Prophecy Update Newsletter
Death Is in the Valley, but We Aren't Staying in the Valley - By Alice Childs - Doesn't it seem as if we're living right in the middle of the "valley of the shadow of death"? If it feels that way to you, it's because, in a very real sense, we are. I dare say that none of us ever thought we would be living through the death throes of the once-great-soon-to-be-late United States, watching in horror and sorrow as our once beloved nation lies mortally wounded, gasping her agonal breaths. We are living in unprecedented times. We are living through the death of a nation as well as the end of a dispensation. We are living at the very end of the Dispensation of Grace - the Church Age, that began at Pentecost 2,000 years ago. Just as the early Church was birthed in persecution (see Acts), so too will the last days Church exit this world through waves of rising persecution. The closer we draw to the time of the rapture, the more dangerous and precarious our tenuous sojourn through the dying world system will become. Jesus Himself likened the coming Tribulation to be like birth pains. As every woman who has ever given birth knows, once real labor begins, there's no going back; a delivery must happen. Every contraction gets stronger and closer together to the point that the contractions are almost one on top of the other. That's when we know the birth is imminent. The time we are living in is a paradox. On one hand, we are living through the death agonies of this fallen world system ruled by the usurper Satan - the six-thousand-year degradation and systematic destruction of God's perfect order by Satan's successful ruination of Paradise and fall of mankind. When Eve allowed herself to be deceived and Adam chose to rebel, Satan's usurpation was complete. Adam and Eve's fatal choice plunged all future humanity into spiritual ruin and doomed everyone conceived from them to an eternal Hell. Mankind's rescue was made possible only when God the Son wrapped Himself in human skin, and by His great unfathomable love, chose to suffer, die, and be bodily resurrected, thus paying in full the infinite penalty that fallen, sin-infected mankind could never have paid - the infinite penalty for sin that condemns to an eternal Hell every person on earth whose sins are not cleansed by the blood of Jesus, the Lamb of God. All who refuse God's great salvation, like Adam before them, choose to rebel and remain eternally doomed. All who reject God's salvation through Jesus Christ, reject the only One who can save their eternal souls (Acts 4:12). This precious gift of pardon, offered freely to "whosoever" is willing to believe and accept it, is man's only hope of redemption. There is no salvation outside of or in addition to that paid for by Jesus, God in the flesh, and by Him ALONE. The six-millennia destruction, Paradise lost, is now coming to an end. The defeat of Satan and his final destruction is closer than just "at hand." Right up until the nanosecond we followers of Christ are raptured out of here, we are caught in the death agonies of a depraved, reprobate, and demonically charged world that is heading inexorably into the seven-year Tribulation and Satan's final defeat. However, on the other hand, we who are the bride of our Lord Jesus know that what is also on the cusp, the event that is coming BEFORE those last seven years, is the birth of our new bodies - the culmination of the instant justification of our immortal spirits - justified completely and eternally the very instant we believed and accepted Jesus' gift of eternal salvation, when we believed on Christ as our Savior and Redeemer - all through the lifelong struggle of being sanctified - changed to be transformed into His image, right up to the instant that we are caught up to meet Him in the clouds. In that instant, we will be birthed into our glorious new bodies - immortal, incorruptible, and as eternal as are our already justified, sanctified souls are eternal! Yes, the times we are living through ARE perilous. There is no denying that fact. We are witnessing on an hourly basis now, absolutely horrific things being done. We are watching, not just our own beloved nation crumbling under the weight of rampant sin, but the entire world plunging inexorably into the abyss of the coming Tribulation. There is great evil afoot, with even more to come. Yet we KNOW that regardless of what Satan may hurl at us, he can do NOTHING to our immortal souls. Our spirits which are already "seated in heavenly places" with our Lord are eternally beyond Satan's grasp. That's one reason he hates the Remnant Church so much. (Ephesians 2:6-9). Our God has promised that He WILL deliver His bride BEFORE He roars forth from His emerald-encircled throne in blinding fury to utterly lay waste to this Christ-hating world in righteous vengeance and holy justice (Revelation 3:10). In these darkening days of the gathering storm, we must keep this truth ever