Prophecy Update Newsletter
June 14, 2017
The Rapture: Why?
- Jack Kinsella - ''These things have I spoken unto you, that in Me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.'' (John 16:33) According to the editors of the "World Christian Encyclopedia": A comparative survey of churches and religions - AD 30 to 2200," there are 19 major world religions which are subdivided into a total of 270 large religious groups, and many smaller ones. For eighteen of the world's major religions and its 270 sub-divisions, the concept of the sudden and instantaneous translation of millions of adherents from one form of existence into the next is completely unheard of. It is even a controversial doctrine within Christianity. There are entire huge subdivisions, or denominations within Christianity that totally dismiss the concept of the Rapture. I found a column at the appropriately-named that argues belief in the Rapture is little more than "The Arrogance of the West." I chose that column to highlight because it is a shining example of why the Rapture is so controversial. To Jerry Johnson, the president of something called the Nicene Council, the Rapture is "paperback" theology and a recent theological concoction never taught by the 'historic church'. (For context, the 'historic church' would be the one that embraces replacement theology. And my Bible is paperback). Notes Johnson: "One is hard pressed to think that all of the great minds from St. Augustine, Martin Luther, John Calvin and Charles Haddon Spurgeon, that though they had read I Thessalonians 4 failed to understand the important teaching of a pre-millennial, pre-tribulation rapture." Then he lashes out with his best, Sunday punch. "Pre-tribulation rapture theology is at its foundation conceited!" This is the main objection to the doctrine of the Rapture - the misconception that the Rapture is a Great Escape. Why should Christians escape the Great Tribulation while others do not? "It's unfair and God isn't unfair." One wonders if they find it equally unfair that some go to heaven and others go to hell. My bet is that some do, but others don't. (But all would agree that Hitler shouldn't go to heaven.) That's why God is God and theologians are not. Assessment: As noted, no other religion has anything resembling a Rapture doctrine, including whatever 'historic church' Jerry Johnson was referring to. So where did it come from and why is it there? The first thing anybody does when trying to answer that question is to hopelessly complicate the issue so that whatever answer they come up with, it is practically impossible to decipher. If you take enough verses from different places throughout the Bible, you can make a case for a Rapture, against a Rapture, for pre-trib, mid-trib, post-trib, amillennial, premillenial, or post millennial, with or without a 1000 year Kingdom. I know that to be true because there are scholars that adhere to each and every one of those positions (which is why they have names for them) and I refuse to believe that they hold those positions without some kind of Scripture to hang them on. If one sees the purpose of the Rapture as a "Great Escape" then it is easy to take verses from all over the Bible to refute it. Not because the Rapture is a false doctrine. But because that isn't the purpose of the Rapture. Knowing why provides valuable clues as to when and how. Two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ promised His disciples that when He ascended into Heaven, the Holy Spirit would come upon them and indwell them and empower them. That indwelling Power would come upon and indwell all who believed. Jesus called Him the Comforter. Jesus promised that He would abide with me forever. Let's examine the simplest questions first. What does it mean when Jesus Christ makes a promise to the Church? Is it reliable? What does "forever" mean? Is there a time constraint on forever? When would forever run out? Does abide forever mean "abide forever for every generation but one?" Houston, we have a problem. According to my paperback theology, the Comforter is: "Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth Him not, neither knoweth Him: but ye know Him; for He dwelleth with you, and shall be in you." (John 14:7) So, the Comforter is the Spirit of Truth and He indwells me. That's what my paperback theology teaches me. Then comes Part Two of the paperback Promise. "I will not leave you comfortless, I will come to you." (John 14:18) So how to resolve this obvious "contradiction" in Scripture? There is only one way. The Holy Spirit continues in indwell me throughout the Tribulation Period. Therefore, by the authority of the Word of God, specifically, 1st John 4:4, "Greater is He (the indwelling Holy Spirit) than he that is in the world." Since the indwelling Holy Spirit is greater and since He will not leave or forsake me during the Tribulation, it is not possible for the antichrist