Prophecy Update Newsletter
Misery Loves Company - Pete Garcia -
Author's note-June 8th, 2018: This is the first article I ever wrote for the Omega Letter. Even today, I am amazed that I am still writing seven-years later, especially considering I never particularly cared for writing. Anyhow, I thought of this article when I saw the news that Anthony Bourdain had hung himself in his hotel room in France today. This was the guy that every time I saw his show "Parts Unknown," I thought, has to have the best job in the world. He gets to travel around the world on someone else's dime, and is paid to eat, drink, and be merry...and record (journalistically) all of it. The ultimate hedonist job. However; He, along with all the other rich and famous that take their own lives, prove what Jesus said in Scripture is ultimately true. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? (Mark 8:36) How many celebrities have you known in your lifetime, that seemed/appeared to have everything a person could ever want in life, and still be miserable? I am not that old, but I have seen a lot. I understand depression is a real thing. I also understand true, born-again believers can suffer from depression as well. However, we have what the world does not...that God-shaped hole in our life filled with God. Moreover, as bad as we could ever have it, sustaining us, is the Creator of the entire universe, who knows our needs before we ever do. Tuesday, June 28, 2011 - Pete Garcia ''Part of every misery is, so to speak, the misery's shadow or reflection: the fact that you don't merely suffer but have to keep on thinking about the fact that you suffer. I not only live each endless day in grief, but live each day thinking about living each day in grief.''-CS Lewis We see it every day; suffering is common amongst every country, and every people. Suffering varies from people and place; to some it is internal, and they struggle daily or even hourly for sanity or clarity. To some it is external, and it is an environment placed upon them by either too much or too little of something. None of us chooses to be born who we are...we are born and then learn, as we grow up, to live with what hand God has dealt us. I grew up on the bottom side of the middle class. We weren't stuck eating mayonnaise and cracker sandwiches breakfast, lunch, and dinner...but we definitely didn't have the best of everything either. Growing up I felt a tinge of envy at those who had more than I did, because I believed on some level, that happiness was found in things. I did not appreciate the things I did have and therefore felt cheated somehow. It was not until I went on a church youth trip to a border town in Mexico did I truly appreciate everything I had. We went to the Matamoros city dump, sprawling 20 acres of trash, filth, and sewage. To my surprise, people lived there. One lady we met lived literally in a house comprised of various forms of cardboard. The running water was the open sewer stream next to her hut. The worst part was she had young children living with her. I do not know if she is still alive or what became of her kids, but that was one of those definable moments in my life were I became a little more appreciative of all the blessing's God has given me. I do not pretend to know all why God allows certain things in the lives of believers', but I know that hardships, whatever flavor they come in, produce resolve in the believer. A certain hardness that does not make us inflexible, but makes us unbreakable. I don't remember where I heard the analogy, but I think it fits along the same lines of thought: "The same sun which hardens the clay melts the wax." The sun does not change, it is the materials that it lights upon who react in different ways. Do we take our problems and lather ourselves with misery and pity? On the other hand, do we find strength in our situations, whether internal or external, and hand them over to God? I know, I know...easy to say, and hard to do. Doing it, and being consistent in doing it, is a moment-by-moment slow moving picture reel. It is taking each problem, circumstance, event, and giving it to the Father, and then moving on and letting go. Peter, moved by the Holy Spirit, shows us how we are to live as Christians "For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ". 2 Peter 1:5-8 Now I don't think that my woes of a lower middle-class upbringing compares to something like cancer, or abuse, but we all at some point or another lie awake at night praying "Why me God?". Our trials are not unknown to God, nor were they before He created the world. On some level, I have begun to understand, that we are chosen for our trials. If God thought we could never rise above them, then I don't think we would have received it. Paul chronicles his troubles: "Five times I received from the Jews the forty lashes minus one. Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was pelted with stones, three times I was shipwrecked, I spent a night and a day in the open sea, I have been constantly on the move. I have been in danger from rivers, in danger from bandits, in danger from my fellow Jews, in danger from Gentiles; in danger in the city, in danger in the country, in danger at sea; and in danger from false believers." 