before us, fellow believers. That truth is this: our Deliverer is coming! He IS coming. Until the instant when that trumpet blasts (sooner than we may dare to hope!), we must face the truth that things are not going to improve - not in our nation and not in the world. The Antichrist system is, for all intents and purposes, complete. It only awaits the arrival of Satan's "Man of Sin" whom The Holy Spirit, dwelling within the corporate body of the Remnant Church, is restraining. Acting in His function as the Restrainer of the Antichrist and Satan's final assault, the Holy Spirit, through the members of Christ's body, the believing Remnant Church, is yet restraining, hindering the Antichrist's arrival on the global public stage. Until the Church is removed, the Antichrist cannot reveal himself and begin his reign of terror. The global infrastructure of the beast system is already set and is ready to go the instant the Church is removed so that the man who will be the Antichrist can be revealed. The end-time players in the Middle East - Israel, Iran, Russia, Turkey, Libya, et al, are in place, politically poised, ready to fulfill their destined end-times roles. Europe is rising, as the prophesied 10 kingdoms of the last days are already coalescing, maneuvering into position. In our own nation, America MUST and WILL Fall. There is no escaping this fact. We need to understand and accept that truth. America plays NO PART in end-times eschatology. We either will not be able to assist Israel, or we will have those in power who will choose NOT to defend Israel. In truth, we have already betrayed Israel and incurred the wrath of God by our national leaders' blatant and purposeful decision to defy God's covenant and divide God's land of Israel. Like it or not, accept it or not, America is already under God's judgment for our arrogance in trifling with the land of Israel upon which real estate God has placed His own name and ownership. Whether God will allow the Remnant Church to remain here to witness the full collapse of this nation before we are raptured out, or whether God snatches the remnant up at the penultimate moment just before America falls or is taken out completely as THE colossus of world power she has been since WWII, we cannot know. Only God knows. What we do know is this: the world is already neck deep in the valley of the shadow of death. In America, our culture is already flatlining. We are witnessing day by day and hour by hour the death of our culture, the death of our constitution, the death of our liberties, the death of our peace, the death of our security, the death of all we in America have ever known and once cherished. Still, as always, God Himself has already told us in His Word what is coming so that we will be prepared as we await our rescue (John 16:33). He has also given us His great assurance that even in the depths of the valley of the shadow of death, HE is right there with us. In fact, unlike King David who had God the Holy Spirit WITH him, alongside him, we in this dispensation have the Holy Spirit actually abiding WITHIN us! So buck up, weary warrior. We may be living through the valley of the shadow that is leading inexorably to the Tribulation, but those last seven years WILL NOT BE our destination! Not at all! We are waiting for our bodies to be reborn - waiting for the redemption of our bodies; the changing of these sin-wrecked bodies into glorified ones where our already redeemed spirits will reside, fit to dwell forever in the presence of our God! Even now in these vile bodies of flesh, God the Holy Spirit dwells within us. Even now our redeemed spirits are eternally sealed. We only await our glorified bodies (Romans 8:23; 1 Corinthians 15:53-55). We may be living in the valley of the shadow of death right now; but at any moment, in "the twinkling of an eye," what we WILL be is reborn - changed into glorified bodies, seated around the throne of God!! Hold on and hold tight to God's immutable Word, family of God! We are almost home! Keep looking up! Maranatha! "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me" (Psalms 23:4, KJV). America's Spiritual Crossroad - Bill Perkins - ...Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. 