to overcome my indwelling Spirit and pledge allegiance to him. But that contradicts Revelation 13:7 which says that he can. And it's not a little contradiction, either. For the antichrist to overcome an indwelt child of the Living God, he must defeat the Indweller. Unless the Holy Spirit no longer indwells me. And if He doesn't, did He ever? And if He did, where did He go? And how did He do that without breaking Jesus promise not to leave me Comfortless? The Tribulation is, after all, the time of greatest spiritual trial in all of human history. And although every generation, from those thrown to the lions to those being massacred today in Iraq, have the benefit of the indwelling Holy Spirit, during the Tribulation I will be Comfortless? How does that work? If the Rapture is a Great Escape from Tribulation for Christians, then wouldn't the opposite be when Christians suddenly have the Comforter ripped from them just when He is most needed? And if I am still indwelt, then what is the purpose in sealing the Jews of Revelation 7 with the Holy Spirit so they can share the Gospel? What's wrong with using me? Isn't that my job since the Great Commission? Here's the Rapture narrative in summary. The Age of Grace began at Pentecost with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The Age of Grace concludes at the Rapture with the withdrawal of the indwelling Holy Spirit. The Promise to the Church is kept precisely as it was given by the Lord Himself. Now, if one really works at it, one can find creative ways to portray the Rapture as the Great Escape and from there, all kinds of creative ways to dismiss it as paperback theology. But the simplest answer is still the only one that makes sense. Jerusalem Has Jewish Roots, Imagine that! - Olivier Melnick - As part of the constant attempt by the Palestinian authority to delegitimize Israel, Jerusalem continues to be a political target. Many people today take for granted what took about 50 years to create: A Palestinian Jerusalem! To delegitimize a people group or a country, one must have patience. It also helps to pick on someone who is already disliked or in some cases even loathed by many others. Hitler's agenda would have probably not succeeded as well and as fast if the world didn't already have an axe to grind with the Jewish people. Back then, modern Israel had not been reborn and Jerusalem, even though as Jewish as it was in the days of Kind David, was not an issue. Nobody questioned its legitimacy as being part of Israel and having very deep Jewish roots. But Jewish hatred already ran deep, in spite of it all. Antisemitism preceded "Jewish occupation of Palestine" by centuries, proving the current false premise beyond the shadow of a doubt. But patiently over about five decades, the Palestinian agenda was slowly promoted. Today, what would have been considered to be dangerous propaganda 50 years ago, is seen as a valid view of the Middle East by many. One of the key reason why historical revisionism requires patience from its proponents, is that if you wait long enough, those who live through a particular event of history will all be dead and it will be a lot easier to revise, oppose and even deny such event. If you had told the early witnesses of the Holocaust that 75 years later, at a time when most survivors would be dead of old age or in their nineties, that people would come around pretending the Holocaust was a hoax, you would have had a very small audience. Yet, today we have to fight hard to preserve the memory of the six million. The same principle is being applied to Jerusalem, the Temple Mount and their respective Jewish roots, and yet the evidence to the contrary is overwhelming. The first mention of "Jerusalem" by name in the Bible is in Joshua 10:1 where it speaks of Adoni-Zedek, king of Jerusalem. Joshua was written around 1400 BCE, 3400 years ago. Additionally, that mention is also in the context of "Israel" found in the same verse. There is also a hint of Jerusalem when Melchizedek meets Abraham in "Salem", in Genesis 14:18. Jerusalem is mentioned 669 in the Tanakh and about 150 times in the Brit Hadashah (New Testament.) Many instances actually describe the Jewishness of Jerusalem in no uncertain terms like in Ezra 1:3, when Persian king Cyrus-A non-Jewish ruler proclaims: "Whoever there is among you of all His people, may his God be with him! Let him go up to Jerusalem which is in Judah and rebuild the house of the Lord, the God of Israel; He is the God who is in Jerusalem." All these examples come from a Jewish book, written by Jewish authors and destined to a predominantly Jewish audience, and yet, people are now accepting the fabricated story that Jerusalem has no or very little Jewish connections. Instead, a Muslim connection is made by proponents of the Palestinian narrative. Interestingly enough, if Jerusalem is indeed such a holy site to Muslims, why is it NEVER mentioned by