Prophecy Update Newsletter
A Beast from the East
- J.L. Robb - Does North Korea have a part in the final act of the current civilization on Earth? Is North Korea symbolized somewhere in the Book of Revelation? Is North Korea the catalyst that will ignite the third and final world war? These are questions that have come to mind lately as N. Korea continues its quest to terrorize the civilized world via nuclear proliferation. Like an unruly child, the leaders of N. Korea have had no discipline from the world to keep it in check. If a child never receives discipline, they grow up to be a brat, like Kim Jong-un, the current leader of N. Korea. His father and grandfather were the same. Could N. Korea play a role in the invasion of Israel by the kings of the East? According to scripture, in the last days an invasion force will come from the East and join the final Battle of Armageddon in Israel. For whatever reason, the Euphrates River will be dry and the force of "two hundred million" soldiers will cross easily. The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East. Revelation 16:12 Revelation is very specific on the number of the forces at 200,000,000; and at the time John wrote this vision, there were no armies of 200,000,000. World population estimates when John wrote the words of Revelation were less than 170,000,000, so an army of 200,000,000 would be quite the miracle. For church scholars who say John was referring to Emperor Nero as the anti-christ and Revelation has already happened, where was the army of 200-million? When was the invasion? World War II had combined armies of less than 50-million. It is only recently that a single country could man an army of 200,000,000. And the four angels, who had been prepared for the hour and day and month and year, were released, so that they would kill a third of mankind. The number of the armies of the horsemen was two hundred million; I heard the number of them. Revelation 9:15-16 NASB China is the 4th largest country in area but the largest country in population at 1.4-billion. China is rumored to already have mandatory/voluntary military forces in excess of 200,000,000. Indonesia is the world's most populous Muslim country and has a military of 400,000. India can field an army of 1,400,000 with a population of 1.3-billion. N. Korea, with a population of only 25,000,000 has an army of 1,300,000, almost the size of India's. When one examines a map of China, N. Korea looks like a small appendage, like an appendix. N. Korea is the inflamed appendix and China's puppet to see how much the world will actually put up with before striking back. China could stop N. Korea's nuclear shenanigans in a minute, but why should they. China is building man-made military islands in the South China Sea and claiming the international waters as their own. They need their puppet to keep the world busy. Like Walid Shoebat, I consider an Islamic invasion as Muslims from Kazakhstan, Takistan, Chechen and other areas to the east join China, India and Indonesia, to be the greatest possibility because there are so many Muslim countries between China and Israel. A few weeks ago, N. Korea threatened Israel and claimed they (Israel) were the only illegal possessor of nuclear weapons in the Middle East. N. Korea is a renegade, pariah country. They appear to listen to no one. They do not believe in the God of Abraham so do not believe the Jews are any different than anyone else; only inferior to them. If there is an anti-christ spirited country on the planet, they qualify. Another way N. Korea fits into prophecy of the last days is their kinship with ancient Persia (Iran). While the world gnashes teeth over the possibility of Iran developing nuclear weapons, my guess is they already have acquired them from N. Korea. According to a missile proliferation expert at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, "The very first missiles we saw in Iran were simply copies of North Korean missiles. Over the years, we've seen photographs of North Korean and Iranian officials in each other's countries, and we've seen all kinds of common hardware." N. Korea is developing more than nuclear weapons and delivery systems, as we the world sit idly by while they plan Armageddon. According to CNN, officials, they "...are also investigating suspicions that North Korea might have been involved in the recent ransomware cyber-attack on computers around the world, which hit close to 300,000 machines in 150 different countries, in one of the largest incidents of its kind ever recorded." Rabbi Levi Sa'adia Nachamanii's prediction in 1994 seems to have called it: "Not Syria, not Persia (Iran), and not Babylon (Iraq), and not Gaddafi (Libya)," the rabbi said, referring to Israel's greatest threats at the time. "Korea will arrive here." Nachmani also correctly predicted the Six Day War in 1967 and the Yom Kippur War in 1973. N. Korea has been a thorn in the world's side since the non-ending of the Korean War in 1953. In 1968, they captured a US Navy ship, the USS Pueblo and humiliated the crew and the United States. Now the thorn has become the size of a telephone pole... or a ballistic missile. They have stated their intent. Destroy the United States. Nuke Tokyo. Sell Iran nuclear weapons. Terrorize S. Korea. This is a Satanic country, but let's just keep our heads in the sand and let it happen. Seems we are destined. Normally if you have cancer you get rid of