Prophecy Update Newsletter
Great Wickedness - By Daymond Duck - I have been asked, "Should I take the Coronavirus vaccine when it is developed?" Know that I have no medical training, and the answer to that is way over my head. But a friend sent me links to some disturbing articles that I think people should know about. One, it is old news that scientists have been using computers to alter the genetic code of animals (a science called synthetic biology) to grow human ears on pigs, lungs in pigs, etc., that can be transplanted to humans. It is also old news that these synthetic biologists have been working on synthetic vaccines for years (a flu vaccine, perhaps a Coronavirus vaccine, etc.). Here is a link to an article on the subject that was written more than 5 years ago: Synthetic Biologist Aims to Create Pig with Human Lungs. Two, one of the links that my friend sent concerns a May 1, 2014 meeting of Synthetic biologists (called a 20-year old science) at MIT. Representatives from two federal agencies (the FBI and the Dept. of Homeland Security) were present. The FBI agent reportedly said, "These technologies do not just pose a risk to individual buildings or cities, but if cleverly deployed, can reduce our population by significant percentages." Here is a link to the article: FBI Agent: Synthetic Biology Could Reduce Our Population by Significant Percentages. I will add that vaccine development and population reduction have been goals of the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation for years. They are avid supporters of abortion, and mega-Globalist Henry Kissinger recently pointed out that Gates has spent millions and is planning to spend billions on the development of a vaccine for the Coronavirus (April 3, 2020 op-ed article in the Wall Street Journal). There have been reports (a Gates spokesperson denies them; I don't trust Snopes) of a call for Gates arrest in Italy, and Gates vaccine experiments paralyzing tribal children in India and Africa (who knows the truth, but this is coming from several sources). If true, the FBI-predicted significant population reduction could be real. Three, another link discusses the fact that synthetic biologists have been meeting with tech elites with god-like powers (Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, etc.) to re-engineer animals, create new species on earth, and create disease-resistant synthetic DNA vaccines that can be injected in animals and humans. Here is a link to the article: It's Time for A Rewrite: Genetic Code of The Planet Under Attack. Four, another article says some scientists want to create genetically enhanced humans (designer babies, more perfect human beings, etc.). The writer says a synthetic biologist at Harvard "doesn't rule out the possibility of rewiring the genome of a human embryo to be virus-proof." According to the writer, more work is needed on this; these people think what they are doing is cool in this "Facebook generation," but it is actually extremely dangerous. Here is a link to the last article my friend sent: Writing Your Baby's Synthetic Genome: Genetic Engineering for the Facebook Generation. Someone might ask, "What is wrong with altering the DNA of humans, if scientists are trying to create more perfect humans that are immune to the Coronavirus?" Adam and Eve were created by God in the image of God (Gen. 1:26-27), meaning their DNA was created by God. Corrupting that DNA to create "a more perfect human" changes what God created and makes that person a hybrid that is no longer wholly in the image of God. God told Adam and Eve to multiply and replenish the earth (Gen. 1:28), but that would be after their own kind (Adam's seed not a human-created hybrid seed). Satan corrupted Adam and Eve with a sin nature when he got them to sin (Gen. 3:1-19), and I cannot settle the issue of the Nephilim (giants in the earth; Gen. 6:4), but it is difficult for me to not believe that these "giants in the earth" were not genetically contaminated. Something caused the wickedness of man (Gen. 6:5) to become great at this time, and God decided to destroy all but eight people with the Flood (Gen. 6:6-18). For your information, the enzyme that activates the quantum dots in Gates' vaccine is called Luciferase (Lucifer was Satan's name when he fell; Isa. 14:12). Gates' tattoo is not the Mark of the Beast, but it is a major step in that direction, and everyone that takes the Mark of the Beast will be tormented forever (Rev. 14:9-11). I will answer the question at the beginning of this article with a question: If ordered to do so at some future time under the penalty of not being allowed to buy and sell, will you allow yourself to be vaccinated with a substance that may not have been tested on humans, that will change your DNA, and when vaccinated, allow yourself to be marked with a tattoo that is activated by an enzyme called Luciferase? Gates' vaccine will not be ready in time to inoculate school children this fall, but Gates' vaccine and tattoo are moving the world toward the Mark of the Beast; and if the Rapture happened today, it would be at least 3 ½ years before the Mark of the Beast is implemented. Five, On May 15, 2020, it was reported that Bill Gates has explained that the Coronavirus vaccine will use experimental technology and permanently alter a person's DNA. Put another way, Gates' vaccine will be unlike all previous vaccines, not fully tested, and the public will only know how effective it is by forcefully vaccinating and changing the DNA of everyone on earth. Gates wants permission to vaccinate everyone on earth with an untested vaccine. Six, the article has been taken down, but on May 16, 2020, it was reported