Prophecy Update Newsletter
Fair Warning - By Daymond Duck - The next election is now about four months away, and some commentators are saying things are going to get nasty. Words that come to mind as I read this are devilish, ugly, anarchy, orchestrated chaos, insurrection, planned wickedness, incitement of trouble, weaponized Antifa terrorists, Black Lives Matter, and others. Liberal Democrats (Pelosi, Schumer), Planned Parenthood, gays, etc., are desperate to retake the White House and prevent the loss of another seat on the U.S. Supreme Court. Powerful globalists (Soros, Kissinger, Clinton, etc.) are passionate about world government, and they want to continue the surrender of America to meet the UN goal of world government and world religion by 2030. The investigation of those that spied on (and tried to overthrow) the Trump administration is zeroing in on some big-name Democrats (Obama, Clinton, Brennan, Clapper, etc.) that may have committed crimes, and they want to shut down the investigation and possible prosecutions. Muslims in the Democrat Party (Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib) want the U.S. to abandon Israel, but Trump is strengthening ties with Israel. Trump's main asset has been a strong economy, and they want to take that talking point away from him. Several political insiders with big jobs in the Washington bureaucracy feel threatened by Trump's promise to drain the swamp, and they want him out to preserve their power, high positions, big salaries and exorbitant pensions. Below is my take on some prophecy-related stories that recently made the news. One, on June 12, 2020, it was reported that Pastor Robert Jeffress said if Pres. Trump is not re-elected the left will bring out the guillotines. God is not a Republican or a Democrat, but I agree with the great preacher. If the Democrats gain control of the government, they are likely to try to undo everything Trump has done and bring in their much-desired world government as fast as they can. That will lead to the rise of the Antichrist, and the guillotine will be his favorite scare tactic (Rev. 20:4). Some might say Pastor Jeffress is an extremist for saying this, but the "autonomous zone" occupiers in Seattle recently implied that they will behead those that disagree with Antifa (notice that this group of paid and armed arsonists, looters and terrorist thugs are threatening the lives of U.S. citizens and, as far as I know, most of the Democrats and a few Republicans are praising them. Know that on June 20, 2020, it was reported that inside the "autonomous zone," a 19-year-old black male was fatally shot, a second black male was hospitalized with life-threatening wounds, the police were not allowed into the area, and there is no outrage. Two, globalists puppets are smashing, defacing, and destroying statues (These are paid thugs; not just in the U.S., but in other nations too; not spontaneous destruction of statues, it is part of the globalist plan). One aspect of the globalist plan is to change western civilization by eradicating nationalism and replacing it with a New World Order (They encourage people to burn flags, kneel during the national anthem, keep their borders open, etc.). According to the Bible, God will let the globalists have their New World Order, but instead of destroying statues during the Tribulation Period, they will be forced to bow to a statue of the Antichrist and worship it (Rev. 13:14-18). Three, on June 12, 2020, Pastor James Kaddis said there are now calls to disband police forces all over the world and to replace them with a global police force. He said this could be the beginning of a global police force controlled by the Antichrist. That global police force will behead people that refuse to take the Mark of the Beast (Rev. 20:4). Four, on June 15, 2020, it was reported that the UN Human Rights Council will examine accusations of systemic racism and police brutality in the U.S. Pres. Trump pulled the U.S. out of this wannabe world government group two years ago when its leaders accused the U.S. of being biased toward Israel. With so many Christians being persecuted and killed in India, China, and several Muslim countries, it is incredible that this UN group plans to discuss racism and police brutality in the U.S. (Update on this: On June 19, 2020, a human rights official at the UN expressed "profound concern" over the U.S. calling Antifa and other anti-fascist groups domestic terrorists.) Five, on June 17, 2020, Dave Hodges reported that UN personnel are marching in anti-American police rallies and protests in the U.S. Hodges said he does not know if any UN officials have committed crimes, but they have diplomatic immunity and cannot be prosecuted if they do. Should UN personnel be allowed to use their diplomatic immunity to march with protestors, arsonists, and thieves in the U.S.? Since some UN officials are marching with the demonstrators and it is a UN goal to establish a world government by 2030, should anyone be surprised that they object to the protestors being called domestic terrorists? Six, on June 17, 2020, Life News