Prophecy Update Newsletter
The Incurable Curiosity of the Cosmos: Vol. II - By Pete Garcia - The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork. Psalm 19:1 My own personal curiosity about space began with the late, great JR Church's article, The Gospel in the Stars. Mr. Church resurrected this topic from Joseph Seiss and E.W. Bullinger, who each wrote about this in the late 19th-century. By the end of the article, I was both fascinated with the topic, and in awe of God's majesty. I was even a little disappointed frankly, that I had not considered these things about the stars myself. Understandably, we approach this topic with a bit of caution, because Scripture neither outright confirms this theory, nor denies it, thus, we must allow the Spirit to guide our understanding on these things. [For the first part of this article though, I will be paraphrasing portions of Mr. Church's article to make the point ]. A well-known fact of history was that the ancient cultures of Egypt, Assyria, and the Chaldeans all held the stars in a special place in their pagan theologies. They considered them sacred and divine to varying degrees. What is not as well known, is that the ancient Hebrews, and their forefathers (e.g., those antediluvians who predated Abraham but were of the same lineage) also held a special place for the constellations. Since there was no written biblical accounts of creation prior to Job (circa 2100BC) or Moses (circa 1400BC) that we know of, it seems reasonable that God communicated to mankind through a variety of agencies, one of which was creation itself. Since the stars are part of that created order, it would not be out of the realm of possibility to believe that they could also seemingly foretell the great story of a coming redemption in symbolism and type. Now, I have read some online ministries try to discredit Seiss, Bullinger, and the whole Gospel in the stars theory. One point they made was that how could the Gospel be a mystery, if it was written in the stars since the time of Adam. Certainly, we can acknowledge that the Gospel was a mystery to the Old Testament saints and prophets (Eph. 3:8-10, 6:19; Col. 1:26-27). However, we could equally point to the Protoevangelicum as evidence that ancient man knew that at some point in the future God would redeem him. The question was never about whether the Gospel was a mystery, but where the mystery (musterion) actually lay. I personally believe that the mystery was always about the execution of the salvation plan, not the plan itself. What I mean by that is, the mystery was how God would actually pull it off and never whether He would do it or not. For I know that my Redeemer lives, And He shall stand at last on the earth; And after my skin is destroyed, this I know, That in my flesh I shall see God, Whom I shall see for myself, And my eyes shall behold, and not another. How my heart yearns within me (Job 19:25-27) The book of Job, written around the year 2100 BC, predates the writing of Genesis by many centuries. In it, Job mentions names certain constellations and states that they (the constellations) were part of God's ways (Job 26:11, 13-14). Job mentions the Serpent, which in the Zodiac is also referred to as Draco, Hydra, Scorpio, or Cetus. Job also mentions the Pleades and the constellation Orion, both of which are found in Taurus. There is also a reference to Arcturus, which means bear in Hebrew, and is a reference to Ursa Major. Not only this, but one of the writer's in the book of Psalm, points out that God telleth the number of the stars; He calleth them all by their names (Psalm 147:4). Once Satan was defeated at his original rebellion, he made his dominion not in the dark, cavernous underworld we often picture him in, but in the air (Eph. 2:2). We will speak more to why that is in a bit, but for now, simply understand that Satan attempted early on to hijack the message of redemption. However, prior to the flood, Satan first attempted to corrupt all of man and animal kind genetically so that a redeemer could not come (Gen. 6:1- 7). After God preserved mankind through the line of Noah, Satan began shifting his tactics by corrupting the created order. The fact that Satan would make the effort to pervert and convert the mnemonic Mazzaroth into a pagan Zodiac system is further evidence of its original significance. If that message (the Mazzaroth) already belonged to Satan, he would not need bother corrupting it. Originally, the stars were divided into forty-eight constellations, with twelve major constellations, and thirty-six decans or sidereal sidepieces. The Antediluvian Saints (between Seth and Noah) used the Mazzaroth not to divine the future, but as a mnemonic tool used to help aid/keep their oral tradition alive for God's plan of redemption. The name and corruption of the Mazzaroth into what we now know of as the Zodiac, would not come about until some point after the flood, presumably around the time of Nimrod and the tower of Babel (circa 2300BC). For a more in-depth search into the history of the Mazzaroth, see here for the late Chuck Missler's excellent research on the topic. We Are Not Alone "At no time, when the astronauts were in space were they alone: there was a constant surveillance by UFOs." - Astronaut Scott Carpenter As Christians, we understand that there is more to this reality than what we can see, here, and touch. We understand that there are only three different kinds of intelligent, sentient, beings in our existence. There first is the triune Godhead- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Next is the Angelic realm, filled with innumerable holy and unholy