Prophecy Update Newsletter
May 10, 2017
Why Do the Palestinians Not Have a State of Their Own? - By Matt Ward -
"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." -Joseph Goebbels (Nazi Minister of Propaganda) On Monday, May 15, the day after Jewish Independence Day, the Muslim world will commemorate a day known as Nakba Day, or "Catastrophe" Day. Nakba Day commemorates the "catastrophe" that the establishment of the State of Israel was to the Muslim world in 1948. In 1988, Palestinian Authority President, Yasser Arafat decided that whilst the Jewish State was celebrating its Independence with joy and gladness on May 14, the Palestinian people the next day should also mark the occasion formally and solemnly. They therefore began the commemoration of their own anniversary, the Nakba. To this end he declared May 15th, the day after Israeli independence in 1948, as Nakba Day. Nakba Day has been commemorated and noted ever since by the Palestinians, and increasingly by the wider world. Some years pass more peacefully than others, some years see an explosion of extreme violence. But with each passing year, the demand for the establishment of a Palestinian state grows and grows. It is a pressure that, I believe, will be pivotal in Israel finally sealing an agreement God describes as "a covenant with death" and "an agreement with Hell" itself (Isaiah 28:18). But why is it that the Palestinians do not have their own state? It is a genuine question. The truth, unknown by most, is that the Palestinians should have their own state by now. In 2017, the Palestinians should have their own fully functional, autonomous state. Yet they don't, and they are nowhere near attaining it. Why is this? The answer most give is as basic and simple as it is wrong: it is because of Israel. The perception many wrongly have is that Israel prevents the Palestinians from attaining their own statehood. It is inaccurate, it is perverse and it is entirely uninformed. Yet this lie persists, and grows stronger with each passing year. It is the same old lie often stated by diplomats and politicians alike, and it goes something like this, "...if Israel just allowed the Palestinians to have their own state, there would then finally be peace in the Middle East." Yet this lie is as subtle in its trickery and deceit as it is dangerous to the state of Israel. If one follows this line of argument through to its logical conclusion then it means that the fault, and all the blame for the lack of a Palestinian state, and consequently for a lack of general and widespread peace in the Middle East, rests exclusively with Israel. Not with Syria or Bashir al-Assad, not with IS, not with radical Islamism, not with Russia and her blatant expansionist aspirations, not with Saddam Hussein when he was still alive, not with the Muslim Brotherhood, nor with Iran or her proxy Hezbollah, not with Hamas or the Palestinians - but with little Israel. All the historical and current problems in the Middle East can be laid exclusively at the feet of Israel. It is a lie from the very depths of Hell itself. It is heinous, it is untrue, it is factually incorrect and pushed exclusively by one of two types of people; the ignorant and historically uniformed or by anti-Semites. There is no third category here. The simple and irrefutable truth is that the Palestinians should have a state of their own right now. Israel have already offered the Palestinians statehood on no fewer than five separate occasions, and on each occasion the Palestinians turned it down. On the evening before the first Nakba Day, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu commented that "Israel was not responsible for the Palestinian tragedy, their leadership is." He was right. The long and difficult history of the Palestinian quest for statehood, and the failure thereof, can only rightly be blamed on, and apportioned to one group, the corrupt, illegitimate leadership of the Palestinian people. Facts simply do not lie, nor does the historical record. The Palestinians have rejected offers for the creation of their own statehood on five distinct occasions. On a number of those occasions Israel even conceded to each and every Palestinian precondition they set for a state. Yet they still refused the deal that would have seen the establishment of their own state and homelands. History verifies it, past U.S. presidents have attested to it, world leaders know it, yet the masses-including many within the church, are wholly uninformed and unaware of it. So let's take a minute and actually examine the historical record, without comment and without judgment and let it tell us what actually happened. Opportunity One - 1930s Beginning in 1918, with the break-up of the Ottoman Empire, Britain took control of most of the Middle East region, including the area we now know as Palestine and Israel. In 1936, the Arabs living under this British mandate rebelled. As a result of this rebellion, the British formed a task force known as the Peel Commission. Its aim was to understand the causes of this rebellion and seek solutions for the future. The conclusion of the commission was simple. The Peel Commission concluded that two separate people, the Jews and the Arabs, both wanted and were intent upon ruling the same land. The Commission therefore recommended a simple solution; a two state solution. Two states living side-by-side, one a Jewish state, the other an Arab state. The two state solution is nothing new, it's older than most of our grandparents. The Jews jumped at this chance to establish their own state in the 1930s, even though the land they were being offered was miniscule