Prophecy Update Newsletter
Behold, the Dead Horse - By Pete Garcia - Originally written back in 2013, I was always particularly fond of this message. I don't remember it getting a lot of circulation back then, so I wanted to resurrect it and give it another go. I believe it is every bit as appropriate today, as it was back then. The main gist of this article has to do with prophecy fatigue and apathy, particularly in the Church. The longer we remain until the Lord's coming, the more we will see topics like the Rapture and in particular, the Pre-Trib view, diminish in terms of adherents and relevance. I guess this strikes me as most peculiar, given that at a time when the Church should be the most alive and ready, we find her asleep at the wheel. Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; hold it fast, and repent. But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you. Revelation 3:3 The Rapture of the Church (also referred to as the Blessed Hope after Titus 2:13) is one topic that has seen a lot of miles put it on it. But it wasn't always that way. After the first two centuries of the Christian church's existence, the pre-tribulation position was subsumed by another view that would then hold sway for the next millennia- Amillennialism. This view came about by a rising and popular theologian by the name of Augustine in the fourth-century, who felt that since Christ had not returned by his day, then the prophetic texts in Scripture must be allegorical. So he threw the theological baby out with the theological bathwater. I'm sure he had good intentions, however, his intentions would become the dominant eschatological view for the next fifteen centuries. It would also come to mess up a whole lot of things. Let us consider what the fruits of applying an allegorical interpretation to bible prophecy has wrought us: amillennialism (there is no literal kingdom), dominionism (we are the kingdom right now), preterism (most or all prophecy was complete in the first century), post-millennialism (Christ cant come back until we subdue the world for Him), kingdom now theology (a more functional approach to dominionism), replacement theology (the church has replaced Israel), to name a few. These aberrant views have caused a lot of death and destruction in their wake (Crusades, Inquisitions, cults, etc.). And yet, we are in a worse position than that of the early church (ante-Nicene). The first two centuries, the Church undeniably believed in a Pre-Tribulation (or Pre-Daniel's 70th Week) Rapture (catching up). This topic was resurrected in the 1800s with men like the Plymouth Brethren, who believed that Israel had to become a nation again and that the end of the age of the Church was at hand. That view (which is the correct view) gained enormous popularity throughout the 19th-20th centuries, but again, is being subsumed by numerous other aberrations. It would seem as it were, that man's theological attention span cannot hold for more than two centuries. Many today feel that the topic of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture is outdated and old news. It's been covered by so many teachers and pastors for so long, it has become the theological equivalent of the old English idiom of beating a dead horse. I would like to emphatically counter this idea, and say, that if we had a 1,000 more years on planet earth, we would not even begin to scratch the surface of God's wonderful plan of love and redemption He has for His people. I imagine that when Noah first began preaching that judgment was coming (2 Peter 2:5), he had many listeners. But as time went on, those people went back to their lives, and extended normalcy eventually turned them to scoffers (2 Peter 3:3-4). However, we know the Flood did come, and when it did, it was too late for those who had hardened their hearts against believing. Here are three general areas for why I believe a proper understanding of the Rapture is important, relevant, and should not be abandoned, especially amongst the young and the new in the faith. Remember, Paul taught this to the fledgling church in Thessalonika. The Wedding The Pre-Tribulation Rapture (catching up) is a beautiful picture in type of a Jewish wedding, and is the ONLY model of the Rapture that so perfectly fits it. For me, once I understood not only was there a Pre-Trib Rapture, but understood why there was one, I've never looked back. In order to understand why the Rapture has to happen prior to any portion of the Tribulation, one has to have a firm grasp on Ecclesiology, and the role and nature of who is the Church. Being a Pre-Millennial Dispensationalist, I understand that when Christ was here on earth, His role then was as a Prophet (Deut 18:15,18, Acts 3:22-23). At His trial and crucifixion He was our Sacrifice (1 Cor 5:7). The purchase price for His bride was His life. In His resurrection, He is both our Kinsman Redeemer and Priest and even now, serves as our Mediator before the throne of God (1 Tim 2:5). One day He will return in power and in glory before the whole world as the King of Kings. However, in keeping with the Jewish wedding model, He must return first to retrieve His bride at the