reported that Black Lives Matter (BLM) is receiving large sums of money from sympathetic Americans. Life News reported that the BLM website is partnered with a Democrat fund-raising organization called ActBlue. According to Life News, people that choose to give to the "Defund the Police" campaign on the BLM homepage are rerouted to a site hosted by ActBlue. As of May 21, 2020, ActBlue had given $119,253,857 to the "Biden for President" campaign. Think about this: Biden says he does not support defunding the police, but he has received more than $100 million from a "Defund the Police" group (and the Democrat Party is boasting about how much money he raised in May). If this is true, and there is no reason to doubt it, there is a lot of deceit going on (an end-of-the-age sign that Jesus warned the world about in Matt. 24:4, 5, 11, and 24). Seven, some Democrats deny that they plan to defund the police, but the Democrats in Minneapolis voted to defund the police, and on June 12, 2020, it was reported that the New York police Dept.'s 2020-2021 budget will be cut by $1 billion and its 600-member anti-crime unit will be eliminated. To make up for the shortfall, these Democrats plan to reduce the number of police by attrition, cut overtime and shift some police responsibilities to other agencies. Ten days later, it was reported that crime has already started surging in New York. Eight, on June 13, 2020, it was reported that the Dept. of Justice (DOJ) has indicted more than 50 people in several states (none yet in Washington and Oregon) on charges of theft, arson, carrying guns, throwing Molotov cocktails, etc. Pres. Trump and the DOJ need our prayers because they have been strongly condemned for trying to prosecute these accused criminals. Nine, on June 21, 2020, Luciferian (New Age Satan worshipers, Isa. 14:12) parades were held in more than 20 U.S. cities, and prayers were offered for Satan to establish his one-world government. According to the Bible, the coming NWO will be headed up by a Satan worshiper identified by Christians as the Antichrist (Rev. 13:3-9). Ten, on June 15, 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the 1964 Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination against gay and transgender workers. For many years, the courts said the law means people cannot discriminate against women in the workplace. Critics say the court redefined the word sex (legislated from the bench) and changed the law. Dr. James Dobson called it "an affront to God" because the word sex now includes one's sexual orientation and gender identity. Know that the Antichrist will change laws (Dan. 7:25), some think he may be gay (Dan. 11:37; II Tim. 3:3), the court's ruling takes the U.S. farther away from Biblical Christianity, and it brings the U.S. closer to the UN 2030 global ethic (world religion; Sustainable Development 2030 goals on LGBTQ rights). It looks like some on the U.S. Supreme Court are destroying the U.S. Constitution and moving the U.S. closer to the globalist agenda. Eleven, concerning wars and rumors of wars, on June 15-16, 2020, several weeks of a border dispute between China and India turned into hand-to-hand combat that resulted in the death of about 20 Indian and 35 or more Chinese soldiers. On June 16, 2020, No. Korea blew up a four-story building that No. and So. Korea used for talks to peacefully settle their differences. On June 16, 2020, U.S. jets intercepted Russian bombers twice in one night (8 times in 2020) over international waters just 32 miles from Alaska. Turkey's economy is hurting, and she seems to want to fight anyone that will fight: Russia in Libya and Syria; Israel if it annexes part of the West Bank; Greece over oil exploration on the Greek continental shelf (Greece has deployed troops and weapons to their border, and asked Israel for help); the Kurds in Iraq; Armenia, etc. Twelve, concerning God causing the Jews to return to the Promised Land, record numbers of Jews are attributing their requests to move to Israel to riots, economic problems and anti-Semitism in several nations including anti-Semitism in the U.S. Many Jews are saying the lockdown caused them to reflect on what life is all about, and they have decided that Israel is the place they want to live. Despite the Islamic threat, many believe that they will be safer in Israel than they are in the U.S. and other nations where they live. About 90,000 Jews are expected to relocate to Israel in the next 18 months. This is a literal fulfillment of Bible prophecy (Jer. 31:10; Ezek. 11:17-20). Thirteen, an astute Rapture Ready reader pointed out that there is no 7-year requirement in Pres. Trump's peace proposal, but the PA has 4 years to accept it. He suggests that the agreement could be modified to require 7 years of peace and safety while the PA decides what to do. He points out that the PA is not specifically mentioned in Dan. 9:27, so the "many" (Arabs, Israel, EU, etc.) could agree to support a 7-year period of quiet. This is speculation, but a 4-year time-period that can change with negotiations is intriguing. Finally, God has given the world fair