Prophecy Update Newsletter
Remarkable - By Daymond Duck - This article begins with a list of remarkable facts that some readers already know.
Microsoft's patent, World Order 2020 060606, is not the Mark of the Beast yet; it is not mandatory yet; the False Prophet is not involved yet, but an international patent on a system to track buying and selling that is numbered 666 (the number of the Antichrist's name; Rev. 13:18) could be a sign that the Mark of the Beast System is being developed. By the way, the word "Mark" is where we get our word "tattoo." The Mark of the Beast will be in a person's right hand or in their forehead, and Gates wants to put the tattoo under a person's skin. This list has been compiled because the 6,000 years of human rule, a possible terminal generation of 70-80 years, a President named Trump, the unusual appearance of the number 7, and the World Order number 060606 on a patent application to track buying and selling have converged in this generation. The significance may be questionable, but the facts are remarkable, and there is the possibility that God could be using these facts to alert those that are watching. Consider this:
Yes, there are people that make themselves willingly ignorant of what is going on, but there are also many excellent prophecy teachers who understand that Jesus indicated there will be a convergence of the signs at the end of the age, and they realize that at least some of this relates to Bible prophecy. Many believe Bible prophecy is being fulfilled all around us and we are getting just a tiny glimpse of what the Tribulation Period will be like. Here are some more remarkable facts. One, on Apr. 20, 2020, Benjamin Netanyahu and Benny Gantz agreed to form a new National Emergency Unity Government. On July 1, 2020, they will initiate legislation to annex several areas in the West Bank (Judea and Samaria). Expanding Israel's borders is a good thing, but there is a big problem. Israel and the U.S. are proposing a map that will divide Israel and set aside perhaps as much as 2/3 of Judea and Samaria for a Palestinian state. The good news is that the Palestinians probably will not accept that; but more importantly, God will not accept it either, and He may respond (see Joel 3:2). Two, on Apr. 21, 2020, it was reported that YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki admitted that YouTube has removed thousands of videos because they contradict World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations. So, the Director-General of the WHO is a Communist from Ethiopia; his main support comes from China; Pres. Trump has suspended U.S. contributions to the WHO for parroting China's lies and mishandling the Coronavirus Crisis; the U.S. States of Missouri and Mississippi are suing China for lying; and YouTube is censoring those that contradict what the liars at the WHO say. Truth and freedom will not be tolerated in the coming world government; and lest we forget, the WHO is working with Bill Gates, Dr. Fauci and George Soros to force everyone on earth to be vaccinated and tattooed (Marked), if they want to work, buy and sell. Three, on Apr. 22, 2020, it was reported that 19 members of the G-20 held a virtual meeting and called for a document to be signed to strengthen the WHO and put it in charge of a coordinated worldwide response to the Coronavirus Crisis. Trump did not participate, but if he had not blocked it, the WHO would have already been empowered to mark and track everyone on earth (see Rev. 13:15-17). Considering what the U.S. Constitution says, why should U.S. citizens be forced to obey an unelected organization (the WHO) composed mostly of foreigners under a lying Communist leader that is influenced by Gates, Soros and Fauci? Four, on Apr. 21, 2020, the Executive Director of the World Food Programme told the UN Security Council the Coronavirus Crisis may cause widespread famine of Biblical proportions in more than 30 African nations (see Rev. 6:5-8). We are now being told that there is a chance of some food shortages in the U.S. Five, on Apr. 24, 2020, UN Sec. Gen. Guterres announced that the Global Vaccination Response Team will be headed up by French Pres. Emmanuel Macron and Melinda Gates. Macron is an avid supporter of the New World Order, and Gates is the wife of Bill Gates, a strong advocate for population control, mandatory vaccinations and digital tracking of everyone on earth. It is impossible to overemphasize how remarkable and dangerous these events are. The globalists are not going to wait until Jan. 1, 2030, and try to get a one-world government up and running in one day. Laws must be written and put into practice; many groups, including the 10 Kings, must be approved, staffed and funded; offices and equipment must be acquired; those that oppose it must be brought under control; a global economic system must be established; the world government must be funded (Guterres recently asked for a 10% global tax), and more. The process of bringing this about appears to have started, the globalists are not going to back off, they are going to become more aggressive, and where the Bible says this is going is more dangerous