compared to the offer forwarded to the Arabs. The Arabs were offered 80% of the disputed land, the Jews a mere 20%. The Jews said yes, the Arabs gave a resounding no. Opportunity Two - 1947 In 1947, the United Nations came to the conclusion that the only way to resolve the ongoing animosity between the Jews and the Arabs was to divide the land formally. The UN therefore voted to formally create two states, living side by side - another two state solution. Again, the Jews jumped at this opportunity, the Arabs Muslims responded by launching war against Israel, and were joined by Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon and Syria. They were soundly defeated. Critically, it was at this point that the land set aside for the creation of an Arab state by the United Nations, mainly the West Bank and east Jerusalem, become for the first time occupied territory. This was not an Israeli occupation though, the land was occupied by Jordan, not Israel. Opportunity Three - 1967 It was in 1967 that the Arabs, who had just begun referring to themselves as "Palestinians" sought to destroy Israel, alongside Egypt, Jordan and Syria. Israel soundly defeated all comers and found itself at the conclusion of conflict controlling additional large amounts of territory, all of Jerusalem, including the Temple Mount, the West Bank and Gaza. This amazing Israeli victory provoked widespread discussion within Jewish society. Many wanted to give this land back in exchange for peace, many more wanted to give this land to the Arabs, now calling themselves "Palestinians," so that they could fashion and build their own state, in exchange for what Israel hoped would be a lasting peace. This offer led to the infamous "three no's" of the Arab League, who met in Sudan to discuss Israel's magnanimous offer; "No!" to peace with Israel, "No!" to any recognition of Israel and "No!" to any future negotiations of Israel. The longed for Two State solution was now well and truly dead and would remain so for over thirty years. Opportunity Four - 2000 In the year 2000 new leaders and new optimism abounded. There was genuine hope from Israel and Western leaders that either peace, or some other form of wider agreement was genuinely within reach. To that end, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak met with Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat at Camp David to conclude a new agreement between Israel and the Palestinians. At Camp David, Prime Minister Ehud Barak offered the Palestinians a deal that had never been on the table before. It was such an offer that US President Bill Clinton, quite understandably, believed there were genuine prospects for a negotiated and permanent settlement between the two peoples. Clinton believed history was beckoning. Barak offered Arafat a Palestinian state in all of Gaza and 94% of the West Bank and, crucially, east Jerusalem as its capital. Clinton was sure the Palestinians would jump at the chance. But he was wrong. Arafat refused every concession and every offer tabled by Barak. He said no to everything. So intransient was Arafat that afterwards, Clinton went on record as saying that Arafat was, "here fourteen days and said "no" to everything." The Palestinians responded to Israel's generous offer by launching an intifada against them, and over 1,000 Israelis died as a consequence. Opportunity Five - 2008 Despite serious misgiving, in 2008 Israel so eager for peace with the Palestinians that they went even further in their offer than they had in 2000. This time, the Jewish State, confirming the terms of the 2000 negotiations were still on the table for the Palestinians (including having east Jerusalem as their capital), also adding the extra promise of "additional lands" as an incentive for the Palestinians to finally say yes. Mahmoud Abbas, like all of his predecessors, flatly refused all the tabled offers, to the utter amazement of all. So why is it, in 2017, that the Palestinians still do not have their own state? Is it, as Nakba Day portrays, because the Israelis are oppressing and denying the Palestinian people their rights or the opportunity for their own state, up until this present day? Or could there be a different reason? The simple truth of the matter is that Israel have offered peace and statehood to the Palestinians on five occasions. On each occasion they have been met with abject rejections and often extreme violence in return. Looking at the historical record I can only conclude that the Palestinians do not have a state of their own because they do not want one. This opinion seems to be verified by Ismail Haniyah, Hamas' own Prime Minister of Gaza. Haniyah is an outspoken critic of Israel, and of peace with the "illegal Jewish entity." On January 15th, 2014, Prime Minister Haniyah said the following about the Palestinians under his leadership with regards to the peace process, "This is a generation which knows no fear. It is the generation of the missile, the tunnel and suicide operations." Later, on March 23 of the same year he said, "Stop negotiating with the enemy. We will not recognize Israel." The acquisition of a state is not the end game the Palestinians seem to be seeking. The ultimate end game for the Palestinians is not two states, living side by side, but rather a Middle East that exists without Israel in it. The Palestinians do not have a state for one very simple reason; it is not a state they seek, it is the destruction of Israel. And this is why, short of the arrival of the Messiah Himself, there will never be a genuine or lasting peace in the Middle East. [email protected] Did Israel Steal the Palestinians' Land?