2 Corinthians 11:24-26 So if our troubles, sufferings, calamities, persecutions, afflictions, or whatever befalls us in this life, seems to overwhelm us, let us take solace in a verse that places our problems in some sort of perspective, from the same person who penned the previous verse. "For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all." 2 Corinthians 4:17 Rejoice in the Lord. We may not know what God has in store for us, but He knows, and as we move through this life, let us take account of the things God has blessed you with. "Some people feel guilty about their anxieties and regard them as a defect of faith but they are afflictions, not sins. Like all afflictions, they are, if we can so take them, our share in the passion of Christ." - CS Lewis Gog and Magog, Natural Disasters, and Evolution - By Daymond Duck - In his Watchman Report: Middle East Current Events Update - June 14th, 2018, Amir Tsarfati expressed an opinion that struck me as insightful and worthy of passing on to those who haven't heard it. Amir noted that U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman would soon meet in Washington with Pres. Trump's Senior Advisor, Jared Kushner, and his Chief Envoy, Jason Greenblatt, to discuss the president's Middle East Peace Proposal before the latter two men travel to Israel, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and perhaps other places for meetings with leaders in those nations. Amir believes Pres. Trump's Peace Proposal will call for the Sunni Arabs to sign a peace agreement with Israel and to recognize Israel's right to exist as a Jewish nation. Amir knows that the PA leadership stopped meeting with Pres. Trump's peace team, and they declared all of Pres. Trump's proposals dead on arrival because Mr. Trump recognized Jerusalem (the global burdensome stone) as the capital of Israel. Amir believes many Sunni Arabs are fed up with giving the PA millions of dollars every year while rejecting every proposal to settle the issue. Amir believes Pres. Trump's peace team will tell the Sunnis, "We tried to settle the issues. The PA won't work with us. We need to move on without the PA." Amir believes the Sunnis will agree to proceed without the PA and side with Israel in exchange for U.S. and Israeli help on stopping the Iranian quest for nuclear weapons. When the Sunni Arabs abandon the PA, Amir believes the PA will turn to Turkey, Iran and Russia for help, and those nations will agree to give it. As stated above, this is Amir's opinion, so it is just speculation (and he was clear about it), but it makes a lot of sense. Time will tell, and it is something to watch for. Moving on, as a general rule, it rains very little in Israel during our summer months of June, July and August. The Jews pray for rain in its season, and they treat seasonal rain as a blessing from God and an answer to prayer. But when the rain falls out of season (in June, July and August), some Jews wonder if it is a blessing or a warning from God. This week, while the Israeli army was forcefully removing a group of Jewish settlers from their homes on the West Bank, a strong band of thunderstorms caused power outages, flooding in some Israeli cities, vehicles to get stuck, etc. A few Jews wondered if the rain was a sign that God is unhappy with Israel for removing Jews from their land when it was God that gave the land to Israel and caused them to return. It brings up a question: Does God use natural disasters (droughts, floods, volcanoes, pestilence, etc.) to call for repentance? The answer is in II Chron. 7:13-14. Moving on again, research at the Univ. of Basel and the Rockefeller Univ. found evidence that contradicts Darwin's Theory of Evolution. Instead of animals evolving into humans over millions of years, the DNA of thousands of species of animals, including humans, found that animals and humans "emerged" about the same time. These researchers believe this "emergence" happened no more than 200,000 years ago, but I am just naïve enough to believe that someone may eventually prove that life was created on the fifth and sixth days of the same week (Gen. 1:20-27). Anyway, universities, professors, teachers, textbook authors, publishers, etc., need to discard Darwin's theory of Evolution. Prophecy Plus Ministries, Inc. Daymond & Rachel Duck [email protected] Palestinians: The Only Acceptable Peace Plan - by Bassam Tawil - The Palestinians want nothing to do with President Trump's plan: they know it will never satisfy their demands. The Palestinians are not opposed to the peace plan because of a dispute over a border or a settlement or a checkpoint or the status of Jerusalem. They are against Trump's plan -- and any other peace initiative -- because the Palestinians have something else in mind. The two Palestinian parties, the Palestinian Authority and Hamas, may disagree on everything -- except the elimination of Israel. The only peace plan acceptable to current Palestinian leaders would be one that facilitated their mission of pursuing jihad against Israel to obliterate it. If Jared Kushner and Jason Greenblatt wish to learn more about the true ambitions of the Palestinians, they would do well to take in a sermon at a mosque on some Friday or stop into a school in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Perhaps then they would see for themselves that no peace plan