conclusion of the betrothal period of which, only the Father knows. When He returns for His bride, He does so as a thief in the night (1 Thess 5:2), NOT with the sky receding back as a scroll and the peoples of the earth mourning at His appearing (Matt 24:30, Rev. 1:7). So how does the Jewish Wedding model fit the New Testament concept of the Rapture of the Church? We read in the Old Testament the explicit instructions to the sons of Aaron in that a Priest could NOT be married to anyone who wasn't a virgin (Leviticus 21:13-14) because if he did, he could not go before God in the Temple to offer any sacrifices. We see in the Old Testament over and over, how national Israel ignored Moses's warnings and went chasing off after other gods subsequently prompting their subjugation to pagan nations. Ezekiel 16 portrays a particularly graphic depiction of this national infidelity. So all that to say, the New Testament Church isn't any purer, because we aren't. We fail God daily; I fail God daily. What makes us different from Israel then, is that we are now hidden in Jesus Christ and His righteousness. (2 Cor. 5:17-21) His righteousness is what God sees when He sees the Church. His relationship with His church reinforces this principle as High Priest and Mediator today. The Church is the Bride of Christ. The Church is not Israel. One cannot simultaneously be both the harlot and the chaste virgin. Things that are different are not the same. The Faith The Church has not replaced Israel, nor have we become her, and we are certainly no more deserving of salvation than Israel was. National Israel, came from the Patriarchs was and still is God's elect from among the nations. We (Christians) are wild branches of the olive tree, not the fig tree, and only grafted into the common vine of salvation through Abraham's like-faith (Rom 4:16, Gal 3:7-9,14). Abraham pre-dated the Law given to Moses at Mt. Sinai by some 500 years. He was not justified by his circumcision, nor by his willingness to sacrifice his only son at Mt. Moriah. Abraham was justified by his faith that God would not only give him a son and many heirs, but could also raise Isaac back from the dead when God asked him to sacrifice him. But Isaac was not Abraham's only son. I distinctly remember Abraham having another through his handmaiden Hagar and his name was Ishmael. The beauty and the reality of it is, Ishmael was born out of Abraham's disobedience and sin. God in His forgiveness will not remember our sins when we ask for forgiveness even though we still might have to deal with the physical ramifications. And Abraham's sin is still being dealt with today between the Arabs and the Jews. The New Testament Church, and Israel, both share in this common salvation. Neither is better, but we are different, separated unto God and unto His purpose He has chosen us. Just like that generation of Israelite's who journeyed out of Egypt after 400 years of bondage in their Exodus to the Promised Land, we too are that chosen generation about to journey out of 6,000 years of bondage to sin and death, unto the real Promised Land. The Church does not and never was promised a kingdom here on earth, nor do we have a city to call our own. We are looking for that city above, whose builder and maker is God. (Hebrews 11:10, 13:14) The Apocalypse The Book of Revelation (Greek- Apocálypsis) was meant to reveal or unveil God's future plans for mankind. Jesus mentions the Church 19 times, and deals with 2,000 years of Church history in just three chapters (1-3)...yet reveals to John in 13 chapters (6-19) the seven-year Tribulation (or Daniel's 70th Week) of which, He doesn't mention the Church at all. Think about that for a moment. The reason should be obvious, for had the Church been destined to go through the Tribulation, God wouldn't have needed to go into such great detail because we would be living through it. In fact, if man had written the book of Revelation apart from divine revelation, the order of the material would have been reversed. Men would have spent most of the 22 chapters describing the Church age and would have included a small section on the Tribulation about the same length and depth as the Olivet Discourse (Matt 24, Mark 13, Luke 21). Then at the end, there would have been at least five or six chapters, painfully detailing the account of the 2nd Coming. What is interesting though, is that the most glorious, culminating and catastrophic event in human history only warrants half of one chapter (Rev 19:11-21). And to those who would scoff at the idea that Chapters 2 and 3 do not chronicle the age of the Church, would do well to read Revelation 12 and see that this one chapter also covers thousands of years. Disappointment and Discernment I remember attending the Pre-Trib Conference in Dallas back in 2009. I was 35 back then and I remember looking across the audience of around 500 people sitting there, thinking, there was only about five of us who were under the age of 40. I would venture to say that the median age then was around 55 or higher. It was right then at that moment, that I realized that our little Eschatological community of Pre-Trib/Pre-Millennial Dispensationalists