- Dr. David Reagan - Do the Jewish people have any right to the land of Israel? Did they steal that land from the Palestinians? Did they create the modern day state of Israel in violation of international law? Is there any hope for real peace in the Middle East between the Jews and the Arabs? And what does the Bible have to say about these questions? The focus of world politics today is the nation of Israel in the Middle East. And that focus is one of many signs that we are living in the season of the Lord's return, because all of end time Bible prophecy focuses on Israel, just like today's newspaper headlines. The world condemns Israel for stealing the land of the Palestinians. But, is that true? I can tell you without hesitation that it is not true. The Bible says that God has given the Jewish people an eternal title to that land. The Bible also says that in the end times God will regather the Jewish people to that land and re-establish their state. So, the bottom line is that the presence of the state of Israel in the Middle East today is in accordance with God's will. The Land Title Covenant The controlling passage for everything I have to share is found in Genesis 12 beginning with verse 1. It reads as follows, "The LORD," (and in your Bibles whenever that is capitalized it always means Yahweh, the name of God) "Yahweh said to Abram, 'Go forth from your country to the land which I will show you. And I will make you a great nation and will bless you, and make your name great. And to your descendants I will give this land.'" The land is Canaan. This promise was reconfirmed to Abraham six more times. In Genesis 17:7, God declared the promise of the land to be an everlasting covenant, not a temporary one - everlasting! The promise was reconfirmed to Isaac and to Jacob. It was reconfirmed through King David in Psalm 105, which reads as follows: "Oh, give thanks to Yahweh, for He has remembered His covenant forever. The covenant which He made with Abraham, and His oath to Isaac. And then He confirmed it to Jacob, and to Israel as an everlasting covenant. Saying, 'To you I will give the land of Canaan as the portion of your inheritance.'" The Land Use Covenant There were actually two covenants related to the land of Israel. The first one, the one we just discussed, is the Land Title Covenant. This was given through Abraham and it was an unconditional covenant. God's saying, "I'm giving you the land with no conditions attached. It's yours. It's yours forever!" The second was the Land Use Covenant. This was given by God through Moses right before the children of Israel entered the land of Canaan after 40 years of wandering in the wilderness. Just before they entered the land, God spoke through Moses. In Deuteronomy 28-30, God gives the Land Use Covenant. This is a covenant in which God makes it very clear to Israel that when they go into the land they are to abide by certain rules. One of the most important rules being not to intermarry with the women of the land, because He said that would lead to idolatry. There were many rules and regulations God gave the Israelites. He told them that the enjoyment of the land would depend upon their faithfulness to God. If they were faithful, He would give them blessings. If they were unfaithful, He would put curses upon them. There is a whole chapter concerning the different kinds of curses. Curses included bad weather, losses in wars, domination by foreign governments, rebellion by teenagers, divorce epidemics, crop failures, cattle dying, and on and on. All sorts of curses God would put upon the Israelites if they were unfaithful to Him. Then Moses warned his people that if they refused to repent, if they continued to sin against God, that it would ultimately lead to the greatest curse of all. Deuteronomy 28:64 reveals the greatest curse would be: "Yahweh will scatter you among all peoples, from one end of the earth to the other end of the earth. And there you will serve other gods. And among those nations you shall find no rest, and there shall be no resting place for the sole of your foot; but there Yahweh will give you a trembling heart and failing of eyes, and despair of soul." What would be the ultimate curse? The Jewish dispersion to the four corners of the earth. So, the crucial point to keep in mind is this: the gift of the land was irrevocable and unconditional. The Jewish people were given an eternal title, but their use and enjoyment of the land was conditional. It depended upon their obedience to God. Let me illustrate it this way. Let's suppose that you buy a car for your teenage son. You put the car in his name, and it belongs to him. But, you sit down with him and you say, "As long as you live in my house you are going to live under my rules and regulations. The car is yours, but here are the rules. There's going to be no spinning of the tires, no racing, and no speeding." So, you go through all the rules, and then you say to him, "If you violate those rules, depending upon the severity of the violation, I am going to take away your car and I am going to lock it up in the garage and you are not going to be able to drive it for a week, or two weeks, or for a month." The car is his. It belongs to him. But, his use of it depends upon his obedience to his father's commands, which he can lose the use of it for a period of time. That is the situation with the children of Israel when it comes to owning their land. They were given an eternal title to the land, but their possession of the land was conditional upon their obedience to God. The Israelites dwelled in the land for 750 years, with 400 years under the Judges and another 350 years under the kings. During that time, the Israelites were constantly falling into idolatry. They began to intermarry with the Canaanite women. They began to violate all the rules of God. In response to their rebellion, God placed remedial judgment after remedial judgment after remedial judgment on the Israelites, but they would not repent. And so, the time came when God began to raise up prophetic voices like Elijah who called them to repentance. Yet again they refused to repent, until finally the time came when God decided that He had to eject the Israelites from the land. The northern nation of Israel was ejected from the land by the Assyrians in 722 BC. The Babylonians captured Judah 136 years later in 586 BC. By God's grace and mercy, He allowed the Jews to return to the Promised Land after 70 years in Babylonian captivity. They rebuilt their temple in