Prophecy Update Newsletter
Esau, Hamas, and the Last Days - Jack Kinsella - The Book of Obadiah is the shortest book in the Old Testament at only 21 verses. But Obadiah's theme could have been lifted directly from the pages of the Jerusalem Post. It is all about the abuse of God's people, God's land, and God's Holy Hill, the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The villain, the guilty party, will end up devastated. Obadiah identifies the guilty party as Israel's twin brother Esau (Edom), and his physical and spiritual descendants. Obadiah accuses Edom of "violence against your brother Jacob." (v 10) This is not an isolated incident of violence, but systematic, repetitive, unrelenting violence. The Book of Obadiah reads as a formal indictment against Edom and their allies. One of the first things to examine in prophecy is the time frame in which it applies. Some prophecies were given for the near-term, others are for the long term. In Obadiah's case, it is both. Or, put another way, Obadiah looks at Edom from beginning to end in a glance. The abuses accumulate throughout history, and end with the establishment of God's rule on earth. It is a broad chronological perspective ranging from the Destruction of the First Temple to the end of days. Visions that prophets were given are not always restricted to a thin slice of time. Some encompass a very long period of time, as is the case in the Messianic prophecies. Some were fulfilled at Jesus' First Advent, others will be fulfilled in His Second. Some verses contain prophecies that address both Advents in the same verse. Who is Edom today? I believe the Bible answers that question. The ancient Edomites were the descendants of Edom, or Esau. The area known as Edom eventually became known as Idumea. King Herod was an Idumean, or Edomite, puppet king who was installed by the Romans. Edom -- or Idumea, bordered what is today the West Bank. Genesis 25 tells the story of Esau trading his birthright, as Isaac's eldest son, to Jacob, his younger twin brother. In Genesis 25:30 God renamed Esau to Edom: "And Esau said to Jacob, Feed me, I pray thee, with that same red pottage; for I am faint: therefore was his name called Edom." Ezekiel picks up where Obadiah leaves off, identifying the modern Edomites in Ezekiel 36:5. "Therefore thus says the Lord GOD, "Surely in the fire of My jealousy I have spoken against the rest of the nations, and against all Edom, who appropriated My land for themselves as a possession with wholehearted joy and with scorn of soul, to drive it out for a prey." (NASB) Obadiah further illuminates Edom's identity in his indictment, delivering four 'you should not haves'. Verse 14 says, "Neither shouldest thou have stood in the crossway, to cut off those of his that did escape; neither shouldest thou have delivered up those of his that did remain in the day of distress." When, during a deadly time in Jewish history, a time of death and destruction, did the Palestinians serve as accomplices of the agents of death by not allowing Jews to come to their place of refuge? A better question would be, when didn't they? Edom has much to answer for. But there is a specific historical point that eclipses all others. The Arab riots of the late 1930's forced the British to restrict Jewish immigration to their ancestral homeland during the Holocaust. Had it not been for Arab rioting and violence, the British would not have enacted those policies. Therefore, Edom was responsible for "killing those who tried to escape." The Nazis were the hatchet men, but the Palestinians were accessories and accomplices. Palestinian leader Haj Amin al-Husseini, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem during the Nazi era, played a major role in the Holocaust. al-Husseini lived in Berlin during the war years. He worked closely with Hitler to help achieve the Nazi Final Solution to the Jewish Question. He even personally recruited Bosnian Muslims who formed a whole division of the Nazi Waffen SS. While Jewish immigration was tightly restricted during the Nazi era, Arabs were under no immigration limits. Arabs flooded into the Holy Land to help the British keep out the Jews. Obadiah notes in his indictment: "Thou shouldest not have entered into the gate of my people in the day of their calamity; yea, thou shouldest not have looked on their affliction in the day of their calamity, nor have laid hands on their substance in the day of their calamity;" (v 13) Let's tick off the charges in Obadiah's indictment and see if there is any validity to identifying 'Edom' with the Palestinian Arabs of the last days. Verse 10 indicts Edom of violence against 'thy brother, Jacob'. Jacob's descendants are modern Israel. Verse 12 indicts Edom for celebrating Israel's catastrophes; "Neither shouldest thou have rejoiced over the children of Judah in the day of their destruction; neither shouldest thou have spoken proudly in the day of distress." Compare that verse to images