Prophecy Update Newsletter
Evil Men and Seducers - By Terry James - Can there be little doubt that we have witnessed over these recent, past years, deception that has turned the nation upside down? Is the chaos and turmoil still not broiling almost every facet of life in America on a continuing basis? Anyone with the capability to comprehend their own presence on the planet should answer "yes," if they are of the age to understand things going on within America and the world. Of course, many among us have no concern for what they see happening, except as it might affect their ability to buy, sell, and access their favorite entertainment outlets. However, the COVID-19 matter has brought even most of these who are disinterested in the politics of things into the "we care" group with the rest of us. This includes even the teen-agers who normally have their noses stuck in their devices. They are now more than inconvenienced by the social distancing and other restrictions imposed by increasingly dictatorial-like edicts. In our town, for example, the mayor issued an order that no children below 16 years of age can go outside until the order is lifted. That was several weeks ago, and I think that has been lifted since. At any rate, it didn't work around here. Children out of school because the schools were shut down for the balance of the year had no concept of the order, and parents ignored it for the most part, according to what I observed. Nonetheless, the many gathering places for the teens and young adults have been off-limits. No more than ten people in the few stores that have been opened during the coronavirus "crisis" has discombobulated many others, young and old alike. We now learn that many things about the "pandemic" have been without legitimate foundation, scientifically and even medically speaking. The entrenched governmental bureaucrats continue to fight against the president, who vowed to "drain the swamp." The conclusion is obvious-with only a scant possibility of that conclusion being unreasonably conspiratorial in my estimation. What the deep state couldn't accomplish through all of the things they tried-that is, to overturn the 2016 presidential election-they are now trying to do through a Mafia-like terror tactic. They are, in effect, threatening the very lifeblood of the American populace, both literally and figuratively. Literally, by telling people they will die if they don't acquiesce to their draconian restrictions, figuratively by working to destroy the economy of the nation, thereby destroying ability to earn livelihoods, in order to take the president down at the voting booths in November...thus to regain the political power they insanely crave. The Apostle Paul's prophecy has emerged with stark revelation at this time so near the end of the Age of Grace: "But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived" (2 Timothy 3:13). We see the deception within the manipulations of the entrenched bureaucracy, through revelations learned by reports such as the following. As reported weeks ago - in mid April, Dr. Fauci admitted that it was he and Dr. Birx who persuaded President Trump to lock down the US economy knowing the massive destruction this would cause in jobs, lives and commerce. The president admitted that during a press conference in April that "two very smart people" came into his office and urged him to lock down the economy or 2.2 million Americans would die from the China virus. But President Trump did not say who those "two very smart people" were. President Trump: "The big projection being that 2.2 million people would die if we did nothing. That was another decision we made, close it up. That was a big decision that we made. Two very smart people walked into my office and said listen these are your alternatives. And that was a projection of 1.5 to 2.2 million people would die if we didn't close it up. That's a lot of people."... After Dr. Birx and Dr. Fauci sat with the president the US went into lockdown and since that time over 30 MILLION Americans have lost their jobs and thousands of companies have gone bankrupt. In late March, Neil Ferguson, who was behind the Imperial College coronavirus study, backtracked and said 20,000 Brits may die from the coronavirus instead of his original estimates of 500,000. Neil Ferguson resigned from his government post as researcher this week after he was caught breaking his own lockdown rules by meeting with his married mistress at his home. (Jim Hoft, "Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx Used Imperial College Model-NOW CONFIRMED AS A COMPLETE FRAUD-To Persuade President Trump to Lock Down Entire US Economy!" Gateway Pundit, May 8, 2020) Many medical experts, physicians, and others have weighed in, pointing to the fact that the "modeling" on which this disastrous shutdown occurred is erroneous at best and a complete fraud at worst. Mainstream media news has refused to acknowledge these contradictory expert findings, because it doesn't fit their narrative-the model-that they deem necessary to take down this president and, in effect, overthrow the 2016 election results, which have driven them to the madness we have witnessed since that election. Proof of Paul's prophecy was further validated the past week as having emerged in these troubled times through the matter of General Michael Flynn and the railroading done to him by the deep-state, intelligence-agency top officials. The lying and deceit was so vicious that it reached the point that those who were sent to entrap General Flynn threatened to destroy his son and family if he didn't plead guilty to the totally false charges they concocted. Here is a brief account of last week's findings in the Flynn case:
