Prophecy Update Newsletter
The End Game - Pete Garcia - And God said to Noah, "The end of all flesh has come before Me, for the earth is filled with violence through them; and behold, I will destroy them with the earth. Genesis 6:13 In the year 1656 Anno Domini (years from creation), the Lord destroyed the entire earth with a cataclysmic flood. He did so by removing the layer of crystalized ice that surrounded the earth. This ice barrier protected the earth from receiving the full power of the sun. God lowered this ice barrier into our atmosphere and in the process, caused the ice undergo sublimation (ice to vapor), quickly forming massive storm systems. These storm systems allowed torrential rains to hit the inhabitants of the earth with all the power and fury of a hurricane for forty-straight days. If that were not bad enough, God also caused the earth's crust (lithosphere) to break apart. The waters under the crust of the earth burst forth from the ground, creating the fractures that formed the tectonic plates we see today. The subterranean waters added to the deluge that quickly engulfed the largely flat terrain of those days. The mountains and mountain ranges we see today came because of this breaking apart of the earth's surface; they did not exist before the flood event. There was nowhere to run. There were no hills or mountains to climb, nor man-made structures tall enough to escape the rising waters. Even if their where, the earthquakes from the tectonic plates breaking apart would have levelled them anyway. A watery judgment was coming, and none would escape a watery grave. It did not have to be this way. The world's population grew quickly, becoming exceedingly wicked, violent, and evil over a period of 1,600 years. Mankind had intermingled with the fallen angels and produced some hybrid form of beings that managed to somehow pollute the entire human gene pool, save Noah and his immediate family (Gen. 6:1-9). Most of the antediluvian peoples from Adam to Noah, ignored God's appointed messengers (Enoch, Methuselah, and Noah) for hundreds of years and would not repent. It had never rained before the flood (Gen. 2:5-6), so the idea of a judgment by water seemed ridiculous, until it happened. But by then, it was too late. Assessment And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. Luke 17:26-27 All we know of the antediluvian world, is what Scripture tells us. We might gleam some more insights from some non-canonical ancients manuscripts, but we get the gist of what life was like in Genesis 6. The world was wicked, violent, and only bent on evil. If that is the case, then the world of 2018 is not much different. As of 2018, the world has hit a population of just over 7.5 billion people. The world today is presumed to be relatively "peaceful," yet there are 10 active wars and eight armed conflicts going on at present. Moreover, the past 118 years has proven to be the most violent the world has ever been. We underwent two world wars, and hundreds of smaller conflicts killing hundreds of millions. In fact, more people died in the 20th-century alone due to war and its aftermath, then had we in all the previous centuries combined. The reason being is that a) our population is significantly larger, and b) our weapons are significantly deadlier. We could kill quicker and easier in these past two centuries, then at any time in our past thanks to guns, bombs, chemical/biological/nuclear warfare, and many by many other means. The world of 2018 is consumed with hedonism, especially in western nations. The pursuit of pleasure in all its forms, has reached such a state, that even the poor in America have a better quality of life than even royalty had in centuries past. Ice was considered a luxury, and now we can get it anywhere. Air conditioning and automobiles make living anywhere, more accessible and comfortable. We no longer have to grow our own food, but buy it at stores. We are bombarded with more information from birth to 10 years of age, then people had acquired over a life time in centuries past. The Internet has not only provided more information to the general public at any time of the day, but has connected the world into one giant community via the World Wide Web. By 2018, there are number of disturbing trends sweeping across the western world that seem to only be building momentum:
