Prophecy Update Newsletter
The Death of a Nation- Echoes of 1793 - By Pete Garcia - Anytime the word "conspiracy" is mentioned in public, many listening instinctively cover their ears and start yelling at the top of their voices so they cannot hear what follows. First things first, conspiracies happen. Conspiracies are not just evil men conspiring together to do some nefarious deeds in dark, smoke-filled rooms on moonless nights. Conspiracies are just that, people conspiring to do something unlawful or harmful to someone else. Just look at the murder of Julius Caesar or even of Jesus Christ. A conspiracy in its essence is simply a plan to do evil by two or more individuals. A conspiracy theory is a theory (speculation) on something that was done in the past or will be done in the future. Furthermore, just because something is labeled a conspiracy theory, does not automatically mean it is false or true, it just means it cannot be proven as of yet. However, there are plenty of conspiracies that were theories until they were later proven true. Secondly, for those who do not know what the Hegelian Dialectic is (in the Marxist political sense); it is a planned outcome, where actions are instigated to drive people to a predetermined end state. Thesis (proposition) Antithesis (counter-proposition) Synthesis (new thesis). It is a subtle tactic globalists have used to advance their socialist agenda for the past century. So what is their agenda? Quite simply, it is the concentration of power and wealth from the many, to the few. Another tactic aligned with the Dialectic is incrementalism. These small, unnoticeable changes accumulate over time, so much so, that one would hardly notice. However, if you were away, say out of the country for a few years on business, and then came back, the changes would be more noticeable. Most Americans are unaware of a decline in individual liberty, and the reason is obvious: the decline rarely takes the form of sudden personal deprivations but, instead, takes the form of unnoticed erosion, and thus we come, as do the Russians, to regard whatever state we are in as a normal condition. Leonard E. Read These are important concepts to understand as you continue to read, because, much of what you are seeing play out on a daily basis, is the culmination of an agenda 100-years in the making. The ANTIFA thugs we see looting, rioting, and burning buildings down didn't just appear one day out of thin air...they were indoctrinated. Their teachers, who indoctrinated them, were themselves, indoctrinated by someone else. The sympathetic media to these thugs and looters, were the same media who just weeks earlier, were so hostile to patriot citizens who were peacefully protesting many of their governors illegal "stay at home" orders. Most of these media figures weren't just pinko-commie-fascists overnight, they too, were indoctrinated somewhere along the way. Even the fact that Donald Trump is president, is a result of years of bureaucratic oppression by an increasingly totalitarian government. Thus, the events over the past 12-years are being orchestrated to get the American people to arrive at a predetermined conclusion, which is, civil war. First, we must distinguish who is doing what. From bottom to top: Violence Based Groups: Foot Soldiers Anarchists- ANTIFA, Black Rose Federation, Symbiosis, etc. Sectarian/racial supremacy: Black Panthers, Aryan Nation, Black Hebrew Israelites, Hammerskins, National Front, Black Lives Matter (the political arm), Ku Klux Klan, etc. Gangs: Bloods, Crips, MS-13, Latin Kings, etc. Sanctioned groups: Planned Parenthood, NARAL Environmental: Animal Liberation Front (ALF), Earth Liberation Front (ELF), Earth First!, etc. Islamic: Al Qaeda, ISIS, Muslim Brotherhood, etc. Leftist Political Groups: Activists Democrat Party, Green Party, Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), Socialist Party of America (SPA), Young Democratic Socialists of America (YDSA), Progressives, Communist Party of the United States, Young Communist League, ACLU, SJWs (the Evangelical left), ACORN, Open Society Foundation, Bernie Sanders, Tides Foundation, Southern Poverty Law Center, Green Peace, PETA, Bash Back, Queer Nation, American Atheists, CAIR, etc. Globalists/Internationalists/One World Government Advocates: Financers/Influencers The Rockefeller Foundation, Center for American Progress, George Soros, Gordon Brown, Tony Blair, Pope Francis, Bill Gates, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger, Council of Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, The Clinton Foundation, The Obamas, etc. This is just a small sampling of all the different groups out there that are actively and aggressively seeking to divide and destroy the United States from within. These are just some of whom President Trump and patriotic American's have to contend with on a daily basis going forward. While not all the groups on here advocate for violence, they either see violence as "an option" or are sympathetic to it, especially when it happens against politically incorrect Conservatives, Christians, and those opposed to their radical agendas. While all the groups on here have differing agendas, they do share a common theme that America that is, must become something radically transformed into something it was never intended to be...a pure democracy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide. Pres. John Adams It is no secret that the leftists in media and government are