Prophecy Update Newsletter
The Hour is Late - By Daymond Duck - First, following the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, He appeared to His disciples several times over the next 50 days. At His last appearance, just before He ascended into heaven, "they asked of him, saying, Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power. But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth" (Acts 1:6-8). Notice that Jesus didn't say that the kingdom wouldn't be restored to Israel. Jesus said it wasn't for His disciples to know the times or the seasons when the kingdom will be restored to Israel. He added that the times and the seasons are the Father's decision. Then, He said the Holy Spirit would empower them and they would be witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and all of the earth. Those four places recently caught my attention. Israel was destroyed in 70 A.D., but Israel has come back into existence; Israel took control of all of Jerusalem in 1967; Pres. Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in 2018; Israeli Prime Min. Netanyahu recently said, if elected, he will annex some of the settlements in Judea and Samaria; the U.S. Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, recently said Israel has a right to annex some of Judea and Samaria; and the Bible teaches that Holy-Spirit-empowered Jews (the 144,000 and Two Witnesses) and an angel will take the gospel to the uttermost part of the earth during the Tribulation Period. Israel coming back into possession of Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and some Jews accepting Jesus as the Messiah looks like stage-setting or preparation for the restoration of the kingdom to Israel (during the Millennium). Second, in early May, Israel's Ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon, held up a Bible and said, "This is our deed to our land" (the Promised Land). It occurred to me that God could be telling the UN leaders that it is the Bible (God Himself) that says the Promised Land belongs to Israel. A video of that incident and Mr. Danon's speech was posted on the Internet. The video went viral and then it was translated into Spanish, Polish, French, Portuguese, Turkish and who knows what else. I am now wondering if God has warned the whole world in several languages that He will have the final say on who will get the Promised Land. Third, it has been almost three years since British citizens voted to leave the EU, and they are still not out. Many British citizens are beginning to show great disdain for the EU. This should be a warning to other nations that are thinking about surrendering their sovereignty to the UN: Do it and you won't get your sovereignty back until Jesus returns. Fourth, a bill called the "Equality Act" has passed in the U.S. House of Representatives that will criminalize the Christian faith and make all of the currently legal Christian defenses (freedom of religion, freedom of speech, just telling people what the Bible says, etc.) illegal. The "Equality Act" defines those that oppose the LGBTQ agenda as hate mongers, and it empowers the government to prosecute them. Christians that take a Biblical stance on the LGBTQ agenda will be guilty of a hate crime, and they will be exposed to lawsuits by so-called "offended people." The goal is to force Christians to say positive things about the LGBTQ agenda or be silent. This bill will not become law unless it is passed by the Senate and signed by the president, and that is not likely to happen under the current president, but it could happen under a future president (and we could be one election away from that). Much prayer and major opposition is needed. Fifth, many believe the U.S. was founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs. In 1620, the Pilgrims mentioned a nation under God in the Mayflower Compact. In 1776, the U.S. Declaration of Independence said citizens have the unalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; rights come from God. In 1863, in his Gettysburg Address, Abraham Lincoln said that God brought forth a new nation (the U.S.) under God. Now, one of the two major political parties in the U.S. has decided to delete the phrase "so help me God" when witnesses are sworn in before Congress because these politicians don't want to offend people by mentioning God. If it is wrong to mention God in Congress, how long will it be before it is wrong to mention God anywhere? Sixth, there has long been speculation about the existence of electromagnetic pulse weapons (EMP's). On May 17, 2019, it was reported that the U.S. Air Force had deployed 20 operational missiles to the Middle East that emit EMP's that can render electronic equipment and military vehicles virtually useless. So, we now know that EMP's exist (and some of America's enemies probably have similar weapons). Seventh, many articles are being published about the impact of natural disasters on crop production in the U.S., the impact of swine flu in China and elsewhere, etc. Some experts are predicting that the loss of millions of acres of crops, destruction of more than 200 million pigs, etc., will cause food prices to soar next year. Money is now worthless and people are bartering for food in Venezuela, and the U.S. spent more than $3 trillion this fiscal year. The Church needs to pray for revival because famine, hyper-inflation and