Jerusalem. But still, Israel continued in their rebellion against God. They continued to reject God. And when they finally rejected the Messiah - the Lord Jesus Christ - God allowed the Romans to come in, conquer the city of Jerusalem, burn the Temple, and begin to exile the Jewish people all over the world. The Jews were exiled to the four corners of the earth so that by the beginning of the 20th Century there were Australian Jews, there were African Jews, and there were Latin American Jews. There were Jews dwelling in every country of the world, just as God said He would do if they persisted in their rebellion. Again, the crucial point to keep in mind is that the Jews were dispersed from their land in discipline, but they were not disposed of their land. It was still their land. The Jews still hold the title to that land. That stands as a crucially important fact to keep in mind. The title to the Holy Land remains in the name of Israel, and it remains in their name to this very day. The Real Palestinian State Regarding the so-called Palestinians, it is very interesting that from 70 AD until 1948 AD, the year when Israel was re-established, Jerusalem had never been the capital of any Arab state. Jerusalem has never been the capital of any Arab state, only of the Jewish state. Also, there has never been a Palestinian state. Anti-semetics will tell people that all the problems in the Middle East are tied to the day that the Jews returned and "ran all the Palestinians out and took over their homes." What a lie! There has never been a Palestinian state. The Arabs who lived in the Levant considered themselves to be Syrians. Historically proven, there never has been any Palestinian identity. There has never been a Palestinian culture. There was never any Palestinian language. It just simply doesn't exist! The idea of a Palestinian state, a people who were illegally displaced by the Jews, is pure propaganda developed by the Arabs after the Six Day War in 1967. It is very important to keep in mind that the Palestinians already have a state and it is called Jordan. Some 75% of all the people who live in Jordan consider themselves Palestinians. So, when the Palestinians cry out to the world that they need a state, the truth is, they already legally have a state, and it's called Jordan. Palestinians Use Deception for Greater Acceptance - By Noah Beck - The two main political groups that claim to represent Palestinians - the Islamist terror group Hamas and the Palestinian Authority (PA) - have embarked on new campaigns of deception in order to gain greater international acceptance. PA President Mahmoud Abbas met with President Donald Trump last week to discuss the peace process. He blatantly lied throughout his public remarks. Speaking before Abbas, Trump said that "there cannot be lasting peace unless the Palestinian leaders speak in a unified voice against incitement to...violence and hate...All children of God must be taught to value and respect human life, and condemn all of those who target the innocent." Abbas then made statements that seemed intended to allay Trump's fears: "I affirm to you that we are raising our youth, our children, our grandchildren on a culture of peace," Abbas said. "And we are endeavoring to bring about security, freedom and peace for our children to live like the other children in the world, along with the Israeli children in peace, freedom and security." Apparently anticipating that Abbas would promote such falsehoods to Trump and the American public, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shared a video on his Facebook page exposing the extent of Abbas' lies. The video montage shows several examples of Palestinian incitement to violence - including by Abbas himself - and the indoctrination of children to hate and attack Jews. "Our strategic choice is to bring about peace based on the vision of the two-state," Abbas declared alongside Trump. "A Palestinian state with its capital of East Jerusalem that lives in peace and stability with the state of Israel based on the borders of 1967." But Netanyahu's video shows Palestinian children being taught that "Palestine is an Arab land from the river to the sea," effectively brainwashing them to reject the territorial compromise required by the two-state solution Abbas claims to accept. That anti-peace, anti-Israel message extends far beyond the classroom. "Every grain of soil in Palestine is ours... Haifa, and Jaffa, and Acre," (all cities in Israel), Najeh Bakirat, a religious leader and the head of the Waqf's Al-Aqsa Academy of Heritage and Antiquities said last June. "Therefore it is forbidden to relinquish a single grain of its soil," Bakirat continued, in his remarks titled "Palestine in the Quran," which were broadcast on official PA TV. While the Fatah-affiliated PA likes to present itself as more moderate than Hamas, its rejection of Israel is essentially the same. "The Fatah Movement never demanded that Hamas recognize Israel," said Fatah Central Committee member and Commissioner of Treasury and Economy Muhammad Shtayyeh, on official Palestinian Authority TV last March. "To this moment, Fatah does not recognize Israel. The topic of recognition of Israel has not been raised in any of Fatah's conferences." Abbas also didn't let truth get in the way of his breathtakingly false statement, made before Trump and the U.S. media, that the Palestinians "are the only remaining people in the world that still live under occupation." The Tibetans, Kurds, and Cypriots are just a few of the many groups who would disagree. Trump "raised concerns about the payments to Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails who have committed acts of terror," said White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer. But a senior PA official rejected the idea as "insane," claiming that PA payments to imprisoned terrorists are like salaries paid to IDF soldiers. Just days before Abbas met Trump, senior Fatah leader Rawhi Fattouh even argued that donor countries should welcome PA payments to terrorists because this practice promotes peace by keeping the Palestinian terrorists from joining "ISIS or any other extremist party." A few weeks before the Trump-Abbas meeting, the Palestinian Information Center called Tel-Aviv a "settlement" in a tweet, implying that even Israel's commercial capital - considered well within Israel proper by international consensus - should be part of a future Palestine. Josh Block, head of The Israel Project, uncovered the tweet, which