that the Dept. of Defense and the Dept of Health and Human services plan to start vaccinating people before Oct. 1, 2020 so school can get started back (hopefully, the article has been taken down because they have changed their minds on the vaccinations). Seven, the UN wannabe world government has a new website for its "global, high-level initiative." The UN website says their New World Oder (a phrase that means world government) Project was founded in 2008 "to advance a new economic paradigm, a new political order, and more broadly, a new world order for humankind, which achieves the UN's Global Goals (world government goals) for Sustainable Development by 2030." Check it out at Eight, concerning other news, on May 25, 2020, in response to Israel's plans to start annexing part of Judea and Samaria on July 1, 2020, Turkey's Pres. Erdogan said, "We will not allow Palestinian lands to be offered to anyone." The Bible reveals that Turkey will be part of the coalition of nations that attack Israel in the latter days and latter years. One must wonder if the Battle of Gog and Magog is getting close. Nine, on May 29, 2020, the U.S. terminated its relationship with the World Health Organization (about $450 million a year) over its mishandling of the Coronavirus Crisis, and for helping China cover her activities to the harm of other nations. Ten, there will be an increase in the frequency and intensity of famine, pestilence, wars and rumors of wars, etc., at the end of the age. Several nations in Africa and the Middle East are plagued with locusts and the Coronavirus; there is major flooding in Kenya, and the Coronavirus; the people of India are suffering from the worst locust plague in 50 years, the highest temperatures in several decades (in the 120's) a cyclone, flooding and the Coronavirus; life-threatening floods and the Coronavirus have hit Central America; the U.S. is suffering from rioting, looting, and the Coronavirus; etc. China is preparing for war with the U.S.; India and China are threatening war with each other; Iran is threatening war with Israel and the U.S.; Turkey, Russia and others are fighting in Libya, etc. Know that Jesus said the end of the age will be like the Days of Noah. In the days of Noah, God sent the Flood because of Great wickedness (Gen. 6:5), and He uses locusts, pestilence, and natural disasters to call for repentance before His ultimate judgment falls (II Chron. 7:13-14). He loves people, He wants a relationship with everyone, and He may be using these things to tell us we are running out of time, and lukewarm is not good enough. Finally, I want to close by saying that I have been taken to task the last two weeks in a row for writing that the House of Representatives has passed a bill called TRACE under the number HR6666. Those that are writing are saying HR6666 has been referred to a committee and has not passed. Prophecy Plus Ministries, Inc. Daymond & Rachel Duck [email protected] Palestinians: The Problem with 'Peace' - by Khaled Abu Toameh - Palestinian Authority Foreign Minister Riad Malki seems to have committed a "crime". He said that the Palestinians are prepared to hold a meeting with Israelis! Malki made this scandalous statement during a meeting last week with foreign journalists. "The Palestinian leadership has confidence in Russian President Vladimir Putin," Malki said, referring to the possibility of holding a video conference meeting between PA President Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu under the auspices of the Russian president. "The Palestinians will consider this possibility if Russia determines that its useful." The Palestinian leadership, since 2014, has been boycotting peace talks with Israel. Since 2017, the Palestinian leadership has also been boycotting the US administration in response to President Donald Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital. Abbas, on May 19, announced his decision to renounce all agreements and understandings with Israel and the US, including security cooperation. As far as the Palestinian leadership is concerned, Israel and the US administration are now the main enemies of the Palestinians. It is prohibited to talk to any Israeli or US official. It has also become taboo for any Palestinian to talk about holding meetings with Israeli or US officials. Malki's statements have therefore sparked widespread anger among Palestinians, some of whom are denouncing him and calling for his resignation. Notably, those who are now condemning Malki are not only from extremist groups opposed to any peace process with Israel, but also from Abbas's own ruling Fatah faction. This is the same Fatah that is regularly referred to in the international media as the "moderate" faction of the Palestinians. Founded in 1959, Fatah is the full name of the Palestinian National Liberation Movement. In 1967, Fatah joined the PLO, which signed the Oslo Accord with Israel in 1993 ostensibly to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by means of territorial concessions. At the time, then PLO leader Yasser Arafat sent a letter to then Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin claiming that the PLO was willing to acknowledge Israel's right to exist, commit to finding a peaceful solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and relinquish all forms of terrorism. Twenty-seven years later, the leaders of Fatah evidently believe that conducting negotiations with Israel is a "crime" and that Palestinians who still believe in a peace process with Israelis at the very least need to be removed from their jobs. Responding to Malki's statements, senior Fatah official Tawfik Tirawi issued a stern warning