angels. Lastly, there is man. However, the secular world has a hard time reckoning anything beyond their five senses and reasons that these extra-terrestrial visitors are "aliens" from another planet or galaxy. This is why the issue of UFOs is so intriguing concerning biblical eschatology. The fact that they are here and presumably, very interested in the goings on of earth, means things are about to get interesting. My first thought on their increased activity was a process of normalization, and allowing themselves to be seen and filmed (in varying degrees) to get unregenerate humans used to the idea that they are not alone. My second thought on this is that since they have yet to make full contact (think Close Encounters of the Third Kind); their motives are not friendly. Just ask anyone who has ever claimed to be abducted and you get the eerie semblance from their testimonials of similar scenarios when humans interact with demons. For most of man's history on the earth, the sky remained an impenetrable domain until just the last century. When man finally began to take to the skies and started exploring the uppermost parts of his atmosphere, his encounters with the unexplainable would increase to the point where collision for disclosure would become an inevitability. Irrefutable evidence is now coming to the forefront that is forcing secular world governments, the media, and the military to finally address openly. This is the rub. Entertainment through books, movies, and television have long promoted the idea of UFOs and the supernatural because their popular and make a lot of money. This has spawned whole genres and sub-genres where people have begun to believe that these things are real. Meanwhile, the governments of the world have long understood them to be real (because of irrefutable evidences); they have attempted to keep the lid on it because people collectively were not ready for the truth. Therefore, after 70 years of science fiction and fantasy saturating our pop culture world, the time for disclosure is nearby. The Truth is Out There On occasion, I listen to a show on YouTube called SecureTeam10. The show is not Christian in nature, but the host, Tyler, keeps it clean and tries very hard to post only videos and commentary that appear to be as reputable as possible. He recently did an episode that sparked my curiosity and got me thinking about things. Although he primarily focuses on unexplained aerial and lunar phenomena (UFO activity), he also covers the strange and bizarre events going on in the world. From the strange, apocalyptic sounds heard around the world, to seemingly artificial structures on places like the moon, mars, and the Antarctic, along with other bizarre things picked up by Google Earth. Recently however, he sparked my interest when he asked a very pertinent question. Why all of a sudden, are the world powers, infatuated with putting man back on the moon? Man last set foot on the moon in the 1972 with the Apollo missions. In the subsequent four decades, there has been seemingly little appetite in going back. So why now? Why the rush? India, China, Israel, Russia, and even the US are all now racing to get back to the moon, and to put a sustained human presence there. Not just them, but private companies as well, such as Moon Express, Amazon, Virgin, and Space X are also racing to get into space. Concerning Israel's mission, they put a twist on it. Their rocket contained some 30 million documents etched into a DVD that contains a massive amount of the world's history. The 'Lunar Library' started its journey to outer space late February on a robotic lunar lander called Beresheet launched by SpaceX. The archive, which is housed on a metal disc about the size of a DVD, was created by the Arch Mission Foundation, a Los Angeles-based non-profit. The archive is intended to preserve records of human civilization for at least 6 billion years. There seems to be a strong desire to both preserve humanity and create a "breakaway" civilization on the moon, on or before 2029. Why is that? What are they afraid of? Concurrent to this, NASA has recently admitted to erasing thousands of hours of recently discovered Apollo and Pioneer mission film. This is the film all concerning the moon missions in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s. As the article asks, in an era when all kinds of historical data is being restored and preserved, why would the preeminent space agency not be interested in protecting and studying all of this newly found historical data? Conclusion And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; men's hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things, which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens, will be shaken. Luke 21:25-26 One area we watchmen are intimately familiar with the synoptic gospel's account of the Olivet Discourse. In regards to the above passage, the timing may be as key to the verse as is the action occurring. Most would conclude that this particular passage is dealing with events that happen INSIDE the 70th Week, particularly in the second half of it. However, regarding the subject of deception, we understand that by that time, Satan will have needed to lay the proper groundwork in order for mankind to be confused and / or mislead on what is actually transpiring. In order to do that, he would have needed to begin his deception campaign much earlier. Concerning deception, most Bible teachers tend to hone in on the current religious and ideological deception that is already beginning to saturate our world in these last days. However, from an eschatological perspective, deception