Prophecy Update Newsletter
May 1, 2017
The Descent of Man - Pete Garcia - "We will transcend all of the limitations of our biology. That is what it means to be human-to extend who we are." Ray Kurzweil The ideas of transhumanism are not all that dissimilar from Adolph Hitler's racial ideations laid out in his book Mein Kampf, and with the policies of the Third Reich. First and foremost, this is not to say that all proponents of transhumanism are Nazi's, I am simply comparing these ideas of creating a master race to that of an upgraded race. The idea of becoming more than human is as old as the human race itself, therefore, I don't credit Hitler with an abundance of original ideas. Then the serpent said to the woman, "You will not surely die. For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." Gen. 3:4-5 But Hitler's ideas of racial purity were not developed in a vacuum. The three main influencers who impacted his philosophy the most were: German composer Richard Wagner, biologist Charles Darwin, and philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. Hitler envisioned a world where the Aryan (white) race would become the dominant race on the planet and go on to rule for a thousand years. Along with the aforementioned influencers, Hitler looked to Martin Luther (focusing not on his Christianity, but on his anti-Semitic beliefs), Teutonic history, the American and British eugenics movement, and the occult. He borrowed heavily from previous secular and religious theories to concoct one for his time and his place. Aside from the idea that man is not beholden to a Creator, the most significant idea Hitler borrowed from Darwin was what eventually developed out of Darwinian evolution, Social Darwinism. Social Darwinism, the theory that persons, groups, and races are subject to the same laws of natural selection as Charles Darwin had perceived in plants and animals in nature. According to the theory, which was popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the weak were diminished and their cultures delimited, while the strong grew in power and in cultural influence over the weak. Social Darwinists held that the life of humans in society was a struggle for existence ruled by "survival of the fittest," a phrase proposed by the British philosopher and scientist Herbert Spencer. Hitler also borrowed or leaned on concepts from German nihilist philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. These concepts were the Übermensch, which is an idea of a "superman or overman," and the will to power. The former, through eugenics and superior breeding, could weed out the weaker or inferior ethnicities via euthanasia, forced sterilization, abortions, etc. The latter, (will to power) was less defined but certainly more open to interpretation (of which the Nazi's did liberally), and determined that self-conservation was the number one factor in the human condition. They applied this will to power at the national level. Hence the combination resulted in the cultural, political, and legal justification for anti-Semitism and ultimately, the Final Solution. Where the pre-WWII American and European eugenics movements failed, the Nazis succeeded. What the eugenics movement lacked, was the proper crisis. The Nazis, however, used the Treaty of Versailles as justification to rally the embittered German people against Western Europe and created a useful scapegoat in the Jews. With around 1,200 concentration and death camps scattered across Europe, the Third Reich had all the test subjects they would ever need. Nazi SS scientists like Joseph Mengele conducted all manners of disturbing and abhorrent medical experiments for years. Even more disturbing was that the West took the data from these experiments and brought much of that research back to the States. But not only were the Germans guilty in these endeavors but the Japanese as well. They carried out brutal attacks and medical experiments (Unit 731) on the citizens of Nanking, China where an estimated 200-300,000 Chinese died horribly. Assessment But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built. And the Lord said, "Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them. Genesis 11:5-6 For the uninitiated, there are two significant factions in the technological world fighting over the future of mankind. One is promoting and developing artificial intelligence (AI) as a means to enhance life for man on this planet; the other is promoting and developing transhumanism as a counter to AI. The singularity is the point in time in which AI dself-aware. The scary development within AI is that even at this embryonic stage, the creators of AI (such as NVidia), are having difficulty understanding the algorithms that AI creates. If we are having a hard time now, imagine how much more challenging it will become once AI matures? But it was not until the start of this decade, after several clever tweaks and refinements, that very large-or "deep"-neural networks demonstrated dramatic improvements in automated perception. Deep learning is responsible for today's explosion of AI. It has given computers extraordinary powers, like the ability to recognize spoken words almost as well as a person could, a skill too complex to code into the machine by hand. Deep learning has transformed computer vision and dramatically improved machine translation. It