Prophecy Update Newsletter
Civil War and the Coming New World Order - by Pete Garcia -
This is quite a difficult and sensitive topic being discussed here today. But I feel that it is warranted, given what we are seeing play out before us. I don't have any particular scriptural basis for it, other than it is more of an observation of the times. If anything, I would liken it to the condition Jesus laid out for His disciples when asked what the signs of the end would be when He said... Nation (ethnos) would rise against nation (ethnos), kingdom (political power) against kingdom (political power) ...and the love of many will wax cold... (Matt. 24:7, 12) There is a storm brewing in our land and has been for some time. Those dark, foreboding clouds have always been on the horizon, but now they are overhead and our grumbling like a Kansas thunderstorm laden with the potential for torrential rains, lightning, and tornadoes. While history is not everyone's favorite subject, it should be something we reconcile frequently. Studying history helps illuminate the challenges and similarities that our ancestors faced, and may help us recognize the challenges we face in our own day, and of days yet to come. The reason for this is because although the times change, and the technology changes-the human condition never does. We tend to make the same mistakes over and over because we are a fallen race riddled with sin...and given enough time, history tends to repeat itself without fail. On November the 9th, 2016, quite possibly the largest political earthquake ever felt in the United States occurred in the wee hours of the morning with Republican Donald Trump's victory over Democrat Hillary Clinton. So stunning was the loss for Clinton and the Democrats that the media, the glitterati, the newspapers, print journals, pundits, and comedians all had assumed that her victory was so certain, that the election itself was just a formality. But since that day, the stammering and speechlessness has turned increasingly vitriolic and toxic, as the reality that Donald Trump really will be the next President of the United States. Since then, we've been witness to an increasing number of "spontaneous" anti-Trump demonstrations along with a rash of growing anti-police violence. These protests are "spontaneous" in the same sense that Benghazi was a result of an 'anti-Islamic' video on YouTube. In all actuality, these protests are part of a greater concerted effort by uber-leftist/globalist groups like George Soros Incorporated and, who are attempting to upend the system in the wake of their stunning political defeat. So if they can't win politically despite the rampant fraud and voter machine rigging, they will attempt it by funding and fomenting violence. The attempt now by the media to link the 'rise in white power groups' to Trump's victory, is another attempt to get him to backpedal. Their rise (neo-Nazi's and the like) are not a result of Trump's election, but rather, a reaction to the Black Lives Matter movement that has sprung up across the nation and has hijacked the narrative on race. Along those same sentiments is a growing call for secession from the Union from more traditionally liberal states like California and Oregon as a more formal protest against a Trump presidency. In the past, conservative states like Texas have threatened secession due to President Obama's federal overreach, but it seemed more bark than bite. At the very least, things could get to the point where California itself divides between the liberal south and central, and the more conservative north. But one thing to watch here is the momentum of the movement at the state level and to what degree Governor Jerry 'Moonbeam' Brown supports it as an act of defiance over the 'sanctuary city' status they will maintain despite federal threats of financial penalties. But in watching the 'useful-idiot' movement (and media) attempting to justify their actions of blocking traffic, destroying private property, killing cops, threatening to kill cops, and provoking random violence, it reminded me of the events leading up to the American Civil War. Let us recap: 1820: The Missouri Compromise-Allowed Missouri to be a slave state, but added Maine as a free state to balance out Congress. Also divided the slave territories along the 36 by 30 parallel. 1831: Nat Turner's Rebellion-slave uprising killing 60 whites. Quelled after two days, 55 slaves, including Nat Turner, were executed, along with 200 more who were lynched. 1846-1850: Wilmot Proviso would have (it failed) outlawed slavery from expanding into the newly acquired territories at the end of the Mexican-American war, which gained the US much of the southwest including California. 1850: The Compromise of 1850-New western territories in the would be slave states, but compelled the northerners to abide by the Fugitive Slave Act, which required them to return fugitive slaves back to the South. 1852: Harriet Beecher Stowe's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" popular book on slavery conditions in the south, considered by the north shocking and horrifying, but disparaging to Southerner's who viewed this as gross mischaracterization. 1854-1861: 'Bleeding Kansas' The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 overturned parts of the Missouri Compromise, by allowing these states to determine whether or not to be free or slave. The both went free after a bloody, five year struggle. 1857: The Dred Scott Case-The Supreme Court ruled that slaves were property, further complicating the North's opposition to slavery. 1859: John Brown's Raid-White Southerners and freed black slaves raided ammunition arsenal and began arming other groups to rise up. Was captured and executed becoming a martyr to the Abolitionist movement. 1860: Election of Abraham Lincoln-The election of the Republican A. Lincoln was overwhelming, considering he was not even on the ballot in many southern states. His election was followed by the secession of South Carolina some 30 days after. Six more states would secede by the spring of 1861. 