warning of things to come and the need to be saved before we die or before the Rapture takes place. He does not need us; He can get along just fine without us, but we need Him if we want to go to heaven, and we need to trust Jesus as an atonement for our sins to have a right relationship with Him. The purpose of God's warning is to give us a chance to establish that relationship. Accept the free gift of salvation that God offers by the death of Jesus on the cross in your place; ask Him to forgive your sins and come into your heart right now. If you have already accepted Jesus as your Saviour, tell others about Him. Prophecy Plus Ministries, Inc. Daymond & Rachel Duck [email protected] Israel Watch: Nukes Inevitable? - Jim Fletcher - [email protected] At the same time a former head of the Mossad claimed nothing can be done to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, a mysterious explosion rocked Iran, leading to speculation that some of its nuclear facilities had been targeted by you-know-who. The West has always been plagued by defeatists. Many of them threaten America today. Iran has claimed for years that it would wipe Israel off the map. Few fail to take them seriously, yet too many throw their hands up as if the threat can be realized. Or that we must simply "get used to" the "new normal." While many politicians are weak and fail at the critical moment, I do not believe Benjamin Netanyahu will. If the mullahs in Iran are determined to do evil to God's Chosen, Netanyahu is equally determined to prevent it. Analysts believe the bombed site this week hides an underground tunnel system and missile systems. According to the Times of Israel: "What exploded in the incident early Friday that sent a massive fireball into the sky near Tehran remains unclear, as does the cause of the blast. The Fars news agency, which is close to the country's ultra-conservatives, initially reported that the blast was caused by 'an industrial gas tank explosion' near a facility belonging to the defense ministry. It cited an 'informed source' and said the site of the incident was not related to the military. "The unusual response of the Iranian government in the aftermath of the explosion, however, underscores the sensitive nature of an area near where international inspectors believe the Islamic Republic conducted high-explosive tests two decades ago for nuclear weapon triggers." The site, about 10 miles east of downtown Tehran, is long thought by Western analysts of having relevance for Iran's military goals. Now, no one can say for certainty that the Israelis (and Americans?) were responsible for the blast, but the fact remains that Israel has pulled off amazing strikes against Iran and her proxies elsewhere in the Middle East. I've often felt that Netanyahu's family background-specifically his very great father, Benzion-would cause him to stand if a future moment required him to do so. I believe he is a Zionist above all else. Israel's current political climate though has seemingly forced upon Netanyahu a coalition partner, Benny Gantz's Blue and White Party. Color me as unimpressed by Gantz as a politician. It is the lot of former generals to become clueless politicians. Author Susan Heitler has an interesting take on Gantz: "Strong leaders explain their viewpoints in a way that paints clear pictures for listeners of where they stand on issues, why, and what they aim to do to address these concerns. "Gantz does the opposite. "Gantz tells us what he does not think, what he does not want, and what he will not do." Heitler then goes on to give a fascinating example of bad and good communication: "If I ask you please to get me a book from the bookshelf, and I say, 'Not one with a red cover,' will you know what book to get me? No. I could be wanting any of the forty non-red books on the shelf. And I will come across therefore as a weak communicator. "If, by contrast, I say, 'Please hand me the book with the green cover,' you know exactly what I am asking for. I have said what I want rather than what I don't want. I have painted a clear picture for you. I therefore am more likely to get what I want. That's strength." Netanyahu asks for the book with the green cover. So did Churchill. Gantz does not. What does all this have to do with Iran's nuclear capabilities? Well, I don't see any prophetic passage in Scripture that describes Israel perishing from a fatal strike from an enemy. In fact, I believe Israel is eternal. But we do see in Zechariah at least evidence of a nuclear confrontation of some kind that is coming. We know that the Lord Himself fights for Israel and they emerge victorious. We also know that her military plays a role and, presumably, the political structure. In the past, Israel has had a seemingly weak leader (Levi Eshkol) and powerful military that repelled the threat. Israel has also had strong leaders during times of war (Ben Gurion). We can take comfort in the fact that Israel's fate does not rest entirely in the hands of fallible human leaders. But someone ordered that strike on Iran. God's glory will not be hidden by either a Netanyahu