is now being used to guide all sorts of key decisions in medicine, finance, manufacturing-and beyond. Transhumanism on the other hand (think cyborgs) then exists to serve as a counterbalance to artificial intelligence by upgrading mankind so that man doesn't create a genie it can't ever put back in the bottle. While groups like DARPA, Google, IBM, and others are working on AI, individuals such as Elon Musk, Ray Kurzweil, and others, are working to upgrade mankind via transhumanism. Transhumanism (abbreviated as H+ or h+) is an international and intellectual movement that aims to transform the human condition by developing and making widely available sophisticated technologies to greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities. Now imagine a world that promises to improve mankind by installing bio-technological upgrades, all of which would make men and women superior to any other who does not possess them. These upgrades include superior intellect, instant learning, enhanced vision and hearing, super strength, and to be biologically superior and free from genetic diseases or flaws. Sounds good right? Who wouldn't want to have some super-human abilities? Hollywood has been heavily invested in the superhero franchise which in a way has desensitized the population to the coming reality. In 1953, the molecular structure of DNA was discovered, giving mankind the ability to study it in greater and greater detail. That, along with the development and continual improvement to the transistor computer, rapidly enhanced man's ability to leapfrog his learning. This is part of the reason why the US Department of Defense heavily invests in making this a reality. They want to create soldiers who have the same capabilities that a Captain America has. The Nazis failed to achieve their goals mostly due to when they lived, rather than in their rudimentary aspirations. They were simply victims of the limited technology and knowledge available in their day. This newer generation, however, has all the technology they need to make both AI and true Transhumanism a reality. Imagine a new Nazi-like regime with all the computing power and technological advancements we have today. Scary indeed. At the outset, mankind will justify these endeavors as a humanitarian effort meant to improve life on the planet. Whether he is trying to create artificial intelligence to aid mankind, or trying to insert that same technology into mankind to prevent man from being left behind, either way, noble reasons are put forth as justification for its pursuit. It's for the betterment of mankind they say. But like everything else, technology always falls into the wrong hands and what was meant for good, will be used to fuel evil men's agendas. 1+2=4? If you've ever navigated by ground or air using just a magnetic compass, you will know that the first step in successfully getting to where you want to go, is first knowing where you are. The same can be applied to logic. If you begin with an erroneous premise, you're likely to end with an erroneous conclusion. So if you believe that the world is billions of years old and that man has evolved over that same time to become what we are today, then that particular logic would naturally lead you to believe that mankind is still destined to evolve. This is called a False Premise. For proponents of Darwinian evolution (and the like), man began as a single-celled organism and then over the course of billions of years evolved into a highly complex, multi-celled, multi-membered organism capable of a wide range of emotions, higher reasoning skills and critical thought, morality, and spirituality. This idea of progressive evolution is the underlying moral foundation for those who support the idea of putting technology into man. For them, it is the next logical step in our evolutionary process. National Geographic's article entitled How Humans Are Shaping Our Own Evolution is one that begins with the idea of Darwinian evolution. From Darwin until the 1950's, bioengineering mankind was more of a theoretical endeavor than a scientific one...that is until we discovered DNA. From then until now, we have moved to mapping the DNA genome, IVF, and now, CRISPR-Cas9. First tried out in 2013, CRISPR is a procedure to snip out a section of DNA sequence from a gene and put a different one in, quickly and accurately. What used to take researchers years now takes a fraction of the time. CRISPR places an entirely new kind of power into human hands. For the first time, scientists can quickly and precisely alter, delete, and rearrange the DNA of nearly any living organism, including us. Conclusion Descent: the act, process, or fact of moving from a higher to a lower position. A downward inclination or slope. The Descent of Man (as Darwin so aptly titled it) is not about man's long trek upwards from the primordial soup to homo sapien, but rather, to his spiritual descent from perfection (Gen. 1:26-28) into perdition. We know that mankind is capable of very awful things. The saving grace for mankind in the past was that we didn't have the technology to carry out our most debased desires. Today we do, and the very object mankind thinks will complete this final evolution into becoming more than human, e.g....godlike, will be the very instrument of their damnation. Jesus stated in Luke 17:26 and