Shakespeare's Mark Antony said in his words about Julius Caesar: "The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones." We sure have endured the evil men and seducers have done in contravention of God's precepts for dealings in this life. Considering there being any "good" in these Washington, would-be Caesars, I think had he lived today in America, the great Bard might have changed his tune in the case of the D.C. swamp creatures. Muslim Waqf: We'll Reopen Al-Aksa Mosque if Jews Allowed on Temple Mount - By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - Then Shlomo began to build the House of Hashem in Yerushalayim on Mount Moriah, where [Hashem] had appeared to his father David, at the place which David had designated, at the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite. (Chronicles 2 3:1) On Sunday, the Waqf (Islamic authority) held an emergency meeting concerning the Temple Mount. At the meeting, the Waqf extended the ban on Muslims praying at the silver-domed Al Aqsa Mosque and the gold-domed Dome of the Rock, a Muslim shrine built on the site of the Holy of Holies of the Jewish Temples. The Jerusalem Islamic Waqf is an Islamic religious trust controlled by Jordan that manages the Islamic sites in the Old City of Jerusalem. Following the meeting, the Waqf threatened the Israeli government, saying that if Jews continue to tour the area surrounding the structures, they will open the gates and allow Muslims to enter en masse. This will be in direct violation of Health Ministry regulation requiring social distancing and will endanger the Palestinians who come to the site. The Waqf declared that even though it will result from their orders, the responsibility will be on the Israeli government. The Waqf claimed the decision to reopen Al Aqsa is not influenced by religious feeling or by pressure on the Waqf management, but rather by religious, national, and moral responsibility, following the advice of the relevant health sources. The Waqf acknowledged that some of the worshipers may be carriers of the coronavirus and that thousands will be infected if the area is opened. The move comes after an unprecedented decision by the Waqf two months ago to close the two structures on the Temple Mount pursuant to pandemic restrictions which limited the number of individuals allowed to congregate in a closed area to ten. The Waqf then insisted that in order to carry out the order, the Israeli government need to exclude Jews entirely from the site. It should be noted that Muslims enter the Temple Mount via eleven gates with no security measure hindering them. Jews are only permitted to enter via the Mughrabi gate after rigorous background and security checks. Jews are limited to small groups, do not mingle with the Muslims, and are restricted from entering the structures. There is no reason why Jews visiting the site should affect the Waqf carrying ou the Health Ministry regulations. It should also be noted that despite Jews still being entirely restricted from entering the Temple Mount, the Waqf continues to allow many Muslims to enter under the pretense of being Waqf employees. Last week, the Jerusalem High Court of Justice ruled in favor of a petition brought by Arnon Segal and Yehuda Etzion demanding the Israeli government respond to claims they cut a secret deal with Jordan in which Jews would be excluded from the Temple Mount. The petition noted that banning Jews while allowing Arabs was unconstitutional thus rendering such an agreement with Jordan illegal. The petition also noted that allowing the Waqf staff onto the Temple Mount during the lockdown contravenes Health Ministry regulations. Segal is a journalist and claimed that barring him entry to the site violates freedom of the press. The court ordered the Israeli government to respond by Monday but that was extended until Wednesday. "Despite the Waqf declarations, it is the Israeli government that is preventing Jews from ascending to the Temple Mount," Segal told Breaking Israel News. "The Waqf is threatening to react to any attempts by the Israeli government to allow Jews to enter the site." Segal emphasized that even before the outbreak of the epidemic, the manner in which Jews toured the site constituted social distancing and was limited to small groups in open areas. "There is no reason that should not be permitted even now," Segal stated. "Restricting Jews is, in effect, rewarding the violators of the law." Segal believes that the Israeli government is