a global economic collapse are Tribulation Period signs (Rev. 6:5-6). Eighth, concerning Iran, it is important to remember that the hardliners that are in control of Iran want to trigger the Tribulation Period because they believe they can hasten the Mahdi's return, win the Mother of All Battles (Battle of Armageddon), speed up an Islamic world government and Islamic world religion, etc. Signing a nuclear agreement with Iran didn't work; giving billions of dollars to Iran didn't work; putting sanctions on Iran hasn't worked; four ships were sabotaged off the coast of the UAE; Iranian-supported terrorists used drones to attack an oil pipeline, the Saudi airport, Mecca, etc.; two tankers have been attacked in the Gulf of Oman near the Strait of Hormuz; rockets have been fired at U.S. bases in Iraq; Japan's PM Shinzo Abe tried to deliver a message from Pres. Trump to the Ayatollah Khamenei, and he flatly refused to accept the message, saying Pres. Trump is not worthy of a response, etc. Of importance too is the fact that Israel, the U.S. and England have said that they will not let Iran get nuclear weapons, and a former high official in the IAEA recently said that Iran could be as close as six months away from acquiring them. God is in control, and I don't think Iran can trigger the Tribulation Period without His permission, but it doesn't look good; and the Rapture is clearly a pre-Trib event. The hour is late, and most of this article is bad news for unbelievers, but the blessed hope of believers is real and perhaps closer than many think. Prophecy Plus Ministries, Inc. Daymond & Rachel Duck [email protected] To the Edge of War - By Hal Lindsey - Iran has been a thorn in the side of the United States, Israel, and the Sunni Muslim nations of the Middle East since January of 1978. For the US, it started with the Iran hostage crisis soon after the revolution. That lasted from late 1979 until the day of Ronald Reagan's inauguration, January 20, 1981 - 444 days. In the 80s, there was the Tanker War, which was really a subset of the Iran-Iraq war going on at the same time. It required American intervention to keep oil flowing. All the while, Iran has been funding terrorists the world over, and working to build and deploy nuclear weapons. They have also worked closely with North Korea to develop intercontinental ballistic missiles with which could send those nukes anywhere in the world. For centuries, Russia and Iran were enemies. But since the Revolution, those two nations have been growing steadily closer and more dependent on one another. Now, along with Turkey (another former enemy), they have created an alliance in Syria. Bible prophecy students see the profound significance of this. The prophet Ezekiel foretold an alliance led by those specific nations that will one day attack Israel. On Thursday, the United States prepared to launch an air assault on certain Iranian installations. This was to have been in response to Iran shooting down a drone that the US says was in international air space. A few days earlier, Iran attacked two oil tankers traveling through the Strait of Hormuz. But at the last minute, President Trump canceled the air strike. He said that he decided the response would not be proportional to the shooting down of a single drone. Iran's actions seem to be those of a desperate nation, hoping the United States will make a mistake. US sanctions continue to bite hard into Iran's economy. That makes their foreign adventures in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, and elsewhere even more of a burden. But though their financial strength has diminished, their ambitions have not. They still want to impose their specific brand of Shia Islam on the entire Middle East, and eventually the world. Meanwhile, the US is still fighting in Afghanistan, with other troops scattered across the globe. In recent weeks, US military force has been explicitly threatened against both Iran and Venezuela. There remains an implied threat against North Korea. America's Navy is being used to try to slow down China's expansion in the South China Sea. The world is heating up, and even the mighty US military can't keep it all under control. But even with all its commitments elsewhere, the United States must respond to Iran. As Israel learned from bitter experience, when a Muslim nation strikes, that strike must be answered. President Trump is right to make sure that we don't overrespond. But he must respond... unless Iran shows itself ready to begin negotiating in good faith. It's possible that may have happened. We've now learned that after the President issued his warning to Iran about an imminent US airstrike, the Iranians contacted the Swiss ambassador for talks. Since the US has no embassy in Iran, they call the Swiss in order to communicate with the United States. It may only be a stall for time, but the US can ill afford another war right now. Biblically, the important thing has been Russian President Vladimir Putin's response. He said that any US attack against Iran, "would be a catastrophe, at a minimum, for the region." When it comes to his ally, Iran, he seems intent on keeping the US at bay. For now, their unlikely partnership keeps Iran in business. But one day, it will lead to the greatest disaster in those nations' histories. Because God promises that when Russia (Magog) and Iran (Persia) attack Israel, God Himself will fight and destroy the invaders. 