than the Coronavirus. Right now, they are trying to put America's healthcare system under the control of the WHO, shutting the doors of America's churches to bring Christianity under control, seeking to replace America's currency with a digital system, initiating a surveillance system tied to a global ID to track everyone on earth, and this is just the beginning. The Rapture is probably close, but if there is a little more time, there is no telling what the globalists will do (or what God will do) as the world moves closer to 2030 and the globalist desire for a world government and a global ethic. The certainty of our salvation and the need to get the gospel out are urgent matters. The Tribulation period will be the greatest disaster to ever come upon Planet Earth (Matt. 24:21-22; Matt. 24:5-7). Do not be deceived: if God has decided that it is time to let the globalists have their world government, it is coming, and nothing short of a major revival will slow it down. Some think a major revival is coming, but I believe the Church will be lukewarm at the end-of-the-age, and the multitude of salvations they are referring to will be in the Tribulation Period (144,000 children of Israel, Two Witnesses and angel). The Christian's hope is the Rapture of the Church (Titus 2:13), not the UN, national leaders, vaccinations, tracking systems, social distancing, masks or anything like that. The only thing that God will accept to let a person into heaven is to sincerely believe what the Bible says about the birth, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus (Acts 16:30-33), confess that belief, and ask Jesus for forgiveness and salvation. The remarkable thing is that He will grant it, and it is free to those that sincerely ask. Do it now. Prophecy Plus Ministries, Inc. Daymond & Rachel Duck [email protected] The final days of the Iran nuclear deal - Caroline Glick - In light of Russia's opposition to extending the arms embargo on Iran, which expires on October 23, the only way forward is to cancel the JCPOA entirely by triggering "snapback" sanctions, which no side can veto. There is a growing chance that by October, the nuclear deal with Iran, otherwise known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), will be dead. Under the deal with the United States, China, Russia, Germany, Britain and France, Iran purported to accept limitations on its nuclear program. These limitations included capping its low-enriched uranium stockpiles at 300 kilograms (661 pounds), restraining its enrichment activities, and accepting the U.N.'s International Atomic Energy Agency's (IAEA) right to inspect its declared and undeclared nuclear sites. In exchange, the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council, plus Germany, agreed to cancel the Security Council sanctions resolutions that had been imposed on Iran due to its illicit nuclear activities over the previous decade. The JCPOA, which was never formally signed, was anchored in UNSC Resolution 2231, which was passed immediately after the JCPOA was concluded. At the time, the JCPOA was vociferously opposed by U.S. lawmakers from both sides of the partisan divide. Their opposition owed to the fact that even if Iran abided by the restrictions on its nuclear activities prescribed by the JCPOA, it would still be able to develop a full-blown nuclear arsenal within 10 to 15 years. To placate the deal's opponents, and secure its approval in the Senate, the Obama administration added two safeguards to Resolution 2231. The first imposed a five-year embargo on conventional weapons sales to Iran. The second enabled all sides to the agreement to end the JCPOA by triggering the reimposition of the U.N. sanctions canceled under 2231. According to Articles 10-12 of the resolution, if a party to the agreement informs the Security Council that Iran is in breach of its commitments under the agreement, such a declaration will automatically trigger the reimposition of the sanctions within 30 days. The Obama administration dubbed this mechanism "snapback sanctions." Now both of these safeguards are being tested. In May 2018, due to incontrovertible evidence of Iranian bad faith both during the negotiations process and following the implementation of the JCPOA, President Donald Trump announced that the United States was washing its hands of the nuclear deal. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo set out the U.S.'s new "maximum pressure campaign" that replaced the JCPOA as the central element of U.S. policy towards Iran. The strategy of maximum pressure involves applying harsh U.S. economic sanctions against Iran's oil, financial and shipping sectors in particular. The goal is to weaken the Iranian economy in order to destabilize the regime and minimize its financial capacity to fund its nuclear operations and its terror proxies in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Gaza and beyond. The other parties to the JCPOA did not follow America's lead. On the contrary, they sought to undermine U.S. sanctions. Led by Germany, the European Union clung ever more tightly to the nuclear deal. Germany, France and Britain attempted to create