name ONCE in the Qur'an? There is a mention of a "farthest mosque" in Sura 17:1, named Al-Aqsa in the Qur'an, and from that word, an inference is made to describe the place as Jerusalem and assign it some Muslim connection. If it is so holy to Muslims, why is it never mentioned by name? Lately, the Palestinian narrative has been pushed forward by UNESCO when they claimed that the Temple Mount-the very foundation of Solomon's Temple- had no Jewish connection. At the same time, Mahmoud Abbas is insisting for a further "de-judaization" of Jerusalem. This is coming from a "trustworthy" leader who is on the 13th year of his 5-year term as leader of the Palestinian authority. He is also the man who wrote his graduate dissertation on Holocaust denial. All these lies are becoming truth! Remember to be patient AND repetitive if you want to transform a lie into accepted truth. At the same time geographical, historical, biblical and archaeological truths are being ignored by those who would rather demonize Israel. Because at the end of day, it is not really about helping Palestinians regain their "occupied" country, it is really about delegitimizing Israel and the Jews. This is also why the very same people will keep their head in the sand when presented with more undeniable proof about Jerusalem's Jewish connection, even if it is an extra-biblical evidence like the piece of papyrus found recently in the Judea Desert, that mentions Jerusalem in Hebrew in the context of a food delivery list. This was a small piece of papyrus but a HUGE discovery, dating from the 7th century BCE. Evidence like this one are not welcome by UNESCO and the blind proponents of the Palestinian revisionism. Dr. Randall Price from Liberty University, Virginia USA along with a team of Israeli archaeologist also recently discovered a new Qumran cave that has now been named "Qumran 12" following the names of the previous 11 caves of Dead Sea Scrolls. So it looks like no matter what the evidence, those who choose to deny Jerusalem and the Temple Mount's Jewish connections are not to be bothered by the facts. It is unfortunate, but somewhat expected of Middle East Muslim leaders. The rest of the world should really know better. Historical revisionism is dangerous, especially if it goes on long enough so that those who could defend the truth are either gone or don't even know how to defend it! God will continue to give us clues to unearth that will vindicate His story found in the Bible. It's time we all pay more attention and educate ourselves about those clues! Five Reasons Why Gaza's Electricity Crisis Could Spark A War - Anna Ahronheim - In the Middle East tinderbox, it doesn't take much for things to rapidly escalate. Israel and Hamas - after fighting three bloody conflicts since Hamas seized control of the Gaza Strip in 2007 - both say they are not looking for conflict. But the latest electricity crisis in Gaza has senior IDF officials worried that any miscalculation on either side could spark another armed confrontation. The following are five factors are in play: 1. Qatar is in trouble Hamas has long relied on the Gulf emirate for financial and political support and Qatar stepped in to provide financial aid during the last fuel crisis which hit the Strip in January. Qatar has supported Hamas financially over the last decade and pledged some $1.5 billion since 2012 to build roads, houses, schools and clinics in Gaza. It has for a long time also hosted exiled leaders of the group, such as Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal and Saleh al-Aruri, who is believed to be behind the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teenagers that led to Operation Protective Edge in 2014. Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman said this week that Aruri has left Qatar for Lebanon, while Mashaal remains in Doha. If Qatar continues to reduce its support for Hamas, the group may try to show its relevance by attacking Israel. 2. Hamas may want to divert attention away from internal problems Hamas has provoked confrontation in the past with Israel to distract from internal issues. In addition to a lack of fuel to supply residents with electricity, Gaza's water utility company has warned that when the power is off, it also lacks fuel and cannot run water and sanitation facilities. There is also a skyrocketing unemployment rate, especially among youth, creating an even more urgent humanitarian situation. While nearly 80% of Gaza residents receive some form of aid, those who are lucky enough to find work receive salaries of just over $400 per month. One of Hamas' primary fears is that the people of Gaza will one day rise up and lead to its fall from power and to the return of the Palestinian Authority to control of the Strip. If the electricity cuts remain in place and the people blame Hamas for its role, the organization may lash out against Israel to divert attention and criticism from the urgent humanitarian issues it faces in its territory. 