1861: Battle of Ft. Sumter-Following S. Carolina's secession, Ft. Sumter suddenly found itself on foreign land. Lincoln decided to send supplies and was met with a Southern blockade. This sparked the start of the actual Civil War. (Reference: Assessment As you can see, the Civil War didn't start because a Republican, Abraham Lincoln, was elected as President. Lincoln's election was simply the straw that broke the camel's back. There were decades of unchecked grievances and emotions leading up to the election of 1860. Former President Thomas Jefferson made this forewarning upon hearing of the Missouri Compromise of 1820 on slavery. In it he... "Considered it at once as the (death) knell of the Union. It is hushed indeed for the moment. But this is a reprieve only, not a final sentence. A geographical line, coinciding with a marked principle, oral and political, once conceived and held up to the angry passions of men, will never be obliterated; and every new irritation will mark it deeper and deeper." Thomas Jefferson saw slavery as an issue that would not simply go away by appeasement and compromise. It would continue to fester in the hearts and minds of Americans (both for and against) until it resolved itself in the bloodiest war ever waged by Americans. In regard to this concept of unchecked grievances, I would like to draw a parallel to the issues of our day. The battle over the hearts and minds of Americans has been over a century in the making and is so ingrained into our culture, that we no more think about our eroding liberties than a frog thinks about the water he is in warming up. There would be no need to work for liberty were liberties not being lost. Most Americans are unaware of a decline in individual liberty, and the reason is obvious: the decline rarely takes the form of sudden personal deprivations but, instead, takes the form of unnoticed erosion, and thus we come, as do the Russians, to regard whatever state we are in as a normal condition." Leonard E. ReAd, (1965) The outrage by normal Americans over the past eight years, has resulted in the loss of some 900 Democrat seats of power, the rise of the Tea Party movement, and culminated with the election of Donald Trump primarily because of Obama's overreach. He didn't do anything different than any other president before him, which was to create more bureaucracy, more overreach, and add to our burgeoning national deficit. Obama simply got too greedy, too fast. His federal abuse was too obvious, and it has awoken the silent majority much in the same way that the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor awoke a largely isolationist-minded American public in the 1940s. Understand that there has already been a soft coup in this nation going back a hundred years or more. This coup began with the varying ideological theories from people like Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Charles Darwin, Herbert Spencer, Friedrich Nietzsche, Margaret Sanger, John Dewey, and many others who at their foundation, espouse a rabid anti-Christian, anti-American, and anti-Constitutionalist ideas. Although the aforementioned specialize in different areas (economics, science, eugenics, psychology, and education), they all feed off of each other and use each other as stepping stones to validate their own agendas. Their goal, largely accomplished today, was to spread this infectious ideology first through European seminaries, universities, and then on to the rest of the world via public education and governance. This then would be reinforced through the relentless "consensus-mantra" beatings by media and pop culture on the average citizenry. Now those most indoctrinated by socialism (in its varying forms) are firmly embedded in most of the western governments. Their goal is a one-world system. But first, they need to 'divide and conquer' which is why we see the parties (even within themselves) so divided over fiscal, social, and political issues we face today. Although the swing left was greatly exacerbated during the Clinton and Obama administrations, Hillary's third term was meant to be the icing on the cake. It was meant to usher in an avalanching demographic change via massive, unchecked immigration that would change the electoral makeup of this country forever so that no Republican could ever win again. This is why this Trump win is such a stinging defeat. They (media, politicians, "experts") were so sure of a Democratic victory that Clinton never even thought to write her concession speech. Such was the power of the media to distort the facts on the ground. Even now, you can see now how the media is already trying to shape what President Trump's agenda should be. This is the same media that completely got the election wrong. They keep trying to shape the argument that what real American's are angry about, is their talking points. To set the record straight about the average American: We aren't angry over "climate change." We aren't angry because men can't use women's restrooms. We aren't angry because we hate immigrants. We are angry because the progressive-left has hijacked the Constitution and is trying to redefine it into something it was never intended to be- a license for lawlessness leading to a global government. We are angry about unchecked immigration, sanctuary cities, overwhelming national debt, global trade deals that would crush the US economy, and an overburdened, and under-resourced military. We are angry at the lawlessness and corruption permeating every facet of our society. We are angry that the America we got the privilege to grow up in, will not exist for our children at the current rate. Conclusion Slavery is a system of both commerce and thought, and has been around as long as man has. It always seeks to put one class above the other. One works while the other reaps the benefit of that work. In the past centuries, the workers and reapers were determined by race and ethnicity. But as the west came to abandon the actual practice of slaveholding, the concept remained. In the 20th-21st century, the class division