desperately trying to avoid a Trump 2020 victory. They have already spent the last four years throwing everything they could at Donald Trump and so far, have come up empty. ~It began with the Access Hollywood Tape release prior to the election. ~When that failed, it went into conspiring to dismantle the incoming administration through falsified FISA warrants, illegal wiretaps, anonymously leaking classified data to the media, weaponizing certain branches of the government against the new administration, and a two-and-a-half-year investigation. ~When that came up empty, it immediately moved into another investigation, which resulted in the Democratic House impeaching the President for alleged quid pro quo, simply for asking about the actual quid pro quo the previous administration actually admitted to doing. ~When that failed to pass the Senate, the emerging Chinese Coronavirus outbreak was coincidentally turned from a non-event, to a global crisis overnight. The impact for this was aimed squarely at shutting down the Trump economy, which to date, had been Trump's greatest achievement. ~After months in a self-imposed quarantine and artificial economic pause, American's began questioning the wisdom in committing economic suicide over a virus with a 99.89% survival rate. Patriots began staging peaceful protests outside of state government offices primarily in Democratic states. ~When the COVID-19 threat began to diminish and failed to stop President Trump's momentum, a white police officer in Minneapolis killed an unarmed black American for no apparent reason. This became the new cause cé·lè·bre for fighting supposed systemic racism and defunding the law enforcement agencies across the nation. ~It remains to be seen what the political fallout will be for Trump come Election Day even though the event happened in a Democrat-controlled state, and in a democratically controlled city. In fact, the most crime-ridden cities are often the cities that were managed by democrats for decades (Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, etc.). Assessment So here we have a global pandemic coinciding with the greatest US economic comeback in a lifetime. The economy was Trump's greatest political advertisement he could ever have, because everybody, whites, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, everyone was doing financially better than they had under eight-years of the Obamanation (short for Obama Administration). In fact, President Trump has worked aggressively to address and fix more long-standing concerns the African-American community have had in his brief tenure, then the past four presidents before him combined. This in spite of having to deal with multiple investigations, a hostile media, and numerous attempts by practically everyone to derail his presidency. I am especially leery of things that seemed overtly staged, like a high-level pandemic conference two months before a "real" pandemic kicks off globally; or say, a white cop, kneeling on the neck of non-resistant black male for almost nine minutes, all the while, none of his fellow officers bothering to intervene. In addition, all this knowing he was being filmed from multiple cameras. What is even more disturbing, is watching this from multiple angles. Just some really weird things going on for no logical reasons (i.e., the differing time stamps on multiple cameras) My first thoughts on all this was:
Therefore, I do have a theory based on everything I laid out, and it is simple. The left (i.e., democrats, leftist media, academia, Hollywood, see above list), along with internationalists, globalists, and pro-United Nations leaders, CANNOT tolerate another four-years of Donald Trump's populist and nationalist agendas. In addition, they will do (and have done) everything within their power, to stop Trump. They first go after Trump's credibility with the Access Hollywood tapes, which was at the tail end of the "Me Too" movement. It did not sink him. They then go after LTG Michael Flynn, Carter Paige, and George Papadopoulos, and others, attacking anyone attached to Trump in an attempt to derail his first few months in office. Most of these attacks have already been proven false, and are now in the process of bring former Obamanation employees in for questioning with the DOJ and the Senate Judiciary process. The ones who went to jail or are scheduled too were convicted for offenses NOT connected to the Trump Campaign (i.e., Michael Cohen, Roger Stone). They then spent almost three years with the Mueller Investigation spending nearly $30M, and an army of pro-Clinton lawyers trying to dig up any dirt they could on Trump, the campaign, and anyone even remotely connected to Trump and Russia. Again, a giant-nothing burger. After that report failed, they then got wind of a phone call between President Trump and the President of Ukraine, in which, supposed quid pro quo happened in an attempt to get Joe Biden's son on fraud and corruption charges. The left lost their mind. They immediately attacked Trump for targeting his political opponent, regardless of the fact that Biden had not even been selected as the Democratic nominee yet. Trump pulls out the boss move and prematurely releases the transcript of the phone call to the senate and press, and proves that there was no- there, there. The Democratic Congress, led by Adam Schiff, proceeded to impeach Trump in an empty show of force, knowing, their efforts would not survive the Republican led Senate. Which brings