elaborate electronic surveillance tracking system has also been erected and mandated for anyone wishing to take public transport, such as trains. This is where scores of black-clad police officers will meet citizens, checking the app: Police in black uniforms and medical masks seemed to be everywhere. "Scan your code!" they shouted at travelers approaching the departure gates. The public-private "health code" system that China developed to manage Covid-19, hosted on the Alipay and WeChat apps but deeply linked with the government, assigns one of three viral risk statuses -- red, yellow, or green -- to every citizen. It's a powerful tool with clear potential for abuse. A green QR code, which denotes a low risk of having the virus, is the general default, while coming into contact with an infected person can trigger a yellow code and a mandatory quarantine. Red is for a likely or confirmed case. It should be recalled, too, that politicians and tech companies in the West have batted around the idea of app-based 'infection trackers' and/or 'immunity certificates' and 'special passports'. Places like banks, restaurants, and coffee shops are opening back up, but with significant alterations, such as outdoor waiting areas, screening areas and temperature checks before going in, and often outdoor seating and dining. One area the government has controversially maintained strict controls and curtailments on is funerals, out of concern that large family gatherings can reactivate COVID-19 spread, though critics of the policy say Chinese authorities are sensitive to political aspects to how the virus was handled, as Bloomberg describes: Officially, no patients in Wuhan are still dying from Covid-19, but the treatment of those who did pass away remains an extremely sensitive subject. On Tomb-Sweeping Day in early April, when Chinese families traditionally gather to pay respects to their ancestors, Wuhan's cemeteries were kept closed. Funerals have been banned until at least the end of the month, and family members of the dead have reported pressure from government officials to mourn quickly and quietly. But the restrictions also help Beijing avoid having funerals become a venue for people to vent anger about how the epidemic was handled, or to ask uncomfortable questions about subjects such as China's true death toll. The political anger is there beneath the surface, as a new FT piece also documents of "a small but tight-knit group of dissidents based in Wuhan who took it upon themselves to document the earliest days of coronavirus, a period that has become a closely guarded secret by China's Communist party." They are angry not only over the slow reaction of government authorities in late December, of a lingering aggressive silencing of those who dared and continue to speak up. As far as recovery in the West, and comparing the current crisis to the post-9/11 world, and how American relatively quickly recovered, Bloomberg notes, "It's reasonable to think this time will be different." Nearing Midnight: The Pandemic and the Protests - Terry James - President Trump and others have said something to the effect that damage done by the coronavirus to society, culture, and the economy might be more horrific than the damage to health done by the disease in America and around the world. By this, I infer that the statement means that by completely shutting down society, culture, and business, the resultant damage will be far worse than if the COVID-19 pandemic was handled like other severe outbreaks of history. Those, for the most part, eventually killed many, but life went on pretty much as normal, and the diseases became much less virulent when the so-called herd immunity kicked in. The herd immunity is, as I take it, when the point is reached in the spread of disease that human immune systems biologically learn to resist whatever strain of virus or bacteria is involved. A growing, uncharted-in-America side-effect of the present epidemic crisis is the psychological stress suffered around the country. This nation has never been locked down to any extent, except in rare instances and isolated places. The closest the US has come to this sort of restrictiveness, enforced by government, was during the Civil War when President Lincoln suspended habeas corpus and restricted other areas of life that run counter to the Bill of Rights. At that time of the nation being at war with itself, it was argued that locking down civil and other liberties would lead to dictatorship. Many historians now agree that, had it been a president other than Lincoln, with his great, personal character at the time, the unthinkable would possibly have eventuated. We might now be living under dictatorship. Governments, once they have been allowed powers to control, rarely relinquish that power when things return to normal. As Lord Edward Acton said, "Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely." Or. as one geopolitical figure of our time, Henry Kissinger, has said: "Political power is the ultimate aphrodisiac." We can all, if we're honest, attest to the veracity of those statements. We can, I believe, get a hint of the truth in those words by what is happening around the nation in some areas with regard to governors and their draconian steps during this "crisis." The Michigan governor, for example, has forbidden many things of normal life by shutting the facilities where people normally go for essential services. At the same time, she is keeping abortion clinics, bars, and even places to buy lottery tickets open, calling them "essential services." Protests are ramping up around her capitol, as American citizens are demonstrating against what they perceive as tyranny. Apparently, she is on a power trip, as Lord Acton or Dr. Kissinger would say. The president has said that he feels these protests are in many cases justified. The nation must begin opening up. This shutdown to prevent the virus spread can't go on without irreparable damage to the economy, thus, to the people of America. Agreed. It is un-American. It is antithesis to the nation's principles of freedom. The shutdown must be brought to an end. To do otherwise brings a genuine threat from ideologies that would bring Machiavellian controls that "the prince that shall come" will one day use in his Antichrist dictatorship. I received the following excerpt of an article in the American Thinker. The thoughts expressed present a solid case for suggesting that all of us seriously consider what this crisis might mean in total context for future national life as we've known it. When societies lose their freedom, it is not ordinarily because autocrats or tyrants have forcibly taken it away. It is usually the result of the population willingly surrendering their freedom in return for protection against an external threat. While the threat is oftentimes real, it is invariably exaggerated. This is what we in the United States are experiencing. The general public has been stampeded by the fear mongering in the media into demanding action from the politicians at both the state and federal level. The politicians respond and do not pause to ask whether these actions will work-just do something! They do not ask if the financial and societal cost to the nation is worth the unknown and perhaps nebulous return. In its 244-year history the United States has weathered seven of the worst pandemics in world history without the hysteria and loss of liberty and freedom. All indications reveal that the Coronavirus will be exponentially less life-threatening than any of these previous pandemics. Is the Coronavirus pandemic serious enough to warrant putting much of the nation's population into house imprisonment, or wreaking the economy for an indefinite period of time, or prohibiting worshipers from attending their churches, synagogues or mosques, or outlawing freedom of assembly and travel, or destroying businesses that have taken years to build up, or saddling future generations with unfathomable debt? The nation is choosing to plunge millions of people into depression, heart attacks, suicide and unbelievable distress, though they are not especially vulnerable and will only suffer mild symptoms or none at all. This is what a police state is like. It is a nation in which the government can issue orders and edicts or convey preferences with no legal authority. Yet, it appears the majority of the American people are willing to sacrifice their freedoms and way of life in order to empower such a potential police state in the guise of conquering a pandemic. Governments never give up power once attained. They only seek to normalize it and now they have in their toolbox the knowledge that the citizenry will meekly acquiesce to any national emergency being declared an existential crisis which requires government to unconstitutionally impose its will on the people. (Steve McCann, "How a Police State Is Formed," American Thinker, ) Such a police state-and much, much worse-is coming, according to God's prophetic Word. However, we have the right to defend against (and especially to protest against) such tyranny before that time of Antichrist, a time that will be beyond our control. Accepting Christ for salvation assures that one will not face that ultimate dictatorship. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. (Romans 10:13) Egyptian Plagues are Recurring in 2020 as Prophesied in Malachi - By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - I will pour out my anger upon Sin, the stronghold of Egypt, and I will destroy the wealth of No. I will set fire to Egypt; Sin shall writhe in anguish and No shall be torn apart; and Noph [shall face] adversaries in broad daylight Ezekiel 30:15-16 The COVID-19 pandemic is a global catastrophe but hidden within that great darkness are the sparks of the final redemption. This is clearly evidenced by the manner in which the Ten Plagues of Egypt that preceded the Exodus are reappearing in a unique and prophetic manner that is entirely influenced by the pandemic. PLAGUES PRECEDE FINAL REDEMPTION Jewish sources predict that all of the plagues will reappear in the final Redemption but in even more powerful forms. This reload of the Egyptian plagues was prophesied by Micah. I will show him wondrous deeds As in the days when You sallied forth from the land of Egypt. Micah 7:15 It is also written in Midrash Tanchuma, homiletic teachings collected around the fifth century, that "just as God struck the Egyptians with 10 plagues, so too He will strike the enemies of the Jewish people at the time of the Redemption." This concept was explained by Rabbi Bahya ben Asher, a 13th-century Spanish commentator, who wrote, "In Egypt, God used only part of His strength. When the final redemption comes, God will show much, much more of His power." INSECTS For if you do not let My people go, I will let loose swarms of insects against you and your courtiers and your people and your houses; the houses of the Egyptians, and the very ground they stand on, shall be filled with swarms of insects. Exodus 8:17 Insects bear many threats to humans, but usually, they are guided by evil intent that is as minuscule as their minds. But now, human intervention threatens to increase that evil intent and the ability of insects to harm. The U.S. government's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) announced its Insect Allies program in 2016. The project was touted as being beneficial to mankind by delivering protective genes to plants via insects, which are responsible for the transmission of most plant viruses. Scientists believe that implanting viruses in the bugs would offer plants protective benefits that could ensure food security in the event of a major threat. But some scientists were wary of a hidden agenda. In an editorial published in the journal Science, a group of researchers led by Richard Guy Reeves, from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology in Germany, claim DARPA is potentially developing insects as a means of delivering a "new class of biological weapon." They noted that just as the genes implanted in the insects could help the plants, by the same measure genes could be implanted that would entirely wipe out crops. This certainly leads to conjecture about what other foul purposes tiny bugs could be used for through the wonders of modern technology. The final Gog and Magog War will undoubtedly be fought with modern weapons with some prophecies describing an unnaturally short war hinting at a nuclear engagement. So too, the coronavirus graphically illustrates the potential for genetic science to unleash horrors that shadow the plagues of Egypt. But some have suggested that the animals are coming to check in on the strangely absent humans. that area. HAIL The hail was very heavy-fire flashing in the midst of the hail-such as had not fallen on the land of Egypt since it had become a nation. Exodus 9:24 Hail is a not-uncommon naturally occurring weather condition but not so in its Biblical incarnation which brought together the unnatural mixture of fire and ice. It was not so long ago that many believed 2020 would be remembered for the horrifying wildfires that burned an estimated 46 million acres of land, destroyed over 5,900 buildings including approximately 2,683 homes, and killed at least 30 people. An estimated one billion animals were also killed and some endangered species may be driven to extinction. The fires began as the vast wilderness region of Australia was hard-pressed by a drought. Aid came in an extreme form as the appropriately named Cyclone Esther lingered for the two weeks leading up the holiday of Purim, raising reservoir levels by a full meter, bringing the most rain some areas had experienced in ten years. In late January, while the fires continued to burn in the southeast, the capital city Canberra, Melbourne, and other areas were hit by hailstorms raining down golf-ball-sized chunks of ice. As if one plague of extremes was not enough, a 186-mile wide cloud of red dust was carried by wind gusts up to 66 miles per hour plunged whole swathes of the countryside into darkness. LOCUSTS "Locusts invaded all the land of Egypt and settled within all the territory of Egypt in a thick mass; never before had there been so many, nor will there ever be so many again." Exodus 10:14 No mental gymnastics or imagination stretching are required to place this plague firmly in 2020. A wave of locusts swept through East Africa last year but the wave currently feasting on its leftovers is estimated to be 20 times larger and is described as the worst in 70 years. This wave very much resembles the Biblical plague in this respect, coming as part of a wave of catastrophes that left the land of Egypt bereft of any food. Locusts invaded all the land of Egypt and settled within all the territory of Egypt in a thick mass; never before had there been so many, nor will there ever be so many again. They covered the face of the whole land, so