must also be looked at holistically to understand the gravitas of how thoroughly comprehensive it will become. In regards to the battle over truth, deception has truly become a multi-domain battlefield. The Apostle Paul writes in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2, verses 9 and 10, that the coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. With the skyrocketing increase in the arena of unexplainable aerial phenomena known as unidentified flying objects (aka...UFOs), we must factor this into the coming deception. The reason why, is that this increased activity in the heavens is not just happening arbitrarily, but purposefully. This deception is twofold. First, Satan realizes that man is never going to be able to leave earth and colonize the universe as science fiction movies have led us to believe. Therefore, unglorified man is perpetually confined to earth in the physical domain. Secondly, since Christ is returning in the air at the Second Coming with His armies (Rev. 19), Satan must prep the stage by leading mankind to believe that only by uniting globally, can they defeat the threat that is coming from above. Just look at the biggest blockbuster science fiction movies to get a sneak peek for where this deception is aimed at. Therefore, it would behoove us to try to understand how these bizarre events (UFOs, unexplainable phenomena, etc.) factor into the coming age of signs and lying wonders. Furthermore, how they fit into the coming global deception. Although myths and monsters have also existed in the folklore throughout our history, the folklore usually matched the technology of the day. In the pre-industrial era, when there were still vast undiscovered regions with large, unpopulated areas, the sign on the map usually just said 'here there be monsters.' Throughout recent history (the last two-thousand years), vampires, witches, sea monsters, and werewolves were the usual boogeymen haunting places where men feared to tread. In the industrial and post-industrial eras where humanity began its great urbanization migration, the boogeymen shifted to things like human monsters, ghosts, poltergeists, and the demonic. However, it was not until after World War II that man began noticing an unusual uptick in the activity in the heavens. These events seemed to keep pace with the technology of the day by presenting mankind with unexplainable flying objects that seemed to defy the laws of physics and of reality. I believe two events caused this shift from purely earthbound threats, to the supernatural intrusions in the heavens: the use of the atom bomb against imperial Japan, and the rebirth of the nation of Israel. These two events may have been a signal for the fallen angels (interdimensional beings) that mankind was entering its final stretch. Fallen angels and their leader Satan know Scripture and know that Israel had to become a nation again in order for the end to come about. They tried their best after the 1917 Balfour Declaration through the demonic rise and possession of Hitler and his Third Reich to wipe the Jews out once and for all. They did not know their actions by the Holocaust would result in the direct opposite effect they intended with the reconstitution and rebirth of the nation of Israel. It is no coincidence that supernatural activity would begin to spike at the exact same time Israel came back into her land as a nation. A secondary sign to the fallen angels was the use of the atom bomb. Not so much that man invented a giant bomb, but in how man got there. Man finally figured out how to split the atom, and they knew this would open up a completely new realm of technology. What it meant was that man now had the capacity to destroy ALL life on the planet. Thus, these two events were signals to their ranks that they would need to make their presence known in an increasingly aggressive manner. They know mankind has entered into the last moments of the last days and their leader, Satan, is instructing them to begin laying the groundwork for what he needs; an answer for greatest cosmic event in human history up until this point, the Rapture of the Church. Yes, as crazy as it sounds, the increase in frequency and intensity of UFO activity proves (at least in my mind) that the Rapture of the Church must be very soon. Why? First, we know that there are only three categories of sentient beings in the universe. Next is the unprecedented increase in unexplainable phenomena, with which this activity appears to be at best, elusive, and at worst, nefarious. So this rules out God or His holy angels. Furthermore, this activity defies the laws of physics or any capability mankind has, thus ruling us out. This leaves only one possible group- unholy or fallen angels. Secondly, we see throughout Scripture that any time there biblical prophetic movement, there is an equal attempt by Satan to counter-react by way of satanic or demonic activity. It stands to reason that we should have expected an increase in satanic activity since 1948 (Israel's rebirth) and that it would only escalate until a culmination point (the Rapture). After which, the Restrainer (2 Thess. 2:7-8) will be removed and this unexplainable satanic phenomena will go from elusive to obvious, because the Spirit filled church will not be here to counteract it. Thirdly, Satan has to have a believable excuse as to why millions of people disappeared, and even more importantly, something to distract and unite humanity at the time of their greatest global crisis with which the Rapture-event itself will provide in spades. So although the fear and expectation of those things, which are coming on the earth, mentioned in Luke 21:25-26 are events that happen inside the 70th-Week of Daniel, this seems to be in keeping with my hypothesis that since these activities are wildly on the increase, their increase marks the season of His soon return...Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near. Luke 21:28 Why Economic Prosperity Will Not Lure The Palestinians Into Peace Accord - By Bassam Tawil - In most normal societies, a businessman who seeks to improve the living conditions of his people by boosting the economy and creating job opportunities for the unemployed -- including a host of jobless university graduates -- is treated with respect. The Palestinians, however, do not seem to belong to those societies. Ashraf Jabari is a 45-year-old businessman from the West Bank city of Hebron. A member of a large Palestinian clan in the city, Jabari believes in economic cooperation and peaceful coexistence with his Jewish neighbors, including settlers living in the West Bank. Earlier this year, Jabari and some of his Jewish friends launched a new economic initiative to advance joint entrepreneurship between Israelis and Palestinians there. "We are working on taking down borders, and both Israelis and Palestinians need to take part in this," Jabari explained. "We need to breach this wall. We must first create good links and good relationships not just in the West Bank, but all over Israel so we can achieve our desired goal." To advance his goal, Jabari recently announced the establishment of a new party that calls for focusing on economic prosperity for Palestinians: The Reform and Development Party, he said, seeks to solve the economic problems of the Palestinians, including high unemployment. "We have an army of university graduates who are unemployed," he said. "We've reached a situation where a young [Palestinian] man holding a Master's degree in law has to work as a street vendor because he can't find work." One would expect a message like that to be welcomed by Palestinians. Here is a man who is talking about helping his people put food on their tables. Here is a man who is saying: "Let's put aside our political differences and focus on ways of achieving economic stability for our people." Instead of giving Jabari a chance to carry out his initiative, Palestinians have waged a massive smear campaign against him, with many denouncing him as a "traitor" and "collaborator" with Israel and Jews. Some Palestinians have even gone as far as calling for his arrest or execution. The campaign against the Palestinian businessman reached its peak on May 13, after he hosted at his home several Jews for the Ramadan break-the-fast meal, Iftar. It is not unusual for Muslims to host non-Muslims for the Iftar meal. In this instance, however, Jabari seems to have invited the "wrong" guests: Jews. As soon as photos of the Ramadan meal appeared in various media outlets, many angry Palestinians took to social media to voice their strong condemnation of Jabari. In the face of the widespread protests and resentment, Jabari's clan was forced publicly to denounce and disown him. "Ashraf Jabari is a criminal, and he doesn't enter the Palestinian Authority-controlled territories," said Arif Rubin Jabari, a leader of the clan. "Our family already disowned this fraud back in 2002. He doesn't represent anyone from our clan or Hebron." The clan leader further claimed that Israel was "using Jabari to carry out its suspicious schemes against Palestinians." He called on Palestinian Authority officials to "study Israel's attempt to give prominence to Jabari by presenting him as an alternative to the current Palestinian leadership." The clan's public denunciation of Jabari, however, has failed to placate many Palestinians, who are now calling for severely punishing the him for his words and deeds. The Palestinian news website Wattan, based in Ramallah, the de facto capital of the Palestinians, called for bringing Jabari to trial for treason. "The [Palestinian] security services must act immediately to arrest him," Wattan said in an article published on its website. "According to Article 135 of the Revolutionary Penal Code of the PLO (1979), the punishment for treason is prison with hard labor. The law states that anyone who offers accommodation, food or clothes to an enemy soldier or a spy or helps him escape, should be punished. Dozens of spies have already been punished in accordance with this law. Article 140 of the same law stipulates the death sentence for anyone who serves as an informant for the enemy. Indeed, many spies have been executed." Judging from the reactions of the Palestinians, they are angry with Jabari mainly for two reasons: engaging in "normalization" with Israelis and promoting the idea of "economic peace." The Palestinians' "anti-normalization" movement is strongly opposed to any form of relations with Israel -- including sports and cultural events. Now, it seems that they are even opposed to seeing Palestinians and Jews eating together. Jabari offended many Palestinians because he dared to invite his Jewish friends to the Ramadan meal at his home. Moreover, his talk about "economic prosperity" for Palestinians has turned him into a public enemy. How dare the man discuss seeking ways to improve the living conditions of his people and create jobs for the unemployed? In the eyes of many Palestinians, the struggle against Israel should be paramount, even if they have to eat and drink that struggle instead of the food they could buy through engaging in economic initiatives such as those proposed by Jabari. Had Jabari joined Hamas or Islamic Jihad, or one of the anti-Israel