400-Year-Old Prophecy Connects Recent Events in Iran to the War of Gog and Magog - By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - "Hashem has a sword; it is sated with blood, It is gorged with fat- The blood of lambs and he-goats, The kidney fat of rams. For Hashem holds a sacrifice in Bozrah, A great slaughter in the land of Edom." Isaiah 34:6 (The Israel Bible™) Last Thursday, Iran shot down a $130 million U.S. Global Hawk surveillance drone with a surface-to-air missile over the Strait of Hormuz. Two weeks ago, two oil tankers were attacked with Limpet mines attached magnetically to their hulls. After an investigation, the U.S. blamed Iran for the attacks. But is this all the fulfillment of a 400 year old prophesy from a famous Torah commentator? What we do know is that the very location where all of these events took place matches that of the prophesy itself. The Strait of Hormuz is the focus of tensions between the U.S. and Iran with the potential to spark off a multinational conflict. It is important to note that the Straits of Hormuz were specifically identified as the flash-point that sets off the pre-Messiah conflict of Gog and Magog. The Strait of Hormuz is a vital shipping route linking Middle East oil producers to markets in Asia, Europe, and North America. It has been the focus of regional tensions for decades. 21 miles wide at its narrowest point, the shipping lane is just two miles wide in either direction and is highly susceptible to attack. About one-fifth of the entire global consumption of oil passes through the Strait of Hormuz. It is also the route used for nearly all the liquefied natural gas (LNG) produced by the world's biggest LNG exporter, Qatar. The U.S. Fifth Fleet, based in Bahrain, is tasked with protecting the commercial ships in the area. The Jewish blogger known as Shirat Devorah noted that the Strait of Hormuz, or Basra, was identified as the location of the War of Gog and Magog by Rabbi Shlomo Ephraim ben Aaron Luntschitz, a 16th-century Polish Torah scholar known by the pseudonym 'Kli Yakar'. Shirat Devorah cited the Rabbi Luntschitz as identifying the Strait of Hormuz as the location of the War of Gog and Magog. In his commentary on the Book Of Isaiah titled Kli Paz, Rabbi Luntschitz identifies Basra, sometimes transliterated Bozrah, as the location. Hashem has a sword; it is sated with blood, It is gorged with fat- The blood of lambs and he-goats, The kidney fat of rams. For Hashem holds a sacrifice in Bozrah, A great slaughter in the land of Edom. Isaiah 34:6 It should be noted that the name 'Hormuz' is derived from a Persian word meaning 'date palm' but historically, cartographers referred to the location as the Strait of Basra. The Kli Yakar wrote in his commentary on the verse, that this section of the Book of Isaiah was indeed describing the War of Gog and Magog. "It will take place in Bozrah which is called Hormuz. And there will be a great killing in the land of Edom, and thunder will come down with them and bulls with knights (as written in the next verse) because this will be a day of reckoning for God, a day to fight for Zion. And this is to say that many kingdoms from the other nations will join with Edom This distant country is named Botzrah, and it is on the border between Assyria and Persia (Iran) and the border of Edom. Hormuz is now under the rule of Ishmael. And blessed is the one who knows the truth of these words. For it is there that the war in the end-of-days may take place." Rabbi Yekutiel Fish, an expert in Jewish mysticism who blogs in Hebrew under the title 'Sod Chashmal,' was convinced that the current political conflict will escalate. "This is just the beginning," Rabbi Fish told Breaking Israel News, noting that many prominent rabbis are calling for Jews to move to Israel as soon as possible. "This situation in the region is very serious. According to our calculations, there will be a war by the end of the summer, certainly before the Jewish high-holidays." "People should not look to political solutions or even solutions from a natural source. The war will go far beyond that and the only solutions, the only hope is from heaven." Rabbi Pinchas Winston, a prolific author and expert on classical Jewish sources pertaining to the end-of-days, explained that even if the political tensions do not explode into all-out war, a biblical perspective is the only way to understand the implications. "This recent flare-up in the Strait of Hormuz is certainly another step in the process leading up to Gog and Magog," Rabbi Winston told Breaking Israel News. "All of the prophetic writings describe Persia, or as we know it today, Iran, as having a major role as an instigator in the final pre-Messiah war." "It could be that this last flare-up was a false start in order to give people a chance to wake-up and do tshuva (repent)," Rabbi Winston said. "The final confrontation will be like the music stopping in musical chairs. A lot of people will misunderstand the situation and think that everything is okay. "It is important to properly understand this process and the only way to do that is by seeing it from a Biblical perspective, as a part of the end-of-days, as a lead-up to Gog u'Magog. If you don't have that perspective, then your brain will always find a way to deny even the most obvious facts in