While these are not unique to the western world, they are most visibly obvious in the West. The reason for this is because they are direct byproducts of a culture bent on hedonism and materialism. They hearken back to an ancient time when mankind had a lot of free time on their hands, and only thought of things that would bring them pleasure and wealth. Unfortunately, hedonism and materialism ignores the core drive of our spiritual nature (1 Thess. 5:23), and causes one to seek solace in things that cannot bring peace. Objective truth must be replaced with subjective reasoning in order to ignore the warning signs that began to show up in their lives like red flags. They move away from biblical Christianity because it is the only belief system that shows what a wretched state we are really in. In their desperation and fruitless search for God in things that are not of God, people see no value in themselves or in life. They become angry and bitter. They lose hope and ultimately succumb to their inner demons by mistakenly seeking death as a means to end their suffering. In the other parts of the world, the masses are suppressed through violent ideologies and religions, whether it is communism, socialism, or Islam. Many others are suppressed through false polytheistic religions that teach that their life exists only as an endless cycle of birth and death. Still others are suppressed by belief systems that teach we have to earn our own salvation by becoming enlightened by our own efforts. We tend to think that because one religion is not as violent as the other, that they are somehow better or more tolerable. This ignores the basic truth that regardless of whether an ideology is violent or not, there are still terrible, dark, demonic forces that govern these belief systems from behind the veil of our physical domain. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12 Conclusion While we cannot know specifically when Christ will return, we only know that He absolutely will (Num. 23:19, John 14:1-3). Jesus told us to look for signs that would mark the season of His return, which one of, was a return to the days of Noah and Lot. Both men lived in very wicked times and places, and their deliverance was not only notable, but necessary for divine judgment to be brought forth. It does not bring God pleasure to unleash His wrath upon the inhabitants of the earth, and He is longsuffering that any who would repent, could. However, his longsuffering is not limitless. There will be a point in time, when the fullness of the gentiles comes to pass, and a fullness of time when Christ brings this current dispensation to a close (Rom. 11:25, Eph. 1:10). The world is currently undergoing the birth pangs of signs, as described by Jesus in His Olivet Discourse (Matt. 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21). Christ promised us that we would have trials and tribulations in our life, and that we would be hated by the world because we are with Christ (John 15:18, 17:14). But these are necessary and logical when we consider the natural order of this particular dispensation. If the church (the universal, multi-membered body of Christ) was conceived by the Holy Spirit at Pentecost (Acts 2), then the more intense the birth-pangs, the closer we are to our birth (and deliverance). For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now. Not only that, but we also who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body. Romans 8:20-23 These birth pangs will ultimately reach its fullness and give birth to a redeemed, incorruptible, glorified Church (the bride of Christ) who is caught up into heaven with Christ (1 Thess. 4:13-18, 1 Cor. 15:51-56, John 14:1-3, Rev. 3:10, etc.). And then the world will undergo an unknown period of time (a gap) marked with chaos, rampant apostasy and wickedness unlike the world has ever seen. It will be even worse than the days of Noah, because not only will man be unrepentant, but he will have the advanced tools of his modernization to aid him in his wickedness. Not only this, but the supernatural veil between the physical and spiritual domains will be lifted, and an age of signs and wonders will occur again (2 Thess. 2:9, Rev. 11:1-14). Dark, spiritual forces and principalities will flood the earth unlike ever before. At a certain point, the nations will focus their attention on the tiny nation of Israel and enter into, or confirm some form of covenant. This marks the final seven-years of man's rule on the earth. They will be led by two, the Beast and the False Prophet. They will have the technology to control all buying and selling on the earth, and they will make people either worship the Beast and take his mark (666), or they will take their heads. This man of sin will rule the world for only three and a half years, and will ultimately attempt to finish what Adolph Hitler and others have tried to do, to exterminate the Jews. He will desecrate their temple at the midpoint of the 70th Week, setting himself up (or his image) as God in the newly rebuilt Jewish temple as to be worshipped (Matt. 24:15, 2 Thess. 2:4, Rev. 13:6). But in order for all this to materialize, certain events must happen.