was a dying breed. I asked myself then, was it because the message was wrong? Was it too antiquated and outdated? I don't think so. People always want something new and exciting, and Dispenationalism was new and exciting 160 years ago. But today, people either have prophecy fatigue and have dropped by the wayside, or they are bored and migrate towards the sensational. Simultaneously, many Pre-Trib ministries are trying to remain relevant and draw in newer, younger, and energetic crowds by providing that sensational teachings. The Emergent Church uses a similar technique by watering down the message and ramping up the experience. But we in the Bible Prophecy community have begun doing this by building entire ministries focusing exclusively on conspiracy theory, extra-biblical texts (as proof), and the extra-terrestrial into prophetic matters. In other words, we are both angling to remain relevant, but were attacking this problem from two different directions. There is an issue with both. One doesn't have to embrace the doctrine of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture to be a Christian. However, I liken those who don't accept it as true, as the seeds that fell among the stony places, but were scorched by the sun, because they had no depth to their eschatological roots. These are they that understood this promise superficially or were never taught it to begin with, and when time wears on, they lose faith and hope in the Blessed Hope. People, who are not grounded in the Blessed Hope, are the ones who get swept up by false dates and false teachings. The most hardened Preterists and skeptics I know personally were at one time in their life, Pre-Trib or Dispensationalists. Somewhere along the way, they fell under the sway of a false teacher and got burned and then swore off the Blessed Hope forever. They allowed their shame at being duped, to be turned into bitterness...and bitterness caused their root to shrivel and die. The growing Emergent church for the most part is either Preterist or Pan-Millennialist (no bother studying it, it will all pan out in the end). They see prophecy largely as fulfilled and irrelevant to their social-gospel agenda here on earth today. A secondary and unfortunate repercussion of their form of eschatology allows anti-Antisemitism and Supersessionism to creep in due to their confusion over who the Church is, and how it has somehow replaced Israel. Aside from the anti-Biblical stances on homosexuality, abortion, socialism, and core doctrinal issues like hell, salvation by grace through faith, and the inerrancy of Scriptures, Preterist and Pan-Millennialist are blinded to the lateness of the hour. I caution against these views, because when you take your attention off of looking up, you end up focusing on the drama here on earth...and that day will catch you unawares. "But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly. For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth. Luke 21:34-35 The Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church really is the Blessed Hope, because when one really understands it, it has a way of sanctifying the believer in three distinct ways. First, it prevents one from ever being deceived into believing a false prophet's claims of date setting, because you would know that the Rapture is imminent, and no one knows the day or hour (Matt 24:36). Secondly, a believer who is grounded in the Blessed Hope doctrine also has a well-grounded understanding of who the Church is and what our role is (John 14:1-3). Lastly, the believer who hold's to the Blessed Hope doctrine is focused on looking up, not looking around (Luke 12:37-39). Understandably, one's standing with Christ is not dependent on a Eschatological viewpoint, however, not holding to the Blessed Hope will wreaks havoc on your understanding of the entire Word of God. There should be no excuse for us today, since we have a complete Bible and 2,000 years of history to look back upon. We are instructed to study to show ourselves approved by rightly dividing the Word (2 Tim 2:15). Be cautious in following the teachings of just any one person. I've seen hopes dashed and hearts hardened within our community because too many people had their hopes pinned to 2011/2012/2014/2015/2017/2018, etc. 2011 was an interesting year, because certain teachers came along and said that Christ had to return by then in order for the seven-year Tribulation to be complete by 2018 (70 years from 1948). Living out your hope with these kinds of changing expectations is an emotional roller coaster and unhealthy. We shouldn't be hung up on any dates, whether they are Jewish feasts dates, blood moons, solar eclipses, wars, or anything else. The Rapture isn't dependent upon those things. When you pin your hope on some specific event that some teacher taught, and that day comes and goes, you're the one whose left standing there picking up the shattered pieces of your hopeful expectations, which lay scattered about on the ground. Put your hope in The ONE (Jesus Christ) who will never let you down. He is coming back, and all I can say is that I believe it is sooner rather than later. "I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name...Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth." Revelation 3:8,10 The Master of the House is Coming - By Daymond R. Duck - Several events happened in recent days that seem to suggest that the Master of the House (Jesus) is coming soon (Mark 13:34-37). First, Kurdistan refers to the land of the Kurds (the ancient Medes). In Old Testament times, it was part of the Assyrian Empire, then it was part of the Babylonian Empire, and then it was part of the Mede and Persian Empire. Today, Kurdistan is divided up, and it is part of 4 nations: Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran. I believe that Bible prophecy teaches that the Kurds will regain power at the end of the age. Isaiah predicted that a highway will be built from Egypt through Israel and on to Assyria (Kurdistan) during the Millennium (Isa. 19:23-25) and the Lord will bless Egypt, Israel and Assyria in that day. Isaiah and Jeremiah predicted that the spirit of the Medes (the Kurds) will destroy Babylon during the Tribulation Period (Isa. 13:9, 17-22; Jer. 51:11, 28). John the Revelator said Babylon will be destroyed by fire in one hour (Rev. 18:8-10). These prophecies will be fulfilled, but the Kurds need a strong military if they are going to do it. There are about 40 million Kurds. Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran are afraid of them, they oppress them, deny them modern weapons, etc. In 2016, the Kurds in Iraq decided to schedule a national referendum to declare their independence from Iraq. They didn't establish the borders of a Kurdish state, but they believed the referendum would pass. In 2017, they voted and it passed. In 2018, Iraq and Iran attacked the Kurds at the city of Kirkuk. The Kurds abandoned the city, but refused to renounce their vote for independence. On June 27, 2019, it was reported that a delegation of Christian leaders, including some of Pres. Trump's Faith Advisors, unofficially visited with Kurdish military officials in Iraq. The Kurds suggested that, other than Israel, they are America's only ally in Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran (the four nations that oppress the Kurds). They suggested that the U.S. needs the Kurds, and the Kurds would like to be an ally of the U.S. and a recipient of U.S. help. These Christian leaders promised to relay the message to Pres. Trump. Second, on June 21, 2019, a high-ranking diplomat from Saudi Arabia made several startling statements. Among other things, in essence, he said it is time for a normalization of relations between Israel and the Arabs; the age of a war with Israel is over; the Arab world admires the success of Israel and wants to copy it; the Palestinian Authority is irresponsible for not even considering Pres. Trump's peace proposal; and the status of Jerusalem and the holy sites is a solvable issue. Notice that a peace treaty is possible, other nations are noticing Israel's success (Russia, Iran, Turkey, etc., are noticing Israel's silver and gold, etc.), and Saudi Arabia is lining up politically like it will be during the Battle of Gog and Magog. Third, on June 25-26, 2019, Jared Kushner held a "Peace To Prosperity Workshop" in Bahrain to discuss the economic part of Pres. Trump's "Deal of the Century" (proposed peace treaty). Many world leaders, including some from Arab nations, were present. Jared Kushner told the group, "We all agree on the following goals: We want to see peace, security, and prosperity for Palestinians, Israelis, and everyone else throughout the world." It is too early to say that this is the beginning of the covenant that the Antichrist will eventually confirm, but at a meeting of many world leaders, Jared Kushner said, in essence, everyone agrees that our goal is peace, security (peace and safety), and prosperity for the Palestinians, Israel and the whole world. Know that the Rapture is before a 7-year covenant of peace with many, and when people say peace and safety, sudden destruction will come upon the world. Fourth, following Jared Kushner's workshop on Pres. Trump's "Deal of the Century" at which he suggested spending $50 billion over ten years to improve the lives of the Palestinians, Jason Greenblatt, Pres. Trump's Special Representative for International Negotiations, said investors told him they could make it happen if the political part gets approved. So, the money to build factories, roads, hospitals, etc., in Gaza is available if the political issues can be resolved (by a worthless peace treaty). Fifth, on June 27, 2019, the UN held an international conference to discuss "Israel's policies and measures aimed at changing the character of Jerusalem, which have significant political, legal and socio-economic ramifications." Isn't that interesting? God will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling and a burdensome stone for the whole world during the Tribulation Period (Zech. 12:2-3), and the UN (a global group) is disturbed about what is taking place in Jerusalem. Sixth, on June 25, 2019, Amir Tsarfati reported that Russia's economy is in trouble because of sanctions, and the number of Jewish immigrants from Russia to