of chanting crowds of Palestinians dancing for joy at the news of a new bombing attack against Israeli civilians. Or the cheering crowds that celebrated Saddam's missile attacks on Israel during the 1991 Gulf War. Verse 13 indicts Edom for 'entering the gates of my people'. When the British Mandate ended in 1948, the Arabs immediately seized the Old City of Jerusalem. It took until 1967 for the Jews to re-take the city. They still have no control over the Jewish Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Jerusalem, and the Temple Mount, remain at the heart of the Arab-Israeli conflict, as God said they would. Verse 14 indicts Edom for handing over Jews in their day of trouble. Verse 21 says that, in the last days, "Saviours shall come up on mount Zion to judge the mount of Esau; and the kingdom shall be the LORD's." The mount of Esau upon the mount of Zion can only refer to the al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount. And completing Obadiah's identification of Edom as the Palestinian people is his mention of the emblem of the Palestinian Authority. "Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith the LORD." The PA's official emblem is the eagle. In verses 10-11 of Obadiah, the prophet jumps forward to the last days. He writes: Shall I not in that day, saith the LORD, even destroy the wise men out of Edom, and understanding out of the mount of Esau? And thy mighty men, O Teman, shall be dismayed, to the end that every one of the mount of Esau may be cut off by slaughter." The word 'Teman' means south. And the 'mount of Esau', in context, is located on mount Zion. Let's take another look at what the verse is saying. "Your mighty allies in the south (the Saudis?) will be neutralized, and those who try to keep possession of al Aqsa will be slaughtered." In verse 11, Obadiah writes, "For thy violence against thy brother Jacob shame shall cover thee, and thou shalt be cut off for ever." But how strong a case does Obadiah make for 'Edom' being representative of the modern Palestinian people? The word rendered chosen by Obadiah and rendered in English as 'violence' in verse 11 is translated from the Hebrew word 'chamac.' 'Chamac' transliterated into modern Hebrew, is pronounced, 'Hamas'. Caroline Glick: The Road to Peace Does Not Run Through Ramallah - Caroline Glick - President Donald Trump's Middle East mediators, senior advisor Jared Kushner and chief negotiator Jason Greenblatt, are due in the Middle East this week to discuss aspects of their proposal for peace between Israel and the Palestinians with regional leaders. Their visit will include stops in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, Egypt, and Israel. They will not be visiting with Palestinian leaders. The Palestine Liberation Organization-controlled Palestinian Authority (PA) has been boycotting U.S. officials since Trump recognized that Jerusalem is Israel's capital last December. While Greenblatt and Kushner are not divulging details of their peace proposal, this weekend the Israeli media reported that they intend to ask Arab leaders to finance a $500 million humanitarian assistance program for Gaza, which is controlled by the Hamas terror group. Among other things, Kushner and Greenblatt reportedly are interested in building electricity and water purification installations, as well as industrial parks, in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, which borders Gaza. They envision these facilities serving both the Egyptians of the northern Sinai and the population of Gaza. The PA responded with fury to the news of the Kushner-Greenblatt Gaza proposal. And its anger shows why there is no reason to be upset that the PA is boycotting U.S. officials. For more than a year, aside from Hamas, the PA has been the party most responsible for the economic and environmental crisis in Gaza. Last April, the PA fired a third of its then-60,000 employees in Gaza and slashed the salaries of its remaining workers by 30 percent. The PA stopped paying Israel for electricity to Gaza. Ever since then, Gaza has received electricity only sporadically. In April, ahead of Ramadan, the PA failed to pay the salaries of its employees in Gaza. Last month, rather than pay them double salaries to make up for their lost wages, the PA slashed their salaries by an additional 20 percent. One 22-year-old father set himself on fire in a public square in Gaza in protest. Last week, hundreds of Palestinians in PA-controlled Ramallah took to the streets to demand that PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas end his economic war against Gaza. Rather than bow to the public's demand, Abbas declared the protests illegal. His security forces attacked protesters with truncheons and tear gas. To date, then, not only has the PA done nothing to help the people of Gaza, but the same regime that also uses every international stage to condemn Israel for the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, has