3. Predictions of possible renewal of peace talks between Israel and the PA Both the Palestinian Authority and Hamas have traded blame for the fuel crisis. The PA claims that Hamas officials are not running the plant efficiently and Hamas says it cannot afford to buy more fuel and operate the plant because of high taxes imposed by the PA. Hamas may want to renew rocket attacks to remind the world that they are still around and still a relevant player in the region. While there has been sporadic rocket fire from smaller Salafi jihadist groups that are challenging Hamas's rule, the group itself has not fired a rocket from Gaza since the 2014 conflict with Israel. But Hamas has done so in the past when it felt backed into a corner. If rocket attacks renew and Israel responds, we could find ourselves in an escalation. 4. New leader might want to prove his "street cred" In February, Hamas elected Yayha Sinwar, a ruthless hard-liner from its armed wing as its leader in the Gaza Strip. His election showed that Hamas's military wing, the Izzedine al-Qassam Brigade, now holds more sway than the political leadership. Regarded by Israeli security officials as one of the most uncompromising leaders of Hamas, Sinwar rejects any reconciliation with Israel. His ascendancy to power has escalated fears that Israel and the group may be heading towards yet another deadly conflict. 5. A miscalculation by either side Statistics from the last decade indicate that a conflict between Israel and Hamas takes place roughly every three years, and seemingly during the summer time. While such retrospective data are not predictive, when the temperature and tempers rise and both sides are primed for fighting, any development and any miscalculation can trigger war. End-of-Days Famine on Horizon as Wheat Crop Fails, But Rabbis Say Israel Will Bring Salvation - By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - "Behold the days come saith the Lord GOD that I will send a famine in the land not a famine of bread nor a thirst for water but of hearing the words of Hashem." Amos 8:11 (The Israel Bible™) Wheat harvests around the world are falling dangerously short, raising the possibility that the end-of-days famine prophesied in the Book of Amos as preceding the Messiah has arrived. Israel, the tiny nation that has made its deserts bloom, is poised to be a guiding light in this developing crisis, helping the world grow crops while bringing them closer to redemption. Massive shortages in the wheat crop became obvious as farmers recently began harvesting the winter yield. Winter wheat, accounting for 70-80 percent of the total annual harvest, dropped 38 percent from last year in the US. Prices on wheat futures are soaring as concern grows over where the country's bread will come from. The shortage in America is part of a global trend. The Ukraine, once considered Europe's breadbasket, is harvesting 7 percent less than last year, a downward progression that has continued for several years. Overall, European countries and Canada saw a similar drop in the harvest of cereal crops this year. Rabbi Yitzchak Batzri, a noted kabbalist from Jerusalem, quoted the Prophet Amos, who prophesied that famine should be expected at the end-of-days as an essential, albeit painful, stage of the process. Behold the days come saith the Lord GOD that I will send a famine in the land not a famine of bread nor a thirst for water but of hearing the words of Hashem. Amos 8:11 "There will be a famine for food in the days before Moshiach, a famine like the world has never seen before," Rabbi Batzri said to Breaking Israel News. But it's not all bad news, he continued. "What the prophet is saying is that this famine, as awful as it will be, comes to serve a divine purpose." The rabbi explained that lack of food and water will inexorably drive the other nations to connect with Israel, a necessary stage in the Messianic process. "They will come for food, but from the famine, they will learn that the physical is not as important as the spiritual," Rabbi Batzri explained. "When they come to us, the nations will discover that what they really lack is the special light of Torah that can only come from Israel." A quick survey of the situation reveals that the potential for famine is quite real. The harvest in the US was the lowest it has been in 108 years. Kansas, which accounts for 40 percent of the wheat grown in the US, was especially hard hit, with its recent harvest falling over 35 percent short of last year's levels. The US, the largest exporter of grain for many years, was replaced last year by Russia, and with the situation intensifying, has not returned to its former status. In the meantime, harvests in Russia and Europe are declining as well. Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman, director of Ohr Chadash Torah Institute, sees this crisis as a necessary step compelling the world to move forward in the unfolding process of redemption. "These difficulties are opening the way for the world to connect to Israel," Rabbi Trugman explained to Breaking Israel News. "This is clearly positioning Israel to lead redemption and a light unto the nations. We know from the prophets that in the end-of-days the whole world will come to Israel to dispel darkness." To illustrate his point, the rabbi cited Isaiah. For, behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the peoples; but upon thee Hashem will arise, and His glory shall be seen upon thee...Lift up thine eyes round about, and see: they all are gathered together, and come to thee. Isaiah 60:2-4 Rabbi Trugman believes that the Jewish state is perfectly positioned to help in this area. "Modern Israel is a leader in agricultural technology and water management," he pointed out. In fact, Israel, one of the world's smallest and most arid nations, produces almost 70 percent of its own food requirements. Over the past 25 years, agricultural output has increased sevenfold with hardly any increase in the amount of water used. Its agricultural innovations have been adopted by countries all over the world. "This is not just a scientific achievement, but it is also the modern emergence of a prophetic blessing from Isaiah," noted Rabbi Trugman. The wilderness and the parched land shall be glad; and the desert shall shall blossom abundantly, and rejoice, even with joy and singing...they shall see the glory of Hashem, the excellency of our God. Isaiah 3:1-2 "Whether God is purposely guiding this situation or whether it is man-driven mismanagement of resources, the end result is the same as we see nations around the world drawing closer to Israel," Rabbi Trugman said. "At first, they will turn to Israel to be a light to help with these issues. After they are friends with Israel, they will be open to our spiritual light." Nearing Midnight: Dodging the Climate Change Bullet - Todd Standberg - The decision by President Trump to pull out of the Paris Agreement was a huge victory for freedom loving Americans. When Barack Hussein Obama went to Paris he had little interest in protecting the rights of U.S. citizens. He had a very easy time as president because he loved to hand out blank checks everyone. Trump is left with the difficult task of reversing those costly promises. The Constitution does not give Obama the right to obligate the American people to international pacts with his simple signature on a document. It gives the president the power "to make treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur." The use of the word "agreement" seems to be an obvious attempt to go around our constitutional rules. President Trump has had a lot of business success throughout his life and he can recognize a bad deal when he sees one: "The world applauded when we joined Paris, and you know why? I think they applauded because they knew it was going to put this country at an economic disadvantage," he said during a White House press briefing. "And the reason European leaders ... that I think they want us to stay in, is because they know it will continue to shackle our economy," he said. The way world leaders have showed outrage over Trump's decision one would think America produces 90 percent of Co2 emissions. We actually only contribute 17 percent of the total. Our production of CO2 has been falling. We peaked out in the mid 1970s at 22.5 metric tons per person and we are now at 16.39 metric tons per person. During the past 40 years, China's production of CO2 has increased 14 times per person. The agreement itself is largely toothless in the area of lowering a nation's carbon footprint. Instead of having a master plan that would switch countries to alternative fuels, there is only a call for nations to work toward various ill-defined goals. This problem led James Henson, the "father of global awareness of climate change" and an ex-NASA scientist, to condemn the agreement as a fraud. The agreement lacks any enforcement mechanism, instead relying on nations voluntarily to reduce emissions. The nations of India and China get a complete pass on their CO2 emissions. They can keep growing their fossil fuel consumption for an unlimited amount of time. Since the world is not sealed off by giant walls of glass, the output from Asia will increase global warming just as much as America's output. The 200 other nations that signed the Paris Agreement did so because they were eager to receive money. Low income countries would share a $100 billion fund that would be earmarked for payouts to assist in adaptation and mitigation. The country responsible for financing the fund would be rich old Uncle Sam. Other Western nations would pay zero into the fund. President Trump's decision to pull out of the Paris Agreement cannot take place until January of 2020. Under so-called