organizations in the West Bank, he would have been idolized. Had he called for boycotting Israel rather than working -- and eating -- with them, he would have been lauded among his people and his clan. In light of the uproar sparked by the Palestinian businessman's actions and statements, it is safe to assume that his new party will never succeed in winning the hearts and minds of Palestinians. It's also hard to see how any of the economic enterprises he's talking about will ever materialize. The unprecedented campaign of hate and intimidation against Jabari comes weeks before the US administration rolls out its long-awaited plan for peace in the Middle East, also known as the "deal of the century." The upcoming peace plan, according to various reports, talks about giving the Palestinians billions of dollars and raising money for them from wealthy Arab countries. Yet, as Jabari's case makes clear, the Palestinians are less invested in gaining economic stability than they are in hating Israel. For Palestinians, the financial aid is a cynical attempt to lure them away from their struggle against Israel -- and no Palestinian leader has the stomach to face the threats that Jabari is currently confronting. So, far from any "deal of the century," the Palestinian leaders long ago struck a dirty deal of their own: they put their stock in Israel-hatred rather than in their own people. Nearing Midnight: Discernment All-Important - Terry James - This world has gone crazy-completely nuts! How many times lately have you thought or said that, or heard someone else make such an observation? I, myself, make it on an almost daily basis these days. I discern that these are the most out-of-control times I've observed in 76 years of life. I really mean that. There are things happening today within this nation the likes of which I've never witnessed.
I'm sure you can think of even more egregious examples of the madness of this strange age. All of this is to make the point that we are at a time where those who name the name of Christ should strive to appropriate discernment as never before. This generation is observably bumping up against the very end of the Age of Grace-the Church Age. Jesus said the following to the Judaizers-the Pharisees and Sadducees who mocked Him and asked for "a sign" that He was the Messiah even though Jesus had performed and was even then performing miracles and wonders prophesied by Israel's prophets long before Christ's time on earth. When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is red. And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowring. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times? (Matthew 16:2-3) All Christians have within themselves the ability to discern the signals of Christ's soon bringing an end to this world system. This is a gift from the Creator to those who love Him. It is a distinguishing mark that separates the believer from the nonbeliever. Again, Paul wrote under inspiration of the Holy Spirit who indwells each and every believer. "But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned" (1 Corinthians 2:14). This is why Bible prophecy-eschatology, the study of end things-is so important. God has provided a road map of generally what to look for as we travel the course toward the end of the age. The Christian-the spiritually-attuned believer-can discern these weird, troubling times unfolding around us. It is with this preface that I herein announce my next book. The title will be Discerners: Analyzing Converging Prophetic Signs for the End of Days. We are working hard to produce this volume. It will be what I believe-based upon the brilliantly written chapters by the authors I've read so far-a book that has been given us by the Lord to present at this crucial time. I'm greatly inspired by what the sixteen authors-some of the best known writers, broadcasters, teachers, and ministers-have to say about discerning these times in which we are privileged to live. We hope to have the book ready by July and will keep you informed. We will ask for as many preorders as possible. We want to get this book into the hands of many, many pastors and teachers as well as into the hands of each of you who want to be discerners like the Lord Jesus Himself obviously exhorts us to be. Globalists Are Bringing Their One World Currency Plans Out Into The Open - By Brandon Smith - People often ask me when they should begin to worry about the agenda for the "global economic reset" and the controlled demolition of the economy? If economic collapse is a process rather than an event, at what point in the process will we start to feel direct consequences? While crash conditions in economic fundamentals have indeed already started in the final quarter of 2018, culminating in faltering housing and retail numbers as well as an inverted yield curve, the average person is only affected so far in a minor way. It's true - even during the greatest of financial depressions, only a part of the population suffers while the rest live somewhat normally. This "relativity" in crisis changes, though, when we start talking about a currency collapse. In the event that the primary mechanism for exchange becomes unstable, as in Weimar Germany in the 1920's or in Argentina in the early 2000's, the damage to the public is almost universal except for the elitist class. In the midst of stagflationary headwinds, many people could still live a comfortable life given they are willing to make some sacrifices. But, in the midst of a currency implosion, anyone who is ill prepared will have to face the pain. As far as timing is concerned, we can make educated guesses according