to the Palestinian foreign minister and accused him of acting in violation of the Palestinian "national consensus." Addressing Malki, the Fatah official said: "It is time for you to go home for self-reflection. You are no longer able to express, with a minimum of diplomacy, the aspirations of the [Palestinian] people. The prime minister is urgently required to replace you." Because of Tirawi's background and senior position in Fatah, his attack on the Palestinian foreign minister carries weight. Tirawi, who holds the rank of Brigadier-General and is a member of the Fatah Central Committee, created and headed the Palestinian General Intelligence Service in 1994. It is also notable that in the wake of Tirawi's attack on Malki, no Fatah leader has come out in Malki's defense. Fatah's silence, in fact, can be seen as an endorsement of Tirawi's call for dismissing a Palestinian official who expresses readiness to hold meetings with Israelis. Tirawi's attack on Malki, meanwhile, has been welcomed by several Palestinian groups that reject Israel's right to exist, including the Iranian-funded Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ). Hamas said Malki's comments indicate that the Palestinian leadership is not serious about its threat to walk away from all agreements and understandings with Israel. "These statements show that the Palestinian leadership lacks the will to confront [Israeli] plans to annex the West Bank," Hamas spokesman Hazem Qassem said. "They also show that the Palestinian leadership is continuing to bet on its relations with the occupation government." PIJ said in a separate remark that Malki's announcement "expose[s] the size of the confusion in the performance of the Palestinian Authority." According to PIJ, the message also reveals the "contradictory positions and actions of Palestinian officials regarding meetings with the enemy." The PLO's Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) called for firing Malki and holding him accountable for his readiness to resume peace talks with Israel. "The PFLP views with seriousness the statements attributed to Malki, which reflect the Palestinian Authority's continued adherence to the illusions of negotiations [with Israel]," the group said in a statement. "The PFLP considers these comments as part of a trend that is turning against the Palestinian national and factional consensus." Another PLO group, the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), called on Malki to "stop your political heresy and abide by the decisions of the legislative bodies of the [PLO] National and Central Councils." These decisions advocate cutting off all relations with Israel, including security cooperation between the Palestinian security forces and the IDF in the West Bank. The DFLP said that Malki's remarks "carry dangerous positions and intentions that contradict the general trend adopted by the Palestinians towards Israel." Not surprisingly, Malki, because of his apparent readiness to conduct a dialogue with Israel, is also facing a campaign of incitement on various social media platforms. The attacks on Malki are hardly a surprise, given growing anti-Israel and anti-US sentiments among Palestinians. This hostility is the direct result of the Palestinian leadership's continued incitement and fiery rhetoric against Israel and the US. Day in and day out, Palestinian leaders drill into the minds of their people that Israel rejects peace and is committing "war crimes" against Palestinians. The same leaders insist with deadly deliberation that the US administration and Trump are "biased" in favor Israel and hate the Palestinians. When you radicalize your people against Israel and the US in such a way, how can you expect Palestinian leaders not to veto meeting with Israelis? Under the current circumstances, it is impossible to talk about the resumption of a peace process between Israel and the Palestinians: as Malki learned the hard way, even as much as a word about negotiations from the mouth of a Palestinian leader sounds -- at the very least -- the death knell of his career. Moreover, as Malki is also under attack also from "moderates," one can only ask what "non-moderates" could have in store for the besieged foreign minister -- or for any leader who might dare to return to a negotiating table with Israel? Russia's Dangerous New Military Doctrine - Nuclear Strike First Response - By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz/Breaking Israel News - On Tuesday, President Vladimir Putin signed into effect a new Russian military doctrine, allowing him to order a nuclear weapons strike in response to an attack using conventional weapons. The new rules also allow the Russian military to use its nuclear weapons if it gets "reliable information" about the launch of ballistic missiles targeting its territory or its allies. As per the longstanding policy, the president can order a retaliatory nuclear strike in response to an attack using nuclear weapons. The new policy gives the president the ability to call for a nuclear strike in response to aggression involving conventional weapons that "threatens the very existence of the state." In addition, the document now states that Russia could use its nuclear arsenals if it gets "reliable information" about the launch of ballistic missiles targeting its territory or its allies and also in the case of "enemy impact on critically important government or military facilities of the Russian Federation, the incapacitation of which could result in the failure of retaliatory action of nuclear forces." Some of the threats specified in the new policy are conventional forces near Russia's borders and the