wasn't so much about race, as it was political and religious ideology. While slavery was the issue of the day back in the 1850s and was rightly rejected by the Republican Party, the issue of slavery still holds sway over the world today. This new form of oppression in the west is more akin to the proletariat versus bourgeoisie of the communist revolutions that swept through places like Russia, China, Cuba, and Vietnam in the 20th century. This new form of oppression is between the haves and have nots, the elite, and the 'unwashed' masses, between the enlightened and the deplorables, and between the media and the alternative watchdogs. The Democrat party, like their Confederate forefathers, never abandoned the idea of slavery however, they just redefined it. Lyndon B. Johnson's "Great Society" wasn't based on truly helping poor, minority communities, but enslaving them into systemic poverty, and guaranteeing party loyalty for decades to come. Even the leftist Snopes 'fact-checking website' has a very difficult time walking back his vehemently racist comments. But here is the greater proof, if the Democrat party truly had the best interest of minorities in mind, democratic strongholds like Detroit, Chicago, and Washington D.C. would be beacons of peace and prosperity. But those cities, like so many others, are markedly divided between the 'go and no go' zones of the rich and affluent, and the poor and desperate. But to the left, even racism and slavery are only means to an end, not the end itself. It is even somewhat disingenuous to claim on the left want globalism because there are many so-called Republicans who are also in the tank for a one-world system. Racism, sexism, 'homophobia', 'islamophobia', etc., are tools they use via Cultural Marxism to create 'identity politics' as a means to divide and conquer a nation. To this end, the left will never concede of their own volition to constitutional governance, because they've already spent the last 100 years corrupting the system and have come too far. For them, the Constitution is only useful in how they can use it to destroy the entire system. Put in another way, they (globalist-left and right) want us to commit constitutional suicide. Since they will never yield, we are really only left with one option if we are to preserve our way of life (life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness), and that is by making them bend to our will, not the other way around. We should also accept the reality that mainstream media has become irrelevant. Their agenda is not the American agenda. The Democrat party is in massive decline and are in the process of implosion; they have lost around 900 seats (governorships, congress, senate, etc.) since 2010. We can make a rather sobering assessment that the Democrat party itself will die, and out of the ashes will rise something between a mix of outright communism and Sharia Law. They want an international system of socialism because, in their heart of hearts, they truly believe that this is the only way in which man can solve all of his problems. That is why they are intent on destroying the very system that affords them the ability to even have thoughts of destroying it. And just as the Civil War didn't start in 1820 with the Missouri Compromise, nor did it begin with Lincoln's election, rather, it was a long series of steps that led straight to the battlefields of Antietam and Gettysburg, in which brother killed brother, and neighbor killed neighbor. We would be smart to remember the old axiom that Mark Twain once said...although history doesn't repeat itself, it sure does rhyme. Not to fear though, there is a one-world system coming, and the Bible guarantees it. Revelation 19:11-16... Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness, He judges and makes war. His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns. He had a name written that no one knew except Himself. He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horses. Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. Even So, Maranatha! Nearing Midnight: Our America-centric Perspective - Terry James - America stands at the center of all the strangeness that has enveloped this moment in history. There is no other way to say it that fits the circumstance in which we find ourselves. At least there is no way to say it that I, myself, can offer. This is what is meant by the title of the commentary. It is true that the COVID-19 pandemic affects the entire world of humanity, not just the US. It is true that there is economic turmoil not just here, but in every nation on earth. It is true that there is violence based upon racial strife breaking out in major cities around the world, not just in America. But all of these things seem to center in and around, and stem from, this nation. Perhaps it is just a matter of perspective. Maybe its nationalistic myopia from which I suffer in considering all we are enduring. But I don't think so. America, as we have looked at many times, is the holdup to the globalist agenda hatched in the high places of wickedness by the powers and principalities, both human and demonic. My thoughts are stronger than ever in this regard in considering things from our America-centric prophetic perspective. The most crucial presidential election yet, in my opinion, looms just ahead. One cannot just sense, but see-through minute-by-minute, hour-by-hour actions by the enraged-assaults from every angle against America as founded that the above perspective is the right vantage from which to draw conclusions. It is the right perspective, not in the geopolitical sense of "right" vs "left," but the right perspective from the standpoint of what the Bible says about what is coming. And what is coming is a regime so different from what we have known that it is unimaginable that it could ever happen in the minds of average Americans. It will be a regime that will produce, as Jesus put it, a time of tribulation "such as never was, nor will ever be." It will be a beast regime-that of the man who will be Antichrist. The question we who