2Cor. 11:14 Andy Woods, one of Steeling the Mind Conferences most popular speakers, once said there's not one problem he has that won't be solved by the Rapture. And that's true for all of us. That day will put an end to all this nutty stuff going on in the world. I thought the Green Deal was crazy, saying we should get rid of airplanes, fossil fuels, etc. I thought surely it was a joke! But it wasn't. The proposal didn't get far, but the push for the Green Deal was real... even if it was really stupid. The underlying purpose was not to have clean energy, but to get more control over people. Then came the swift shutdown of the world because a couple of unelected people said we should. They said if we didn't stay home, the hospitals would be overwhelmed and millions would die. And to wear masks to show our obedience. Most complied. Oddly, churches were shut down and liquor stores were allowed to remain open. You could be arrested simply by walking your dog in a park, but felons were released from prison. Just like "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor," most of the fearmongering was based on lies. But they kept people quiet by promising them large sums of money. Of course the shutdown was not really about our health, it was more about getting control-and maybe a dry run for getting everyone to take a vaccine that has a mark that can be read by smart phones...a mark necessary to go outside, travel, shop, bank, etc. And now the liberal left has completely gone bonkers wanting to get rid of local police in order to stop arresting criminals! These people honestly think having no police will help end crime! How can they say that with a straight face? Do you really think these riots were spontaneous? But the real truth is that getting rid of police is yet another ruse to get more control. I suspect their true goal is to PUT IN THEIR POLICE and guess who they'll be arresting-anyone who isn't politically correct. That's big time control! Come quickly, Lord Jesus! We, like Andy Woods, will have all our problems solved when you remove your Bride. But what happens if Rapture doesn't happen soon? What happens if God's mysterious day is still years or even decades away? What if no one stands up and says "Enough is enough!"? Who will end up running this country? The conservative Bible believers are on a collision course with the radical liberals. The conservatives play by the rules-the liberals lie, cheat and steal, so they have the edge at the moment. The Bible predicts the world will eventually be run by one person who has control over everyone. Global Elites, whether knowingly or unknowingly, are being led by dark forces and are fulfilling these prophecies. They're doing everything possible to get control back into their hands-and no cost is too great. They know if President Trump isn't taken down soon, years of organizational plotting for world takeover will go down the tubes. Not to mention some even risk going to prison for their illegal acts. So the stakes are quite high. When you look at all that's going on in the world, keep in mind that the Bible doesn't predict the world will get worse and worse and then the Lord comes. Rather, the Bible says that even though it will be a time of horrible sin, the world will still be constructing houses, planting and harvesting and partying. "For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be. Matt. 24:37-39 Luke 17 adds that in the days of Noah they were building, buying and selling. So those non-Christians alive at the time of the Rapture will not have the slightest expectation of the Lord returning. Then, in an ear-shattering instant, Believers will disappear. Well, things are definitely not all that great right now-this is not a time of plenty, prosperity and partying. So I suspect the Rapture is not happening anytime soon. I certainly could be wrong-it might happen today, tomorrow, next week, next month, or this fall. But based on my understanding of the Bible, I think it could be a while. So where do we go from here? America at a Spiritual Crossroad It's not a stretch to say that America is at a spiritual crossroad at this moment in time. We're teetering on the edge of a cliff and could easily fall into a bottomless pit. Only God knows which direction we'll go. But by this December we'll be heading in one of two directions with no alternative middle ground. The First Possible Direction is Satan (via his followers) continues to pummel President Trump into defeat this November. After these media-flamed riots, there will be more fake problems unleashed in Satan's unquenchable quest to rule the earth. The brave President who took on the Global Elites will be defeated, legally or illegally, and our cherished freedoms will quickly vanish. America as we know it will be history, a new American government will be folded into the frame of a world government. In Canada, there are parts of the Bible you can't read or teach in churches. That will be mild compared to what the liberals want in America. And as you saw with the coronavirus, they didn't even need to take our guns to get their way. The Second Possible Direction is that President Trump turns the tables on the Globalists. God will allow him to successfully fend off the Satanic attacks against him while exposing their lies for the world to see. The "pandemic" becomes a non-issue as more of the lies and untruths are revealed. President Trump gets reelected, taking the House and Senate. He appoints two more conservative Supreme Court Justices while leading the United States again into recovery and prosperity. Maybe even another election cycle after that could go conservative...sort of a Nineveh reprieve. You Can Affect The Direction of this Country! God has yet to reveal which way the future will play out. If he wants President Trump to remain in office, he will remain. God is in control, not the Globalists, despite what they think. Since the Lord gives Believers the right to pray and appeal to Him as our Father, we should pray for the second option, that the Lord will continue to protect our President and allow him to continue to drain the Satanic swamp. This is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. 