a financial mechanism that would enable Iran to bust U.S. sanctions. They also continued to develop Iran's heavy-water reactor at Fordo. The Russians maintained and intensified their alliance with Iran in Syria. China breached the U.S. sanctions and continued importing Iranian oil and gas. Currently, China is working closely with Iran in Afghanistan on behalf of the Taliban. The Europeans, Russians and Chinese have all been playing for time in the hope that Trump loses the presidential election in November. The presumptive Democratic presidential candidate, former Vice President Joe Biden, has pledged that if elected, he will return the United States to the nuclear deal and end U.S. economic sanctions against Iran. The problem for all of these parties is that time, and the facts, aren't on their side. The Iranian regime which they are so keen to keep afloat is not playing along with them. Instead, it is systematically and openly breaching all of its commitments under the JCPOA. In March, the IAEA revealed that between November 2019 and March 2020, Iran increased its store of low-enriched uranium from 373 to 1050 kilograms (822 to 2315 pounds)-more than three times the quantity permitted under the agreement. The IAEA also reported that Iran had increased the number of advanced centrifuges capable of enriching uranium to prohibited levels in operation by approximately 20 percent since last November. In January, the Iranian regime rejected IAEA requests for information regarding three newly discovered undeclared nuclear sites and subsequently rejected IAEA requests to dispatch inspectors to two of them. Earlier this month, the head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization, Ali Akbar Salehi, announced that Iran was building two more nuclear reactors at Bushehr. He added that "a new generation of centrifuges would soon come online at the Natanz fuel enrichment plant." Salehi explained that Iran is now in full breach of the JCPOA, saying, "Nuclear activities, as well as research and development on the nuclear fuel cycle, uranium conversion, and enrichment -including production and storage-are being carried out without any restrictions." Iran's apparent race to develop the ability to build a nuclear arsenal on-demand-or what has been dubbed "breakout capacity"-is happening in the context of the quickly approaching deadline for the conventional arms embargo imposed under Resolution 2231. The embargo will expire on October 23. Over the past six months, Pompeo has stated repeatedly that the United States will not permit the embargo to be lifted. According to U.S. intelligence agencies, Russian defense firms have already concluded deals to sell Iran advanced aircraft, tanks and air defense systems the moment the embargo is lifted. In a press briefing on Wednesday, Pompeo set out how the administration intends to prevent it from being lifted. Pompeo explained that the administration is pressuring the Europeans to put forward a Security Council resolution calling for the arms embargo to be extended even as Russia has vowed to veto any such resolution. In light of the Russian position, the only way to extend the arms embargo is to cancel the JCPOA entirely by triggering 2231's snapback sanctions clause, which no side can veto. To prevent the Americans from triggering the snapback clause, since May 2018, the Europeans, Iranians, Russians and Obama administration officials have claimed Trump's decision to withdraw from the agreement canceled America's standing as a party to the JCPOA and so abrogated the U.S.'s right to trigger the snapback sanctions. Last year, the State Department's legal department published a brief rejecting this position. The U.S. action did not abrogate Security Council Resolution 2231, and Article 10 of the resolution clearly names the United States as a party to the agreement. At Wednesday's briefing, Pompeo repeated this key claim. "The U.N. Security Council Resolution 2231 is very clear: We don't have to ... declare ourselves a participant. U.N. Security Council Resolution 2231 is unambiguous where the United States is a participant," he said. Pompeo added, "We're going to ... [make] sure that come October of this year, the Iranians aren't able to buy conventional weapons that they would be given what President Obama and Vice President Biden delivered to the world in that terrible deal." As the sides set up for a confrontation, the fact is that the administration will come out on top under all circumstances. This is true for three reasons: First and foremost, the United States will benefit if the administration invokes the snapback sanctions articles because it is the right thing to do. As the IAEA reported and Salehi acknowledged, the Iranians are comprehensively breaching all of their commitments under the JCPOA. There is no substantive justification for maintaining the fiction that the deal is still salvageable. There is clearly no substantive justification for selling Iran conventional weapons. This brings us to the second reason, and to Iran's defenders-particularly the European Union and the Democrats: If the United States triggers the snapback sanctions, the