teach, preach, and write about Bible prophecy get practically every time there is a forum for questions and answers is something like: "What about America-is it in Bible prophecy?" The answer is "No, America isn't mentioned by name in Bible prophecy." But, it is always appropriate to follow up with: "However, America is certainly in prophecy in the sense of being among the nations foretold to influence the course of human history while the end of the age approaches and the Tribulation looms." We can say that, because here we are, right in the mix of things moving the world toward the climax of human history. And, are they ever moving! With this nation at the black heart of all the satanically inspired rage, hatred, and determination to bring America down so globalist plans can proceed, I can't accept that I'm being America-centric unnecessarily. This nation is in the middle of a war, an end-times war in which I believe the Lord Himself intervened miraculously in the 2016 presidential election. I have no answers to the war's outcome in the short term. We do know that the globalists will get their "New World Order" at some point. But for now, the battle rages, and the very fact that it does is most encouraging. God is still in the middle of the fight, and there is no better side to be on than that of the omnipotent Creator of all things. America, A Golden Cup Again, is the name "America" given anywhere in Scripture? Of course not. But, the influence this nation has exerted since coming to its full bloom as earth's greatest superpower in history makes it a prophetic nation. The Creator of all things continues to use America in His mighty hand to accomplish two very distinctive, supernatural purposes. As a matter of fact, the United States, in my view, has an overwhelming presence in Bible prophecy. Its place is at the very heart of the end times things we see developing-matters we see unfolding in daily, even hourly, news reports. In this sense, I believe God is speaking of America-in type, if not by name, when His Word tells us the following: Babylon [hath been] a golden cup in the LORD'S hand, that made all the earth drunken: the nations have drunken of her wine; therefore the nations are mad. (Jeremiah 51:7). Certainly, the United States of America has been a "golden cup" in the Lord's hand. No other nation of modern vintage can come close to claiming that achievement. Some nations of Europe were formative in bringing forth Christianity into the world, thus shedding a degree of gospel light into a world of sin-darkness. But it is America that, despite its great shortcomings and more recent degeneration, has been a shining beacon, reflecting from that golden cup in God's hand. Being the first nation in spreading to the whole world the gospel message that Jesus' sacrifice on the cross makes possible the only way to redemption for lost mankind is a feat no other country can claim. This, ultimately, has been done not by the offices, or under the auspices of American ingenuity, but by the omniscience and the omnipotence of the One holding the "golden cup." It is God's grace and mercy that has put America as a beacon of God's light upon that mountain of gospel dissemination. God's providence gave this nation the industrial and technological genius-a fact that is denied, or that is so taken for granted today. Israel the Real Target No matter the other exigencies of the hour, it is Israel that is the true target of Satan and his minions in the high places of Ephesians 6: 12. The violent organization Black Lives Matter, despite the media trying to make it look like a force for righteousness in correcting past wrongs, is an anti-Semitic evil based upon so-called liberation theology. We heard the thrust of that theology when Jeremiah Wright, Barack Obama's pastor in Chicago, told God to God D**** America before the presidential election of 2008. It is Israel that Satan is aiming at, ultimately. Bible prophecy culminates first with Antichrist declaring himself God in the temple in Jerusalem. He next leads an attack on Jerusalem when he is let out of the bottomless pit at the end of the millennial reign of Christ. Israel, America's Saving Grace This brings us to America's second reason for existence-toward the purpose of accomplishing God's great prophetic plan. In my view, this use of the phenomenally powerful American nation is among the most profound indicators we can find that America, indeed, is in prophecy. And, I believe that our nation being in prophecy includes God using it to be midwife in Israel's modern birth into the land promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob those thousands of years ago. President Donald J. Trump has been a friend to Israel like no president since Harry S. Truman. This was a stark change from the anger and disrespect with which the Obama administration treated God's chosen nation. Genesis 12:1-3 is still in effect. I have to believe that this counts significantly in God's great economy for explaining why both Mr. Trump and America continue to survive the most horrendous spiritual/supernatural assault yet endured on an American president and this nation. So, all things considered, it is permitted to be America-centric in the matter of peering into Bible prophecy on the immediate horizon, I am convinced. Continue to pray the prayer of 2 Chronicles 7:14 and to hold fast to Titus 2:13 and Luke 21:28. Our redemption is drawing near. What is Israel's next move as Turks and Saudis duel over Jerusalem? - By Ariel Ben Solomon - Tensions have run increasingly high between the Jordanians and Saudis on one side, and the Turks and Qataris on the other over control of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. "Turkey's neo-Ottominism in its foreign policy seeks to re-establish its empire; however, the audience is not Western elites, but is meant for domestic consumption," said David Wurmser, who served as a senior adviser on the Middle East to former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney and is currently an executive at the Dephi Global Analysis Group, which he founded. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is driving "an internal policy outward, tapping into the primordial roots of what Turkey once was with the dissolution of the Ottoman caliphate," Wurmser told JNS. It all goes back to the modern struggle within Turkey of whether or not the country is meant to be a secular democracy or the leader of the Islamic world, says the former senior U.S. official. Jordan and Saudi Arabia are pushing back against Islamist supporting Turkey and Qatar that's pushing the agenda of the Muslim Brotherhood throughout the world. According to a report by the Middle East Media Research Institute, the former Jordanian Minister of Information, Saleh Al-Qallab, was quoted as saying earlier this month on Al-Arabiya that "Erdoğan is currently the supreme guide of the Muslim Brotherhood." "The Muslim Brotherhood is an actual terrorist organization," says Al-Qallab. "What is he [Erdoğan] doing in Arab countries? Is he an Ottoman?" According to Harold Rhode, a longtime former adviser on Islamic affairs within the U.S. Defense Department's Office of Net Assessment, and who worked for a time as the Turkish desk officer in the Pentagon, many "young Turks say they hate Islam-they see themselves as Deists but not Muslims." "Nevertheless, Turkish culture is so deeply rooted in Islam. And in Islam, Muslims are regarded as brothers, and that is why when it comes to the Palestinians, most of these youth support the Palestinians anyway. "Why is that?" continues Rhode. "Because these Turkish Deists, regardless of their ideological or political affiliation, apparently do not realize that their opinions about the Muslims are still informed by Islam, which they claim to have abandoned." Saudis and Turks battle for Jerusalem Turkey is spending millions of dollars a year to gain influence on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem in coordination with the branch of the Muslim Brotherhood known as the Islamic Movement in Israel. According to an article by Nadav Shragai in the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, "Turkey is working diligently to deepen its involvement and influence on the Temple Mount, in the Old City of Jerusalem and in east Jerusalem neighborhoods." Rhode says Turkey is getting the millions of dollars from Qatar-the major funder of the Muslim Brotherhood-to invest in Muslim Brotherhood-linked organizations throughout the Muslim world, and in this case, to gain influence among Israeli Arabs in Jerusalem. "Turkey is carrying out actions in cahoots with Qatar," he says. "This also explains Turkey's great interest in Gaza, where Qatar is a major backer of the Muslim Brotherhood offshoot Hamas." According to a report in the Israel Hayom newspaper, Israel and Saudi Arabia are in secret talks with the United States since last December about giving the Saudis a stake with Jordan in the Islamic Waqf Council at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The report said that the Jordanians initially rejected diluting its power over the Waqf Council, but later changed its position to counter Turkish interference. A separate article published in Al Jazeera in May 2019 also spoke about this ongoing feud over Jerusalem and sated that the rising popularity of Turkey among Palestinians "was worrying Saudi Arabia." Rhode says that the Saudis, as Wahhabi Muslims, follow the teachings of their intellectual godfather Ibn Taymiyyah (1263-1328), a Muslim theorist who hated Jews along with most other non-Sunni Muslims. "Ibn Taymiyyah also proved, using early Islamic sources, that the attempt to make Jerusalem holy in Islam was nothing more than a Jewish plot to Judaify Islam," explains Rhode, adding that Ibn Taymiyyah stated that the only holy cities in Islam were Mecca and Medina, and not Jerusalem. So for the Saudis, Jerusalem is not holy, but it is important only because of the battle with the Muslim Brotherhood leaders of Turkey for the soul of Sunni Islam. Therefore, adds Rhode, "the Saudis cannot disavow Jerusalem because it has become a political issue and it now sees Islamist Turkey as a threat there. And the Jordanians are terrified by the Turks." "In the grand scheme of things, it is the impoverished Jordanians who cannot stand up alone against the Turks by themselves because they don't have the financial resources," and that is why "the Jordanians asked the wealthy Saudis to join them in stopping the Turks from taking over control of the Muslim Waqf on the Temple Mount." The Saudis and the Jordanians are united in their battle against the Turks, Qataris and the Muslim Brotherhood, which are all trying to take over the Temple Mount. 'It would not serve a good purpose for Israel' Asked what Israel's policy should be on this issue, Rhode suggested that "Israel stay out of this Muslim battle and not publicly take sides, meaning, do what Israel did in Syria: Take no side in the Syrian civil war, but only intervene when Israeli interests are at stake." Because if Israel says anything in favor of the Saudis and Jordanians, the Turks, Qataris and other Muslim Brotherhood activists "would accuse the Saudis and Jordanians of being Zionist stooges." Wurmser asserts that letting the Saudis, Jordanians, Turks and Qataris to battle it out is not a bad idea in principle, though it depends on how it would be played out in reality. "If the battle is perceived by the Saudis and Turks as a battle over the ruins of Israel, and that it would accelerate its marginalization and eventual surrender, then it would not serve a good purpose for Israel," he says. However, adds Wurmser, "if Israel would take a strong role as judge in the dispute by being the power broker, then this would put Israel in a position of power." The former U.S. official says this is also how the United States needs to approach its role in the Middle East so as not to be marginalized and lose its influence. Therefore, he notes, Israel needs to take a strong position and not surrender Jerusalem to the Muslims. He suggests that when Israel is invested in a side publicly, "then that side can