us to 2020. While the whole country and the left were exerting maximum pressure on the Senate to get them to empower the impeachment, the news of a novel coronavirus began making its way out of China. The first US Senator, who made any forewarnings about this, was Republican Tom Cotton out of Arkansas. In addition, here, China does something unsettling. They lock down national travel from Wuhan to the rest of China, but they do not stop any international from Wuhan to the rest of the world. To date, we do not know if the Wuhan Flu was a result of shoddy security practices at their Biosafety Level Four lab, or intentional release, or their proximity to their wet-market, in which animals of all kinds are bought and sold for human consumption. We do not know, because China will not work with any other nations on getting to the truth. This has triggered a multi-national call for punitive actions against China since they are unwilling to cooperate. This may explain why China's recent aggression in Hong Kong, the South China Seas, and along the border with India have intensified significantly. They are either flexing their muscles, trying to distract us, or may fear economic repercussions and are shoring up their freedom of movement and control before sanctions or other economic constraints are enforced. Meanwhile, the Department of Justice (DOJ) is wrapping up their yearlong investigation with the Durham Report, which will highlight the treasonous activity of the outgoing Obamanation, and an attempt to sabotage the peaceful transition of power to the incoming Trump Administration. While the Democrat's Mueller and Ukraine investigations came up empty, the Durham Report will show absolutely, serious felonies committed up and down the Obamanation staff, department heads, and other high-ranking cabinet members. I do not think they will go after Obama himself, but you never know. Which may explain the oddly staged and conveniently timed, George Floyd tragedy. The left needed a new crisis to derail the country. Now Minneapolis and New York City are two of the largest cities claiming they will defund their police departments. Out of all the cities in the US, NYC had, the highest number of COVID-19 deaths, in large part, because they claimed they didn't have enough ventilators, masks, gloves, and other PPE, as well as their enforcement of sending COVID-positive patients back to the Nursing Homes potentially infecting whole populations that already had weakened immune systems. They also conveniently attributed almost all deaths to COVID-19, as if people stopped magically stopped dying from the regular flu, cancer, gunshot wounds, car accidents, suicides, amongst other causes. Now, these same cities want to defund their police departments after looters and rioters destroyed large sections of their cities? If more cities follow suit, such as Los Angeles, Chicago, and Boston, you can rest assured that businesses and law-abiding citizens will flee those cities in droves, hollowing out those metropolises, which will destabilize those states, causing more chaos leading into the 2020 elections. Conclusion And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever. 1 John 2:17 I mentioned in the title, 1793, because that was the year Marie Antoinette met her gruesome beheading in the height of the French Revolution, which lasted from 1789-1799. Although the success of the American Revolution some years earlier resulted in American colonist overthrowing British Monarchial rule. The success of America was the result of divine providence and men with the forethought to create a Constitution whose rights are derived from God (not man). Furthermore, a Constitution whose laws were designed to limit government, not individual freedom and property. The bloody and violent French Revolution became as it were, the standard for all future revolutions to follow. The French Revolution was not based on any divine guidance, but on human secularism. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen makes no mention of a Creator granting man inalienable rights, but rather, the rights of the society. It was in 1799, that the French General Napoleon Bonaparte, seized power in a coup d'état, and ruled as an absolute dictator for the next 13 years. While it might seem politically correct to call for the abolishment of organized law enforcement, a nation whose foundation is built on laws, yet does not enforce them, is begging for anarchy. My prediction is that neither Minneapolis nor NYC actually defund their police departments. The mayors of those cities might agree to it, but the governors will probably shoot those ideas down. Furthermore, if they actually did defund them, you would see both citizen and businesses fleeing in droves for fear of what follows. Isn't that the point of George Soros, Bill Gates, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown (former UK PMs), the Vatican (Roman Catholic Church), the Rockefeller Foundation, and countless other Agenda 2030 proponents? They want a one-world government, run by the United Nations, which all nations fall under the umbrella of their international sovereignty. They had been busy building there dream of a globalist utopia for decades, and in 2016, Americans' overwhelmingly rejected that dream by electing Mr. Populist/Nationalist himself, Donald Trump. Now, the United States stands like a giant roadblock derailing their dreams of this singular, globalist system. They have come to far now