as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man. We know that from Scripture (Genesis 6:1-4, 12; 2 Peter 2:4-5, Jude 1:6-7) that Satan has already attempted to genetically corrupt mankind before. He did that because of the prophecy God told to him in Genesis 3:15-i.e...the protoevangelium. We know that God stated in Genesis 11:4-5, that if man were united in language and purpose, nothing, would be withheld from them. While many argue whether fallen angels actually mingled with human women or not is irrelevant to our day and age. We know that right now, at this very moment, we have the ability to genetically alter ourselves and our unborn. We know right now, at this very moment, that technology can be implanted into the human body without rejection (pacemakers, cochlear implants, RFID chips, mind-controlled prosthetic limbs, etc.). These things aren't even science fiction anymore. These technologies aren't 20-30 years into the future; they are here and now. Two events hang over the future of mankind like a dark storm cloud. These two falls directly in line with what the Bible predicted would happen almost 2,000 years ago. The first is the perfect global crisis which will cause mankind to rush into accepting this kind of technology without hesitation. This author believes that crisis to be the Rapture of the Church. The second thing is still a known-unknown, which is, perfecting and introducing the right technology (at that appointed time) into a chip (or like device) which would be implanted (charagma) into the hand or the forehead. All we know now is that the technology exists today. He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666. Revelation 13:16-18 If you do not know Jesus Christ and have not received the free gift of eternal life, then today is the day. (John 3:16; Romans 10:9-10) It would be more preferable for you to be a European Jew living under the auspices of the Third Reich in the 1930s then for you to miss the Rapture and enter into the time known as the Tribulation (Daniel's 70th Week; Matthew 24:20-21). About this time the Bible says... Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, "If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name." Revelation 14:9-11 Even So, Maranatha! Ezekiel's Bones Live - Israel Prepares To Celebrate Independence Day - Israel has approximately 8.68 million residents, more than 10 times the population at its founding in 1948, and is on track to reach more than 15.2 million residents by 2048, the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics reported Thursday ahead of the country's 69th Independence Day. Currently, there are 6.48 million Jewish residents in Israel, accounting for 74.7 percent of the population, and 1.81 million Arab residents, comprising 20.8 percent. Permanent residents who, according to the Interior Ministry's Population Registry, are neither Jewish nor Arab--including most non-Jewish immigrants, many of whom are non-Arab Christians or have no religious affiliation--make up 4.5 percent of the Israeli population. The figures do not take into account foreign workers and others not considered permanent residents. Israel's population has grown by 159,000 residents since Independence Day 2016, an increase of about 2 percent. The past year saw the birth of 174,000 babies and the arrival of some 30,000 new immigrants, while about 44,000 Israeli residents died. Almost 35 percent of Israel's residents are under age 18, while about 54 percent are ages 19-64. Slightly more than 11 percent of Israelis are 65 and older. The overwhelming majority of Israeli Jews take pride in their country and identify with the State of Israel, a new survey released ahead of Independence Day shows. According to the Peace Index survey conducted jointly by the Israel Democracy Institute's Guttman Center and Tel Aviv University, while Israelis are critical of certain perceived failings of state policy, the vast majority of Jewish citizens identify with the state and its problems and are optimistic about the future. In addition, a majority of Arab Israelis also take pride in being part of the State of Israel, identify with the state and its problems, and in many areas are more likely to approve of the state's policies than their Jewish peers. While 43.9% of Jewish Israelis rated Israel's overall situation as good, compared to 39.2% who rated it as okay, and 15.8% who said its bad, nearly two-thirds (66.0%) of Israeli Arabs rated Israels situation as good, 19.% said it was okay, and just 12.4% rated it as bad. Seventy-four percent of Jews and 56.7% of Arabs also said they rated their own personal situation as good, compared to 23.8% of Jews and 31.3% of Arabs who said their own prospects were so-so, and 1.3% of Jews and 7.9% of Arabs who said their situations were not good. Jews, were more likely to say they were proud of being Israeli, though a majority of Arabs also expressed this sentiment. Among Israeli Jews, 86.1% said they were proud of being a part of Israel, compared to 51.1% of Israeli Arabs. Just 13% of Israeli Jews said they were not proud, compared to 39.9% of Israeli Arabs. More than four-fifths (82.0%) of Jews and 57.5% of Arabs said they identify with the State of Israel and its problems to a large or moderate extent, while 13.4% of Jews and 16.6% of Arabs said they identified with Israel only slightly, and 2.5% of Jews and 