planning on restricting Jews until after the culmination of the month of Ramadan in on May 23. The Muslim prayers on the Temple Mount are usually attended by tens of thousands in the final days of Ramadan. "The government will restrict the Jews in the hopes that the Waqf will restrain the Muslims from arriving en masse which would be an unmitigated public health catastrophe," Segal said. Segal is waiting for the government to respond to the court order but even if there was no secret agreement with Jordan, the restriction of Jews from the Temple Mount os deeply distrubing. "The government's actions concerning the Jews' religious rights to the Temple Mount are truly disgraceful," Segal said. "Arrangements were made for Jews to pray at the Western Wall and at the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron. The Temple Mount is the Jews' holiest site. It is inconceivable that Jews would be entirely prevented from even visiting the site." Lutherans Now Promoting Praying To 'Mother God' After Wiping Israel From NT - By PNW Staff - The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America continues to stir up controversy with it's "progressive policies" and are pushing members who want to hold to sound doctrine no choice but to leave the denomination. Several weeks ago the Danish Bible Society, which is run by the Evangelical Lutheran Church, came under heavy fire for the Danish "translation" of the Bible that virtually wipes out "Israel" from the New Testament. In the Greek New Testament, the word "Israel" occurs more than 60 times, however it is found only once in the new Danish version called Bibelen 2020. That's right, just once. And that one occurrence is a direct quote from an Old Testament verse. Otherwise, "Israel" is gone. The reason for this the society argues is that Christian readers must not connect "Israel" in the New Testament with the nation of Israel today. The ELCA has long promoted the idea of "replacement theology", also called supersessionism, which essentially teaches that the church has replaced Israel in God's plan. Adherents of replacement theology believe the Jews are no longer God's chosen people, and God does not have specific future plans for the nation of Israel. This is not the first time Lutheran leadership had promoted such views. In 2018, Robert O. Smith, a pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church and a stalwart in the World Council of Churches and the Lutheran World Federation, addressed a conference at St. Olaf Institute for Freedom and Community. Smith was seated before a Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS) banner and made these declarations: "The ancient Israelites are not linked in any substantive or material way to the contemporary, modern state of Israel. . . . The biblical narrative of Israel has almost nothing to do with contemporary Israel other than the intentional manipulation of sacred texts to justify a political project." There are other significant problems with this translation, including the removal of words like "sin," which becomes watered down to a mere "mistake." Now the church is raising red flags with it's promotion of praying by addressing God as "Mother" instead of Father on it's official Facebook page as well as via Twitter: "Mother God, you have fed us with the nourishment of your spiritual food. Raise us up into salvation and rid us of our bitterness, so that we may share the sweetness of your holy word with all the world," the ELCA tweeted on Tuesday as part of their #Bread4theday series of Twitter posts. The tweet has gotten a fair amount of negative attention. Hans Fiene, a conservative pastor who oversees the popular Lutheran Satire YouTube channel, responded with a simple message to people who still value Biblical literacy: "Leave the ELCA," he succinctly replied when retweeting the ELCA post. For those who choose to remain in this apostate denomination they will find themselves treated to more of the same in their churches as the leadership continues to steer them in the wrong direction. The presiding "bishop" of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, The Rev. Elizabeth Eaton, has expressed her belief that although Hell may exist, it is entirely empty because "God doesn't give up on those who reject Him." The statement came from a recent interview for the podcast "Face to Faith". She said in the interview, "if we take a look at salvation history, ever since we got booted out of the garden, it has been God's relentless pursuit to bring His people to God," and that given eternity, God will continue working on everyone until eventually all will be saved. The bishop dismisses Biblical evidence against her position simply by saying that Lutherans aren't "literalists" as she confuses parables with clear theological statements such as Matthew 25 which tells us that the wicked "shall go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into life eternal." How disconcertingly comforting to believe that no matter what we believe, no matter how evil our actions on Earth and no matter how strong our rejection of God, that