was released on Holocaust Remembrance Day. The Palestinian Information Center tweet referred to the "so-called Holocaust." The other major Palestinian faction, the Islamist terror group Hamas, has also launched a new campaign of deception to improve its fortunes - this one targeting Muslim powers. Hamas chief Khaled Mashaal unveiled a "document of general policy principles" at a press conference last Monday that appeared to moderate its anti-Semitic and genocidal charter. But, as journalist and Mideast expert Avi Issacharoff reported, it included no substantive changes (as confirmed in this more detailed analysis) and was designed merely to improve "public relations during one of the terror group's lowest points." "Gulf states are closing the funding taps one by one and income from inside Gaza is dropping," Issacharoff wrote. "It is for this reason that the need arose to present a 'friendlier face' to the world via this document of principles." Issacharoff calls it "a masterful example of verbal acrobatics in the Arabic language ... There is no direct call to eradicate the state of Israel, but recognition of the Jewish State is prohibited and liberated Palestine is to stretch from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea." The Israeli government swiftly dismissed Hamas' charter revisions: "the group is trying to delude the world but it won't succeed," said a Netanyahu spokesman. "It builds terror tunnels and launches rockets - that's the true Hamas." Hamas also is trying to win hearts and minds in the European Union, which designated the Hamas military and political wings as a terrorist group in 2001 and 2003, respectively. As Issacharoff reports elsewhere, throughout Europe Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood have created a network of schools, mosques, charities and other civil organizations. That network includes "student associations in every well-known university in Europe. Recently, Muslim 'human rights' groups have been established that work to strengthen support for the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas." Issacharoff notes that Britain is "hosting more of this semi-official activity by Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood than any other country in Europe." Despite the EU's terror designation, Hamas also has a foothold in Germany, which reportedly harbors some 300 "members and supporters" of Hamas (along with 900 members of Hezbollah "activists and members"). Its verbal and organizational deceptions aside, Hamas' actions confirm that nothing has changed about the group's bloodthirsty, fanatical, and cynical nature. Last month, the group used a girl with cancer to smuggle explosives into Israel for a future terror attack. Hamas accuses Abbas of "crimes against humanity" for his refusal to pay for Gaza's electricity as part of Fatah's struggle to regain control of Gaza. But Gaza's water and power crises are a direct result of Hamas' corruption, mismanagement, and diversion of humanitarian funds for terrorist purposes. Nearly three years after Hamas launched its disastrous 2014 war with Israel, thousands of homes damaged in the conflict - estimated at 60 percent of the total - remain unrepaired because of Hamas policies. Hamas has proven repeatedly that its commitment to jihad against Israel matters more than the welfare of the people it rules. So when Abbas or Hamas appear to be moderating for an audience with President Trump or others from whom support is sought, the focus should be on deeds, rather than words. Where Black is White and White is Black - By Harry Moskoff - Don't we all live in a world where the above statement rings true in some way? Where the shades of truth are blurred beyond recognition? No place is more obvious than Middle Eastern politics. Jews can no longer call Jerusalem home or even the capital of the State of Israel, as it has been officially declared as Occupied Palestinian Lands by the United Nations. Soon all the ancient Jewish holy sites in Israel might be under the auspices of the Jordanian WAQF and the Palestinian Authority. Isn't that the goal of hate though - to manipulate reality? The UN has succeeded in providing quite a platform for that. Even the cities that Christians call holy are now effectively converted to Islam. Cities like Bethlehem, Nazareth, and even Jericho are not welcome to Christian (or Jewish) visitors anymore. I await the day when the enemies of Israel will be punished, those within and those without. We will surely live to see that day. In the meantime, we must have faith. Somehow! There simply is nothing else. History had proven that when God is the most hidden, THERE He is to be found. And all He wants is for us who call Israel home to appreciate His protection of our homeland, the Land of Israel. So why not all of us be proud! From the spectacular (eastern) Talpiot lookout point one can view the Temple Mount with the golden Dome and the Al Aqsa Mosque on top. However, what you don't see is the remains of the massive Hulda Gates that are below leading to Solomon's Temple that existed there some 2700 years ago. You also don't see the two ritual baths that are directly underneath the mosque, there to this day. One sees the Dome of the Rock, but can't see the ancient tunnels underneath that may actually lead to the awesome Ark of the Covenant itself (see the author's: The ARK Report book and film). In other words, figuratively, the Black is on top, but scratch a bit below the surface and you'll find the White - something completely different. The truth behind the ancient Jewish connection to the Temple Mount, the Ophel and the City of David. But from the perspective of biblical archaeology (which is so active around that area), why try to pull this off? Why trick people into thinking something that is in denial of the actual historical facts? One answer is because making an international resolution that denies Israel's sovereign rights over Jerusalem indirectly also calls for a nullification and/or cessation of any archaeological work that is being carried out there. It has the effect of minimizing the credibility and importance of each discovery. If not now, certainly in the future. This process also erodes public sentiment and indeed, the morale of the city's Jewish citizens who feel an intrinsic bond to the place. How to push back and correct this process? Well, we can start with getting rid of the virus that is situated right there called the UNTSO (United Nations Truce Supervision Organization). Truce? What