hold it hostage such as what Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas does." Abbas frequently threatens to cut ties with Israel and stop security cooperation even though he never follows through, says Wurmser, yet "it makes Israel appear weak and without leverage in the situation." China's Global Aggression could Trigger War of Gog and Magog Rabbi Explains - By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - "This is what he said: 'The fourth beast [means]-there will be a fourth kingdom upon the earth which will be different from all the kingdoms; it will devour the whole earth, tread it down, and crush it." Daniel 7:23 (The Israel Bible™) Soldiers stand guard in Tiananmen area during China's 18th National Congress on November 8, 2012 in Beijing, China. Security is extra tight because of leadership transition. (courtesy: Shutterstock) While much of the media is focused on the riots in the US and Europe, China has been quietly advancing its world domination agenda. But just as the assassination of a minor duke sparked of World War I, the pre-Messiah War of Gog and Magog may have already begun, set in motion by a battle in the Himalayan Mountains fought with clubs and fists. INDIA VERSUS CHINA IN THE HIMALAYAS The 2,170-mile border between China and India is disputed at 20 different locations Tensions began to rise on the Himalayan border between China and India in the beginning of May when Chinese forces objected to Indian road construction in the Galwan River valley. Thousands of soldiers from the two countries have been facing off just a few hundred yards from each other in the Indian-controlled Ladakh region. This came to a head earlier this month when fighting broke out. Agreements disallow usage of firearms so the conflict was restricted to hand-to-hand combat. Eventually, up to 600 men were engaged in combat using stones, batons, iron rods, and other makeshift weapons. Indian media reported that Chinese troops dammed up mountain streams, which they unblocked as the Indian troops approached. The rush of water knocked many off their feet, and then the Chinese soldiers swept down, brandishing sticks encrusted with nails. The fighting, which took place in near-total darkness, lasted for up to six hours. According to senior Indian military officers, Chinese troops used batons wrapped in barbed wire and clubs embedded with nails. The fighting resulted in the deaths of 20 Indian soldiers. US intelligence believes that 35 Chinese soldiers died, including one senior officer, according to a report in US News. 10 Indian soldiers were taken captive and then released and an unspecified number of Chinese soldiers were also captured by the Indian side. On 20 June, India removed restrictions on the usage of firearms for Indian soldiers along this section of the border. Despite beginning their new independent incarnation in 1947 wth claims of brotherhood with China, the border dispute has been a large source of contention between the two countries. After a peace agreement was reached in 1950, war broke out in the area between China and India in 1962. After a period of calm, border clashes in 1967 culminated in the withdrawal of Chinese military forces. In 1993, the two countries signed an agreement on the "Maintenance of Peace and Tranquility" along what is known as the Line of Actual Control along their border. Tensions nearly escalated into a military conflict in 2017 In all, China claims some 90,000 square kilometers of territory in India's northeast, including the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh with its traditionally Buddhist population. India says China occupies 38,000 square kilometers of its territory in the Aksai Chin Plateau in the western Himalayas, including part of the Ladakh region. China has been actively funding economic projects in Pakistan, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Nepal - India's closest neighbors - which have rankled fears in Delhi that Beijing is trying to cut off its influence in the region. It should be noted that both countries have nuclear arsenals with China possessing an estimated 104 missiles. Although India has not made any official statements about the size of its nuclear arsenal, recent estimates suggest that India has 140-150 nuclear weapons and has produced enough weapons-grade plutonium for up to 150-200 nuclear weapons. CHINA VERSUS EVERYONE ELSE Recent tensions have begun to percolate between the US and China over COVID-19 adding to the longstanding claims of Chinese theft of US intellectual property. Australia, which has played a leading role in calling for Chinese accountability for the coronavirus, has also allied with India in the recent tensions. Hong Kong is in revolt and Beijing's imposition of a security law there has provoked international outrage. Chinese authorities have also launched a trade war with Australia over its demands for an investigation into the origins of Covid-19, and are in a stand-off with Canada over the extradition of a senior executive from the technology giant Huawei. RABBI SPIRO: A NEW ENEMY Rabbi Ken Spiro, a historian and Senior Lecturer and Researcher for Aish HaTorah Yeshiva, sees China as the new enemy posing an entirely unprecedented danger. "I think the world has consistently underplayed the threat that China represents," Rabbi Spiro told Breaking Israel News. "They have never been on the world's military radar because they have never been directly expansionist regarding territory. They are much more nefarious." "China has a powerful economy and even greater ambitions. Russia was never really an economic threat. Russia wanted to rule the world ideologically and militarily but China wants to control the world technologically and economically. And they are much better situated to do this than Russia ever was. They have a superpower economy and steal other countries' technology." "War used to be a straightforward thing. In future wars, technology will play a major role. With the right technology, you can entirely disable another country without firing a shot." "If there is going