international law, we need to wait four years before we will be free of our obligations. If Trump loses the next election, his successor will still have time to reverse the decision. Trump should put the matter up to a vote in the Senate. When it fails to get the two thirds vote requirement, he can then declare the Paris Agreement dead as far as America is concerned. This pattern of giving up our liberties to foreign bodies became a critical matter when we surrendered our ability to declare war by first going to the UN for approval each time. If Germany and Japan in the 1940s had maneuvered themselves into having veto power, we would have to violate international law in order to respond to the bombing of Pearl Harbor. President Trump was right on the mark when he said, "I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris." The rest of the world is determined to entangle our nation into agreements that will have international committees deciding if someone in America can water their lawn or build a shed. We may have dodged the climate change bullet, but I don't think we will have a respite from other similar entanglements. The devil will quickly be back with another ploy. The keep coming faster and faster because we are near to the time when Satan will soon have control of all nations. It is my hope that the Rapture is the only reason why America finally bows to the globalist cabal. "Through his cunning he shall cause deceit to prosper under his rule; and he shall exalt himself in his heart. He shall destroy many in their prosperity. He shall even rise against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without human means" (Daniel 8:25). Lucifer's Architects of Anarchy and the End of America - David Pepe - In the last 8 years, President Obama, the Main Stream Media and the Secular Left have sought every opportunity to transform, undermine, eradicate, rewrite, slander, bulldoze, and undo what is left of our sacred Constitution, our Judeo/Christian heritage, our national security, our free markets, liberties and republic ideals and have successfully won the day! Have they not? If you are objective, you will have to recognize the absolute success of president Obama's lawless agenda, secularism, anti-Judeo/ Christian agenda, anti-constitutional agenda, anti-capitalist agenda, cultural Marxism, critical theory, growing government, loading up the national bureaucracy with lawless secularist and sabotaging our U.S. sovereignty in many ways. Indeed, president Obama has been one of Alinsky's master's chief vessels and greatest architect of anarchy this nation has ever known. The rise of the Left and godless secular liberalism in America has been ever rising since the 1920's and today is at a fever pitch. Now that Barack Hussein Obama is out of office and the Red Democratic Party some what out of power, things here in America may look on the up and up but they are not. Though the Trump administration is fighting and seeking to save America from a lawless globalism, its agenda and global terrorism; here at home millions of Americans are in a ideological war with fifth column Americans in Hollywood, the music industry, the media, in Washington D.C., in education, in technology industries, in national union platforms etc. that seek the end of our godly founding and our Republic form of Democracy. The Left has always sought to make war with America's Judeo/ Christian values (moral and spiritual) by imposing their secular and godless immorality on the American culture. They are Constitutional apostates and like a parasite, they feed off all the benefits of our past while destroying our culture from within. They have been relentless in their pursuit to totally secularize our American Culture and heritage and are now at the very gates and near total victory! Iconic leftist leaders such as Margaret Sanger, Roger Baldwin, John Dewey, Madeline Murry O'Hara, Saul Alinsky, and George Soros - to name a few - have been instrumental in the aggressive anti-America leftist movement, and their radical ideals have slowly transformed this once great nation into a lawless and decadent pig pen. The Left's godless agencies and vehicles such as the Frankfurt School, ACLU, Planned Parenthood,, ACORN, the Liberal Socialist media and press, Leftist activist blogs and groups, communist environmentalist groups, Hollywood, Porno-wood, the music industry, Leftist politicians, rogue activist judges, leftist academia, teachers unions, and liberal college faculties etc., have been combined into a massive wrecking ball battering and demolishing our very foundation, our laws (both natural and spiritual), our Judeo/Christian heritage, our values and morality, all logic and common sense, and all personal accountability and responsibility. My friend, when the laws of nature and of nature's God are rejected, violated and trampled on, and when lawlessness and non-absolutism are sought in their stead, expect to reap the whirlwind of mass decadence, violence and anarchy (Psalm 11:3; Isa. 5:20; Rom. 1:18-32). Our Founders knew that without a moral and God-fearing people our Nation would never survive. Listen to the prophetic words of John Adams: "We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion (Christianity). Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a religious and moral people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other." "Statesmen, my dear Sir, may plan and speculate for Liberty, but it is Religion (Christianity) and Morality alone, which can establish the Principles upon which Freedom can securely stand. The only foundation of a free Constitution is pure Virtue, and if this cannot be inspired into our People in a greater Measure than they have it now, they may change their Rulers and the forms of Government, but they will not obtain a lasting Liberty. They will only exchange Tyrants and Tyrannies." . .Do not these words which were spoken over two hundred years ago ring so true today in facing our current social climate? Our nation is clearly on the precipice of a secular, fascist, tyrannical state - just as our Founding Fathers warned! The Left's Ideology The ideology and philosophy of the Left is based in the basest (lowest) form of thought and rationale. They are subjective in ALL their ways, use partial truths, disdain Almighty God their Creator and His ETERNAL spiritual and moral laws, follow their unbridled passions (lusts) and emotions (Psalm 14, Isa. 5:20, Rom. 1:18-32; 2-3, Jude 1:10). They are narcissistic in their heart and evil to the core. Their moral compass is all out-of-whack because of their complete and total rejection of Divine absolutes (i.e., right and wrong) and since they reject Divine absolutes they hold themselves to no moral standard and are lawless in ALL their ways (Rom. 1:18-32). They have no regard at all for morality, laws (natural/spiritual), personal accountability and responsibility (Gal. 5:19-12; 2 Peter 2:10, 18-19, Jude 10-13). In every way they are Machiavellian (i.e., believing that the end justifies the means), and just like their father the Devil (John 8:44); and because of their base estate, those on the Left are the most susceptible to Lucifer's suggestions and godless will. This godless, base behavior is encouraged by the Father of Lies - Lucifer, or the Devil (John 8:44). His goal is to make humanity as base as possible in their thinking, and as callous (hardened) in their morality, so to despise what is right and wrong. His goal is to brainwash and dupe the masses into doing his bidding. America Must Be Removed! America and its Judeo/ Christian heritage have been used mightily by Almighty God in the promotion of the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ around the world. No nation to the present has been such a vehicle in the hands of Almighty God in reaching countless millions for Christ. The United States has been the chief restrainer of evil and aggression in this oppressive, tyrannical world for the last 100 years, and the last bastion of freedom also to the oppressed. The USA stands in the way of Satan's global ambitions of a unified "base" humanity that will worship him and his global Fascist Minion to come (Rev. 13:4, 8, 12, 14). His Leftist destroyers have almost completed their assignment as Lucifer's wrecking ball. Our nation is bound to collapse under the weight of our error and transgressions into a pile of rubble.Once the United States - the major world "Superpower" - is removed, his push will be towards Israel and global Anti-Semitism (Zech. 13:8-9; 14:2; Matt. 24:9, 15-22; Rev. 12:13-17). The final blows to America's superpower status will most likely come at the Rapture of the Body of Christ as Almighty God's godly restraint and influence is removed from our land and the earth. Dare To Look Into The Eyes Of The Beast of Reality My friend, take a good look into the eyes of the beast of reality. What hope do you see for humanity? If we dare to be objective and real with ourselves, what we will see is absolute despair, hopelessness and doom for mankind. The delusional appraisal of optimism cannot sustain the weight of the reality at hand. Only Almighty God can deliver one from the devastating consequences of the godless out workings of fallen man. All these things must be and come to pass in fulfillment of God's infallible Word. The Only Solution My friend, do you know the Savior of the world the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior? He alone can deliver you from the devastating consequences of man and from the wrath to come on this ungodly world. Almighty God sent His Son to rescue all who call upon Him. No one is left out. All are summoned; all are called to the cross to repent of their transgression and sins against Almighty God. God so loved you that He sent His Son to die in your place so that you can live