move will critically harm the European Union which, under German leadership, has consistently advanced a harshly anti-American foreign policy. If the European Union responds to a U.S. move to trigger the snapback sanctions by insisting the United States has no authority to act, the position will boomerang. Even before the appearance of the coronavirus pandemic, many E.U. member nations were rejecting the European Union's authority to dictate a unified anti-American, pro-Iranian foreign policy. In February 2019, Poland co-hosted a summit on Iran in Warsaw with the United States. Then EU Foreign Policy Commissioner Federica Mogherini refused to participate in the conference that bought more than a dozen key E.U. states, along with Israel, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, together to discuss the threat Iran poses to global security. The European Union's utter failure to manage the coronavirus pandemic has struck it a massive blow. Its incompetence has convinced millions of Europeans who had previously supported the union that they have nothing to gain from it, and that national governments are the only instruments to protect their lives and liberty. The European Union's weakening was apparent earlier this month when several E.U. member states angrily rejected an attempt by current E.U. foreign policy commissioner Josep Borrell to pass a resolution condemning the Trump Middle East peace plan and Israel's intention to apply its law to parts of Judea and Samaria in the framework of the Trump plan. If the European Union subverts a U.S. effort to restore U.N. sanctions on Iran, its action is liable to destroy whatever is left of Brussel's power to dictate a unified E.U. foreign policy. Perhaps to block this prospect, and perhaps due to Iran's reduced economic prospects after two years of U.S. sanctions, Germany announced on Thursday that it is finally outlawing Hezbollah's "political" wing and blocking its operation in Germany. Until now, Germany has blocked the European Union from recognizing Hezbollah's military wing as a terrorist organization and so enabled the Iranian proxy army to raise funds and draft operatives throughout Europe. Germany's action Thursday indicates that, aware of the dangers to the European Union, Germany may support a U.S. move to impose the snapback sanctions and end the JCPOA. Thirdly, there is Biden. If the administration moves to implement the snapback sanctions and so end the ill-begotten JCPOA, which was the centerpiece of U.S. foreign policy in Obama's second term, Biden and the Democrats will be harmed no matter how the move plays out: If the United Nations blocks the U.S. move, the Trump administration will claim-rightly-that Obama and Biden deliberately lied to the American people when they said the snapback sanctions provision would ensure Iran could not get away with breaching the JCPOA. If the administration is successful and snapback sanctions are imposed, scuppering the JCPOA, its success will expose the madness at the heart of Biden's pro-Iranian Middle East policy. It will demonstrate that the key component of the Obama-Biden foreign policy was to provide America's most dangerous enemy in the Middle East with the ability to develop a nuclear arsenal while building itself into a regional hegemon. It isn't clear how events will transpire in the coming weeks and months. But as things now stand, the Trump administration seems to recognize that there is no downside to triggering the snapback sanction articles in Resolution 2231 and ending the JCPOA by October. Life After COVID: A Look At The New Economy - By Daisy Luther/Organic Prepper - Many Americans are starting to get a taste of freedom after having been locked down in their homes for over a month and they're anxiously awaiting the day when things "get back to normal." I regret to inform you, that we're never going "back to normal." The world After COVID will not be like the world Before COVID. It's very important to understand what lies ahead so we can prepare for it. Two reasons that the world After COVID will be so different are problems with the economy and the supply chain. Let's take a look at both and see where we're headed. The After-COVID economy for businesses The government stepped in fairly quickly after lockdowns began to approve a massive number of small business loans. These loans were to be distributed by the institution with which the small business does their banking. Unfortunately, the outcome would be laughable if it wasn't so tragic. Here's an example: Chase Bank gave Ruth's Chris Steak House a $20 million forgivable loan meant for small businesses by dividing it up by locations instead of treating the company like the large corporation that it is. Incidentally, Chase "earned" $100K for processing the loan. After everyone rightly lost their marbles over this, Ruth's Chris is returning the 20 mill. Chase and Ruth's Chris aren't the only culprits. There were all sorts of shenanigans that meant the fund ran out of money before the legitimate small businesses could even complete their applications. For example, big banks earned ten billion dollars in fees for processing