to be a Third World War in the near future, it would be against China. But it wouldn't be a straight-out shooting war. The US has such a large military that I can't see China confronting them directly on that front. They don't even fund proxy wars as Russia did." "They can worm their ways into other countries' technology and infrastructure. Through China's technology, everything can be watched." Despite the threat posed by China, Rabbi Spiro emphasized an inner conflict as the key to fighting any future conflict. "We are seeing a major shift in humanity, a major rift in the Western World between universalism versus particularism. Everything is being politicized along these lines. I In the World Wars and the Cold War, the West had a unified front. But now, this inner conflict is ripping the Western World apart and that is what will prevent the ability of the US to compete with China." Rabbi Spiro noted that the One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiative was the major weapon in China's plan for global domination. ONE BELT ONE ROAD: CHINESE GLOBAL DOMINATION The OBOR initiative is a global development strategy adopted by the Chinese government in 2013 involving infrastructure development and investments in nearly 70 countries and international organizations in Asia, Europe, and Africa. The project is all-encompassing and comprehensive, focused on creating transportation and telecommunication trade infrastructure with the goal of creating a China-based global economy. China has invested more than $210 billion into the OBOR to date but full implementation will require up to $900 billion of infrastructure investments per year over the next decade. But the Chinese government is resolved to making the OBOR a reality and have incorporated it into their constitution. Some observers see it as a push for Chinese dominance in global affairs with a China-centered trading network. The project has a targeted completion date of 2049, which coincides with the 100th anniversary of the People's Republic of China. The official rhetoric is that the project is open to global participation and will benefit the economies of the participating countries. But the truth is that China's dominance in the construction sector comes at the expense of local contractors in partner countries. Chinese companies have secured more than $340 billion in construction contracts along the Belt and Road. And the participating countries, many of them poor or underdeveloped, are expected to invest in the project. The project coincides with China expanding its military. Analysts say almost all the ports and other transport infrastructure being built can be dual-use for commercial and military purposes. Formerly named One Belt One Road, the name was changed in 2016 when the Chinese government considered the emphasis on the word "one" was prone to misinterpretation. However, "One Belt One Road" is still used in Chinese-language media. President Trump has been quietly working to oppose the OBOR with a program titled the Free and Open Indo-Pacific strategy (FOIP). The European Union supports the OBOR despite the objections of several member nations. The One Belt Initiative also has connections with the leadership of the United Nations and in particular, the UN's World Health Organization, even though the initiative is specifically focused on Chinese economic interests and has no clear interest in global health. A photo posted on the Twitter feed of Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, as the Director-General of the WHO, inexplicably showed him meeting with Chinese officials from the OBOR initiative while seated in front of an idol of a Hindu God called Shiva the Destroyer. The WHO has been accused of serving China's interests in the recent pandemic. There are, in fact, no less than 25 UN organizations that are officially affiliated with the OBOR, including the World Bank, Meteorological Organization, International Maritime Organization, International Telecommunication Union, World Intellectual Property Organization, Universal Postal Union, and the International Civil Aviation Organization. CHINA AS MAGOG Europeans in Medieval China reported findings from their travels to the Mongol Empire. Some accounts and maps began to place the "Caspian Mountains", and Gog and Magog, just outside the Great Wall of China. It is interesting to note that according to Mongolian tradition, their nation was descended from Magog. The Mongolian Empire once included sections of Russia, China, and North Korea. The Chinese and all the minority groups living in China are of the Mongoloid race, which stems from Noah's son Japheth. Etymologists have conjectured that the name Mongol is derived from the name Magog. The Bible may also contain an anachronistic reference to China. I will pour out my anger upon Sin, the stronghold of Egypt, and I will destroy the wealth of No. I will set fire to Egypt; Sin shall writhe in anguish and No shall be torn apart; and Noph [shall face] adversaries in broad daylight Ezekiel 30:15-16 In modern Hebrew, 'Sin' (סין) is the name for China. RABBI WINSTON: END-OF-DAYS ALLIANCE OF EVIL Rabbi Pinchas Winston, a prolific end-of-days author, believes that China could very well be the unifying Gog and Magog leader. "If China was the head of the Gog and Magog War, they would certainly have allies, out of fear if not out of an ideological agreement. I imagine that Iran and North Korea will be allied since they have a common ideological enemy which is 'the West.' This may include Russia." Rabbi Winston learns this from the explanation by the Medieval French commentator known by the acronym Rashi on the Biblical verse in Exodus. Yisrael encamped there in front of the mountain, Exodus 19:2 Since the verb 'encamped' is in the singular, Rashi explains that Israel was "as one man with one heart." This is similar to a verse describing the Egyptians. As Pharaoh drew near, the Israelites caught sight of the Egyptians advancing upon them. Exodus 14:10 Similarly, the verb in this verse is also singular but Rashi explains it as "one heart