ü In order for there to be a stunning, supernatural defeat, the Muslims must already be aligned and positioned militarily against Israel. ü In order for the Muslim nations and organizations to be arrayed against Israel, the world powers (US, UN, EU, RUS, etc.) must have allowed them to amass weapons and hostile peoples to build at her borders. ü In order for the Muslim nations to gather against Israel, there must first be a nation of Israel to gather against. As you can see, we are in the end game now. All that remains is the supernatural, stunning military defeat of the armies gathered against Israel in the battle of Gog and Magog (Ezekiel 38-39) to kick of the events inside the 70th Week of Daniel. Turkey, Russia, Iran, and many other groups are already arrayed against Israel in what used to be Syria and Lebanon. Although we do not know when this battle will occur, we can see the geopolitical storm clouds already gathering overhead. The political, economic, and demographic challenges that Russia, Turkey, and Iran are currently facing, means that they will be forced to "take a spoil" sooner, rather than later. What is currently preventing them from acting? Aside from the fullness of times, and the Restrainer, what remains is a strong United States led by a decidedly pro-Israel administration. Israel's enemies will not attack as long as the US has her back. However, there is an unintended consequence as a result. This creates (or is in the process of creating) a false sense of peace and security for Israel, who will dwell safely in their land of unwalled villages. If the US is prospering militarily, economically, and politically, then there has to be something that sidelines us and allows this attack to happen. If all we can do is offer a diplomatic protest, then that means the US is not in the position to do anything about it. While there remains a lot of potentialities, the one I believe will actually happen, is the Rapture of the Church. It has all the characteristics of perfect, global crisis. It will destabilize the materialistic west to the point that they rush head first into the waiting arms of this final, beast system. Many shall also be taken from the east, north, and south as well, and they will make up the full body of Christ. And then comes the end. Keep looking up, we are very close indeed! For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive. But each one in his own order: Christ the firstfruits, afterward those who are Christ's at His coming. Then comes the end, when He delivers the kingdom to God the Father, when He puts an end to all rule and all authority and power. For He must reign till He has put all enemies under His feet. 1 Cor. 15:22-25 Even So, Maranatha! The Pyromaniacs Of Gaza - By Judith Bergman - The Arabs of Gaza have set more than 250 fires, burning nearly seven square miles of land (4,300 acres), more than half of it in nature reserves, in what has turned out to be the latest method of Arab terrorist innovation: Environmental terrorism perpetrated through the release of kites--decorated with swastikas--and helium balloons on fire. It has become known as "kite terror." The fires, specifically those in nature reserves, have also wreaked havoc on local wildlife, so that not only humans pay the price for the Gazan Arabs' unceasing rage, but also animals. Just as Arabs of the PLO invented modern-day terrorism--airplane hijackings, airport massacres, school and school bus massacres, athlete massacres, suicide bombings, especially of buses, restaurants and nightclubs, car ramming attacks (also known as vehicular jihad)--the Arabs of Hamas in Gaza have innovated environmental terrorism (in addition to inventing terror tunnels and perfecting the war crime of using civilians as human shields). Knowing how the rest of the PLO inventions have traveled the globe and ended up being used by other Muslim terrorists in both the US and Europe, the tactic may yet become a Gaza export. The damage done by the fires is estimated to be at least NIS 5 million ($1.4 million) to farmland alone. It will take years, perhaps even decades, to return the afflicted areas to their prior state. The fires wrought by the Arabs of Gaza serve as a crucial, if extremely painful, lesson in what they would do to the rest of the land of Israel, if they were ever to receive more of it. When Israel left the Gaza Strip in 2005 (a fact that appears to have eluded most of the world's social-justice activists), effectively rendering Gaza Judenrein, the Arabs there destroyed most of the greenhouses left behind, only because they had been built by Jews. They did not develop anything in Gaza, but merely turned it into a jihadist base from which to launch terror attacks and rockets at Israel. How is that for "love of the land"? The kite terror perpetrated on the beautiful nature and fields of Israel is an example of what the Arabs of Gaza would do to the rest of Israel