to quit, and will do whatever it takes to get him out of office so they can finish dismantling our Constitution, our economy, and our democracy. From their perspective, the United States may have been born from a righteous revolution, but it will die by suicide. IF the Lord tarries, and allows Trump to win the 2020 election, we may go forward as a nation and buy ourselves a little bit more time. However, I foresee even more unrest in the urban democrat havens that will force even more stress on the nation. This may require some level of Martial Law, which, if executed by the government, fits right in with the globalists agenda of turning the United States into a perpetual police state. It is sort of a 'damned if you do / damned if you don't' scenarios for President Trump. IF Trump loses the next election (for whatever reason), rest assured, America, as we know her, will cease to exist by 2030. The most likely scenario is that IF Trump loses, and it appears to be a blatantly, fraudulent coup d'état attempt by the left to hijack the election, the US will go into a civil war again. Not because we are sore losers, but because we know that if we lose this election, our country is lost forever. After getting a small glimpse of democrat totalitarianism with the quarantines, and the feeble, beta like responses from the city and state governments during the riots, our nation will not survive four years under another democratic government. We almost got our own version of Bastille Day last week when violent rioting broke out in near the White House in Washington D.C. Unfortunately; this might be a taste of what is coming in the not too distant future. I am not of the illusion that Trump can fix all that ails our nation. There are too many enemies actively seeking to destroy us from within to ever humanly change that fact. On the other hand, I am equally convinced that there are many more Deplorables out there, who would not just willingly roll over and let the Left take the nation again. I have said this for many years now, but the US is heading toward another civil war. I used to think that it happened AFTER the Rapture, not before; however, if we continue on this path to lawlessness and anarchy, which may mean we are closer to the Rapture than even we think. The Bible already told us that the United States is not in Bible prophecy. That means despite our best-intended MAGA or KAGA slogans, something happens to our great nation that sidelines us from being a major player in the last days. I do not want that to happen, but as the late Chuck Missler use to say, Bible prophecy is just history written in advance. It is going to happen whether we like it or not. (Isaiah 46:9-10) Aside from the off chance that a major global, catastrophic, disaster happens (i.e., meteor hitting earth, Yellowstone exploding, alien invasion, etc.). I still believe that the most viable option for the downfall of the United States is the Rapture of the Church. When the Church is pulled out (along with children and invalids), the US economy will implode overnight. Now, should the Lord tarry, I fear the US may get very close to tearing itself apart before that Day comes. Nevertheless, if that (civil war) does happen, the Lord is still Lord and He knows how to care for His own. I still believe that God put Trump in office in 2016 for a reason, and no schemes of man will thwart that plan until God's purposes are fully completed. (Acts 17:26) Rest assured, the Church we will be removed BEFORE the great and terrible Day of the Lord. As bad as it is now, the lunacy, violence, and lawlessness will be on steroids once the Church is removed. Therefore, we remain busy sharing the Gospel with everyone we can. We also need to be vigilant and vocal about what is coming upon the earth. And it may be that our message now falls on deaf ears and hardened hearts, but God, is still longsuffering that ALL come may come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ. (2 Peter 3:9) Perhaps God raised us up in this generation, to be that clarion call to that most hard-hearted of generations, whose minds are given over to their base natures, unable to come to the truth. However, there are still many who will be saved on the other side of the Rapture. Those 'left behind' will have to contend with a very frightening world and their reward might be martyrdom, but we see a multitude who cannot be counted coming out of the Tribulation and standing before the throne after the Rapture. And it gives us hope that our message now is not in vain, and that many may still yet be saved. (Revelation 7:9-10) Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13-14 Everything was fine ... then - Gary Stearman - In streets, shopping malls, colleges and office buildings the adversary is becoming more and more visible. As an American Christian, you are beginning to see yourself as a minority, perhaps even an outmoded minority. Your first thought is that you should begin the "spiritual warfare" that you heard about in church all those years ago. But in the pursuit of daily life, careful planning and responsible action, you had long ago discovered that you really didn't need it. Life worked out beautifully, as you developed a career, raised children, paid taxes and kept the law. And all those years you voted responsibly and attended a formal church, with its own, welcoming atmosphere. Everything was fine ... then. Now, we have awakened to a world of shadow governments, political