taken active measures to deepen the suffering and poverty of the population. Monday, PA leader Mahmoud Abbas's spokesman released a statement responding to the Trump administration's reported plan to help the people of Hamas-controlled Gaza. Promising that the Kushner-Greenblatt regional tour would end in abject failure, the PA spokesman insisted that the U.S. is trying to "divide the Gaza Strip from the West Bank under humanitarian pretexts." His statement also accused the U.S. of using the cause of "humanitarian aid or rehabilitation" as a means to defeat the Palestinian war against Israel by transforming the suffering of the people of Gaza into a "humanitarian issue rather than a political one." In other words, as far as the PA is concerned, Gaza's humanitarian crisis is not something that is supposed to be dealt with on a practical level. No one is actually supposed to improve the lot of the residents of the Hamas-controlled enclave. Rather, Gaza is nothing more than a launching pad for human cannon fodder in the war against Israel. The purpose of the Palestinians' existence in Gaza is to suffer and die to advance the cause of Israel's annihilation. Anyone who treats the people of Gaza as human beings is harming the Palestinian cause. If Kushner and Greenblatt are able to convince the Gulf States to finance infrastructure development in the Northern Sinai that will serve Gaza as well as Egypt, and if they convince Egyptian President Abdel Fatah a-Sisi to allow the projects to be built and to be used by both the Gazans and the Egyptians, then as far as the PA is concerned, they will be waging war against the Palestinians. In the mind of the PA's leadership, helping the Palestinians is tantamount to defeating them in war. The people of Gaza aren't the only ones who suffer from the PA's never-ending war against Israel. The people who live under PA jurisdiction in Judea and Samaria also are its victims. On Monday, one of Israel's premier think tanks, the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, held a remarkable symposium highlighting this abject reality. In a roundtable discussion, Palestinian businessmen and thought leaders explained how the PA's political and economic wars against Israel, including the so-called "boycott, divestment and sanctions" (BDS) campaign, harm Palestinian society and the Palestinian economy. The discussion was held to mark the center's publication of a collection of essays by Palestinians and Israelis on the topic. Palestinian media analyst Khaled Abu Toameh noted that on the ground, Palestinians are more and more willing to embrace their Israeli identity and cooperate with Israeli Jews. In Jerusalem, for instance, he noted that Arab commercial centers are featuring Israeli brands and franchises of Israeli cafés for the first time. "Seven years ago," Abu Toameh related, "a Palestinian in Jerusalem tried to open a franchise of Aroma, [a popular Israeli café chain]. He was told in no uncertain terms that if he opened an Aroma, it would be burned to the ground." But even as the Palestinians themselves are interested in normalizing their relations with Israel, and engaging in economic cooperation with their neighbors, the Palestinian leadership is leading an international campaign to delegitimize Israel and wage economic warfare against it while making it more and more difficult for Palestinians to cooperate with Israelis. In his essay for the conference, Abu Toameh wrote, "The Palestinian leadership and its NGO partners and supporters have distracted the international focus from addressing Palestinian economic development, liberalization, and infrastructural development. Instead, they have focused international attention on boycott and denormalization campaigns against Israel." He added that the economic failure the PA's anti-Israel efforts have induced have, in turn, reinforced its campaign against Israel. "The Palestinian leadership's failure on the economic and political fronts has resulted in their attempts to refocus the debate on attacking Israel as an illegitimate, apartheid, colonial implant that is the source of all Palestinian ills." To date, the most significant "victory" the BDS movement scored was its campaign against the Israeli SodaStream carbonated beverage company. With sales in excess of $500 million in 2017, SodaStream CEO Daniel Birnbaum wrote that "SodaStream is currently the world's largest carbonated water brand by volume and the largest producer of home carbonation machines." Until 2016, SodaStream's main plant was located in the Mishor Adumim industrial zone in Judea, north of Jerusalem. After a rebranding campaign brought a rapid increase in sales, in 2010 the company began hiring Palestinian workers. Within a few years, SodaStream became the largest private employer of Palestinians. Birnbaum made multiple efforts to reach out to the PA leadership to spur additional economic growth and activity in the PA-ruled areas as a result of