there will always be a paradise waiting for us in Heaven. Last year, Westview Lutheran Church in Boulder, Colorado ordained the nations first transgender Latina pastor while The Park Church, a Lutheran ministry in Greenpoint, Brooklyn held it's first Drag Queen Story hour with Drag Queen "The Rev. Yolanda" who is known for her "Church With A 2 Drink Minimum" slogan. Viewing the World with Biblical Lenses - By Gene Lawley - Our current world is in a "topsy-turvey" panic situation. The left is totally dedicated to somehow solving that "impending" climate-change disaster that is-in their view-about to suffocate us, or on the other hand, engulf us with roaring waves of water as the ice melts at the poles. Then, a Corona virus comes along and explodes those issues in favor of a very real and present danger to civilization, worldwide. Their idea of a God in heaven, if that idea were ever to take place, has no ability to do anything. If mankind wants to know his future, he can find it in the Bible, the Word of God, the God of the universe, the Sovereign Voice of Prophecy. Jesus said, in Luke 21:28, "When these things begin to happen, look up, for your redemption draws near." God has a plan for the universe, and it has not changed from its existence before time began. These three verses give us some idea that we can know what is coming to pass, in addition to that quote from Luke 21:28 above: John 16:13 - "However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth, for He will not speak on His own authority, but what He hears, that He will speak, and He will tell you things to come." Amos 3:7 - "Surely the Lord God does nothing unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets." Habakkuk 1:2,5 - "O Lord, how long shall I cry, and You will not hear? Even cry out to You, 'Violence!' and You will not save.' "Look among the nations and watch-be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days which you would not believe, though it were told you." To those thoughts we must also add the following from Romans 11:33-36: "Oh the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out! "For who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has become His counselor? Or who has first given to Him and it shall be repaid to him? For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever. Amen." Viewing the world through Biblical lenses is like thinking God's thoughts along with Him. That is how it seems to be when I am reading the Word as it is verbally inspired, or "God breathed" as I am reading it in its present tense. In other words, God is saying it in eternity now, but I am seeing it in present time. Therefore, we can view current and future events as they appear in the Scriptures with confidence that they are our future. A very real and vital example that tells us about this Corona virus and whether or not it means this is the end of the age, and Jesus is going to appear at this time, is in Luke 17:26-30: "And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. Likewise, as it was also in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; but on the day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Even so will it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed." The picture shown here is as it will be when Jesus is revealed. It will not be the picture of devastation and doom that we are seeing today. There will be, then, a restoration of the economy and related lifestyles to resemble those in the passage above. (Incidentally, some have placed this passage's parallel in Matthew 24:37-39 at the Lord's second coming at the end of the seven-year tribulation. However, at that time there will be no such thriving economy, but devastation and a struggle to survive will be the conditions.) Daniel 9:26-27 is the bullseye of the prophetic target that opens up the culminating end of this age: "And after the sixty-two weeks Messiah shall be cut off, but not for Himself; and the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end of it shall be with a flood, and till the end of the war desolations are determined. "Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week, but in the middle of the week he shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering, and on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, even until the consummation, which is determined, is poured out on the desolate." We see that the time of this beginning point is when the Messiah was crucified. We also see here that one who is of the lineage of the Romans who destroyed the city of Jerusalem and its temple in 70 A.D. He will join with many to confirm a covenant-with many nations, no doubt, since it will have been the United Nations which established nationhood for Israel in 1948. This one who rises out of the ashes of the old Roman Empire is seen as a "prince," perhaps someone of a higher political stature than a person rising out of obscurity, at least at this point. Who is now hovering in the shadows just off-stage, waiting for that opening to come to him and he is elevated to leadership of the world? The one who is to come will bring