truce? As far as I can remember and if my memory serves me correctly, the last truce was between Israel and Hamas in the form of a cease-fire in Gaza several years ago. And that wasn't even classified as an official war. Do we really still require their (so-called) military observers in other areas like the Golan Heights, Sinai, etc. when all we hear in the news is that their "peace-keepers" are making quick retreats and submitting to terrorist murderers on our northern and southern borders? Those wimps. Not only that, but when recent UNESCO events come into play that deny our link to Israel's very own capital city, something must be done, and quick, otherwise it's tantamount to agreeing that Jerusalem may be our city now (at 50!), but not so in the future. So why don't we just go ahead and evacuate (aka/disengage) the old UN Headquarters at Armon HaNatziv already, and convert it into what it should be - the new US Embassy. And what a view! An awesome idea, no? Turn the Black into the White it used to be. What a win that would be for Israel and her supporters all around the world. In fact, Deputy Foreign Minister, MK Tzipi Hotovely recently told me that once the US moves its embassy to Jerusalem, many other countries would follow suit. Despite all the political antics though, we religious folk know that one day the Third Temple will be restored to its rightful place, replete with the Ark and all, and we'll be thanking the Creator for having saved us yet again from those intent on our destruction. Every day living here is a miracle. Literally. Every day! It is our profound duty to acknowledge that simple fact, as at the end of the day God Almighty is the true owner of this Land, no? And I can guarantee that sometime soon, the world will recognize White as the color it really is. And Black as well. May it be soon and in our days, Amen. The Logic Behind Israel's Presence In Judea And Samaria - By Marcel Serr - Fifty years ago, Israel faced a looming attack from Egypt, Jordan and Syria. But on the morning of June 5, 1967, Israel's air force launched a pre-emptive strike against these enemies, and destroyed most of their aircraft in a matter of hours. During the next five days, Israel's ground forces conquered the Sinai, the Gaza Strip, Judea and Samaria (the West Bank), the Old City of Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights. Israel eventually pulled back from the Sinai Peninsula and made peace with Egypt, thereby ending its regional isolation. It also made peace with Jordan in the early 1990s, and withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 2005. In contrast, Israel annexed East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights because of the historical and religious value of the former, and the strategic importance of the latter. No area, however, has impacted Israel more than Judea and Samaria. Because of its ongoing administration of large parts of this territory, Israel faces serious international criticism -- and is often called an "occupier." So, is maintaining a presence in Judea and Samaria actually worth it? The Oslo Accords and international law During the late 1980s, direct talks between the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and Israel led to the Oslo Accords (1993-95), which divided the West Bank into three parts: Area A, Area B and Area C. Area A comprises 18 percent of today's West Bank, and is under full control of the Palestinian Authority (PA). It contains all of the major Palestinian cities (Ramallah, Bethlehem, Nablus, etc.). Area B (22 percent) is under the civil control of the PA, but Israel provides security there. Area C (60 percent) is administered by Israel. 2.8 million Arabs live in Areas A and B, and 350,000-400,000 Israelis live in Area C. Israel's critics say that its presence in Judea and Samaria violates international law. However, Israel claims that this perspective ignores the historical background of the West Bank. Jordan had illegally occupied this territory during Israel's War of Independence, and annexed it illegally in 1950. In 1988, Jordan abandoned its claims on the West Bank. On this basis, Israel does not regard the West Bank as occupied territory, because it did not rightfully belong to another state before it became part of Israel. Strategic imperative But why is Jerusalem so interested in Judea and Samaria? Clearly, the area's religious significance to Judaism plays a role. However, the key reason for Israel's prolonged presence in the West Bank is her need for defensible borders. A brief look into Israel's history is enough to explain why this is so. Only three years after the Holocaust, the newly founded Jewish state fought for its existence against five Arab armies. In the following years, Israel faced a war on three fronts in 1967, and a surprise attack on two fronts in 1973. Since then, Israel has become the target of numerous terrorist attacks at home and abroad, and has existed in an exceptionally hostile environment. Thus, defensible borders are of utter importance. Israel cannot afford a huge standing army. That is why the IDF has only a small core of full-time soldiers. Most of the army consists of conscripts and reservists. The latter have to be mobilized in times of war -- and in case of an attack, the professional soldiers and conscripts must keep the aggressors at bay until the reserves are called up. By maintaining control of the West Bank, Israel's borders are easier to defend in case of emergency. Indeed, the West Bank improves Israel's strategic situation tremendously, because it provides strategic depth. Keep in mind that at the narrowest point of Israel's pre-1967 borders, the country is only 14 kilometers wide. Controlling Judea and Samaria also protects Israel from Palestinian violence. If the PA took control of the area, it could become a second Gaza Strip, where rockets are fired at civilians and terror attacks are launched on a near-daily basis. That is why Israel must retain a certain presence in Judea and Samaria, regardless of the international criticism. Nearing Midnight: Fox Is Getting Drawn into the Media Cabal - Todd Strandberg - The Fox News network is the most talked about media organization in America. The New York Times and Washington Post have reporters that spend the majority of their time writing articles about Fox. Every time there is a major shift in management at the network, it's covered by all the other news outlets. There is very little interest in the goings on at CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, and dozens of other news organizations. The attention given to Fox is driven by the fact that it is the only major news outlet that has not had a liberal bias. CNN doesn't know how to manage its own network-evidenced by years of declining ratings. Despite their inability to connect with the public, CNN reporters feel fully qualified to instruct Fox on how to manage its undertakings. A great deal of news about sexual harassment at Fox has been reported. The network's former president, Roger Ailes, was fired because he became too personal with the female reporters. Bill O'Reilly was forced out for much of the same reason. When co-president Bill Shine was fired last week and false claims were made about Sean Hannity, it became clear that there is an effort to remove conservative stars from the network. The effort to reprogram Fox started years ago with the campaign against Glenn Beck. The leftist groups controlled by George Soros went after Fox's advertisers. They convinced enough of them to boycott the Glenn Beck Show, making it unprofitable to keep him. The same boycott tactics were used to oust Bill O'Reilly. But before they settled on sexual harassment allegations, they tried getting him fired for plagiarism, messy accusations that stemmed from his 2015 divorce, and claims of false reporting going all the way back to the 1982 Falklands War. There are no scandals at the other news networks because they have a different set of standards for journalism. If people on the left are caught giving money to their liberal candidates, the punishment is a slap on the wrist. MSNBC's Chris Matthews has made many disparaging comments about women in politics throughout his career, which include Hillary Clinton, Sarah Palin and Melania Trump. Yet he remains a media darling in the eyes of the liberals. In 2011, MSNBC made it clear that it has no standards when it hired the race-baiting "shakedown (con) artist," the Reverend Al Sharpton. To find the true reason why 21st Century Fox is changing you have to look at the owners of the company. Rupert Murdoch has run Fox for several decades. Now that Murdoch is 87, he has decided to let his two sons, James and Lachlan, take control of the family business. The sons have a proven liberal background, so they are changing the leadership at Fox to reflect their views. The Murdoch boys are in for a big surprise if they think they can transfer Fox into a clone of all the other networks and maintain their audience. The changes already made have turned Fox into a bland network. Instead of making news, it just follows the news. Fox only appears conservative now because all the other networks have become so radical in their hatred of the Trump Administration. About a 100 million people in the U.S. regularly follow the news. Fox News only gets about 5 million of this number. When President Trump does an interview with a Fox News reporter, his message gets out because all other news organizations are obligated to report on what he says. Once Fox becomes a mirror reflection of all the other liberal news outlets, any interview to which Trump agrees will be a boxing match, crammed with "gotcha" questions. CBS News' John Dickerson was given the opportunity to interview the president in the Oval Office. It quickly became evident that the nature of his questions were designed to try embarrass President Trump. Dickerson asked Trump about his relationship with Obama, making mention of a March tweet in which he called Obama a "bad guy." This was in connection with claims that his campaign headquarters at Trump Tower were wiretapped upon Obama's orders last fall. After Dickerson badgered him like a chief prosecutor, Trump finally had enough and ended the interview. To be without the Fox News channel as it was in its best days, leaving us only with liberal bias of the major media-would make President Trump's life miserable. If a Democratic president is elected in the future, life for all freedom loving citizens will be equally painful. Unless there is an agenda of free press, autocratic rule is the natural inevitable result. Bible prophecy warns that there will be a global dictatorship in the last days. Fox's descent and deliberate decision to pivot into the cabal of scripted fake news outlets, shows that the end must be very near. "And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?" (Revelation 13:4) As Doomsday Clock Ticks Down to Armageddon, Stephen Hawking Has 'Jewish' Solution - By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - "But go thou thy way till the end be; and thou shalt rest, and shalt stand up to thy lot, at the end of the days." Daniel 12:13 (The Israel Bible™) The dreaded Doomsday Clock now stands at a perilous two-and-a-half minutes to midnight, and world-famous physicist Stephen Hawking has cut mankind's lead time to disaster down to a single century. Incredibly, he has a solution which may reflect exactly what the Jewish end-of-days has in store. The Doomsday Clock was set up in 1947 by the The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists' Science and Security Board to represent the likelihood of a human-caused global catastrophe. The clock was set at seven minutes to midnight at its inception and has been readjusted 22 times. In January, the clock was pushed a half a minute closer to midnight and now stands at 11:57:30 PM. In a new BBC documentary called Expedition New Earth, Dr. Hawking listed a myriad of dangers that cut his thousand-year estimate down to a mere 100 years, including climate change, asteroid strikes, epidemics and overpopulation as the greatest dangers facing the world today. With multi-national militaries in Syria and off the coast of North Korea, many would add global war with nuclear overtones to the list. Dr. Hawking has suggested two solutions to the impending doom. While one of his proposals defies mankind's Biblical mandate on earth, the other actually comes surprisingly close to tallying with Jewish end-of-days scenarios - albeit not perfectly. His first idea is that mankind "must continue to go into space for the future of humanity," as he said at a lecture last year. "I don't think we will survive another 1,000 years without escaping beyond our fragile planet." Yuval Ovadia, an end-of-days lecturer and filmmaker, criticized Hawking on Biblical grounds for suggesting that the solution is to flee. "This is the place God created for us to live, and no other place," Ovadia explained to Breaking Israel News. "He