that the land was darkened, and they ate all the plants in the land and all the fruit of the trees that the hail had left. Not a green thing remained, neither tree nor plant of the field, through all the land of Egypt. Exodus 10:14-15 Many farmers are prevented by pandemic lockdowns from going out to their fields to battle the swarms. In addition, the pandemic has slowed the delivery of vital pesticides and equipment form other countries. Many field officers have been prevented from tracking and reporting on the infestation due to restrictions. The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization called the locust outbreak, caused in part by climate change, "an unprecedented threat" to food security and livelihoods. DARKNESS Moshe held out his arm toward the sky and thick darkness descended upon all the land of Egypt for three days. Exodus 10:22 In this list of 2020 coronavirus plagues reloaded, a shocking connection between the pandemic and darkness is revealed in an oblique modern-day 'prophecy.' In 1981, Dean Koontz wrote a suspense novel in which a character named Dombey narrates a story about a Chinese scientist who brought a biological weapon to the U.S. Shockingly, the virus was named Wuhan-400 for the microbiology laboratory that does indeed exist in the city of Wuhan. Claims that the virus had escaped from the Wuhan lab where it was being developed as a biological weapon were initially labeled as conspiracy theories and heavily censored by Facebook, recent revelations indicate that the scenario described by Koontz might be closer to fact than fiction. The name of Koontz's book: The Eyes of Darkness. So, in a rather oblique manner, the plague of The Eyes of Darkness has arrived. KILLING OF THE FIRSTBORN "And every first-born in the land of Egypt shall die, from the first-born of Pharaoh who sits on his throne to the first-born of the slave girl who is behind the millstones; and all the first-born of the cattle." Exodus 11:5 This is perhaps the plague that is most closely connected to the coronavirus. Passover night is the time of the seder ritual which brings together friends and family. Since the Exodus from Egypt, this night has always been a festive time to be surrounded by the ones you love. Until this year. The Israeli government ordered a strict lockdown. Most families had a somber holiday rather than a festive one, with empty seats where the elders, the most vulnerable to the disease, normally sat. This year, the seder more closely resembled the one-time-only seder that was performed in Egypt the night before the Israelites left Egypt and never repeated again. In Egypt, after keeping a lamb in their homes for two weeks, the Jews slaughtered the lamb, painted their doorposts with the blood, roasted it, and ate it. The angel of death was roaming the streets of Egypt, killing all the firstborn, and the blood on the doorposts was a sign that kept death at bay. Like that somber Egyptian seder, Jews performed the seder ritual in tightly shut homes while the angel of death loomed outside. Shmuel Treister, who has translated several mystic works from Hebrew to English and is a scholar of Jewish literature, noted some startling aspects of the coronavirus that connect it to the plague in Egypt. "China instituted a cruel 'one-child policy' from 1980 until 2015," Treister told Breaking Israel News. To enforce birth limits, provincial governments could, and did, require the use of contraception, sterilizations, and abortions to ensure compliance, and imposed enormous fines for violations. According to China's government, 400 million births were prevented. "This horrific policy was similar to what Pharoah imposed on the Jews in Egypt by throwing the male babies into the Nile," Treister said. "It was, essentially, a spiritual as well as a physical attack. Pharoah was trying to prevent the Jews from performing the first commandment given to Adam in Eden of being fruitful and multiplying. "This evil deed by Pharoah was repaid measure-for-measure in the final plague that killed the first-born Egyptians.a human imposed plague of the first-born. In China today, anyone over the age of five was born during the one-child policy. They are, by necessity, the first, and only, born." During their research, scientists used microscopes to photograph the virus and the name comes from its shape, which resembles a crown when imaged using an electron microscope. Corona is Latin for 'Crown'. And China most certainly has a grim role to play in the end-of-days, as noted by the Prophet Ezekiel. I will pour out my anger upon Sin, the stronghold of Egypt, and I will destroy the wealth of No. I will set fire to Egypt; Sin shall writhe in anguish and No shall be torn apart; and Noph [shall face] adversaries in broad daylight Ezekiel 30:15-16 In modern Hebrew, 'Sin' (סין) is the name for China. Daily Jot: Shedding light on a dark, dark agenda - Bill Wilson - Democratic Presidential Candidate Joe Biden held a You Tube virtual town hall on the