1John 5:14 We should also pray that regardless of which way this goes that He uses us to reach people with the Good News that Jesus' blood made atonement for our sin. That regardless of past sins, they too can have eternal life in heaven. ... preach to the Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ, Eph. 3:8b The future direction is up to the Lord, but He hears our prayers. I think President Trump has been put here for a Godly purpose. I think God put him in office to expose the liars. Any other politician would have wilted under the pressure, but President Trump is not a politician-he was designed to meet the demands of this job, at this time. Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them; Eph. 5:11 I'm confidently praying that the Lord will protect President Trump and that he'll continue to make decisions based on Biblical principles, and continue to expose the corruption. If you believe God answers prayers, join me and fire up at least one prayer a day to save this nation from sliding over the cliff! And the best way to get something done is to start! Use us, Lord! Nearing Midnight: Post-Rapture Rage - Terry James - Pat Robertson was once heard to say on his TV program that there couldn't be a sudden disappearance of millions of people. That would cause such chaos and carnage that such a thing just couldn't happen. I paraphrase, but that was very close to his declaration. He said that it would mean cars would have massive accidents, airplanes would crash, and the world would just come unglued. This was just not going to happen, he adamantly said. I haven't a clue of where he was going with this except to suspect that he was making known his genuine disdain for the teaching of Rapture-particularly of the pre-Trib Rapture. He consistently railed against the teaching at the time. This isn't meant to cast aspersions upon Mr. Robertson. But the words I remember him saying do open up my thinking regarding things that will begin taking place immediately when people all over the world suddenly vanish before the eyes of those left behind, or when people are missing the next day where it is nighttime and most people are sleeping when the Rapture occurs. The matter that sparked this thinking also is the explosion of violence that erupted when George Floyd, an African-American, was killed by the Minneapolis policeman just over a week ago. Video of the officer pressing his knee into the neck of Mr. Floyd until he died went viral. It appeared to be murder caught in the act-on video recording. Even the victim's begging to be allowed to breathe before he died was there for the world to see and hear. Like in the cases of violence in American cities in the previous incidents where black men were killed by actions of white policemen and by a "white Hispanic" man, the city of the killing, Minneapolis, exploded in violence. The white-hot rage spread to many other large cities around America. Police vehicles were damaged and burned; the police precinct building near the scene of Mr. Floyd's death was invaded and burned to the ground. The police fled the scene and left it to the anarchists for the most part. Looters entered and stole all they could get, destroying buildings and businesses in the process. Like in other cases of what was deemed police brutality, the media quickly, in my view, encouraged the violence by giving the rioters camera time and even moral support. The genuine expressions of protestation-the acts of the ones who lawfully assembled to express their anger-were lost in the anarchy that ensued. Even CNN's headquarters being targeted for destruction in Atlanta didn't cause that media entity to come against the rioters to any meaningful extent. To my way of thinking, it was for that news organization, like for the anarchists, yet another opportunity to push the anti-American agenda they seem to champion. This all, again, brought to mind the belief of those who have opinions on the Rapture-whether it will occur or is a prophetic event that will not happen. Particularly, I'm interested in examining the opinions of those who believe the Rapture is going to occur, but who think it will have little effect on American life. It will, I've heard these say, hardly be noticed when it happens. Their reasoning is that there are so few "real Christians" that their numbers missing will have no significant effect. It's dumbfounding to think that those with such a view