the loans and here's a list of big companies that played around with this system and drained it of millions. Another round of small business loans has been approved by Congress but I'm not really holding my breath that any of this will happen in the way we've been told it will. So to summarize, a lot of the small businesses who need the money to survive haven't gotten it yet and may never get it, but big banks and big businesses are sitting pretty with the help of their cronies in Congress. It isn't a stretch of the imagination to say that the longer a small business stays closed, paying their expenses and holding inventory while not being able to earn income, the less likely they are to reopen successfully (or at all) once the all-clear is given. And if they can't reopen? All those folks they used to employ will be out of a job. The After-COVID economy for individuals Despite seemingly generous government offerings of stimulus payments and higher-than-normal unemployment payments, getting by is about to get a whole lot harder. First of all, many people haven't yet received their stimulus payments. Some states still haven't rolled out their COVID unemployment registration websites, so we have unemployed folks who still haven't gotten one thin dime. It isn't going to be long before that stimulus money is gone and if unemployment hasn't yet kicked in, the first week of May is not looking pretty. A lot of folks were unable to make rent or mortgage payments in April, and of the ones who managed to hack together last month's payments won't be able to pay rent and mortgages. It isn't just a roof over their heads that people are worried about. The use of food banks has soared over the past month. People who were barely making ends meet before are in a hole from which they may never dig out. And this isn't out of laziness or any other lack of "virtue" - people can't go to work because their workplace is closed. And it's a perfect storm. If people are not allowed to work and the government is not following through with its promises of aid, there will be a response - most likely in the form of civil unrest and crime waves. At the same time, many of those who have gotten their COVID unemployment are refusing to go back to work. Why would they go back to getting minimum wage when with unemployment and the extra $600 per week, they're getting close the $3000 a month? Businesses can't reopen without employees. Unfortunately, when the COVID unemployment is over (it's currently good for a total of 3-4 months), people may not have jobs to come back to, because, as I mentioned above, the longer a business is closed while still facing expenses, the less likely that business is to survive. It's very likely that even once we're "open" again, unemployment numbers will remain extraordinarily high. Prices are going up. Meanwhile, what money people are able to scrape together isn't going to go nearly as far as it did Before-COVID. A lot of folks haven't been to the store in a month or so. When they do go back they're going to be in for one heck of a surprise. Prices have increased on just about everything. On the products with no price increase, many companies have reverted to the rather deceptive practice of selling a smaller container for the same price as before. (We found this to be true on both peanut butter and coffee, to name two examples.) You're going to pay more for things like meat, eggs, canned goods, pasta, frozen pizza, and other popular lockdown foods. As well, food manufacturers are halting promotions - so things won't be going on sale like they used to. Of course, they're doing this to "help" us out by making it more expensive, thus keeping people from being able to buy as much. "But the tactical dynamic is that we're in daily discussions with our customers on how to help them meet the needs of their shoppers. And many customers are looking to pull back on promotions as they try to manage the basics of just keeping their shelves stocked." In a given month, "22% of food on store shelves is discounted, according to the companies under its coverage, and the average discount is 23%." According to Market Watch, getting rid of the discounts will lead to a 5% increase in sales. This means, of course, a 5% increase in what consumers are paying will occur. And that's just for certain items. Eggs have actually tripled in price since early March and many readers have reported seeing the price of their commonly purchased items increase by 25% all the way up to double the Before-COVID price. Then there are the supply chain issues. And this isn't the worst of the news. Shortages are appearing to occur across the country - shortages that stores struggle to hide by spreading out the inventory and filling in gaps with items that are more plentiful. Some of the things that are missing are products that originate in China. Other items, like paper products, are also sparse even though many of these things are made in the USA. It isn't just because of so-called "hoarders" either, as the media wants us to believe. There have been shortages of TP across the globe and the main reason is the fact that everyone is now at