impact of COVID-19 on women. The town hall revealed several dark, dark agendas of Biden and his party that are worth mentioning. Throughout the town hall, the National Domestic Violence Hotline number was displayed on the screen. In addition, failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton made an appearance endorsing Biden and noting that COVID-19 shows universal health care is badly needed for women. She said "that this would be a terrible crisis to waste." Think about the optics of this: National Domestic Violence Hotline, Hillary Clinton endorsement, socialist healthcare, terrible crisis to waste. The National Domestic Violence Hotline is aimed at assisting those who are impacted or threatened by domestic violence and sexual assault. Statistics indicate that many women are at higher risk during the COVID-19 lockdown. Biden is under attack the past two weeks for allegedly sexually assaulting his Senate staffer in 1993. He has denied the allegation. Having Clinton on his town hall is curious to say the least. Clinton is known for persecuting the many women who claimed her ex-president husband sexually assaulted them, while at the same time adopting the "believe them" theme when a Republican is accused of the same. These people say they are against domestic violence and sexual assault, yet infer women are liars if Democrats are accused. Clinton also used the occasion to endorse Biden for President. She said, "I want to add my voice to the many who have endorsed you to be our president...I am thrilled to be part of your campaign. To not only endorse you but to help highlight a lot of the issues that are at stake during this presidential election." One issue that is highlighted is the charade of being against sexual assault for everyone except them. Another issue is that of socialist healthcare. Clinton said universal health care is needed as shown by the pandemic, concluding, "So I can only say, "Amen," to everything you're saying, but also to, again, enlist people that this would be a terrible crisis to waste, as the old saying goesWe've learned a lot about what our absolute frailties are in our country when it comes to health justice and economic justice." Two things here: First, countries with universal/socialist healthcare, like Italy, fared far worse during the COVID-19 crisis. Second, the communist idea of not allowing a crisis to go to waste is hard-wired among Democratic leadership: In March, House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC) also said, "This is a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision." They use the tragedies of others to advance a dark agenda, while saying that they are advocates of the little guy. Similar to Jeremiah 6:13-15, "Because from the least of them even to the greatest of them, Everyone is given to greed...Everyone deals falsely. They have also healed the hurt of My people slightly, Saying, 'Peace, peace!' When there is no peace. Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? No! They were not at all ashamed." So sadly true. Daily Devotion: A Pattern of Perpetual Sin - by Greg Laurie - But when people keep on sinning, it shows that they belong to the devil, who has been sinning since the beginning. But the Son of God came to destroy the works of the devil.-1 John 3:8 It's an indisputable fact of the universe: we will sin. The Bible even says, "If we claim we have no sin, we are only fooling ourselves and not living in the truth" (1 John 1:8 NLT). Having said that, it doesn't give us an excuse to go out and willfully sin against God. Yet some Christians say, "I believe that once saved, always saved. And because I'm saved, because I'm justified, I can go out and pretty much do whatever I want to do." So, they live in a pattern of habitual and continual sin. Talk about missing the point. They have misunderstood and misused the wonderful biblical teaching known as justification. The apostle Paul wrote, "Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ" (Romans 5:1 NKJV). We see the word justification several times in the Book of Romans. Justification means that when we put our faith in Jesus Christ, God forgives all our sin. He also places the righteousness of Christ into our spiritual account. One-way justification has been defined is "just as if it never had happened." The problem is that some Christians stop at salvation. They don't understand that the fruit of salvation should be evident in their lives. Whoever continues in sin without remorse is not in danger of losing their salvation; rather, by their choices, they reveal they may never have had salvation to begin with. The Bible tells us that "when people keep on sinning, it shows that they belong to the devil, who has been sinning since the beginning. But the Son of God came to destroy the works of the devil" (1 John 3:8 NLT). God has justified us. And in light of that, we should want to live lives that honor Him. FROM THE HEART
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