have witnessed the American inner cities go insane with rage over one incident and used that incident to burn and loot believe that the disappearance of millions will cause but a ripple. And factors even more traumatic than just the disappearance must be considered. The first is the fact that every child, even those still in the womb, will be gone in that instant. We've gone over a number of times why this is so, as God's very character is at stake. How can anyone believe that the national psyche will remain untouched-or touched very little-by such an occurrence? Second, and even more importantly, the Holy Spirit will, in that moment remove as the Restrainer of evil, according to 2 Thessalonians 2. If people act as they have in the recent madness by burning their cities and looting at every opportunity, how will they react to the Rapture? Do these who think it will have little effect on society and culture really believe the anarchists won't go completely insane with their consciences having been shed of all restraint? We've seen, I believe, just a foretaste of what that post-Rapture time will be like immediately following Christ's call to the Church. It is something for profound consideration. Would anyone want those they love to be left behind to suffer the throes of enragement witnessed within America's cities the past week? The reality of that time will almost certainly be infinitely worse than what occurred following the outrageous killing of Mr. Floyd on the street in Minneapolis. To avoid the post-Rapture rage, it is wise to accept pre-Rapture salvation through the grace-gift offer of the God who said: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16) 12 Things You Need To Know About The Coming Two Witnesses in Revelation - Ricky Scaparo - In the Book of Revelation Chapter 11, The Bible mentions the coming appearance of two witnesses that will take place during the Tribulation. I want to reveal to you twelve things about these mysterious men that you need to know. "Then I was given a reed like a measuring rod. And the angel stood, saying, "Rise and measure the temple of God, the altar, and those who worship there. But leave out the court which is outside the temple, and do not measure it, for it has been given to the Gentiles. And they will tread the holy city underfoot for forty-two months. And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth." 4 These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands standing before the God of the earth. 5 And if anyone wants to harm them, fire proceeds from their mouth (Spiritual authority of the word) and devours their enemies. And if anyone wants to harm them, he must be killed in this manner. 6 These have the power to shut up heaven, so that no rain falls in the days of their prophecy; and they have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to strike the earth with all plagues, as often as they desire. 7 When they finish their testimony, the beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit will make war against them, overcome them, and kill them. 8 And their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified. 9 Then those from the peoples, tribes, tongues, and nations will see their dead bodies three-and-a-half days, and not allow their dead bodies to be put into graves. 10 And those who dwell on the earth will rejoice over them, make merry, and send gifts to one another because these two prophets tormented those who dwell on the earth. 11 Now after the three-and-a-half days, the breath of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet, and great fear fell on those who saw them. 12 And they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, "Come up here." And they ascended to heaven in a cloud, and their enemies saw them. 13 In the same hour, there was a great earthquake, and a tenth of the city fell. In the earthquake, seven thousand people were killed, and the rest were afraid and gave glory to the God of heaven. 14 The second woe is past. Behold, the third woe is coming quickly. - Revelation 11:1-14 1- They appear during the 7 Year Tribulation These two witnesses will appear during the period of what is known as the "Tribulation" period mentioned in the Bible. 2- The two witnesses are also known as the two olive trees and the two lampstands These two witnesses are also referenced in the Bible as "Olive Trees" and "Lamp Stands" and is referenced in the Old Testament in the Book of Zechariah 9 "The hands of Zerubbabel Have laid the foundation of this temple; His hands shall also finish it. Then you will know That the Lord of hosts has sent Me to you. 10 For who has despised the day of small things? For these seven rejoice to see the plumb line in the hand of Zerubbabel. They are the eyes of the Lord, Which scan to and fro throughout the whole earth." 