coups, manufactured pandemics and authoritarian social controls. There is much talk about vaccines being the "mark of the beast." And the communists and anarchists have bided their time until they sensed that society was unstable enough to take to the streets again. Your "normal life" is disappearing by degrees, and you sense an "end of the age" chill in the air. Living as a faithful Christian these days is a challenge. The enemy has crept into all our cherished institutions. Sometimes, he is referred to as the "deep state." At other times, he is labeled as a "liberal," which simply means rejecting the Spirit of the Lord in favor of human wisdom. This is the natural instinct of sinful mankind. When the presence of the Lord is pushed away, He willingly recedes into the background. Yet somehow, it's very hard to fully realize this fact. When He's not called upon, His presence fades. Evil rises. As in the days of the prophet Samuel, when the people rejected God's rule: "6 But the thing displeased Samuel, when they said, Give us a king to judge us. And Samuel prayed unto the LORD. 7 And the LORD said unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them" (I Sam. 8:6,7). In his old age, Samuel had turned his Godly rule over to his two unworthy sons, who governed through graft and corruption. The people demanded a king to rule over them, just like the surrounding Gentile nations. Earlier, Israel had demanded that Moses allow them to have a king: "And he gave them their request; but sent leanness into their soul" (Ps. 106:15). In the present world, faithful Christians know that the Spirit of the Lord is present and available. But, unlike our daily human companions, He doesn't appear visibly. You know He's there, and that He has legions of angels at His command. His presence and action must be perceived through faith. People who have lived a very long time are now shocked, saying that they've never seen such unrest in our blessed land. Longstanding social restraints are being broken one by one. Common sense seems to have been swept away. But what is common sense? Very simply, it is the collective benefit of centuries of Christian civilization. When the Church is weakened, civilization will inevitably fall. In the wake of weeks of a pandemic and "social distancing," that even resulted in the closing of churches, Christians pray for relief and revival. But somehow, that effort seems futile. It is not! In fact, Satan's world system has long been a reality on this planet. When we forget that, and relax our guard, he begins to rise. This is now quite visible, as the culture tilts toward increasing rebellion in all its aspects. Those who are convinced that revolution is the only way, rise by degrees until they burst forth in surprising power. This is an ancient pattern ... repeated time and again. What is needed is clear: "10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil" (Eph. 6:10,11). Nearing Midnight: Racial Strife in Prophecy - Terry James - I remember as a teenager my dad telling me that Papa (his father, whom we grandchildren called "Daddy James") said that one day there would be a great racial war in America. My grandfather, who was, among many other things, a school teacher and Pentecostal preacher in south Arkansas, apparently was well known in the region and was sought out for his opinion and advice by politicians and many others. His assessment was that the treatment being given black people would one day come back to haunt the nation. I heard the story many times from my father and from others within our family on the James side. I didn't pay a lot of attention to the memories of those stories at age fifteen, even during the 1957 integration crisis at Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas. That crisis seemed to sort of work itself out, with a lot of help from President Dwight D. Eisenhower and a national guard that the president took out from under the command of Governor Orval Faubus. As a tenth grader, the racial things just didn't register very strongly with me. There was complete segregation at the time in my hometown, and Benton High School seemed a continent away from the epicenter of the great controversy of integration vs segregation-although my high school was no more than twenty-five miles from Central High in Little Rock. The current racial crisis, as I view it as a septuagenarian, finally brings into focus the forward thinker man Daddy James apparently was... I don't know how much Bible prophecy played into his thinking. I just knew him when I was a teenager. He died in 1958 and, to me, he was kind of a grumpy old guy with thick, white, tousled hair and white, bushy eyebrows. He was a big, burly, man who sat around at 80-something and grumbled in curmudgeon fashion at us youngsters whenever we tried to get into his violin case in one corner of the room where his favorite chair sat. He was a gifted musician and artist. I have to think, now, that his observations were somewhat inspired. I've always been told that Daddy James was a genius, with few social graces-of which he didn't wish to indulge, at any rate, because he was inwardly turned. He was quite the Bible student, family and friends said. This makes me wonder whether Bible prophecy played deeply into his pontification during the rare times he cared to wax eloquent on America's future racial problems. Whether he possessed a degree of prescience I don't know. But here we are, and there is a great racial divide that could break