if they ever got the chance. They would literally "love" the land to death, until it would become--once again, as it was before the Jews arrived in numbers to rebuild and resuscitate the land from the lengthy Muslim colonization of it--arid, its natural resources depleted and exploited, waiting for someone to make it fit for human living. As observations of 19th-century travelers to the region attest to, after 400 years of Ottoman Turkish occupation of the land of Israel, the country was not only mostly empty of Muslims (who only came when the Jews began to bring the land back to life) but the country also sat "in a sackcloth and ashes. Over it broods the spell of a curse that withered its fields and fettered its energies. ... Palestine is desolate and unlovely. ... It is a hopeless dreary, heartbroken land," as American author Mark Twain wrote in his description of his visit in 1867. This was because the Ottoman Turks neglected the land in their utter disdain for it. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's "love" for Jerusalem is a very recent invention. If the land truly belonged to the Arabs and if they actually wanted it for its own sake, as opposed to just ousting and killing the Jews in it, they would never consider destroying its nature and wildlife. As in the judgment of Solomon, in which the king ruled between two women both claiming to be the mother of the same child, the woman who readily accepted that the child be cut in half could not possibly be the child's biological mother. No mother would do such a thing to her own child. The Arabs can claim the land as theirs as much as they want--the world, after all, readily believes the lies--but their destructive behavior towards it betrays the reality. Trump and More - By Daymond Duck - A reader sent me two surveys that he wrote with permission to amend and pass along without attribution. His surveys recalled two incidents in the Bible that reminded me of Pres. Trump, so I'm adding to them and passing them along. First, God put Daniel in a position to be the second most powerful person in the kingdom of the Medes and Persians, but some of the corrupt leaders in the kingdom didn't want Daniel to have that position. They colluded to create a way to trap Daniel so they could bring false charges against him. Their scheme appeared to work. Daniel was thrown into a den of lions, but God sent an angel to shut the lion's mouths so they could not harm him. The next morning, King Darius released Daniel and ordered his accusers to be thrown in with the lions. Their collusion backfired on them, and they perished (Dan. 6:1-28). It is beginning to look like the Russian collusion idea has backfired on the Democrats, RINOs and others. Second, God called Nehemiah to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem, but some of the corrupt leaders in the area opposed it. They mocked, ridiculed and falsely accused Nehemiah, but he worked on rebuilding the wall anyway (Neh. 2:1-20). Nehemiah's enemies even plotted to kill him; but he didn't fall for their scheme, and the wall was eventually rebuilt (Neh. 6:1-15), It will be interesting to see if Pres. Trump eventually completes a wall on the U.S. border with Mexico. One thing is sure: If God put Pres. Trump in office, he will accomplish what God put him there to do before he is removed (if he is). Moving on to other matters, I read an interesting story about Avi Lipkin. Avi was educated in the U.S. but moved to Israel more than 50 years ago. He served in the IDF and worked for the Israeli government. He has returned to the U.S. many times to speak at churches and to be interviewed on radio and TV. He has founded a new Judeo-Christian political party in Israel called the "Bible Bloc," and the Israeli government has approved it. Half of the party leaders will be Jews and the other half will be Bible-believing (notice Bible-believing) Christians. Only 8% of Israel's population is Christian; but if the "Bible Bloc" can win some seats, Bible-believing Christians will have representation in the Israeli government for the first time in history. This writer is wondering what will happen if there are Christians in Israel's Knesset, and the Bible-believing Christians are the only ones that get Raptured. One must wonder if that will impact the 144,000 Jewish evangelists that start preaching the gospel after the Rapture. On May 23, 2018, it was reported that a one-year long survey by Gallup in 2017 found that about 4.5% of U.S. citizens are LGBT. This means the laws and textbooks of the U.S. are being changed, and many denominations of the Church are abandoning Bible teaching to accommodate 4.5% of the U.S. population. On May 25, 2018, it was reported that Israel and Russia have reached an agreement for Israel to allow Syrian troops on the Golan Heights near the Israeli border, and for Russia to keep all Iranian and Hezbollah forces away from the border. The