deployment of missile defense assets and space-based weapons. The threat is very real as the Russian military is developing weapons the US may not be able to counter. In 2018, Putin unveiled six new Russian strategic weapons including the Avangard hypersonic glide vehicle (HGV) capable of carrying a nuclear payload. In tests, the Avangard reached speeds of 7,000 mph. When approaching a target, the glider is capable of sharp high speed horizontal and vertical evasive maneuvers in flight, which Russian officials claim makes it "invulnerable to any missile defence system". The new policy replaces an older document that was signed 10 years ago and expired earlier this year and seems to be a reversal of policy. At a policy forum two years ago, Putin rejected retaliatory or preventative strikes. At the 2018 forum, he noted that Russia would only launch a nuclear strike if its early warning systems spot missiles heading toward its territory, adding that "the aggressor should know that retaliation is inevitable." "When we see a coming strike on the territory of Russia, we will retaliate." He acknowledged it would certainly result in global catastrophe, but emphasized that "we can't be those who initiated it." "We would be victims of aggression and would get to Heavens as martyrs," while those who would launch the strike would "just die and not even have time to repent." This new policy replaces the Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) doctrine that dominated both the Soviet and US militaries throughout the 50 years of the Cold War in which a full-scale use of nuclear weapons by two or more opposing sides would cause the complete annihilation of both the attacker and the defender. Based on the theory of deterrence, MAD maintains that the threat of using strong weapons against the enemy prevents the enemy's use of those same weapons. Proponents of MAD as part of the US and USSR strategic doctrine believed that nuclear war could best be prevented if neither side could expect to survive a full-scale nuclear exchange as a functioning state. Since the credibility of the threat is critical to such assurance, each side had to invest substantial capital in their nuclear arsenals even if they were not intended for use. In addition, neither side could be expected or allowed to adequately defend itself against the other's nuclear missiles. Israel Watch: The King is Coming - [email protected] Sometimes I use this space to talk about things not (or maybe indirectly) related to Israel. This is one of those weeks. I was talking this week with a friend. Our conversation was the same one you've been having. The unrest in the country is very disturbing. Many of us wonder what has happened to our country. Some of us have some opinions about that. For what it's worth, this is mine: Soon after the Russian Revolution, Lenin and Stalin knew that the U.S. was the world's lone superpower. They also knew there were many ways to attack. A subtle-but-effective one required sending agents into every sphere of our society: academia, media, politics, religion. I am convinced there has been an effort for almost 100 years to rot us from within. One could make a good argument that that long-range plan is now producing a harvest. I strongly believe this. However. I listened to a bit of Rush Limbaugh-who is fighting his own battle-and he suggested to a listener that she turn off cable news for one week. What a great suggestion! So that evening my friend and I were talking on the phone. I said that an idea had just jumped into my head: listen to the Statler Brothers' version of "The King is Coming." Written originally by Bill and Gloria Gaither, the song has an eternal message. In the Statler version, the (what I call "other-worldly") voice of Lew DeWitt is thrilling. My friend and I decided to listen to that song that evening at precisely 8 o'clock. I've felt better ever since. Interestingly, national news got a bit better after that. A couple times a day I check in with Breitbart to see what's going on. I said I wasn't going to really discuss Israel, but I will, briefly. It goes along with my feeling that the world is no longer logical or completely rational. People are doing things that are jarring. General Mattis rips the President (but read up on the General, who I believe is an Establishment/Deep State guy); Drew Brees stands up to the mob, then caves. Actual, elected local officials talk of literally dismantling their local police force(!). The list goes on and on. Then I read a piece in the Jerusalem Post, written by Joel Rosenberg, in which he advises Israel to drop annexation plans now. Rosenberg touts (as he often does) his contacts high in the political world. He makes what I think is a bizarre appeal to listen to his buddies in the Arab world, who assure him that no, they do not support annexation but instead are so looking forward to establishing formal agreements with Israel. He writes: "Thus, while I would love to see the day that more of the biblical land of Judea and Samaria is peacefully incorporated into the State of Israel, count me as one who thinks our first priority should be establishing historic peace treaties, economic ties and strategic security alliances with Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Oman, and even Morocco and Sudan." First of all, the only way a future "incorporated" Israel with Judea and Samaria will come about peacefully is when the King Comes. Rosenberg does know this, doesn't he? Secondly, does he seriously believe Israel can trust the Arab dictators? His entire piece in the Post sounds exactly like a paid press release. My point in all this is, I'm going to listen less to men