21.9% of Arabs said they did not identify with Israel at all. Both Israeli Jews and Arabs tended to said they were optimistic both about the future of Israel. Nearly three-quarters (73.4%) of Jews said they were optimistic about the future of the State of Israel, compared to 60.8% of Arabs, while 22.2% of Jews and 32.1% of Arabs said they were not. In certain specific areas, Israeli Arabs were more likely to regard Israels efforts as successful. While just 18.6% of Jews said Israel was succeeding in reducing social gaps, 49.3% of Israeli Arabs said Israel was succeeding. Nearly three-quarters (74.5%) of Arab said Israel was doing a good job maintaining economic stability, compared to 59.8% of Jews who expressed the same opinion. Close to half (45.9%) of Arabs said Israel was attentive to what citizens want, while just 22.1% of Jews agreed. North Korea Threatens to Punish Israel "One Thousand-Fold" - By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - "Where no wise direction is, a people falleth; but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety." Proverbs 11:14 (The Israel Bible™) Relations between North Korea and Israel just took a turn for the worse after Israel's Russian-born Defense Minister, Avigdor Lieberman, called the regime "a crazy and radical group". North Korea responded by threatening "punishment a thousand-fold". In an interview last week with Walla News, a Hebrew language news service, Lieberman said "Kim Jong-un is an ally of Assad. From North Korea, through Iran, to Syria and Hezbollah". Lieberman said North Korea's intent was to "undermine global stability. He referred to the leader, Kim Jong-un, as "the madman from North Korea". "We're just ahead of a new era of accurate missile and unconventional weapons in the hands irrational people," Liberman said. In response, the North Korea Foreign Ministry issued a statement on Saturday, calling Liebreman's statements "rash and malicious". "Our consistent message is to mercilessly punish those who offend the dignity of our leadership," the statement said. "We warn Israel to think twice about the implications of its defamation campaign against us." "Israel is the only illegal possessor of nuclear weapons that enjoys the support of the United States, but Israel is attacking North Korea for possessing nuclear weapons," the statement continued. North Korea said it is "fully supporting the struggle of the Palestinian people... [of] establishing of an independent state with Kuds (Jerusalem) as its capital." "It is the steadfast will and spirit of the service personnel and people of the DPRK to give merciless, thousand-fold punishment to whoever dares hurt the dignity of its supreme leadership," the statement threatened. Hamas Thanks North Korea for Supporting 'Palestinians' Struggle' Against Israel - by Deborah Danan -
Gaza-based terror group Hamas on Sunday thanked North Korea for its support of the group's war against the "Zionist entity," saying that Israel was "the leader of evil and terrorism in the world." "Hamas appreciates North Korea statement in which it supported the Palestinians' struggle and rejected the continuation of occupation," the terror group's spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri wrote on his Twitter page. "Hamas (rejects) Israeli abuse of North Korea and confirms that Israel is the leader of evil and terrorism in the world." Abu Zuhri's remarks followed North Korea's condemnation of Israel as the "only illegal possessor of nukes in the Middle East under the patronage of the U.S," according to a statement released by the country's Foreign Ministry. The harsh reproof was the result of Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman's words last week calling the North Korean leadership "crazy." "Kim Jong-un is an ally of Assad. From North Korea, through Iran, to Syria and Hezbollah," Liberman told Walla news site, noting that North Korea's only aim was "undermining global stability," and adding that the country's leadership was "a crazy and radical group." He added that the country's recent nuclear tests were "crossing a red line" and its nuclear weapons program posed an even bigger global threat than Iran. "We're just ahead of a new era of accurate missiles and unconventional weapons in the hands of irrational people," Liberman said. Pyongyang said Liberman's "rash and malicious" comments were a "cynical ploy" to divert attention from the occupation "of the Arab territories" and "crimes against humanity." "Our consistent message is to mercilessly punish those who offend the dignity of our leadership," the statement said, before continuing with a veiled threat, "We warn Israel to think twice about the implications of its defamation campaign against us." Some Israeli ministers slammed Liberman for his comments, saying the defense minister was dragging Israel into another conflict. According to Israel Radio, top cabinet members who asked to remain anonymous said Liberman would do well to focus his energy on national security and not open his mouth so much. "We have nothing to do with North Korea, so why jump up?" one minister reportedly said according to a translation from the Times of Israel. "Don't we have enough enemies?" MK Shelly Yachimovich of the Zionist Union remarked on Twitter: "We have enough enemies. Let's focus on them." Jubilee Cycles - By Daymond Duck - There is