or a Gantz premiership. I like though hoping that a Bibi will be in charge on that Fateful Day. Apocalyptic Scenario - Charles Gardner - Are we heading for the Bible's great end-time conflict? We appear to be approaching yet more choppy waters in Israel's turbulent history. The Jewish state's proposed 'annexation' of the Jordan Valley, along with parts of Judea and Samaria - otherwise known as the West Bank despite being the heart of ancient Israel - is causing hackles to rise once again among the nations. This includes Britain who insist on sticking to their longstanding Foreign Office mantra of pushing for a 'two-state solution' - even though there is no evidence whatsoever that it will work, or indeed that it is justifiable. It won't work because the Palestinians refuse to recognize the existence of Israel, so how are they going to peacefully co-exist alongside a nation they wish to drive into the sea (as their officials have oft been quoted as saying)? They will undoubtedly soon be firing rockets at their neighbors, just as Hamas have been doing ever since Israel pulled out of Gaza in 2005 in a supposed 'land for peace' deal. Having said that, a recent survey suggested ordinary Palestinian Authority residents would much prefer to live under Israeli rule. The problem is with the leadership and the anti-Semitic fanatics they stir up. In any case, the Palestinians have no legal right to the land in question despite the claims of Boris Johnson and others that annexation plans "amount to a breach of international law". A hundred years ago, at San Remo in Italy, the allied powers of World War I agreed to grant all the land from the Mediterranean to the River Jordan (including the now disputed territories) to the Jewish people, thus incorporating Britain's Balfour Declaration of 1917 into international law. That is how the situation remains; no subsequent resolution has altered that political reality. What muddied the waters was Jordan's illegal annexation of these territories in 1948 which was duly reversed by Israel in 1967, leaving the impression among some that once in Arab hands, they should remain so. But Israel won back the territory in a defensive war which threatened their very existence. Boris, a self-declared Zionist, seems unwilling to challenge the Foreign Office status quo. This must change, or our standing as a nation in God's eyes will be further undermined. Dividing Israel's God-given land, along with dispersing their people and refusing to serve them will lead to national ruin, the Bible says. (Joel 3.2, Isaiah 60.12) Are we not in enough trouble already, facing economic meltdown post-COVID amidst a general breakdown in law and order while our history is being literally torn apart and re-written? We have already lost our empire through treacherous dealings with the Jews over the years (Gen 12.3), particularly when thousands fleeing the Holocaust were turned away from the Holy Land, then under British control. But we still have a chance to redeem ourselves by backing Israel's plans in Judea. For those who question Jewish connection to the land promised to Abraham 4,000 years ago (Gen 17.8), new archaeological evidence has emerged of a Jewish settlement in the Elah Valley around the time David faced off Goliath and his Philistine army some three millennia ago. And massive excavations in Jerusalem itself are revealing the grandeur of the city founded by King David during the same period. The current hostility being displayed towards the Jewish state - especially the belligerence of surrounding nations - makes me wonder if we are not rapidly approaching what theologians refer to as 'Daniel's 70th week'. Following passionate intercessory prayer for his people while exiled in Babylon, the prophet Daniel predicted, with pinpoint accuracy, the rise and fall of empires over the next 500 years, leading up to the Messiah's death (Dan 9.26) and the subsequent desecration of Jerusalem - a total of 69 weeks of years, each 'week' representing seven years. The 70th week is yet to come, but it will lead to a time of great tribulation, ironically initiated by a significant peace treaty with Israel (Dan 9.27). But the treaty will be broken mid-term by an Antichrist figure who will spread worldwide terror (see Dan 9 & 11; also Rev 13). The last thing Britain needs is to align itself with nations opposed to Israel in these perilous times, which could lead to a gigantic battle at Armageddon in northern Israel (Rev 16.16). Whether we are quite there or not, the prophet Zechariah warns of a time, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against Israel, when Jerusalem would prove "an immovable rock" and "all who try to move it will injure themselves". (Zech 12.3) The Judge of all mankind is at the door, ready to return in glory and destroy his enemies. The clock is ticking; the great sign of the Second Coming's imminence is the re-gathering of Jews to their ancient land, from which they have been exiled for nearly 2,000 years, followed by a spiritual awakening which would see many recognize Jesus as Messiah. For God works out his purposes in