Israel has increased from about 400 per month to about 1,200 per month. Russia's economic problems and the immigration of Jews to Israel are signs of the latter days and latter years (Ezek. 38:8, 12). Seventh, on June 27, 2019, it was reported that Israel believes Russia has been interfering with Israeli civilian aircraft GPS navigation systems for about three weeks (Russia denies it). Considering what the Bible says about the Battle of Gog and Magog, it is not unreasonable to believe that Russia would want to interfere with aircraft GPS navigation systems in Israel. Eighth, on June 16, 2019, the building caretaker at Mount Auburn Presbyterian Church in Cincinnati, Ohio, Dan Davidson, dressed up as a drag queen called Sparkle Leigh. Sparkle wore a purple dress, makeup and high heels. Sparkle stood at the door off the church to greet people as they entered (It seems to me that Auburn is a church in name only). During the children's portion of the worship service, Sparkle went up on stage and read "The Story of Harvey Milk and The Rainbow Flag" (possibly the opposite of training up children in the way that they should go). Sparkle could have read Scripture and shared a Bible Story with the Children (such as what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah), but Sparkle preferred to talk about Harvey Milk and the Rainbow Flag (days of Lot, departing from the faith, even worse, turning evil into good and flaunting it at church, etc.). Literal events like this are why I believe the Master of the House is coming (and soon). Prophecy Plus Ministries, Inc. Daymond & Rachel Duck [email protected] Trump's Iran Sanctions Face Seven Fallacies - by Amir Taheri - As President Donald Trump tightens the screws on the current ruling elite in Tehran, the debate on the possible consequences of his policy rages on in American media, think tanks and political circles. Moreover, because Trump's constituency is outside such elite spheres the impression created is that his Iran policy either has failed already or is set to produce undesirable unintended consequences. In that context, seven claims form the main themes of the campaign launched by the pro-Tehran lobby with support from sections of the US Democrat Party and others who dislike Trump for different reasons. The first claim is that sanctions do not work. That theme is developed without spelling out what the intended aims of sanctions are. Trump has said his aim is to persuade the Khomeinist clique in Tehran to change aspects of its behavior abroad. In that sense, sanctions are working. The mullahs have started to reduce their footprint in Syria and Yemen, without quite opting for total withdrawal. Offices in more than 30 Iranian cities, to enlist "volunteers" for "Jihad" in Syria, have been closed, and the recruitment of Afghan and Pakistani mercenaries has stopped. Tehran's military and diplomatic presence in Yemen has been downsized, ostensibly for security reasons. Smuggling arms to Houthis continues albeit at a reduced rate. Cash-flow problems caused by sanctions have also forced the mullahs to cut the stipends of proxies, notably the Lebanese Hezbollah and the Palestinian "Islamic Jihad," by around 10 percent with more cuts envisaged. Tehran has also been forced to swallow the disbanding of the Iraqi Hashd al-Shaabai (Popular Mobilization) which is given 30 days to disarm and become a political party or merge into Iraqi Army under the Prime Minister's command. More importantly, perhaps, the mullahs have frozen their missile program at the current range of 2000 kilometers. Cash-flow problems have also led to cuts in a number of political and business outfits controlled by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). As the regime digs deeper into its war chest, accumulated over years, it is bound to cut expenditures on more of its adventures at home and abroad. The second claim is that sanctions do work but harm ordinary Iranians. The usual rant about babies left with no milk and old ladies unable to replace pacemakers is underlined in numerous op-eds and think tank papers produced by the mullahs' lobby and their American supporters. However, the Islamic Ministry of Health has rejected that claim with repeated assurances that since food, medical supplies, and other humanitarian items are under no sanctions, there are no shortages of the kind claimed. The third claim is that the mullahs may opt for retaliatory measures against the US and allies. This they have already done by attacking oil tankers close to Fujairah and the Jask Peninsula in the Gulf of Oman and by shooting down an American drone. However, all that came in homeopathic doses with care taken not to cause human casualties or serious threat to the flow of oil. Do not forget this is the regime that sent suicide bombers to kill 241 US Marines and 52 French paratroopers in their sleep in Beirut and, in the tanker war of 1987, wreaked havoc in international oil traffic. The mullahs' decision to increase their stockpile of low-enriched uranium, of no use for anything, above 300 kilograms, and to re-start producing plutonium, again of absolutely no use to anyone, is too farcical to merit further