a concept in the Bible called the Jubilee or the Jubilee cycle. It is complicated and not everyone agrees on what it means, when the current Jubilee ends, etc., but the concept of the Jubilee comes straight out of the Bible. God was talking to the Jews in the wilderness when He said, "And thou shalt number seven sabbaths of years unto thee, seven times seven years; and the space of the seven sabbaths of years shall be unto thee forty and nine years." "Then shalt thou cause the trumpet of the jubilee to sound on the tenth day of the seventh month (Tishri 10 or Rosh Hashanah on the Jewish calendar; Sept. 23 on the 2017 Gregorian calendar), in the day of atonement shall ye make the trumpet sound throughout all your land." "And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof: it shall be a jubilee unto you; and ye shall return every man unto his possession, and ye shall return every man unto his family." "A jubilee shall that fiftieth year be unto you" (Leviticus 25:8-11a). Thus, a Jubilee year is the fiftieth year of a Jubilee cycle and the Jews are required to blow trumpets on that day because it falls on Rosh Hashanah or the Feast of Trumpets. When the Temple was built, some say the Jews blew the trumpet at the end of the day on Rosh Hashanah 100 times. The 100th blast was extra loud, extra long and it was called the Great Blast or the Last Trump. Now, recall that I said, not everyone agrees on when the current Jubilee cycle ends, but it is not hard to find people who think that it will end at 6 pm (sunset) on the day before Rosh Hashanah (the Feast of Trumpets). As soon as the current Jubilee cycle ends (at 6 pm on Sept. 22 this year) the next Jubilee cycle will begin (on Rosh Hashanah Sept. 23, 2017). Rosh Hashanah means "head of the year" or "beginning of the year." It is New Year's Day on the Jewish civil calendar. It always begins on a new moon. And some people believe the Rapture will be on Rosh Hashanah. They believe Jesus will "descend from heaven, with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God," the dead will be raised and all Christians will be changed and Raptured (I Thess. 4:16-17). They also believe these things will happen at the last blast of a trumpet (1 Cor. 15:51-52). In addition to Sept. 23, 2017 being Rosh Hashanah, the blowing of trumpets, the day of the Great Blast or the Last Trump, etc. some people believe another reason why the next Jubilee cycle will begin on Sept. 23, 2017 is because the British defeated the Turks and captured Israel in 1917 and then Israel captured East Jerusalem and the Temple Mount 50 years later (the length of one Jubilee). But there is more. When Jewish soldiers captured East Jerusalem and the Temple Mount in 1967, Rabbi Schlomo Goren, Israel's Chief Army Chaplain, stood on the Temple Mount and blew the trumpet (shofar). Many Jewish religious leaders view that as a very significant prophetic event in the life of Israel. They believe 1917 began a new Jubilee cycle, 50 years later 1967 began another Jubilee cycle and 50 years later 2017 will begin another Jubilee cycle. I recently heard Dr. Kevin Clarkson interview evangelist Dan Goodman on "Prophecy in the News" ( Evangelist Goodman is an expert on Jubilee cycles and the author of God's Final Jubilee. He wouldn't say the next Jubilee will begin on Sept. 23, 2017, but I have heard him say that if he was forced to tell what he believes, he thinks we are in the final Jubilee because it is the 70th Jubilee. He also said there have been: 120 Jubilee cycles (120 X 50 = 6,000 years) since the creation of Adam, 70 Jubilee cycles (70 X 50 = 3,500 years) since the days of Moses, and 40 Jubilee cycles or 2,000 years since the days of Jesus. The numbers 120, 70 and 40 are all significant numbers in the Bible which I won't go into because of time, but the fact that all three of these significant numbers coincide in the same year (2017) and it is the 70th is not likely to be a coincidence. Prophecy Plus Ministries, Inc. Daymond & Rachel Duck [email protected] New evidence Shroud dates to 1st century - Roman numismatist identifies coins covering eyes An expert on ancient Roman coins say he has identified those that cover the eyes of the Man of the Shroud, providing more evidence that the ancient burial cloth could have been used to cover the body of Jesus. Agostino Sferrazza, a numismatist, concludes in an interview with the French-language RCF Liège, the coins were minted in in the days of Pontius Pilate in the year A.D. 29. Images of the coins were first observed in the eye sockets of the Man of the Shroud in 1976, when 3-D projection techniques were used to evaluate it. Researchers noted the presence of small bulges on the ocular orbit bones which wouldn't match any possible morphological particularities. The hypothesis states these might have been leptons: small coins of low value that were common in Israel during the Roman occupation. Using advanced technologies, researchers have tried to identify drawings and inscriptions on the coins. On the disc covering the right eye, apparently a "lituus" (a curved Roman-style augural staff) can be observed. On the disc over the left eye, there is what appears to be a sacrificial cup. Besides the drawings, researchers have managed to read the letters YKAI in the coins. This is thought to be the visible part of the word "TIBERIOY KAICAPOC," Greek for Tiberius Caesar. This would be a strong indication that these coins are comparable with other currencies from the Roman era, and might indeed be pieces that were being used at the time of Jesus' Passion. In his interview with RCF Liège, Agostino Sferrazza supports the theory of the authenticity of the pieces and dates them to the time of Pontius Pilate. This theory is based on the images produced by computer scientist Nello Balossino, an associate professor at the Turin Faculty of Sciences, who succeeded in bringing out an image of the sacrificial cup on the right eye of the Man of the Shroud. According to Agostino Sferazza, there is no doubt: these pieces were indeed coined in 29 A.D. Daily Jot: May Day protests and the counterrevolution - Bill Wilson -