to the evidence, but there is no exact science to predicting when the globalists will pull the plug completely on economic life support. They will trigger a disaster when the timing most suits them. However, I do believe there are signals to watch for. In the past I have said that when globalist criminals stop trying to hide their criminality - when they start to become brazen in their rhetoric and agenda, that is when it is time for people to worry. Why? Because when criminals act more confident it is usually because they think they have already gotten away with it. Their plans are almost complete. Over the past year, the globalists have become absolutely brazen in flaunting their endgame for a single global currency system. Yes, it is time to be concerned. But there are people out there who will tell you that the notion is "far fetched". They will tell you that it is "doom porn", and they will tell you it is "conspiracy theory". The evidence says otherwise. The evidence says it is conspiracy FACT. Much of the argument against a one world currency hinges on the notion that the US dollar is too entrenched to be replaced anytime soon. In terms of a deliberate collapse of the dollar, the concept is simply too much for some people to wrap their heads around. The dollar is the world reserve currency, how could it possibly come under threat? King dollar bias is at its peak today, and the delusion that the dollar is some kind of untouchable and essential apparatus infects the economic world like a cancer. There are two kinds of people who argue that the dollar cannot be dethroned - those with an agenda who seek to keep the masses oblivious to the threat, and the useful idiots who have attached their egos to the fiat currency like it is some kind of national flag. Their arguments go a little something like this: Fallacy #1: The Globalists Need The Dollar To Maintain Power This is patently untrue. The dollar is nothing, just like any other fiat currency system. It is a fabrication, a fantasy. Its value is an arbitrary product of manipulated forex markets. Its buying power has dwindled to a shadow of its former glory in the past century. The globalists have resided over the life and death of multiple reserve currencies, and the dollar is no different. For people who make this claim, I suggest they consider the dominance of the British sterling in the early part of the 20th century. It was a world reserve as well as the petro-currency of the era. The world's central banks held sterling as the majority of their balances and its liquidity was strong. Its role was crushed, though, when globalists used British treasury bond holdings in America and France as leverage and forced oil producing nations in the Middle East to drop the sterling's petro-status. The shift away from the sterling began in the late 1930's and was completed in the span of around five years when the Bretton Woods Conference established a kind of "shared reserve status" between the dollar and the sterling. The dollar took over quickly from this point on. When the dollar was decoupled completely from gold in 1971 under Richard Nixon and tied to oil through agreements with Saudi Arabia, the transformation was complete (I would also note that the IMF's Special Drawing Rights basket was launched at the same time the gold standard was completely abandoned). The idea that the international banking elites care about protecting any single currency is absurd. They create these currencies out of thin air, and they can kill them almost as easily as they bring them to life. Fallacy #2: There Is No Other Currency Mechanism In The World That Can Take The Dollar's Place This fallacy relies on two assumptions - One, that no currency has the liquidity to match the dollar and fill the void in global trade if it were to fall. Two, the majority of reserves held in central banks around the world are denominated in dollars, therefore a replacement is unlikely because the world is "used to paying with dollars". First, liquidity is meaningless. Liquidity in any currency can be created on a whim. In fact, the Chinese have been ramping up the liquidity of the Yuan for the past ten years. Trillions in Yuan have been conjured from nothing, which is a development I have warned about repeatedly along with the Yuan's inclusion into the IMF's SDR basket. This is not to say I think the Yuan will replace the dollar as the world reserve, far from it. That honor will go to another mechanism entirely, which we will discuss in a moment. The point is, fiat currencies are not limited by their liquidity, they are only limited by the restrictions that central banks set upon them. If global central banks decide in unison that they will dump the dollar as the world reserve and use another currency, then that is exactly what will happen. Liquidity can be created with the push of a button. When one accepts the fact that the Bank for International Settlements dictates and coordinates the policies of all major central banks, then the idea that they might all drop the dollar as the world reserve at the same time becomes less difficult to grasp. Second, as mentioned above, the vast majority of central bank forex holdings used to be in sterling, and yet, the sterling was toppled and the dollar became the world reserve very quickly. Fallacy #3: The Globalists Already Have Total Control Through The Dollar, So Why Would They Change Anything? This argument generally comes from people who have no understanding of the psychology of economics and the psychology of power. First and foremost, the federal reserve and the dollar are merely a franchise of a larger system; they