attention. The fourth claim is that Trump's sanctions may turn the mullahs' regime into a cornered cat that, finding no way out, may spring in one's face. One or two US-based lobbyists have also compared the situation in Iran today with that in Germany after World War I when punitive measures imposed by allies helped destroy the Weimar Republic and bring Hitler to power. However, the Khomeinist regime is no democracy as the Weimar Republic was, and Ur-Fascist elements are already in control in Tehran. The fifth claim is that Trump's sanctions are putting a strain on the trans-Atlantic alliance and that European powers may help the Khomeinist regime survive for decades as did the Castro outfit in Cuba. However, there is a big difference between the two cases. In the case of Cuba, the US boycotted the island but did not impose sanctions on others trading with it. The Castro clique survived thanks to the support by the Soviet Union, Canada, Europe, and some Latin American nations. In contrast, Trump's sanctions are based on a brutal choice: If you trade with Iran, you cannot trade with the US! Theoretically, any government can breach those sanctions by accepting to compensate businesses for damages caused by US "punishment" for trading with Iran. However, no European nation has agreed to do so, accepting a sharp fall in their trade with Iran, in the case of Germany around 45 percent. The sixth claim is that sanctions may force Iran to quit the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) and go blazing ahead to build the bomb. That claim, too, is fallacious. According to Islamic Foreign Minister Muhammad-Javad Zarif, Tehran needs to sell 1.5 million barrels of oil a day to cover current expenses including payment of military and civil service salaries. Last month Iran's oil exports fell to 500,000 barrels a day, the lowest since 1955. Provided sanctions are not loosened, building the bomb is a luxury Iran cannot afford. The seventh claim is that Trump's sanctions strengthen hardline factions and weaken the "reformists" around President Hassan Rouhani. Since Rouhani and his associates have never said or even hinted, what it is they may want to reform, it is hard to speak of a "reformist" faction. Moreover, the extensive purge of the military currently undertaken by "Supreme Guide" Ali Khamenei does not seem to have affected any "moderates". Those affected so far are the more crazy elements like the Baseej (Mobilization of the Dispossessed) chief General Ghulam Hussein Gahyb-Parvar who promoted a plan to turn the White House in Washington into a Hussayniehs (Shi'ite gathering place). Stuck With The Bible - By Hal Lindsey - If you are a Christian, you're stuck with the Bible. That is your source of authority. If you choose not to believe the Bible, then why are you a Christian? Knowledge of Jesus comes primarily from scripture. Any knowledge about Him that contradicts scripture is false. We know Jesus is the Messiah and the only begotten Son of God because of Bible prophesies He fulfilled. We know who He is, what He said, and what He did because of the Bible. That may seem obvious, but a lot of people claim to be Christians while denying that God speaks through scripture, or that He speaks at all. Among the leading candidates for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination has been Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Indiana. He's young, articulate, and he speaks more about his "Christian faith" than any major candidate since George W. Bush. He also makes the ludicrous claim that to criticize his homosexuality equals criticism of God. He said, "If it was a choice, it was a choice made way above my pay grade," and, "What he [Vice President Mike Pence] doesn't realize is that his quarrel is with my Creator." There are a couple of problems here. First, the Vice President has not attacked Buttigieg's homosexuality. The second is more basic and far more important. Mayor Pete claims to be part of the historic Christian faith founded by Jesus 2,000 years ago. But that faith is documented in the Bible. And, make no mistake, the Bible teaches that homosexual behavior is a sin. A follower of Jesus who doesn't believe the Bible is like a farmer who doesn't believe in dirt. There are numerous examples of people that reject the authority of the Bible, but claim to have special knowledge of Jesus. Madonna, the pop singer and professional vulgarian, recently said she wanted a meeting with Pope Francis in order to persuade him that Jesus is pro-abortion. These are examples of people projecting onto Jesus their own beliefs and ideas, while ignoring our primary source of knowledge about Him. That was the problem with the "What Would Jesus Do" movement. How do you know what Jesus would do if you don't know Him? People should ask, "What does Jesus say?" - "does" because He's alive and His word is readily available. If you want accurate knowledge about Jesus, look at what He said and at the Old Testament that He so often quoted. Also look at the words of the Lord's closest followers, and the writings of people they endorsed. For instance, in 2 Peter 3:16, one of the Lord's leading