into a civil war of sorts. This especially since of the most volatile areas of the country have governors and mayors who are thinking about defunding police departments, and even about completely doing away with them, in order to correct wrongs done to the black race. Certainly corrections need to be made in ways that would assure that racial profiling and bigotry are not allowed within police departments. What happened to George Floyd should never be allowed to happen again. But it will. It is inevitable. Whether through deliberate, hate-filled racial bigotry or simply a completely lawful act by a law enforcement official to apprehend someone suspected of a criminal act, it will happen again. There are always going to be lawbreakers, and there are always going to be bigots. As the saying goes, you can't legislate morality. You can make laws to enforce compliance, but only God can change spiritual hearts. He does so through the saving of souls one individual at a time. To want to defund law enforcement is nothing short of insanity, unless we want complete anarchy to rule. And one being does indeed want this scenario. Satan, of course, is the personage stirring the pot of racial hatreds. He and his minions, both demonic and human, are active. Their chief aim is to bring America into the globalist order for the wind-up of the age, to establish his man, Antichrist, on the platform of control Lucifer the fallen one wants. Satan's hatred for humanity is infinitely greater than the leftists' hatred for President Donald Trump. And this president is the target at the center of this crisis-the one I guess Gideon Johnson James-Daddy James-somehow foresaw. Or maybe he just took the Word of Jesus, Himself, and extrapolated the evil that he perceived to be on its way to become an incendiary bomb that would explode near the time Christ would return. I kind of sense that Daddy James read the following and cogitated quite a bit on the things within. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. (Matthew 24:7) It is stunning, regarding Jesus' prophecy here. We are experiencing these very symptoms of things the Lord foretold for the very end of the age. They are part of the convergence we have been experiencing for some time during these past several years. He said there will be famines, meaning famines of unusual dimension and cause. Jesus always spoke in terms that indicated things He prophesied will be far beyond normal levels. The African continent and some Asian and other areas are experiencing a likelihood of growing famine. This growing probability of famine is the result of the second thing Jesus said in this prophetic verse. There is pestilence. Pestilence in the form of disease runs rampant in those areas of the world mentioned. And, as we know, pestilence in the form of the Wuhan virus is running rampant throughout the world as well. But, beyond this, pestilence in the form of locust swarms, and even swarms of deadly hornets, the likes of which haven't been seen since ancient times, are denuding the agricultural lands that feed the populations affected. All the while the famines and pestilences are devastating broad swaths of the world, the great human plague is developing that has at its center bigotry and racial hatred. Jesus foretold that "nation shall rise against nation." The Greek word for "nation," here, as we have seen before, is ethnos. This means "ethnic," of course...race-i.e., races will rise up against other races. Perhaps my grandfather didn't have the gift of prophecy-certainly not in the sense of Old and New Testament prophets. There is no such gift today. One thing sure, though, our Lord did and does have that ability. It sure appears He was foretelling this very moment of racial strife. This is, I believe, all to remind those of us who truly believe every Word in the Bible that His call to us must be near indeed. For when you see all these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your head, for your redemption draws near. (Luke 21: 28) UN Reveals Latest Plan: 'New World Order' - By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - "This is what he said: 'The fourth beast [means]-there will be a fourth kingdom upon the earth which will be different from all the kingdoms; it will devour the whole earth, tread it down, and crush it." Daniel 7:23 (The Israel Bible™) An online forum for an international environmental initiative held last week may have been a thinly disguised arm of a huge plan by the Chinese government to dominate the world. As absurd as this sounds, many UN organizations have already been incorporated into this project and the UN is not shy, having already announced its dedication to a New World Order. The Act For Nature online global forum was held last week (June 7-10) as a precursor to the 5th Session of the UN Environment Assembly which will be held in Nairobi in February 2021. At their last meeting in Nairobi in March 2019, The Environment Assembly presented a set of resolutions which included an explicit call for a new world order by the UN Environment's Acting Executive Director Joyce Msuya as part of the UN's ecological program: "If countries deliver on all that was agreed here and implement the resolutions, we could take a big step towards a new world order where we no longer grow at the expense of nature but instead see people and planet thrive together." The program, an offshoot of the Paris Climate Agreement of 2016, includes utilizing technology and