in the world can, at the moment, counter the poison that is injected daily into the hearts and minds of the Palestinians and their children. The Palestinians have never laid eyes on US President Donald Trump's plan for peace in the Middle East. The Palestinians know nothing about the plan, which still has not been made public. That fact, however, has not stopped them from categorically rejecting the yet-to-be-announced plan -- a stance the Palestinians repeated this week as US Middle East envoys Jared Kushner and Jason Greenblatt visited Israel and a number of Arab countries to discuss the plan. The Trump plan has not even been finalized and, as such, has not officially been presented to any of the parties to the Israeli-Arab conflict. Kushner and Greenblatt have been working on the plan for several months; their current tour of the region comes in the context of Jordan and Egypt. It is only the Palestinians who are boycotting the US administration. In the past six months, the Palestinian Authority (PA) leadership has refused to have any dealings with the US administration -- except, of course, when it comes to receiving financial aid from the US. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and his senior associates in Ramallah have not only refused to meet with any official from the US administration, they have also been waging a smear campaign of hate and incitement against President Trump and top US administration representatives and officials. Most of the Palestinian attacks have thus far been directed against Trump's "Jewish and Zionist" advisors, including Kushner, Greenblatt and US Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman. In the past six months, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and his senior associates have not only refused to meet with any official from the US administration, they have also been waging a smear campaign of hate and incitement against President Trump and top US officials. Pictured: US presidential envoys Jason Greenblatt (left) and Jared Kushner (center) speak with Abbas (right) on June 22, 2017 in Ramallah. At the meeting, Abbas rejected their demand that he halt payments to terrorists and their families. The vicious attacks on Trump and the senior US administration officials have also been accompanied by statements from Abbas and other Palestinian officials concerning the US president's Middle East peace plan. In these statements, the Palestinians have not only voiced their rejection of the plan that does not yet exist, but have also, on almost a daily basis, been condemning it, dubbing it a "conspiracy" designed to eliminate Palestinian rights. In the most recent Palestinian attack on the plan, Palestinian Authority leaders are now claiming that it is actually aimed at "dividing the Palestinian people" by establishing two separate Palestinian entities -- one in the West Bank and another in the Gaza Strip. The Palestinian position regarding this unseen Trump plan, is largely based on rumors and media speculation. Palestinian officials have admitted that they get their information mostly from the media. So, the Palestinians have rejected something they know nothing about. What, then, is bothering the Palestinians about the Trump plan or any other peace initiative? Attempts by the US administration to arrange meetings with PA leaders in Ramallah to consult with them about the proposed plan have fallen on deaf ears. The Palestinians express zero interest in even seeing if they might find something good in the plan. The Palestinians want nothing to do with Trump's plan: they know it will never satisfy their demands. The Palestinians are not opposed to the peace plan because of a dispute over a border or a settlement or a checkpoint or the status of Jerusalem. They are against Trump's plan -- and any other peace initiative -- because the Palestinians have something else in mind. The kind of "peace" that the Palestinians are seeking is one that no peace initiative would ever provide. The Palestinians want a peace without, not with, Israel. The reason the Palestinians have a problem with the Trump plan is that they see it as an obstacle to their plan to eliminate Israel. The Palestinians know that the Trump plan -- regardless of its details -- will not facilitate their mission to destroy Israel. The Palestinians, in fact, see any peace plan presented to them - whether by Trump or anyone else - as an obstacle hindering their effort and dream to continue the jihad (holy war) against Israel and Jews. They do not want to have to say "No" to the Trump Administration; it is safer just to duck the issue, stall and buy time until a friendlier US administration comes along. When the Palestinians denounce the Trump plan as a "conspiracy," they mean that this is a US conspiracy to thwart their efforts to annihilate Israel. What the Palestinians are saying is: "Who are these Americans to come and preach to us about peace with the Jews living here when our real goal is to drive the Jews out of this land?" In the summer of 2000, Yasser Arafat walked out of the Camp David summit (with President William Jefferson Clinton and then-Prime Minister Ehud Barak) after realizing that the proposals on the table did not satisfy the Palestinian aspirations and dreams - of destroying Israel. What Arafat