home most of the time now. Previously, a lot of a person's toilet paper usage was outside the home - so everyone was using those giant janitorial supply rolls. Most households are now using 40% more toilet paper than before. Then there are food "shortages." Interestingly, this problem isn't necessarily about actual shortages as much as it is processing and distribution. Processing plants across the country are shutting down as more and more employees become ill. At least ten large meat processing plants have closed due to the virus. Distribution issues have farmers dumping thousands of gallons of milk, plowing under vegetables in the fields, and leaving potatoes to rot. A lot of the food being produced was destined for restaurants, hotels, and cruise ships. Diverting it to grocery stores and the millions of people using food banks right now (because they didn't get their money from unemployment yet, remember?) is unfortunately not as easy as it should be. This article explains some of the issues with getting food to hungry people. One of the issues processing. With meat, in particular, this is difficult - most folks aren't even going to be willing to process their own chickens and it's wildly unrealistic to imagine a family in the city processing a cow or a pig. With produce, it becomes a little bit easier - anyone can wash fruits and vegetables - but employees are still needed to harvest the food. A lot of that scarcity could be remedied if we could reallocate things - if janitorial supplies could be sold to the general public, if farmers could sell directly to stores or consumers, and if farmers could donate unpurchased items to food banks. To summarize, farmers are losing billions of dollars and people are going without food, while the food we have is left to rot. Hopefully, President Trump's new 19 billion dollar plan will allow the federal government to play matchmaker between frustrated farmers and hungry families. Introducing another run at UBI Let's put all this information together. Trillions of dollars were created from thin air to "help" us through the crisis. Unfortunately, a lot of that money is now lining the pockets of massive businesses that would survive regardless. Many small businesses will never reopen. Many jobs will never come back. People who are getting COVID unemployment would have to take a massive pay cut - for many, more than two thousand dollars a month - to go back to work so they have no interest in returning to their jobs. Why would they when they're more financially secure sitting at home? But they're not thinking ahead - these new-found riches are only coming in for 3-4 months. People who are not getting money are going to run out very soon (if they haven't already) and this will result in an uptick of crime and civil unrest. Meanwhile, the money that folks have will buy less as the cost of just about everything goes up and scarcity continues. This all leads nowhere good. I'm not saying that COVID-19 itself was a big conspiracy but more a case of "never let a good crisis go to waste." One possible outcome is Universal Basic Income. We're being told we've got no place to go except giving away a lot of free money - although they're calling it something different: the Emergency Money for the People Act. This fund would give everyone 16 and over $2000 per month for at least the next six months. The bill is called the Emergency Money for the People Act and would provide $2,000 a month for a guaranteed six months or until "employment returns to pre-COVID-19 levels." "Pre-COVID-19 levels" mean the employment to population ratio for people ages 16 and older is greater than 60%. The monthly cash payments would not count as income. You could still apply for income-based federal or state assistance programs, such as assistance with purchasing food. Who would be eligible for the money? Everyone 16 and older making less than $130,000 annually would receive $2,000 a month; Married couples earning less than $260,000 would receive at $4,000 per month; Qualifying families with children will also receive an additional $500 per child for up to three children. So a family of four with two children earning income up to $260,000 a year would receive $5,000. A single tax filer would get $2,000. If you are unemployed, you are eligible for the money, as well. College students will be eligible for the money. They were not eligible for the stimulus payment sent out this week if they were claimed on their parent's income tax as a dependent. Adults with disabilities were also left out of the stimulus payment since they could be claimed as dependents on others' tax returns. They would be eligible for the Emergency Money for the People Act. What could possibly go wrong with "free money," right? Plenty. Hyperinflation is one major factor nobody's talking about - this money they want to give away does not exist and is backed by nothing. If you think prices are super-high now, just wait. And then there's the other cost. Trust me when I tell you there will be a high price tag for that "free" money and the cost will be liberty. Maybe it will be your freedom to decide where you work. Maybe it