SodaStream's success, but all of his efforts were ignored or rejected. In 2013, SodaStream hired actress Scarlett Johansson to appear in its Super Bowl commercial in January 2014. The announcement instigated a wave of attacks against Johansson by BDS groups that pressured her to end her relationship with SodaStream. For nine years preceding her engagement by SodaStream, Johansson had served as an international humanitarian ambassador for Oxfam, an international charity. Oxfam gives millions of dollars annually to projects demonizing Israel, including by supporting the BDS movement. Rather than defend its longtime ambassador, Oxfam published a statement condemning Johansson. She resigned from her position with Oxfam. Shortly after the controversy, the Christian Science Monitor published a feature interviewing Palestinian SodaStream employees. To the man, they defended their employer, and noted that their wages at SodaStream paid them ten times more than they received from Palestinian employers. They also expressed their fears that the BDS campaign would force the company to relocate and fire them. In the event, in 2015, SodaStream, needing a larger plant, announced it was relocating to Israel's Negev desert. Only 80 of its 600 Palestinian workers were retained in its new facility. Nabil Basherat, a Palestinian manager at SodaStream, wrote an essay decrying the PA and the BDS movement for their negative impact on Palestinian society and the Palestinian economy. He noted that the PA, which actively participated in the BDS campaign against SodaStream, did not offer assistance to the SodaStream employees that lost their jobs when the BDS scored its "victory" and the company relocated: Nobody from the PA came to help us or even listen to our stories following our termination and unemployment in 2016...Nobody in the Palestinian leadership made an effort to replace our jobs or provide any safety net now that we were no longer receiving private insurance from SodaStream. All the Palestinian workers and their families were residents of the PA, and they should have been representing us and our interests. But this did not interest them, simply because the PA opposes Arabs and Jews working together. Professor Mohammed Dajani Daoudi, an emeritus political professor from Al Quds University in Jerusalem, has decades of experience in international development organizations and management of the Palestinian public sector under the PA. He asserted at the symposium that the majority of Palestinians want normal, cooperative relations with Israel, and do not share the PA's view that they should dedicate their lives to destroying Israel. Dajani Daoudi founded the Wasatia movement for normalization with Israel to serve as the mouthpiece of these Palestinians for who no one else speaks. In his essay, Dajani Daoudi argues that "Palestinians who support of the global boycott campaign and denormalization of relations with Israel do not encourage peace, reconciliation and dialogue between Israelis and Palestinians. Rather, they have deepened the current political and diplomatic stalemate on both sides and have further entrenched Palestinian and Israeli negative conceptions of the 'other.'" Dajani Daoudi personally fell victim to this denormalization effort. In 2015, he took 30 Palestinian students on a trip to Auschwitz death camp in Poland to teach them about the Holocaust. (Abbas wrote his doctoral dissertation and a book denying the Holocaust, and Holocaust denial is rampant in the PA.) Upon their return to Jerusalem, Dajani Daoudi became a target of public vilification and death threats. His university colleagues disowned him and called for his firing. His car was torched. In short order. the university president accepted his resignation for the "crime" of normalizing Palestinian relations with Israel. It is far from clear what Kushner and Greenblatt believe they can accomplish in their efforts to forge peace between Israel and the Palestinians. What is clear enough is that the PA's boycott will not hinder their efforts, whatever they may be. The PA's efforts to "denormalize" Arab-Israeli relations and delegitimize Israel, even at the expense of the lives and wellbeing of the people they are supposed to represent, make clear that there is nothing to be gained by engaging with its representatives. The road to peace, to the extent it exists, does not go through the PLO or its PA. I Never Thought I Would See the Day (Part 2) - By Jan Markell - Last November I wrote an article listing a number of things I didn't think I would see in my lifetime. Prophecy Update even turned it into a short video that almost 200,000 people have viewed. Now six months later, I've come up with another list of unbelievable happenings that I never thought I would live to see. Sure, we live in crazy times. A lot of things the Bible predicted are now happening at break-neck speed but it still leaves me speechless. Here's my updated list I never thought I'd live