Last May, there was a curious news photo attached to a story about how radical anarchist rioters were violently protesting an appearance by Republican primary presidential candidate Donald Trump. The photo was of a little Latino boy holding a sign that read, "Make America Mexico Again." This take off of Trump's campaign slogan, "Make America Great Again" spoke a thousand words. The George Soros communists, also supported by La Raza, Black Lives Matter, Communist Party USA and other radical anti-American groups, are using free speech to trample on the free speech of legitimate citizens who support a traditional and law-abiding ideal of America. They are at it again today. May 1 traditionally has been declared International Workers Day. It's a day when labor unions, communists, socialists and anarchists gather together to show their "solidarity" for the working man, or woman, or gender de jour. The Democratic Party and the ex- "president" support these organizations. This year, in particular, there are mass angry protests across the country scheduled to make the world know that anyone who opposes this anti-American line of thought is, well, addition to bigots, Nazis, fascists, hate-mongers, racists, misogynists, homophobes, Islamophobes-Have I missed anybody? These protesters are all part of the communist plan to takeover America, whether they know it or not. The protesters come wrapped in hate and destruction against Trump for his strong stance against illegal immigration. Last year, the Los Angeles Times quoted, Luis Serrano, an organizer with California Immigration Youth Justice Alliance, saying, "We're going to keep showing up and standing against the actions and the hate Donald Trump is creating. We are going to continue to just show up in numbers and stand together." So it is now "hateful" to enforce the law, but it was fine when a "president" allowed free medical, social services, and protected status to those with their minds set on overthrowing the government. The only ones creating hate here are those who are protesting--minions and pawns of the greater communist cause. Crisis creates opportunities for greater governmental control, suspending civil rights in the name of security, the loss of a free nation. It becomes a vicious circle. The answer is the gospel-truly it is. Christians are orderly, God fearing and law abiding by virtue of the commandments we strive to live by. We need to do a better job in evangelizing and making disciples. Our form of government works when the moral and ethical are holding accountability. Romans 13:12 says, "The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light." We are in a fight for our preservation as a people and a nation. We need to change hearts to win it. It is our counterrevolution. Daily Devotion: The Power of the Gospel - Greg Laurie -
For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes-the Jew first and also the Gentile. -Romans 1:16 My life was dramatically impacted by the power of the gospel in a single day. I came to the Lord on my high school campus after hearing the gospel presented in a way that I had never heard it before. I responded and gave my life to Jesus Christ, and immediate changes started to take place. The Lord used the Christians on my campus, fellow high school students who were unashamed to live out their faith. If someone had tried to reach me by being cool or relating to me, I don't know how well they would have done. I'd had enough cool to choke on in the world. I had pretty much been there, done that, and I was fed up with it. I was searching. I had already, through the process of elimination, determined where the answer in life was not. It was not in the hedonistic, materialistic, party lifestyle of my parents' generation. Nor was it in the choices that I made as a kid. Being cool would not have reached me. In fact, the people who reached me probably were what I would have considered the lamest people on the face of the earth. I thought you couldn't be any lamer than a Christian. They walked around carrying Bibles and talking about God. I thought that was the most absurd choice a person could possibly make. I had basically narrowed it down to this: either these people were out of their minds-actually disturbed mentally, or they really did have an encounter with Christ. Of course, in the end I concluded it was option two. I heard the gospel and made a commitment to the Lord. I was looking for something real, something authentic, and I found it in a relationship with Jesus Christ. FROM THE HEART
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