will be your freedom to choose what you buy. Maybe it will be mandatory vaccines or microchips or ID cards but it will cost you something that you'll never get back. UBI Emergency Money for the People isn't a done deal yet. But the government is going to feel that they're obligated to take some kind of measures to maintain order. (Back to that civil unrest and crime again). And to some degree, they're right - the current straits Americans are finding themselves in can be chalked up to decisions made by the government. But I can't imagine that in this direction lies liberty. What can you do? The answer, as always, lies in self-reliance. The less you need, the better off you'll be. I'll go more in-depth later but below, find some general guidelines. Produce or acquire food as much as possible. Gardening; sprouting; raising livestock for meat, eggs, and dairy; hunting; and foraging are all ways to put food on the table yourself. Learn to preserve food. When food is plentiful, putting it back by canning, dehydrating, and freezing. Localize your supply chain. Find local farmers and purchase directly from them. Visit pick-your-own farms, get CSA shares, or hit up your farmer's market. Buy in as much quantity as you can for the best prices. Slash your budget. Get spending down to a bare minimum right now while we wait to see how things pan out. Mend and repair. Instead of throwing things away and buying new when something breaks or gets damaged, learn how to fix things like clothing and household items. Make do. There are a lot of things we get that we don't need: upgraded phones, new clothing, decorative items, updated vehicles, newer tools, and small kitchen appliances. Whenever possible, make do with the things that you already have. Make things last. Use everything to the last drop. Squeeze out that last little bit of toothpaste. Add some water to your dish soap. Use a little less detergent in the laundry. These are tiny changes that can really add up over time. Be prepared for a lack of services. At some point, as income tax revenue continues to decrease, we'll start to see cuts in services like garbage pick-up and first responders. Start thinking now about your solutions should these things happen. Can We Change? - By Grant Phillips - Did you ever stop to think that regardless of what is happening in the world, nothing really changes? For every generation the stage is the same. Only the actors change. While I was out driving earlier this year, it dawned on me that the land and trees would soon be turning green. At that time they just looked dead and dull, but whether they had that blah look of winter or the lush beauty of summer, they were the same lands and the same trees that God created for us to enjoy. Yes, the oldest trees eventually die, but then they are replaced by their own kind. The land the trees grow from may also grow weeds, flowers and a mixture of both. It is plowed for gardening and mowed by homeowners. The covering may vary, but it is still the earth God created. Each year the flowers bloom in spring, and then die toward winter, but they always return. Fruit can be picked from the trees and vines, but then die away after a while to return next season. It is all a stage that changes seasonally, but yet it remains the same. Man ages and his appearance changes, but he remains the same. He is still the same person. I started out in this world as an infant named 'Grant.' I am still 'Grant,' just a lot older. God provided our stage and told us the appearance and function would change with the seasons, but the structure He initiated will not change. You guessed it. It hasn't changed. "Then God said, 'Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years; and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth'; and it was so. Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also. God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth, and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. So the evening and the morning were the fourth day" (Genesis 1:14-19). The sun in the heavens provides the light and warmth we must have. The moon is seen in different stages and provides its reflection from the sun for our nights. The stars continue to shine. "While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease" (Genesis 8:22). "That which has been is what will be, That which is done is what will be done, And there is nothing new under the sun" (Ecclesiastes 1:9). Concerning man, we really are not much different than those who lived hundreds or several thousand years ago. We sin. They sinned. We build homes and businesses. They did the same, even though they were not as elaborate as ours today. They built relationships through friends and enemies. We do the same. We raise our families, and our children grow up to step in our shoes. Those long ago did the same thing. We all die and face the judgment, which brings me to: We worship. They worshipped. The question now is, "Who or what do we worship?" God said He does not change ... ever. "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever" (Hebrews 13:8). During the days of the Old Testament, some worshipped the one