wanted was Israel to give him control over the entire West Bank, Gaza Strip and east Jerusalem. What he wanted was to establish a Palestinian state on these territories so that the Palestinians could use it as a launching pad to "liberate the rest of Palestine" - that is, to destroy Israel. When a furious Arafat realized that he would not get what he wanted, he returned to Ramallah and incited Palestinians to wage against Israel another wave of terrorism, called the Second Intifada. Now Mahmoud Abbas is sitting in Arafat's seat. Abbas does not like the Trump peace plan, sight unseen: he knows that it will not advance his goal of fulfilling the "phased solution," in which Palestinians would take land bit by bit of and use it as launching pads to pursue the jihad against Israel. The Palestinian position is and has been very clear: Israel must give us as much land as possible so that we can continue to build our power, force and energies to continue the struggle to achieve our ultimate goal - eliminating Israel. The Trump plan, as far as Abbas and his associates are concerned, is a bad deal because it does not require Israel to surrender completely and abandon territories that would be later occupied by Hamas, Islamic State, Iran and Palestinian Islamic Jihad. There is only one peace plan that the Palestinians will accept; it is the plan that enables them to achieve the "phased solution" of wiping Israel off the face of the earth. Abbas is opposed to Trump's plan because Abbas wants a temporary Palestinian state that would be used in the future as a launching pad for Arab armies and Palestinian and Islamist terror groups to wage attacks on Israel. The Trump plan, as far as he is concerned, does not take into consideration the Palestinian dream of eliminating Israel -- and this omission goes way over his red lines. The world already saw what happened the last time Israel gave Abbas land. That was in 2005, when Israel pulled out of the Gaza Strip and handed it over to Abbas and his security forces. Within a few months, Abbas and his cronies fled the Gaza Strip after Hamas and had thrown Palestinian Authority members to their deaths from the top floors of tall buildings, and handed the entire area over to Hamas. The rest, as they say, is history. If Israel withdraws from the West Bank, the same scenario would likely repeat itself there. This time, however, Hamas would take over the West Bank not within months, but days or weeks. In addition, no Palestinian leader is in a position to accept any peace agreement with Israel -- especially not after both Abbas in the West bank and Hamas in the Gaza Strip have spent an entire lifetime radicalizing their people against Israel through incitement and indoctrination. Decades of incitement in mosques and in the media have turned Israel, in the eyes of most Palestinians, into one large settlement that needs to be uprooted. Consequently, the Palestinian public is not prepared to hear about any peace plan, not from Trump and not even from Prophet Mohammed. The Palestinians have a problem with Israel's presence in the Middle East: most of them have still not come to terms with the Jews' right to live in a secure and sovereign state of their own anywhere in the Middle East. Undoubtedly, Trump and his envoys come with the best intentions about making peace between Arabs and Jews in our part of the world. However, what they do not seem to see, however, is that as things stand today, there is no partner on the Palestinian side for any deal with Israel. The Palestinians are divided into camps -- one that openly states that it does not want to make peace with Israel because its goal is to destroy Israel and replace it with an Islamic state, and a second camp that, even if it wanted to make peace with Israel - and it does not - could never do it because it has trained its own people to accept only a mandate for murder. The first camp is called the "radical camp." This is the camp that is opposed to Israel's presence in the Middle East. The second camp is what the Palestinians call the "Abbas camp," which is corrupt and weak and sends conflicting messages to its people and speaks in more than one voice. The two Palestinian parties, the Palestinian Authority and Hamas, may disagree on everything -- except the elimination of Israel. The only peace plan acceptable to current Palestinian leaders would be one that facilitated their mission of pursuing jihad against Israel to obliterate it. If Kushner and Greenblatt wish to learn more about the true ambitions of the Palestinians, they would do well to take in a sermon at a mosque on some Friday or stop into a school in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Perhaps then they would see for themselves that no peace plan in the world can, at the moment, counter the poison that is injected daily into the hearts and minds of the Palestinians and their children. Recent Tarot Trend as New Age Idolatry - By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - You shall not eat anything with its blood. You shall not practice divination or soothsaying. Leviticus 19:26 (The Israel Bible™) Sales of tarot cards have risen sharply in the last year as self-proclaimed witches claim that divination and dark-magic are effective in opposing President Trump. One end-of-days expert