are but one tentacle writhing from the body of the globalist vampire squid. In the pyramid of banking power, the Fed is an errand boy, a workhorse, that is all. At the top if the pyramid sits the major global institutions which control policy, including the IMF, the BIS, World Bank and the UN. While the US government does have "veto power" within the IMF, the IMF has made it clear this power is ceremonial, and can be taken away at a moment's notice. In reality it is the Fed that answers to the IMF and BIS, and the IMF and BIS answer to no one. Even with control of national currencies, the globalists are not satisfied. What they want is global governance. They don't just want the masses to go along with it, they want the masses to BEG for it. This is about an ascendance to world empire, and if you have read my essays on the globalists and narcissistic sociopathy, then you know that these people want to be treated like gods, or god-kings, much like the pharaohs of ancient Egypt. It is not enough for them to stay in the shadows; they want to be worshiped in the light of day. But before global governance can be instilled as a necessity in the public psyche and the banking elites established as the benevolent rulers of the planet, several things must be accomplished. One of the first steps to global government would be global economic management and a single world currency. After this is achieved, global government would become much easier to sell to the public. Beyond this, the idea that the globalists have "total control already" is nonsense. The big secret the establishment does not want you to know about is that elitist power hangs by a thin thread, and that thread is public inaction and distraction. The establishment spends trillions of dollars and thousands of man-hours developing propaganda and launching wars in order to keep the populace preoccupied exactly because their control is an illusion. The globalists want total centralization and the subjugation of every nation under one system because this would make their illusory power more concrete. If the masses see them as saviors, and every nation is disarmed, docile and dependent on a single global monetary framework, who is going to snuff them out then? The Agenda Is Out In The Open Dollar exceptionalists ignore reality, they ignore evidence and they ignore history in their blind faith defense of the currency. Controlling the reserve currency did not stop the globalists from centralizing further and dumping the pound sterling post-Bretton Woods in 1944. Why would it stop them from dumping the dollar today? The argument over whether or not the dollar can be sunk is, in the end, pointless, because the decision has already been made. The ultimate goal of the globalists is openly admitted. As I have examined in numerous articles including 'The Economic End Game Explained', the Rothschild owned magazine The Economist outlined the plan for a one world currency system 30 years ago in 1988. This plan describes a shift starting in 2018, in which the US economy will be diminished to make way for a new system, rooted in the IMF's SDR basket. The article mentions that the SDR will not be the world currency, but a "bridge" to the world currency. Skeptics will say "Ah, but 2018 has come and gone, and there is no global currency!" But these people have not been paying attention. In my article 'The Globalist One World Currency Will Look A Lot Like Bitcoin', published in 2017, I examined the suspicious origins of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. I also warned that this technology was key to the death of privacy in trade and the very cashless society that globalists had been lusting after for years. My position - That blockchain and crypto ARE the foundation for the one world currency system. My position was confirmed by the IMF itself in 2018. In multiple white papers and articles, the IMF calls for the creation of a new digital currency system that would be based on blockchain technology. It is possible that this global crypto mechanism already exists and is being traded on the crypto-market today. Or, it is being held at the IMF as they wait for the right moment to put it into action. Last month the General Manager of the BIS, Augustin Carsen, published a paper on 'The Future Of Money And Payments'. In it he calls for a cashless society driven by digital currency issued by central banks. He also suggests that digital accounts could be offered directly by central banks, bypassing normal corporate banks. Our friend Steven Guinness recently wrote an excellent article covering this. The SDR's role as a bridge is also being confirmed in the mainstream. In 2017, globalist Mohamed El-Erian called for the SDR to act as a structure for a one world currency system, and stated that this would be useful in combating "the rise of populism". This past week, former UN Under Secretary General Jose Antonio Ocampo published an essay calling for the IMF to fully fund itself using the SDR, and then issue the SDR as a global currency mechanism. Skeptics and dollar cheerleaders should argue with global bankers on what can and cannot be done with the greenback, because it is the global banks that are stating, unequivocally, that they are about to replace the dollar with something else. How would they go about doing this? In many articles I have suggested that the best way to kill the dollar's reserve status would be to first kill its petro-status. This is part of what they did to the pound sterling when they made the dollar the world reserve, is it not? It is perhaps no coincidence then that Saudi Arabia, the key to the dollar's