ink was hardly dry on the report before Israel accused Syria of allowing Iranian and Hezbollah troops dressed in Syrian military uniforms to take up strategic positions near the Golan Heights. Now Iran has said her troops will not leave Syria. Most students of Bible prophecy probably knew they wouldn't leave. On June 3, 2018, the Ayatollah Khamenei threatened to destroy Israel; and on the next day, he told the nation's Atomic Energy Organization to prepare to start enriching uranium without delay. Preparing to enrich uranium is one thing. Actually, enriching uranium is something else. But the Ayatollah is playing with fire, because Pres. Trump and Prime. Min. Netanyahu have both said they will not let Iran enrich uranium to military grade. Prophecy Plus Ministries, Inc. Daymond & Rachel Duck [email protected] Is multiculturalism dying in Europe, or is this the beginning birth pains of a United States of Europe...The Prophesied Revived Roman Empire? - By Isaiah Anderson - The Revived Roman Empire has been a dream for many European leaders, but none were able to resurrect the Roman marvel of antiquities. The European Union (EU) is the closest anyone has come, so are we seeing the end of the EU, or is the present situation of Brexit and increased nationalism merely a bump towards one of the major missing pieces of Biblical end-times prophecy...The reviving of the Roman Empire? Christians are increasingly seeing the converging signs of Biblical prophetic events happening, here are just a few of the major signs:
So What Is Happening In Europe? Europeans seem to be waking up to the insanity of secular liberals globalist promises of a multicultural utopia, one that would enrich all European life, but the globalist multiculturalism has only brought higher taxes, more unemployment, and massive increases in crime and violence. Many Europeans are now left feeling that their security, heritage, and culture is quickly eroding away. Many have had enough, increasingly they're supporting nationalist candidates for political offices to counter the lefts globalist immigration policies. Europe is witnessing a sudden rise of nationalist parties and candidates throughout the EU. Many see this nationalism as a rejection of the socialist liberals rush towards cultural suicide. How Did We Get To This Point? It began with the Lisbon Treaty, an amendment of previous treaties, the initial one being the Treaty of Rome. The Lisbon Treaty became the legal foundation for the current European Union (EU). Although the Lisbon Treaty was rejected by the Irish Republic voters, the political elites within Europe managed to circumvent the voters and ratify the international treaty on December 1, 2009. Since the enactment of the Lisbon Treaty, Europeans have witnessed a slow loss of their liberties, and national sovereignty to EU bureaucratic laws, which often imposed trade restrictions on nations not willing to adopt EU policies, including the unpopular immigration policies of open borders. The insanity of unchecked immigration and increasingly socialist liberalism policies of restricted free speech has led to increased tensions within many European nations. Brexit Was A Wake Up Call For Europe! Massive protests were fairly unusual in Europe, especially by the average tax paying European, but that drastically changed over the last few years. As protesters became more organized it led to the recent political polar changes, the rise of nationalist and populist victories. The first event that shocked many was Brexit, which was quickly followed by American President Donald Trump's massive upset of the ultra-liberal and globalist Hilary Clinton. Recent European elections in other places have seen only more nationalist victories, i.e., Italy, Germany, Austria, and others. These were a major wake up call for EU leaders. The Roman roads have indeed become a bit bumpy. The United States of Europe The trend of nationalism has not gone unnoticed by the massive bureaucracy and mostly Globalist political leaders of the EU, which is situated in Brussels. The policies of the socialist liberals have led to massive immigration from primarily Muslim countries, where once stable democracies of Europe have now become melting pots of sectarian and racial unrest. The global socialist liberals have no intention of surrendering, so the future seems to suggest to me, we will see more protests, and they will likely be increasingly violent. How the leadership in Brussels responds is the real question. The awakening of the Europeans is not isolated to Europe, other countries are having their own renascence of nationalism. Australia, Canada, and America are all coming to the reality that unchecked immigration and secular liberalism don't work, especially when those entering the country have ideologies not compatible with Western ideas and laws. Western secular democracies are not compatible with Islamic seventh-century