to see: * Churches would not just recognize the Islamic holiday known as Ramadan, they would join in on the "celebration" while hundreds of innocents were being killed at the very same time. * Women's sporting activities would be curtailed because transgenders can now participate as women even though they are males. * The WWII anti-Nazi term "the resistance" would be applied to those opposed to a U.S. President -- Donald Trump. * Lucifer would get his own TV show, first on the Fox Network and now on Netflix. In fact, he is glorified as a good guy -- handsome, charming, and funny. Some day Christ-rejecters won't be laughing. * Netflix will also have an animated drag queen series for children. (But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea: Matthew 18:6). * I would turn on any form of media and the only story being talked about would be President Trump -- and always in a negative light! Can't the Left give him an ounce of credit? And what about all the other significant stories the media is just ignoring? * My tax dollars would be spent to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars to better understand why lesbians are obese. * Seven out of nine Supreme Court Justices would all agree on a religious liberty case -- Colorado baker Jack Phillips. There is hope for our Republic! * Public libraries in my neck of the woods -- the Twin Cities -- would have "drag story hours" with cross-dressers -- for little children. Talk about the return of the Days of Noah. * The Department of Homeland Security would announce that it intends to compile a comprehensive list of hundreds of thousands of journalists, editors, bloggers, and folks like me. They will collect any "information that could be relevant about them." * The residents of Gaza would take Japan's gift of kites for the children of Gaza and use them as incendiary devices to burn down southern Israel. (And Israel is to make peace with such barbarians?) * Wiccans and pagans had a scheduled gathering in Maryland. God had other ideas. He caused a flood to cancel the event. * Christianity would literally be expelled from public schools but Islam would be taught and praised. * The Left has gone apoplectic about the separation of kids from parents at the border but defends and even celebrates the permanent separation: Abortion. * Private conversation would be at risk thanks to Alexa, Google Plus, our iPhones, and more, literally spying on us. Today's world has no secrets. I have left so much off of this "I never thought I'd see the day" list that it grieves me. You have a saturation point. I don't want to push you that far. But I suspect eve George Orwell would be shocked at the tide of our times! The Bible says there would be a day when good would be called evil and evil good (Isaiah 5:20). We are there. These happenings remind us that we're not in Kansas anymore and things are all falling into place! God is using the negative as a megaphone to say that "I am coming soon!" Look up. Our redemption draws nigh. The Devil Walks The Aisles - By Grant Phillips - In Matthew 16:18 Jesus makes it clear that the Church is His and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it. If that be so, then why does it seem that the Church is failing today? Obviously, many who are called Christians have no resemblance to Jesus. Most of the churches have followed the way of the world and not only condone but endorse everything Satan upholds. Has Jesus lost His grip and Satan seized the Church? What is going on? Read the previous paragraph carefully, because I have been very careful in my wording. Satan may have taken over many "churches," but he does not have the "Church." A steeple does not make a Church. Neither does the fence one straddles make a Christian. So let me say right up front that Jesus' Church is made up of many people who are in many different churches, but those churches do not necessarily belong to Jesus. Many of the churches are dead, but the real Church lives. When Christ calls His Church out of the world at the Rapture, the cream will rise to the top. All those remaining, and there will be many, are not the Church. There are millions of people who are "church" members today, but how many of those are "Church" members? Only the bridegroom really knows, and He will call them to Him one day soon. An untold number of church members are depending on everything but their relationship with Jesus to "get to Heaven." But as the Devil walks the aisles, and leans over the pews he continues deceiving gullible people, and there are many of them. That Devil whispers: You're a member of the church. You're okay. You signed a card. You're okay. You walked the aisle. You're okay. You work tirelessly for the church. You're okay. You tithe. You're okay. Your family are Christians. You're okay. You're in the right church. You're okay. You've received many awards for your work in the community. You're okay. But the Holy Spirit tugs at the heart and says: There is only one way. Trust Jesus and be saved. As the Devil walks the aisles he has brought the world into the churches of today. It has seeped in through the front door, back door, side doors, and even the windows. The Gospel of Jesus Christ and His holy Bible has been thrown out and replaced with humanism (love of self), materialism (love of money) and hedonism (love of pleasure). Shockingly, even sins such has homosexuality are being accepted and promoted from the pulpits, while those in the pews either submit or leave. For those who leave, the echo reverberates throughout the land from Christians saying they cannot find a church that actually teaches the Bible. Maybe it is because many churches no longer even believe what the Bible says. Therefore, the true Church within the churches are hungry for the sincere milk of the Word (1 Peter 2:2), but are being denied. To be fair, there is another reason so many in the Church have not advanced very far in their Christian growth. They have become lazy. Think about this: Most of the restaurants in your area may be serving bad food, but one can always eat at home if you are really hungry, and many these days are doing just that. On the other hand, many more are not. They're doing without and starving spiritually. Jesus said through the apostle Paul in Ephesians 6:13-18: "Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth [a determination to live for Christ], having put on the breastplate of righteousness [holiness resulting from living for Him], and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace [confidence and inner peace from God's divine support]; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one [continual basic trust in God]. And take the helmet of salvation [confidence of security in Christ], and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God [total belief and reliance in God's Word]; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints." (Ephesians 6:13-18, bracketed comments are mine) God wants His children to grow in Him. For example, He clearly says so in the following Scripture passage: "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth." (2 Timothy 2:15) It is unfortunate that so many pastors are false prophets, and I do realize the problem is worse in some geographical areas than others. I'm sure it is probably not as bad in the area we live as it is in many of the large cities, but even here some of the churches have long ago compromised with the world. One dear brother in Christ informed me that he has had some pastors who refused to teach the writings of Paul. That is an indication of either a pastor who is not saved or a flaming idiot. Jesus says, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." (2 Timothy 3:16-17. emphasis mine) Jesus then had the apostle Peter confirm that Paul's writings are Scripture. "And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you; As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction." (2 Peter 3:15-16, emphasis mine) I have heard of "silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth," (2 Timothy 3:6-7) actually say they would not listen to Paul because he was chauvinistic. I believe the apostle Paul has been attacked more than anyone except Jesus Himself. I believe it is so because Jesus appointed Paul as the apostle to the Gentiles (Romans 11:13) and Satan has tried for 2,000 years to discredit any and everything Paul as said; even Paul himself. However, the one critical point these fools are overlooking is this. The message is not Paul's. The message comes from God that He gave Paul for us to heed. These mealy-mouthed hypocritical blasphemers are leading thousands to hell with them. They are blind to the Truth. Don't follow them, for Jesus said. "Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch." (Matthew 15:14) Paul's epistles comprise about 1/3 of the New Testament and that does not include the book of Hebrews. Obviously, Satan desires to keep people from hearing all that Jesus says through the apostle Paul. I would not want to be in the shoes of most pastors and teachers on judgment day. The Lord has made it very clear that we are held to very strict standards that He alone has set in stone. That standard is "Truth." We are expected to provide the Truth and "accurately handle the Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15). "Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly." (James 3:1) See also Ezekiel 33:1-9. God has several men and women today who are being faithful watchmen on the wall, but there are many more who are failing miserably in this area. Many of these so-called watchmen have so compromised themselves with the false gospel of the world, the true Gospel of God has been extinguished in their area of responsibility. Because of these wolves in sheep's clothing, millions are being led away from the Truth. If your pastor or teacher is not being faithful to God's Word, the Bible, don't allow him to lead