finance, bringing together politicians and business leaders. It should be noted that as head of the UN environmental program, Msuya partnered with China's Belt and Road's (OBOR) initiative, ostensibly to address the environmental concerns of the initiative. The OBOR initiative is a global development strategy adopted by the Chinese government in 2013 involving infrastructure development and investments in nearly 70 countries and international organizations in Asia, Europe, and Africa. The project is all-encompassing and comprehensive, focused on creating transportation and telecommunication trade infrastructure with the goal of creating a China-based global economy. China has invested more than $210 billion into the OBOR to date but full implementation will require up to $900 billion of infrastructure investments per year over the next decade. But the Chinese government is resolved to making the OBOR a reality and have incorporated it into their constitution. Some observers see it as a push for Chinese dominance in global affairs with a China-centered trading network. The project has a targeted completion date of 2049, which coincides with the 100th anniversary of the People's Republic of China. The official rhetoric is that the project is open to global participation and will benefit the economies of the participating countries. But the truth is that China's dominance in the construction sector comes at the expense of local contractors in partner countries. Chinese companies have secured more than $340 billion in construction contracts along the Belt and Road. And the participating countries, many of them poor or underdeveloped, are expected to invest in the project. The project coincides with China expanding its military. Analysts say almost all the ports and other transport infrastructure being built can be dual-use for commercial and military purposes. Despite the connection with international ecological efforts, the OBOR has been criticized for requiring vast deforestation in ecologically sensitive regions. Many of the proposed maritime elements will impact marine habitats and sensitive species. Formerly named One Belt One Road, the name was changed in 2016 when the Chinese government considered the emphasis on the word "one" was prone to misinterpretation. However, "One Belt One Road" is still used in Chinese-language media. President Trump has been quietly working to oppose the OBOR with a program titled the Free and Open Indo-Pacific strategy (FOIP). The European Union supports the OBOR despite the objections of several member nations. Also in attendance at the Nairobi sessions addressing environmental concerns was UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed. In her role as Deputy Secretary-General, Mohammed has advanced cooperation between the UN and China in the Belt OBOR. And lest this seems like a coincidence, French President Emmanuel Macron spoke at the Nairobi conference. "We believe that what we need, given the situation we live in, are real laws, rules that are binding and adopted internationally. Our biosphere faces total devastation. Humanity itself is threatened. We cannot simply respond with some nice-sounding principles without any real impact," President Macron said. In March 2019, Macron announced that France would be part of the OBOR, which he euphemistically (and perhaps deceptively) referred to as the Silk Road Initiative. Another honored speaker in Nairobi was the host, President Uhuru Kenyatta who, in April 2019, signed onto the OBOR. "Current global statistics are indeed quite sobering and projections for the future generations are dire and demand urgent action from governments, communities, businesses and individuals," he said at the conference. The One Belt Initiative also has connections with the leadership of the UN's World Health Organization even though the initiative is specifically focused on Chinese economic interests and has no clear interest in global health. A photo posted on the Twitter feed of Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, as the Director-General of the WHO, inexplicably showed him meeting with Chinese officials from the OBOR initiative while seated in front of an idol of a Hindu God called Shiva the Destroyer. The WHO has been accused of serving China's interests in the recent pandemic. There are, in fact, no less than 25 UN organizations that are officially affiliated with the OBOR, including the World Bank, Meteorological Organization, International Maritime Organization, International Telecommunication Union, World Intellectual Property Organization, Universal Postal Union, and the International Civil Aviation Organization. The UN is very clear and open about their new world order agenda. At the request of Guyana, the UN General Assembly adopted their New Global Human Order (NGHO) resolution. The resolution was co-sponsored by China. The NGHO proposal was first enunciated in 1993 by the late President of Guyana Cheddi Jagan and unanimously accepted by the UN General Assembly in December 2010. As part of its NGHO agenda, the UN is advocating "global citizenship." In her address to the UN General Assembly in 2016, Chilean President Michelle Bachelet spoke powerfully for global citizenship. "Global citizenship exists at various levels, in numerous contexts and at different times, with no single identifiable institutional framework," Bachelet said. "In the new world order, it seeks to expand its scope and democratize a decision-making