it. Why are we not? Only A Matter Of Time Before US/Russian Conflict In Syria? - By Michael Snyder - Is the escalating conflict in Syria setting the stage for World War III with Russia? On Sunday, a U.S. Navy F-18 shot down a Syrian Army SU-22 near Raqqa. This represents a major escalation by U.S. forces, because this is the very first time that the U.S. military has shot down a Syrian warplane since the civil war began back in 2011. Needless to say, the Russians were not pleased by this at all. In fact, according to the Independent the Russians have just announced that all U.S. warplanes flying over Syria will now be treated as "targets" by the Russian military... Russia has said it will treat US warplanes operating in parts of Syria where its air forces are also present as "targets" amid a diplomatic row caused by the downing of a Syrian jet. The country's defence ministry said it would track US-led coalition aircraft with missile systems and military aircraft, but stopped short of saying it would shoot them down. A hotline set up between Russia and the US to prevent mid-air collisions will also be suspended. The Russians have some of the very best anti-aircraft systems on the entire planet, and they would be more than capable of shooting down our jets. So let us hope that the Russians don't cross that line, because the anti-Russian hysteria in Washington would go to an entirely new level if footage of U.S. jets being blown out of the sky started running 24 hours a day on CNN, MSNBC and Fox News. But if U.S. forces keep striking the Syrian military, at some point the Russians are not going to hold back any longer. According to the Washington Post, Sunday's incident was "the fourth time within a month that the U.S. military has attacked pro-Syrian government forces"... The Pentagon said the downing of the aircraft came hours after Syrian loyalist forces attacked U.S.-backed fighters, known as the Syrian Democratic Forces, in the village of Ja'Din, southwest of Raqqa. The rare attack was the first time a U.S. jet has shot down a manned hostile aircraft in more than a decade, and it signaled the United States' sharply intensifying role in Syria's war. The incident is the fourth time within a month that the U.S. military has attacked pro-Syrian government forces. Most Americans have absolutely no idea how close to war we are in Syria. One wrong move and we could easily find ourselves in another war in the Middle East which would be far more serious than the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan ever were. That is because we probably wouldn't just be fighting the Syrian government. We would also likely be fighting both Russia and Iran. On Sunday, Iran escalated the conflict themselves by firing a number of missiles into eastern Syria... Iran's military said Sunday that it has launched several missiles into eastern Syria, targeting Islamic State fighters in retaliation for the twin attacks that rocked Tehran on June 7. The strikes are the first time Iran has fired missiles at another country in three decades and represent a major escalation of Iran's role in the war in Syria. For the United States, there is nothing to be gained by getting involved in the civil war in Syria. President Assad is definitely a bad guy, but so are the radical jihadist groups that are trying to overthrow him. We say that we are conducting operations in Syria in order to fight ISIS, but ISIS forces in Syria are on their last legs at this point. If we allowed the Russians and the Iranians to focus on finishing off ISIS in Syria, that would free up U.S. resources to focus on ISIS strongholds in Iraq and elsewhere. And once ISIS is completely vanquished, what will our policy in Syria be? Will we be dragged into a conflict that the Trump administration has always said that it wanted to avoid? The following comes from CNN... And yet now, as the Trump administration enters its sixth month, the US is being drawn into the very conflict its inaction had been intended to avoid. And as forces the US supports face danger from forces supporting the Syrian regime, the questions will get louder: What is US policy in Syria? And will the fight against ISIS lead the US into a war against Assad? I will try to explain why things have gotten so complicated in the region. In 2011, the "Arab Spring" was raging all over the Middle East. Saudi Arabia, Turkey and their Sunni allies in the region wanted to use that "opportunity" to overthrow President Assad in Syria, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her team decided that would be a wonderful idea. So massive protests against the Syrian government were organized, and money and arms were funneled to anti-Assad groups. Pretty soon a horrible civil war broke out, and it has now raged on for six long years. The Syrian refugee crisis that we are dealing with today is the direct result of this civil war that Hillary Clinton had a hand in starting. And everything was going according to plan at first. The radical jihadist groups that Saudi Arabia and Turkey were backing were winning, and it looked like Assad was going to lose. But then Russia, Iran and Hezbollah intervened, and that totally turned the tide of the war. Saudi Arabia, Turkey and their allies are still absolutely determined to find a way to win the war in Syria, and they see the U.S. as the key. They would love to get the U.S. into the war, but so far the U.S. has been hesitant