11 Then I answered and said to him, "What are these two olive trees-at the right of the lampstand and at its left?" 12 And I further answered and said to him, "What are these two olive branches that drip into the receptacles of the two gold pipes from which the golden oil drains?" 13 Then he answered me and said, "Do you not know what these are?" And I said, "No, my lord." 14 So he said, "These are the two anointed ones, who stand beside the Lord of the whole earth." - Zechariah 4:9-14 3- They will have the ability to release fire from their mouths The Bible tells us that the Lord will empower these two witnesses to be able to release fire out of their mouths to devour their enemies. Many will point out that this may not be literal fire but is symbolic of the Word of God. 4- These two will be able to shut up the heavens and cause no rain upon the earth These two witnesses will be granted the power to be able to shut up the heavens and cause no rain to fall upon the earth during the days of their prophecy. This is very similar to what we saw in the Old Testament with Elijah the Prophet in the days of Ahab and Jezebel. For this reason, man speculate that one of these two witnesses will be Elijah the Prophet. And also the fact that he was caught up in a chariot of fire into Heaven and never saw physical death. Another passage of scripture that gives credence to this theory is the prophecy of Malachi: 5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet Before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. 6 And he will turn The hearts of the fathers to the children, And the hearts of the children to their fathers, Lest I come and strike the earth with a curse." - Malachi 4:5-6 5- These two witnesses will be prophets that prophecy during the Tribulation These two men according to the Word of God will be the Lord's prophets in the Earth during this time of Tribulation and will testify of the Lord which will eventually cause the Antichrist to become enraged and kill these two men. 6- The two witnesses will be able to turn waters into blood . This next event has many speculating that one of the two witnesses could be Moses of the Old Testament. They base this upon the fact that during the time of Pharoah and the captivity of the children of Israel, The Lord used Moses to turn the waters into Blood as one of the plagues of Egypt, However, most believe the second witness will be Enoch, being he never saw physical death and was also caught up in the book of Genesis. 7- The two witnesses will be able to strike the earth with plagues. The Bible tells us that these two men will be able to unleash plagues in the Earth similar to what the Bible foretold of thousands of years ago during the time of Egyptian captivity of the Israelites that forced the hand of the Lord to bring judgments from Heaven in the form of plagues released throughout the servant Moses. 8- The two witnesses will be killed by the beast from the bottomless pit. These two men will infuriate the Antichrist and his short-reign of power through their ministry in the earth and the plagues and judgment they bring during the Tribulation and will actually cause him to rise up and slay them in the streets of Jerusalem. It appears that this demon from the bottomless pit will grant the power to kill these men. 9- The two witnesses will lay dead in the streets of Jerusalem for three and a half days. These men will be killed by the Antichrist and will lay in the streets of Jerusalem for three and a half days. This will no doubt be done to strike fear into the hearts of the people of the World and set an example to those who attempt to oppose the Antichrist and his reign of power. However, something miraculous takes place next. 10 - The two witnesses will be seen dead in the streets by the entire world. This event will be witnessed by the entire World, which is in my opinion speaks volumes "prophetically" to how close we truly are to this event happening in our lifetime. At that time this was written by John the Revelator in 95 A.D, it was impossible for the entire World to be able to witness two men be killed and left in the streets for three and a half days. However today we have internet, social media, cable, and satellite television that gives us the capability to capture such an event and stream it live to the entire planet to see. 11- The two witnesses will be resurrected from the dead and caught up to Heaven After lying in the streets for three and a half days and the world celebrating their deaths, something miraculous takes place and that is the Lord of heaven supernaturally resurrects them and catches them up to Heaven the same way he did with Enoch, Elijah and I believe the Church in the future. The Bible says in verse 12 of Revelation 11: "And they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, "Come up here." And they ascended to heaven in a cloud, and their enemies saw them." 12 - A great earthquake happens in the same hour as the resurrection of the witnesses. In the same hour that the two witnesses are supernaturally resurrected from the dead and