also gave us the knowledge and wisdom to take care of the planet." And God blessed them; and God said unto them: 'Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that creepeth upon the earth.' Genesis 1:28 "This world is our responsibility," Ovadia said. "To destroy the planet and run away would be a sin." However, the secular physicist's second suggestion for dealing with humanity's impending doom - the formation of a world government - ties in closely with an accepted Jewish tenet about the coming days of redemption. Rabbi Yosef Berger, rabbi of King David's Tomb on Mount Zion, explained that the concept of a world government is indeed essential to the end of days, but only in a religious context. "The scientist made a reference to something, but he doesn't know the deeper meaning of what he is saying," Rabbi Berger told Breaking Israel News. "In the End of Days, there will be a New World Order: One Kingdom of God. The scientist is suggesting a single world order that is not from God but from Man." The rabbi cited the turbulent elections in the US, the notably young and inexperienced leaders in France and Canada, the change in leadership of Great Britain due to Brexit, and the near-coup of Turkish President Erdogan. A wave of upheaval named Arab Spring spread across the Middle East in 2011. "You don't have to be a physicist to look around and see that major world governments are falling apart as the world situation grows worse," Rabbi Berger said. "But a person with a straight heart would also see the signs that the solution is for us to prepare for the real King, and not to run away." Daily Jot: Comey out of the swamp - Bill Wilson -
President Donald Trump has fired FBI Director James Comey and the Democrats are crying foul. They say Trump is interfering with the investigation into his campaign that the Russians helped him win the presidency. Calling it "Nixonian," was Senator Bob Casey (D-PA), and Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) wanted Comey to come testify immediately about the status of the "Trump-Russia" investigation. House Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) said the White House was "brazeningly interfering" in the probe. Comey's firing comes after months of lightening-rod misinformation given by Comey in several investigations-including one of Hillary Clinton and also one on alleged Russian interference in US elections. As usual, it's not wise to believe what is being reported. Here we have an FBI Director that was appointed by the ex-"president." Think about all those who the ex-"president" appointed to help him execute his Islamic Marxist agenda and what type of people they were-Valarie Jarrett, Lois Lerner, Sally Yates, Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder, Chuck Hagel, Janet Napolitano, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Jack Lew-not to mention all the radical Islamists that were put in high places at Defense and Homeland Security. This kind of underscores the old saying 'Birds of a feather flock together', doesn't it? In all reality, Comey should not have been appointed to such a position in the first place. And he has proven it. Let's just take a common sense non-political look at two of his major investigations-both of which contributed to his ouster. The Hillary Clinton email scandal is a dead to rights violation of federal law. Clinton and her cronies admittedly passed secret information through unsecured channels--not just once or twice which would indicate it could have been a mistake-but hundreds of times through a system she created. Meanwhile, she was fleecing foreign governments scores of millions in Clinton Foundation donations for access to government officials. These are undisputed facts, yet Comey couldn't make them stick. If you or I had done this-or anything close to it-we'd be in jail for a long time. The Russians have tried to influence elections for generations, but there wasn't much discussion about it by Democrats during the Cold War. The Russians did not hack or steal the recent US election. It is a typical political bait and switch investigation to take attention off the real issues. For example, the Russian ruse is not even comparable to what the ex-"president" and Hillary Clinton did to defeat Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, or to work with the Muslim Brotherhood in overthrowing several stable governments in the Middle East during Arab Spring-also undisputed facts. Comey is gone because he deserves to be. Proverbs 28:18 says, "Whoso walks in integrity shall be saved: but he that is crooked in his ways shall fall at once." May those who do righteously be strengthened and quickened to prevail. Daily Devotion: Holy Boldness - Greg Laurie -
www.harvest/org And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness. -Acts 4:31 Sometimes I'll hear people say, "We need another Pentecost." No, the original Pentecost was more than sufficient. However, can what happened to them still happen to us today? The answer is yes and no. Nowhere else in the Bible do we read of a mighty rushing wind, and the Spirit coming upon people like flames. But in Acts we do frequently read of the Holy Spirit empowering, speaking to, and using the believers. The power given by the Holy Spirit to the first-century church at Pentecost is available to the twenty-first century church today. The power that was given to them then is available to us now. The Holy Spirit filled the first-century believers again and again and again. We read of Peter at the Beautiful Gate being led by the Spirit to pull a crippled man to his feet. Then we read of how the Lord filled him with the Spirit, and he stated that Jesus was the Messiah. This same power came upon the apostle Paul when he was trying to preach the gospel to the governor, and a sorcerer was opposing him. And the Bible tells us in Acts 13 that Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, turned to this man and rebuked him. It took a boldness from God. When the believers were preaching the gospel and were told to stop, they prayed for even more boldness to do so. And in Acts 4:31, after this prayer, the building where they were meeting shook, and they all were filled with the Holy Spirit and preached God's message with boldness. If you have ever been afraid to speak up for your faith, if you have ever been opposed or mocked as a Christian, then you are a candidate for being filled with the Holy Spirit. FROM THE HEART
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