as one man." "When it comes to evil people, as long as there is a common enemy, they can act as one," Rabbi Winston explained. "Even if they don't have a common ideology. Even in international issues like war and politics. are backstabbers by nature but they can hold off long enough to attack a common enemy." "This explains why the left-wing can make hypocritical alliances with entities, like Islam and China, that work against liberal values. If the values are self-serving, they aren't really values and they can go against them." "The real danger is from America is destroying itself," Rabbi Winston said. "But he damage is already done. The only way humanity has ever rebooted itself is through World War. The final reboot will be Gog and Magog. That doesn't mean a military war. It means also a military war. It is also an ideological battle and it involves aspects that have never been thought of as military weapons. Throughout history, man has only known war. Even if the problem is ideological or theological, it will always come down through physical conflict." Daily Jot: While the world fears COVID, prophecy advances - Bill Wilson - The world is in chaos. Antifa and other Marxist groups are stirring violence in America and Europe. China and India are clashing on their borders. China has infected the world with a tremendous pestilence that shut down and crippled the most robust economies across the globe. Israel's government is in turmoil. Turkey has been bombing northern Iraq and is in conflict with Libya. The UN's International Atomic Energy Agency has reprimanded Iran for covertly developing both nuclear weapons and missile delivery systems. In Nigeria, Islamic terrorists, Boko Haram and the Fulani are committing genocide on Christians. These events could be tied into the end time prophecies of the Bible, but the end is not yet. While America's eyes have been focused on COVID-19, the prophecy clock has moved forward. There are many Christian teachers and preachers teaching that we are now living in the biblical tribulation (Send them money and they will tell you more). They are deceived. We are not yet living in the time more accurately depicted as Jacob's Troubles. But these current events may well be the precursor to that time. In the most chronologically ordered description of what will happen in the end of days, Christ began in Matthew 24:4 by saying, "Take heed that no man deceive you." Then he went on to describe the events of the end times. He said there will be wars, rumors of wars, pestilences, earthquakes, false christs and false prophets, but the end is not yet, these are what he described as the beginning of sorrows. In Daniel 8:19, Gabriel says, "Behold, I will make thee know what shall be in the last end of the indignation: for at the time appointed the end shall be. The ram which you saw having two horns are the kings of Media and Persia. And the rough goat is the king of Grecia." Strong's Concordance interprets the word "Grecia" in Hebrew as "Yavan, a son of Japheth (the third son of Noah)," his descendants and their land." The Genesis 10 table of nations indicates this area was not only Greece (as Bible interpretations imply), but also the Eastern Mediterranean, including key parts of today's Turkey. Noah's grandsons Gomer, Magog, Meshech, Tubal are specifically mentioned in Ezekiel 38 as part of a coalition led by Gog of Magog against Israel. Currently, Iran has control over much of Iraq and Syria. Turkey is challenging that control. For Ezekiel 38 and Daniel 8 to be fulfilled, Iran (Persia) must submit to Turkey's (Magog, Meshech, Tubal) leadership against Israel. Currently, these major prophetic actors are in turmoil. Turkey is in contention with Libya and Iraq. Iran is aggressively trying to build nuclear weapons and is a major disruptor nation in Syria. Islam continues to persecute Jews and Christians. Israel is divided politically and is considering a US-brokered agreement to divide its land with the "Palestinians." As these events develop, Christians and Jews should keep their eyes open. When you recognize the "beast" (antichrist) arising from among these actors, you will know that the time is near, even at the door. Daily Devotion: The Power of Unified Prayer - by Greg Laurie - So He said to them, 'When you pray, say: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.' -Luke 11:2 If we were to write what is known as the Lord's Prayer, it probably would sound like this: "Our Father in Heaven, give us this day our daily bread. Let's just get down to business. Here's my list." There is a place for petition. There's nothing wrong with asking the Father in Heaven for what you need. However, let's notice that the template for prayer Jesus gave us begins this way: "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven" (Luke 11:2 NKJV). In other words, first take time to contemplate the greatness of God. There are exceptions, of course. If you fall off a ladder and you're on your way down, a simple "God, help!" will do. But when we begin our prayers by thinking about the awesomeness of God, it will cause us to see our problems, crises, and burdens in a different light. It will change our perspective as we recognize that God is bigger than our problems. Let's also notice that Jesus taught us to pray, "Our Father in Heaven," "Give us day by day our daily bread," "And forgive us our sins" (emphasis added). We need to pray with other believers. There's nothing wrong with asking God to forgive our sins and to provide our daily bread, but the emphasis is that it's something we should do together. Christians need to pray with other Christians. Have you ever been overwhelmed with something, and then you prayed about it with a Christian friend? You felt so much better after you prayed, didn't you? That's because there's power in unified prayer. Praying together makes all the difference in the world. The Bible tells us to bear one another's burdens. Don't do it alone. Don't do life alone. Don't try to be a solo Christian. FROM THE HEART
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