you down that dark alley of lies and hypocrisy. Get out into the sunlight of God's holy Word and follow the Lord Jesus Christ. The air will be fresher and life so much more joyous. Grant Phillips Email: [email protected] Pre-Rapture Commentary: Rapture Ready: Daily Jot: The pot and the kettle - Bill Wilson - Back in the day when black cast iron pots and kettles were common, there was a saying, "You're the pot calling the kettle black." It meant that you were doing the same thing that you accused someone else of doing. This type of human action has been around since the fall of mankind. Yet we are seeing it play out today in a grand scale. The progressive mantra, meaning leftist and most likely Marxist, has done all the things they are accusing the Trump Administration of doing. When the leftists did it, their lapdog media minions either didn't cover it or justified it as necessary. For example, Democrats have used certain aspects of immigration laws, but when Republicans use them, they are accused of being inhumane. It's one thing after another. One might call it hypocrisy, but it is deeper and darker than that. The media, for example, soft-peddled the Russian ties between Hillary and Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton's campaign, and the Clinton Foundation, but amplifies anything they can about Donald Trump and Russia. If you look at who had pre-election deals with Russia, Hillary Clinton and the ex-"president" would be poster children. Hundreds of millions of dollars exchanged hands between Russia and the Clinton Foundation when Clinton was Secretary of State in the ex-"president's" administration, and these deals were supported by the ex-"president." The more they pushed Russian ties with Trump, the more deals they did with Russia themselves. In March 2017, the Daily Jot reported that when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State she completed a deal where nuclear grade uranium was sent to Russia scoring $145 million to the Clinton Foundation, Bill Clinton received $500,000 for a speech in Moscow, Clinton's campaign Chairman John Podesta did a $35 million energy deal with Russia, and the Clinton Foundation received $2.35 million in donations from Ian Telfer, head of Russia's uranium company. In October 2017, the FBI released information indicating both the Clinton's and the immediate past "president" were involved in what appears to be a bribery/kickback scheme with Russian officials in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Today, the headlines are full of the jack-boot actions of the Mueller Special Counsel, which appears to be arresting and blackmailing Trump campaign personnel, his lawyers, and others into making a case against Trump for colluding with Russia. Those arrested by Mueller are charged with crimes unrelated to Trump. The media and the Democrats are in an uproar every day, all day. They pile on with conjured up narratives that also imply abuse of children on immigration enforcement and many other issues. As said in 2 Timothy 3:13, "But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived." It's the pot calling the kettle black, as it boils the ingredients of deceit and lawlessness. Daily Devotion: We Need to Talk - By Greg Laurie - Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other. -Romans 12:10 In a survey of divorced couples, 83 percent said the failure of the marriage was because of deficient communication. Communication is one of the keys to a successful marriage. It means you have to talk a lot with each other. You need to spend time together and take time off together from all the things you're involved in and share what's on your heart. That's why it's so important for the words leave and cleave to be operative throughout a marriage. First, you leave all other relationships and make your marital bond your most important. Then you constantly cleave . . . constantly grow . . . constantly love . . . constantly express your love to one another. It is as simple as telling your spouse that you love him or her. When is the last time you said to your wife, "I love you," or said to your husband, "I love you. I appreciate you"? Even a hug can go a long way. I believe a breakdown in communication will lead to selfishness, which can ultimately lead to the breakdown of a marriage. Don't marry someone if you think you will fix them. They probably will get worse. You need to accept them and love them as they are. If you are not willing to do that, then you have a problem. It's called selfishness. Rather than going into your marriage saying, "How are you going to fulfill me? How are you going to meet my needs? What are you going to do for me?" you should be asking, "How can I fulfill you? How can I meet your needs?" Put the needs of your spouse before your own. Most importantly, put God first in all things. When you do this, everyone will be blessed as a result. FROM THE HEART
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