cites this as an illogical yet divinely guided step in setting the stage for the Messianic showdown in which the two sides, Good and Evil, are clearly defined. The BBC published an article last week noting a 30-percent increase in sales in tarot cards last year, citing data collected by US Games Systems, a publisher of tarot games. Tarot may be a modern trend but it's roots are ancient, with some sources claiming the deck has its origins in the Book of Thoth, a legendary tome of Egyptian occult and idolatry. Based on four suits, tarot cards are similar to common playing cards but with some significant differences that serve its primary purpose: divination. The Latin root of the word 'divination' means "to foresee, to be inspired by a god," but the Torah expressly forbids the practice. Let no one be found among you who consigns his son or daughter to the fire, or who is an augur, a soothsayer, a diviner, a sorcerer. Deuteronomy 18:10 Rabbi Daniel Asore, a member of the Sanhedrin, noted that the anti-divine aspect of divination is precisely the reason why the practice is proscribed and considered one of the more egregious forms of evil. "Diviners and witches both try to take God out of heaven, out of the world, and replace him with 'self','" Rabbi Asore told Breaking Israel News. "They assign the power to nature and try to control it using esoteric methods that do not include God. This has ancient roots but in our era, it has taken on the appearance of New Age. Even if it looks modern, it is exactly the same as the idol worship we read about in the Bible." Rabbi Asore explained how divination works as an anti-God mechanism. "New Age wants to convince people that they are divine, that the power is inside of them," Rabbi Asore said. "They want to disconnect people from the Bible and prayer, which sets God firmly in all of Creation, in every aspect of your life." "Atheists, like all Satanists, see themselves as the ultimate authority, independent of any higher rule, so morality becomes entirely subjective," he said. "Since the self is the center of the universe, they are anarchists, believing in limiting the world's population through war, abortion, and non-productive relationships. Nature has usurped God's eternal aspect, so the individual is the all." Tarot is making a comeback in other forms as well. Last May, Dior, one of the the most prominent names in fashion, based their summer collection on a feminist version of the tarot deck. The image from the death card, a skeleton huddled in a fetal position encircled by a molting snake, featured prominently in their line of casual wear. Karen Vogel, the designer of the feminist tarot deck that served as the model for Dior explained the choice of the death card. "It's not necessarily about physical death," says Vogel. "[It's about] the beauty of the shedding of the skin that a snake does, that we can transform our lives." In an interview with BBC, Vogel credited the current interest in tarot to the election of Donald Trump. "Our societies are going through an extreme sense of alienation," Vogel said. "People are lonely and angry. Tarot helps them to cope with insecurity in these difficult times." The BBC article cited another occult phenomenon as a negative reaction to Trump's election: the #MagicResistance movement, a monthly call on social media to curse the president using explicitly arcane methods. Rabbi Asore explained the use of witchcraft and divination in politics is "Witchcraft, or its real name, Satanism, is explicitly a power struggle, which is why it is so readily dragged into politics. Satanism, in its essence, pits the adversary against God.". "Though this power struggle has been brewing throughout history, today, when we are so close to Moshiach (Messiah), the role it is playing in politics could not be clearer. "The politicians who believe that man can control all aspects of the world are coming from a belief system based in Satanism, whether knowingly or not," Rabbi Asore said. "This New Age form of witchcraft and divination is idolatry dressed up so it can be used as a tool of the New World Order." Rabbi Pinchas Winston, an end-of-days expert and prolific author, noted that tarot and black magic were an incongruous choice for atheists and people who rejected religion. "If you want to be secular or atheist, if you say that you went to a church or synagogue and rejected it, that is okay," Rabbi Winston told Breaking Israel News. "But to go to something that is straight-up idolatry, openly embracing evil, that is not a logical decision." "Anytime people act illogically and don't notice it, it is a sign that Divine hands are setting the stage," Rabbi Winston said, explaining that this was all part of a "Messianic endgame." "According to Jewish sources, the end-of-days will see an enormous polarization of good and evil," Rabbi Winston said. "This is so that when we stand before God and he asks us 'why didn't you choose good?', no one can say they couldn't see the difference, that good and evil were not obvious. No one can say that they were kind of good. The end-of days is all or nothing, with the ramifications clearly spelled out." Winston explained that this process of clear good versus clear evil was clearly true in how American politics has played out in recent years. "Obama was