and only true God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Many others worshipped idols. In the Church age some worship Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who is also the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Many others today worship idols. Most folks today believe the Bible is outdated, so they have changed it to suit their whims, BUT God made it clear ... HE DOES NOT CHANGE. The wise will read His Word and change their false thinking. The unwise will suffer mightily in the end. Grant Phillips Email: [email protected] Pre-Rapture Commentary: Rapture Ready: Daily Jot: If not for you - Bill Wilson - Since mid-March, Pastor William Agbeti in Ghana has worked tirelessly organizing volunteers, buying foodstuffs and delivering them to: "those who would not have received any help, even from Government, as they have fallen through the cracks in society; the poorest of the poor, the littlest of the least, the totally hopeless, including orphaned children, widows, disabled persons, and others negatively impacted by COVID-19 such that they are unable to fend for themselves and their families." One of our volunteers summed it up: "The biggest problem facing the poor and needy in our area now is hunger. Without the Ministry's intervention, it's likely many poor souls are going to die of hunger." I often write about the Christian response to crisis-that we are to be the light of Christ shining through the darkness. Daily Jot readers have stepped into that light and have saved lives. Between March and April, donations to this ministry helped feed over 1,000 people for a week at a time in Ghana. We have a life-saving partnership with Pastor Agbeti, indeed a life-giving enterprise because we are feeding the most underserved and marginalized with not only food, but also with the Word of God. Those of you who have read The Daily Jot and have prayed and have donated have responded well because you likely have saved lives. Think of how we were here in America when the lockdown came and try to put yourself in the shoes of those who were barely surviving day to day. I say, "If not for you..." Pastor Agbeti writes: "In the wake of COVID-19, POSITIVE has become the most NEGATIVE word in human history. The number of positive cases related to the CORONAVIRUS pandemic in Ghana keeps rising in leaps and bounds. As at the time of writing this story, Ghana has officially clocked 2,164 positive cases, with over 1,000 new cases in just the past week. This may call for another lockdown. Already, our Ministry is stretched thin in answering distress calls for foodstuffs from individuals and families. Another lockdown is going to make matters worse. Coupled with this is the issue of price gouging, many foodstuffs become cost prohibitive. "The enormity of the situation cannot and should not weigh us down to stop providing free foodstuffs to those who need it most. We must continue to express the love of G-d in tangible ways to the needy. In times like this, it takes hearts touched by G-d to honor and glorify Him, to deliver help, to spread love and to show compassion. "Finally, brethren", as Philippians 4:8 rightly puts it, "whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."" Our work is not finished. If not for you... Daily Devotion: So We Can Help Each Other - by Greg Laurie - A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other.-1 Corinthians 12:7 Have you ever received a gift you didn't like? At one time or another, we have all received gifts that we didn't like very much. But if you're a follower of Jesus Christ, the gift God has for you is a perfect gift that you'll never want to return. Therefore, you need to receive the gift and then develop and use that gift for the glory of God. This happens through the church. I thank God for the church. I know we're not perfect, but we're still the best thing going. There's nothing like the church. And let's remember that Jesus started the church. In a technical sense, it's an organization, but it's actually a family. As believers, as members of the family, we each have a role. Even when we can't meet in person, we need the church, and the church needs us. It's here that we discover and develop our spiritual gifts that we can use for God's glory. However, there's a difference between spiritual gifts and natural abilities. We are all born with certain abilities. Some people are naturally athletic while others are artistic or have musical talent. Some people are good at details or good at crunching numbers, but everyone is born with certain abilities and talents that God gave them. Although, there's a difference between God-given talents and spiritual gifts from the Holy Spirit. Here's what the Bible says in Romans: "Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, so it is with Christ's body. We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other. In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well" (12:4-6 NLT). We are not all the same. Aren't you glad of that? And we all have a part to play through the church with our spiritual gifts. ![]() FROM THE HEART
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