from now on and listen more to God. Spend more time in Scripture. Spend more time away from network news anchors who hate their country (including some on FOX). I'll feel better. We are going to glory, and sooner rather than later. I love my country and will not go gently into that good night. But I'm mostly looking forward to seeing King Jesus. I've been to Jerusalem a good many times. Can't wait to see it with Him. The King is Coming Happy faces line the hallways Those whose lives have been redeemed Broken homes that He has mended Those from prison He has freed Little children and the aged Hand in hand stand all aglow Who were crippled, broken, ruined Clad in garments white as snow O the King is coming The King is coming I just heard the trumpets sounding And now His face I see O the King is coming The King is coming Praise God, He's coming for me (Bill and Gloria Gaither) Daily Jot: Bridgebuilding or political narrative? - Bill Wilson - A comprehensive Harvard study of police data indicates that police are less likely to use lethal force against black civilians, but target black civilians with non-lethal force at a significantly higher percentage than with white suspects. The study of a 15-year period on police data regarding racial differences is contained in AN EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS OF RACIAL DIFFERENCES IN POLICE USE OF FORCE by National Bureau of Economic Research's Roland G. Fryer, Jr., an African American Harvard professor of economics, July 2016. The study found that Blacks are 23.8% less likely to be shot at by police relative to whites, but Blacks are harassed far more in police interactions. Fryer Studied 1,332 shootings between 2000-2015 using detailed data from police reports in Houston; Austin, Tex.; Dallas; Los Angeles; Orlando, Fla.; Jacksonville, Fla.; and four other counties in Florida; 3.5 million arrests from New York City stop and frisk records 2003-2013; and 500,000 observations from 1996-2011 in the Police-Public Contact Survey by the Bureau of Justice. The study found: Black civilians are 30.9% less likely to be shot with a pistol (rather than a taser) relative to non-black suspects. Officers are 47.4% less likely to discharge their firearms before being attacked if the suspect is black; Blacks are 53% more likely to experience any use of non-lethal force; Blacks are 21.3% more likely to endure some form of force. The study indicated blacks are 19.4% more likely than whites to be involved in an interaction with police in which at least a weapon is drawn; Officers decisions to use lethal force are not correlated with the race of the suspect. The study finds there are no differences in the use of lethal force for black suspects compared with white. There is no evidence of racial differences of the officers who use lethal force. Fryer said, "Much more troubling, due to their frequency and potential impact on minority belief formation, is the possibility that racial differences in police use of non-lethal force have spillovers on myriad dimensions of racial inequality."-meaning lethal force is not racially motivated, but harassment likely is. This study backs up what the black community has believed for generations-police in general do not serve and protect them the same as whites; that blacks live under a form of soft tyranny that doesn't afford them the feeling of freedom and security. Every time there is a senseless death such as George Floyd's, these concerns grow even deeper. This is where the frustration and perception of being treated unfairly becomes reality. It is a vicious cycle that informs behavioral reactions to police. What is our response as Christians? Christ said in Matthew 7:12, "Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets." It's the Golden Rule and we should employ it in all our relations. Be a bridgebuilder focused on the pith of the issue rather than the political narrative. Daily Devotion: Take Another Step - by Greg Laurie - So, follow the steps of the good, and stay on the paths of the righteous. -Proverbs 2:20 A while back my friend Paul said, "Let's go for a walk." He told me we were going to go see a really amazing lake. As we started out, I noticed that a lot of the trail was on the incline. At the 30-minute mark, I said, "I'm getting pretty tired here Paul. Maybe we should head back." "No," he said. "It's just a little further." When we had been walking for an hour and 20 minutes, I said, "How much further is it?" "It's just right up here," he said. "We're almost there." Then I saw someone coming from the opposite direction. "Excuse me," I said, "is there a lake up there?" "Oh, yeah. Way up there!" Paul said, "Greg, come on! You're going to love this lake." We finally made it to the lake. Then we started back, and by the time we were done, the entire round trip was six miles. Now, that's not a lot for some people, but for me it was a long walk. Today, we all need a guy like Paul in our lives. We need someone who pushes us forward when we get discouraged. When we think we're worn out and can't go another step, it's good to have a Christian friend who says, "You can go further. You can do more. Let me help you. Let me encourage you." I hope you have someone like that in your life because sometimes we find ourselves going the wrong direction fast. And by the way, I hope you're that person in someone else's life too. The reality is that if you're not moving forward in your relationship with Christ, then you're naturally going backward. You're going one way or the other because there's no standing still. The Christian life is one of constant growth. FROM THE HEART
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