order to convince you that this is business as usual." Rabbi Winston explained that this is what happened to Chamberlain before World War II when he tried to appease Hitler; Chamberlain did not understand the context. "Nobody wants to go to war but if you see Iranian aggression as a build-up to Gog u'Magog, you will understand the context and the possible implications and the outcome. If you don't have the mentality, you are going to miss the boat." A slightly different opinion was given by Rabbbi Ken Spiro, a historian and Senior Lecturer and Researcher for Aish HaTorah Yeshiva, who focused on the interplay between the U.S. and Iran. "In end-of-days scenarios, there are two parallel tracks for Gog and Magog: the world united against Israel, and another in which Ishmael and Esav fight each other," Spiro told Breaking Israel News. "They will both play out simultaneously. Christianity and Islam have been fighting since the inception of Islam in the 7th Century. But they can put those issues aside to passionately fight Israel." "Even though they are not Arabs, Iran is the most radical representative of Ishmael," Rabbi Spiro explained. "Esav is being led by the Euro-leftists who try to delegitimize Israel through NGO's. At the same time, there has always been a conflict between Christianity and Islam which are offshoots of Judaism." "If a war breaks out, you can expect Iran's proxies, like Hezbollah, to attack Israel," Rabbi Spiro said. "They are the front-line troops but they aren't the real source of the threat to Israel." Israel Watch: Russia in Jerusalem - Jim Fletcher - [email protected] More proof that we can't really accurately make short-term predictions is seen in the announcement that the U.S., Israel, and...Russia(!) will meet in Jerusalem to discuss Mideast security issues. According to a report in Al-Monitor: "National security advisers John Bolton, Nikolay Patrushev and Meir Ben-Shabbat will convene June 24 in the Israeli capital to discuss the post-war order in Syria. "'This is a crazy event. I don't have sufficient superlatives to describe it,' an Israeli defense source told Al-Monitor on condition of anonymity. 'It's true that at this stage, the importance of the event is in the very decision to hold it, but think about it: Fifty-two years after Jerusalem's liberation, we are bringing together there the heads of the American and Russian security councils to discuss arrangements for Syria after the war, with us as part of the process.' The official got somewhat carried away talking about a 'new Sykes-Picot' - referring to the 1916 agreement dividing the region between the British and French colonial powers. Still, there is rare consensus in Israel about the summit being a tremendous achievement for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and a strategic Israeli message to Iran and the rest of the Middle East that Israel is part of the axis of powers working together to instill a new order in the Middle East." Too often, I believe, we who love Bible prophecy like to announce that, for example, Ezekiel 38-39 is about to erupt. Russia is the main bad actor in this drama, which will certainly happen at some point. If we're honest, we have to admit that "Gog" might be Putin, or he might be a leader no one has heard of as of yet. Currently, Putin knows full well that Israel is a force to be reckoned with. Obviously, he is no friend to the Jewish state, but the big, bad Vlad is a realist. With a naval base secured off the Syrian coast-long a coveted prospect for the Russians-Putin can bide his time. And now, astoundingly, the Russians need a strong Israel to keep the really bad actors at bay. Who could have foreseen this? Certainly not me. For 40 years, I've heard that God-Magog was on the horizon. It's a long horizon. Right now I'm looking at an email exchange between some prophecy students, several of whom are deluxe researchers. The speculation right now involves a specific prophecy related to Iran. The exchanges are a little chippy, as each jockeys for position to prove a point. Current events (as in real time) are being monitored by these people so that they can tell us all what is going to happen to and with Iran immediately. But they will likely be wrong. I don't believe as preterists do, that much of prophecy has already been fulfilled, nor do I think the fulfillment of the greatest prophecies are very far off at all. Neither do I believe, though, that we can say things with certainty when it comes to dates and places and actors. So long as these discussions stay in the realm of emails, that's fine. It's friends debating friends. But the wider culture knows very, very little about the Bible. Actually, nothing about the Bible. Millions don't even know a person named Isaiah ever existed in the ancient Near East. They don't have a clue what our prophetic terminology means, and they aren't aware of most end-times events. They have watched goofy apocalyptic movies starring people like Arnold Schwarzenegger. What I wish we would do, as believers and supporters of Israel and students of Bible prophecy, is share the Gospel with them, using the prophetic model. This is not being done on a wide scale by any very large ministry in this country. There is a void in this teaching. Andy Stanley hates it. So do Rick Warren and all the church growth guys. The Southern Baptists are now embarrassed about