theology and Islamic Sharia law. Islam teaches dominance and submission to Islam, including the implementation of Islamic Sharia Law. Secular liberalism teaches secular humanism, relativism, and hedonism with a legal system based on tolerance and diversity. Clearly, it was inevitable that the situation was going to come to a collision. The wake up call of nationalist victories across Europe, combined with the Brexit vote , and now the dismantling of horrible one-sided trade agreements by President Trump, agreements that heavily favored the EU. All of this has forced the bureaucrats of the European Union to accept the reality of the situation, major change is need in the present system of the EU. Only a United European State with a single leader, very similar to the United States of America and the office of the Presidency, can they hope to survive as a unified Europe. May The Real Roman Empire Step Up As Christians we should always trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, and not elections and human leaders. We keep an eye on events happening around the world because our Lord commanded us to be looking and ready for His coming. Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man." - Luke 21:36 (NKJV) Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect. - Matt 24:44 (NKJV) So, when looking at these events in Europe, the central question for us as Christians, are we seeing movement towards an end-times Revived Roman Empire, or is this simply the end of a humanistic governance experiment that failed? Using our contemporary language, a version of a Unified European Union would certainly qualify as the revived Roman Empire. The same Empire that once controlled the world and condemned Jesus Christ, the king of Kings, to be crucified on a cross. It would be very fitting to see the United Roman Empire reappear, just in time for the return of Jesus Christ to judge the Revived Roman leader, the Antichrist. Then the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who worked signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image. These two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone. - Rev 19:20 (NKJV) As we continue to see other prophetic signs coming into focus and some already fulfilled, we should seriously consider the EU, at least its final form to be a fulfillment of the Revived Roman Empire. If this is what we are seeing, the obvious next steps will be to witness the shake-up of the existing EU, where ten leaders will emerge, likely regional members of a United States of Europe. According to the Book of Revelation, these ten leaders will quickly elect a single Prime Minister of Europe, which Christians know him as the Antichrist! The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast. These are of one mind, and they will give their power and authority to the beast. These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and those who are with Him are called, chosen, and faithful." - Rev 17:12-14 (NKJV) And the ten horns which you saw on the beast, these will hate the harlot, make her desolate and naked, eat her flesh and burn her with fire. For God has put it into their hearts to fulfill His purpose, to be of one mind, and to give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled. And the woman whom you saw is that great city which reigns over the kings of the earth." - Rev 17:16-18 (NKJV) We can readily expect the soon fulfillment of a Revived Roman Empire. Reading Revelation 17 in context, we can also expect to see an ecumenical religious harlot, one that has committed spiritual fornication with the government leaders of the world, and made herself drunk with the blood of Christians. What indications are there to identify this harlot:
Although the Mystery Harlot will be for a future article, we can clearly see this amazing prophecy is accurately describing the Roman Catholic Church! Rome was once a faithful church (We see the churches in Rome and Italy being addressed in the Books of Romans and Hebrews). The Roman Catholic Church is situated in Rome, setting upon seven hills, consumed with immorality and corruption charges, while teaching heretical doctrines. The Antichrist will not give his glory to another, he will oversee the destruction of Rome and Vatican City, which we can easily see with the present situation in Europe, especially during a turbulent time like the tribulation. As previously stated, according to the Book of Revelation, if the EU is the Revived Roman Empire, the ten European regional or nominated leaders, will quickly submit their authority to a single Prime Minister of Europe, which Christians know him as the Antichrist, this leader must be very close to revealing himself. For we walk by faith, not by sight. - 2 Cor 5:7 (NKJV) As we rapidly move towards the Return of Jesus Christ and ultimately the Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church, it's essential to keep