forward that sixth head of the Beast of Daniel's prophecy to the front page of today's current events. With whom the covenant is made is revealed when we see that a new temple is evidently allowed to be built soon after the covenant is in place, just as touched on above. Again, as mentioned above, this points to a restoration of Israel as a sovereign nation. It also reveals who the "many" are who also confirm the covenant-the United Nations. God often made a promise to the Jews that after He scattered them to all the nations of the world, He would later restore them to their native land again in the latter days. Ezekiel prophesied in Ezekiel 37 of that restoration and ends that chapter with a promise of an everlasting covenant with Israel. This. Time-wise, parallels with the seven-year covenant the secular world will make. The key figure in this context is that "prince" who arises with authority to take control, as the Scriptures indicate. How will that happen, we may wonder? It is also the timing of the Rapture of the saints; and the resulting "sudden destruction" the world will experience, no doubt will open the way for "someone" to take charge, for the world will be looking for a leader. That mortally wounded sixth head of the Beast will arise as this person takes control and fronts his actions behind the face of the New World Order proponents who have been longing for a one-world government to give them elite status. This coming lawless one is revealed coming forth on a white horse, "conquering and to conquer." This is a simple preview of what he will be doing throughout the seven years of the covenant period, although he will cancel the covenant halfway through it. That first seal opened by Jesus in Revelation 6 and the action portrayed in Daniel 9:27 displays the strange authority that will have been given to the Antichrist. Somehow, he will come to a world leadership position that is identified with his confirmation of the covenant with many other world leaders. There is no Scripture which tells of his being assassinated, then rising again to convince people that he is the Christ. Once the Rapture occurs, no Christian will be left on earth to challenge his authority, and the Lord will bring upon those who are left behind an evil, deceptive spirit to turn their hearts. Currently, it is obvious that the "falling away" Paul writes of in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-8 is underway, full bore. In that passage we see that the "falling away" leads to a complete "taking away" with the removal of all resistance against the evil that is overwhelming the world. The covenant's confirmation is the pivotal event that triggers the Rapture, evidently, for Paul also writes of it in 1 Thessalonians 4:16 to 5:10, noting in 5:2-3, "For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night, for when they say, 'Peace and safety!' then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. Who in the Middle East is fervently interested in "peace and safety" but Israel? That little country, the apple of God's eye, is the bullseye also of prophecy. And thus we see it as the focus of seven years of judgment, along with the whole world, from which God will salvage a third of the Jews and restore them to a relationship with Him. (See Zachariah 13:8.) In Zachariah 12:10 we read that the Jews will "look upon Him whom they have pierced, and mourn for Him as for an only begotten son." They will recognize Jesus as their Messiah during that seven years, at a feast of the atonement. Closer at hand is the current epidemic of Corona virus. What do the Biblical lenses reveal to us about that issue? There is no direct reference to such things encountered by mankind during the ages particularly, but Biblical history shows that God deals with the sinfulness of man in drastic measures. The most destructive event, of course, was the flood of Noah's time. It was worldwide and so extensive that only eight people survived, though warnings were evident for about 120 years. That event was brought on because people of the world were so degraded with sin that "every imagination of the thoughts of their hearts were only evil continually" (Genesis 6:5). Is this world approaching such a condition? It may well be so. God is certainly shouting out a warning that His judgment has not been nullified whatsoever. At the least, this episode has the ability to shake the population loose from its grasp onto false gods and false doctrines and point them to the truth that is in Jesus Christ. A saying akin to that thought comes out of the wars of the 20th century, "There are no atheists in the foxholes." The agnostics believe God created everything then left it to fend for itself, so I understand. But that is not so. God is "not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9). That is where we are today. Contact email: [email protected] Daily Jot: The Farm Chronicles: Round up - Bill Wilson - Note: The Farm Chronicles is a weekly feature documenting life as a result of growing up on a farm in rural Ohio. Some subscribers unsubscribe apparently because they do not