caught up to heaven, The Bible states that a great earthquake will occur in Jerusalem and cause the death of seven thousand. Daily Jot: The terrible deception - Bill Wilson - The Old Gray Lady, AKA, The New York Times, continues its downward spiral with fake news and editorializing passed off as news. It is now surfacing that the story the NYT wrote that the Bush family-the former president and his brother-were not going to vote for the reelection of President Trump is patently false, made up, fabricated. Speaking of the end of days, the Apostle Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 3:13, "But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived." Christ told his disciples in Matthew 24:4, "Take heed that no man deceive you." There is deception all around us. We are in the midst of deception, living in a post-truth world where facts and truth and justice have fallen in the streets. When the NYT story broke, a myriad of other news organizations, including Drudge, The Hill, The Independent, The Week, the mainstream media television networks, and others parroted and discussed the Times story ad nauseum without checking a single fact. These so-called reputable news organizations failed to look into the flimsy sourcing by the NYT, which quoted unnamed sources who were "familiar" with how the Bush family thinks. Ignored in the virtual trash can, was a complete denial from spokesman for former president Bush, Freddy Ford, who told the Texas Tribune, "This is completely made up. He is retired from presidential politics and has not indicated how he will vote." As reported by The American Spectator, "Ford reiterated this statement to the Times, indicating that the former president would stay out of the election and speak only on policy issues, yet America's "newspaper of record" has yet to correct the story." A tweet from President Trump thanked George P. Bush for his endorsement posted by The Hill: "George P. Bush says he'll vote for Trump: "Only thing standing between America and socialism."" Quoting unnamed sources, and sources familiar with the situation, or knowledgeable sources may be OK for sports reporting, but it's not a good optic for politics. If someone doesn't want to put their name to it, it's probably suspect. The problem is that when a fake news story is published and many news outlets just cut and paste and post it, it becomes fact immediately. This is when the newness of the "news" is at its peak. It circulates and settles in the minds of those who read it or hear about it. Then days later when the facts come out, the facts have far less impact and are seen or believed by far less people, so the damage is done even if there is a retraction. This is why discernment is so desperately needed. It's getting to the point that you cannot believe anything that you read from the news media, and probably not much of what you hear or see on television. These so-called "journalists" are liars and deceivers, deceiving and being deceived. Recognize the signs such as no named sources. Check things out for yourself. Daily Devotion: How Pride Trips You Up - by Greg Laurie - If you think you are standing strong, be careful not to fall. -1 Corinthians 10:12 Simon Peter is known for his legendary faux pas. He said things he shouldn't have said. And he openly denied the Lord not once, not twice, but three times. But, Peter took steps that led to his fall, which we can learn from and avoid. Let's put ourselves in Peter's sandals for a moment. We're just hanging out with Jesus in the Upper Room, and He seems very serious, very intense. Then He turns to you and uses your name twice before He says, "Satan has asked to sift each of you like wheat. But I have pleaded in prayer for you" (Luke 22:31-32 NLT). Now, that would cause me to worry. The Devil can only be in one place at one time, but the Devil himself came looking for Peter. However, Peter said, "Lord, I am ready to go to prison with you, and even to die with you" (verse 33 NLT). Jesus told him, "Before the rooster crows tomorrow morning, you will deny three times that you even know me" (verse 34 NLT). This brings us to Peter's first step down. This particular attitude is at the very root of it all when anyone stumbles or when anyone falls away from the faith. Regardless of the particular sin they're involved in, it always starts with self-confidence. When we think, "I'll never do that," we're trusting in ourselves instead of trusting in God. The Bible says, "Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall" (Proverbs 16:18 NLT). We should be aware of our weakness, vulnerability, and propensity to do the wrong thing. We can easily give into temptation if we're not careful. The moment that we think we know it all, we probably know a lot less than we think we know. A wise Christian, a growing Christian, will realize there is always so much to learn. ![]() FROM THE HEART
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