Prophecy Update Newsletter
Training for The Tribulation - Alf Cengia - Hello! How is your training for The Tribulation going? I know, I know! - This is an old theme which I've addressed before. Why continue to bring it up? Well I keep seeing the same stuff over and over, and over again. Non-pretribulationists seem obsessed with the supposed unpreparedness of pretribulationists. Before continuing I'd like to refer readers to Steven Schmutzer's provocative article Pick a Pack of Proper Preppers. And some house keeping. There seems to be general confusion regarding the term "tribulation" - even among those who hold to the same rapture timing position. Some say the church isn't exempted from tribulation (I agree), and that tribulation is distinct from God's wrath. They'll even give you the Greek terms for God's wrath and tribulation as "proof." Furthermore, some hold that not all of the 70th week is "tribulation" - only after the Abomination of Desolation (AoD). God's wrath then follows after this "Antichrist Tribulation" period. Here are some quick thoughts. Yes, the church is promised tribulation as long as it is in this world (see Rom 5:3; James 1:2; 1 Pet 1:6; Rev 1:9). Tribulation is ever present; it has many sources and reasons. One of these sources is God's wrath. See Romans 2:8-9. When Christ said there would be great tribulation as had never been seen before (Matt 24:21), He was defining its severity. Jesus cannot mean that the starting point of "tribulation" is at the AoD, given tribulation is ever-present and varied. When we understand this, it's difficult to exclude the 2nd and 4th seals of Revelation. Note: In his groundbreaking book on the Pre-Wrath Rapture, Marvin Rosenthal placed the 4th seal immediately prior to the AoD (Beginning of Sorrows). In contrast Robert Van Kampen placed it immediately after the AoD to coincide with the Antichrist. He believed the 4th seal only affected Jews-Christians; that the beasts (in Rev 6:8) refer to Antichrist and False Prophet. No wonder many are confused! For a rebuttal to these positions see Renald Showers' books "Maranatha - Our Lord, Come" and "The Pre-Wrath Rapture View - An Examination and Critique." But back to my Tribulation Training gripe. Some time ago a gentleman contacted me for financial support in order to continue exposing the dangers of pretribulationism. Since then someone else asked for money to promote his non-pretrib ministry. He thinks his message is unpopular because suffering under the Great Tribulation threatens most people. I can't speak for everyone but my rejection of their views is based on my understanding of Scripture, not an effort to avoid the "truth." I suspect the same follows for other people. These examples are numerous. A lady with a popular online ministry hosted a series of sound-bite videos on preparing for the tribulation. Essentially the message is the same - discard pretribulationism. She once stated that the big enemy [to fight against] is the false pretrib teaching. Donations are always helpful too. Fighting pretribulationism is costly business. One writer summed it up this way: Very few people want to go through tribulation. It's in our human nature to avoid pain, suffering, loss, and trial. This is the primary allure of the pre-trib rapture doctrine. It tells Christians that they will not be around when the real evil sweeps the planet. No kidding! Personally, I know of no one who desires tribulation. Do you? As I've often suggested, if tribulation is your thing, there are places where you can get in some practice for the Big Event. How does one actually prepare for the Antichrist Tribulation? Give us the nuts and bolts of it. Virtue-signaling platitudes don't help. What do you have for the Christian suffering from life-long chronic depression? What about Christians going through so much pain they don't want to live anymore? How about the father confronted by a chronically depressed daughter who contemplates suicide because of the stresses of life? Some welcome death as a relief. I know of families and individuals who are experiencing significant tribulation right now. My own family has been through some, though many are far worse off. I could go on but I'll spare you. Nobody wants tribulation. We ask for prayer for relief of these circumstances (Eph 6:18; James 5:16). This is the case even when we experience joy in trials caused by exercising our faith right now (Acts 16:25). Here's where Paul placed his trust: ...indeed, we had the sentence of death within ourselves so that we would not trust in ourselves, but in God who raises the dead; who delivered us from so great a peril of death, and will deliver us, He on whom we have set our hope. And He will yet deliver us. 2 Cor 1:9-10 Unless one has something more profound than posttrib rapture timing in any Tribulation Training Manual, they have nothing for these people. Whether they're trials experienced now, or something far worse in the future, the answer can only be found in our faith in Christ. Whenever I suffer and struggle with faith, I desire prayer. I need to be reminded of what Paul told us in Philippians 4:11-13. He could rejoice in all manner of trials because of Christ who strengthened him. In Romans chapter 8 Paul tells us that tribulation, persecution, peril, sword will not separate us from the love of Christ. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Rom 8:38-39 Holding onto this kind of faith will take care of any future tribulations, regardless of their severity. Put that in your training manuals. Finally, shouldn't our focus be on the lost? What about the Great Commission and winning souls to the Lord? Wake up, People! Maranatha! Will Modern Day Israel Survive? - By Dr. David R. Reagan - A recent edition of Israel Today magazine featured an article by its editor, Ariel Schneider, titled, "How Long Will Israel's Third Kingdom Survive?" While thinking about modern day Israel's 70th anniversary, it occurred to Schneider that "in its 3,500 year history, the nation of Israel has only three times been able to live free, united, sovereign and independent. And only for very short periods of time." The First United Kingdom He argues that the very first time Israel truly existed as a sovereign, united nation state was during the kingships of David and Solomon - a period of 82 years, from 1010 to 928 BC. King David ruled a united Israel for 40 years (1010 to 970 BC). He was followed by his son, Solomon, who also reigned for 40 years (970 to 930 BC). But two years into the reign of Solomon's son, Rehoboam, a civil war broke out over excessive taxation, and the kingdom split between 10 tribes in the north and two in the south. The northern area became known as the state of Israel, with its capital at Samaria. The two tribes in the south called their state Judah, and its capital was in Jerusalem. The Divided Kingdoms The northern kingdom of Israel was apostate from the beginning. Never once in its 208 year history (930 to 722 BC) did it have a king who, in God's eyes, was considered to be righteous. Its hard-boiled rebellion against God and His Word resulted in the kingdom's destruction by the Assyrians in 722 BC. The southern kingdom of Judah was blessed with great kings like Jehoshaphat, Uzziah, Hezekiah and Josiah. The kingdom was also blessed with prosperity. But its greatest blessing was spiritual, for the Shekinah Glory of God resided in the nation's temple in Jerusalem. But the Judeans gradually fell into apostasy as they intermarried with the Caananites and ended up worshiping their gods. The Lord sent remedial judgments to call them to repentance. But they persisted in their rebellion. God also sent many prophetic voices to call them to repentance and to warn them of impending judgment, but they had deaf ears. Finally, God allowed the Babylonians to conquer them and take them into captivity. After Babylon fell to the Persians, the Jews were allowed to return to their homeland, but they remained under Persian domination until the nation was conquered by Alexander the Great in 332 BC. After his death, the Jews came under the rule of the Greek Seleucid Kingdom. The Second United Kingdom It would be 800 years after the United Kingdom of David and Solomon before the Jews would once again experience a united, independent kingdom. It was the product of the Hasmonean revolt against the Seleucid Greek occupiers that began in 164 BC. Eleven years later, in 153 BC, Jerusalem was conquered and the Temple was cleansed. In 135 BC John Hycranus was crowned King of Israel, and six years later, in 129 BC, he proclaimed Israel's full independence. This sovereign state lasted 66 years, until 63 BC when the Romans conquered Jerusalem. Brief Sovereignty This means that all three of Israel's united sovereignties added together equal only 218 years (David-Solomon, 82 years; Hasmonean, 66 years; and Modern Israel, 70 years). If you count the existence of Israel as a state in one form or another from the time of King Saul (1030 BC) to its destruction under the Romans in 70 AD, you have a total of 960 years. During that time, the Jewish people lived under a unified, sovereign government for only 148 years (David-Solomon, 82 years and Hasmonean, 66 years), totaling only 15 percent of the time. Some historians would add the period when Judah existed alone, from 722 to 586 BC, a period of 136 years. But during those years, the nation was often under the domination of foreign powers like the Assyrians and the Egyptians, requiring it to pay tribute as a vassal state. The point is that Israel has never been able to exist for very long as an independent, unified sovereign nation. Prospects for Today And, for that reason and others, most modern experts on the Middle East suggest that the current state of Israel (the Third United Kingdom) will also have a short life. On the surface that estimation seems valid. After all, Israel's seven million Jews are surrounded by 22 hostile Arab nations with more than 400 million people. Israel's survival appears to be hopeless. But, "He who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep" (Psalm 121:4). Israel has been engaged in constant, never-ending warfare ever since the modern state was established, and Israel has miraculously survived. This is in fulfillment of Bible prophecy which says that in the end times, Israel will be like David against Goliath (Zechariah 12:8) and that Israel will consume its adversaries like a raging fire in the midst of a woodpile (Zechariah 12:6). The Bible also promises supernatural protection of Israel when the nation is invaded in the end times by a mighty coalition of enemies led by Russia (Ezekiel 38 & 39). This overwhelming army will be destroyed by God with battlefield confusion, earthquakes, pestilence, torrential rain, hailstones, fire and brimstone (Ezekiel 38:20-22 and Ezekiel 39:6). But the Bible also prophesies that the current state of Israel will be overthrown by the Antichrist in the middle of the Tribulation when the Jews reject him as their Messiah (Revelation 12:13-17). During the last half of the Tribulation (3½ years), the Antichrist will become obsessed with annihilating the Jewish people, and they will scatter to other nations, including modern day Jordan where they will be supernaturally protected (Daniel 11:41). At the end of the Tribulation, we are told that the remnant of surviving Jews worldwide will put their faith in Yeshua (Jesus) as their Messiah (Zechariah 12:10 and 13:1). When Jesus returns to this earth at the end of the Tribulation, He will regather all believing Jews back to their homeland and establish them as the prime nation of the world, and they "will never be uprooted again" (Amos 9:15). Maranatha! Wishful Thinking Isn't Enough When It Comes to Mideast Peace - By Melanie Phillips - President Trump's peace plan for Israel and the Palestinian Arabs, his attempt at the "deal of the century," will apparently soon be revealed to the world. His envoys, Jared Kushner and Jason Greenblatt, have been making the rounds in the region to get Arab allies on board. Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyhau has paid a visit to the King of Jordan. No one yet knows the terms of this deal. Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas has refused even to talk to the United States about it and has presumptively rejected it sight unseen. The message he has received, however, is that the days of using such rejectionism to stymie progress are over. If he won't agree to these terms, the Israelis will have U.S. backing in doing what they need to do to safeguard their security. And the Arab world has indicated that it will raise no serious objection. Abbas and his camp are in effect being told: "You lost. Now get over it." So will they? As has been clear for decades, there are no terms on which the Palestinian Arab leadership can ever accept the existence of the State of Israel. Until now, the West didn't believe that. It thought that if only Israel would give more, and then more again, there could be a two-state solution and an end to the conflict. This merely demonstrated the delusion born of Western hubris that the agenda of everyone in the world is negotiable. It failed to grasp two crucial aspects of the Palestinian Arab story--one dating from the 1930s, and the other going back to the seventh century. Consider this: Strikingly, the image Palestinian Arabs present to the world systematically appropriates for themselves characteristics of the Jewish and Zionist experience. The Jews have been targeted for genocide and ethnic cleansing; the Palestinians claim falsely the Jews target them for genocide and ethnic cleansing. The Jews are the sole extant indigenous people of the land of Israel; the Palestinians claim falsely that they were there since time immemorial. Israel gave all Jews the right of return to Israel; the Palestinians claim they have a "right of return." They even claim that the Palestinians are "the new Jews." This reflects the same characteristic in Islam itself. It claims Jewish prophets such as Moses were Islamic prophets. All God's promises devolve onto Ishmael, not Isaac. As Osama bin Laden declared in his Letter to the American People: "It is the Muslims who are the inheritors of Moses (peace be upon him) and the inheritors of the real Torah that has not been changed. ... If the followers of Moses have been promised a right to Palestine in the Torah, then the Muslims are the most worthy nation of this." The religious teachings of Islam hijack Jewish religious doctrines. The Talmud famously states: "Whoever destroys a single soul, he is guilty as though he had destroyed a complete world; and whoever preserves a single soul, it is as though he had preserved a whole world." The Koran appropriated this precept, but then qualified it with the crucial rider: "Those that make war against God and his apostle and spread disorder in the land shall be slain or crucified or have their hands and feet cut off on alternate sides, or be banished from the land." So the Talmudic precept affirming the value of preserving human life was turned into a prescription for violence and murder against Jews and other "unbelievers." Islamic religious teachings are hugely more antagonistic towards the Jews than any other group. And that's because the very foundation of Islam was bound up with the attempt to hijack Judaism itself. Mohammed is said to have gone to war against the Jews because they refused to accept his re-interpretation of Judaism. The outcome was the eradication of the Jewish-Arab tribe called the Banu Qurayza. Unable to break their resistance, Mohammed slaughtered them at the battle of Khybar. Which is why Khybar is the name the Iranian regime gives to some of its missiles, and why Islamists scream it as a rallying cry for the murder of Jews. The key point that the West cannot grasp is that Palestinian rejectionism is at source a fanatical Islamic religious movement. And at source, Islam seeks to obliterate Judaism altogether by appropriating its foundational story and doctrines for its own, and radically altering them while claiming these to be authentic Judaism. As Maimonides observed in the 12th century: "Inasmuch as the Muslims could not find a single proof in the entire Bible, not a reference or possible allusion to their prophet which they could utilise, they were compelled to accuse us, saying: 'You have altered the text of the Torah and expunged every trace of the name of Mohammed therefrom.' They could find nothing stronger than this ignominious argument." So Islam holds that Jews are imposters who must be subjugated to the true faith of Islam. Judaism itself must be suppressed and obliterated. That's why the Arabs in 1930s Palestine, led by the Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al Husseini, were Hitler's Nazi legion in the Middle East. Had Hitler won the war, the Mufti and his followers would have