understand this retreat from normal news analysis. Hang with us, it's only a once a week departure to a time when America was different than it is today. It was that time of year again-the early spring. It's when Dad would go to Oscar McWilliam's ranch outside Sedalia, Missouri, to buy horses. Since school was still in session, I went through my annual beg-a-thon to go along. I loved these journeys to buy horses. It was fascinating to see how my Dad and Oscar wrangled each other for days about horses and prices, never having a cross word, but negotiating nonetheless. Oscar was this old-time cowboy. He was over six ft tall, and a bit leaned over from age. He wore an old beat up straw cowboy hat and when he talked, he hardly moved his lips. He was a frame right out of a movie, only real life-with real life lessons and old cowboy wisdom. I was probably about 14 for this trip. And Dad said it was OK with him if it was OK with Mom. She couldn't resist my charm, so the answer was "yes" if I got all my homework done and had my assignments from school. No problem. Oscar and his wife Mary, a handsome woman of Native American descent, greeted us at the ranch. We got caught up on all the family news, and on to the business of selecting horses. Oscar had several penned up in the back part of the barn. There was one he wanted me to ride, a nice bay Quarter Horse mare. She worked out pretty well in the barn, but Oscar wanted me to take her on a trail ride the next morning-to gather up some cattle in one of the back pastures. I was excited, for sure. After a hearty breakfast (Mary was an excellent cook), I saddled up the mare and Oscar said there were four Hereford cows he wanted me to bring back. And he pointed me in the direction. Well, Oscar had over 800 acres, but I went in the general direction he told me. That mare and I walked for hours looking for those cattle. We entered a scenic valley with a spring stream flowing gently through a green meadow. I dismounted and walked along the stream where I found the biggest tadpoles I had ever seen-they were probably as large as silver dollars. Soon, we came to an old abandoned homestead. Inside the old one-story cabin along-side the stream were eight Hereford cows. I didn't know which ones were the four Oscar wanted and it was getting late in the day-we must have been 10 or more miles from the barn. So I rounded all of them up and started herding them back in the direction I came. Nothing looked the same. I was headed in another direction all together. I found a fence-line which was rare in open range, and followed it. Hours later near dusk, thinking I could be lost, my prayers were answered. I spotted a familiar clearing ahead. 20 minutes later, I proudly guided the cows into the barnyard. Oscar and Dad were waiting for me, trying to appear that they weren't worried. Oscar, through a wry smile, said, "Well, Billy, you did a good job here, but you brought back four cows that aren't mine. I think they are the ones my neighbor said he lost." I was thinking to myself, "I could have been among the lost, too." As the Lord said in Ezekiel 34:16, "I will seek the lost, bring back the strays." He does, even when we are supposed to know where we are headed. Daily Devotion: The Blessing of Compassion - by Greg Laurie - Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, so it is with Christ's body. We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other. -Romans 12:4-5 I can think of times when I've walked into a hospital room and haven't had the words to say, or I haven't known what to do. But my wife has simply walked up and said just what they needed at that moment. The Bible tells us there is a spiritual gift of showing kindness and mercy. Romans 12:8 says, "And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly." Some people have an extraordinary, supernatural ability from God to show mercy, compassion and kindness to those who are in need. When you're in a hospital bed you don't necessarily need a Bible expositor. You don't necessarily need an evangelist unless you're not a Christian. Then it would come in helpful of course. When you're hurting, you need someone who has the gift of mercy, compassion, and showing kindness. When you're in pain, you don't always want a sermon. In fact, sometimes the last thing you want at the time is a sermon. Someone who understands how to show compassion and empathy can make a huge difference. You might have that gift. It's an awesome spiritual gift, by the way. So, develop it, cultivate it, and use it. The Bible says, "Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, so it is with Christ's body. We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other" (Romans 12:4-5 NLT). Some people are outgoing, while others are more reserved. Some people have what we call "the gift of gab," but others don't have a lot to say. Some people see the big picture, and others see the details. God has created us all differently, but we all have something to contribute with the spiritual gifts He has given us. ![]() FROM THE HEART
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