to get fully involved in another quagmire in the Middle East. But the Trump administration is unlikely to completely stop operations in Syria either, because Trump very much wants to have a positive relationship with the Saudis. As ISIS continues to lose more territory, U.S. forces will increasingly find themselves operating in very close proximity to Syrian, Russian and Iranian forces. We have already had four incidents of conflict between the two sides within the last month, and if we are not very careful we could end up in a major regional war in the Middle East. US anti-ISIS envoy vows not to let Iran threaten Israel from Syrian Golan - Yonah Jeremy Bob - The US envoy sounded a victorious tone with a narrative of how the US has helped put ISIS on the run in both Iraq and Syria, focused on ISIS clean-up operations. The US will not let Iranian proxies threaten Israel from the Golan after ISIS-rule in Syria falls, US envoy for combating ISIS Brett McGurk said on Thursday. Speaking at the IDC Herzliya Conference, McGurk said that he was "recently on the Golan looking at... ISIS across the border" and that neither ISIS nor "Iranian proxies" can be allowed to remain to trouble Israel. The US envoy sounded a victorious tone with a narrative of how the US has helped put ISIS on the run in both Iraq and Syria, focused on ISIS clean-up operations. He said that the US has undertaken "30,000 airstrikes on ISIS to date in the most precise air campaign in history." Next, McGurk said that the US and allies would need to work hard top share intelligence data about fleeing ISIS fighters to ensure they are caught wherever they go, remarking that "few do better" in this arena than Israel. Responding to recent allegations that the US was violating the laws of war by using white phosphorous as a weapon, he shot down the reports. "In the last month, ISIS started killing any civilians trying to leave" Mosul as Iraqi forces started to retake the city, even "using a hospital" as a "killing tower" for firing on fleeing civilians, he said. He explained that "the US is only using white phosphorous to protect civilians trying to flee ISIS," and not as a method of attack. The use of white phosphorous on the battlefield, even as a diversionary measure, is controversial because it can easily and indirectly create large fires which spring out of control. McGurk also contextualized the US's recent shooting down of a Syrian Assad regime aircraft as responding to its crossing battle lines in attacking US-supported Syrian rebels. ISIS gained prominence in 2014 at one point controlling large swaths of both Iraq and Syria, but has lost most of its territory against a range of Iraqi, Syrian, Turkish, Kurdish, US and Russian power over the last two years. Iran's Khamenei: 'There is no doubt' we'll witness Israel's demise - The Islamic Republic's Ayatollah Ali Khamenei makes remarks day before Iran marks then anti-Israel 'Al Quds day.' Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has lashed out at Israel in a deluge of rhetoric against the Jewish state ahead of the Iranian-initiated 'Al Quds day,' which protests Israel's existence. "There is no doubt that we will witness the demise of the Zionist entity [Israel]," read a post on his Twitter account Thursday. Speaking at a meeting of academic and scientists in Tehran on Wednesday, the hardline Iranian leader stated that defending the Palestinians was tantamount to "defending the truth." "Today, fighting against the Zionist regime [of Israel] is fighting the hegemonic, arrogant system," Khamenei said Iran and anti-Israeli proponents around the world will mark Al Quds day on Friday. The event is held every year on the last Friday of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. Iran's Foreign Ministry has urged the global Muslim community to take part in the various international anti-Israel rallies on Friday. In a communique on the matter, the regime in Tehran accused Israel of "tyranny, oppression and persecution" and blamed Israel for being "the main cause" behind the current crises in the Middle East. Iran also charged Israel as being an "anti-human, child-killing and criminal Zionist regime, which, during the nearly 70 years of its disgraceful life has committed a large number of crimes against humanity." Iran's own human rights record has been scrutinized by rights groups for issues including its treatment of women, homosexuals and minorities along with its policies on corporal punishment, political freedom and free speech. In past years, Iranian demonstrators gas chanted "Death to Israel" and "Death to America" and torched flags of both nations as they commemorated Al Quds day. On Sunday, several hundred people in London took part in the controversial Al Quds Day march held annually in the British capital. A smaller counter-protest was held by Israeli supporters, mostly members of the local Jewish and Israeli community. Pro-Israel advocates had called on London Mayor Sadiq Khan to cancel the rally due to concerns that the march allows for displays of support for antisemitism and terrorism. More than 15,000 people signed a petition to ban the march, however is was held as scheduled and police managed to keep the sides separated to prevent clashes. God's Warnings to Russia - By Greg May - In late February 2013, the world was astounded when a blazing meteor exploded over Russia. NASA reported that the 55-foot wide rock weighing