process that can radically affect basic aspects of our societies..." Bachelet stated that a direct result of the "new world order" was the 2016 Paris Climate Agreement. Not surprisingly, Bachelet is another strong advocate for the OBOR. Daily Jot: An Antifa object lesson - Bill Wilson - Watching the videos of a street preacher being harassed, wrestled to the ground and dragged in the Seattle Antifa-controlled "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone," is confirmation of just how your freedoms of speech and religion will be handled under militant leftist groups if they are allowed authority. Under the claim of being anti-fascist, they are fascist. They want to defund police so that they can easily take over areas of the country and rule with their brand of "democracy," which is rule by majority in a specific area rather than rule by law. Laws in the United States are designed to protect minorities from this very kind of vigilante "justice." You give up some freedom for protection under the law. It's called the social contract. Most reasonable people do not want to abolish police or give in to loser anarchists ruling over them. You can see with the Seattle example what happens to very basic rights. This time it is a street preacher. Next time, it could be you. It's not so appealing is it? Makes you a bit uneasy, right? Makes you angry? Now imagine how black people feel when they see that those who are supposed to uphold the law treat them the same way that Antifa is being allowed to treat the street preacher. Only they have been treated this way for decades. I realize that many in America have not seen this treatment and hardly believe that it happens, but it does. Just how in the back of your mind you would feel uneasy about walking through the Seattle zone, is how many black brothers and sisters feel every day. I am reporting what I have found after many interviews. The problem here is that a vast majority discounts this soft tyranny with "yeah but." So many people have given so many reasons why these black men and women have been killed. It's almost as if they are trying to justify an unjust death because of some collective misdeed assigned to the victims. Let me be very clear. An unjust (meaning deadly force is used when a life-preserving option is available) taking of a life, irrespective of what a person is accused of, or has done in the past, goes against Christian principle. Christ said in John 10:10, "I am come that they may have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." As Christians, we are called to support life over death, love over hate, and just law over unjust law. It's not just about unjust deaths, it is about the ongoing harassment. The deaths are the tip of the spear, so to speak. Equal protection under the law. If you break the law, your protections do not stop, but rather begin in another way, meaning you are innocent until proven guilty. Many people forget that small fact. I hear, "Well he did this or she had a record." This is in material. Whether you agree with the Seattle street preacher's methods, we all can agree that he should be protected under the law. Instead he is harassed and assaulted. It is an example of what will happen if the left's army is allowed to take over. But it is also an object lesson about how laws are in place to protect the minority from the whims of the majority. And the laws are supposed to be color blind, as are those who enforce them. All this to say, that if you claim to be a disciple of Christ, the standard is far higher than the political agendas that hijack and choke out the truth. Don't be deceived. Daily Devotion: Caring for the Crushed in Spirit - by Greg Laurie - The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed. -Psalm 34:18 The church today still sings the powerful, beautiful songs of the British poet and hymn writer William Cowper. Although he penned the words of hymns like "There Is a Fountain" and "God Moves in a Mysterious Way," he was a depressed man. Cowper's mother died when he was very young. Afterward, his father sent him to boarding school and really had nothing to do with him. Cowper struggled so mightily that he even made a number of suicide attempts. His father then committed him to an asylum. There a doctor shared the gospel with him, and William Cowper came to Christ. After his release, John Newton, the former captain of a slave ship, befriended him. Newton wrote hymns as well, including "Amazing Grace." But Cowper still battled with depression, so Newton took him under his wing. He looked after him and helped him through life. We too need to be the kind of friend that John Newton was to William Cowper. When we see someone who's hurting, we need to engage them in conversation and offer to pray for them. It reminds me of an experience my friend and I had in a restaurant awhile back. When the server walked up, my friend said to him, "How can we pray for you?" I thought, "I don't know if this is going to work." But then the server started pouring out his heart. It wasn't long before we were praying for him. The English theologian Joseph Parker said, "Speak to the suffering, and you will never lack an audience." Psalm 34:18 gives us this promise: "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed" (NLT). There are so many hurting people in our world. So, pay attention. Ask God to help you be that caring person for someone else. ![]() FROM THE HEART
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