tried to wipe out the Jews living in the land. The Nazi agenda of the genocide of the Jews fitted perfectly with the fanatical Islamic agenda of the extermination of Judaism. Haj Amin al Husseini is one of Mahmoud Abbas's stated heroes. No surprise, then, that Abbas has a doctorate in Holocaust denial. No surprise that his Palestinian Authority constantly pumps out Nazi-style demonization, libels and murderous incitement against the Jews. Into this fanatical maelstrom now strides the Trump administration with its gamble that it can appeal to the desire of ordinary Palestinian people to live in peace and plenty. Says Jared Kushner: "We will release our peace plan and the Palestinian people will actually like it because it will lead to new opportunities for them to have a much better life." Is this inspired or deluded? For sure, there are Palestinian Arabs who don't sign up to Islamic fanaticism (indeed, they are victims of it) and who would accept a pragmatic accommodation with Israel. Nevertheless, Palestinian culture is a sustained program of genocidal hatred against the Jews, along with lies about Palestinian origins and identity based on attempted theft of Jewish history and identity. This is a microcosm of the wider conundrum about the Islamic world in general. Millions of Muslims reject Islamist fanaticism and want merely to live in peace and prosperity. But power within the Islamic world currently resides with those promulgating jihadi fanaticism. In some places such as Iran, the opportunity patently exists for the people to throw out their murderous leaders. In others, it's far harder to see that leap being made any time soon. The question is whether the Trump administration will prompt the Palestinian Arabs to make it. And to that question, we'll eventually learn the answer. Watchman Warning: A Sure Word - By Hal Lindsey - Some evangelical Christians kiddingly state their position on Bible prophecy as "pan-tribulationist," or "pan-millennial." Then they give the punch line. "I believe it will all pan out." I understand what gives rise to such thinking. In order to understand Bible prophecy, you have to dig into scripture. "Rightly dividing the word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15 KJV) requires diligence and effort. And to top it off, those who study prophecy sometimes come away with different opinions. For that reason, many followers of Christ throw their hands in the air and say, "I'm not going to think about it. I trust God. He will take care of things. It will all pan out." Yes, God is sovereign. His side wins. But it is sad when people who love God ignore so much of His counsel. The Bible is a prophetic book. Some scholars say that one-fourth of it is prophecy. Others say the percentage is even higher - maybe one-third. Either way, prophecy is clearly important. If the only thing we need to know is that it will "all pan out," then why did God put so much prophetic teaching in His word? If you find prophecy intimidating, remember that all Bible doctrines seem inexhaustible to the human mind. Consider the Attributes of God. You can spend a lifetime on any one of His attributes - and barely scratch the surface. But just because we cannot exhaust a topic, does not mean we can't have real knowledge of that topic. We can't fully grasp God's omnipotence, but because His word tells us about it, we can have a true and real understanding of it. Based on His word, we can know what it is, and we can rationally discuss it. In John 14:3, Jesus said, "I will come again." That is a clear and concise statement. He said it because He wants us to know it. We can trust those words. It doesn't tell us everything about end-times prophecy, but it tells us something real - something we can build our lives on. Jesus is coming back! Ironically, that's where some so-called theologians begin to disagree. Jesus explained many times and in many ways that He will return. The fact that some dispute the obvious is no reason to doubt the obvious. "I will come again" is as clear as, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son...." (John 3:16) Trust it. Lean on it. Find comfort in the knowledge. At Christmas we often recite Isaiah 9:6-7. "For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace There will be no end, Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, To order it and establish it with judgment and justice From that time forward, even forever." (NKJV) Those verses foretell Christmas, but they don't end there. They take us from the manger into eternity future - and give us loads of information about what must happen along the way. The Book of Revelation reveals amazing and glorious things about Jesus. It takes things said about Him in the Old and New Testaments to their logical and astounding conclusions. I hate to think that anyone would ignore Revelation because naysayers have convinced them that they can't understand it. You may not understand all of it, but just reading it will build your faith and enlarge your vision of Christ. Prophecies in Daniel give us tremendous evidence that the Bible could only be written under the inspiration of God. In Matthew 24, Jesus gave one of the longest of His recorded speeches, and it was all about His Second Coming. More and more, I hear people say, "I heard all that stuff years ago. Nothing happened, so I don't believe it." In saying things like that, they are unwittingly fulfilling yet another sign of the coming Day of the Lord. 2 Peter 3 says, "In the last days mockers will come with their mocking, following after their own lusts, and saying, 'Where is the promise of His coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all continues just as it was from the beginning of creation.'" (2 Peter 3:3-4) Verses 8-10 say, "But do not let this one fact escape your notice, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come like a thief." Bible prophecy laid out the first coming of Jesus with perfect accuracy and in stunning detail. As we look around at our own time, we can already see that the details about the Lord's Second Coming are just as perfect and just as stunning. And we are seeing it all in our own time with our own eyes. We live in one of history's most amazing moments. And you're here to witness it. So, watch and study. Don't miss the joy and amazement of the times you live in. Daily Jot: It's all about the children, yeah right! - Bill Wilson - There's been a lot of press lately about children being separated from their parents at the border. The lapdog leftist media has reported just about every regressive left comment about the jackboot tactics of the Trump Administration in separating children from their parents and putting these kids in cages like animals. Never mind, that this process was put in place to prevent the children from being profited on and exploited by human traffickers, drug cartels, and gangs. And, by the way, they are not put in cages like animals, but the leftist media never misses an opportunity to let truth get in the way of a story that creates an emotional crisis. Trouble is, and sadly so, these kids at the border are being used as political pawns. Hillary Clinton's battle cry was that "it's all about the kids." Remember she said it takes a village to raise a child. Kelly Riddell, Washington Times columnist, reported in September 2016 that Clinton wrote part of a report for the Carnegie Council on Children that said "child raising in the Soviet Union was superior to that of the United States." Riddell reports that Clinton wrote that it has become necessary for society to "prevent parents from denying children certain privileges that society wants them to have." Among them, Clinton opined, were doctor consultations on pregnancy and drugs without parental consent, preventing schools from suspending disruptive students, and a government-appointed "public advocate." All this led to Clinton's platform on socialist healthcare, of course, "for the sake of the children." Gun control is for the sake of the children, too. Separating children from parents who wish to home school them is also for the children. Teaching children a political and sexual agenda in public schools is for the children. Opening up children to determine what sex they want to be is also for the children. Whenever there is a political issue that can be related back to children, the children are used as political pawns, even better if the children are able to talk about it to the news media. If you can't win a political argument on its merits, throw in an angle about children and your chances skyrocket. But if it is so much about the welfare of the children, why are the actions of these very people strategically against children? There is nothing that endangers children in this country more than abortion. The lives of some 60 million would-be citizens have been snuffed out since 1973 without a chance to grow up as a child. The very same people who decry separating children at the border (which by the way is a prevention measure to child sex trafficking, drug running, and gang indoctrination) are all too quick to passionately stand for the ultimate life-ending separation of a child from a mother's womb. They fight for public funding of this murderous disgrace through Planned Parenthood and label those who oppose them as misogynists. Psalms 127:3 says, "Lo, children are a heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward." If were about the children, these leftist wouldn't be rabid supporters of abortion. Hypocrites all. Daily Devotion: Memory Full! - By Greg Laurie - And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. -Philippians 4:8 There have been times when I've filled up the memory on my computer. I'll try to open a document, and a message suddenly pops up, informing me there isn't enough memory. Wouldn't it be great if the next time the devil comes along with an evil thought, a little message would pop up in our minds that said "Memory Full"? Wouldn't it be fantastic if our minds were full of the Word of God? We need to think very carefully about what we expose ourselves to, about what kind of information we put into our minds. Imagine if we just thought carefully about what we said before we said it. We're so quick to complain. We're so quick to say random things. The acronym THINK is a good filter to apply to what we say, before we say it. Is it truthful? Is it helpful? Is it inspiring? Is it necessary? Is it kind? Imagine how different things would be if we ran everything through this grid before we actually said it. I think we all could use a good brainwashing. Usually that's a negative term. But I think we need our brains cleansed from all the junk we fill them with and instead wash them with the Word of God. Think about what you say. Present your mind to God. Present your thoughts to Him. Present your words to Him. Present your hands to Him. Present your feet to Him. The Bible says, "How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, who bring glad tidings of good things!" (Romans 10:15 NKJV). When we go out and share the gospel, we're using our feet, our hands, our minds, and our mouths for the purpose for which God has created them. Let's start there. FROM THE HEART
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