forever with Him and enjoy Him forever (John 3:16-17)! My friend, I do not know how to say anything more wonderful than that!! Won't you place your trust in God through the Lord Jesus Christ today? My friend, you will never be the same! The Kingdom of Heaven is truly at Hand! Daily Jot: Hypocrisy at the highest - Bill Wilson - Many Americans are watching with amazement at the circus taking place in our nation's capital trying to derail, delegitimize the presidency and obstruct government. It's happening under the guise of investigating whether President Donald Trump colluded with Russia to steal the US election. Even Democratic leaders say that there is no evidence, but they pursue the obstruction of the Trump agenda through the morass they are creating with their media partners and communist actors. Tuesday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions took center ring and testified. Bottom line: Sessions said that the mere suggestion of collusion with the Russians to undermine America "is an appalling and detestable lie." It wasn't long ago when another Attorney General was embroiled in a controversy that was far worse than what Sessions was accused. In fact, this Attorney General has participated in a gun running scheme that ended up getting border agents killed. Eric Holder was held in contempt of Congress for refusing to testify about Fast and Furious, his scheme to sell guns to Mexican drug cartels so the government could track their movement. The result was the deaths of at least two US border agents. Holder also refused to enforce laws such as the Defense of Marriage Act and voter rights laws when the New Black Panthers terrorist group refused to allow whites to vote in Philadelphia. He also was caught spying on journalists. Pay no mind because Congress didn't do a thing about it. Yet a Republican-controlled Congress is allowing a minority-led coup attempt by the Democratic Party to advance through Congressional hearings about a Russian influence scheme on American elections where there is no evidence to support even the weakest claims. The Democratic Party, namely its most recent candidate for President, has ties with Russia that resulted in uranium sales to Russia in return for donations of at least $20 million dollars to the Clinton Foundation-all part of a very well documented influence peddling scheme orchestrated by Hillary Clinton when she was Secretary of State. Nothing to see here. Media moves on. This is amazing. It is hypocrisy at the highest. Congress overlooks documented evidence of governmental organized crime with Russian purchases of uranium, sales of weapons to Mexican drug cartels, the backing of al Qaeda in Libya during the Benghazi crisis, yet allows a minority party to foment a three-ring circus that undermines the office of the President. Republicans should be ashamed for their lack of courage and backbone. You see, both parties are at fault. They should do what they are elected to do rather than trying to tear one another down. As Jesus said in Matthew 12:25. "Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand." We, the people, need to unify against this hypocrisy and highway to tyranny. Daily Devotion: "Yes, Lord" - By Greg Laurie - "No, Lord," Peter declared. "I have never eaten anything that our Jewish laws have declared impure and unclean." -Acts 10:14 There are certain words that go together, such as "Yes, Lord," "How, Lord?" and "When, Lord?" But there are other words that don't go together. These include "No, Lord" and "Never, Lord." I was working on a message about this on the day my son Christopher died. When I went back and reread those words, they took on new meaning because they described how I felt when I heard the news: "No, no. I am not good with this. I don't want this. I don't accept this. No!" There are times when we feel that way about the will of God. Even Jesus, when He was in the Garden of Gethsemane, recoiled from what lay ahead. He prayed, "My Father! If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine" (Matthew 26:39). Jesus, who was sinless and perfect and holy, was looking into the abyss of all the wicked things in this world, everything that is sinful and unholy. And Jesus knew He would have to bear all of that sin upon Himself. That is why Luke tells us that "his sweat fell to the ground like great drops of blood" (Luke 22:44). Jesus was under the pressure of it all. Sometimes it is possible for the cup to pass. But then there are times when God will say, "No, you have to drink it. You have to go through it." If we believe in the providence of God, then we know the Lord is in control of all things. And we know that He will do something or allow something for purposes that we don't necessarily understand. We might say, "Never, Lord" or "I don't like it, Lord." But ultimately we have to say, "Yes, Lord." FROM THE HEART
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