two stages - first the physical, then the spiritual. (John 3.5f, 1 Cor 15.46f). We are born of flesh into the world and then, if we trust Jesus, we are born again of the Spirit. Likewise, when we die, we return to the dust of the earth as a perishable seed, only to rise again in the wake of our Master with a new, imperishable body. The restoration of Israel at the end of the age, the Bible promises, will be accompanied by ever-increasing violence, lawlessness and earth-shaking events. All of us, including politicians and preachers, need to ensure we are ready for his coming, of which the Apostle John wrote: "Look, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him; and all the peoples of the earth will mourn because of him. So shall it be! Amen." (Rev 1.7) The Growing Use Of Social Credit Scores To Reward/Punish Citizens - By Derrick Broze/Activist Post - By now many of our readers are aware of the ongoing rollout of a nationwide social credit system in China. Starting in 2009, the Chinese government began testing a national reputation system based on a citizen's economic and social reputation, or "social credit." This social credit score can be used to reward or punish certain behaviors. The idea is that the state can give or takeaway points from a social credit score in order to engineer good behavior from the people. By late 2019, Chinese citizens were losing points on their score for dishonest and fraudulent financial behavior, playing loud music, eating on public transportation, jaywalking, running red lights, failing to appear at doctor appointments, missing job interviews or hotel reservations without canceling, and incorrectly sorting waste. To raise one's social credit score a Chinese citizen can donate blood, donate to an approved charity, volunteer for community service, and other activities approved by the government. The Chinese government has begun to deny millions of people the ability to purchase plane and high-speed rail tickets due to low social credit scores and being labeled "untrustworthy." While most people are likely familiar with this concept because of the popular show Black Mirror, the truth is this practice is much more reality than fiction. According to a new report from cybersecurity experts Kaspersky, 32 percent of adults between 25 to 34 have had issues getting a mortgage or loan due to their social media activity. The denial of loans comes as part of "social scoring systems" which are being used at an alarming rate by government and businesses to determine customers or citizens "trustworthiness." "Based on these scores, systems make decisions for us or about us, from travel destinations and the associated costs, to whether we are allowed to access the service itself," the report states. Kaspersky surveyed more than 10,000 people from 21 countries and found that 18 percent of those polled had issues accessing financial services because of assessments of their social media data. The report notes that more than 4.5 billion people use the internet around the world, and 3.8 billion have social media accounts. These accounts provide governments and companies with thousands of data points to score people. Less than half of those surveyed said they have heard of social scoring or social credit. As few as 13 percent of those polled in Austria and Germany said they were familiar with the concepts, while 71 percent in China were familiar. Unfortunately, the survey also found that 67 percent of people are willing to share their profiles to secure online shopping discounts and 52 percent are willing if it means skipping lines at airports and other means of travel. Finally, 51 percent of people said they are fine with government monitoring their social media behavior if it means keeping the public safe. The post-9/11 indoctrination appears to have worked to an astounding degree. Kaspersky warned that the public has little protections when it comes to their social media data, stating, "there is no framework we are publicly aware of when it comes to other systems used by organizations and governments to collect our data." Further, the report states that consumers "can find it impossible to find out what their scores are, how these scores are being calculated and how they can be corrected if there are inaccuracies." Chengyi Lin, a professor of strategy at the INSEAD business school, told EuroNews she believes, "you're gonna have a holistic view of your behaviours, both financial and digital, and even physical, to give you a single credit score." Lin's comments point to an ever-increasing centralization of data and the push towards a single score by which governments will rate their populations. When combined with facial recognition, biometrics at the airports, CCTV cameras, drones and surveillance planes flying above major cities -- it is clear that the Technocratic State is coming into full view. Clearly, the majority of people are completely in the dark about these programs and their dangerous implications. Therefore, the goal for those "in the know" should be to spread the word and warn as many people as possible. We must