our eyes on world events, especially the Middle East and Israel in particular. As commanded by our Lord Jesus Christ, be ready, be looking! Blessings. Daily Jot: The cross and the anti-cross - Bill Wilson - Turkey's "President" Recep Tayyip Erdogan is a possible prophetic figure as he leads Turkey toward reviving the Islamic Caliphate of the Ottoman Empire which ruled for 624 years from 1299 to 1923. Its control over the Middle East was far greater than the Roman Empire. Some scholars now believe that a revived Ottoman Empire is the one prophesied as the end-time antichrist system. The end time battle of Ezekiel 38 is led from specific locations in Turkey--Magog, Meshech, Tubal. Also Christ is quoted in Revelation 2:13 that Pergamos is "even where Satan's seat is...where Satan dwells." Pergamon is in Turkey. Now Erdogan is threatening a war between the cross and the crescent. On June 8, Austria announced its intention to expel up to 60 Turkish-funded imams and their families from the country and shut down seven mosques. Officials in the Austrian government claimed that the move was inspired by a 2015 law which banned foreign funding of religious groups and created a duty for Muslim societies to have "a positive fundamental view towards (Austria) state and society." Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz Friday told reporters that "Political Islam's parallel societies and radicalizing tendencies have no place in our country." Of course, the news media is labeling the move as coming from the "far right" politicians in Austria, although Austria's opposition parties also supported the action. One Imam took to twitter, saying "Austria's decision to close down seven mosques and deport imams with a lame excuse is a reflection of the anti-Islam, racist and discriminatory populist wave in this country." Reaction from Ankara was even harsher. Erdogan said in a Saturday speech, "These measures taken by the Austrian prime minister are, I fear, leading the world towards a war between the cross and the crescent...They say they're going to kick our religious men out of Austria. Do you think we will not react if you do such a thing?" What does Erdogan expect has been going on since the inception of Islam by Mohammad around the year 610? It was Mohammad who commanded Muslims to maim and kill Christians and Jews when he wrote the Koran. Sura 9:5 "...slay the infidels wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush." Sura 8:12 says, "Verily, I am with you, so keep firm those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who have disbelieved, so strike them over the necks, and smite over all their fingers and toes." Sura 4:55 says, "Lo! Those who disbelieve Our revelations, We shall expose them to the Fire. As often as their skins are consumed We shall exchange them for fresh skins that they may taste the torment. Lo! Allah is ever Mighty, Wise." Erdogan's war against the cross is Mohammad's war. It's part of Islam's peace. Austria knows it, so should the rest of the world. Daily Devotion: Looking for Love? - By Greg Laurie - Three things will last forever--faith, hope, and love--and the greatest of these is love. -1 Corinthians 13:13 An extensive survey was done by a leading polling agency, which asked this key question: What are you looking for most in life? Questionnaires were distributed to people of various ages and occupations, and when the results were compiled, the analysts were surprised. Most thought they would receive answers related to materialistic goals. But at the top of the list was love. People wanted to love and to be loved. This raises a question: What is love? Do we really have a good understanding of it? If you're looking to our culture for cues, you'll be sorely disappointed. You'll also be very confused. What we need is real love, not the pseudo love of today's culture. I think we make a big mistake when we think that marriage is going to solve all of our problems or that a man or woman somehow will rescue us from all our troubles. Maybe you're wondering if you ever will find that person you'll want to marry and spend the rest of your life with. Guess what? Single people aren't the only ones who are lonely. There are lonely married people too. Maybe they've found themselves in a loveless marriage. Or maybe they have a disengaged mate. Maybe one of them is a believer and the other is not, so effectively they are going two directions in life. Whether you're single or married, you can experience loneliness. The simple truth is that you need to be content where you are, regardless of your marital status. If you're single, you need to be content as a single person. And if you're married, you need to be content as a married person. Understand that no person will ever fill those needs deep inside you. It's all about God. That is who we need, first and foremost. FROM THE HEART
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