an estimated 10,000 tons entered the earth's atmosphere traveling 44,000 mph. NASA estimated the energy released as the meteor disintegrated was 500 kilotons, around 30 times the size of the nuclear bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945. The 10,000-ton meteor lit up the Russian skies before crashing into the earth, causing shock-waves that injured 1,200 people and damaging thousands of homes in an event unprecedented in modern times - or was it? A priest near the explosion site called it an"Act of God." A fireball traveling at 44,000 mph with a long, blazing white tail visible 125 miles away has to be considered a sign from heaven. The meteor that crashed into Russia - the nation that swore there was no God - was sent a supernatural FedEx message that said: "I am God, and there is none like Me, not in the heavens above nor the world beneath. From everlasting to everlasting I am God (this is based on Isaiah 46:9 and Psalm 41:13). The above event was described in John Hagee's Four Blood Moons: Something Is About to Change. But what Pastor Hagee did not mention is that this was not the first time something of an astronomical event exploded in the skies over Russia. On June 30, 1908 an explosion occurred in the skies over central Siberia that sent shockwaves circling the globe twice leaving 200 square miles of forested terrain burnt and charred. Inhabitants of a small village saw a bluish-white streak of fire cut vertically across the sky that appeared to split the sky in two. A pillar of fire and smoke which burned brighter than the sun filled the sky as homes were blown down and herds of reindeer scattered, causing the inhabitants to fall on their knees believing it was judgment day. A seismograph in a town 800 miles from the explosion indicated a crash of earthquake proportions. For the next two days you could read a newspaper at midnight in parts of northern Europe and a photograph of Stockholm taken at one-o'clock in the morning looks like a bright summer afternoon as Europe was treated to spectacular sunrises and sunsets. Whatever it was that produced the explosion had landed in a remote area of the earth where its catastrophic effect was minimized. A few hours later, and it could have obliterated St. Petersburg, London or New York. Even if it had landed in the sea, tidal waves might have destroyed whole coastal regions. That day the human race had escaped the greatest disaster in its history and had not even been aware of it. The Tunguska Event, as this occurrence is called, continues to baffle NASA and scientists to this day. When God personally destroys the Iranian and Russian armies that invaded Israel in the Gog-Magog War of Ezekiel 38 He will shake the world. "And it happened, as they (the five armies) fled before Israel . . . that the Lord cast down large hailstones from heaven . . . and they died. There were more who died from the hailstones than the children of Israel killed with the sword." (Joshua 10:11) God destroyed the five armies that attacked Israel with hailstones and He will use hailstones as a weapon of war to crush the invading Iranian and Russian forces coming Israel: "And I will bring judgement with pestilence and bloodshed; I will rain down on him, on his troops, and on the many peoples who are with him . . . great hailstones, fire and brimstone . . . that they shall know that I am the Lord." (Ezekiel 38:22-23) God with His supernatural power has sent devastating warnings to Russia not once, but twice, to drive the point home that He is God and there is no one like Him. God has promised to defend Israel to the end and will destroy Israel's enemies just as He did in the days of Joshua. Warning comes before judgment; after the warning comes the shaking! Inexplicable Summer Solstice Rain Hits Israel in Driest Season - By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - "As snow in summer, and as rain in harvest, so honour is not seemly for a fool." Proverbs 26:1 (The Israel Bible™) Israelis got an unseasonable reminder of God's ability to do the improbable when, on Wednesday, the official first day of summer, scattered rain fell from the north, down the coast, and even in the normally arid northern Negev. The unexpected wetness only lasted a few hours, disappearing before anyone could think to unpack their umbrella. Meteorologist assured everyone that the precipitation was an anomaly and that dry heat was on the ticket for the rest of the summer. The rainy season usually begins in Israel around October and may linger until March. Jewish prayer mirrors the season in Israel and the prayers for rain begin on Shemini Atzeret, the last day of the holiday of Sukkot. Rain can be expected until April, so today's rain was entirely unexpected, the result of a freak flow of air from Turkey causing an imbalance of temperatures over the Mediterranean. As many looked to the heavens, their faces strangely damp, they were reminded that Judaism is, at its essence, an agricultural religion closely tied to nature and the seasons. Though rain is normally a sign of blessing, in the Bible, summer rain is viewed as a negative phenomenon, unexpected and out of place, as noted in Proverbs. As snow in summer, and as rain in harvest, so honor is not seemly for a fool. Proverbs 26:1 Jews ceased praying for rain two months ago when Passover began. Just as seasonal rain is necessary to bring forth the blessed bounty of the land, rain out of