it. The Pentecostals are even dissing it. So here you have a great opportunity. Tell people what the Bible says about Bible prophecy, not what-I'm going to say it-John Hagee says about Bible prophecy. We jam our interpretations into the prophetic passages of the Bible and then stubbornly camp there. I wish we'd keep our eyes on the big picture, and use the astonishing, truly unique, and transcendent prophecies of the Bible to show people that Jesus Christ is the King of kings. In some prophecy circles, there was/is no room for Russia as even a temporary ally of sorts with Israel. Yet the Russians are in Jerusalem. [email protected] Daily Jot: Is freedom so precious, life so dear? - Bill Wilson - The Apostle Paul wrote in Galatians 5:1, "Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage." The brave men who put to ink their signature upon the Declaration of Independence knew they were about to change the world. They knew they would either be successful in establishing this new nation or die in the process and they bound themselves in covenant that they would live free or die. Today, even this past week, the U.S. Supreme Court and many elected officials and ministers of the Gospel deny these men had anything to do with Christ. But history and the facts prove otherwise. Here are a few direct quotes from some of these men: "We have this day restored the Sovereign, to Whom alone men ought to be obedient. He reigns in heaven and from the rising to the setting sun, may His Kingdom come"--Samuel Adams, July 4, 1776. "The moral principles and precepts contained in the scripture ought to form the basis of all our civil constitutions and laws. All the miseries and evil men suffer from vice, crime, ambition, injustice, oppression, slavery, and war, proceed from their despising or neglecting the precepts contained in the Bible"--Noah Webster. "We have no government armed in power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Our Constitution was made only for a religious and moral people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other"--John Adams. "I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live the more convincing proofs I see of this truth-that God governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid? We have been assured, Sir, in the Sacred Writings, that "except the Lord build the house they labor in vain that build it." I firmly believe this. I also believe that without His concurring aid we shall succeed in this political building no better than the builders of Babel"--Benjamin Franklin.What? Benjamin Franklin referring to scripture? I'm sure this is rarely, if ever, taught in the public school system. In Ezekiel 3:19, the Lord says, "Yet if you warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you have delivered your soul." Hear this: Those who would deny God, deny the deity of Jesus Christ, and seek to diminish the role of the Godhead in establishing and blessing this nation as set in the words and deeds of the Founding fathers, whether so done in the pulpit, or in the classroom, or in the courtroom, or on the street, or in the secret place of the heart, should fear God and repent. The Lord has seen fit to provide us-even this generation of Americans-freedom to worship and to share the gospel of Christ. Freedom is so precious in sharing the good news, and life is essential to share it. Know Christ, know liberty, know life. Daily Devotion: "I Have Some Good News and Some Bad News . . ." - by Greg Laurie - I am shocked that you are turning away so soon from God, who called you to himself through the loving mercy of Christ. You are following a different way that pretends to be the Good News but is not the Good News at all. You are being fooled by those who deliberately twist the truth concerning Christ. - Galatians 1:6-7 We have all heard good news/bad news jokes. Before we can fully appreciate the good news, we have to know the bad news. The literal definition of gospel is good news. But part of telling people the good news of the gospel is making them aware of the bad news. That means telling people they are sinners. Of course, people don't like to hear that. I'm a what? I'm not a sinner! I'm a good person! We have to define what it means to be a sinner, because the Bible says, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). Yet there are preachers today who don't want to tell people they're sinners. They claim that most people know they're doing wrong. But do they? I think a lot of people believe everything is fine as long as they try to live a good life. We have to break the bad news: "I'm sorry to tell you this, friend, but you're a sinner. You've broken God's commands. You've fallen short of His standards, and there is nothing you can do to make this right. But God loved you so much that He sent Jesus to die on the cross for you, and if you will turn from that sin and put your faith in Christ, you can be forgiven." The bad news helps us fully appreciate the good news. Anything less than this is a false gospel that will give false assurance. That is why Paul wrote, "I am shocked that you are turning away so soon from God. . . . You are following a different way that pretends to be the Good News but is not the Good News at all" (Galatians 1:6-7). We must be careful to preach the real gospel. FROM THE HEART
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