also take personal responsibility for the amount of data we voluntarily share with social media sites, apps, and the internet in general. The only defense against the complete erosion of privacy -- and thus liberty -- is an educated public who stands up for their own rights. Daily Jot: Challenges of the heart - Bill Wilson - The NBA is likely going to allow players to replace their names on the back of their jerseys with a statement on social justice. Look for other major sports leagues to do the same. This may include the names of those who have been recently killed by police or vigilantes-George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery. The national anthem during sporting events will not look the same this year either. Athletes will be taking a knee during the anthem. Already, the National Women's Soccer League opened their Challenge Cup tournament Saturday by kneeling during the anthem and wearing Black Lives Matter T-shirts. This is definitely going to challenge sports fans who do not want to see these kinds of protests. Players for the Portland Thorns and the North Carolina Courage Women's soccer teams issued a joint statement before their soccer game: "We took a knee today to protest racial injustice, police brutality and systemic racism against Black people and people of color in America. We love our country and we have taken this opportunity to hold it to a higher standard. It is our duty to demand that the liberties and freedoms this nation was founded upon are extended to everyone." Statements like these will become commonplace throughout the sports seasons. Athletes will continue using their platform to draw attention to what they see as the need for change. There will be no escaping the reminder of these deaths as evidence of systemic racism. Part of the challenge is that there is no real definition of what success looks like. There are some things in the policy area that will be changed-such as those mentioned in President Trump's executive order on Safe Policing. The executive order addresses policies and training regarding use-of-force and de-escalation techniques; early warning systems that help to identify officers who may require intervention; and best practices regarding community engagement. A database also will be created to track officers who have been fired, have criminal convictions for on-duty conduct, and/or civil judgments for improper use of force. These are changes on which most reasonable people can agree. There will be more to come. A big part of the problem, however, is that Marxist organizations like Antifa and the actual organization registered as Black Lives Matter hijack issues that they believe gives them license to burn buildings, destroy businesses, overthrow police precincts, tear down memorials and other unacceptable acts that will likely turn well-intended people against any reform. Their goal is to deconstruct American society using any means possible. These are all matters of the heart. Proverbs 4:23 says, "Keep your heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life." We can see the evil issues arising out of the hearts of the malevolent. We can also see sincerity and empathy in well-intended hearts. Let us discern with pure hearts as directed by the Lord for as he said in Matthew 5:8, "Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God." Daily Devotion: Destroyed or Restored? - by Greg Laurie - The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. -John 10:10 Some time ago I was at Disneyland with two of my grandchildren, and I discovered something: All varieties of roller coaster rides now nauseate me. In 1977 I was on the inaugural ride of Space Mountain. I remember thinking, "This isn't even scary at all." But this time, I was thinking, "When can I get off this ride?" It actually made me sick to my stomach. Then we went on Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, and that nauseated me too. Everything nauseated me except the corn dog I had. That was the highlight of the day, no question about it. That's how sin can be. What used to be fun now makes us sick. Maybe we used to do things that were fun at first. Then they were not as fun. And then they were a little bit miserable. Ultimately, they became completely depressing, and we can't believe that we wasted our lives doing those things. The Bible talks about the pleasures of sin for a season. For instance, Hebrews tells us, "It was by faith that Moses, when he grew up, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter. He chose to share the oppression of God's people instead of enjoying the fleeting pleasures of sin" (11:24-25 NLT). For Moses, it basically came down to the simple recognition that the worst God had to offer was better than the best the world had to offer. People will let you down. Circumstances will let you down. But Jesus never will let you down. He said, "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly" (John 10:10 NKJV). You have a choice: Death or life. Be destroyed or be restored. It's really up to you. FROM THE HEART
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