season can be a curse, rotting the sheaves of wheat as they dry in the fields. According to Jewish scholars, it was precisely in this month when, in his farewell speech, the Prophet Samuel called out to God, angry that the Jews had asked for a king. Is it not wheat harvest to-day? I will call unto Hashem, that He may send thunder and rain; and ye shall know and see that your wickedness is great, which ye have done in the sight of Hashem, in asking you a king.' I Samuel 12: From this we learn that rain out season can be a tool for divine retribution and used to harm Israel. Rabbi Yitzchak Batzri cited the Mishna (oral law), which states that rain after the month of Sivan (last month) is a bad omen. Nonetheless, the rabbi noted that this opinion is not universal, and in the current situation in which Israel is suffering a multi-year drought, rain, even when it falls out of season, can be seen as an exceptional sign of grace. Daily Jot: The self destructive nature of evil - Bill Wilson - As a strategic political media consultant for over 16 years, there were countless evils done against my conservative Christian candidates. The news media being liberal and slanting the news or writing fake news against someone who doesn't share their same beliefs was not invented in the last election cycle. Lies by Democratic Party candidates, lies by the media, dirty tricks, vote stealing, I have experienced it all first-hand. We were fortunate to win most of the races of those who hired us. One thing that I learned over those years: evil eventually self-destructs. It makes strategic mistakes that cost it's minions elections, loses empires, and if we read the prophets and Revelation, evil loses in the end. Romans 12:21 says, "Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good." Ephesians 6:11 says, "Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." Further explaining in verse 12, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Ephesians 6 goes on to instruct us to put on each piece of the armor that we may stand, pray with all perseverance, and finally to speak boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel. This is our strategic game plan to overcome the evil of those godless communists and anarchists who wish to tear down our nation. Since losing their fourth special election-all of which were conducted with vulgar, hate-filled, and accusatory rhetoric, replete with lies and fake news-Hollywood radicals are beginning to turn on their political arm, the Democratic Party. Moreover, the visceral language is continuing from the most radical. I am hearing that mainstream Democrats are starting to turn-off to this narrative. While they are died in the wool Democrats and will vote for any stooge the party puts up, they may just stay home because they don't want to be associated with the hate. We may be reaching a point where the lack of civility will have a rebounding effect and increase the negatives against those running on the "resistance" ticket. This is the basis for my encouraging you to engage with people, especially those you know who may not agree with you. Gently query from a position of fairness when they make a statement, by asking open-ended questions beginning with "Do you think..." In your dialogue, promote civility as the better path. Show others the Christ in you through your kind way of expressing that the current narrative does nothing to solve any problem, except to bully and demean others. Lead them to reasonable conclusions by appealing to their sense of fairness and decency. We have an opportunity to overcome evil and counter this coup because decent people are beginning to reject the violent dialogue. Daily Devotion: Nothing Quite Like It - By Greg Laurie - "For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them." -Matthew 18:20 I think Christians have the best songs of any religion on earth. The Christian faith is a singing faith, which is not necessarily true of other religions. They may chant, and they may moan. They may have their various forms of music. But there is no faith that is as full of vibrant, joyful singing as Christianity. When we come together with God's people in corporate worship, something wonderful happens. God manifests His presence in a unique way when His people come to honor His name. As Jesus said, "For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them" (Matthew 18:20). God is omnipresent, which means that He is everywhere. In a technical sense, He is as present with us when we're driving as He is when we're in a church service. On the other hand, when we gather with other believers and lift up His name in praise together, God blesses in a special way. He manifests His presence and even His glory. There is nothing in the world like worship. It is a sense of fulfillment as we do what we were created to do, which is to glorify God. The Bible tells us in Revelation 15, "And I saw something like a sea of glass mingled with fire, and those who have the victory over the beast, over his image and over his mark and over the number of his name, standing on the sea of glass, having harps of God. They sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb" (verses 2-3). We will be singing in Heaven. So let's start on Earth. The Spirit-filled church will be a worshiping church. And the Spirit-filled Christian will be a worshiping Christian. FROM THE HEART
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