petro-currency dominance, has been cited as threatening to dump the dollar on multiple occasions the past few years. The latest incident comes within days of multiple globalist sources calling for a new world currency system. Though the Saudis have recently denied this news as a misrepresentation of their plans, I suspect this is spin control as the story has gone far more viral than they would have liked. The Saudi "Vision For 2030" requires dedollarization in order to be completed. And, guess who supplies the funding for the Saudi Vision For 2030 program? Globalist corporations like Goldman Sachs and the Carlyle Group. If the US government passes a bill exposing OPEC members to antitrust lawsuits, watch how quickly a monetary structure can disintegrate. And, watch how quickly the IMF and other globalist organizations swoop in to "save the day" with their own one world system. Daily Jot: New communist revolution hits mainstream USA - Bill Wilson - Gallup is reporting that some 43% of Americans now see socialism as a good thing for America. This compares with 25% in 1942. Gallup says "a majority of Democrats have said they view socialism positively in Gallup polling since 2010, including 57% in the most recent measure in 2018." The Gallup survey, taken in April, also found that nearly 30% of Americans want government distribution of wealth, 35% want government responsibility for wages, and 33% want government control over the economy. Interesting that these percentages coincide with the percentage of the population who are also registered Democrats, although the Gallup survey did not distinguish party affiliation. But wait, there is more. The Democratic Party platform has promoted a progressive income tax, extremely high inheritance taxes, expanded government property ownership, a centrally managed economy and credit system (aka Federal Reserve), expanded federal control over towns, counties and states, minimum wages, and is increasingly moving toward endorsing free education and a mandatory minimum income. At the same time, Democratic members of the House of Representatives have passed the Equality Act that elevates homosexuality and transgender sexual orientations above religious rights, even to the point that girls would have to share showers and bathroom facilities with men, and churches would be forced to support the LGBTQ agenda or face prosecution. Now let's compare all this to the Communist Manifesto. The Communist Manifesto says, "But communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of constituting them on a new basis; it therefore acts in contradiction to all past historical experience." Other linchpins of communism are enumerated in the Manifesto: 1) Abolition of property ownership, 2) a heavy progressive income tax, 3) abolition of all rights of inheritance, 4) confiscation of property, 5) centralization of credit, 6) centralization of transportation, 7) centrally planned economy, 8) obligation to work, 9) abolishing distinction between towns and country, and 10) a free education for children. Since World War I, America has been on the slippery slope toward socialism. The goal of Soviet Russia was to infiltrate American values with the destructive social goals of the Communist Manifesto. Former Soviet KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov, who defected from the Soviet Union in 1970, was interviewed in 1984 about Soviet infiltration methods. He said that by 1970 the Soviet Union already had infiltrated the US through brainwashing left-leaning people in the news media, entertainment, politics, business, education, and religion. Progressives are the new communists. Government is in. God is out. Exodus 20:3 says, "Thou shalt have no other god's before me." When government replaces God, bad things happen. We need to sound the warning bells from the church tops, a new revolution is here. Daily Devotion: Do It His Way - by Greg Laurie - Jesus replied, 'But even more blessed are all who hear the word of God and put it into practice.' - Luke 11:28 Sometimes people think that if they do what the Bible says, they'll be miserable. They'll say, "The sinners have all the fun. They get to do all the cool stuff. They get to do whatever they want to." But do the sinners really have more fun? There is fun in sin momentarily. Otherwise, we would never sin, would we? But the penalties of sin are brutal. And sometimes they're lethal as they close in on your life and you face the repercussions of it. Jesus said, "But even more blessed are all who hear the word of God and put it into practice" (Luke 11:28 NLT). If we obey the Word of God, we will find happiness. As the people of Israel heard God speak to them through Ezra, they realized they had missed something the Scriptures had told them to do. So they obeyed the Word of God. The result of their obedience was great joy: "So everyone who had returned from captivity lived in these shelters during the festival, and they were all filled with great joy! The Israelites had not celebrated like this since the days of Joshua son of Nun" (Nehemiah 8:17 NLT). You can have a happy life without sin. You can have a happy life without sex outside of marriage, without drugs or alcohol, without selfishness. It comes down to you. God wants to do all these things for you, but you need to come and understand His Word. You need to come and rejoice in His Word. And then you need to come and obey His Word. It is yours to enjoy, or it is yours to reject. God is not out to ruin your life. He is out to bless your life and fulfill you. But you need to do it His way. FROM THE HEART
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