apostles, Peter, endorsed the letters of Paul as "scripture." Why ask what Jesus would do when you can see what His word says? Why pretend that He's for things that His word condemns? We know about Jesus through His word. You cannot actively follow Him while rejecting what He has to say. It's time to accept the fact that, if you're a Christian, you're stuck with the Bible. And that's a good thing! Daily Jot: The revolution and the coup - Bill Wilson - As we have focused our attention on patriotism and freedom in America, it may be time to reflect on the direction of this nation. In 2008, a revolution to remake America began. A coalition of the unrighteous-- progressives, socialists, communists and their various special interest minions--took over the country and began twisting the traditional moral and economic foundations of America. These people were not only wrong-minded and godless, they were the epitome of the failures of collectivism. As Romans 1:22 says, "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools." As Jeremiah 10:15 reveals: "They are vanity, and the work of errors." Aided by revolutionaries in the news media, a revolution was afoot. The scandals should have brought the revolutionary administration to its knees--neither Benghazi, nor Fast and Furious, nor IRS targeting or government spying stopped them from their appointed rounds. The revolution began pitting Americans against Americans, creating racial tension and augmenting it by fanning the flames with words of division disguised as words of peace. Socialist healthcare, challenges to traditional marriage, gun control measures, government attacks on Christian and church organizations, hateful rhetoric against all who disagreed, record spending and national debt without legally mandated budgets, the list goes on and on. Yet, despite all this, at the end of the second term, the revolution was poised to continue with the election of Hillary Clinton, heiress of the progressive manifesto for America. As an insurance policy, the president, the Clinton campaign, and the Democratic National Committee martialed their deep state connections and paid for a false dossier claiming that Republican Donald Trump conspired with Russia to alter the 2016 presidential election. They figured that it would prevent voters from electing Trump, although all the media polls were showing a Clinton landslide. Clinton even challenged Trump on whether he would accept the results of the election if she won. His non-committal answer prompted Clinton to make a big deal out of Trump refusing to accept the results. In the end, it was Clinton who refused to accept the results, challenging the electoral college and fomenting an attempted coup. What materialized was a deep-state, Democratic Party conspiracy to prevent Trump from becoming President. An FBI report indicated the FBI and the previous White House used the secret FISA court to spy on Trump, the visceral of FBI agents against Trump and in favor of Hillary Clinton, and general deep state chicanery. The entire "Russian" narrative accused Trump of exactly what his opponents were doing. Despite the FBI report, various reports by Congress, and the Mueller Special Counsel report turned up no evidence of Trump-Russian collusion, the coup-makers continue to try to remove the president from office. This coup to preserve the remake America revolution continues and we must suspend our disbelief otherwise the American ideal is great peril. Daily Devotion: The Secret to a Worry-Free Life - by Greg Laurie - Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. - Matthew 6:33 There are many things you can seek to live for in life. You can live for a lot of things. You can live for your physical appearance. You can live for a successful career. You can live for pleasure. But here is what Jesus said: "Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need" (Matthew 6:33 NLT). With those words, Jesus gave us the secret to living a worry-free life: Instead of worry, put God and His will first in your life. Among a number of options, put God in the number one position. Let's take your career for example. Is your career choice, your line of work, really for God's glory? Are you seeking Him first in what you're doing? You might say, "Greg, you're a pastor. It's easy for you to seek God first. I work in the real world with real people." I understand. But here is what your goal should be: to honor God in everything you do. Here is what you need to ask yourself: "As I'm doing this thing, what is my goal?" If your goal is just to make money no matter what it takes, you have the wrong goal. Your goal should be to honor God, give honest work, and have personal integrity and a good testimony in the workplace. When the day is done, you want to have a good name and a good reputation. Proverbs 22:1 says, "Choose a good reputation over great riches; being held in high esteem is better than silver or gold" (NLT). Seek first the kingdom of God. If you want a life free of worry, anxiety, and fear, then put God's kingdom before everything else. Seek Him first, and He will take care of you. FROM THE HEART
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