the first step of this polarization but he was able to hide most of the polarization and dress it up as social justice," Winton said. "He could hide the evil he promoted, make it sound like good. So people who supported him could support evil but give the excuse that it was reasonably presented as good. To accomplish that, they need to be masters of disguise, to hide the truth even from themselves. They need to embrace Hollywood. They need for it to be all about appearances and subjective reality because the truth is too painful." "Trump is one step further," Rabbi Winston said. "There is no hiding. You either love him or hate him, and he doesn't know how to hide the truth in pretty words. Good and evil are laid out for everyone to see." Daily Jot: The hypocrisy of the coup-makers - The owner of the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Va refused to serve White House Press Secretary Sara Huckabee and her seven family members Friday night. The owner said she asked Huckabee and her party to leave because the restaurant upheld certain standards of "honesty, compassion and cooperation." The owner said that she was upset because of President Trump's policies on immigration and banning transgender people from the military. Last week, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was chased out of a Mexican restaurant by a mob of "Democratic Socialists" and protesters at her home yelled, "No peace, no sleep." Protests are erupting across the country. This is all part of a bigger movement. Remember after the election, the ex-"president" moved many of his top aides to his Organizing For Action (OFA) group. OFA claims it has over 32,000 volunteers and 250 offices nationwide. On February 13, 2017, The Daily Jot wrote: "Think about how this works-Trump issues an immigration executive order; OFA signals for protests and statements from Islamic and pro-immigrant leftist groups; ACLU lawyers file lawsuits in jurisdictions where activist judges obstruct the laws; volunteers are called to protest ...the leftist media springs to action...violence follows-all emanating from the ex-"president's" signal that he is heartened by the protests." This is just about how things are playing out right now because Trump is enforcing laws that have been on the books for over a decade. Over the weekend, Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA), a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus (translate: socialists and communists in Congress), told a group, "Let's stay the course... if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere." Legal citizens not welcome in their own country? Imagine if Waters was denied service at a restaurant, department store or gas station? Racism and bigotry would take center stage. Waters ranted, "we're going to win this battle because while you try and quote the Bible, Jeff Sessions and others, you really don't know the Bible. God is on OUR side." Waters appears very uninformed about how God wants us to treat one another, including immigrants. The Bible says in Exodus 22:21, "Thou shalt neither vex a stranger or oppress him." It also says in Exodus 12:49, "One law shall be to him that is home-born, and unto the foreigner who sojourns among you." These commands are repeated throughout the Bible. We are to treat immigrants with the same love and respect with which we want others to treat us AND they must obey the law. These people are breaking the law by entering illegally. But that's what the coup-makers want. They want to treat law abiding citizens with contempt, and to enlist the lawless to help them overthrow the country. Yet in this hypocrisy, they claim God's favor. Daily Devotion: In the Potter's Hands - By Greg Laurie - And yet, O LORD, you are our Father. We are the clay, and you are the potter. We all are formed by your hand. -Isaiah 64:8 The Greeks believed in many gods, thinking they would give them wisdom or direction. Then when the Romans conquered Greece, they effectively absorbed its culture and made it their own. The problem is these gods were nonexistent. As Christians, we want to know the will of God. But is that even possible? Can God's will be known? Can God speak to us today? Or, are we just searching in vain, like the ancient Greeks and Romans looking into the faces of their various deities? No, we aren't. Christianity is Christ taking residence in our hearts. Jesus said, "No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you" (John 15:15 NKJV). God wants to speak to us today. He has a plan and a purpose for our lives, and He wants to reveal His will for our lives. So how do we know the will of God? We find an interesting passage in Jeremiah 18: "The Lord gave another message to Jeremiah. He said, 'Go down to the potter's shop, and I will speak to you there.' So I did as he told me and found the potter working at his wheel. But the jar he was making did not turn out as he had hoped, so he crushed it into a lump of clay again and started over" (verses 1-4 NLT). The Bible is basically saying that God is like a potter and we are like clay. God is the potter who wants to make us after His plan and purpose. And if we don't yield to the plan and purpose of God, then we'll be settling for something less. FROM THE HEART
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